TH K UHtuUN UA1LI IUUKHAU rVRllAnir. anwnoasni a DWESTIGATION WILL SHOW MORE DEFECTS Experts Say the Closer Tanner Creek Sewer l Examined, the Worse Will Appear the Work Done Under the Supervis ion of the City Engineer's Office. MAYOR WILLIAMS' NEW COMMITTEE NOT YET NAMED Contractors Who Were Given Permission to Patch Up Conduit Are Said to Be Unable to Control Water Where It Flows Over Imperfectly Laid Bottom. Opinions re divers retarding th at titude of Mayor Williams la the Tanner creek sewer affair. He la being sev-erely criticised by many for granting R. M. Rlner a Bon. the contractors, permis sion to go Into the sewer and make repairs, and also for his decision to appoint another Investigating commit tee. They feel that he Is overstepping his authority, as It Is claimed that tho sewer has been accepted by the execu tive board, am) the authority to (rant permission to make repairs Is Tested In that body. There are others who are of the opinion that the mayor was right when he gave the contractors permission to repair the sewer, as It Is In a very bad condition, especially at the place where the stone block pavement has been omit ted. These people are also of the opin ion that Mayor Williams Is acting In the proper spirit In appointing another committee of experts to make an In vestigation of the sewer. R. a Qreenleaf and George Knight, two of the experts who recently Investi gated the conduit, are of this opinion. They state that If the experts the msyor sends into the sewer are fair-minded man and make the proper examination of the drain, they will find the sewer in a much worse condition than it la shown , to be In their report to the council com mittee. "I am perfectly satisfied to have the mayor appoint another Investigating committee." said Oeorge Knight today. "If the members of this committee know their business they will find the sewer In a more deplorable condition than shown In our report to the council com mittee. W were not prejudiced In favor of the property owners, and If anything we gave Rlner the better of tho report all the way through. There wars many defects found which were not named at all In tho report. "It will be Impossible for the contrac tors to go Into the sewer and make re pairs that will cover up the defect. They are too glaring. They may be able to patch up the surface, so that the sewer will look better to the casual observer, but It will be Impossible for them to relay the bricks In the two outside tiers where there Is no mortar without doing; the work all over. T was not appointed by the property owners, aa has boon stated, but the council committee came to me and got mo to act aa aa expert on the work. Aa faa aa I am concerned the report was not prejudiced la any ' way. If It had been I would not have signed It. Lac the mayor appoint a committee; I am willing that he should do It. I also think he Is doing right In allowing Rlner to put the bottom In the aewer where It waa left out beneath the manhole, for if It la not repaired It will be aura to cave In thla winter, causing great dam age. Whatever repairs are made will not cover up the defects so that they cannot be found." R. S. Qreenleaf la of the same opinion. He states that ha Is perfectly satisfied to have tho mayor appoint experta to follow their Investigation of the aewer. "If the experta are fair minded men and know their business." continued he. to have them make Mat in vestlgatlon. It win only substantiate our report. They wi And the sewer even more poorly constructed than stated In our report. "If they attempt to disprove our re port end give reports which are not true, then wo will go after them. Wo gave an un prejudice- statement of the condi tions in the sewer, and. If anything, wa were a little lenient toward the con tractors, aa I realised under what diffi culties he had labored. Defeats OomlA slot Be Overlooked. 'The defects -ere all too glaring to be EVIDENCE TO PROVE FORGERY IN FILINGS (Continued from Page One.) She testified that shs waa employed by the Linn County Abstract company at Albany; that some time In November, 19(13. she received sn order over the long-distance telephone from Horace Q. McKlnley to prepare an abstract of the lands described In the Oeorge A. Howe abstract; that McKlnley appeared later on. accompanied by Attorney Hardy of Kugeae; that she turned the document over to McKlnley and his name appeared thereon aa the person making the re quest for the abstract. Mr. Heney then asked If the papers were ever returned to her. She said that Attorney Hardy came back Boon afterward with the ab stract and requested that the name of Horace Q. McKlnley, where It appeared In the certificate of Manager Payne on the last page, be erased and that the name of Oeorge A. Howe be substituted She compiled with hla request. By turning the abstract to the light. It could be seen distinctly that this had been done. The Jacket of the abetract contained the printed words, "request of." followed by the name of Oeorge K C Baking Powder It 18 A BOONE To the Housewife She knows that she need no longer fear failures in her baking. She is always certain of success, sod as vest wo-thirds of her baking powder money. 260uettfwr26eitt overlooked. We reported on nothing In which tho whole committee did not con cur. Individually we found many defects which were not Incorporated In the re port. There are many bad places In the drain of which we aa Id nothing. "Although the contractors are allowed to go into tho sewer and make repairs It will be Impossible to oover up the de fective work so that It cannot be found. They may smooth over the surfsce, but any expert will be able to And the de fects. This Is especially true where the two outer layers of bricks have no mor tar surrounding them. "If allowed I would like to make the suggestion to ths mayor, since hs Is going to order sn Investigation, that a portion of ths sower be uncovered from the surface eo that everybody who ue- alres may see the poor construction of ths drain. A ahort distance weat or the manhole at Sixteenth and Alder streets there Is a portion of the work which la but a few feet below the surface, and It can easily be uncovered. There Is a space of over 100 feet In this location where the second and third tlsrs of bricks have no mortar surrounding them. and If the sewer is uncovered there it will disclose the defects so they msy be seen by the public without going into the sewer " It waa stated at the city engineer's office this morning that the contractors were having a hard time controlling the wnf r In ths swir Thfv have not been able to dam ths water and flume It over the space where there Is no bot tom and stone blocks have not been laid. The contractors are said to have several men at work in the sswsr to day. as Wot Selected Committee, Mayor Williams had nothing to say today regarding the matter, other than that he has . not selected ths sxperts who are to go Into the drain. Several members of the execu tive board were Interviewed this morning. Whitney L Boise stated that he had nothing to say regarding tho scandal. "I have kept out of the mess so far," said he, "and I propose to keep out r It aa long as possible." Several others expressed themselves aa being much averse to becoming mixed up in the scandal: It was hinted around the city hall this morning that In all probability the city council will take some action at the meeting neat week to compel the mayor to carry out the recommendations adopted in the report on the sewer re garding the dismissal of City Engineer Elliott and Oeorge Seoggln. bis chief deputy, and Inspector J. M. Cay wood. No trace of Walter Thomas has been discovered by the grand Jury and It Is still ths opinion that hs Is in hiding In this city. The grand Jury today la Investigating ths Tanner creek aewer scandal, and may report the result of Its findings tomorrow morning. Witnesses before them In thla connection this morning were Contractor A. B. Blamona and J. O'Nell, an employe of City Engineer Elliott's office. No one from Contractor R. w Rlner s office has yet been before the Jury, but E. W. Rlner. son of ths contractor, has been watching the pro- uBodiiigi from the hallway. The arson charges which have been placed sgainst Bachelor. Miller and A. B. Coon for setting firs to the building leased by Coon, SSS Fifth street, are lso being tnveatlgated by the grand Jury today. Fred Weatenfelder. who owns the building, waa before tho grand Jury thla morning, aa also was Mrs Marie Fouchst, a lodger, who claims to have been offered 110 by Coon If aha would set fire to ths building. Bschelor Is said to nerve made a confession Im plicating Miller, and that Coon waa to pay them tto. for the Job. A. Howe, written with pen and Ink. A careful Inspection demonstrated that some other name bad been written and then erased before the Insertion of Howe's name. Miss McCoy testified thst when this Jacket left her hands It had the name of Horace O. McKlnley written on It In her handwriting, and that ths nsme of Oeorge A. Howe, which now appears there, waa not written by her. Miss McCoy was cross-examined by Attorney Hardy, who stood up. and lean ing over the table, said, "You don't mean to testify positively that I brought that document and asked you to make a change In it, do your' "I do testify that you did bring an abstract back to me and asked ma to make some change In It, and It is my bast recollection and belief that this Is the abstract which I had in my hand that you brought back," replied the witness. "Haven't I had lots of business with your office, and lots of abstracts made for my client, Mr. Wlthee T' Inquired Mr. Hardy. "You never bad but one abstract made there to my knowledge, and you bad no other business there that I know of," replied the witness Charles A. Hardy this morning denied that he bad aver met Miss McCoy, and did not know that she waa connected with the Linn County Abstract company unUl ahe so testified on ths stand. He stated further that he was not In Al bany on the date ths abstract is slleged to have boon made, never had any busi ness relations with her of any kind, and that whatever bustnsss he had with the abstract company there, which, he says, was considerable, was transacted with one of the managsrs of the con cern, other than Mr. Payne, but whose name he could not recall. When asked why he did not cross-examine Miss Mc Coy more closely upon these points, ha replied that he should have done so, but waa so completely taken aback by the nsturs of her testimony that he failed to realise the Importance of refuting It. Mr. Hardy said also that hs wss under tbs impression that ths lands embraced In ths Howe abstract were sold to a Wisconsin man nsmed Bslssr, who, It la alleged. Is a personal friend of Mc Klnley Following Is the letter written by Mc Klnley to Frank Alley, In which ths former's connection wltb the Howe Isnds Is cleariy disclosed: Portland. Or. Msy t. 'Frank Alley. Roseburg, Oregon: "Friend F. I haven't received the msp ordered -and did not know but whst you might have sent It to Kugene in stead of this plsce. Tho case wss post poned until Uts 14 la, U you haven't already sent it. plsasa have It here by that time. If convenient "My friend, Mr. Wlthee, Is the owner of the Geo. Hows mads, snd he would look to me If anything waa wrong; so any favors yon can do ms In the matter I would greatly appreciate, and would make It right with you to look after the matter for ma In case any one Intended attacking the tlUa. Tours truly, "H. O. McK " Six of tho seven fraudulent entrlea which were conveyed from the original locators to Oeorge A. Howe, have been deeded to one Withes Of La Crosse. Wis consin, ths person to whom Hardy re ferred. vrxDawoea ooutimvmb. Handwriting Expert Shearman con tinued his testimony this afternoon. Hs said that he had examined the signa ture of Horace O. McKlnley on the bond that was given by him at the tlma of his arrest, and had compared the same with the signature of Oeorge A. Howe in his relinquishment to the United States at ths time be made a forest reserve lieu selection, using por tions of 11-7 as basis. Ths witness waa of the opinion thst Horace O. Mc Klnley wrote the Howe signature, to gether with the body of the Instrument. He testified that he knew of two other Instanoss In which McKlnley wrote the body of the document: a lieu selection and the accompanying non-mineral affi davit. The lieu selection was signed by Oeorge A. Howe, but witness wss unable to say who signed the non-mineral af fidavit. Mr. Heney here referred the non-mineral affidavit to witness, and he identified the signatures and body thereof as being In McKlnley s hand writing. The introduction of the non mineral affidavit In evidence was ob jected to by Judge O'Day. snd aa there seemed to be some doubt regarding Its admissibility. Heney withdrew the docu ment. By a large diagram Mr. Shearman showed the "letter forms" In the non mineral affidavit written and signed by H. Q. McKlnley, and displayed to the Jury the strong similarities to the writ ing of the mythical Oeorge A. Howe. Maud Coffin, who la to be one of tho wltneaaea In the esse, was a conspicuous figure In the court room today. Rumor haa connected her with some of ths tranaactlona by defendants and her ap pearance In court aroused the. curiosity of ths spectators. R. B. MONTAGUE'S STORY. Una County Deputy Clerk Olvea star tling Bvldenoe. The evidence adduced by the prosecu tion in the land fraud cases yesterday afternoon was damaging in the extreme. R b. Montague, the former deputy coun ty clerk of Linn county, completed the confession of his own share in ths con spiracy, acknowledging that he had falsely certified to the execution of fraudulent homestead filings in township 11-7; Miss Mlda McCoy, a atenographer. In tha employ of the Linn County Ab etract company, added to tha evidence Intended to identify Horaoe O. McKln ley with the fictitious Oeorgs A. Howe; Special Agents Greene and Dixon gave damaging testimony against Frank H. Walgamot, whose contradictory state ments made to them seem ta convict him of complicity In the frauds; and John P. Marshall, former cashier of ths Alnsworth National bank, a hand writing expert of many yeara' experi ence, capped the sensations of the day by asserting that the" signatures of Joseph Wilson. Thomas AV ilk Ins. Oeorge Graham. Oeorge Pettis and Oeorgs A. Howe had been forged by Horaoe O. McKlnley. that Emma Watson waa ths writer of the signature Emma Porter, and that tha name of Hattle S. Lowell was forged by Marls Wars. ACTORS WAIT FOR -RETURN OF BAKER Rumors Regarding Columbia Theatra Cause Uneasiness Among Members of Co. Thers Is soms uncertainty among tha members of the Columbia theater stock company as 'to what course they should pursue. In view of an offer received by Oeorge Bloomqueat, one of the members of the organization, from the Tannhau- ser stock company of Milwaukee. Tho offer, which waa In the form or a tele gram, stated In effect that the Columbia company was to oloss snd tbo Tann hauser people could give the young actor employment. Mr. Bloomquest at once communicated with Calvin 8. Helllg and J. E Blaster, both of whom denied the report. A mes sage was then sent to Milwaukee stating that tha report of the prospective clos ing wis untrue. In reply came a letter from Manager Tannhauaer, In which he quoted a letter addressed to him by a New Tork agency, stating that Manager George L. Baker had hlmsslf ssld while In New York that the company here was to closs "soon." Until Mr. Bakor's return from the east, which Is anticipated late this afternoon, an explanation Is lacking. Mr. Bloom quest has not accepted tha offer and presumably Intends to await develop ments. The company Is supposed to re ceive three weeks' notice of the closing, snd none haa ss yet been given by the management. Cathrlne Countlss' con tract la a guarantee of 20 weeks' em ployment, and the season has not passed tha ISth week. Aa her salary Is a largs one, it la not likely that the manage ment would pay the guarantee and close ths house. BODIES OF TWO OF WEBFOOT CREW FOUND Nehalem eBach Discloses Fate of Men Who Were Missing When Schooner Sank. (Special Dispatch ta The Jonraal.) T. 1 . . nk t r lte 1 Th. tioiltnn of two sailors. presumably from the schooner weDrooi. were waaneu on Nehslem beach today. Ths Webfoot sailed from Coos Bsy Sunday. Novem ber It. and Tuesdsy. November XI, she was towed into the Astoria harbor in a .i.,in..Ml nfindltlon her cantaln and Ave of hla arew being almost fsmlshad for want or rooo. Tk. MhAAMr was lnmher-lsden and s heavy squsll placed her In a sink ing condition. Tueedsy, r.ovemoer z. k. fnr. t,in arrived one of the mates and two sailors lsft ths vessel In a boat. Intending to land. If possible. In TlHs- mook bay. Nothing had been heard or sssn of them sines they pulled swsy from tho schooner side, until the finding of the two bodies on the beach. Main de JOB. i Journal Special VrTtet.) New Tork. Dec. 1. Judge Alton B. Parker haa declined to aerve aa a atom mlesloner of esttmste snd aasVasment In two cases In which be wss appointed two weeks ago. Tha compensation Is but 110 a day. C. SN. W. STOCK IS SPECIAL FEATURE Shows Exciting Rise of Four Dollars a Share Mora Than on Previous Day. CAUSE FOR PRESENT STRENGTH 18 UNKNOWN Amalgamated Copper Opened Higher and Closed at Advance of Twenty-five Cents. (Ipeelsl Dwpstek to The Journal I New York. Dee. 1. Thla waa a re markable day on the stock exchange. Aa during the session of yestsrday. Chi cago at Northwestern was the special feature and during the day ahowed an exciting rise of 14 a share more than that of yesterday. The market opened up with the ex pectation that It would be a dull atook on account of the sensational rise of yesterday, but the opening figure waa III. an advancs of "6 cent a from tha closing of ths previous day., Just what la causing Chicago a North western to' show Its present strength la unknown to even the larger traders and they are aa completely In tha dark aa to the future movement of the stocks aa la tha humblest dark who tradsa In a bucket shop. One story which Is gaining a great deal of attention la to tha effect that soms one Is trying to buy up a majority of tha sharea of tha road, aa it la a very p run table one. At preaent It is known us a Vanderbllt line, and so perfect Is the orgsntsatlon of tha latter s holdings thst it Is believed that the price will be reached up' beyond 300 if the preaent people try to obtain a majority. The rise In Chicago a. Northwestern has a very rapid aa wall aa a steady one during the past two years. In 1SSS It reached lta low point at (4 and tta high at 116 H. and In 1895 It waa high at 107 M and low at ST. It reached the top In 1S97 at is: 4 and Its low level at 101. Again In 1 It showed an ad vancs by striking the top notch of the year at 173 and the low point at 141 It, In 1001 its rise was very great tho stock reaching the top at SIC and tha low mark at 101. A year ago at was high at 32S and low at 16S. Of tha for mer leaa than 100 shares was sold at the high mark. Yesterday Chicago a Northwestern showed sn advance of S7.II, which would make Its rise during the past two days 1 11. IS. Amalgamated " Copper opened up higher at Slo and closed st SOfte. an advance of SSc during the day. Sugar Refining closed SOc higher after a very strong market. Atchison kt the close was showing an advancs of SSo over the previous close. Bsltlmore Ohio was 75c up, closing at SSttc Rock Island st the closing was H point down st SSc St. Paul, after a rise of several points, clossd down, whtls Colorado Fuel waa a loser at the close of 76c. Metropolitan Traction closed at 1S4H. showing a rlss for the day of 76c Pa cific Mall was quiet, but closed SSo higher. - FOUR MILITIAMEN WOUNDED AT ZEIGLER Deputy Escapes and with Posse of Forty Farmers Puts a Stop to the Firing. BMal SaaaSsq-i Benton. 111.. Dec. 1. Two companies I of mllltla have arrived with rlnss ana I XOUr g'""g glltia hut Htn "rtmMm In quail ths riot at the Zelgler mines last night. Firing on ths camp began at IS o'clock last night and continued until 4 o'clock thla morning. Four militiamen were wounded. Dep uty Sheriff Stein escaped from the stock ade thla morning, gathered a posse of 40 farmers, who rode into the mining camp and stopped the firing from the outside. Two additional companies of mllltla have been asksd for. A posse of 100 men left hare for Zelgler today. More trouble la feared tonight, aa threats have been made to dynamite Leiter's ,1,000.000 coal plant. PROPERTY OWNERS PROTEST VIGOROUSLY Property ownera on Russell street who are to be aaa eased by the city for the Improvement of that thoroughfare with vitrified brick pavement, have filed a remonatrance with the city auditor. It la alleged in the protest that the work la not being done according to plana and speclflcatlona. They call special attention of the council to the "so-called vitrified brick." It la further ststed that the city has not compiled with tbs conditions of ths chsrtsr in ordering the Improvement. "It Is not the duty of these property owners," continues the protest, "to give any notlcs to th- city of Portland, or Its officers, that tho City of Port land and lta officers are not complying with the law and contract and specifica tions on Russell street. "We do this further so that when this matter comes into tha court tho city attorney will not advance the fal lactoua argument that 'It la tha duty of the property-ownera to perform the functions of city engineer and execu tive board." and that the property-owners have neglected to perform thalr office; therefore It la Immaterial how much the contractor and tha city en gineer have deviated from tha specifi cations and contract, and Immaterial how poor a job has been constructed by the contractor and city engineer." Ralph R. Dunlway Is attorney for the property-ownera. (Journal Special dervlee.) n,. d.i- 1. I.ouia Esteves. vice- president of Cubs, today realgned office, owing to continued 111 health. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS of Iligh-Priced Dolls Given with IVaal and CHrla' SHOES with Men's Sails or Overcoats. Our rep utation for quality and price la well known to be' reli able. JOHM DELLAR Cor. 1st a TaaaaUL GREAT SHOWING MADE BY CLEARING HOUSE shows a great tm- 4s provement In business over the 4 same month of 1S0S. Thla la 4 seen by the clearings of ths aa- a soclated banks of this city. The report of the clearing house shows that during ths 4 month of November, ISO, the e clearings amounted to 119.82,- 4 1(1.40 and tha balances to SS,- 4 604. 2S6 During ths same month a year 4 ago the clearings amounted to 4 S17.S7S.24S.41 and the balances 4 SS.S67.S1S.OS. showing an In- e creaaa of Sl.SS4.Sll.0t. 4 QUEEN ALEXANDRA'S SIXTIETH BIRTHDAY London Assumes Gala Attire in Honor of Occasion la Given Royal Salute. (Journal SpecUl Service.) t sAnw, rwA i i.nolclnsr as vounx snd beautiful aa the average woman of three-fourths ner age. wueen aitotoi. today celebrated her SOth birthday, hav- , , T-w.. t... i ma Tha anniversary was celebrated in the mldat Of a family gathering at nananngnaiu. During tha day her majesty received many messages of congratulation, as well as a number of presents, the donors comprising ths German emperor, tha csar and c sarins, tha king of Portugal, the king of Italy and the members of the Danish royal family. In tha morning the Prince and Prln- ... e v.ii. with thalr children, visit ed her majesty to offer their congratula tions. A roast was given n an "- ,,. .k. ukiwil rhiidren of the Dar- II.,. ,11 ... . - - lshes of Ssndrlngham, Wolferton, New ton and Derelngnsm. in ins evening u king snd queen gavs a dinner party. In observance of the anniversary ths public buildings of ths city and ths west end clubs were decorated with flags. The customary salutes wsre fired by the royal artillery In St. James' park and at ths Towar. All the ahlpa at Portamouth ware dressed, and the royal standard flew from sll ths stations and the town hall. Royal salutss wsrs also fired at Malta, Gibraltar and other places '.; ' - MAY HAVE OPERATED IN LOCAL HOLDUPS Man Arrested at The Dalles Is Believed to Have Come from Portland. (special Dispatch to The Journal. ) The Dalles, Or.. Dec L Ths holdup man that assaulted and robbed Albert Johnson yesterday was caught at Ar lington laat night bx Chief of Police Wood' and Sheriff Sexton and brought to Tha Dalles this morning, where he waa fully identified aa the man wanted. Ha gave the name of Charles McWal ters and la a deaperate character. He was a rreated in a boxcar, where he waa beating hla way with a dosen ho boes, and la believed to be the man sus pected of doing several holdups in Port land. He waa arraigned before Recorder FUloon thla morning and will be triad tomorrow afternoon. WANTS TO OPERATE GARBAGE CREMATORY Portland's garbage crematory occupied the attention of the city board of health at tha monthly meeting held today. On Invitation of Mayor Wllllama How ard Whiting, who constructed, the crema tory and who was foreman at the reduc tion plant for ona year, was present with a plan to repair the furnaces and take charge of the crematory during 108. Tha crematory had not been doing good work, because it was not properly handled, he said. Thoss who had charge of It . did not know how to operate tho plant Whiting told the board that he could take charge of tha crematory, repair tha furnaces, so thoy will do tho work re quired of them, for a total expenditure of 116.000, in 1S0. Included In tha tie. 000 is his salary of 13,000 a year. At a special meeting next Tueaday morning some recommendation will be made to the city' council regarding ths crematory. PRIVATE DETECTIVE FALLS INTO THE TOILS M. C. Wllllama, arrested a few days ago by Detectives Kerrigan and Snow on tha charge of stealing a diamond ring vslusd at SI 00 from Miss Josle Davis, and held by Polios Judge Hogue to an swer to ths grand Jury, has an ambition to bo a detective. Hla mental, pabulum la yellow-backed literature. When the man s grip waa aearched by the police It waa found to contain two revolvers, a pair of handcuffa, an elec tric pocket lantern, a pair of felt-soled shoes and half a dosen dims novsls deal ing with tha wonderful exploits of "Nick Carter." Wllllama also hsd s number of cards In his grip advertising himself aa pri vate detective, with offices at Spokane, Wash. He will be defended by Attorney A. Walter Wolf. nr a mow. City Treasurer J. B. Werleln and the city civil aervtce commission sre hav ing another controversy over the ap pointment of a clerk for the city treaa urer's office. Mr. Werleln affirmed thla afternoon that he would refuse to recognise the desires of the civil service commission regarding the appointment of a clerk, aa he thinks ths demsnds sre unjust. J. S. P. Copelshd wss temporarily ap pointed clerk for a period of SO days. November 7. At the recent examination Of clerks Mr. Copeland signally failed. Bdwln W. Jones wss the only applicant who passed. His nams was certified to the treasurer Nov. 2S. Two dsys later he received a communication from the commission asking when he Intended to make tha appointment of a permanent clerk. Mr. Werleln thought the commission waa forcing him to make the appoint ment Immediately and became Incensed. He waited upon Secretary McPherson of ths commission snd warm words re sulted. Mr. Werleln wss given to un derstand that ha will be compelled to conform to tho rulea governing appoint ments. He replied thst hs did not In tend answering the letter sddresssd to him asking when he Is going to make the appointment, and that he la going to Ignore the commission In thslr demands. Pref erred Slook Allan a Usli Beat Bread. r , 1 The Spiel of Baron Hohenstauffen At the Columbia Theatre Oh Baume und Countiss, Counties und Baum Eddie und Kitty for aye! True lof ist wundersame Eddie und Kitty for aye! Dit you seen dot "New Dominion"? - Be ist so wunderschoen ; . Gewiss, in mine obinion. Die pootiest kind of blay'n. Bin edler Deutscher poy (dot's me) Ich go selbst by Amerakie, I wants to studie botany. Poot studie som'dings mohr lof lee; Die pootiest Fraulein in der Sout Mein Gott, Ich kuss she on der mout'l Oh Baume und Countiss, Countiss und Baume Eddie und Kitty for aye ! True lof ist wundersame Eh, Baron? Eh, Flora May? Go to the Columbia Theatre this week snd sse "Tile New Dominion;" don S miss It It's the best sver. Free i Extraordinary Offer HOLIDAY SHOPPERS To make their Holiday Purchases in the Month of November ST $25.00 $7,50 $JO,OOp-.$3.00 $5,00 $Je50 $2,50. 75ce Free $ j qq 25Ce We want you to see our Grand Holiday Display of Beautiful and Newest Creations Elite Chinaware, Limoges China, French China, Dinner Seta, Salad Sets, Chocolate Seta, Rich Cut Glass Ornaments, Vases, Bric-a-Brac, Lamps, English Porcelain Ware Novelties, and Dolls. Fancy Articles of Every Description. Prettiest, Daintiest and Newest Things nude. Collected from the Markets of the World. Top Quality Teas Coffees, Spices, Extracts, Baking Powder, Cocoa Chocolates We want you to sec our very reasonable prices. We want you to come fust to look. Take advantage of this very liberal offer. COT MERE CUT OUT THIS COUPON, lajcaraiisr u, iwt, and rscsr. I with each pi sMg ss isetee saw va a very haotaoms present of tout own feiccHoti. THE JOURNAL, DEC. 1, 1904. ij,. Come lost to look. .!'. Meg this Coupon wttfa wot oooD arrew COT HFSK Great American 331 Washington Street, OUR PHONE IS MAIN We have removed to our new quarto ana are preparea to oner trip trans tne to be round on the Pacific coast. portable and brlck-srt 4 feet to 12 reet. Cabinet Ovena for Bakerlea. Restaurant tinned Hotel ware, Kttohan Utensils, Tl enameled wares, etc. We solicit your pa Loewenberg van "g- oass stositb. Special rstss made to families snd bath establishment In ths hotel. Th. OREGON DAILY JOURNAL A NEWSPAPER WOK ALL THE PEOPLE Free i TO 9 worth of goods ' tj your own choicti rrec worth tjf (roods your own choice worth of goods your own choice worth of goods your own choice worth of goods your own choice Free Free Free Free COT H bring Hhinrofour you to any ofowr ptcgajegw to. tsaa CUT HgaaT Importing Tea Co. 223 First Street, Portland. 966 rs, corner Thirteenth and Irving Btraeta, lara-eat variety of Btoves snd Bsngss, Ws carry In etock Hotel Ranges, with single and double ovens; r-orisDi s anil loggin( Logging Campa; copper and re -Colonial. Imperial and Amethyst nwsre, . tronags. r Si Going Co. Tllim ASTD rJaTTaro STS. The Portland rOBTXAsTD. OBSOOSf. American Plan $3 Per Day and Upward KXABQUAJITXBS JS single gentlemen. A moJirn Turkish H. C BOWERS. Manager. i