The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 01, 1904, Image 14

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Whose Power Is Slipping
Public's Safeguard and Make Desperate Efforts to Get
Patronage Offices Back Into Politics.
Attempt to Change Charter, and Pay Political Debts with Places
on City's Payroll Alarm Property Owners Rates of In
surance Will Be Increased if Fire Chief Is Removed.
.To attack the civil service system 1b
order to control vote of hitherto Inde
pendent employes of Portland is the bold
undertaking of a coterie of local poli
ticians who have succeeded In partially
concealing their effort by working for
the ostensible purpose of revising the
city charter. The result of their efforts
will be known tonight at a pub
lic meeting to be held to discuss charter
The efforts dre directed primarily to
ward removing the chief of the fire de
partment from the civil service depart
ment, and making his an appointive of
fice, thereby throwing the department
Into active politics. It Is believed that
the 111 men In the department control
vote approximating 600. That num
ber of votea would, of course, be oast
tor the candidate for mayor under whom
the firemen could hold their positions.
In addition to placing the appointment
of the fire chief in the hands of the
mayor and his political advisers, the
proposed charter revision provide for
the removal of all unskilled laborers
from the civil service protection. It
also provides for the removal from the
civil service class of the chief deputy
in the auditor's office, the entire street
department, and the entire water depart
ment of the city.
The number of dependent votea that
would thereby be controlled by the dom
inant political party would be increased
to almost despotic proporUons; the
power and prestige of the band of poli
ticians which is fathering the move
ment would be Immeasurably enhanced,
Charter was Overwhelmingly Approved.
The present charter of the city,
through the manipulation of which the
few hope to achieve their ends, was en
dorsed at the conventions of the Demo
cratic and Republican parties. It waa
then submitted to the people, and was
overwhelmingly approved- 1 provided
. for the clvlleervice system in conduct
ing the various departments of munici
pal government. The system has been
in operation In Portland for approxi
mately two years, and has been emin
ently satisfactory-
Previous to that time the heads of
the various departments and their sub
ordinates were appointed by the mayor.
The chief of police whs then, as now,
appointed by the mayor. The Hre de
partment was In politics. . Every other
department was In politics. "To the
victor belonged the spoils." whether the
vlctor wan At and capable or Incompe
tent The effects of the lack of system
are demonstrated.
Property holders and others who ex
pend large sums In fire insurance are
This Combination Bookcase la
something you must see to
appreciate. It Is full slse
swell bent glaaa doors. French
oral plate mirrors. Swell
drawers. Tbe cabinet work
on the case cannot be excelled.
An advantage thla case has
over other caaea la the book
compartment Is little wider
that usual. Has adjustable
shelves and Is just the thins
to give aa a Christmas gift.
Ws will put one away, for you
If you like, but you had bet
ter not put off too long. They
won't last long. The price
will make them sell quick.
ssirT it M- oft!
Away from Them Attack the
alarmed at the possibilities of the pro
posed revision. They fear that insur
ance companies will take advantage of
the Juggling with the department and
the change In chieftancy with every
change of administration, and increase
rates. Insurance companies are satis
fled with existing conditions, tbsy assert
and have ebown a disposition rather to
assist In ah equitable adjustment of In
surance questions than to charge ex
orbltant rates.
"People aire ever prone to criticise and
abuse Insurance companies when rates
are raised, but are likely at the same
time to refuse us credit for reducing
them and doing whatever else we can
to settle any difficulty," said J. C. Stone,
manager of the board of fire under
writers of the Pacific. "We are very
well satisfied with condltiona aa they
are and believe that they are improv
ing. Insurance companies have always
opposed frequent changes In the Are de
partment. It Is known that a man he
comes more proficient in any Una the
longer he remains with it. and that, of
course, applies to the position of Are
chief. When he Is changed with every
administration. It is more than likely
that he wpn't have the opportunity to
become very prom lent or effective in
his position."
want to Pay Political MM
While the change is Intended to plaoe
the heads of several departments in the
list of political appointments. It is be
lieved that It Is directed chiefly at the
chief of the Are department X number
of politicians believe that It Is really
for the purpose of placing Alex Donald
son at the head of the department He
Is now superintendent of th street de
partment but. it is asserted, Is desirous
of becoming the head of the firemen. It
Is further asserted that the bosses owe
him a political debt, and the attack on
the civil service system Is made for the
purpose of payment.
The board that was appointed by the
atate legislature to draft a charter and
also provide amendments and revisions
consists of SS members. Many are op
posed to the proposed revision, while
others openly favor It City Auditor T.
C. Devlin, who is a member of the
board, refused to discuss the matter.
Mayor 'Williams, on the other hand,
who Is not a member of the board. Is
strongly In favor of the change.
'The head of every department should
be removed from the civil service sys
tem." he said. "And all positions re
quiring unskilled labor should also be
removed. What matters It whether a
man who cleans the streets is educated?
At present, no matter how Incompetent
It hss
Reduced from $27.50
' u
This Range we
will reduce dur
ing thla aale to
$97 50. It Is equal
to any tit Range
In the city built
on fuel saving
plans and made of
heavy planished
a workman la nor how unsatisfactorily
be doea his work, ha can't be removed
because he I protected by th civil serv
ice system.
"If the change Is made, the fire chief
and others who arc affected will, of
course, be appointed by the mayor and
the executive board. That's too way it
should bs."
It Is said that P. L . Wlllla will In
troduce the measure and will attempt
to secure Its adoption by the board. It
Is also said that It was suggested to
him by a number of politicians In whoss
Interest he Is trying to secure the char
ter revision. The board that was ap
pointed by the legislature Is composed
of the following: Fred V. Holm&n. Tyler
Woodward, H. S. Rowe. T. C. Devlin,
J. A. Strowbrldge, k. C. Bronaugh. C.
K S. Wood, P. U Willis. J. N Teal. John
F. O'Hhea, Dr. Harry Lane, R. L. Ollsan.
Henry Fries. W. K. Robertson, A. L.
Mills. H. W. Soott, Ned. E. Ayer, Dr.
A. J. Ulesy. Dan J. Malarkey. Iaam
White, William M. Ladd, Paul Wes
slnger, F. L . Zimmerman, John Mon
tag. Big Frank. Solomon Hlrsch, F. E.
Beach, Harry Hogue, J. T. Morgan. T.
D. Honeyman, W. F. Burrell. William
KUUngSWorth. R. W. Montague.
R. W. Montague, a member of the
charter board, when asked today for hi
views regarding th proposed changes,
The Seal Question.
"It seems to bs thought In soms quar
ters an Impertinence for a private citi
zen to hare any views- at all on public
matters, but since you ask ma I will
say that, as advised at present, I am
against the proposed changes in the civil
service sections of the charter. I have
always admitted that the examination
system Is an imperfect method for get
ting the bast kind of service; and there
Is much to b said In favor of appoint
ment of subordinates by a responsible
chief. But that Is not at all the ques
tion her and now, and everybody who
knows the first thing about the politi
cal conditions her knows that It la
The real question I whether the ap
pointment shall bs made openly by ths
Imperfect but at any rata fair and equal
methods provided for In the civil ser
vice laws, or secretly, often corruptly,
by an Irresponsible party boss or politi
cal committee. There la absolutely
nothing to he said for this -method, and
yet It cannot be denied that It Is ths
one commonly and almost universally
practiced for making appointments to
civil service In the absence of a law
like ours. I believe all good citizens
are agreed that that method la un
righteous and Injurious to the city, I
was In favor of making and am in'favor
of keeping It Illegal.
"Looking at the specific changes In
volved In these amendments. It seems
to me that they simply Invite frequent
changes to the necessary detriment of
the service, because it is true in public
aa In private service that experience
brings skill to a competent man, and if
a man la not competent there la no dif
ficulty in removing him under the ex
isting clvU service system.
aa for mis yaith.
If we have a good fire chief, aa ten
a rally seems to be admitted. I don't
know any reason on earth why he ahould
be subject to removal In .order to ap
point one whom some new mayor or
political committee anxious. to award a
striker should want as a substitute. If
I may msntlon names, take tha case of
the chief deputy In the auditor's de
partment Mr. Orutas has held place
In that office for 10 years at least.
There Is not a man who does business
with that department who oould not
suggest offhand a hundred reasons why
he should not be changed on tha coming
In of a new auditor. If there la any
been s busv week for us. This
Furniture line is in the price cutting and esch piece is priced for quick selling. Goods purchased
mas giving
Here's just the Rocker you've been looking for
roomy and comfortable and Inexpensive. It 1
well made of quarter-sawed oak. What Is there
nloer to give the old folks? We will save one
until Xmaa for you If you say the word.
We want to reduce this large stock as much ss possible before stock-taking, and also to make room
for the many odds and ends of fancy pieces arriving daily for the holiday business.
Henry Jennin & Sons
172-174 First St. The Housefurnishers
reason whv he should be. I have
heard the faintest suggestion f it, and
I havs heard a good many arguments
against the maintenance of, the present
civil service laws.
"As I said before, J am not a stickler
for civil service reform, except as It is
a means to the Improvement of the
city's civil service, but I do object to
any changes In the method which would
bring us back to. the old system. I re
member once watching from my office
window a man In the street-cleaning
gang who, I happened to know, had been
appointed by a political pull. Ha was
loading a cart, and he put just seven
shovslsful of dust and refuse Into that
cart In aeven minutes by the watch. If
anybody can convince me that the pres
ent method produces more Ineffective
work than that. I will be in favor of
having it altered otherwise not."
While trying to run away from home
at an early hour yesterday morning 17-yeifr--old
Blanche Gregory was oaught by
Patrolman Hammersley and taken to the
police station. She cried bitterly, ana
declared she was old enough to look out
for hereelf, and ahould be permitted to
do as ahe pleased.
Tbe police had bean notified by Mra.
Dixon, bar guardian, 170 Seventh street,
that she had run away from home and
would probably try to leave tbe city.
Every officer who could be reached was
asked to keep a lookout for her, and
Patrolman Hprnmersley found her while
she was waiting at the union depot to
board a train for Albany.
Allen as Lewis' Best Brand.
Thar Is But One "S wetland V
Luncheons, weddings, os rd par--tlea.
musioalea, children's parties
social occasions of any nature
call for, Something in the way of
table decorations, souvenir favors,
etc. In this .line, we carry the
'moat extensive variety In the
city and are ' constantly adding
ths latest novelties to 'our stock.
They are Inexpensive and give an
air of distinction. Nothing-adds
so much to the brightness and
fun of the occasion at , so little .
cost. We can't begin to .enumer
ate them, but ask you'to call and
see the stock It's a. pleasure to
show them. If you don't buy.
New conceits for card parties
arrived laat Week and new wed
ding favors are expected this
273MorrisonSL "Hello" Main 419
No Branch Stores
I Thar b tot OM "SwstlandV
sale means much to the intelligent
will be laid away until ordered
Reduced from $15
There are but II of these Beds, and at the prloa won't last long.
artlstlo Bod has perfect uniform lines. Comes In combination of
finished in gold or brons. Has heavy claw feet and la a beauty.
Chinook Strikes Snows on Lofty
Peak and Smoke is the
Portland rjeonle who took to the tall
timbers last night 'to escape being burled
alive by lava gushing rrom mount
Hood's volcano may now return. Th
mountain nromtses to be good-
All day yesterday government official
at the custom nouse waicnew inn cm
umns of vapor aria from off Mount
Hn'a hnarv summit Thev were Of
the opinion that It waa smoke of an
eruption belching rortn. nut w. i.
Fogle of this city states that tbe
"amok" waa nothing but vapor caused
w a .UAAb a.4Hn-, th Bnnwv nub.
"Several years ago I waa living within
a score of miles of Mount Jefferson."
said Mr. Fogle, "and that mountain uaad
to act in the sum way that Hood did
yeaterday. One morning about two
yeara ago a friend came rushing into
my office and aaid that a volcano naa
broken loose on the summit of Mount
Jefferson. I looked, and sure enough,
great columns of what aoemed to bo
.Kit- ..... ,.L .. urnuA from he ne&k With
a strong pair of glasses, I saw that the
smoke waa always uniformly white; It
i, r. u In TH 1 f f
ir InvMtlnllni tha artrntlon. so
m 1 t fAiin. thai ft vu caused . by a
chlnook that had struck tne snow-oov-
ered peak, and that the smoke was tnla
warm air condensed. Most chlnook
winds are low. and seldom blow as high
as the snow peaks
T. Ornheus male chorus Is the latest
musical organisation In Portland. It
oonslsts or Z4 seteciea men s vi.nn.
under the leadership of- Arthur L Alex
ander. The - membership is limited to
14; but there Is a waiting list, appli
cations for which can' be made to J.
W. Btckford, III Morrison street. After
.nniu.nt, mv nanned examination by
the membership committee, the names
of the successful singers will oe piaccu
oh the waiting list. Th following are
members of tbe chorus: - -
T.nA Ilarrv W HaSlia. J. W.
Belcher, J. D. Carson. John Ross Fargo.
W. G. Hodadon, Dr. George Alnslle, John
nin ink. v Rarrett. Jamea White. C.
C. Richard and Leon M. Jones. Bari
tones Dom J. zaa. w. ata, n. u.
Hudson. P. I. .Packard. J. W. Hlckforrt.
A.J. Vantlne, H. L. Powera and ixmis
P.' Bruce Basses W. A. Montgomery,
r. n Thompson. Lionel L. Paget. Rob
ert Gordon and Dr. W. A. dimming.
Winter Rates to Yaquina Bay.
The Southern Pacific Co. will Mil, on
Wedneeday and Saturdays of each week.
nntU March II. ios. low rata round
trip tickets to Yaquina. limited to CO
days from data of sals. The sale of
theae excursion tickets during tbe winter
months Is a new departure and has been
brought about through the dealre of our
local sportsmen to enjoy the exceptional
ly fine hunting ana nsning privileges or
that section.
Men's Sewed O
A Soles
Extra select, tec; Ladles', 40c and
10c. Goodyear Shoe Repair Factory,
near Gas company's office, Yamhill
street We call and deliver fraa.
--W--WW W-w -w -w w - "
Reducing Sale
housekeeping: public.
Everything In
ed tor
sent out
Now Is
Buffum & Pendleton
Clothiers, Hatters, Furnishers,
Dry short slab wood, stove
Same Kind of Wood What's the 4jf. CC,
Difference? Per corf piV-'
Banfield, Veysey Fuel Co.
Phone Main 353 80 Third St., Cor. Oak
Christ -
Reduced from $30
It Is an
$9.22 Reduced from $14
the Time
Dry short cordwood, stove
This handsome
Sideboard cornea
to us from Grand
Rapids, the big
gest furniture
mart In the noun
try. It la the
vry latest pat
Urn 1 well con
atruoted and la
tha best bargain
we have ever of
fered In Hide
hoards. It Is all
quarter - sawed
oak and highly
Solid oak. (
foot. hand
somely fin
ished. On of
the best values
In th store.
Wa have only
of the tables.
It'a a bargalu
and can't be
duplicated In
th city for
leaa than fit.