THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY SVBNJNO, DECEMBER fl. 190L More Room Wanted! Not in the Ctoth ing Trust Sale Closes Christ mas Eve Between Fourth and Fifth Streets AT 285-287 WASHINGTON ST Four Doors Below Perkins Hotel Send Us Your Mail Orders Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back To Make Room for the Largest Cash Purchase of . Misfit, Unclaimed and Uncalled-for TAILOR-MADE CLOTHING THAT EVER CROSSED THE CASCADES I will between now and Christmas Eve CLOSE OUT FOR GOOD my entire stock of fine Shoes, Hats, Suit Cases, Umbrellas, Underwear and all kinds of Men's fine Furnishings At One-Half Wholesale Cost I can say without hesitation that my store on Washington street carries as fine a line of Men's Fixings as there is in this city. I added this department last spring snd bought THE BEST ONLY in every line. Every pair of shoes were made to my order by CUSTOM SHOEMAKERS in Brockton, Mass., who make shoes that retail everywhere from $5 to $10 and EVERY PAIR IS GUARANTEED by them. EVERY HAT in stock is this season's newest blocks snd were made in Dunburry, Conn., by world famous hatters. The SHIRT STOCK has everything good inshirts, including such famous brands as the MANHATTAN and MONARCH, EMPEROR, GOLD AND SILVER and WILSON BROS.' RENOWNED TOWN MADE SHIRTS all are this season's styles. . NECKWEAR from the foremost importers in New York. SOCKS, from Chemnitz, Germany, in hundreds of styles. SUSPENDERS in immense variety for holiday trade. UMBRELLAS, SUIT CASES, UN DERWEAR and the hundred and one other things that go to make up the personnel of a modern man can be found in this splendid stock of up-to-the-second FURNISHINGS at PRICES that read like fairy tales. No man or woman with Furnishings or Xmas Gifts to buy this year but should fix their mind on this advertisement and ready EVERY ITEM with the MOST CAREFUL ATTENTION. There's a big money sav ing in it for you. MY LOSS is YOUR GAIN. And remember, that while you may possibly think I am EXAGGERATING when I offer you $7.50 Shoes for $2.95, $15.00 Suit Cases for $6.95, $8.00 Hats for $2.50, $5.00 Silk Underwear for $1.00 and $1.00 Neckwear for 25c. and EVERYTHING AT SIMILARLY LOW PRICES, I'M NOT EXAGGERATING one particle. MUST IS MASTER. I MUST have the room these goods occupy and I don't care a snap wftat the goods bringit's room. .: I.. . MORE ROOM I want for my clothing business, which after- January 1, will occup EVERY INCH of space on BOTH FLOORS, and then I won't have half enough space to handle a business that sprang PHENTX-L1KE into existence two years ago, and whose growth today is the marvel of the clothing world. I want -every man and woman m Portland to come and examine the values for themselves the result will be in my favor. That you will be an eager customer is a foregone conclusion. Remember this is not a closing out of OLD TRASH every .article is the NEWEST AND BEST and will make in every case ELEGANT ELIGIBLE AND INEXPENSIVE XMAS PRESENTS. Yours for fun In the Furnishing business, PAUL, STRAUS ml ny Shoes Positively the greatest Shoe Bar gain ever offered when we tell you to come in and take your choice of any pair in the house at $2.95 They are actual $5, $6 and $7.50 values. Rubbers Our entire line of 75c, $1 and $1.25 Rubbers go at the low price of 54c Suit Cases $8.00 Suit Cases $1.50 $5.00 Suit; Cases $2.50 $6.00 Suit Cases. $3.00 $7.50 SuitCases $3.95 $10.00 Sut Cases $4.95 $15.00 Bui Cases $6.95 tloves 75c Dress Gloves 39 $1.00 Dree Gloves 69 $1.60 Dret Gloves 89 Gloves $1.39 Underwear $1.00 grade, All-Wool Camels hair, at 25 $1.50 Grade, Pure Wool Ribbed, at 59 $2.00 Grade, Pure Wool, Ribbed, at . .,. 89 $2.50 Grade, Pure Wool, Ribbed, at 98 $8.50 Norfolk and New Bruns wick, at . 98 $5.00 Silk Underwear, at 98 $7.50 Silk Underwear, at. .. .$1.98 $10.00 Silk Underwear, at. "$2.39 71 rBBBS Hats $5.00 Stetson Hats $2.50 $5.00 Hamilton Hats $2.50 $5.00 Knox Hats $2.50 $5.00 Yeoman Hats $2.50 And so on. In fact, you can take any hat in our house at $2.50 If you have not bought your new hat look these over? Silk Vests $8.00 Silk Vests $1.48 $4.00 Silk Vests $1.48 $5.00 Silk Vests $2.39 $6.00 Silk Vests $2.98 Linen Vests $3.00 Linen Vests $1.48 $4.00 Linen Vests $1.98 $5.00 Linen Vests $2.39 $8 to $5 Odd Vests 98 Suits $18.00, $20.00, $25.00, $30.00. $35.00 and $40.00 uncalled-for tailor-made Suits for next to nothing. .1 We must have room, and in order to make it and give the people a chance of a lifetime, we will offer at $10.00 Your unlimited choice of a thou sand styles of the very finest uncalled-for custom-made suits, in single snd double breasted sacks, one or three-button cutaways, tuxedos. Prince Alberts, etc., in the newest colorings; and these are suits every one of them hand-made throughout. They must be seen to be appreciated. This is positively the greatest assort ment of suits ever offered at the phenomenal low price of $10.00. Overcoats $18. $20, $25. $30, $35 and $40 Un called - for Tailor - Made Overcoats and Cravenettes at the cost of sew ing Hundreds upon hundreds of the very latest styles in Raglans, Ches terfields and the popular Box Coats, as well as the long belt back Russian Great Coats, will go at $10.00 In order to make room for the great shipment of goods which we must have room for $80.00 Top Coats $10.00 $85.00 Top Coats $10.00 $40.00 Top Coats $10.00 $85.00 Cravenettes ....... $10.00 $85.00 Belt Coats $10.00 $85.00 Chesterfields $10.00 It costs you nothing to look these goods over. We are shrays pleased to show them. Pants 600 Pairs of genuine Worsteds, Cassimeres and All-Wool Cheviot Pants at $1.99 Every pair tailor-made. Thousands of styles to choose from in imported and domestic fab rics, made by the Royal Tailors, Lamm ft Co., etc., at the trifling sum $2.99 Satisfaction or your money back. The world's finest makes will be found here in abundance, in Chev iots, Fancy Worsteds and Fine Im ported Tweeds, at $3.99 Every pair guaranteed tailor-made $9, $10 and $18 Unclaimed Tailor Ma de ones, at the phenomenal low price of $4.99 All guaranteed tailor-made and to give satisfaction or your money back If you don't buy Pants of Strain you don't buy pants right. Sox 16c Black and Tan Sox, at 3 85c Fancy Stripes and Checks, t 1K 60c Fancy Stripes and Checks, t 19 50c Wool or Cassimere, at 19 75c Silk an Wool, at 331-3 $1.00 Fancy Silk, at. ,W 1-S Shirts 50c Shirts 25 75c Shirts 39 $1.00 Shirts 49 $1.50 Shirts 69 $2.00 Shirts 89 These lines include the best makes obtainable on the market, such as Wilson Bros., Manhattans, Emperor and Princely makes. It costs you nothing to come in and look at them. Handkerchiefs 15c Pure Linen Handkerchiefs. 3 25c Pure Linen Handkerch'fs 12 4 35c Pure Linen Handkerchiefs. 19 50c Pure Linen Handkerchiefs. 23 50c Silk Handkerchiefs 19 75c Silk Handkerchiefs 39 $1.00 Silk Handkerchiefs 48 Neckwear Your unlimited choice of thou sands of styles, worth up to as high as $2. at 25. Same in boxes suitable for Xmas. Suspenders 86c Suspenders 9 & :::::::;::::::Sw