TBS DKXGON DAILY JOUSRAS. XHTtAMP. FRIDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 2. ltd 5P The "Different Store tt The Quality Shop Portland's Largest, Foremost Store The Metropolis of Kringle-Land REMEMBER ! This Is the Down-to-Date "Daylight Store" That Closes Every Evening at 6 o'Clock Saturday Included A Tea-Table Talk: FROM THE "OLD HOMESTEAD" 8TORE TO ITS PUBLIC: You know we close Saturdays as all days at 6 p.m. It's not necessary at this scssson to keep open store evenings. A store that tells yon it is, is a lying hypocrite that's all not to be trusted; for if a store lies about one thing it will lie about ha goods. That's plain isn't it? Let's get out of this hypocritical strain, its bad for the liver. The meanest rogue living is a hypocrite and has dyspepsia. , A CLERGYMAN SAID : "Go to the mills and factories; see the grind of it all; see how human lives are woven into cloth or riveted into boilers and monster engines or machinery. The grind of it all the heart lessness of employers! Ah, brethren; one half of the world doesn't know how the other half lives." Tommy-rot! Non sense! His liver was sluggish so sluggish he only looked for doleful texts in the good book. Another minister said: "Be busy; be urgent in this world's affairs. Man was put on earth to subdue it, that his character, his mental and spiritual muscle might be developed by the effort. Work is hallowed. There was work in Eden before the fall. A man may be honestly . rich; can honestly profit by the labor of others. The Word that said there must be hewers of wood and drawers of water, inferred that there would be owners of the woods and the wells em ployers. There's too much stress laid on Lazarus and his reward. That's merely a passage of comfort not a 'go thou and do likewise.' Who got to heaven first and was there to pillow the head of Lazarus? Abraham, the richest man of antiquity." Yes, work is a blessingin the daytime. The latter viewpoint was taken with a healthy liver and good digestion, 'tis a helpful one. But don't crowd the workers after their day is done. The stores that employ hundreds should close with the factories that employ scores. Isn't that right, folk? Think it over. THIS STORE CLOSES AT 6 P. M. ELGNIRK SSIRK SPELL It BACKWARD Holds a Grand Reception Saturday IT'S OPEN HOUSE TOMORROW IN KHINOLELAND THE DOLLS WILL ENTERTAIN. There's tors for all th guests. "Bring the children. Every boy and fir! ili Portland will want to see th wonderful Toy Store and Dollyland. Only three Saturdays to r.stmas and those who come early will see Santa display at their best These special values for Saturday buyers " - Dolls and Doll Furniture Three lines of Undressed Dolls, with bisque heads, kid bodies and Jointed knees, pretty little "sleeping beauties." with beautiful curly locks. In both blonde and brunette types. They wear real shoes and stocking. 60c st see for 15c sises for ijLjt lit tOe stsee for 21 40o sises for 31 (to alas for 48 ! "Little Sweetheart" Dollies for Leas These handsome little Dolls from the land of the Tricolor, the "Josephines" and the "Napoleons," have curly locks. In both blonde and brunette colors. They are papier-mache, with heads of bisque that turn as easily as yours, but never turn at flattery, else they'd be turned all the time. Three special offerings in famous Xdttie nweetneari dbsjss ior many . The $1.1$ slsa; special 89$ The II.lt slse; special 1.47 The t2 l slse; special $1.80 Parlor Furniture for Dollies Sets Including table, chairs and settees or divans, enameled In black or rod, with handsome coverings In blue or red colorings, regular ISo valus; special.. 21 Tic Iron Passenger Trains Train con sists of engine, tender and three coaches, for ..' 48 To Flre-Chlef-ln-Hls-Wagon 48 He's scurrying along; In answer to an alarm of fire. His wagon Is brightly enameled In red and cold, and a spirited black horse Is running; as only fire horses can run. A Mechanical Train for "Two-Bits" Train has four-piece track, locomotive and tender; special 25 -- EXTRA SPECIAL America-made Mechanical Train, consisting; of locomotive and tender. Bleeping oars, nine pieces of track, forming a double loop with crossing. Other toy shops advertise these aa their $1.71 values they're our regular $1.25 grade, but special this week at 82 New Annex Specials for Saturday Scott's 50c Hip-Forms and Bustles 37c 7 J - mm $jr 1 SSfS lwll 1 The Scott Hip Forms and Bustles They are the original ventilated hip forma and reversible bustle with the invisi ble edffe. It can be worn under the corset for the long waist effect and ever the corset for the short waist effect. They are made In several sises of sterilised hair, regular price 50c; special, Saturday only 37 Corset Special Sixth-Street Annex Second Floor. Special sal of Royal Worcester "Bon Ton" Corsets, Including four different models, high and low busts and me dium long and short over hips, made of black Italian cloth, white English coutll and pink, blue or white figured broche silk, sises from 1 to 10; regu lar prices to $$.$0; special fl.89 Pay $1.69 for $2 SO Petticoats l THIS WEEK. Sixth-Street Annex Second Floor. Ladles' fine cambric Petticoats, 11-lncb ian flounce. 1-Inch embroidery. In sertion between 1 clusters of 11 tucks each, 7-Inch wide embroidery edgings or IK -inch lawn flounce, 1 rows of fine hemstitching between $ clusters of 4 fine tucks each, (-lnoh vi lace edgings, regular price $2.60; apeclal $1.69 The Eleventh Hour Is at Hand! Greatest Suit-Buying Opportunity of the Year Ends Saturday! UNTIL THEN SUITS AT HALF PRICE I GRAND BARGAINS IN CHILDREN'S COATS AND WOMEN'S TAILORED WAISTS. Read the offerings for Saturday in the Women's Suit and Wrap Store Grand Salons Second Floor. "The Style Center of the Western Fashion World." Today we offer full, free and unrestricted choice of every Tailored Cloth Suit and Calling Gown in the House t? ' At Just One-Half Price Values from $15 that will sell for $7.50 up to the magnificent gowns at $250 that you may own at any time before closing time of Saturday at $125, and every in-between value goes in f Every suit as above, none re served. Your choice is full, free and unrestricted! We're going to sac rifice the complete stock of Women's Tailored Cloth Suits as above. Among them are some of Mile. Schroeder's famous tailored gowns. The immensity of variety knocks description into a cocked hat. A line tells it every late and new material, style and color, every smart effect in tail oring and beautiful workmanship. Be early in choosing and patient with the fitters. Such opportunity is not likely to knock at your door again, and we expect such an inpouring of buyers here Saturday as no Portland store ever knew. That's all HALF PRICE. A SPLENDID SATURDAY WAIST BARGAIN! WOMEN'S NEW TAILORED WAISTS FOR $2.45 THE REGULAR $5 VALUES. Handsomely tailored flannels, alpacas and new granite cloths ; reds, tans, navies, blacks, grays, ... blues and browns. Of exquisite workmanship and finish. Styles both plaited and tucked. Very smart and serviceable. Best $5 values ever shown in the city. Special Satur day at . , ............ ... $2.45 AND THE CHILDREN ARE REMEMBERED ON SATURDAY TIS THEIR DAY. A Stirring Sale of Girls' Coats at Ofi FOR SATURDAY ONLY. ; GIRLS OF 6 TO 14 YEARS THIS INTERESTS YOU. Ths short story talks straight and sharp to the tastes of dressy chil dren from 6 to 14 years old, and to the saving inclinations of prudent parent. Thd coats are just the newest, smartest little models you ever saw. 11 the season's latest ideas embodied. "Peter Thompsons," Nor folk, Box Coats and Sacque styles, with capes. Materials are cheviots, coverts, kerseys and the swell mannish mixtures so popular in tailored garments this season. A wide color range, also black, reds, greens, blues, browns, tans, Scotch and English fancy mixture. - Some with velvet collars. Fancy braids and button effects .mostly form the trim mings. Prices range up from $3.50 (Saturday only at $2.35) to $35 (Saturday only at $23.35)-all ONE THIRD OFF. Saturday Concludes the Sensational Sale of $2 to $5 HATS FOR 99c isSEZw. WE TAKE THIS MEANS OF DISPOSING QUICKLY OF A WHOLESALER'S STOCK Or MAGNIFICENT MILLINERY AT ACTUALLY 99 Less Than Half Retailer's Cost 99 Th crowds that have swarmsd thro' tha mllllnsry storo will bo augmented ry nunared tomorrow, for many or tha baat bargain ara here rat. It was 1 possible to brine thorn all out today. Ths selections tomorrow will be equal or better than those that have already made new ownera happy. You've read of the hats, and how they came here at the rldlculoualy low price of l$c. But the tale la worth telling" again. We have closed what la beyond question tha largest millinery purchase srer consummated by any Portland house. Perhaps wa ve overreached and bought too many hate, even at a fourth of what they're worth. 2000 hats In one lot at this date Is a staggering proposition to most millinery houses, but the price tempted us, and we "tackled." We closed the entire line of a leading, well-known millinery manufacturer At 25c on the $1.00 of Cost Every one a desirable shape, the aeason's latest, neweat. brlghtaat millinery conceptions, ready to wear and tailored styles, values rantfe, as stated above, from $2.00 to $6.00; all at the astounding bargain price for Saturday for. 99 And now read thla APPENDIX EXTRAORDINARY: To add unbounded In terest to the occasion, we will refund th p rice to the purchaser of every ninth hat aold, thua. In addition to obtaining a new hat at one fourth Its value, every ninth buyer win receive her hat Absolutely Free. The Great Christmas Jewelry and Leather Goods Sale Continues Saturday ! SATURDAY IN THE FIFTH -STREET ANNEX FIRST FLOOR. WHATEVER YOU NEED IN FABRICS. THIS STORE SUPPLIES THEM THE HKS 1 '. In Silk and Dress Goods Aisles We cull from the world's markets and charge only a small commission to do ths brokerage We've dona soma fortunate buying lately, from mills that wsrs 'long" on goods and 'Khort oa cash. The deals are all in your ravor, aa they help us to make these prices. Then there's other lines we're cleaning up at a present loss your gain. 11-INCH COL.OKX5IJ JAranus bilks nearuiar eeo quality: epeciai. per BARGAINS SHINE MORE EFFULOENTLT THAN EVER! SAVE MONEY SATURDAY FOR FURTHER CHRISTMAS BUYINO. Th mors you buy of these specials ths mors money you'll save to expend on other holiday gifts. IN JEWELRY AND LEATHER GOODS AISLES FIRST FLOOR SIXTH , STREET ANNEX. What's more suited for Xmss gifts than pretty jewelry novelties such as ws hold a sale of tomorrow? The movlngs have revealed here and there stocks that are a bit tophaary so much so that thsy retard, ths progress of this good, old mercantile liner just a bit. There's a "lean to" we've found In the Jewelry aisles and tomorrow we're going to start and "even off" the stocks. Just read thro th lists, or, better still, walk thro' ths aisles with your eyes open your purse will open, too! WRIST BAGS with chains In blacks, tans, browns and grays walrus and seal leathers values $2.60 to $10. High-grade bags any ons in th house for two dsys, Friday and Saturday, at HALF PRICE $e FOR BBONOID NOVELTIES WORTH te. Ebonold Noveltl Sterling Sliver Mounted Shoe Horns, Burton Hooks. Paper Knives, stc. value c, special st, a B fteriivis 10 for Sterling Mounted Ink Wells, worth ISc. lO for CaM Balls, worth IV 1M each for Mucilage Pots, worth IM 85 Instead of f 1.49 for Doubts Ink Wands. 864 instead of f 1.49 for Hand Mir rors. 15 for Pomade Jars, worth 33 c. 13? for Pomade Jars, worth 1 9c 9 for Pomade Jars, worth lie. Only 30 each for Pin Cushions, worth $to. , . Only 854 saoh for Pin Cushions, worth 6c. Nail Buffers, valus $$c, special at 65. 45 instead of (Re and Tic for Nail Puffers. Stocking Darners worth l$c for 10. 39 Instead of Sic for Ebonold Ster ling Mounted Calendar. Only SO for Rolling Blotters, worth He. 66 Instead of $1.00 for Stamp Bosea SO Instsad of 46e for Stamp Box. Stationery Holdsrs worth $1.21 for 85. Hat Brushss worth He for 46. Ink Stands worth $1.11 for 75. Ink Stands worth $121 for 86. yard ovs Full color assortment for Xmas fancy work. Pink, light blues, reds, yellow. lilacs, greens, etc RBOULAR $1.2 new ruAiu bi.uk au ins latest coior eomoinauona. ac ceptable, pretty Xmas presents: special, per yard 61.06 REGULAR II. U FANCY SUIT SILKS in all new colors and designs: special. per yard T9 singular $1.00 all sUk black Peau d Hole, special, yard , 78 Regular $1.10 all silk black Peau d Bole; special, yard 79 Regular $l.lt all silk black Peau de Sole: special, yard 66 Regular II 2R sU silk black Peau d Sol: spec is 1. yard 94 Rfulr il.io sJl silk black Peau ds Soto: special, yard SI.04 Th black Peau de Soles are grand values at ths regular prices, and at th special prices make economical, useful Xmas gift. BLACK DRESS OOODS Specially reduced for holiday gifts. $100. II 75 and $11$ vslus st, per yard KOVBIiTI I QQOD6 AT EXACTLY ONE HALF PRICE.' 8 1 CUT STEEL BEADED CH A TELA IN E BAGS. Valus $$e, special at 36 Valu $1.25, speclsl at Value 7Bc, special at 45 Valu $2.00. special at $1.19 Value lie, special at 66 Valus $2.80, special at 81.89 Valu $$.$0. special at 82. OO ONLY 36 FOR STERLING SILVER SOUVENIR SPOONS In Lewis and Clark and local vie w design. 69 INSTEAD OF II 00 FOR FANCY GUN METAL BRACELETS, with opal, turquoise and amethyst pendant. TUFF LINKS WORTH l$ FOR 10 In rolled gold plate all stylss. 36 FOR FANCT BEADED LORGNETTE CHAIN 6 In all fancy colors worth 7$e and $1. 16 FOR PEACOCK EYE JEWELRY in Brooch Pins. Hat Pin. Cuff Pins, etc valu :6c. 36 FOR PEACOCK BYE JEWELRY Sams as above better quality valu $c Saturday's Specials in Book-Lovers' Lane First Floor SSSSWES By two powerful factor ; full big as sortments and pared prloea. Book lovers, buysrs for libraries la church or organisations, and all who hava book buying In mind for che holidays, will sav by taking advantage of our price. Book store on first floor, running from th Fifth Street Annex along through th domestic aisles to the new elevators at the entrance to tha new Slxth-strt building. j-.' BOOKS WORTH l$o FOB lie. A series of standard classics, beautifully bound In white and gold, with feu ere design In colore, gilt top. The list of titles Includes all of th standard Classics by ths beet author. Tha publisher's price 1 fOO th vols regular price is 26c; special for Saturday at, each ONE HALF PRICE ON CHII.DRENS BOOK . A let of high-grade Children's Hooks Included In this Hat as: A ROUND robin, a aerie of short stories by popular children a authors THE OOOSENBITRT PILGRII1B, with gilt top and deckle edge. THE MOON CHILDREN, by Laura Day Feasender; beautifully Illustrated In color by Campbell. Our regular prices on these books are tOc 95c and $1.00. spar Isl Saturday price, each , tfi 1 46 LIBRARY OF MODERN FICTION. Handsomely bound In Unn cloth, ornamented with floral design In colors, good paper and clear type, contains works by such sterling authors aa Hall Caise. Fergus Hume, Hugh Conway, Egerton Castle, Robert Buchanan. John Strang Winter, Florence Marryat and others squally as well known. Th regular price is SOc; special Saturday price, each 36 WEBSTER'S 8ELF-PRONOUNCINO POCKET DICTION ART. This dictionary la cloth bound, Indsxsd, contains tha correct spelling and defini tion of nearly $0,000 words and manual of useful Information. Publisher' price is 2 Re. our special price Is, each 11 SUNDAY 8CHOOL TEACHERS' BIBLES BIBLES WORTH fl.M FOR The Bibles have Florentine Seal divinity circuit binding, red under gold edges, with head band and marker, with helps, referencee, concordance, etc.. com plete; also IT plates. II colored maps and 12 pages of illustration. Th) regular price la 61.00; special for Saturday only, each Saturday the Xmas Shoe Stocks are at! Their Best- SPECIALS ENLIVEN "THE SELLING BURNT WOOD NOVELTIES AT HALF PRICE. Photo Frames, valu $1.1$; special al 61. 09 Photo Frame, value $1.4$. apeclal 75 Photo Frames, vara $1.$$, apeclal t 65 Photo Frames, valu $$c, special at 49 Photo Frame, valu $to, special t 46 Fancy r laquee, value 11 bo. special at Fancy Plaques, value $1.00, special t SI OO Book Racks, valu $2.2$. special t 81.13 Book Racks, valu $1.4$. special t 78 Rook Racks, value $2.00. prlal t 61.00 Cigar Chests, valus $8 41, special $ 88.78 Toilet Sets, valu $$.$$. special M.OO Toilet StS, value $4 JR. special t 83.60 Toilet Seta, valu $$.$0, special t 63.36 Toilet Hen. Valu $$.$$, special t 64.BO Envelope Holders, value tic, special at Hand Mirrors, valu $1.$$, special Hand Mirror, villi $..$$. ' special at Clock, vain $1.4$, speclsl at. Thousands flock through th "Fair Way" and hundred stop dally to buy their feet a new suit. Those that stop tomorrow sav. MEN'S SHOES Th O. W. 6 K Shoe for Men Is manufactured expressly for this house by on of th bast known wholesale manufacturers In th east. A full and complete line of these shoes Is here In all of the lata fall and winter styles rn all leathers storm calf, box calf, patent calf, patent leather, vlour oalf ' and vlct kid with all solid double or single oles, full round lasts, extra hsavy double heels shoes such aa these ara would easily sail at $5.00 th pair. We sail them at th popular price of. the pair 83.60 Special attractlona for holiday shop' pars tomorrow 81lppers for men, boy and youths. In all leathers and patterns, priced from, pair , ..6O to 6&.00 $$c FOR WOMEN'S JULIETTEd WORTH $1.60 Women s warm fe.t Juliette. In red or black. With hand-turned soles and flat heels, value $1.50; spaniel at, pair 606 $1.$$ INSTEAD OF $2.00 FOR JULIETTE8 Hospital Juliette, with rubber heels, full round toes and hand-turned soles, value $2.00; special at. pair 31.68 WOMEN'S JULIBTTE8 WORTH 12 RO FOR 11 98- Dressy House Juliette for women, with patent tips and opera heels, value $2. SO; special at, pair.. 61.663 ' ssv 10 oiiwco winter doom tor duji nvre in uox can. wun uouoie Slse 11 to II, valu $1.60; apeclal, pair Bame sizes, value $1.75; apeclal. pair ....... , , 61.1. suses 10 1. vaiua f i.(o ; special, pair ... . .El. Same elses. value $2.00; special, pair jl. Blses 2H to 6. vslus $2.00; special, pair . 1.4 same sizes, value sz.to; special, pair -81. $2.1$ INSTEAD OF. $3 R0 FOR WOMEN'S SHOES Women's Street or Dress Shoes, come In patent co.t or vlcl kid. with hand-turned or heavy welt sole, full round to lasts, patent or stock tips, matt or bright kid top, valus 12 10; speclsl at, ths pair fc . .63.68 MEN'S STYLISH WINTER SHOES I Ingres made She "THE vogue." st. ths pair "THE GOVERNOR ' at. ths pair THE GLORIA," at. ths pslr , The popular "O. W. K." guaranteed Shoes for Men. come In all leathers, all styles of Issts, with heavy winter solss. positively the best shoe evr soM at, the pair 63.66 63! SO SATURDAY ENDS THIS GREAT Special Xmas Sale of Fancy Linens At th Linen Countsr First Floor. SHARP REDUCTIONS ON HANDSOME CENTER PIECES. TEA AND LUNCH CLOTHS. SCARFS, DOILIES. ETC.. In fancy drawn work, hemstitched, Battenberg, Cluny lscs and Renalsssnce. Nothing could be found "which would be so appreciated by ths dainty housewife for a Christmas gift as one of ths beautiful piece. HEMBT ITCHED AND FANCY DRAWN WORK PIECES. Sis 20x20 Inches, value I2.$0; apeclal, each 81s $0x$0 Inch, value $4.04; speclsl. each Slse 28x24 Inches, value $S.2$; speclsl, each Sis 4$x4$ Inch, valu $7.60; speclsl, each Slse 54x64 Inches, value $8.60; special, each SCARFS. special, each special, each RENAISSANCE special, each special, each Sis $0x4$ Inches, valus 11 90 Slse 20x64 Inches, value $0 25 Slse 24x14 Inches, value $1.60 Slse $0x30 Inches, value $2 25 Size 28x38 Inches, value IS 0: special, raoh REAL CLUNY LACE Slse 0x1 Inch, valu (0c; special at. each Slse (xl Inches, vslue $1.00; special at. each Slse 12x12 Inches, value $1.60; special at. each . Size 24x24 Inches, value $6.00 Slse 21x21 Inch, valu $7.$0 Sis 10x64 Inch, value 19 00 Sis 46x41 Inches, valus $15 00 Slse 64x64 Inch, vslue $22 60 special at, each speclsl at. esch special at, each speclsl st. each special at, each Women's and Children's Saturday Knitwear Specials .- FIRST FLOOR. UNDERWBAK'AND HOSIERY VALUES SURE TO ATTRACT THOSE IN NEED OF WARMER TEXTURE NEXT THE BODY. Xtc FOR WOMEN'S HOSE WORTH 15c Woman's Hose, both, black and fancy, soms are fancy striped and soma have embroidered boots, all are splendid $$c valuss; special sale price is. th pair 19 WOMEN'S UNION SUITS WORTH $2.00 FOR $2.16 Women's fine ribbed wool Union Suits, half open front, regular $$.00 valu; special st. UK 83.18 16c FOR CHILDREN'S KNIT WAISTS WORTH 2$c Children a knit Under waists, very strongly mad, best 2$o valuer acacia I ml. r.rlce AaAti ise cm I.I 'REN'S COTTON UNDERWEAR WORTH $$ .08) l$l Cfcl$6'S white winter weight cotton fleeee-lined Vet end Pastta, Ha od sc. im SHin iiri'w, em-n . ... . , . a ..l . , . ... ........ j IN FOR INFANTS' HOUR WORTH 16c I wnue ana pink, reamer irc value: special S. Jj ysas . .., IB Children a Hoa from 2$c t worsted ltd Ml lit to 4$