The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 01, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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Albany Men Will Guard and Feed
Ducks in Monteith Pasture
Near City.
I The Best in Quality f
!Thc best in Flavor
The Purest Type
Citizens of Eugene and Lower
Siuslaw to Urge Comple
tion of Improvements.
jbrtgon City First, Presbytwriari
Church Extends Recall to
Rev. F. Mixell.
Rumor Afloat That One of the
Candidates for Mayor Will
Withdraw from Race.
i Special Dispatch to TW journal.)
Oregon City. Dec. 1. Tha member of
the First Prbytrlan church of this
olty held meeting iMt night In the
church parlor for the purpoee of tak
Ins action upon calling a paator to fill
the pulpit which was left vacant by the
resignation of Rev. Frank Mixell. who
recently took up evengeliatlc work at
Baker City, Or.
Tha meeting waa a quiet one, there
being about 100 members of the church
present. Without delay the matter- of
pastor came up and It was decided
without opposition to recall Rev. Mr.
Mixell to the pastorate. It Is very
doubtful whether he will accept this
call, as he has entered his new field of
work already.
The matter of the resignation of B. F.
Story, trustee, was not acted upon at
Ths three candidates for the mayor
alty, , Charles A. Albright, I. U. Camp
bell and Dr. K. A. Sommers. each claim
the election to the office by a big ma
jority. It is rumored that one of these
candidates for mayor expects to drop
out of the race.
The candidates for the different city
offices are as follows:
Treasurer Fred J. Mayer. Cltlsens';
J. A. Tufts. Republican.
Councllmen First ward. F. B. Story.
Cltlsens; David C. Williams, Republi
can; Second ward, William Shehan, Re
publican;, Sol B. Walker, Independent
Cltlsens' -Taxpayers; Third ward, 8. P.
Francis. Cltlsens'; Henry Brandt, Re
publican. The fees of the county recorder for
the month of November. 1804. were
.411.96, being all Increase Of 1171.49
more than that of November. IMS.
Work on Third Street.
Xxcavatlon was commenced yesterday
on tha cut which is to be made between
Main street and Railroad street on
Third, afid this work will be pushed
vigorously with a view of an early com.
ptetlon. The dirt which Is taken from this cut
Is being hsuled by wsgon to property
recently purchased by Frank Rush for
the purpose of erecting a furniture fac
tory. The Oregon City Planing Mill expects
to move Its buildings upon soma new
ground, but does not know at present
where lta new place of business will
be. The company does not expect to
remove for at least six months.
Olty Personals.
Mr. and Mrs. John Fields of Ha.
are visiting the umuy oi i v..
Hon. C. D. Letourette returned today
from a business trip to Seattle.
jama Trace y, a proeperoua farmer of
Logan transacted business In ths city
yesterday. J
Ralph and Will Marshall, formerly of
thla city, but now merchants of Russell
ville. Or., are spending a few days with
their mother at Caneraah.
On Wednesday Mrs. James B. Upton
and son Charles of Walla Walla. Wash.,
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
C. W. Pop.
After spending the past few weeks
with her daughter, Mrs. James Church,
of Llnd. Wash.. Mrs. Charles A. Al
bright ha returned to her home In this
James Adklns, a sawmill man Of Can
by. passed through the city today.
Silas Bhadle has accepted a position
with W. I Block, the home furnisher, as
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Dreaser left last
evening for Portland, where Mr. Dresser
will leave for the east. While In the
east he expects to visit his old home,
end also many of the large cities of
J. S. Purdom and wife, accompanied by
Miss C. McCown, leave tomorrow morn
ing for San Francisco, CaL
William Carroll and M. Waller of Ku
gene visited Rea Morris during the week.
wan inrsBMBOtraTB.
i Special nispateh to The journal.)
Tacoma. Wash.. Dec. 1. Another
stumbling block in the granting of a
power franchise to the Tacoma Rail
way A Power company has developed.
It is now proposed by the council that
the company place new wires under
ground, and that both companies use
the same poles with wires now In uae.
Attorney Oroascup, on behalf of the
power company, contended that the se
nior company should be given choice in
Cheap Fuel for Portland.
The Oreat Western Coal company Is
putting out for domestic use a first-class
eootless washed coal, free from rock,
slate and screenings. Retail price:
Dump, M; nut, ft, delivered. This com
pany is able to quote these prices, as
It mines are 100 miles nearer Port
land than any other producing mines.
It give the consumer the benefit of
ths low freight rate, and guarantees
all Its coals Try them. Office and
yards. Eleventh and Hoyt. Phone Main
Sometimes a man feels hsppy to call
himself a fool, but It sounds different
van a outsider ssys It, alretty yet.
"See mon lbs I had glee trestle with mr atoaeek
and naed aJlkiada of aaeeiela.a. Mr onue kaa
Seen a aaa all, as green as fraaa.Birir.ath ha.lna
a waa odor. Two weeks ago a friend r.rnmm.nd.4
its and afaar na lag I ran willing, and
lly say the ahoy Bare astir.;. .ur.Jni.
releayow know that I a kail raeewweaa
Utwtauff mo anffarlne front snch tronbUa.
Cass H. Hal pars, U4 ft. ft St.. New York. II. Y.
Is, aBBB,S
sea a aria. I
am. aaoiat
war I In. kaasasT Ce. , Chicago ST NY.
iaTswwW4wgwa WSaeawJ wSsg wawanBBBBBBBBywg bbbj bbbj B
Catholic Women Entertain at
Residence of Rev. Louis
Metayer, Local Rector.
(Special Dispatch to Ike Journal.)
Albany. Or., Dec. 1. The Albany
Shooting club has secured the Monteith
pasture, south of this city, and It Is
proposed to make It a game preserve.
The pasture In question Is a favorite
feeding ground for ducka during the
rainy season, and the water fathering
there In large pools makes the .place one
that appeals to gams of that kind. The
club has engaged the services of Ed MU
bollen to care for tha ducka and feed
them, and promiscuous hunting will be
prohibited; In fact, no hunters will be
allowed to come on the grounds except
the members of the club. The members
expect to have great sport In their
game preserve, and If their plana work
out. Albany will have one of the best
duck shooting grounds in the state.
The spacious and elegant residence
of Rev. Louis Metayer, the local Catho
lic rector, was ' thrown open last even
ing when the women of the church gave
a dinner for the benefit of the Women's
society. More than 200 people attended
the function, and after the dinner the
art treasures' xt the mansion were ex
amined and admired. Father Metayer's
house Is the moat beautiful structure,
inside and out. In this city, and Albany
people eagerly embraced the opportunity
to go through It and enjoy the beauties
of the place.
Odd yellows Bare yeast.
The local Odd Fellow' lodge laat ev
ening, after ths regular business ses
siaa. held a social meeUng attended by
a large number of member. This waa
followed In tha banquet room by a fine
spread. -
A ra.rm.rn' Institute.
At the hall of Charity grange, near
Harrlsburg, a farmer' institute 1 be
ing conducted!, by Professor .James
Wlthtyoomb and Ma staff from the
Cor vail Is experiment station. There la
a good attendance, and great Interest la
being manifested. The farmera' lnstl
tutes are becoming very popular and
are ef great value.
(pedal Dispatch to The Journal )
Seattle, Wash., Dec 1. A plan Is on
foot by the business men of Alaska to
have Dry strait, in Wrangle Narrows,
dredged out by the government. If such
was done. It I t said the distance be
tween Seattle and . Juneau would b
shortened 15 miles. Plans have slready
been made by United Slates Engineer
Mrma. and bat Hilt lw warded to
Washington. The cost of the work I
estimated at f2.OSO.000. Ths channel
has been filled by mud from the Stick
tine river, thus causing vessels to go
a round-about way to get through the
channel. When the dredging Is don the
government will have to build a huge
bulkhead to keep the river mud back.
The Alaska business men are framing
a petition' to be presented to the en
gineering department at Washington.
It will be signed by every business man
of prominence In the north. '
(.aerial Dfspatrk to The Jesraal.) "
Pendleton. Or.. Dee. 1. Umatilla
county farmers are alarmed for fear a
freese-out will come and destroy their
fall sown grain. The fall ha a been very
dry end very unfavorable for seeding
and ths acreage next year will not be
as lsrge as laat season, for ths reason
that many farmers have put off plant
ing, noplng that the weather would
change. It Is the rule. It Is ssld, that a
long, dry fall means a hard spring.
It is estimated that about 400. 000
bushels of Wheat still remain unsold,
but It Is In the hands of farmers who
are not obliged to let It go. In case It
becomes necessary to reeeed the price
of wheat will materially advance.
He Used It After Shaving.
Not being able te wear gloves while
delivering mall, my hands became hor
ribly chapped during the bad weather
we had this fall. Some one recommended
your Curosa Cream (roes snd cucumber
Jelly). I got a botUe of It and In one
night my hands were as well as ever.
I am also using It after (having, and
And It very cooling and healing. It Is
the greatest thing I ever saw.
Letter Carrier No. 4, Detroit. P. O.
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
Corvallls. Or.. Dec 1. a sesled ver
diet was returned In the circuit court
of Benton county at o'clock thl morn
ing In th uit of Whltaker against NsiS
for ths recovery of 16.000 damages on
a hem cnntr.K t The verdict wss In fa
vor of Whltaker. and will probably be
appealed. The case attracted widespread
(special Ita patch to The Joernal.)
Tacoma. Waah.. Dec. 1. Lumbermen
of the state of Washington mills have
been Invited to bid on 3.800,000 feet of
lumber for the Panama canal terminals
at Aru'.n Bids are to be opened In
Washington December 17.
(Special Dispatch to Tha Joernal.)
Pendleton. Or.. Dec. 1. Pendleton
high school boys will debate Friday
December . The subject. "Resolved
that It would have been for the best In
terests of the public should local option
nrolilbltlon carried at the recent elec
tlon." Olenn Scott and David Hill will
represent the affirmative and George
Strand and Frank Pierce the negative
Thla will be the first debate held at the
school this fall.
la AH Dwelling.
The city of Reading. England, has
nssrt an ordinance that bath shall
be planed In all dwelling house con
structod within th borough in future.
(Bsr i
.fH aaa br Joetora,
A SON, BalUmors. Md.
ete M$eeeeeeee
Declares That He Made No
Loans to Make Up Shortage
in His Accounts.
(Special Dispatch to Th Journal.)
Vancouver, Wash.. Deo. 1. The testi
mony for the defense In th case of MaJ.
H. U Reea began before the general
court martial court at 1:10 p. m yes
terday. Th most important feature was
ths testimony of Major Reea.
l.ieut.-Col. W. H. Comegy. deputy
paymaster-general at San Francisco, was
the first witness for th defense. Colonel
Comegys testified In genersl a to Major
Reea' good character a a man and hi
ability as a competent officer.
Colonel Huston, who was the next
witness, testified as to the general good
reputation the major had borne during
his term as paymaster of the depart
ment of the Columbia.
Major Reea next took the stand. He
told the court that he was compelled
to borrow money on sccount of family
matters, which came up In June of this
vaar. Tha main feature of hi teat I -
rmouy was that the money wwleh- he bor
rowed from Captain Baker and i nsres
Barenatecher waa not used to make up
any shortage In his department accounts.
but went to pay orr a loan or i,.'vu u-om
Mr. Herron of Salem. Th major ex
plained that he simply happened to bor
row money from Captain Baker ahd
Barenatecher on the same day he de
posited the government money In the
bank to balance his accounts. After
Major Reea bad explained that he waa
verv careful about keeping his personal
accounts separate from those of the gov
ernment, the court sdjournea until ie
m todav to take UD the testimony
where It was left off. which Is expected
111 be concluded today.
Vancouver Vote.
One of the fastest Karnes of basket
ball played In Vamrouver for some tlmo
was slaved last night st the srmory.
The contesting teams were th evening
class of the Portland T. M. C. A. and
Prof. Rlngler's young men s class or
this city. Sparks snd Perclval played
an excellent game for Vancouver. Heim
lich and Ball did good worg ror ine
T. M. G A. The score was 11 to 4, In
favor of Vancouver. Before the game
Prof. Rlngler' physical culture class
gave an excellent drllL
The Bocutoie given ny me i.aui
Aid society of the Baptist cnurcn at
Elohenlaub's hsll was In every way a
success. A cnicicen pie supper wan
served. Ths entertainment netted the
society about ttO. .
The Red Men gave an excursion w
Yacolt last night, going out on a spe
cial train at :S0 o'elocg. ine party
Instituted a new lodg. st Tscolt. About
2S Vancouvsr people went on ine ex
Osneral wllllama ana Major r.vann
left on the Northern racino ror .la
coma this morning.
Excavation has been started for th
new business block to be built at Eighth
and Main streets on the ground recently
bought by Dr. A. B. Eastham.
Bert Yates arnvea in Vancouver yes
terday from Corvallls. nr. Mr. xaies
111 make his home in mis cny.
The Five Hundred club met last" even
ing at ths home of Dr. and Mrs. East
ham. A msn Is nefer so deaf dot he cannot
bear "Wss wlllst flu naoenr-
5 ltwAt-atf. a.
Bankrupt Stock of Vincent Drug
Company Purchased by
Heppner Man.
(Special Dispatch to The Journal )
Eugene, Or.. Dec. 1. An effort is Do
ing made by the cltlsens of Eugene and
the lower Slualaw country to raise suf
ficient money to send an Influential olt
lsen to Washington, D. C. to appear be
fore the rivers and harbors committee
In congress, to urge an appropriation
for the continuance of the Improvements
at the mouth of the Siuslaw river, which
were commenced five or six years ago
and bandoBOMust th work was be
ginning to have some effect upon th
bar. The government has an extenalv
plant at the mouth of th river and
all that la needed to deepen the bar sev
eral feet, no that the largest coasting
vessels can enter the river. 1 the ex
tension of ths Jetty several hundred
XSnforoe Stock Law.
County Stock Inspector A. O. Mat
thews. who was Instrumental In causing
the arrest of Louts Vitus, a prominent
Lane county farmer, recently for vio
lating the stock law In- regard to sheep
afflicted with scab, 1 now out in tne
northern part of the county aner omer
violator of the law. Reports are con
stantly coming In to the effect that
farmers owning diseased sheep con
stantly drive them along th county
road without permission, which 1
against the law, and Inspector Matthew
may make quite a number of arrests
while on this trip.
Bankrupt Stock Sold.
E. J. Slocum, a druggist of Heppner,
yesterday afternoon purdhased the bahk
nmt stock and fixtures of the Vincent
Dniar comnanv at referee's sale. The
net,- nald waa 11.200. Slocum will
close-out his store arHeppner and com
mence business In Eugene. The cred
itors ot the Vincent Drug company will
probably receive about 26 cent on the
Death of Mrs. atorg enson.
Mr. Anna Morgenaon. wife of Hans
Morgenson. died at th, family home,
two mile north of Eugene, yesterday,
aaed 46 yeara and 16 days. She leaves
a hunlmnd and eight children. The hus
band la very III and his death is looked
for at any time.
special Dispatch to The Journal.)
Grunt's Pass. Or.. Dec. 1. A new dls
cover v has been msde regarding the
murder of Florence Chaptn In this place
last July which may possibly be or ser
vie in ths apprehension of the criminal.
Concealed nut lai) yard from the
house where the murder was committed.
A McCaulay of this city discovered
some discarded clothing, some pieces of
which show blood stains. The clothing
consisted of a pair of dark wool trousers,
tailor made, a fleece-lined ult of men's
underclothing snd "a woman's handker
chief. The clothing evidently had be
longed to a man of heavy build.
The sleeve of the undershirt shows
blood stains plainly and there are other
spot, which may be blood stains, but
which will require microscopical exami
nation to determine certainly, as the
garments have' lain so long exposed to
th weather.
Florence Chapln, a fallen women, was
murdered here last July with a brutality
which gave the case notoriety through
out the state. Joseph William, a tran
sient, waa arrested under eusplcion, but
was later released on lack of evidence.
(Special niapatch to The Journal.)
Chehalls. Waah.. Dec. 1. The Non
partisan ticket, which was chosen for
th city election at a caucus held her
laat night. 1 composed of the follow
ing: Mayor, Francis Donahoe, the pres
ent Incumbent; clerk. W. A. Wee to ver;
treasurer. H. B. Coffman. th present
Incumbent; health officer. Dr. J. T. coie
man, present Incumbent; attorney, J. E.
Willis, the present Incumbent; council
men for two years. 8. Hart man, George
L. Young. Henry Gates; at large.
George Walker. Thle makes two tickets
In the field, the other neing neanea oy
Attorney David Stewart for mayor.
Stewart filled th office for several
(Special Dlapatch te The Journal.)
Tacoma, Wash.. Dec, L Horace Gates.
arrested on the charge or aasaun. in
which he la charged with de
coying a l-year-old Tacoma scnooi-
gtrl from ner nome to Vancouver,
B, C waa arraigned In th uperior
court lata yesterday afternoon. He
Dleaded not guilty to the cnarge. a
contlnuanc waa granted. Norma Hoyt
was ths girl taken to Vancouver ny
Gates. '
(Rpertal Dispatch to Tha Journal.)
Aberdeen. Wsh., Dec. 1. A new sank
1 to be opened here In few day. It
111 be known aa th wasnington Na
tional bank. The capital stock has been
fixed at 150.000. The charter has been
received from th controller of the cur
m wnata Indication la larBTSlv due to th
old theory That when the tomach be
come Inactive it neeas iominnn iu
mar han r i V (llaPSt IIS COmeniB. ainu
f.thnrtlca. miraatlve. etc.. are used
which give only temporary relief, be
cause they digest by Irrigating the lln-
In ... I h. itntnaph
Modern science recognises the fact
thst It Is th nerve thnt fnrnlh mo
tive power to, digest th content of the
tomarn. . .
Tk. n.rv. aarltnte and mix the food
nil stimulate the secretlona When
they herome weaaenen mey taca energy
nvsiK-psin., huui nunc
ach reau
Dr. Miles
Restorative Nervine
will rallavs cases of lndlgtS
tlon, dyspepsia and stomach trouble by
strengthening tness nerves.
"1 ha, I aevsre atnmach trouble. Dr.
Miles' Nervine, and Nerve and I.lver
Pills cured me. I csn now eat anything
without trouble." U C. O'BRIEN.
Wlnaton.flHl.m. N. T.
Money back If first bottle fails to
more than were you to pay cash, and at less than elsewhere.
The Portland Loan
DAN MARX, Propnetor
The Very Best Possible
to Procure We Carry
Only the Highest Grades.
Any dealer will tell you. .be can give
you th greatest bargains.
Ask any disinterested party. nd In
variably th answer will be: IF TOU
Soule Bros.
Piano Co.
Cor. Morrison
and Wast Park
Paul Umtorwood Among Party
of Seattle Prisoners to Serve
Fifteen Years.
(ftnerlal ntapatrb to The Journal.)
Seattle. Wash.. Dec. 1. Paul Under
wood and ten other prlonr were taken
to the state penitentiary at Walla Walla
last night by Sheriff Cudlhee. Under
wood Is to serve a term of 1 year for
killing hi three-month-old baby, nearly
three year ago. Underwood has been
In Jail ever slno th offense was com
mitted and ha' fought for freedom
through the varlou courta With
i-f,H,.rni hiar child wife. Nellie Under
wood, was Involved In the crime. She
ha not yet been tried. Th Underwoods,
In order to keep Mr, unaerwova par
ent from knowing that a child had
been born, wrapped the Infant In a large
towel, tied rock arouna necs. u
threw It in the bay. When the tide went
out the body waa rouna. umwrw.
w capturd after a man-nunt or two
weeks through tne wooo in "
Among ths othr prwoner luvn w
the penitentiary were na Adam.
year for assault on a 15-year-oia gin.
and trans: tjooa, ie yw
sssault. The othr prisoner ar hort
termr sent up for burglary, robbery
and larceny from the person.
(Special Dispatch te The Journal
listens. Mont . Dec, L Developments
ar rapid In what I alleged to be noth
ing lea than a get-rlch-qulck cheme
Incorporated a tn aaoniana
tlve Ranch company, xnouaana or let
ter are being returned to in writer
under a fraud order or tne poBiomc.:
department. The latest move Is found
In the Intervention or a numoer ai rri-
dents of Michigan, representing auom
$30 000 In stock of the company, in a
suit brought against that company and
Sam H. Wood, the promoter and vloe
They charge Wood with fraud and
with having converted to hi own ue
about 180.000 of .the company' funds,
and further charge that Attorney J. W.
Speer, who was appointed roeUrr of
the company on Wood's petition, as a
creditor of the company for IM.OOO, and
that he has been Wood's advisor and la
acting In collulon with Wood.
roBTvn nr
(Special niapatch to The Joernal )
Tacoma. Wash.. Deo. 1. It Is be
lieved that 400 case of salmon, of 1,000
pounds each, brought doarn on the
steamer City of Seattle. Is spoiled. The
steamer went on the rocks In Lynn
canal, on th down trip, and th salmon
was In th wash. The total value of
th cargo to fishermen Is $24,000, and
ss there Is no Insurance this loss will
be total. "
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
Tacoma. Wash.. Dec. 1. The steamer
Lyra, of the Boaton Towboat company1
line, passed In laat evening, 1 day out
from Yokohama Owing to her pre-
vloua record sa a fast sailer, consider
able anxiety as to her delay had been
experienced. She had a rough voyage.
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
Tacoma, Wash.. Dec L The friends
of C. H. Rage, a Georgetown, Wash.,
cigar dealer, are greatly alarmed over
hi disappearance When he left home
he had a considerable sum of money
with him and foul play la feared. It 1
aid he waa laat seen la T boo ma.
1 1
1 Cake and Pastry
Wheat Hearts
In every sack of OtYMPIC Patent Plour and 1 packag &lf2ii
Cake and Pastry Flour and Wheat Hrts will be found one ftr"
Magic Picture Save a full uncanceled, net, the back of the picture only.
after having transferred picture numbered from pne to nlneoI these
plcrarea and present them to th PORTLAND URINO MIIX CO,
at 124 Stark treet, and get your choice of the following priiesi
Oral year's subscription to tha
Youth's Companion.
Handsomsly Dressed Bisque Doll.
standing It Inches high. Talks
and opens and shut It eyes.
Choice 4t any new book of fiction.
On Uwll and . Clark Souvenir
DHtaf. "'
One year' subscription to Ladle"
Horn Journal.
! The Portland Flouring Mills Co.
(Special Dtapateh to Th Journal.)
Belllngham. Wash.. Dec. 1. The fifth
annual oonvntlon of th Washington
Young Men' ChrUtian aoclatlon mt
here today and waa called to order by
State Secretary C. w. wiicox. ine
morning was devoted to the renewal
of old friendship In the afternoon,
atfer prayer led by Robert Carey, com
mltteee were appointed. The report of
the state executive committee was then
read. J. M. Graham of Vancouver read
a paper on th responsibility of each
Where to
The beautiful 1 what attracts In all thing and
especially mo In fin Pianos. W have them in all
the latest design of cas work. In grand and up
rights In such renowned makes as the Knabe,
Everett Rteck, Fischer, Vose, Packard. Hardman
and Ludwlg. Where could another array of such
high-grade pianos be foundT If you want to see
the latest and finest productions In piano con
struction you want to visit our warehouse at this
time What is better, our prlees and terms are
such that you can lust aa well have a fine piano
In your horn aa omo cheap make that you know
nothing about. Remember we have other good, re
liable make Be our til piano at ft per month.
It csnnot be matched In thla city for less than 1 175.
If S7 Is worth your saving then be sur and
thla plana Our policy has always been: "Th bt
goods for th monv
Allen 2b Gilbert
Ramaker Co.
Cor. 6th
74 THtRD STREET, Near Oak
Pancake Flour
Patent Flour
One Spalding Rugby Special Foot
ball. On Spalding Special League
One Spalding Official League
BBB S 11 V
One ftpeldeng
On Spalding Baseball
Maple Meat
Blocks. Butchsr Saws.
Butcher Knives. Meat Mixer. Sausage
StunVrs. Lard Preaaera. Hand and
Power Choppers, Scalea Konservers,
191.13a mar mi
Between Washington and Aider.
delegate to the ucc of the conven
tion. At p. m. Bible tudy wa taken
up. Introductlona and assignments fol
lowed. Tonight addreaea will be de
livered by H. W. Stone of Portland. Or.;
A a Burwell of Seattle, and Prof. A.
H. Voder Of th Stat University of
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
Monro. Waah.. Dec. 1 M. V. Phil
lip, a plonr, agsd 60 year, waa fa
tally cruahed by falling under the
wheels of his wagon, which was being
losded with wood. He died eight hours
Find Them
and Morrison