THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER i inrkf. IMPR8VEMENTS IN COMA RIVER Great Deal of Monty Was Ex pondod and Much Necessary Work Waa Dona. DREDGE CHINOOK ABLE ADJUNCT TO EQUIPMENT Congress la Urgad in Major Langfitt' a Annual Report to Hasten Appropriation. Coplaa of the annual report of Maj. XV. C. Lngfltt, dealing with the Im provement made on the Columbia rlvor. and lta tributaries during the paat year, arrived this morning from Wash ington, D. C. Among other things, he estimates thst it will require ths ex penditure of tl.3ZO.O0A to complete the Jetty st ths mouth of ths river, and this sum congress will be asked to ap propriate. The amount previously ap propriated for the project was 11.600, 000. Of this 16(0.000 has been ex pended In remodeling and operating ths dredge Chinook. Ths dredge Is given credit for doing effective work at ths bar. Hs urges that ths funds asked be appropriated at an early date, so that tbers may be no delay in ths work. Ths following extracts are taken from the report: "At the beginning of the fiscal year the work of repairing the washed away portion of ths jetty tracks, build ing additional plant and othsr construc tion work, together with the fitting out of ths U. a. transport Grant as a sea going dredge, waa in progress under appropriation of 1600,000 mads by act of June 13, 1102, for continuing ths Im provement, snd 11.000,000 appropriated by ths sundry civil set of March J, 10J. "With ths funds avallabls for this work, ths Jetty tracks wsrs repaired to the original snd, station 260 by 00, and then extended a distance of 64 feet beyond this point, to station 266 by ti. lata In September. A further extension was deemed inadvisable at that time on account of ths lateness of ths season and ths large amount of stons it would require to properly protect ths tracks. "To further protect the Jetty track, batter piles and anchor plies, with heavy wire cables, were driven In the most exposed part, but notwithstanding these precsutlons much damags was done by the winter storms. During the months of Fsbruary and March, a succssslon of exceptionally hoary snd continued storms, accompanied by very heavy seas, were experienced, which from time to time washsd away portions of ths tracks until a total of 64 bents, 13 faet between, stations 221 by 40 and 240 by 12, had disappeared. Ths redrlvlng of this break in the tracks was com pleted in the latter part of April. "On May 2 the work of extending ths Jetty tracks was begun for ths season, and on June 20 had been carried to sta tion 22-11, a total for ths fiscal year of 4,166 test, and a distance of 4,211 fset beyond the end of the old Jetty, and on April 21 ths delivery of stons by ths Northwest Construction company, under modified contract, began. "Bin oa the approval of the boarS's project operations have boon carried oh with a view, to a dally delivery of from LOOS' to 2,600 ton of stone oa foe Jetty. An emergency contract for the delivery of 160,000 tons and a formal contract for ths delivery of 476,000 tons of stons " were made with ths Northwsst Construc tion company of Astoria, Or., undsr date of May 27, IMS. Delivery of stons un der the emergency contract, was sus pended on December 11. 1102, on account of the approach of ths winter aeason, ths tlms for completion of this con tract having been extended. Final pay ment thereunder has been made, snd ths contract closed. Approxlmatsly 122,100 tuna of stons were delivered under ths emergency contract. "Ths Bugby quarry, from which rook wss obtained undsr ths contract, la leased by ths United States and Its de velopment resulted in its failure to pro duce sufficient rock of ths required slae at the required rats of delivery, and it therefore became necessary to make a supplemental agreement reducing ths quantity to be furnished under the for mal contract for 476,000 tons. Important Work 2fsar Buoy. Ths principal and most important changes that have occurred sines the survey of June. 1201. are a slight move ment seaward of the 24-foot inner and outsr curves of the bar, ths extsnslon seaward of Peacock Spit on a nssrly straight llns from Sand inland, and ths building up and seaward movement of Clatsop Suit on ths sorth slds of ths Jetty. Ths outer 14-foot curve of the bar Is In ths sams position it waa last Janu ary, when a small survey waa made and at which tlms ths distance between the inner and outer 24-foot curves was con siderably greater than at either of the June surveys. Most Important developments are taking place In the vicinity of the ob struction buoy, which Is in ths posi tion of the 11-foot channel of 1111. Here the 24-foot curves are ths closer to gether and in one place give indlca- I I Monl of breaking through Us crest. The oeepssi channel across ths bar is found here, a mnvssssat of about one-half mils northward sines last June. Thsrs baa been some scour to ths aouth. on ths spit. In elongation of the jetty. "Ths channel now used by deep-draft vssssls la oa sltbsr aids of ths obstruc tion buoy, but until within ths last fsw days has been to the south of this buoy "Ths Chinook has dredged continu ously In ths channel used by vessels to the south. It Is difficult, owing to ths small seals of ths map and the neces sarily relatively great dlstsnce between lines of soundings, to make any deduc tion as to ths effect which the dredge hss bad, but It Is evident from ths small changes which have taken place south of this buoy that but little effect b been produced. Ths main changes In depth have taken place to ths north of this buoy, where no dredging has been dona, Mack Mosey acquired. As reported in ths last annual re port, a conservative estimate of tho funds required for remodeling the trans port Grant into a dredge and operating it waa approximately 1600. 000. The actual expense of remodeling the Grant was ovsr 1270,000. and ths cost of changes, repairs and purchase of sup plies, etc., including operating ex penses, to Juns 10, 114, wss 100.000. Ths expense of operating ths dredge an other year will be approximately 1120, 000. making a total of 2440,000 for re modeling ths dredge and operating It to June 10. 1106, Repairs to boilers and changing to oil burning will cost, as above Indicated, not leas than 1100,-000. "Ths south Jetty is to bs completed before any work is commenced on the north slds. Its estimated cost is 12.210,-000. "The amount previously appropriated is 11,600,000, of whloh amount, as above shown, approximately 16(0.000 will have been expended in remodeling and oper ating the dredge. Ths total amount to bs appropriated for completion of the project for the south Jstty is. then, 11,220,000. which sum Is accordingly named In ths monsy statement and la to bs expended together with the balance on hand, in dredging snd Jetty exten sion. These funds should bs appro priated at an early date to insure no further dslay to thla important work 'This work has been in local charge of Mr. G. B. Hegardt, assistant engineer. Improvement of Willamette. Improvement of Willamette river, and of Columbia river below the mouth of the Willamette, and their tributaries, Oregon and Washington. On ths above project 1247.747.61 has been expended. The project of 1K96 provided for ths Improvement of the Willamette river frem Portland to Eugene, at an esti mated cost of till. (17. snd on ths Yam hill (ass Annual Report of ths Chlsf Engineers for 186, p. 1,102) provided for ths removal of obstructions and ths construction of a lock and dam in ths Yamhill river, to obtain a draft of IVi feet from fne mouth of ths rivsr to Mc Minnvills. Estimated coat, 1(1,000. Ths construction of controlling works undsr ths old project has without doubt afforded relief and alone msds navi gation possible during recent years. However, It Is believed that the physical features of ths river are such that ths depths proposed by ths project cannot bs obtained at reasonable cost. With reference to the CelllO canal the report says: -. "Thsrs has been a total of tt,77t,OO0 appropriated for this work The amount sstlmsted as required to complete the walls and place the grounds in good condition was tttl,20, thus making ths estimated total cost 14,007,2(0. The ex- ng ths year, amounting to 11,410.(1. were for reps Irs to ramps and slopes on ths north side, and in properly caring for ths buildings snd plant used in previous, years. Ths maximum draft that can be carried through the locks at the close of ths fiscal year is about seven fset. The report says in regard to the "Up per Columbia and Snake rivers, Oregon and Washington: 'Ths designation now covers ths 126 miles of ths Columbia river from Celllo, Or., up to the mouth of Snake river at Atnsworth, Wash., and ths ill miles of the Snake river from its mouth up to Pittsburg Landing. Or. Both the Co lumbia and Snake rivers, between Celllo and Asotin, a small settlement about 6 miles above Lswlston, snd ths limit of regular navigation In ths past, are mors or Isss obstructed by rock and gravel bars, whioh cause rapids, the- controlling depth over soms of which at low water is from 2 to I feet, while some (par-, tlcularly In ths (7 milss of the Snake, between Its mouth and Rrparla, Wash.) are Impassable at extreme low-water stages. "The Snsks river between Asotin and Pittsburg Landing, 71 miles, falls about seven feet at low water stage. Ths channel in soms places ia narrow and crooked and la obstructsd by many rapids and rocks. No formal project for Improving the two streams between Celilo and Pittsburg Landing haa ever been adopted by congress. Ths first appropriation for tho uppsr Columbia was mads by act of Juno 10, 1172." BATTLING LAWYERS DEFY THE COURT Messrs. McGinn and Manning Indulge in Language That la Frequent and Free. JUDGE GEORGE CANNOT 8UBDUE WRANGLES Nease Case Goes Over, and Special Prosecutor Will Re new Fight Another Day. (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Tacoma. Wash.. Doc. 1. General Con stant Williams, commander of the de partment of the Columbia: Major R. K. Evans snd Captain A. 8 Rowan, of Van couver Barracks, are here to Inspect ths proposed American Lake military camp site, and report to Washington. The light for supremacy between Dis trict Attornsy John Manning and Judge Henry E. McGinn in the prosecution of the gambling cases waa of very brief duration, but nearly terminated in con tempt of court this morning. Judge George attempted to induce the attorneys to refrain from arguing tns qusstlon of McGinn's right to appear In the Nesss poolroom case wnsn it waa not properly before the court but they Insisted, and not until the Judge, after repeated efforts, arose from his chair, and hammering tho table with his first. commanded them to be quiet wss silence restored. What waa ssld by ths attorneys waa uttered while the court was calling for silence, and their words were scarcely understood by ths psopls who bed corns to enjoy ths proceedings. This was a serious disappointment, but anough was heard to assure thsm that when the question does corns up ths entertain ment will be worth the pries of admis sion. ' Judgs McGinn entered ths room with an armful or rormmame loosing law books Just ss court wss called to order. Tho dsmurrsr to ths indictment sgainst M. G. Nease had ben aet for hearing this morning. District Attorney Manning aroae and asked ths court that ths argument go over until next Wed nesday or Thursday on account of ths illness of one of the counsel for the de fense. Judge McGinn arose and address ing ths court said: "I understand the Nease case IS set for hearing today. Ths district attor nsy informs ms that I am not to appear in this cans. I am hero to present this matter to ths court to show that ths district attorney has not ths powsr to put ms out of this case. -There is noning oerore me court on this qusstlon," said Judge George. Why." said District Attornsy Msn- rring, "I do not quits understand what Mr. McGinn means ' There is nothing befors the court." broke In Judge George ss he waved ths district attorney aside. But Manning continued: Mr. McGinn has no right to appear in this csss. Nor has he any authorities or Is thsrs any authority by which he can take this matter before the court to shpw why hs should appear." "Gentlemen, gentlemen," commanded the court, "this question is not properly before the court. Will you plosss sit down. Mr. Mcuinn. But Mr. McGinn insisted on standing and apeaklng. "I drew up the indictments in wis esse," he said, "at ths request of tns district attornsy, who" That's absolutely false," snouted Manning. Will you please sit aown, gentle men," cried the court. "But it Is not false, and bs knows it," retorted McGinn. 'Mr. McGinn drew up the Indictment, but not at my request," shrieked Man ning, while the court waa protesting loudly agslnst the argument. "But It is a good indictment and I am willing to stand by it. But he should not appear. Hs shall not appear. I demand that he does not appear and will " "But I will appear," broke in McGinn, "and you Judge George arose from his chair, his face flushed with anger, hammered the table with his flat demanding that ths attorneys "shut up." Hs did not sit down until ths sttorneys hsd subsided. The case went over until next wea- nesdsy or Thursday, when it will come up for argument before Judge George. After the court had retired Judge Mc Ginn approached the district sttorney to demand what was meant by the as sertion that , he, McGinn, did not draw the Indictment against Nease. Mr. Man ning replied that be did not ssy It waa falss that McGinn drew ths Indictment, but that it was not drawn at his. Man nings rsauest This bs ssld was false. and if McGinn said it was drawn at Manning's request he told what was falss. But Mr. McGinn said ha never said It. and peace was restored. Judge McGinn announced at tho con clusion of ths trouble thst he was still determined to appear In the Nease esse, while Mr. Msnnlng ss positively stated that McGinn would not appear. Mr. McGinn says hs is prepared to show by tbs statute of ths state and by decisions of ths supreme court that his request should be granted. Manning says that no such authority exists. iR&Tfln A liaAiib nln A U oa xxiln A LI I J?aui nar i & mmam mmm isaniiii mbi 11 n lini iiii ftui i B5H nwrttswin Do Your Xmas Shopping Here Thi& IMrktlh Handsome Presents tor All Who I lriUliLli Buy Here. How It's Done We Give Gold Stamps With All Cash Purchases For every 10-cent purchase or multiple thereof we will give you B. 4 H. Stamps. Paste these on the back of a sheet, which contains four pages, which we give you, holding 50 stamps each. When you have filled one or more pages, bring them to us and we will give you in exchange beautiful silver and china ware of the best quality. You will soon secure a handsome dinner set and a full supply of high grade silverware, abso lutely free. KaflL MM Imp 3aV Wf" IS 1 1 1 I i; I Here Is What You Get and the Number of Stamps It Takes to Get Them 'II rrwwG3TAnrt BM QWJIItoTWIH BIi 1 Page Gold Stamps 1 Butter Knife. 1 Sugar Spoon. 1 Round 6-inch Vegetable Dish 11-2 Pages Gold Stampt 1 Individual Butter Dishes. 1 Creamer. 1 Round S-lnch Vegetable Dish 1 Plckls Dish. 2 Pages Gold Stamps Sauce Dishes. 1 Gravy Boat. 1 Meat Platter, 1-inch. 1 Round 7-Inch Vegetable! Man. I 1 Oblong 7-Inch Vegetable Dish I 1 Cake PUtter. 1 Quart Pitcher. 3 Pagaa Gold Stamps 1 Largs Berry Spoon. 1 Cold Meat Pork 1 Pis Knife. 1 Gravy Ladle. f ;' 1 Teaspoons . ' 1 Sugar BewL 1 Meet Plattsr, 10-Inch. 1 Round Vegetable Dish. S-ln. 1 Oblsng Vegetable Dish. 8 In. 5 Pages Gold Stamps Dinner Plates, 1-inch. 6 Houp Plates, S-lnch. 1 Large Berry Dtah. 1 Meat Platter. 11-Inch. 6 Pagea Gold Stamps I Table Spoons. 1 Forks. 1 Cups snd Saucers. 1 Covered Vegetable Dish, S-in. 8 Pages Gold Stamps 1 Knives. 1 Orange Bowl. 31-2 Pages Gold Stamp 1 Pie Plates. 7-lnch. 1 Round Vsgstabla Dish. 1-lu. 1 Pitcher, 7 pints. 4 Pagss Gold Stamps ( Breskfsst Pistes, 1-Inch. 1 Mast Plattsr, 12-Inch. 1 Celery Trsy, 1-Inch. 1 Cracker Jar. 1 Teapot. 41-2 Pages Gold Stamp 1 Covered Butter Dish. HI TaV)sMAnp 14.10 Near Seal Flat Boa f3. IS 14.00 Russian Hair Flat Boa 92.95 11.00 Blus Oray Opossum Boa . 96.95 11.10 Isabella Sable Bos. squirrel lined 9495 15.00 Chinese Bear Cape Scarf 98.95 28.00 Squirrel Boa, lined with same 95.95 11.60 Marten Round Scarf 94.25 11.00 Russian Hair Scarf 91-65 14.00 Japanese Bear Cape Scarf 92.66 12.60 Hair Scarf, satin lined 91.75 14.00 Isabella Sable Boa .. 92.75 21.60 Haitic seal Boarr 11.00 Russian Hair Scarf 91.95 Ladles' Coats, box pleat In back and strapped. . -94.95 Ladles Suit Coats, half fitting back with strap 99.95 Ladles' Rain Coats; special t S13.RO and 915.50 Children's Coats, all colors, from 91.96 to 95.95 Ladles' Wool Wslsts, 91.00. 91.25 up to 99.95 Children's Dresses from 95 to 94.25 Ladles' Furs from 954 up to 99.50 Ladies' wool Underwear, nat ural gray, garment. 75 1 Ladlea' tine ribbed worsted Underwear ; special, ach ...-91.00 Lsdlea' fleeced Underwear. 254 854, 564 Children's Rainbow wool Un- derwesr, sll sixes 854 Children's camelshalr Under wear, each . . . 864 " ml 894 Children's heavy fleece Un derwear, each 25 Bargains In Blankets and Comforters 10- 4 gray Blanksts, p'r...754 11- 4 gray Blankets, pair 91.25 end 91.40 10-4 gray and vicuna wool Blanksts; special, pr. 92.95 10- 4 fine white wool Blankets; special, pair 98.85 Full aise Comforters for double bed, each 91.00 Full slse Comforters, sateen covered, ea.9i.4s, 91.95 FuH- slas white Bed Spreads, each ' T64 and 90 11- ln. blus Table Damask yard 254 Extra heavy sll linen cream Damask. 61-ln.. yard.. 45 Special lot of bleached Huck Tow. -In. each '.54 Men's heavy ribbed Shtita; special, each 254 Men's heavy fleece Underwear, garment ..: 45 Men's heavy wool mix Sox. P'r 12H4 Men's "Labor Brand" Collars, two for 254 Cuffa. pair .254 Boys' all extra values, Suits 91.95 to 94.SO New line of Dress Plaids, sll good patterns, yard... 194 New fsll Waistlngs. sll wool, yard , 294 "Ml 999. Just In, big assortment of Ladlss' silk embroidered LOT IP THE BOSTON STORE CORNER SALMON AND FIRST STS. J. K. STANTON, Manager mm$a mm INDIAN OUTBREAK IN A To Ours a Cold ta One Bay. Take Laxative Bronx) Quinine Tablets. An dnisxlsts refund the mnnej if It faila to ear. C. TV. Oram's signature on each box. tse. William Wallace, who claims direct lineage from the Scottish chieftain, has a, saloon at Second and Everett strsets. He calls it "Bannockburn Inn, a Respec table and Refined Resort for Ladies and Gentlemen." There was a "rough house" at the re spectable Inn, snd William, with e. half dosen of his customers, told Municipal Judge Hogue how It happened. In the north end the well descsnded Scot is known ss "Oyster Billy." Two of his best customers are Min nehaha and Pocahontas, Indian msldens of many summers and elaborate aver dupols. They sre slaters, snd several years ago deserted their tribe of Uraa tlllas to come to Portland. A few drinks caused thsm to forget ths restraints of civilisation. Once more they were in the forest primeval; "Oyster Billy." In bis whits apron, wss a bravs In war regalia; beer mugs and glasses were utensils of war. "Big Bill" Bversole, sn admirer of Minne haha, was lesder of ths attacking party, and urged the A ma sons on. When police officers arrived on the scene they found a shattered saloon and mangled forms. Pocahontas hsd besten her sister Into Insensibility and had her self been dragged into -ths strset by her hair by "Oyster Billy." Charlemagne Gustavus Jones, ons of tho witnesses, gave expert testimony on how to stop a riot. "It's hitting first.'' he said, "and seeln' how msny you can lay on ths floor." Miss Catherine Macintosh also gavs expert testimony. She visits (hs refined resort occasionally, shs said. " Big Bill' Bversols, hs wss ths cause of It," shs said. "Next morning when it was all over hs ssks me to go in snd have a drink I goes snd sees him drop on his knees before "Oyster Billy' and raise his hands ovsr his head like he was before the cross of St. Mtchsel. He asks Billy's pardon for what hs dons and begs him to give a drink, to a thirsty man. Billy gives him ths drink and 'Big Bill' winks st me snd says, 'Here goes, rustle a drink for yourself.' And hs gulps It down. That's why I want to testify against him." In ths police court today Judge Hogue found "Oyster Billy" guilty, but suspended sentence, warning the saloon men not to allow the Indian woman in his plscs sgaln. DELEGATES TO BE NAMED BY GOVERNOR Eighth Session of National Live stock Convention to Meet in Denver. Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. (Special Dtapatrh to The Josrsal.) Sslem, Or.. Dec. 1. Ths eighth sssslon of ths National Livestock convention has been called to meet In Denver, Colo . on January 10, 1101, and Governor Chara- oenain ia accordingly requested to sp point a number of delegates. Governor Chamberlain will within a fsw weeks nams the dslegstes. and vary much de sires thst only those bs appointed who will bs able to attend. He therefore re quests that svery person who would bs willing to sttend, snd is intsrestsd In such matters, send their names to his office at the earliest possible moment'," thst ths appointments may be mads without unnecesssry delay. Work Is going rapidly forward on ths great volume of printing to be done at the state printing office before the meet ing of the legislature In January Sev ers! biennial reports from ths Stats de portments hsvs slready been completed, and those from the attorney general's office sre being mailed to members of the legislature and to ths attorney's goat em! of the several states In ths United States. Ths business dons during ths month of November by the stats Isnd board, through the office of clerk G. O. Brown, by ths sals of school lands, amounted to 111.110.34. TAMMANY MAN WELCHES ON BIG GAMBLING LOSS Journal Hpeelal gerviee.) New Tork Dec. 1. Lawrence W. Ahrena, prominent In Tammany c I rates, lost mors than 111.000 in a gambling house on West Eighty-second street that wss raided election night by detectives. To meet the loss Ahrens gave several checks, but. feeling that ' hs bad been defrauded, he stopped payment on ths checks snd ths gamblers never collected from him. Ahrena decided to try his luck at rou lette, snd was ths only player at tho table during the session. When ha walked out of the door In ths sarly morning he left behind him checks amounting to 115.000 He was up be fore the banks opened in the morning. snd sf ter recalling ths circumstances de cided that he was the victim of swind lers. Hs ssnt word to tbs bank Baa to honor the checks, and when, later in the forenoon, they were presented, ths cashier refused to pay. For Traveling Purposes Satchels With complete silver toilet fittings. Umbrellas The very lat est style handles. Field Glasses The relia ble kind. 4 Ladies' Traveling Bags Latest colors in leather. Toilet Outfits In leather rolls. Folding Writing Pads The handy companion. Traveling Cups In cases. Silver Flasks Conven ient shapes. Seal leather. Military Brushes In leather case. Folding Pencils and Files. Coin Holders Silver and gunmetal. Fountain Pens Plain or gold mountings. For the Table Fruit Knives S-Piece Buckhorn Carving Sets Chafing Dishes Salts and Peppers. Tea Bells Tea Balls Berry Spoons Cold Meat Forks i-Dozen Flatware Set Jam Pots Toast Racks Water Bottles Dishes Celery Trays Vaaea Knife Rests SUGGESTIONS FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS Numbers upon numbers of useful and handsome articles abound. They're made and designed for the recipient's approval that is, of a standard of quality that ia unsurpassable. Our salespeople are here to serve you well. Make known to them your wants. They'll show you each individual desire in the most correct styles of the day. Prices are most attractive. The economy at hand is indeed interesting, and we would advise early selecting FOR PERSONAL cDORNMENT DIAMOND RINGS CLUSTER RINGS DIAMOND BROOCHES DIAMOND NECKLACES DIAMOND EAR SCREWS PEARL BROOCHES PEARL BAR PINS PEARL CRESCENT PINS FANCY CHAIN BRACELETS NECKLACES AN Excellent Christmas Gift ROSE FINISH BROOCHES CHARMING HAT PINS NOBBY SCARF PINS DUMB-BELL BUTTONS STYLISH SEAL RINGS BEAUTIFUL LOCKETS LORGNETTE CHAINS FANCY SET RINGS DAINTY WAIST SETS A. 4 C Fcldcnheimer Career Third and Washington Streets A. 4 C. Fcldcnheimer Dtamond Importers M.g. Jewelers fag aw For the Theatre OPERA GLASSES The Lemaire and other reliable makes. In oriental, smoked or white mother-of-pearl. Heavy gilt finish. "LA REIN A" FOLDING GLASS A most conven ient article. Very easily adjusted. An appro priate gift. OPERA BAGS Exquisite colors. Very ornamental mountings. FANS A host of styles. The designing and colors are beautiful. LORGNETTES Gold, silver and tortoise shell. For the Desk Letter Scales BiU Files Ash Trays Erasers Letter CUpa Seals Stamp Boxes Pen Holders Calendar Pencils Blotter Pads. Ink Wells