The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 01, 1904, Image 5

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lennri jammRi.
Uarqun Urau4.
"Th. Davit's Auction"
."Th. New Dominion"
Lyric. .
Aral 4.
i St. Andrew's day was fittingly esl
braMd by the Scots of the city at Par
son' hall last night by a banquet and
aneechea. About 7 sueats assembled.
and wltb ong and atory mads marry for
several hours. Dr. K. A. J. Mackensl
presided, and read messages of greeting
from the St. Andrew societies of San
Kranolaco. Chicago. Detroit, lacoroa.
Victoria. B C: Vancouver. B. C; Toron
to. Philadelphia and New York. Ad
dresses were mad by C. EL 8. Wood and
Dr. Woods Hutchinson. Vocal solos ware
rendered by J. Adrian Epplng. Miss Ma
Brealln and Mlaa Reatha Fowler. Wil
liam K. Rasmus gave a reading and Mlaa
Moljy Reynold a piano aolo. Tb menu
consisted or scones, oat cases.
bread and other Scotch dainties.
The Bailey Qatsert yes. that's the
boat you want to take for the Columbia
mRTm a Th TWltea. nr anv wav
point, There'a not another boat on the
river that can compete with trie oauey
i . . J a m nsnlfl ianra Tha ( Salt KOTt
VIUVMII Wt HHIIItvKivw see-as
is the personification of comfort and
convenience, ana surety imn "i
more reliable nor stancher craft plying
on tha beautiful Columbia. There's no
doubt that for a aafe, comfortable,
speedy trip the Qatsert'a tha boat to
take. Steamer leaves Alder-straat wharf
Wa,4r,.aHa v nH VriciaV at
7 a. m. Steamer Regulator, another fast
boat, leaves ru.soay, xnuraoay ana oi
tirdsy from same wharf at aame hour.
Phona Mala ol for further Information.
Kenyon'a Cough and Cold Cure, sold
by Albert Bsrni. the druggist, Second
.....I Woahit.fftnn la Miti demonstrating
its popularity by the great demand for it
not only in mis city out irom mi
-a . - ..... A mwuI relluMa MUKh
medicine, that gives satisfactory results
is bound to become popular, as ono
son tells another, ha another, and so on
... i . ...... .. ih. awav Vanvfln'R fIUatl
Cure got Its great reputation for being
tne oest tiling ior coutna iiw
collar to this Oregon climate. Sold only
w.. .it.... niirni th. HniMllt. Second
and Washington, at 0c a bottle. Phone
Main 400 and have a Dome seni w ion.
- ubn r the HrooVlvn School
Alumni association are planning for one
of tha merriest parties in Its history
nmnrrnw avenlna: Oecember 2. The
meeting will be held In the new assem
bly hall or the Brooaiyn scnooi, ami u
Is expected that a large number of for-
. .,4nii wilt he nreaent. After the
business session is closed the following
program will be given: uuuar uuei,
in.... r.v.iii PAoklni -nnd Clara Fre-
deen; humorous resdlng, Mert E. Dimick.
Jr.; recitation. Miss Clara Molstad; read
ing, Fred Johnson; phonograph, Mr.
Griffith; a spelling match In which alt
will take part; then flinch will be
At a meeting of the Oregon State Aa
soclatlon of Trained Nurses, held at the
Good Samaritan hospital last night, the
organisation was completed and the fol
lowing officers elected: President. Mrs.
L, Mn- Walker; vice-president. Miss C.
Adam.: secretary. Mlaa Julia Cooper:
treasurer. Mlaa . Hamilton A consti
tution and by-law. were adopted. There
are about 7 char Mr members of the
association, which has for Its object the
raising of a fund for aick nurses. To
be eligible, an applicant must be a grad
uate of some reputable training school.
After falling In a epileptic fit on
Washington street, between Eleventh
and Twelfth. Frank Whit endeavored
to assanlt those who offered him succor,
and had to be held by bystanders while
the police ware summoned. Ha waa
handcuffed by Patrolman Kay and taken
to tha city Jail. White had a fit a short
time ago. In which he thrust his head
Into a bucket of red paint. At another
time he had a fit on the Burnslde bridge,
and when offered a chair by the gate
tender, picked it up and broke It on the
head of the man who assisted him.
A ride to The Dallea on the steamer
Charlea R. Spencer, on Monday. Wednes
dsy and Friday, returning on Tuesday.
Thursday and Saturday, afforda one of
the most enjoyable trips In the world.
The mountains, waterfalls, glens and
canyons and beautiful landscapes are
- ... w. . tholr verv beat. When
coming to Portland change to the
steamer at The uauea ana njuj un i
. .,. - - - k. nAwAst and fsstest
II I' W II U. II. v.. ...
Hteamer that plies these waters. Dock
foot of wasnington sireei.
nnwi women will attend the
national convention of the Women's
Christian Temperance union, wnn-n ivu
venes in Philadelphia next week They
art Mrs. Henrietta Brown of Albany,
state corresponding secretary, and Mrs.
a .t. a thu nf Portland, superinten
dent of the flower mission. Mrs. Ada
rnruh of this city wss to have read a
nsper at a gathering of the teachers of
Phllsdelphla next Saturday, but as she
is unable to attend ah haa sent her
production to be reaa.
Notice has been sent to all liquor deal
ers In thla city to make application for
licenses to the liquor license committee
If they desire to continue in me sauuun
. . . Thla actlnn Is nSceS-
misines ni --
ary before December 10. according to
The annllcatlona are
i onaldered by the committee, and If any
complaint has been maae !''
Kaloonkeeper during the past jTaSf
thorough investigation of his business
will be made
The Women's Home and Foreign Mis
sionary society will meet at the home
of Mr. W. H. Behsrrel. 470 Park street
. at 2 o'clock. All
on r riuAjr i tBI ...... .. - -
- ... ,b.,- interested In mission
maim ui in. L,li 7
. ..w ... i..itrt to be present. Rev.
Dr. Breese. pator of the Nasarene
church. Los Angeles, will begin a series
of revival services at the Berea mission,
second and Jefferson streets, tomorrow
All the women's organisations of the
dty will probably be asked to Join with
the W. C T. TJ. in protecting girl who
will visit the city next year during the
i.cwis ana t;iara ! -"
. . ror thin
win appoint a jupwinv..... --- ----
branch of the work At the meeting held
vesteraay at tne
able Dl
DoiitUag. Phone,
Unrah. MS Bast Yamhill street.
ssatter waa oisrsasaorl and referred to
tha executive committee with power to
uad Vance Cook, the wall known
author and writer, entertained a large
and appreciative audlenoe In the T. M.
C. A. hall last night. In hta recitations
child Ufa waa graphically portrayed.
Amona- tha selections were "Tha Chroni
cler of tha Little Tot." "The Talk of tha
Two-Year-OM," "Tha Moo, Cow. Moo,"
Tha Twelve-Pound Tyrant," "The In
truder." "A Lack In Life" and "A Morn
ing Mail."
,.. Thar ware three clear days In the
month of November. All the others were
designated as cloud or partly cloudy by
tha weather office. The mean tempera
ture for the month was (1 degrees; the
highest waa 17 and the lowest 17. There
were no f roeta. Rain fell on 11 day
but of the 10. The greateat 14-hour
precipitation was 1.67 Inches on Novem
ber II and 10. There was no snow.
Union avenue bridge over Sullivan'
gulch will be repaired by the city ami
work will begin within a tew day. Ha
terlal la now being placed on the ground.
No contract waa let for repairing the
sewer, because it could not be eattmated
how much work and material were nece8-
aary to make the bridge serviceable.
The foundations are said to be In a very
bad condition.
Arleta school Is crowded. There are
now 226 pupils, and the number is In
creasing. There Is on room which is
not used, but It Is thought that a sixth
teacher will have to be employed and
the vacant room occupied at the opening
of -the Spring term. Miss Brlstow has
resigned to accept a position In Tacoraa.
and Miss Brown has been elected to the
In the Interest of organisation work
for tha W. C. T. U.. Mrs. A. W. Unruh.
national organiser, has arranged a
series of meeting in eastern Oregon
counties. She will leave Portland Satur
day for The Dalles, where she will speak
Sunday evening. Several other cities
will be visited before she returns to
Additional time has been granted the
attorneys, for Ertckson and Blaster to
prepare the testimony in the argument
for a new trial. The matter will not
come before the court before the latter
part of next week: Attorney S. C.
Spencer appeared this morning and
asked for the extension of time.
For a week crowds have been flocking
to the custom house building. In the be
lief that the land fraud cases are being
tried there. The man who runs the ele
vator at ttmt place aaya he Jo becoming
tired of directing people to the tempo
rary postofflce building, where tha trial
is and haa been In session.
The Young Men's Democratic club will
hold a special meeting at Its hall In the
chamber of commerce on Friday evening,
at which all members are urged to be
present: This club Is to be kept In active
life until arter tne June wwuon. .
purposes taking a hand In that interest
ing contest.
Pmraninr Raton's dancing school.
Classes Monday and Thursday evenings
at Arlon hall. Beglnnera taken at any
time. Six assistant leacners- rn.w
lessons dally at hall. Spectatore In
vited. 'Phona West 71.
.. .kiiH uhn. commission Yesterday
visited various firm where children un
der the age of 14 yeara are employed.
A few were found to be employed, and
the firms were notinea ine,i xney mu
be discharged at once.
T t.MM.r anV An-mn tnvn and With S
n iiuai. --
a .. i rnt. ..m.ihlnr rtartleularlv nice
G . r. u.. Rmiih'a Fifth street.
opposite old postornce. -ine piawv
where good eating aotacs.
....... i mnfiiv..) tt'uhnrh srss burner.
aaSaaal with onl arlobe. displayed In
T I I uiULTins "W aa r aa '
our windows. Price. $1.00. Best Wels
bach gaa mantlea. 26 cents. H. W. Man
ning Lighting uuppiy vov m.
q. nnraiiita in men snd ar-
duous social duties In women caue
much nervou debility, c. l c. tonic
la all the corrective. For sale at Knight's
107 Washington.
T la aaalA. to CUTA a headache than it
Is to have one, by using Wright's Para
gon Headache Cure. Tablets or wafer
form. 26c, ai aruggisis.
n-. iinn Tnnii Thu sreat blood purl-
fler, nerve tonlo snd Uver regulator.
Just what you need tnese oays.
sale by all druggists.
t n Unvar tha noDUlar gentlemen'"
and ladles' tsllor. removed to room 207
Fenton bldg. New. nrst-clsss cutter.
. . . . ..1...
w ood ward uancing n;-""'
hardt hall. Monday and Thursday. The
. . .....k HMitalnni invited.
1 nree-aiop iui.i.
Chew Den-Tal-Qum. have pearly teeth
and prevent decay. For sal every
where. '
Dr. Chss. W. Bsrr, dentist 17 Dekum.
Pri... ha va been offered by the Ore
gon Society of the Sons of the Amer
ican Revolution for the best essay wrlt
attident under 21 years of
age, in any public school of Oregon.
on subjects mat nave u.ii pua-
the society. Three prise win m niwa
ai in mnA tin resnectlvely. for the
three best essays. Two aubjects have
been selected. Tney are. w""v
Campaign." and "The Co-operation of
the French: How Brought About, and
the Results."
Kssays will DO limited m iciiin wm
mn ..mi. un.i must be submitted not
later than Feb. 1. 1106. General Thomas
M Anderson. 261 worm iwenij-i..
treat. 1 chairman of th committee In
charge. ' :
In awarding the pn !" . .
will be governed by three considerations-
Historical accuracy, manner of
treatment, orthography, grammar, syn
tax and punctuation.
W. S. Ferguson of Pendleton Is at the
Imperial. .
Mr and Mrs. O. C. Morris of Rose
burg are st the Imperial.
C K Fowler of Centralla, Wash., is
at the Perkins.
Jame W. Abbott of the United States
department of agriculture at the Im-
""a.0 !i. Bvan of Walla Walla. Wirt, I
''pra'nk LkMoon of Bsker City Is at th
'"w.1"' Kirk of Th Dalles Is at th.
UnO. P. Bendley uf Cheh.lia.
Wash la a guest st th imperial
R. S. Norris of Noma Is registered at
'"'Re?' Dr and Mrs. J. Bloch have
moved to their cottage. 117 Fourteenth
trvv W Cotton, general counel of the
Harriman lines In Oregon. Is In the east
for a siav of three weeks, to sMend to
SSal business for the railroad com
panies with which h. is connected.
th , .... a.......
v--sr -w - w w wr w -v- -sr - - - - ) I
and ee
Is overcrowded with pretty new designs In silver, nickel, gold flllad and
solid gVld watchee. They will sil have to go thla month, and prices are
going to be pushed sslde. Thla entire month we will have a watoh Bale,
and If you doubjk It Juat compare oour prices with othera that surely
ought to convince you.
Diamonds, Diamonds, Diamonds. Come early to look at them. It
will give you a chance to see how reasonably we aaU them, and why we
eell so many, t No larger or better stock in the city.
Genuine Ebony Goods
TWM stXatX. AMTUthM.
Military Brushes, per pair, 92. SO
and up.
Hat Brushes. 91.00 and up.
Cloth Brushes, 91.35 and up.
Hair Brushes. 91.95 and up.
T Take roar time
Chief Hunt, In Angry Mood,
Storms Loudly for a Main
tenance of Discipline.
During Outburst Notorious Pris
oner Allowed to Talk Over
Plans for Defense.
Dunaihiii. ruffieil the stately calm of
Chief of Police Hunt yesterday after
noon. A button may have raiien rrom
his new uniform. Whatever It was. It
must have partaken of the quality of
a calamity. The big chief was angry,
and the storm of his wrath blew heav
ily on a number of hla men.
Shortly after 3 oclock ne emergea
from hla sanctum sanctorum, and with
military stride crossed the room. - In
his path was Jailer Ben Branch.
"Look here," cried the mighty one,
"didn't, I tell you to put those hinges
on that doorT"
th. ion..,- ineri that he had been
kept too busy bringing out prisoners and
providing quarters for a battalion of
the chlefe "vag" army to attend to the
placing of door hinges.
"Well," shouted the Irate head of the
department "If you can't attend to this
matter I will get somebody that can. I
will do It myself."
"Do It. then." said Branch, backing
out of sight.
Then the chief cast his eyes around
for more men to frighten. Two prison
ers who were to go to the county Jail
were sitting on a bench near the rail
ing. Warrant Ofllcer Oolts had two or
three more men at the desk getting
their personal effects before being sent
to Sheriff Word's hotel.
"Qolts, keep a better watch on those
men. They ought to be hand-cuffed.
Some day there will bfc a break here,
and then I will have to bear the blame
of It all." '
It -waa explained to the chief that De
tective Snow, who stood near the rail
ing, had been requested to keep watch
on the men. Pstrbl Driver Orueber also
stood near the doorway, between them
and the avenue or escape.
But the big chief had not yet -exhausted
the cause of the north wind.
Desk Officer Wendorf came wltnin range
of his voice. That was enough Wen
dorf hsd to suSsr.
"And you. too. Wendorr, ne samon
Ished, "I saw you take two men out of
.i ...i.,, aviinmit handcuffs the other
day. and let them follow you In. There'll
be a bad break arouna nere one oi mtm
days. We have got to nave more ais
clpllne around this place."
Wendorf kept a discreet silence. The
prisoners on the bench were handcuffed
. .w- Th... art nnlv a few pairs
'i. -
of handcuffs at the station, and the of
ficers as a rule have to use tne ones
they carry when coupling prisoners to
While the excitement was at us neigni.
A. B. X3oon, Barney Miller and J. B.
T-., aiinaawi nf arson, were per
mitted to stand close together and en
gage In conversation. uous naa an
k. Miniii attanri to. and so had Wendorf.
There were other men at the station.
but the chief never thought to assign
to one of them th duty of preventing
. k... Man from conversing, thus giving
them an opportunity to let one another
know how affairs stood.
C. H. Preeeott. trustee for Irvington,
is 111 at the Hobart-Curtls.
"Peggy From
One of the vary newest things
being shown In holiday goods
la tha "Peggy from Paree," a
wrist or shopping bag.
They are beautifully made
and will delight the feminine
heart without fall. We have
a fine assortment beautiful
leather, handsome trimmings.
$3.00 and Up
" HE
Follow the Crowd
wK.r. 4fc.W BM hAAjVillW fOr.
what tore I always full of Christmas
buyer ana you wm una us imi sex
Christmas Presents Gladly Laid
Aside for Early Buyers.
Toilet Sets
Silver Comb, Brack asm Minor, In
handsome, case, from 97. SO par
set up.
Manicure Sets from $4.50 up.
Writing Sets from S4.SO "P
Mllltary Sets from $4. SO up.
and have a Urge stock to pick from.
Committee Has Great Difficulty
Deciding How He
Shall Be Chosen.
Agreement Reached in General
Provisions of Bill to Be Sub
mitted to Legislature.
Dr. Stephen A. Wise, W. T. Gardner
and Judge H. W. Hoguo are working on
the draft of the bill creating a Juvenile
court In Multnomah county, which will
be presented to the legislature at the
coming session. Tha men were ap
pointed at a masting recently held In
Judge Sear's court room st the court
The general provisions of the bill were
decided on then, but to the oommltte
wa left the matter of perfecting the
The one Important question as yat un
decided 1 whether the judge of th Juve
nile court shall be one of the four circuit
Judge, the county judge or some one
especially appointed. Courts of this
character are operated "witnouf expense
to the taxpayers. There la no salary
connected with any department, and
consequently It Is a matter of much Im
portance to secure a proper Judge and
probation officer.
Judge Sears la opposed to putting the
work on the circuit judges, as they do
not have the time to give the' juveniles
proper attention. Judge Webster, county
judge, declines tho honor, saying It
would be more work than he could pos
sibly undertake. So the question is:
Who will be Judge of the Juvenile court?
'Th name, Juvenile court," said Judge
Sears, in discussing the subject. "Is a
misnomer. The fact Is It Is not a court
at all. but rather an arm of tha courts.
The name and work really belongs to the
probation officer."
Juvenile courts sr composed of two
men. the Judge and the probation officer.
No sentences are paased In thla court.
When a minor Is arrested on any charge
and brought Into court, sentence Is sus
pended, and ha Is turned over to the
juvenile court. The Judge talks to the
boy, perhaps calls in bis parents, and
talks to them and sends the boy home.
The probation officer then keeps sn
eye on the .lad, sees to it that he works
steadily, keeps good hours, and. If pos
sible, goes to school, making regular
reports to the Judge. If the boy gives
a good account of himself, sentence Is
never executed, but If after a good and
sufficient trial It la found that he Is In
corrigible, the juvenile court return him
to the court of record, and he is sent
enced to prison.
Thla Is, in general, the working of the
juvenile court. The probation officer re
ceives no salary, although he la often
Dald by popular subscriptions.
Juvenile courts have been established
In nearly all the principal cities of the
United States, and are everywhere auc
rossful. In Denver, which hss perhaps
the most successful Juvenile court In the
country, Judge Lindsay says that within
the past It months the court hss saved
to the county more than tl00,000, which
would have been expended In criminal
prosecution hsd the court not taken
charge of the accused youths.
"The Judge of the Juvenile court." said
Judge Bears yesterday, "should be a man
capable of handling boys, a man of wide
experience with children, a man with
great patlenoe and foresight. But vsry
few men ere naturally equipped for this
position, and, no doubt. It will be diffi
cult to secure a good man at the start,
hut when one he Is secured he should be
retstned. The fact that th office Is a
charity task removes It from the possi
bilities of political corruption, and a
judge can be selected on merits alone."
The Woodmen of the World ara atart
Ing on an active campaign, the object
being the Initiation of 1.000 candidates
on Feb. II. INN. followed the next day
by a street parade and grand military
ball. F. A. Falkenberg. president of th
National Fraternal congress, snd head
consul of the Woodmen of th World,
will be present at tb mammoth Initia
tion. H. U Day, state organiser for
thla district. Is directing th xtnslv
arrangements necessary to Insure suc
cess. The campaign will be carried on main
ly by a series of 10 Interesting concerts.
The first stag socisl and concert will
be given by Prosperity camp No. St at
Foresters' hall. Sixth and Washington
street. Dec. 1. at which time the follow
ing program will be rendered: Bass
solo. 'Turnkey's Song" (Ds Kovan).
Theodore Baser; patriotic airs for ptsnn.
Mordsnt A Ooodnough; address. "Fra
ternity." Hon. J. M. long; baritone aolo.
The Postilion." J. Adrlsn Bpplng: violin
SOlO. R i It hey n Tlirney. reading. O. Les
ter Paul; three-round spsrrlng exhibition
between Dav Barry and Jack Ureggaln
of San Kranclsco.
World's Most Famous Instru
ments In Holiday Stylos Croat
Ins Wldosproad Interest
Among Christmas Buyers.
The seventh annual exhibition of fine
pianos at Slier Piano House i proving
a revelation to music and art lovers.
The magnitude of the undertaking can
only be fully appreciated hy a vialt to
the store. .
The entire establishment is a complete
and splendid art exhibit embracing a
display of the richest-toned and moat
famous of pianos known to the modern
musical world.
There Is an elaborate and extensive
showing of such peerless pianos as the
t 'bickering, whose tone possesses that
subtle quality wnicn laenunea ii u
THE CHICKERINO. Just ss a. flower
Is identified tiv Its periume. iuiu smc
evades all imitation. . , .
In the preaent display oi in cwiinna
are included some very exceptional art
caaed upright, concert and parlor
grand, and that gam of piano con
struction, th Chickering quarter grand,
a piano which embodies a remarkably
graceful eass. volume and strength as
well as all the beauty of the Chicker
ing tone, and yet is so smsll and com
paotly built that It occupies but little)
more apace than an ordinary upright
ni.nn Rn noniilar haa the Chickering
quarter grand become aa a wedding
iresent that It la known throughout the
and aa the "Brides' Piano."
A new style Chickering upright, an
advance sample of 1906 style, la re-naivina-
much nraise. not only on ac
count of Its tone quality and ease of
action, but also for tne erogance ana
symmetry of case design along novel
Bnawla1 mention should be made here
of numerous most elegant Weber styles
In design adaped rrom tne r rencn ana
also from th German school. In tone
quality these Webers are superb, pos
sessing a wonderful reflned sweetness,
delicacy and purity, combined with a
resonance ana singing quuiy uu naa
always characterised the Instruments
of Weber make.
Kimball pianos nave a no less con
spicuous place In this display. These
are the pianos that come from the fac
tory where everything Is done right
They sre worthily made, handsome and
possess every tone requirement.
Kimball plsnos are round In cultured
homes throughout the world, and In this
western country they enjoy ' a popu
larity that la simply phenomenal.
In Kimball pianos some new and at
tractive deale-na of the Colonial school
are coming In for much praise. There
la also a new style large upright in
five-panel effect that Is very striking
and also original. In connection with
this it may be stated that the last order
tust received rrom tne oeaiuo ocnooi
tnard for Kimball pianos places thir
teen Kimball uprights and one Kimball
grand (tne latter in me nign scnooi
before every child of school age In tha
city on tne souna. ....
nthar rraat makes, such as the Hasel
ton tha faster tha Hobart M. Cable.
the many-toped Crown, the Story a
Clark, the Hallet a Davis, etc.. etc.. are
nlcluded in the exhibit.
Every school of classic art is superbly
represented Renaissance, Colonial,
chinnandsle new and chaste designs.
the choicest woods in a great profusion
of varieties.
A group In which much Interest cen
ters Is the Aeolian Instruments, the en
lra line of Pianolas. Metrostvle Or-
chestrelles. Including the Aeolian pipe
organ. The newest and probably the
most Important of these Instruments Is
the Pianola Piano. It 1 pronounced tho
most complete piano made, combining
aa It doea facilities for playing perfectly
either with the hands or through the
medlumshlp of the Plinola, which Is
built Into space hitherto not used Inside
the piano case. All Pianola Pianos are
equipped with the Metrostvle.
In this season's display Is offered an
opportunity to study the world's great
eat effort In piano production and pi
ano case architecture. None of the pi
anos in this display will be delivered on
ssle before Saturday. December 10. The
public Is cordially Invited to our store
during this display. Ellers Plsno House,
851 Washington street, corner Park.
The Women'a Oulld of th Church of
the Good Shepherd. Alblna. opened It
basaar thla afternoon at Hill's hall,
comer of Wllllama avenue and Rul
street. There will be an entertainment
thla evening In addition to th basaar
aales. Admission for adults. 11 cant.
Defective Drainage
Is re.ponaihle for many and vari
ous Ills typhoid fv.r one of th
many. Let ua Mil you tiling or
sewer pipe that aclda or conalant
use won't damage
Ws dr manufacturers of Stand
ard Sewer Pipe and Fittings,
Drain Tile, VltriOed Brlok, etc
Our prices sre as low aa quality
can be sold for.
Diamond Brick Co.
- - ;
Columbia Theatre
GEO. la BAKES. Manager.
14th and Waahtngte. Phona 110.
Columbia Stock Compssr, nraa.atl.g Clay
ci.menr. gnat
A charming eonMdJMtraau.
A delightful atory of old Virginia.
prlcae lOe. 15c. J6V. Box ofac. opea all day
down tows. 10 a. m. to 7 p m. at Dolly vr
den Candy Shop la Marquam bids.. 327 Mor
rison t. After T t. m. at theatra. 4,
MARQUAM jr4ifV.w Zrtf-
Last perfenaaaw tonight at til .'sleek.
Spectacular Bxtrsvagaaum BarhMU. Sim J thing
New Cut tb. SMC
"The Devil's Auction
Prices 11. Tie; balcony. TBe, We: gallery.
Be. 36c; boxes and logea, IT. 50. You can't
afford to miss It.
W. T. Tsui., In. Mgr.
isa. sum
Friday tad Saturday nisbts, Dae. g, s. 104,
apaclal-prlce ma Unas Sat. at 2:15 o'clock.
Tcu rr.t WQHam Morris m I Tm iAwtk
tSL I - WOO' Brown" Tlaw
Th comedy aoceasa of the yr.
Craning prices- -Lower floor, II. Balcony.
75c. 50c. OalkMT, c. 85c Special roatLnae
prlcaa. Tie, 50c. We. Mats at saw sailing.
(Formerly Cordrsy'a. )
Ran the heat Is tha Uad
n mast patronise th. Orssd.
10 ror-
IB "Ml
ty Acrobat.
Lightning. Change Dai
Mistral Trick Bone Soloist.
Togethar wltb Walah and Lbroa. Tb.
ptre Trio.
. Trio EC. n. ana nous itbiw. si.
ner In B pictured melody and the gnat
Or.ndi.eape with "Tb. Elopomant" and
"Willie vacation
Admission to any Mat 10e; box Mats, 2tv
Mallneea. 1 to p. eTenlngl. THU
P. Sb .
No. 24 COUPON No. 24
Star Theatre
at turmi, d:
a, loo.
This coupon and le entitles
holder to on admission whan pre
sented at box office.
The Arcade Theatre
Th. original famll; audelll bona.
. Thla Week.
U Holt's f ockatoo Circus
Show. 1:30 to 4 So p. m . 7.90 to 10:10
p. m. Admission 10c to any aeai.
Third and T.mhlll St.. Keating A Flood. Mgra
Lara-eat Vaudellle Hons In America.
Admlaalon 10c. Parforman
z:ao. 7:50, :so.
Se.enth .ad Alder Streets.
This Week:
THE mASoorx.
Performance, a SO to 4 X. 7 90 to 10 90
p. an. Admlaeiea 10 oe.ta no blgeww.
BIJou Theatre
Slitb St
100 bam:
w ALaxa a lajil.
r enn T a ItTTTllVnl'
, Imm X to 4:90:
T to 10:0; continuous Barters, B t 10 OS
tat-Sit BLBJtSlDB.
Poor Quality Paint
Has Wings
And la too fleeting to do what you want
and expect It to do protect wood and ,
metal work. Better pay a little more and
get good stock. Ws guarantee our palnta
and varnishes to do th work required.
Fisher, Thorsen Co.
Or aa nearly ao aa la possible to ha.
The machinery the beat, the latest and
most expensive. The help the best of
skilled labor to be had, while all other
equipment la A No. 1. It la ressonavbl
to expect tb beat laundry work whu
you have th work don at
All work called for and delivered
Was Sid Ottos, las liftk
uhdott, water ax..
promises to be a year of nnprsoe
dented prosperity for the Oregon
Country. To shsre this prosperity
do not trust too muoh to look. A
bit of good advertising strongly
written snd well printed oreetos
prosperity. Let us show you that
our servioe will "create" for yon.
Writers, Printers and Binders
First snd Oak Streets Main 165
Headquarters for
A Elastic
Third and Yamhill Sts.
as tm