THE OREGON DAILY JOITHW AL. POKTLAWD. THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 1, 1804- There' Profitable Buying in The Holiday Shoe Store Tomorrow! SIXTH-STREET ANNEX-FIRST Floor. Ahoy there! Mr. and Mrs. Shoe-bur- r, and all the other ahoa buyers. Tha Christmas footwear atooka are reedy. And tbara'a savings Uatad for tomor row that will help you to aara In your buying-. warm house shoes for woman. In rait or leather. In black, red or brown, far trimmed, hand-turned soles, mili tary, Cuban or Louie hoela; they are priced from 984 to, pair. . . 3.50 MSN'S SHOES ara bare la box calf. enamel calf or vici km, la Blaeaar or Bel. styles, heavy double aolee; price, the pair 83.50 WOMEN'S SHOES S2.68 for Women's Shoe worth $1.10 Tha very popular "Empress" Shoe far women cornea in all leathers, with hand-turned or wait aolea, neat, round, dreesy toee, military, Cuban or Louts heels, tha regular price la $3 50: special Economy Sale price. tha pair 83.68 holiday SUPPERS Wa are bead, quarters for man's, boy' a, women's, mlsaaa' and children's Holiday Slip pers, In all sty lea and leathers; priced the pair from T64 to fS.OO Those who have been waiting for the new Winter Shoes In tana and browna will find a full and complete Una. In all styles and shadee, la tha new Shoe section Sixth-street annex directly on tha borders of tha "Fair-Way." Thsy ara also displayed la tha Sixth street window. BOTB", YOUTHS AND "LITTLE GENTS' " SHOES for winter wear, coma In box calf, with heavy double aoles Sires 11 to 1$. price, tha pair. fl.BO sizes l$H to . piica, tha pair. $1.75 sizes 2 H to SH, price, tha pr.. 82. OO E very-day Needs Are Best Gotten Friday Priced Best These savings will help a lot toward supplying the, Christmas things. la tha Domestic Aisles First Floor 20 FOR HUCK TOWELS WORTH 30c to dosen fine hemstitched Huck Towels, else lxl, regular 20c value; Economy Sale price, each 304 BED SPREADS WORTH $2.00 FOR J .1.48 250 fringed crochet Bed p reads, full afse and cut corners. regular $2.00 value; special Economy Sale price, eacTI acn 81.48 SHEETS WORTH 15c FOR 59410 doaen beat quality bleached Sheets, full slse, 10x10 Inches, regular Tie value; special Economy Bala price, each ....59 11 INSTEAD OF 15c FOR PILLOW CASES Another large shipment of heavy round thread Pillow Cases, reg ular l$o quality; special Economy Sals price, each 11 HANDSOME WASH GOODS FOR 25 Waah Goods la very swell ef fects for evening and house dresses, such as Imported figured organdies. satin striped madras. Tuscan silks, printed voiles, silk organdies, Persian and crystal lawns; la tha lot are values to c; Economy Sale price Is, the yard 25 French Flannels 85 FOR FRENCH FLANNELS WORTH 75c and 15c A full Una of fine Imported French Flannels printed In over a hundred different patterns. The whole line Is greatly underprlced even at 71c and 26c. For Frldsy Economy Sale we have marked them still lower, and they all go at. the yard 55 43 FOR FRENCH FLANNELS WORTH 10c AND (So Plain colored French Flannels, granite cloths and wool cashmeres, regular 00c and c Economy Bale price Is, tha yard, 43 Flannelettes FANCT FLANNELETTES WORTH K' 4c FOR 84 Best fleeced back Flannelettes, in ngnt, meaium dark colors. In pretty atri! figures and Persian patterns; regular l$Ht value; special Economy price. the yard . 844 DRESS GOODS WORTH 26c FOR 18 1,000 yards of fancy brocaded Dress Goods, double width, In browns. greens, blues and black, value tic the yard; Economy Sale price, special it. the yard J 18 Dolls and Toys iy Specials in Toy land Fourth Floor 33 INSTEAD OF 60a FOR CURLY HEADED DOLLIES Dressed Dolls with Jointed bodies. blsqus heads movable and long curly hair, reg ' ular 60o values; special Economy Sale price, only, each S3 Touring Cars Worth 25c for 14c Mechanical Touring Cars, with chauf feur, a very pleasing and entertain ing little toy, value lie; special Eco nomy Sale price, each 14 Cut Rates to China And there should be a host of folk make the trip Friday to the third floor shops. Supply the Christmas tables and tha gift things while prices are this way. BIG ECONOMT SAVING OH HAND SOME CHINA THIRD FLOOR. Odd pieces of Decorated China at special prices. Decoration Is wreaths of small roses. Creamers, value 10a; special at. each 18 Sugar sad Creams, value 60c; special. pair way Ioe Cream Sets (4 dish and 0 plates), value $2 25; special at set 81.13 Platea ,7 in . value $2 60, special at. dosen Sl4s0 Odd nieces of Decorated China with full gold decoratlona Neat new shapes. Plates (7-ln.). vaiue aoa; special at. dossn 9 SO Platea (-in.). value $ 50 dos. ; special at, dosen ' 83.40 Fruit Saucers (-ln.), value $1.00 doa: special at, dossn 1.38 Sugars snd Creams, value gee pair; special at. pair 28 Whan we changed our stock room w selected all small lota of Decorated Chins, This we aranged on three large sperlsl tables and are closing It out st on half regular price Ask to It. . . The Different Store THE METROPOLIS TOMORROW THE 83d Grand Friday "Economy Sale" For niyh on to three decades we have offered the public the best shopping facilities, the greatest values, largest selections of the world's choicest goods and Je fair est prices offered by any western house. We are now more abundantly prepared than ever to satisfy every taste and purse. There are nvc basic principles upon which the wonderful success of this great store rests. First: Making it bright, comfortable, inviting and SAFE. Second; Protecting all who enter its wide open portals from the danger of buying trashy or inferior goods. Third : Wrapping with every purchase our personal warranty that prices art lower generally as low always than same grades in competing stores. Fourth : Selling newer styles than, are shown by any other local house and ALWAYS RELIABLE qualities. Fifth : Adhering to absolute truthfulness of statement at all times. When we advertise SPECIALS, as we do TODAY, you rest assured the values are exactly as represented. Count the shopping days between now and Christmas, then read this page of phenomenal offerings bargains unobtainable at any other time. 99c Less Than Half Retail Cost 99c A VERTIABLE BOMB THAT, EXPLODING, SCATTERS VALUES TO THE FOUR WINDS 1 HATS FREE, TOO! A bitter pill for competition to swallow a sweet morsel for millinery buyers I A monster purchase and a mighty sale! 2 DAYSI-FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 2 DAYS! 2,000 new, stylish, smart, fashionable Hats, not one in the lot worth less than $2, and from that up to the BEST $6.00 VALUES EVER SHOWN IN PORTLAND for two days only, your full and free choice for. .' 99f We have closed what is beyond question the largest millinery purchase ever consummated by any Portland house. Perhaps we've over-reached and bought too many hats even at a fourth of what they're worth. 2,000 hats in one lot at this date is a staggering proposition to most millinery houses, but the price tempted. US and we "tackled." We closed the entire line of a leading well known millinery manufacturer AT 25f ON THE f 1.00 OF COST! Every one a desirable shape, the season's latest, newest, brightest millinery conceptions, ready-to-wear and tailored styles (the above cuts are exact reproductions by our house ar tist). Values range, as stated above, from $2 to $5. All at the astounding bargain price for Friday and Saturday for '. 99e AND NOW READ THIS APPENDIX EXTRAORDINARY! To add unbounded interest to the occasion we will refund the price to the purchaser of every" ninth hat sold during the two days, thus in addition to obtaining a new hat at one fourth its value, every ninth buyer will receive her hat ABSOLUTELY FREE! Be early and skim the cream of the bargains Extra salespeople and wrappers. - 3 An Eye Opener for With the opening of December we throw bead ef steam and etart garment clearance at a salt that will soon open a free read for the workmen to enter and remodel the Suit and Wrap Salons unencumbered by stocks. The SUITS Go -At Half Price Forced to the sacrifice of every Tailored Cloth Suit and Calling Gown. In tha house PRICES CUT IN TWO FOR A MIGHTY TWO - DAT CLEARING. No "lfa" or "anda." The order have come from the man at the helm to "Clear out the Department and five It to the workmen stripped of everything In It!" We've closed our eyes to loss and will try to look cheerful while you wear away these magnificent Suits and Oowns at prices far less than their cost to us. Clearance Mast Be Made In Two Days More So Friday and Saturday, In Second Floor. Grand Salona, we offer full, free and unrestricted choice of every Tailored Cloth Suit and Calling Gown house AT JUST ONE-HALF PRICE Values from $15 that will aell for the maanlflcent Gowns at SSOO, that you time of Saturday at Sua, and every In as above, none reserved. Tour choice le full, free and unrestricted: Among them are some of Mile. Hrhroeder's famous tailored gowns. The Immensity of variety knocks description Into a cooked hat A One tells It every late aad aew material, style and color, every smart street in tailoring and oeau tlful workmanship. Be early In choosing and patient with the fitters. Such opportunity Is not likely to knock at your door again, and we expect such an Inpourlng of buyers here tomorrow as no Portland store ever knew. That's ait xAxr ntam. EXTRA SALESWOMEN. CHnBRfJjrKIT-JE! Bf IN ATTENDANCE TO $4.00 Walking Skirts $1.98 (FRIDAY ONLY. ) 400 neat, splendidly tailored Walking Skirts, in Cheviots, Homespuns and at tractive mixtures, aood color line, embracing Graya, Tana Browns. Oxfords and fancy mannish mixtures, strap, button sad stitch trimmings, smart tailored In the round lengths, inetep lengths ana or oeeutirul SSI nu workmsnshlp ft. 13 So and 14 values Friday only, at eJIsWO Women's New Tailored Waists for $2.45 Tha Regular wna Handsomely tailored flannels, alpacas navies, blacks, grays, bluss snd brow finish. Styles both plaited and tucked, able. Bast It values ever shown In the .Another of Those Petticoat Bargains FOR WHICH WERE FAMOUS SECOND FLOOR ANNEX. Friday only we Include smoag the new mercerised strlpsd moreen Petticoats, deep Spanish flounce, cluster of I tucks and dsep ruffle with fancy stitching, or Petticoat of black sateen, flounce of 4 two-Inch ruffles with S rows of fancy stitching, regular 11.00; special at 81.39 In the Art Shop ANNEX SECOND FLOOR. Cushions, white cambric, covered with square, cushions, regular price Otc; OF KRINGLE LAND! A Stirring Announcement FROM PORTLAND'S GREATEST AND SAFEST Christmas Supply Center! a Month Opener! the throttles wide open, let on a full next two days at ST-SO up to the may own at any tune before closing i! Every Suit - between value goes In! $5.00 Values aad new granite cloths: reds, tana, Or exquisite workmanship and Very smart end service- SB jt ST city Special Friday at PsO annex stores' offerings ladles' black pure silk floss filling snd 14 Inches special at, each 407 LOTS OF "FINISHING TOUCHES" TO MILADY'S DRESS ADDED HERE FOR LESS THAN USUAL TO PAT ON FRIDAY Pretty Holiday Ribbons 194 FOR RIBBONS WORTH Ito AND 40c A lot of fancy Dreaden Ribbons, 4 V, and I Inches wide, also satin snd gros grain ribbons, some striped, some solid colors. 2 Inches wide, regular ttc snd 40c values; spsclsl for Friday Economy ale and also for Saturday; special at. the yard 19 VENISE LACE BANDS. Point Venlse Laos Bsnds, good quality and pretty patterns. to 3 4 Inches wide, worth to 40c the yard; special for Friday and Satur day at, the yard 184 Another lot In the same wldtha but finer quality, worth to Ttc the yard; special for Friday and Saturday at, the yard 354 "ECONOMY" AT THE NECKWEAR COUNTER First Floor. 484 FOR STOCKS AND TURN OVERS WORTH 75c to 11.00100 dosen St. Oaul embroidered Stocks and Turnovers all very new snd stylish snd every one exceptionally pretty, made by the best manufac turers In ft. Oaul and shipped to us through their New Tork office. They are worth 71c, Mc and 11.00, with more 11.00 In the lot than of the cheaper ones. There should be some lively selling with ths price; for Frldsy snd Saturday only at, each 48 Specials for Economy Sale AT THE LACE COUNTER First Floor. SHIRRED BILKS AND CHIFFON PUFFINGS FOR 88 S) A lot of Shirred Bilks and Chiffon Puffings for yokes, waists, hats, etc.. In black and white only, worth to 11.10 the yard; special for Friday and Sat urday, tha yard 884 STYLISH VEILINGS AT ECONOMY PRICES First Floor. VEILINGS WORTH 10c aad 00c FOR 354 Swell Veilings in black and white effects, some plain, soma fancy, some dotted effects, regular ttc and OOe values: special for Fri day aad Saturday at. tha yard. -854 HANDKERCHIEFS Richard son's purs sheer linen Handkerchiefs, 0 In a box, worth 71c; special Economy price, the box Handsome Smyrna Rugs Rags Worth $3.25 for $1.95 AH-wool Smyrna Rugs, double faced, fringed at both ends, sua MxTI Inches, regular value; special Economy Sals price, each . . . 81.98 Our Great Sale of Lamps 8till Continues AU Coal Oil. Oaa and Electric Read ing Lampe are Included In this sale at greatly reduced prices. PORTLAND'S LARGEST, For 2 Days a Christmas IN JEWELRT AND LEATHER GOODS AISLES FIRST FLOOR 1 SIXTH What's mors sultsd for Xmas gifts than pretty Jewelry novel ties such ss we hold a aale of tomorrow? The movtngs have re vealed here and there stocks they retard the progress of nit. There a lean-to we've morrow ws re going to start and "even off" ths stocks. Just read through the list, or better still, walk through the aisles with your eyes open your purse will In blacks, tana, browns aria" l 60 and 110. High-grade days, Friday and Saturday S FOR EBONOID NOVELTIES WORTH to Ehonold Novelties, sterling sliver mounted. Shoe Horns, Button Hooks, Paper Knives, etc , value tc: special at, each 5s) lOs) for sterling mounted Ink Wells worth 15c lOs) for Call Bells worth 10c. 124 each for Mucilage Pots worth 10c. 854 Inatead of II 49 for doubls Ink Stsnda. 854 loeteed of 11.40 for Hand Mir rors. 154 toT Pomade Jars worth Ito. 12f for Pomade Jars worth Ito. 9s for Pomsds Jars worth lie Only S04 each for Pin Cushions worth ttc. Only 354 each for Pin Cushions worth ttc. Nsll Buffers, value I So; special at 65e. 454 Instead of to and 7fc for Nsll Buffers. 854 Instead of ttc for Nail Buf fers. Stocking Darners worth Ito for lOs). 394 Instead of Otc for Ebonold sterling mounted Cslendar. Only 804 for Rolling Blotters worth ttc. 654 instead of 11.00 for Stamp Boxes. 39s) Instead of Oio for Stamp Boxes. Stationery Holders worth IhIO for 85s). Hat Brashes worth Otc for 45s). Ink Stands worth for 754 Ink stands worth II. to for 864. BURNT WOOD NOVELTIES AT HALF PRICE. Photo Frames, value; special at 81-09. Photo Frames, value II. 41; special at T54- Photo Frames, value 11.00; special ' 5S4. Photo Frames, value 00c; special at 494. Photo Frames, value ttc; special at 454. The Floss Again By Request A lady wrote asking us to place this reason she misunderstood a former ad. but don't miss any othar good things otherwise stated, they re for FRIDAT enthusiasts will do wall to provlds this tars wants. Fletcher a best Shetland floss, la rtinal. heliotrope, dove, cream white a4 JMsak tha sxaat popular yara market for those flurry snd COS Regular prlos 11.00 the bog of II neguiar price, ivc Basin; special xxwwil:M--'t--.-t- The Quality Boosters FOREMOST STORE! TOMORROW THE Grand Friday Economy Sale it A WHOLESALER'S STOCK OF MAGNIFI CENT MILLINERY AT ACTUALLY Friday and Saturday Here's Sale That's a "Korker I - STREET ANNEX that ara a bit top-heavy, so much so this good, old mercantile liner just a round In the Jewelry Aisles aad to open, too. WRIST BAGS with chains. grays, walrus and seal leathers, values bsgs, any one in the house for two at Fancy Plaques, value 11.00; special at BOs). Fancy Plaques, value 11.00; spsclsl kt 81.00. Book Raeka, value 12.28; special at 81.18. Book Racks, value 11.41: special at no, Book Racks, value 12.00: special at Si.oo. Cigar Chests, value 11.41; special t 2.75. Toilet Seta, value 11.11; special at SS.OO. Toilet Sets, value 14.11: special at 83.88. Toilet Sets, value 10.10; special at 8S.35. Toilet Seta, value; special at 84.50. Envelope Holders, value Ito; spe cial at 49s). Hand Mirmrs. valus; special at 854. Hand Mirrors, value 11.71; special t 854. Clocks, value 14.41; special at 83.35. CUT STEEL BEADED CHATELAINE BAOS. Value ttc: special at 354. Value 71c; special at 454. Value Otc; special at 554. Valus 11.11; special at 854. Value 11.00: special at 81.19. Value; special at 81.89. Value 13 50; special at SS.OO. Only 354 for sterling silver Souvenir Spoons. In Lewis and Clark and local designs. 494 Instead of tl.00 for fancy gun metal Bracelets, with opsl. turquoise and amethyst pendant. Cuff Links worth lie for 104, In rolled gold plate, all styles. 854 for fancy beaded Lorgnette Chains, In all fancy colors, worth T5- and 11.00. 154 for Peacock Bye Jewelry, in Brooch Pins, Hat Pins. Cuff Pins, etc . vslus lie 854 for Peacock Bye Jewelry, same aa above, better quality, value 10c on special sale again Friday, We comply cheerfully, good for tha friewd. on this page or It's your loss. Unless ONLY these specials. materlsl tomorrow. Supply lllggl Msgs Igsasja. rllac. nOa. Christmas Eook Buying is Aided By two powerful factors; full, big as sortment snd pared prices. Book lovers, buyers for libraries In ohurches or organisations and air who have book-buying In mind for the holidays will save by taking advantage of oar prices. Book tores oa first floor, running from Fifth-street Annex along through tha Domeatlo Aisles to the new elevators at the entranoe to the aew Sixth-street building. BOOKS WORTH Ito FOR 184 A series of standard classics, beauti fully bound In white and gold, with flower design, in colors, gilt top. Ths list of titles Includes all of the standard classics by tha beet authors. The publisher's pries la lOo the volume, our regular price Is lie; special for Economy Bale at. each 184 One-Half Price on Children's Books A lot of high-grade Children's Books. Included In this lot ara: "A ROUND ROBIN," a series of short stories by popular children's authors. "THE GOOSENBURT PILGRIMS." with gilt top and deckle edge. THE MOON CHILDREN," by Laura Day Fessenden. beautifully Illus trated In color by Campbell. Oar regular prices on these books ara 0c, Ito and 11.00; special Economy Sale price, each 484 LIBRART OF MODERN FICTION Handsomely bound in linen cloth, ornamented with floral design In colors, good paper aad clear type, contains works by such sterling authors as Hall Calna, Fergus Hume, Hugh Conway, Egerton Castle. Rob ert Buchanan, John Strange Winter, Florence Marryat and others equally . as well known. Our regular price Is too each; special Economy Sale price, each 334 WEBSTER'S SELF-PRONOUNCING POCKET DICTIONARY This dic tionary is cloth-bound. Indexed, con tains the correct spellng and defini tion of nearly 10,000 words and mantis! of useful Information. Pub lisher's price Is Ito; our special price Is, each lis). SUNDAT SCHOOL TEACHERS' BIBLES BIBLES WORTH 11.00 FOR 894 These Bibles have Flor entine seal divinity circuit binding; red under gold edges, with head band and marker, with helps, refer ences, concordance, etc.. complete; also 17 plates, II colored maps and 11 pagsa of Illustrations. The regu lar price Is IL00; special for Friday Economy Bale only, each 884 Yon May Bay the Children WiKWfrfi Bonnets at one-half Price Frday THOROUGHFARE AISLE THE "BABY SHOP" 2ND FLOOR Our full line of children's colored Bonnets st just 4 of regular price. Mads of India silk. Bsngallne, cash mere, bearskin cloth, crushed plush and velvet. In fall front French, Dutch and monk styles, trimmed In embroidery, lace, fur. silk and rib bon, colors red. pink, light blue, navy, brown, tan, cardinal aad mode, all sums; prices from lOo to 110.00; spe cial, all at 4 prices, or 394 to 35.00 Extraordinary Specials in the Silk and Dress Goods-Shops FIFTH 8TRBET ANNEX FIRST FLOOR. Think of buying now colored novelty areas raorics at half PRICE! 50o Tweeds for 394. i i0 black Taffe tas for 81.19. 60c Jap 8 Ilka for 894, and 1 1.2S fancy Suit silks for Tfli yard; then come here on Friday and realise your expectations. Bead tha offerings II. 26 new swell Suit Silks, la all nsw. neat designs and colors, splendid wearing silks and acceptable xmas presents; special for Friday, ths yard T84 Regular tOc Colored Japanese Silks, la all colors, for Xmas fancy work; spe cial for Friday, par yard 384 Regular 1.60. YARD WIDE, all put silk black Taffeta, the beat value shown anywhere at 11.10 per yard: special for Friday, per yard. . .81.19 Regular 50c value Heather and Zlbe- llne Tweeds, In the much wanted hard finished weaves, s tremendous assort ment to select from; special for Fri day, yard 894 Regular 12.10. 11.00. 11.71 and 11.10 colored novelty Dress Fabrics, this season's newest fabrics; these are the old pieces left front ths Im mense early fall buslnsss; all colors In the lot. at exactly SaU HALF PRICE. HALF PRICE. In the New Man's Shop First Floor Sixth-Street Annex. unULTWCMTV if tou HAt INI M DUUUBTI TOUR WINTERl UNDERWEAR TFT MR. MAN. I you ought shake hands with I yourself lust ILHj worth the moneyl you save by buy ing a set II suits of underwear here Friday. Or, If but want to "patch out" the with a garment or two, you savs on each you bur of these all full assortment We aim. always. to hsvs something good for our patrons on Frldsy. This week ssat Economy Special Is sn excepu good one and sure to be Kw no- 81.9K FOR MEN'S WOswsxsVgsVgssssVJ OBawuH wurnn j. aw line of Men's I -thread worsted Shirts aad Drawers, medium silver gray la r jam x 1 oirv