The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 03, 1904, Image 1

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The Circulation
Of The Journal
Yesterday Was
Tenlght and Sunday, fair; east
erly winda.
VOL. III. NO. 234.
Walgamot Involves All of
Those on Trial in
His Admission.
Opening of Afternoon .Session
Crushes the Defense Attor
neys O'Day and Hardy
Take the Stand.
Immediately on the convening
of the federal court at 2 o'clock
this afternoon. Attorney Claude
Strahau roae. and addressing
Judge Bellinger, said:
"If it please the court I apt
pea as attorney at thia time for
Frank H, Walgamot, and I wish
to withdraw hla. flea 'of not,
guilty and enter a plea of
Judge Plpea waa on hla feet on
the Instant.
"If the court pieaae." ho said.
"I have appeared aa attorney for
Frsnk H, Wajgaoiot up to thia
time, but I ..! consider thtt
action an a discharge so far aa
he la concerned. I still appear fo:
the other defendant. "
Judge Bellinger aaked defen
dant Walgamot If audi waa hla
plea, and the confeaaed con
spirator arose and said It waa. '
Attorney Heney, for the prose
outlon. then aroae and address
ing the jury, made recommenda
tion a verdict of acquittal
be given aa to Marie Ware, one
of the defendants. He aald that
while he waa confident that she
had forged the signature of
Mattle 8. Lowell, it had not been
proved beyond a doubt that ahe
had done ao knowing that the
paper ahe forged waa to be used
In furtherance of the conaptracy.
Frank 11. Walgamot has furnlahed the
rrownlng aenaatlon of the land fraud
trial by pleading guilty to the charge of
conspiring with hla co-defendantn to de
fraud the government of public landa.
Immediately after the reconvening of
tire federal court at 2 o'clock thia after
noon, Walgamot, to the utter dismay of
the other defendants, aaked leave to
withdraw his original plea of not guilty
and to aubatltute therefor a plea of
The aenaatlon In the court room waa
profound. It waa the last crushing
blow to the defense, already beaten to
the ground by the overwhelming mass
of evidence piled up by the government's
attorneys. Walgamot now stands be
fore the Jury a confessed and convicted
party to the conspiracy charged In the
Indictment. His plea of guilty waa en
tered In the desperate hope that It might
mltignte the severity of his punishment.
Continued on Page Two.)
(JeiiriMl Special Service.) 4
Washington. Dec. . Plans are
being laid for the early enact' 4
ment by congreaa of a tltll
favored by Secretary Taft of the
war department and hie 4
snr. Root, for the government -
Hist arc for rallwaya In the 4
islands and a ayndlcate of oapl- 4
taltsts Is being formed to con- 4
struct, a trunk line railroad In 4
the Philippines.
It has come to light that a bill 4
carrying this provlalon passed 4
the house just before the final ad- 4
Journnssnt of a long aeaalon and 4
waa sent to the senate Iramedl- 4
atelv. reported by the senate com- 4
.... th. Phlllnnlnes mi l 4
HI lltr. .. ,. ..... wm -
placed on the senate calendar. 0
Henntnr Lodge, nhalrman of the
committee, saya that he will call
up the bill-Wednesday.
The scheme to lend the -credit 4
of the United state to a syndl- 4
ate of railroad capitalists has 4
been carefully nurtured and the 4
federal governmint Is to guaran- 4
tee the bonda that will be laaued
to bull the rallwaya. The lla- 4
blllty of the government ia not to 4y
exceed $1,500,000 and la not to
continue more than JO years. The
atlpulated sum Is 11.600.000 at 4
6 per cent Interest, which gives 4
evidence of the magnitude Of th
project, Already Indications are 4
that a hitter contest will reatilt 4
over the proposed legislation. e
The administration is said to be
favorably disposed toward the 4
schema owing to the arfument 4
of Tart and Boot e
Frank H. Walgamot. who delivered the last crushing blow to the defense In
the land fraud casea now before the federal court, by entering a plea of guilty,
Involving his confederates. by -his confession.
Grand Jury Finds that Falsely, Corruptly and Maliciously
Swore Before Judge Fraser that He Had Sold His
Gambling House to E. S. Heilley.
Eugene Blaster waa Indicted thia
morning by the grand Jury on a charge
of perjury.
The evidence by which he sought to
escape punishment for conducting a
gumbllng-houae, which saved two gam
blers whose trial preceded his, the grand
Jury, after careful lnveatlgatlon. de
clared, to be falae. Perjury la a peniten
tiary offense. The charge against .Bla
ster reada:
"The said Eugene Blaster. In the
county of Multnomah, afate of Oregon.
in trial 'hen and there pending before
the circuit court before Arthur I. Fra
ser, Judge, in which trial the said Eu
gene Blaster waa defendant under an in
dictment charging him with the crime of
conducting, aa owner and proprietor, a
gambling game, waa then and there tried
by the Judge and' Jury, nnd the said Eu
gene Blailer appeared and was sworn In
hla own behalf, find then and there upon
trial did falsely, corruptly and knowing
ly, willfully and maliciously, before the
court and Jury, testify, among other
things, as follows:
" 1 have not run the gnmbllng-place
for nearly three years'; that he did not
own any interest of any ktnd or charac
ter in the roulette game which was con
ducted at the place of business known aa
Mlnzler's gamhllllg-house. .Inly 21, 1904,
nor had he any Interest therein for about
three years prior to that date, and that
he sold any and all Interest that he had
therein to E. 8. Heilley. All of which
testimony was material to the Issue
being tried
(speelal Dispatch to The Journal.)
Colfax, Wash., Dec. I. L. D. Lyons of
Jullaetta, Idaho, whose mysterious dis
appearance from Spokane a short time
ago caused considerable, of a aenaatlon
has been heard from. His wife today
received word from him that he was. in
St. Paul. The communication aays that
he was drugged n Spokane and rem' m
bere nothing of his wanderings until he
regained hla normal aenaea In the Mlnne
aota town.
Lyons, who Is. a man paat 50 years of
age came to Spokane with the object In
view of buying a saloon either there or
at some smaller town in the state He
was last seen In company with a
stranger and It was understood they I
started fo Ed wall, a email town on the
Oreat Northern near Spokane, to look at
a saloon that Lyons Intended to purchase
If It was satisfactory. He carried about
$1,000 on hla person at that time. i
wow AMoarr woooi.
( Jon ma I Speelal Her Tie i
Washington. Dec. 1. The president
hats derided to appoint William R. WH
OM foatmsjWsr for New York otty.
"Whereas, In truth snd In fact, the
aald Eugene Blaster did have an Interest
as owner of the roulette game conducted
In aald Multnomah county In the place
known as Blaster's gambling-house; and,
"Whereaa. In truth and in fsct. the'
said Eugene Blaster had an interest on
January 1, l03. and continuously there
after until July 21, 104, and In truth
and In fact he did not sell any lntereat In
the gambling business . to said E. 8.
Heilley. and. the aald Eugene Blaster then
and there, well knowing that he testi
fied falsely before the court and jury
aforesaid, contrary to the statutes 1n
such cases made and provided, against
the peace and dignity of the stats of
Oregon." ..
The Indictment Is signed by M. F.
Johnson, foreman of the grand Jury;
John Manning, district attorney, snd the
following witnesses: S. C. Spencer, W.
M. Davta, T. W. Vreeland, Fannie Har
rison. J. 'F. Logan, John B. defend and
CIs renew Urowthers. .
At the time) of Blaster's trial, two
weeks ago. he testified that about the
first of the year he sold his gambling
business to K. 8. Heilley, who Is now In
Alaska. Judge McGinn, who was assist
ing in tne prosecution, brought court
reooros ano eviaence to show that on
March 1. 1004. Blaster had pleaded guilty
to the charge. The Jury found him I
gnllty, and Judge Flaser directed the
district attorney to take the testimony
or master nerore the grand Jury, refer
ring to It as "flagrant and rank per
jury." Today the grand Jury Is still Investi
gating the Tanner creek sewer scsndal.
Judge J. C. Moreland and R. W. Mon
tague, were before them this morning
They started the Investigation and It
wag for the purpose of getting what evi
dence they had collected that the grand
Jury subpoenaed them.
1 "
If you care for the live news of the world. The Journsl has the only special leased wire In Oregon which
brings It everything worth printing In s news wsy from abroad.
if you like to know what Is doing In the town you ran get the first and best and the most complete snd the
only unbiased account of everything worth while that has happened In Portland In the last 14 hours.
If you have any youngsters st home you are doing them an ill turn If you refuse to buy The Sunday Jour
nal with ita double-color magsslne section. There's Happy Hooligan tomorrow, our old friend Mr. Jack. Letonder'a
Chrtatmas tree. Foxy Grandpa, and two pagea of funny pictures besides, not to mention McDougall a fairy story.
The newest and best things In the theatrical world are 'presented weekly In a brilliant series of letters by
Jules Rckert Onodmsn. These sre the best theatrical letters ever offered to the Portland public.
Count I. eo Tolstoi Is one of the numerous distinguished contributors to tomorrow's Journsl. The regular staff
of msgaslne writers who contribute weekly are represented with bright. Interesting articles. There Is the only
woman's club page In a dally newspaper In Oregon. If there's anything worth reading In Portlsnd tomorrow It's
Deputy Engineer Declares
Himself on Subject of
' Stuffed Payrolls.
Explanation of How Shraks's
Name Appeared Among Thqse
of Men Drawing Salaries
from the City Engineer.
A climax waa reached this morning in
the alleged stuffing of the payroll of the-
city engineer's department when A. M.
Shannon, the chief office deputy In the
engineers offloe, met Councilman Runic-
l.ln and City Auditor Devlin and gave
both of them the lie regarding a state
ment which they reported he had made.
Councilman Bumelln was the first one
to meet Shannon.
"Did you make the statement that I
said that certain timekeepers had en
tered Shrake's name on their slips in
the past snd that Qvurge Hodman, the
east, aide Inspector, had been aaked in
do ho and refused ?"
I. heard, so." replied Rairielln.
"Come with me," quietly returned
numertn led the way to Auditor Dev
lin's "room, where Shannon was In
structed to ask Mr. Devlin regarding the
statements.... .
"Did. you make ths statement, Mr.
He vlln. that I have said that Shrake'a
name has been entered on their slips
In the' past by certain timekeepers, and
that CJeorge Bodman, when asked to do
so, had refused?" excitedly queried
"I dM say such a thing and you did
make such a statement to me," replied
Mr. I lev 1 In
Shannon Talks Sight Out.
"You are n liar," cried Shannon.
"And whoever saya I made such- a
statement la a liar."
Mr. Devlin Jumped to hla feet, but
Mr. Rumelln Immediately Interpoeed
and no blows were struck.
"I am going to get Justice In this
affair," said Shannon after the tilt. "1
am going to fight It to ths last ditch."
Audltdr Devlin waa not In the beat
humor. He had very little to say.
"I am going to see that this thing Is
Investigated to the bottom." aald he.
"It appears to me that there la some
thing wrong snd I am going to aee that
If there is anything wrong with that
payroll It will be brought to light."
The incident cauaed a great deal of
excitement at the city hall. Oosslp of
ths affair waa to he heard in every of
fice and efforts to hush It proved of no
avail; within an hour everybody In the
hall knew of It.
Elliott Saya it Was a Mistake.
City Engineer Elliott states that the
name of Sbrake on the pay roll was sim
ply a mistake
"They are making a mountain -out of
a molehill,'.' aald he thia morning la ex
planation. . "Shrake - haa been employed
In the department atnee September. He
waa put to work In September at 12.10
per day and worked seven days. In
October he worked 11 days. H. W.
Onddard of ths executive board came to
me and aaked me to place Shrake on as
regular man at $7.1 per month, and I
gave orders to Braden. one of my fore
men, to do so. I thought all along that
Rradcn had obeyed my orders until the
other day I found that Shrake had not
done a day's work In November.
"When the pay rolls came to me I
thought Shrasv .had been at work and I
notified Shannon, my office deputy, to
put him on the pay roll, which he did,
but marked him at 165 per month In
atead of ITS. After Shannon had handed
In his pay - roll he found that he had
made a mistake. He went over the time
books of the men In the office and found
no trace of Shrake'a time, and It waa
then that I found that Braden had not
pat the man to work. I then ordered
(Contlnued on Page Two.)
Frank Felton. gambler, who shot, dead Quy Roche, gambler, on Broadway.
New Te.rk. in front of a large crowd. There are also given In the picture front
and rear views of his gambling house In West Thirty-sixth 'street, the Utter
showing the high fence and the detective on guard. Felton muat stand trial
under Indictment by the grand Jury charged with muMer. A coroner's Jury
declared the killing Juatfflable homicide. Roohe and Felton quarreled over
money and a woman.
Action of Fifth Street Milliners Deters Her from Going to Cleve
land Much Heralded Statement Is Not Made and
Her Counsel Refuses to Se Interviewed.
leiir Yo'flaTEe.
still at the Hoi l
Rpertal Service.),.
c. 3. -Mrs. Chadwlck is
Holland house? and It was
learned this morning- that she had been
deterred from going to Cleveland last
night by the action of" her creditor In
having a receiver appointed. It Is said
she has no. Intention of going to Europe.
A man who called himself "Coleman
Carnegie,', called at the hotel early this
morning and asked for Mrs. Chadwlck.
and said that he was a nephew, of An
drew Carnegie Ho was not allowed to
see Mrs. Chadwlck. The much heralded
statement which her counsel asserted
that Mrs. Chadwlck would Issue clearing
up all questions regarding her antece
dents and financial operations,- la not
forthcoming today. Her attorney re
fused to be Interviewed on the subject.
Justice Conlon In the city court this
morning Issued an attachment agatnat
the property of Mrs. Chadwlck In favor
of Ixrulaa A Co., fifth svenue milliners.
The attachment Is Issued on the grounds
i Jam na I S peel Ml St) lies. I
Chicago. Dec. I. In a fight over a slot
machine between rival gangs of con
stables. Joseph Btederman, a constable,
was killed In Brunner'e saloon on Blue
Island avenue this morning. The po
lice have made three arrests.
The two detachments or constables
a rrl ved at the saloon- at about the same
time and each was bent on the same
mission, that of taking away a slot
machine. A general fight ensued. Bled
ermsn wss killed snd seversl wounded
before the police errlved.
(Journal special sorTlcs.)
New Orleans. La.. Dec. . It Is an
nnunced thst the government cotton re
port placing the crop at l:,lt'.',00O
bales caused a heavy slump ok the cot
ton exchange today. Prices fell from
41 to r. : points. Only the fact that thw
sinners' report had Indicated a bearing
estimate saved the market from a much
heavier slump.
(Journal Special Service.)
Washington. Dec. The I'nlted
States consul st Chefoo has cabled that
the Japanese are fortifying the Pesca
dores ialanda, near Formosa, Hnd are
planning' to meet the, Baltic fleet there.
This point Is on the route of the Rus
sian fleet. Japan plans to establlah a
Strong naval base there, malting It a
good place for a great battle.
ithat Mrs. Chadwlck la a nqn-rtsWent.
The If mount II 11.000. The Sheriff ttn-
mediately stsrted in search of property
upon which to levy.
Deputy Sheriff Rlnn this afternoon
served a writ of attachment on Manager
Herrlman of the Holland house. Instruct
ing him not to permit any of the wo
man's property to be removed from. the
By Mutual Agresment Matter Lays Over
(Journal special service.)
Cleveland. Dec. J A third continuance
was taken today In the case of Herbert
I. Newton against Cassle I. Chadwlck In
which application waa made for a re
ceiver for the Chadwlck securities. The
matter has been laid over until December
10. The continuance waa by mutual
(Journal Special Berries.)
Buffalo, N. v Dec. 1. The run on the
Oerman-Amerlcan bank was renewed
this morning Snd the bank was crowded
with depositors demanding their money.
A string of persons- lined up for half a
block. Former Cashier Wehpner. who
resigned by request of the bank officials
a few days ago. gave out a statement
this morning to the papers In which he
declared that institution had made many
big loans.
(Journal Special Rri.-e ,
Little Rock. Ark.. Dec. . I, One man
ie i,i snd two seriously wounded Is the
result of a battle on an Iron Mountain
train near Newport. Trainmen attempt
ed to eject a party of supposed, tramps.
The latter opened lire, fritting Brskemen
Speer and Irwin, both of whom are in a
aertoue condition. One of the. .tramps
was killed, his body being found In a
coal car.
I Journal Hperlal Herri, . i
Duouotn. 111.. Dec. J. Several shots
were Bred at the pumping station at
Zelgler laat night but none waa hit.
The troops reaponded, firing about 30
shots. ,
The situation apparently remains
about the eame. It la rumored that an
attempt la being made by man of Influ
ence to. induce Letter to try-and come
to an agreement with the men.
(gperlal DtaiMtrh to The Journal )
Tacoma, Dec. J. Jennie Smith, a
nurse at the Fannie Paddock hospital,
while returning last night from an en
tertainment of which she was the treas
urer, waa held up In Wright park by a
thug. She struck the felow In the face
and ran. reaching the hospital In safety
with $7S.
(Journal special
Francisco, Dec
The IlI.eM
her sent
I Japanese Strengthen Fort
ifications on Captured
203-Meter ML
Lasted Six Hours and Is the
Only Truce During the Whole
Siege Russian Ships
(Journal Special Harriet.)
Toklo, Doc. 3. Advices from Port
Arthur state -that the activity of ths
Japanese has hot relaxed with the cap
ture of 20 Metre hill. They have al
ready begun the placing of big guns in
position on the hill, and caissons for
20 of Uiem have been constructed.
The day of December 1 saw the first
armistice between the opposing armies
at Port Arthur, declared for ths pur
pose of burying the dead. It lasted six
The Russians actively continue mine
clearing operations in Port Arthur har
bor, which Is taken here to Indicate
that their fleet will attempt a sortie.
slan ships have boon badly damaged
and are unfit for service, but they still
have some with fighting power.
Rxeept tonal haste Is being made In
(he mobilisation of recruits, and, al
though the war office Is, ss usual, reti
cent, there can be no doubt that this Is
due to reports constantly received from
Mukden that Kuropatkln's force la ow
ing' rapidly augmented -and that an ad
vance has already apparently begun on
the part of the enemy's rig... wing.
This news Is undoubtedly having an
effect also of urging on operations at
Port Arthur, and the Japanese sre deter
mined to accomplish the downfall of the
stronghold before there Is any possi
bility of relief by the Baltic fleet It
Is not known here whither the recruits
sre being sent. It Is possible that they
are being divided, a portion being as
signed to Mukden while the remainder
go to Port Arthur. .
(Journal S Dedal service.)
London. Dec. I. It is reported In of
ficial circles that Marquis Ito. the Jap
anese minister to Russia, will come to
ICurope by the way of America early in
It is understood thst the mission
partly relstea to the future administra
tion of Korea and tbe transferring of
Korean legations to Japanese ministers.
(Journal Kclal SerTtee. )
Antwerp, Dec. I. It Is reported that
Ruaala la offering $:'.'. fin a ten for
freight including covering; for
the risk of capture to vessels taking
provisions and ammunition to Vladivo
stok. Uournal Hpcclai Serrlee
Colombo Island. Ceylon, Dee. t. The
authorltlea here have been notified from
Indon that no coaling facilities shall
be given to belligerents without permis
sion from the local government.
( Journal Saeelal Servler.)
New Tork. Dec. I. One of the 4
rumors current In Wall street
Istely Is that Union Pacific stock- 4
holders are likely to get some w
vsluable rights before long. The
newest form of the rumor Is e
thst the chief Hsrrlmun prop- s
erty is to issue S40.eoo.nft0 add!- 4
tlonal common stock to pay for a
hi rare block of Atchison, which 4)
the Union Pacific haa aoouired. 4
Denials have been put out based 4
on the grounds tnat feus Union
Pacific had no direct ownership 4
of Axehlson.
The rumor seems to be related e
to ths fact divulged last month e
to President Ripley of the Atrht- 4
son that t2S.000.tno of Atchison e
stock had been bought by Inter- e
rats sasoetated with Harrlmsn. 4
The mystery of the big buying e
of Atchison ts unexplained In 4
In Wall street, and the general 4
surmise smona brokers Is that 4
Harrtsaaa aad his associates are 4
planning to hold the Atchison e
control but in such a way that 4
they will In so wise be smarts ble
to the antl-trus'
farce Or
passed by
in 11