THE OREGON DAILY JOURKAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. DECEMBER , 1904. SANTIAM SURVEY FOR POWER SITES Stream Has an Available Energy of More Than One Hundred Thousand Horse-power. UNIVERSITY ISSUES INTERESTING PAPER Professor McAllister Suggests That Electrical Energy Be Used More for Heating. The third Industrial bulletin Issued by the University of Oregon is ln olr- rulatlon with a November date line af- flied. Ia this treatise Professor E. H. McAllister, dean of the engineering' de partment of the university, details the result of a survey of the Santlam river made by the faculty and students with the object of determining the available power in that stream The survey extended a distance of 24 miles up the stream from Mill City. In this stretch of 24 miles the river drops tOO feet, carrying at either ex-. treme and the middle of the survey the following volume of water, commtnolng at the upper point: Detroit 1.228 cubic feet a second, Blowout Lift eubio feet second and Mill City 2.191 cubic feet a second. As a more readily under stood gauge, the reader is advised to multiply these figures by 60 to de termine the number of miners' Inches carried, which gives the following re sults In the order named before, 41.400 94.969 and 109.630 Inches. The measure ments were made In the latter part part of June and do not give the mean low water flow, but are accepted as an average for the year, with this volume of water and the drop of 200 feet, the engineer estimates a total of 176,000 horsepower continuously ex erted. AU or this la not held available, but the stream is believed to offer 100. 000 horsepower net In the 24-mlle stretoh measured. Opportunities for utilising the power are very good. If dams are used to restrain the current, for the channel as a rule Is In a nar row, rocky gorge. After notlag the possibilities of this splendid stream for the Industries of Marlon and Linn counties. Professor Mo- Alllater makes the following com mentary on a relatively new use to which electrical energy could be applied: "The desirability of electric heating along with electric lighting has long been recognized, but so far the appli ances seem unsatisfactory. Here la the possibility of an enormous con sumption of electricity and genuine pro gress ln our home life. Considering the vastneas of the possible market, this matter appears not to have received the attention which it deserves, and It would seem desirable for those flnan daily interested to stimulate progress. Our water power can give us cheap electricity ln our homes; let our elec tricians perfect economical and satis factory heating appliances. The Santlam mining district3 is above the survey, but la offered abundant power by the same stream for all mln lng or milling plants that will be erected there. Two plants using electric drills are now In use. The Oregon Central ft Eastern railway extends up the stream to Idanha. Rich agricultural districts adjoin toward -the Willamette, offering a market for electrical energy when an effort la made to generate It ln large quantity. One dam was begun- for this purpose at Niagara, but work there been discontinued. CORNUCOPIA MAY BE nrnrrurn isi a vnn ncuccmcu in m i cnn (Special Dispatch te The Jeerael.) Baker City, Or., Dee. 2. Redemption of the real and personal property of the Cornucopia Mines of Oregon company lias become the toplo of general Inter est here, following the earlier question of who was likely to bid the mines In, Attorney W. F. Butcher's bids for real estate and personal property aggregate I41.0R6.60. Whoever takes the mines will have to pay this amount first, and only the owner is given the privilege of redeeming. Under provision of the mining laws 60 days is Riven for redemption of prop perty to which patent has not been Issued by the federal government, and one year Is provided for redemption of patented real estate. There are 29 claims in the Cornucopia group, most all of which are said to be patented, and the equipment would doubtless be re garded fixtures going with the realty. Thus it will be seen that the time for redeeming the property covers a con siderable period, and In the interim the purchasers can do nothing toward opera tion, nor would they care to make an ex penditure eave what was necessary to preserve the property. Negotiations are pending for a transfer, and out of these It is believed that something material will develop, perhaps long before the time for redemption expires. Those familiar with the value of the Cornu copia mines do not think that either John E .Searles or a H Rogers will permit the property to pass permanently for (41,028, unless their financial stress Is very keen. FINAL REPORT OF RECEIVER APPROVED (Special Dispatch to The Journal Baker City, Or., Dec. 2. Receiver John Thomsen of the Red Boy mine, has filed hla final report of the disbursement of funds from the sale of the property to tho time of reorganisation. The re port was approved by Judge Eakin. The Red Boy is now fully in the poesesslon of the purchasers, who have stated that when the receivership waa finally wound up they would proceed to put the mine In operation again. It Is understood on good authority that the capital neces sary for these operations has been sub scribed. Oranby mining stork Is advancing rapidly. In three weeks It climbed from 23.20 to 35 7 a share, and there ts an upward tendency. Bales are reported heavy In Boston, the why and where fore being veiled No material gain was made at the time of the annual re port showing a profit of 1250. ojo, and the present flurry is inexplicable on other than the basis of extraordinary developments In the mine whloh are not generally known to the public. ANOTHER D AOS TTTNNBI,. Cripple Creek district, Colorado, con templates a second drainage tunnel, tapping the water 200 feet deeper than the present El Paao tunnel. Plans for the new tunnel are said to have been formulated by the mine owners very eosrertbutloa ef the Marvelous Growth of New Hair. A Fe roots Doctor-Chemist Has Discovered a Secret Compound That O rows rf eir oo Any Bald Head. Sends, roetpald, Vree ' to all WM Write. A trial Dackaara of this new and won derful remedy, whloh dulcklv nroducea hslr like above, sent -free by mall to convince people it actually grows nair, stops hair falling out. removes dan draff and quickly restores luxuriant growth to shining scalps, eyebrows and eyelashes and restores hatr to Its nat ural color. Bend your name and ad dress to the Altenhelm Medical Dispen sary. 2020 Foao Bulldlna. Cincinnati Ohio, for a free trial package, enclosing a 2-eent stamp to eovsr postage. Write today. owners, as in the caae of the El Paso project, or by having a law enacted by the legislature providing an assessment district and making mines contribute proportionately to the benefit derived. The new tunnel would have a length of three miles, and would require two and a half years for. the drive, it Is about a year since the El Paso tunnel, of a mile In length, was finished, and It has already lowered the water 100 feet of the 220 It Is expected to ultimately drain. Another year or more Is expected for complete drainage down td the level of the El Paso. BT-nSODUOTS OP OOJ E. W. Parker, of the United States geological survey. In his report on the production of ooke, gas, tar and ammonia for 1902 says that 2,242,63. tons of coal was carbonized during that period, from which was realised 3.941.- 232 tons of coke. The 528 companies re porting to him on manufacture of by products produced 33.483.430.982 oublo feet of gas, 41, 964, 393 gallons of ooal tar and (4. 392.882 gallons of ammonia liquor or the equivalent of 17,479,759 pounds of anhydrous ammonia. The manufacture of coke by-produota Is a work of more recent date, end the retort ovens for this work are growing In num ber. According to statistics gathered by the United States geological survey the average price charged for artificial coal gas throughout the nation Is 97 cents per 1,000 cubic feet. The price runs fsr lower than this In soma of the trig coal producing states, where the gas as a by-product la a mere Incident to the coking business. The price In cities where there Is no natural gas, and the coking business Is an lnoldent to the manufacture of gas for illuminating purposes. Is materially above this aver age of 97 cents, Portland being one of these places. Of the total gas produced during the year of 1903, 73.9 per cent was used for Illuminating purposes and 32.1 per cent for fuel. WEINHARD'S City Brewery t.srgss9 and Vest Complete moists la th Morthwesi- Bottled Beer a Specialty STo. TS. PORTLAND. ORJCOON. BUDAH BERN I QUE CLAIRVOYANT THE VEILED PROPHETESS " I TELL, YOUR NAME ' Spatial This Week, $10.00 Life 50c Reading There are no mistakes la the sresiensss id by the great sad id', by the crest and wonderful psychic. Yon Buy wish to know If It is soruahle ts you Buy wish to kno rake a change ia bast ilnen. la Ion, Is I tie. . a "Shall I sacred In bit new aaaertaklaf Can I obtain sty hopes. my wishes, my am- bltlona? shall I ever enjo; ovtbtjawiea of Wealth r i n i trust my "Msfe I enemies "When shall I aunl" "How often shall I mil r "BOsn I eve he dlvoreedr' "Does another share the love that rightfully batons to Bait" 'Xmi TXtf In retors I' ll mere s rival la km" When shall sir lava affair terminate la mn-igT" a shall st domestic troubles sndl" ' sea I mike mr life and boss hippy y s sain sty assent mesa retarnr 4 f est resolve letter T" ROOsie 10 te DAILY AND SUNDAY. 29IM Morrison St., Corner Filth of -Si aWjWi iti i. i w WINSLOW'S SOOTHIMQ SYRUP tatArrZcSe. STT.yiTS CENTS A CITY NOTICES. PBO POSSS IKPKOVEICENT STBXR. OF SHAVXX VTotlee Is herehr iItii that at th. m..ti. of the Cossetl of the City of Portland. Oregon. ueiu on lilt into uay OI flonmua, love, gag following resolution was adopted Resolved, That the Council of the City of Portland. Oregon deems It expedient and pro- -w ,m buim ma ins I as I of Unban avenue to the avast 11m- e a,. Twelfth street fa the folio-loa manner, to wn: First St gradls the street rail alia rdwdsnl" withTsitslestossi,tr oviCltr ir-i,i SecondBy eonitructlas waosB sidewalks. Third By conatructlns crosswalks. Fourth By constructing- box (utters. "aid Improvement to be made la irmplmM with the charter and ordinances of the Cltr of Portland and the plans, epeeiflrations and cauinaica or roe ny engineer Bird ln the office of the Auditor of. the City of Portland on the 11th dar of November, 104, Indoried City Engineer a plans sad snaetScatlenS for th tmprovemtnt of shaver street from the east Has of Union svenne to 1 the west Ha of uu iwcino sxreer. ana me estimates of the work to be done sad the probable total east thereof." The coat of ssld ImprovemeBt to be aasessed as provided by the city cbsrter upon the prop erty sasrlally and peculiarly heneSted thereby and which is hereby declared to be sll th lots, ports of lots and parcel! of land lying between a line 100 feet north of and parallel with th Berth line of Shaver street and s line 100 feet south of end parallel with the sooth Ha of Shaver street, sad between the east line of Viilon avenue sad the west line of asm a wen ia street. The xexftaeer's estimate of the probable total cost for the Improvement of ssld shaver street la 2S.S1B.00. The plana, speclneattons sad estimates of the City Engineer for th lmprovemest of said Shaver street are hereby adopted. Resolved. That the Auditor of the City of Portland be end h ts hereby directed to sir notice Of the proposed Improvement ef said street ss provided ny tne city charter. Remonstrsncea igilnit the shove Improve oicni may oft meo. lu writing; wun tne signed within 20 days from the date of the first publication of this notice By order of the Council. THO r. nsruit. Auditor of the Cltr of Portland. Fort land. Or axon. November 30. 1904. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF MORRIS STBIXT. Notice Is hereby given that st ths meeting of th Council of th City of Portlsad. Ores on. hM on the 10th day of November, 1904. th following; resolution wsa adopted: Resolved. That the council ef th City of Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient sad pro prsves to Improve Morris street from th west curb tin of Delsy street to th seat curb line of Vancouver arena, la the following mi near, to-wlt: First By ronstrnctlBs wooden sMewelke In accordance with the Cttr Engineer's nleaa. specifications snd estlmstes. Heoond- ny uylcg wooden crosswalks. aid Improvement to be made In accordance with the charter and ordinances of ths City of Portland and the plana, apeclflcstlons snd estl mates of the Cite Engineer, filed ln the office of the Auditor of the City of Portland on the id day of November. 1904. Indorsed: "City Engineer s plans snd specifications for the tm- rirovement of Morrla afreet from the west curb Ins of Delsy atraet to ths ssst curb line of Vt rconver svenue. and the eatlmatea of the work to be done and the probable total cost thereof." Tee cost of ssld Improvement to be sssesaed as provided by th city charter open th property speetally and peculiarly benefited thereby, snd which la hereby declared to be sll the lots, osrts thereof and paresis of lsnd lying between s tine lying 100 feet north of no parallel wttn too nortn line or Morris street and s line 100 feet south of snd parallel with the south line of Morris street snd between the west line ef Delay street sad th east 11b Vancouver svenue. The Saalneer's estimate of the probable total coat for the Improvement of ssld Morris street 4a 31.780.00. The plane, speelfl est Ions and estimates of the cltr Engineer for the Improvement of ssld Morris street are hereby adopted. Resolved. That the Auditor of the City of Portland be snd be Is hereby directed to airs netlre ef the prommed ImprovemeBt of ssld street ss ntwvlded by the city charter. SemonetrsBeee agalnat the snore Improve ment mar be filed In writing with the under signed within 20 days from th data of tne fttet publication of this notice. Sy order of th Council THOS C. DEVLIN, Auditor ef the Cltr of Portland. Portland. Oregea. November St. 1004. proposed imfr0te3cent of emerson bTSXXT. NotlC I hereby gives that at tb meeting of tb Council of the City of Portland, Oregon, held oa tbe 1 0th day of November, 1004. the foi lowing resolution Wtl adopted: Received, That tb council of the City of Portland. Oregon, deem It expedient and pro poses to Improve Emerson street from tht west lie ef Fsttea avenne te the esst Rae of TMsvsr avenue by bringing th street to the gride s shown by tbe stake set by tbe City "Sum Improvement te he mill in aeesrdaere with the cherter sad ordinances of the City of Portlsad snd the plane. ipiitSisttoes sad estimate of th City Engineer Sled In tbe wad. OS tbe Ilth day of November, 1904. le- city xogtaeer piaas aaa tpeeiseiuoa CaUAIRVOYAINT BBanx2s3rFVV"eer wmnsmnBSBsmw v . 3034 Washington Mreet. - i SIA AA e t mz ssiv.w iwompiete ss -wx a WSJ?, viijy rraKw?JPBY SOLEMNLY ACREH AND Gl ASANT1B to make you no charge if I fall to sail vast W name In full, names of FOOT friends, enemies or rlvsls. I promise wfjMi yon wnether -your buaband, wife or weetbeert is teas or false, tell yea how to ln ths love eT the on yon most desire, tea though mlSs sway; bow to taeeeed la BStslsiss. specolstloa. lawsuits; how to marry the oae ef ye is of year choice; how Is r healrh aad vitality. Ssmnvwj , cure drink kaWtt locate ail I I have good inch 1 I a cooed In business! . I make mr horn happy t ow can I seasaar ay enemies f ow ess I marry ths on t eboesel ow can I marry well! a I m sa rreal Bay ob Mve sssl r Eeaa I get a letter f can I get a good past beat eta 1 ramova bad Influences! ow ran I control say ssaj! tow maha Star of -a tklnk ot saat how can I hold my hoshaBd s lev! Bow sea I keep say wife's loret CITY NOT! far th Improvement ef Emerson street from the wssf 11a of Fat tea svenue ths east lee ef Denver aveau. and the eatlmatea ef the worn i o sea sag th prohibit tout sen OmmJ 11 The east ef asld imnrovesaaat te ha provided by the elty charter upon the pre ty apeelally sad seesUarly beneOled thereby tad which Is hereby declared te be sll the Ms, parts the and parcels of land lying between s line 100 feet north ef aad Bsrsliel with the north line el Emerson street and a lias Ob feet mith ef aad parallel with the sooth Is of Em am s street, ami between tie east la ef Denver avtnue tad the west Ha of stton avenue. Th Enf Inter's estimate ef th probable total cost for the tmprovemtnt street Is 21.7ga.00r Tht plana, apeclocittons ment or saw smasraon aoaclftcatlnna and aatlmatas of tfc City Ens Inter foe tht Improvement of said Masrson ilraat as hmihr iflnntil Resolved. That the Auditor ef eg roe t line BOTlee of treat si Htmooatraneea ara catloB of this notice. Of oroer or th Council. . TBOS. 0. DSTlflN, Auditor of tht City of Portlsad. Portland. Oregon. November M. ISO. PROPOSED IMPROVyjCEjrT ATEjrrE. OV TINTNO Notice 1 hereby gives that at DM f the Council of th City of Portland. neia on ts ibib ssy or Rovembet the rslmsriaat resolution wsa a doe tad l Resolved. That th Council of th City of Portland. Ortgon. desms It expedient and pro PeeeS to Improve Ttnlno iveaue from 22 fat west of th west line of Eaat Twsnty-thlrd Itreet ts the fen the east line ef Oread svsnue. Is the bringing th afreet fall width arlrk full Intersections to grade aa shown by Us Second By constructing wooden aldewalka In aecerdasc with the City Engineer'! plans, epeetOcatlon sad estimate. Third By laying eroeswalk la accordance with the City Engineer's plane ipeelflratlone snd estimates. Fourth By constructing box gottel. Sold Improvement to be audi ia see. with the charter sad ordlaaacee of the City of Portland and the plans. spedScatlons sad estimates ef ths City Engineer SVarl la th. edge of ths Auditor of the City of Portland on the Ilth day of November. 1904. indorsed: "City Engineer a plsns snd speelncstlons for th Improvement of Ttnlno arson from 20 feet treat ot the west line ef Bast Twenty third street to the esst Has of Orsad svenue, snd the esttmstee of the work to be done snd the probable totsl cost thereof." The cost of ssld Improvement to be esseesed ss provided by the city chtrter upon the prop erty apeelally and peculiarly benefleed thereby and which is hereby declared to be all tbe lota, parte thereof tad parcel, of lend lying between line 100 feet Berth of and parallel with the north line ef Tenlno svenue snd a lint 100 feet sooth of aad parallel with the south Hue of Tenlno svenue snd between the east lias of Grand avenue snd s line SI feet west of snd parallel with th weet Ua of East Twenty third strset. The Engineer estimate of the probable total cost for' ' w ib improvement ot ssia ' Tenlno a ve- nue ts I7.S4T 00. TT. e plans, hpeclflrsttnnt snd ettlnntei of the liens, at Cltr Engineer for the lmnrovement of said Tenlno svenne sre hereby edopted. aesoived, mat tne Auditor or tbe city of Portland be and he is herebv directed to give notice of fbs proposed Improvement of ssld svenue ss provided by the city charter Rrmonatranres agalnat the above Improve ment may be tiled In writing with the under signed within 20 dsys from th date of the Brit publication of this notice. ny oraer or toe council. THOS. C. DEVLIN Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. November 20. 1904. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF PRESC0TT STRUCT. Notice Is herehr siren thst st the meeting of the Council of Ae City of Portland. Ore gon, bold on the 10th day of November, 1904, th following resolution was sdoptsd: Resolved. Thst the Council nf the Cltr of Portland. Oregon, deems It expedient nnd pro pose to Improve Prescott atraet from the west line of Esst Twelfth street to the at line of East Fourteenth street, la the foi lowing manner, to wit First Hv grading the street ran wiatB with fall to the grade aa shown by the itik-s set by tbe City Engineer. conn By constructing wooden sidewsigs in ecordance with tbe Cltr Engineer's nlsns. specifications snd estimates. Third-- By constructing crosswsiki. Hald Improvement to be nude ln accordance with the charter and ordinance of the City r Cortland, ana tne plan, aoecmcaftona and estimate of the City Engineer filed la the of Sc ot the Auditor of Th City of Portland on th 11th day of November. 1004. Indoria : ' I'll. rholn.., . !.! nrrrt kfa-j-l BfJ 1 1 ffJB V the Improvement of Prescott street from the wrst Hue of Rest Twelfth strset to the esst ne of Esst Fourteenth street and the eatt- aaate of the work to be done and th prob- alle total coat thereof." The cost of said Improverceat to be aa teased at provided by the city charter upon the property specially snd pecullsrlr bene Oled thereby snd which Is hereby deelsred to lie sll the lot, parts of lots and psreel of Bind lying between a line 100 feet north of snd Parallel with the north line or prescott street Bad a lias 100 feet snath of aad parallel with the sooth line of Preeentt street snd between the west Use et Bast Twelfth itreet aad tht test Ubs of East Fourteenth itreet. The Engineer' estimate of th probable total cost for the ImprovemeBt of eald Pre oott ttreet li 2211.00. The plan apedflcitloB and estimates of the City Engineer for the Improvement of laid Frsseott street are hereby adopted Resolved, That th Auditor ef the City of Portisnd be and Be la nereny directed to give of Mid notice or tne proposed lmprorement atraet ss ii a HOBS by the city charter. Remona trances agalnat tb above Improve ment may he Sled In wrftlag with tbe under signed within SO ears from tb date of ths Brat publleetton nf tola notice By order Ot th Council T1I0S. a DEVLIN. Auditor of th City of rortand Portlsad. Oregon. November 2S. 1904. atonai of vacation of thomas 2Tsext. Notice la hereby given that at a regular B rating of the Council of the City of Portland. Oregon, to be held on Wednesday the 7ta dar of Pet ember. iso, st the tegular Boar aad place, petltloa trill be presented to seld Car net) Rylas for the ts est ton of tbst portion of me street la eald Htr lying betwese She east line nf Corbet t street snd tb west tins ef Soli ttreet. a. o. mans. Mary iahsary. Portland. Oregon. November 9. 1 an years evO lasaeae. low 2. Row can I Row Sew oamauaa, a OIL team- I ay to ne lmprovso wim rrarrsBS PUB en ten I a aa T CITY NOTICES. FR0PO9XD nOROVEKXhTT OF AIXII THROWOK BLOCK 22, OXVTSAL AUONA. N?vUcta ew glB that at -he melting of the Council of the City of Portland. Ore-R- held on Ike lath day of Nevember. 1904, the following resolution waa adopted: etolved. Thst ths Cc uncil of the Mtv of Portland. uregou, deems It expedient snd Iln- or FalUaat street. W.vOmvraeV h he mado la seeordence tea f the City aMglsaar SkjeV lo th of th Auditor of th City rr.frt land IS dy of November. 1104. ladoraed "prsv north ot Killing St k t tm X estimates ef tht work "Si wai seat metier ' Tht cost of laid Improvement to be aasessed as provided by ths city rhsrter upon the prop erty specially ad prcullarly benefited thereby and which is hereby declared to be sll th lom, part of lota and parcels of lsnd lying between a line 100 feet esst of and parallel with the east line ef alley through block 20. Central AlblBB. and s line 100 feet west of and parallel with the west tin of alley through block 20. Central Alblna. and between tne soutn une or railing street snd ths north line ef Beech street xae Engineer s estlmste of the probable total et for the Improvement ef allay through block 28. Central Alblna. la 902.00. The plsns, speclficstlons snd estlmstes of the Cltr Knglneer for the lmnrovemsnt of said alley through block 20, Central Alblna, are nereriv idimM Resolved. Thst tht Auditor of the City of Portland be and be la herein directed to area anus oi ine proposed improvement or provided by the city charter trances agalnat ths shove sheet may be tiled In writing with the under stgksd within 20 days from tl dats of ths btsx saaneaiiea of this notice. By orr ot th Council. THUS, PBTLIB Auditor of the City of Portland. Fertlsd. Oregon November 20. 1904. FSOtOSXD ntFROVEhfXKT OF WILLIAMS AVaTSrn FROM THS WORTH LINE or IfOBJUS STREET TO THE NORTH LINE Or ALBERTA ST2U02T. Notice Is herahv alven that st the meetln of the Cauncll ef the CttV f Foitland. Oregon. i on tat ibib sy or November. I sot. mo ring rsaoraiiea wss sooptea : !vd. That th Council of the City ef tad. OTSgsa, deem It expedient and pro- im prove wiiiiams seen rrem IB s of Morrla strset to the nawth maa harts street ia the tollowtna manaar. te. "rVt.-B, gr. ding tht ttrett fall width with fall iBttreeeBes To the grtdt as shows by the it the stt by tht City Engineer Second -Bv nllnklna ths roadway fall width with fall Intersection Is seeordsae with the 1 city BBtgtneer s pus, necuestietw aad sou- Third By eeaetraetiag wsewelse la tooerd tsc with the City Kaglaew'i pass, sseciSt tlonssad set I au kit. eerdtnc ws U tCi tsmatsear 's alana enaaanV cations aad estlmstes. hs llh' dtUf"rNoMUbr lltvi' tlSetli1 "Clty'sndlnow I slsst VnYspIe1Sc tlosl f eg th improvement of Winter tvean from tht afth 11a ef Morris street Is the north line ef anuria street snd the setlmstes st th watt tob dons aad the probabls total cost thereof " tb cost or ssia improvement to be n as previaeo or rae mty eaariar ireeltlly Bd ptcullirly bee which Is hereby declared to be ilTwwWan isared to be all the lots, narta and rest Its ef Wlllltms tvennt aad t lis 10 rtti tan or inn pirtiiti wiin ui etti line er Wlllttmt av.sot. and between tht north line ef Morris itreet sad a Ua too fee north of and parallel with the Berth Use et Albert Engineer's sstlmsts et the nrohthls totsl cost for th improvement ef said Wl venut I sin.sno.uw. The Bbat Improvtment It In k cla a seed plank roadway latprevmtnt tsd shall he mslntilned by tht city far t period of Set year, provided tutt the sweat at mi tort ty of th proptrty benSted bv atld Improvement, or any portion thereof, ahall not sttltleo, for a sew or airrereni lmnrovtmeai nerort IB B- p I ratios of each period. lit puns, apeciucatinoa BBS esnmsie or th C ty i 1- far tht lmnrovemtnt of ssld tie ef th proposed ImprovemeBt e vtnee as awrlsad Br th cltr charter. of laid Remeattrtasss agalsit tht the Improve- .riihVn Vd.x5 r drat publication ef this notice. By order of tbe Council THOS. r. DBVUR, Andttor of th city of FtrtltBd. Portlaad. Oregon. November 20, 1204. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF NOSTST 072) ' aTJaXf Or XAXSEY STREET. Nette I hereby given thst st ths meeting of tb Council of the City ot Portisnd. Oregon, held oa the ilth day of November, 1904, th following resolution wss adopted: Resolved. Thst the council of the city of Portland. Oregon, deems It htpedlent snd pro po te Improve the north half of KaUey street from tbe east Use of Esst Fifteenth street to the west 11b of Holladsy Park addition, la th following manaer, to-wlt: First By grading ins norm aair or ssiu ttreet fall fall Intersection to the eube-rsde ss given bv tbe City Engineer. Second Hy bringing the norm hair of ssld street full width with fall Intersections te grsds with gravel Third By constructing sxtlftcisl atone side walks. Fourth -By laying artlgeial stons erosawBttB four feet la width. Fifth By esnitructlng (tone getters. Raid Improvement to be made In accordance with tht charter snd ordlnaaces of the City ef Portland snd the plans, ipeclflcitlons snd eatlmatea ef the City Engineer filed In the office of the Auditor of the City of Portland on the 10th day of November, 1904. Indorsed: "Cltr Engineer plana snd SDectflcsttons for ths Improvement nf th north half of Haktey itreet from tbe east line of Eaat Fifteenth treet to the west Hoe ot Holladar Park ad dltlon, snd the estlmstes of the wort to Be don and the probable total cost thereof." The coet ot tild Improvement to be ssseseed ss provided hy the city charter upon the prop erty eeclallr snd peculiarly beneSted thereby snd which Is hereby deelsred to no ill the lou. psrts thereof sad parcels of lsnd lying be tween the north line of Halter street and a line 100 feet north thereof and parallel there with and between tbe eaat Una of Esst Ftf teenth street snd ths wsst line of Uolladay Pnrk addition to Portland. Orego iglneer'i estlmste of tns probable total cost for ths ImprovemeBt of said Halaey itreet Is 21.140.00. Tne snovs improvement ia to ne ciasaeo SS gravel Improvement snd shall bs maintained br th city for a period of five years, pro vided that tbe owners nf a majority ef the rroptrty benefited by ssld improvement or sny nor I Ion thereof .thsll rw.t petition for a new of different Improvement before the explrstloa ol such period. The pleas, speclficstlons tnd estimates of the ( fty Engineer for the Improvement of said Hslssy street sre hereby edopted. Resolved. Thst the Auditor of the City of Portlsad be aad he Is hereby directed to give notice ot tbe proposed Improvement of eald treet it provided by the elty charter. Remonatrancee agalnat the above Improve ment may be filed In writing with the under signed within 20 dsys from ths dats of ths first publication nf toll notice. By order of the Cnnadl. THOS C. D NYLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. November 20. 1904. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF WILLIAMS AVENUE FBOM THE NORTH LINN OF M'MILLZN STREET TO THE NORTH UNE OF MORRIS STREET, Notice Is hereby given thst at the meeting of the Council nf the City of Portland. Oregon, held on the 10th day of November. 1904, the following resolution was adopted: Resolved. Thst the Council of th City of Portisnd. Oregon, deems It expedient end pro poses to Improve William svenue from the north Une of McMlllen strset to the north line of Morris street sicept mat portion or eald street lying between s line 7d feet north of and parallel with the north line of Cherry atreet tnd line 100 feet south of tad parallel with ths snath Has of Broadway sod sll nor tlons of said itreet nsed by ths Portisnd Ceo aolldated Railway Company a right ot way, la tbe following manner, to-wlt: PSSt By grading tbe itreet fall width with Intereei-tlona to ths grsds ss shows by tb stskes set hy ths City Engineer. Second By constructing itoee block header double raw. Third -Br laving til. Fourth fly constructing trllBclsl earn. Fifth -By bringing the turftc of th street fall width with foil Intersections with Warren a bltultthle pavement mirk All that portion of said copied by tbe railway cemnany' right of i shall be km peeved by replacing the rails a nas with grooved rails net Via thaa ss inchea in tlepth. paving ths apace betweea tbe tfl s m . etjAg, gagas. mm mmmmWmmmmmW rails anil nne font ..utaltle ot the rails with II M J. . bbbbbbbbbH I e. afl I T VZsf.LirrLaI.amalM stasks 91 tb art ea concrete aad groeted with I . . : hKJIh Jfm I IH ffWSSSmmLWsmSLm cement mortar, tbe coa arete under tb ralfc' III kaafeHB, JsBsaaBBBHHp t easi ajt-BBBBlasntt '..r.anBB sad sbsn kanaka to ha st ktaut tlx iscSss la UI KM laUIxsnBisaiaB depth, the reexalalBg portlna ef the right ft sail WantsBBmanaBBfaBK po. ''si Id "improve sunt te bs Band kg biiiiIibii IVajJ city nonces. Sth the Charier aad ordinances Portlsad and the plsns. esse of thai rxiv od the plsns, apsciflcatism and tatlmatt of the City Engineer tiled la the ef- th Auditor of the Cltr of Portland on tne into day or November, 1B04, latinised "City Engineer a nlass asd apeclBcatlona far the Improvement ef Wltllama avtnue from ths north line of MrMUIen strset to ths north Us of Morris street snd ths estlmstes of the be done sad the probable total cost ef said Improvement to be imiiiQ by th elty charter upon the prop ertr si ana peculiarly oensstea tBtreoy snd wht nertoy aeei by deelsred to be sll the snd psreel ef wad lying ' feet west ef and parallel of Williams avenue sad a lots, pa eor between 1 100 with the I Mne of Williams svenue a line 100 t of and Parallel With She Mat line of ma avenue and bitwise s lint 100 feet of snd parallel Witt th St line of street sad a Has 109 feet north eg SI parallel with the north 11a of Morris The r'a sstlmste of the east ft th i Improvement SUBBt Is 432.000 00. The spots Improvement Is to be cussed ss a Mthullthtc pavement and ahall be maintained by tht city for a period of eight years, pro vided that the owner of s majority ot the property Dt.uQtsd hy said Improvement, or say portion thereof, shall not petition for a bow or different ImprovemeBt before tbe ex plrttloa ef tuch period. Tbe plans, a perinea tie n snd estimates of tbe Cltr Engineer for the Improvement of seld Williams avenue are hereby adopted. Resolved. Thst the Auditor of the City of Portland be and he la hereby directed to give notice of the proposed Improvement of eald avenue as provided hy ths city charter Remonstrance! agalnat the above Improvement may be Sled In writing with ths undersigned within 20 days from ths dan of the txst pub lication of this notice. By order of the Council THOS. C. DEVLIN, a Aupdttor of the City of FortUBd. Portland. Oregon. November 20, 1904. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF EAST SXXe Notice la hereby given thst at the meetlng of the Council of the City of Portland. Ore- foo, held on the 10th day of November, 1904, h following resolution wss adopted: Ri solved. Thst tbe Council of Ike City of Portisnd, Oregon, deem It expedient aad prcptses to Improve Esst Rltteenth strset from ths south line of Weldler street to the north line of Hslsey ttrett, in the following man ner, to-wlt: First By grading th street to the aub grsds ss given by the City WiiglBBg. Second By bringing the surface of the Street to grsds with gravel. Third- Hy constructing artificial atone side walks )a accordance with ths City Engineer's plan. BBeciSrsttons sad eetlmstes. Ssld Improvement to be made In accordaac with the charier and ordinances of ths City of Portland md the plant, ipeclScatlon snd rati n ties of ths city Engineer Sled 1b the of See ef tat Auditor of the Ctty of Portisnd on th 14th day el November, 1904, Indorsed. "City Eugiaeer't plans snd specifications far the Improvement of Estt Sixteenth street from the oath Ha ef Weldler itreet to tbe north line ef rtthsty street snd tb estimates of the worh to he deee and the ntohabl total coat thereof.'' The east or said improvement to be as Sftgs by us elty caartt art ipeelally and peculiarly SsI which la hereby declared. 1 as provided by the city charter upon tb prop oenentea t nereny to be all tbe lota. parti ef (Ms snd parcel of lead lying betweea a line ISO feet west ef and parallel with the wast fine of Esst Sixteenth street aad a Hot 190 (set east of aad parallel with the east See ef Eaat Sixteenth itreet, and be tweea the smith lint of Weldler ttreet aad the north Ua of Hilary itreet. Thl ettlsute of ths Engineer of th Brobabl total cost for the ImproveBrest ef ssld Blttteath itreet is gti Tb shove lmprovei a gravel Improvement ay tsa city ror vldtd tUt tb property he net! tod ay p porno inert new or dlffereat l.lrstloa of iuoo th CitllBSli Bast Sixteenth notice eg IB street as ssovl Bsmeas trances nbove mast may signed wit y be Sl, writing with the I within V thin 20 day from the date ef th publication of this notice. of th Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the Cltr of Portlsad. rortiaoa. uregon. novemoer SB. POUNDMASTER'S NOTICE, hi hereby given that oa the SSth day of November lwoa. I and em eeievu as ' nr vnav. fey ve. mwi avia Meat Itseet, In the City ef Portisnd, Oregon the following described animal Op red Malay cow; aad anises tb owner nor person or persons Having aa later est n. anaii claim possession or the asms. pay all costs aad charges of the keeping E advertising thsm, together with the pound OB Mid animal, aa provided hy ordinance No. 0.925. as amended, of said City of Portland. I will ob the sth day sf December. ISO, at th hour of 10 a. m.. at the Cltr Pound, at No. jni BIX teen in. in ssia city, sen at I Dove oo scribed animal st public taction to the h nioaer. to pay ins costs ana ensrge Tro up keening tnd advtrtlilng inch inlmsL Dated tnis lit niy or I'eeemner. loot. Oeijr Double-Track Rsilwsy berwges ths Missouri River Chicago The Chicago-Portland Special, the most luxurious train III the world. I )ra wine -room sleeping cars, dining i car, buffet smoking and library car NirDer and lath . Less man Uiree dsys Portland to Chicago. Two Through Trains to Chicago are operated daily via th 8 mob R . R. A Nv. Co., U P. R R snd hlcngo at North-Westera Ry. te Chicago from Portland and points la Oregon aad Eastern Washington. Daily excursions in Pullman tourist leepingcarafrom portlsad through to Chicago without change. Sk - BITCNIS, a, O. SABKBB. Gee I Agt. Pac. Ceest, Ceseral gat. Sir Mesh) Street, w TUtd Street. bust rsuurciaco, cat. roituao. oaa. X&A.LTIMORX tr caaio R. R. en to . provided lS m t thee Use wet feet ei BE t sag street. . oo. Tai ? mttth-Ll' T1 Sv. sjagjaasajejtE f1!0Hi. . Wl iil zi'telx 'beSwJfabfV; led khtka ell v rhsrter against th above Improv td In writing with the ' I ll,ana.l IraatLrTLl I e-i I Daylight trip thro igh ih. . Caade .fsffff, I anhasnhhl I 1 1 vva rest ja r 1 n tail I ..A Hbr mountain ror run Barug-e i sivairW n . n, 111 11 -BBbBBB I I V .Bsstt.SBTaTaTaTs.VssJ II BV iraM ' mi am aw union Ricinc J TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Through Pullman attadard and tosrlst SBMSw lng cart dally to Omaha. Chicago, I pah SB tourist ileeplag ctrt dally to Kansas OBtf I through Pullman tourist sleeping cars (prsa Hy cndu -te.1i weekly to Chicago RecUsSssl chair cars (ssata tree) to the Bast dally. UNION DEPOT. CHICAGO PORTLAND SPECIAL. For ths East via Bant log teat. 9:tS a. BV Daily. SA a. sa. Dally. SPOKANE FLTER. For Eastern Washing ton, WllU Walls. Lew Iston, Obeet d'AVtae 0 lo P. I Daily. 9rO a. SA and ureal nortasrs point. ATLANTIC EIPR S'lB p. Dally. T:1S a. as. DaAy. sac ts aast vu ragtea Columbia Rive DtvUae. FOB ASTORIA Sad way potntt. connecting With S 00 p. m. Dsrly. ex. Sunday Saturday Aboot 0 00 p. si. ex. Sanday. ttmr. for Ilwsoo North Beech, str. Has- tile. Asa -St. Bases. "?r Taamhiil Urn niK DAYTON. Tries l ty Bad Ysmbffj River! 7:00 s. m. points, atrs. Bath snd I Petty. SO p. sa. Modoc. Aib at. dock. ex. i wster pmaatmag.) Snake River aVoote. EOR LBWISTON. Id. sad way atdats from Rlparls. Wash., atmrs. 9:4 a. m. iBon,p- as. Bpoaaos sad Lewtstoa sat. rri dev. TICKET OfrlCB. Third end W. phone Mala Tit. EAST vu. SOUTH UNION DgPOT. Arrtrae. OVERLAND trslss. far ssVem. Khh. 1 .k 1 S;30 p. m mento. Ogdea. San Frsn Cisco, Stockton, Loo An 7:20 a. I geles, El Paao. Mew Or Issns aad tb Saat, Morning train eee- st dally except SaaSay with train far kft S0 a m. 7:10 p. SB, ABgei. s l 1 v e r t o n. Hrownsvuis, a p r I a field. Wend ling aad natron. Albsay 4 S0 p. m sects at 10:10 a.SL Mt. Angel and Sll ton local. Corvallls 1U: Hi Sheridan paasenger Detlv Port lax. 1 1 Dally, excsBt Sanday. Buourban Barries sad UIVUIOS. Depot Foot of Jefferson Street. Leer Portland dally for Oswego 7:90 a. ravf daily roc Oawege 7:90 a. i 5:20. 0:20; 7:48. 10:10 p. day!. 5:20. 6 90. gigs, 10 lg:oo. s:uo. a so. u:m Dally (except Sanday a. St.; 4:00. 11:30 p. Saaday eejy. s. m. netsrnlng from Oswego, arrive Portland da SrSO a ra: 1:88. S 08 t:8B. tiitrfW Si 11 10 p. m. Daily (except Snudsy) 0:29. fj 9:S0. 10 20. 11:48 a. m. Extept Monday. 1ft IP. pa. Bosaay onty. only. 10:00 a. sL same depot far Dana asd ! dally (except Saaday) 4:00 r r Lesvee from mediate. oolnU Arrive Portisnd 10:20 a m. Takes' I fl tfBtklasv aBaf(rhna,) oserste dally to Moemeeth sad Alrhe. BOcttBg with BassthwB Pacific easasaay'B trsask at Tht Us snd Independence. First-class far from Portlsad to SsrrsmiaS rrsncitco IXD. berths SB: m nal HSBB aweortd claae berth SSSO to Esetera points aad Beluga asaa tins. Ronolera and Arattrslls. Phaat sSta J" WS fONfa. V. 1. COhfAN. City Ticket ajaat, Oca. Pes. As Astoria Columbia River Railroad Co. tntioif DBPOT. Arrtrta. 9:r a. m. Uds'a, aa. assrta 9:99 a. SB, . O. MAYO, O. V. aad f. A.. Astoria. Oa C A. BTSW AST. OommercUl Agtatt 949 Akls st feon Main 90S. TIME CARD TRAINS PORTLAND! DWION DSPOT. fsaaret Sound Limited. Arrlrva. for Tic. mi. gsattls Olympta. Sooth Bead 9 90 a. m. 9:30p. SA, tad Gray Harbor polnti. North Coast Limited, for Tacetae. Seattle. Batts. St Paul. Mln neanolla. Chicago. New 9:09 p. m. 7 00 a 49. York. Boston snd point East aad SxntheaBt-Twln-Clty Eapress. for Taeema. Seettle. Spo kane. Helena, ot. Pssl Mlnneapolla Chicago, New York. Boston and aU potntt Best aad 11:49 p. u. 79 a. ts. Sou threat. Paget Sound Ksi ritr-St. for Tb 9:90 a. m T OOp. m. "vu vwr. City. St points east An trains s'ly except ea South A. 0. CHARLTON. branch. Assistant General Paieengvr Ageat. a St.. cor. Third, rortiaoa us. IMS OSQoe 1S8 Third St. eeam Trarmcontlnsntal -A aaV Train Dally -aSV 'PAST TIME ALL I-OlkTS BAST. through the : ns. r olars. rates, folders, stew tail on CMhJbu. Astoria. Wsr re tea. risveL Htm- Louis Special coma. Seattlt.a. wapsuis. aessH Losls aad all th