THE ORBOON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 1, MM. COMPLAINT AGAINST POLICE SERGEANT 8aloonkepra Charge that He Ueed Boieterous and Abusive Language Thie Morning. In astfomplalnt made at police head quarters thla morning Sergeant C'arprn tar la accused of a aarloua offense. Ha la chat-gad with uaing abualve language toward a aaloonman ana threatening to use hla personal Influence to have hta llcenae revoked. According to the statement made to the police. Sergeant Carpenter went to th Tuxedo saloon, on Alder atreet, be tween Fourth and fifth, about 1:30 'clock thla morning. It waa closed, but he heard voices Inside. It Is saserted that the only peraona In tha saloon at the time were Thomas McQllnn and Ed ward Johnaon. the proprietors. Sergeant Carpenter hammered on the door and caused McQllnn to open It,, who lnaulred the reason for the dis turbance. The sergeant la accuaead of then abusing Mev n.ui and calling him Vile names. He was asked why he used such language, and la aald to have replied: "I know what you era and all about you. And X want to tell you right here that I Intend to close you up. I will .wee that your license la revoked." "There baa never been any trouble In my place," ha declared. "I pay my li cense and conform to the law. Tou are exceeding your authority by making such threat, and you know It I shall report you to Chief Hunt" "I know what I am doing," Carpen ter Is accused of declaring, "and I guess 1 atand well enough with the chief that neither you nor anybody else can knock me." The complaint was not made at po lio headquarters by McQllnn, who had the night ahlft at the saloon, but by a friend. The proprietor of the saloon does not car to apeak for publication, saying that be lntenda flrat to see Chief Hunt INDICTED PRISONERS APPEAR FOR TRIAL M. A. Ward and Charles Wade, In dicted by the grand Jury, were arraigned tn court thla morning before Judge George. Ward, who la charged with a statutory offense, pleaded not guilty and hla bonds were placed at $600. Dltchburn A Watts appeared as hla at torneys, and aaked that the bond be re duced, but the court refused - to do this without the consent of the district at torney. Mr. Dltchburn explained, that Ward was a lumberman of Kails City, and about a year and a half ago sepa rated from hla wife by mutual con sent, after an equal division of the property. She had apent the share al lowed her and waa trying to secure more. Charles Wade, accused of attempting to pass a forged check on N. Begll, a clothing merchant, said he had no money and no frlenda In the city, but would Ilka to have an attorney. The court appointed G. A. Johnson to de fend him. SENATOR BURTON'S TRIAL RESUMED IN WASHINGTON , (Journal Special Service.) Washington. Dec. 1. Arguments In the case of Senator Burton of Kansas were resumed In tha supreme court to day. The government case Is being argued by Solicitor General Hoyt and the eloalng argument for Burton will be made by Fred W. Lehman of St Louis. Senator Burton Is present at the trial nd la attended by hla colleague. Sen ator Long. ' SB raxr wawtttv girt ADVERTISEMENTS under this classification east iSe for Z1 words snd a valuable premium free. Dally or Sunday. THE original John A. Moler has opened one of hla famous barber colleges at 844 Clay street San Francisco. Special Inducements tale month: positions guaranteed: tnltion earned while learnlhg. Call or write Charles Hal stead. agent A 216 Morrison St.. Portland. BtTILLFD AKOV UNSKILLED LABOR of sB descriptions. Vm-pily supplied. free ef as a re to evnnlnvere. HANSEN'S NemPLOYMBNT OFFICR 30 North SI Baa 1 street, sat I EARN barber trade at Halght's: he teaches pea free la mops; only prsctlcsl method: wares while leernlns don't mix us with fake barbae colleges. 647 Commercial at . San Francisco. $40 PER MONTH aad better will ba psld to good hustling bey over IS years of age; package delivery week. Annly st once, (Sty Messenger 4 Deliver Co.. 108 Sixth at THE COLUMBUS CALIFORNIA Wine Depot. headojisrtrre for conks and waiters: all kinds of sine Be per glass retell. F. Levari, let roertVat Phone Red 103. WANTED At pissing must he familiar v Mil. a Srst-cla rltk nlane weF MAfhth and 1 li ke M -eari aa framer: work. Frank Schroltt Co.. East Taylor sts. WANTED Good boy Slit at. -ears old. 72 WANTED Weed machine hand 872 rront st GIRL tn do housework from 8 till 2; wages 112 81 Kearney. SITUATIONS WANTED--MALE. WE betid a good house or fix np your nld see very reasons hly. good references. Call er write H. vtshl. New Western hotel. S82 SAW New West Isttorlng. er aa unsss ax. WANTED work, laboring, or anything outside the tradea. or plsce on rsarh. Address P 802, care Journal TEMPERATE. mKdle-eged man wants Job sa - watchman. Anply or address 149 .Stanton St.. Hty. ADVERTISEMENTS nr.der thla classification Inserted os time absolutely free. Dally ar Sunday GOOD meat cutter and butcher wsnts position eat ef tows; single nun. 8 IS. The Journal, grrrATioNS wanted- r em a i.e. ADVERTISEMENTS under this classification inserted see time sbsolutely free. Dally er tanadar. OIRL wants sltnstlon either at dsv work or private family, where she can he treated aa one of the family: wagea according. L J IS. care Journal POSITION sa housekeeper In widower's home: can furnish references. Phone Ksst SOBS. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIZB. iU. kinds ef arsis help aaaMes free to emnlover. WILLIAMS A rot SB Stli North Second St. Phone Red 181. MAI help ef an descriptions for n ladeartrlea MOUNT MOOD EM FLO YM INT AG M.I far TCP wasted snd aassBis. male er faasaU a m. DRAKE mT Washington at CUy 446 WORK for asm. OFFICE M North WABTIP-fTNABOlAL. Wanted si see t ts S rears. rs, to betid ea gees east elds piafnity. e as. ears J earns i. VACANT OR 15 Cents for 21 Words NOTICE. NOTICE Is hereby rives that under and by virtus of authority vetted Id me by revolution duly sad regular!" paaoed at a stockholders' meeting of the Golconda Consolidated Gold Mlnra company, h Id at Pendleton, or. gun ea the 9th day of November. 1804. 1 will at nubile auction and In front of the court house door at Pendleton. Oregon, on January 0, at 3 o'clock p. at. of aald day. aell to the highest bidder, provided said bid shall not ba less than $40,000 cash la hand, all of tba properties, both real, personal and Bused, of the Uolcooda Consolidated Gold Mines company, aald property being described par ticularly sa follows: 1. The Uolcooda Lode Mining Claim, pat ented aa lot No. 1MB, contalulng ltl.944 acree of , mineral ground and embracing tha Gol- inula Mine. 2. The Wide West Quarts Lode Mining Claim, aad Century Quarts Lode Mining Claim, the Charleston Quarts Lode Mining Claim, snd the Telephone Quarts Lode Mining t'lalru. all four f aald quarts lodo mining rlalma patented as tot No. STB, and con talulng tw.Mii acres. .. Hi. Elliott Placer Mining Claim, sur veyed for patent under mineral survey No. 3T9. containing all acres of placer mineral la ml 4. 8. 6. The Olympts Quarts Mining Claim The Bsltlmore Quarts Mining Claim. The Oregon Quarts Mining claim. T. a. The Contention Quarts Mining Clal: The Auole Placer Mining ( lair 8. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14, 17. IS. Tha Monte Crista Placer Mining claim. The Hobart Placer Mining Claim. The Sliver Gem Placer Mining claim. The Columbia Placer Mining Claim. The MrKlnley Placer Mining Claim. The Little Daisy Placer Mining Claim. The Dexter Placer Mining Claim. The Metropolitan Placer Mining Claim. The Mayflower Placer Mining Claim. The I'urltsn Placer Mining Claim. ' Tha Uolrouda Placer Mining claim. IV. All of which claims sre recorded In the records of mining c Islam In the of See of tha Recorder of Conveyances ef Baker County, Oregon. Also the south U of the northwest V, and the north H of the north of the south west hk of section 31, township 8 south, rsnge ST eaat Willamette Meridian. In Baker County, Oregsas. containing 120 acres more or Ires; also the reoervoir site, located by the euulconda Mining Company on October 12. 190, notice of location of which Is recorded at page SIT. volume 11 of the mining rerorda of Baker County. Oregon, together with all dama. - ditches, works and Improvements of all kinds connected with the same. Also a water right of Sot) Inches on Fruit Creek, Is Bakrr County, Oregun. Also that certain mill alte located by Andrew Elliott, notice of location of which appears of record at page 2Mi of book D of the records of water rights of Baker County. Oregon. Also the mill site known as tke Ool conds Mill Mtf. notice of location of which appears of record at page 114 la book M of the records of Quarts locations of Baker County, Oregon. Also that water right, ditch, frame and pipe line, with rights of war and eaaement super talnlng thereto from tha waters of Silver Creek In Baker County, Oregon, now being used by the Uolconda Consolidated Oold Mines Company for tha purpose of supplying water to generate electricity for operstlng the mill and other machinery of that corporation. Also all water rights, dltchea. flumes, pipe lines, reservoirs and reservoir sites, rights of way and casements, and water Base and privileges now owned by the party of the flrat part; Including those water rights and rights of way, eaetmeata, ditches, flumes, reservoirs and reservoir el tea, water sees snd privileges heretofore located by the party of the first part aa and under the description and name of the Golconda Canal, which are recorded under the name of the Golconda Canal la the records of water rights of Beker County, Oregon. All of which aald reel property above named, mines, mining rlalma and locations, and water rights and locations are recorded in the proper records of Baker County, ore Ki, end ere attested and located is said ker county. Alee ell of the mills and machinery, tools. Implements, mining snd other equipment snd appurtenances, assaying outfit, hoists, en gines, boilers and ell other machinery need In working and operating the property of the party of the Brat part in Baker County. Oregon, as wall ss to furnish electric light for the eaate. Asm oae modern 20 stamp mill msde by the Rlsden Iron Works, with sll of- Its parte and appurtenances, sraoisr which sre rock -crushers. conveyors, 10 Johnson concentrators and other appurtenances, electric motors. Also sll mining material, stores and sup plies. Including cape, powder, fuse, steel. Iron, cooking snd other utensils, tools. Implements, sll of the cord wood belonging to the psrty of the first part, and new being upon Its reel property and mining clalma abnve men tioned, stnlls. lagging and all ether mining timbers, cars, rails and' track sad pips. Also two' driving horses one buggy, two sets double harness, one Studebsker sleigh, and also- all aad every other article ef per sonal property owned by or belonging to the party of the first psrt. aa well aa all and every piece and parcel of real property owned and belonging to the psrty of the flrat part, whether of the aame kind and character aa that hereinbefore mentioned or of a dif ferent kind and character, all of asld prop erty, reel aad personal, belonging how in Baker County. Oregon. Also 11T.8A3 shnres ef the rspltsl stock ef the said Uolconds Consolldsted Oold Mines Company now owned by said company and held and known as treasury stock thereof. The terms of said sale will be caah In hand and no bid will be accepted of leaa than 140.000 for the entire property. The money received from such sale to he applied In liquidation of all Indebtedaesa of said company. Any remaining aurplaa to be di vided pro rata suiong the then stockholders of ssld company. Done snd dated at Pendleton. Or., this, the 2Stb dsy of November. 1904. Seal T. G. II A I LEV. President. Attest J 8. BECKWITH. Secretary. proposals will be received at the office of the Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition Commission. Rrom 8, Stearaa building, Port land, or-gon. until 12 o'clock nuon, Decem ber 10, 1894, for the construction of the Oregon State Building. Plane can be sees and specificate- ns obtained at the office of the Director of Architecture. Room 8, Stearns building. Bide must be submitted on forms furnished br the commission snd addressed to EDMOND O. GILTNER. Secretary. BIDS will be received ap to noon December T, 1804. for the construction of cement steps, buttreesee. etc.. for steps between llbersl arts and foreign exhibits buildings, exposition grounds. Plans and specifics t Ions msy be exsmlned st room S, Stearna bldg., Sixth snd Morrison eta. LEWIS AND CLARK EX 1-OWITlon CO WANTED AGENTS. A COUPLE of active, energetic men or women to solicit orders; salary or commission. Ad dress Lock Box 806. Portlsnd. Oregon. ADVERTISEMENTS under this clsselflcatlon cost ISe tor 21 words and a valuable premium free. Dally or Sunday. AC.ENTR Don't miss thla rbanee. It will he the making of your fortune'. Call at 12T Eleventh bet. Waeh and Alder. WANTED TO KENT. WANTED TO KENT -Our office la fllleda all day long wltN people looking for furnished rooma. houaekeeplng rooms and furnished houses and flats. We hsve several inquiries for furnished rooming bouses te rent. If you want your places rented quick, list them with Pacific Const Land Co.. 211 Allsky bldg. Phone Black 1901. NINE or 10 furnished moms, house or flat eaat or went aide. Address Particulars to 30 Eaat Twelfth St. WANTEDMore earaylugsa4 whlts4sshlng; the only geeollBe compressed sir spraying outfit on the coast. M. 0. Mergea A Co., 875 170 Mllwaakte at. PERSONS Interested in law should write me; to great advantage. W. C. Knllarh. Beaver toe. Or. WELL broke coolie do Gano. general delivery. ststa price. H WANTED Cheep hsesss far dog feed. Box T2. Sellwood. K00MB AND BOAR. BOARD with well tsble heard. tSl Thirteenth st BOARD aad mow gtvee la private home, cheap. to respectable lady BBS First st. FIRST -CLASS tsble board. Twelfth St. ROOM snd board. $4 a week. 448 Irving. ROOMS snd hoard 406 Third st. BOOM and hoar. MIS Third at UNOCCUPIED ROOMS MAY BE MADE A SOURCE Will Do the Work 1 roR rest KonsxxzKPrxa rooms. SI n I'BR WEEK Largs. housekeeping room, with use ef leaadry. beta, phone: also cheap furnished cottages. J. Laadlgaa. 1S4 Sherman. Phone Clay SOS. THRER large partly furnished housekeeping rooms. $16; la floe house on Portland heights; this la very reasonable ; Investigate. Address X Soft, cars Journal. FURNISHED second floor front room with slcove. soils hie for two er three persons: sll modern conveniences ; on car line. 893 tiltsan st ON K suite of houaeksenlna rooms: sll c evidences; desirable locstlon. Apply STS nixtn si. 389 SIXTH ST. Nicely furnished housekeeping .ft" rtmeuts, light front rooms, rnoue Ms in FURNISHED lower floor housekeeping rooms; skto single reome with bath No. 828 Fourth. SEVERAL housekeeping snd single r rest; terms suitable. Manltou, 313V rooms for First st. THRER or 4 furnished rooms for housekeeping, for rent cheep; bath and phone Union 2T3. ONE parlor and two housekeeping rooma; fine location; bath and phone. 432 Seventh et. TWO finely furnished housekeeping bsth. phone snd gss. ISO Park St. CCM FORT ABLE, furnished, housekeeping rooms. 86 H Russell st M KENT FURNISHED ROOMS. THE ASTER HOfSE The beat located house In the city, with beautiful grounds, only 8 blocks from tke Portlsnd hotel; sll newly furnished, electric lights, porcelain beta; large rooma aultable for two gentlemen or families without children, and first class home cooking: rooms tingle or en suite: t ran alent or by the week or month. 2S1 Seventh et, cor. of Madison. Phone Main 8231. P. F. Olson, prop. FOR RENT Furnished alcove and one smaller room; steam best, phone snd bath; private house, reasonable rent. Phone Main 4603. 07 North Twentieth, aesr Washington at. NICE double furnished rooms suitable for two. three or four gentlemen. S3 per week (SI each) for three, or 84 for four. 82 Front at., cor Ash. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms; modern con veniences; slesm best, hath, electric lights. Men., mine. 386 Yamhill at. FURNISHED rooma. modern, sunny, furnace best. gal. parcelaln bath, telephone. 196 Sixteenth, cor. Taylor LARGE front room. Arst floor, furnished, large bay window; convenient to car line. Inquire Two Front at. . . FINELY furnished front room, ground floor: stiltsble for two persons; with board 228 Twelfth St. SEVERAL furnished rooma, well lighted and all modern conveniences. 2S2Vi Second at. ONE furnished room, homelike, for rent, cheap, with or without board. Call at 39-4 First at. LADY will rent two- beautlfnl parlors to gen tlemen; privileges. 42B Third St. NEWLY furnished quiet transient rooms 184 Fourth st. Phone Red 8332. CLIFTON. 293 H First St.. cor. Columbia Smite 8? 23 per week and as. FINE, comfortable, furnished rooms. 201 Tenth t, ear. Taylor. FURNISHED Urge snd smsll roon SOT Sixth. ROOM and board. Inquire 691 Third at LARGE lower front room. Third st: SINGLE room; bsth, gaa. 2SB Third st LARGE front room, bsth. STB Third st FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS. THREE unfurnished rooma. second floor; new bouse, yio. including lights, water ana nam. Upper Alblna on car line. Phone Eaat 2481. UNFURNISHED roon Ma st. for rent. . 407 Colum- FOR RENT FLATS. FOR RENT 4 room flat. 18Ksj East Ninth St.. near Belmont. 111.60. Phone Eaat 1270. FOR RENT HOUSES. TWO new modern a-mom houses on the east aide In a good location, 818.00. Inquire of Hartman, Thompson A Powers, S Chsmber ef Commerce. KADDRRLY Trsnsfer A Commission Co.; pianos sad furniture moved by experienced Bees. 110 North Third at Phone Mala 1886. MODERN cottage for email family. No. 838 Msdlsen. nesr Seventh St.. 836. Inquire oa premises sfternoons or John Kloeterman. ONE 5-mora cottage, rent til. Including water. Apply 897 Fourth at. NICE 4 room cottage, at 730 Fourth st. SB, 888 Porter et. Call FOB KENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR REST A large sample room or hall, top floor. Apply elevator man. Goudnough bldg. BUSINESS CHANCES. EMPIRE INVESTMENT CO. Room 9 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 6838. FOR THOUGHTFUL PURCHASERS. The many attractive propositions here set forth ebould certainly Invite careful considera tion on the psrt of Investors. All Titles Guaranteed. 20 ROOMS Csnnot be duplicated anywhere; good furnishings; house full of repntsble roomers; Income 1I9 over rent; one block ef Portland hotel. If en Id this week, 81. TOO. DEPENDABLE ! Highly recommended Splendid location It la our beet SO IIMIBBI Corner building, new furnishings; clears 1 173 per month ; the price well, come la and let us tell yon about It LOOK INTO THIS 86-room house, corner brick building; rent only 8180 with s lesse; furnish ings very fair; you eaa make 86,000 here the coming year. Price for the next 10 daya, 81,700. 28 ROOMS Rent STS. lease two years; rooms full; can make more than 8100 per month; furniture and carpets good; location excellent. Price 81.800. 10 ROOMS Fist, good furniture snd carpets, rent 848: lease: can make 866 over the rent . a chance to get a nice little flat for very lit tle money Price 891 S3. 12 ROOMS-Wsshtngtoo st.. Iocs t Ion the beet; owner must sell et once; rent $48: lH-yesr lease; furniture snd carpets all new. Price, for a quick aale. SSflo , AN EXCHANGE 10 rooma of the beat of fornl tare, to trade for a larger bouse: will pay rash difference; will maks a good trade. RtfPIRK INVESTMENT CO. Roma 8 Chamber of Commerce. PATENT FOR TRACTION VEHICLE Will aell all or part ef United Slates reasoasble er let out few states oa royalty. W 4T. Journal WANTED-Partner, lady or gentleman, with son: a good parlag business, can SJBBMi corner Foorth. rooms SO snd 31. FURNITURE of s nicely furnished, well paying io room hones, for sale. BBS Clsy St., cor. Seventh. WANTED A men to tske U Interest In reel estate office. Address B 900 care Journal. TO EXCHAN0E. WELL Improved re orb near city to exchange far city property. Addraas T 8, care ef Juurnsl. FOR SALE HORSES AMD 0ARRIAOI tit i It covered grocery wsgon. fine condition, ehesp. Apply Rulllvsnt's grocery store. 484 Jeffereos st. FOR 8 A LB- New laundry wagea ill for present use. 681 First st IN THE JOURNAL BUSINESS CHANCES. -v . - , BOOMING HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. TAFT k CO. 123 AMngton Block. Phoae Mala 168. We auks a SPECIALTY OF ROOMING HOUSES, snd have many of the MOST DE8IR ABLE LOCATIONS thst are for sale Good loratloaa are going fast. Note our psrtlal Hat below of both large and small ones. If these don't suit call In. 60 ROOMS Steam heat hath, gas aad all modern Improvements; cheap rent; all velvet carpets and solid oak furniture. This place Is clearing above all ex penaea over 8275 per month. 22.000 caah will handle It. Lease. Price. SO.BOO. BO ROOMS Hotel, steam heat aew brick imiiding. strictly modern ana up to ante; house full of good people; cheep rent end long lea ; lease. mouth Price, 84,1TB. 48 ROOMS Beet pert of Morrison st.t ehesp rent snd good long leaee. If yoa want a good tranalen; house and a money, maker, don't fall to see this. Price for thla week only, 88.000, part case. 44 BOOMS New. modern preeeefl brick build HIS. exquisite turnnure anu carfvet, steam heat; hot and cold water In all rooma: 6-veae ieaae: rent only 8176. in eluding heat. This house will psy S per cent s month on the lnvesti Price, 40 BOOMS Best locstlon In the city; elegantly furnished; rent only satai per momn; lease for two rears; clearing now over SSO0 per oath; steam beet and all modern conveniences: for a money maker during the fair thla house csnnot be beat Oar price, 87,6oo. 40 ROOMS New brick, modern tn every way. rur listings very good: ru aair mst treaaea: for a quirk aell we bare reduced the price to 88.475. 88 BOOMS Swsllsst piece la the city; sll Aiminstcr esrnets. srolden oak and ma hogany furniture; clearing over S2O0 per month; cheap rent sad good long leaas; Bona fide res sons ror selling; ex clusively with us. Price for quick sale, 88.000. SI rooms Ob Washington; 18 furnished; be I. unfurnished; swell location; extra well furnished; good leaae. S3.0O0. 28 ROOMS Beat 888. with leaae; fairly well furnished and making money; owner baa other btielneea and cannot attend to this, and Instructed us to cat the price to 81.600. A decided bargain. 23 ROOMS Close In; furniture all U seed la tlp-toi strsm heat; good lesse. This proposition. 82.500. 20 ROOMS Furnishings line: goad. nice, clean nouae; 3 otocaa roruana rjoiet rent right 82.260. 19 ROOMS On Morrison st, nicely furnished; rent low. all ea one floor; 8S.B00. 11 ROOMS On Tenth at.; rent 846; furniture good; baa good (scorns. $950. 8 ROOMS furniture sU central; rent right. aped; locstlon Vice 8880. CONFECTION ERY. First st One OB DELICATESSEN. One oa Morrison: receipts (20 .81.000 WE CAN MAKE TERMS ON ANY OF THE ABOVE. ALL TITLES GUARANTEED. BCXRBS PROTECTED AS WELL AS SELLERS. WrT VtiST 10 TO 15 ROOM HOUSES: ALSO 20 TO 40. M TAFT CO.. 126-8 Abiagtoa Block. 108 Third St SQUARE-DEAL BROKERAGE COMPANY. 129 Seventh St. Phone Mala 4080. 1j ROOMS Furnished for light housekeeping ; centrally located: cheap rent. Pries 8850 Easy terms. THIS IS A SNAP. 8 ROOMS Centrally located. Price 8800. 8 BOOMS Splendid location. 8460. ROOMS Central. Price $1,900. 8 ROOMS Elegant: cheap rent 8850. 84 ROOMS Central; elegant. 820.000. 20 ROOM New furniture, brick building, rent 100; money-maker. 9 ROOMS Fifth at, central. FOR BALE General merchandlae atore In east ern Oregon, estsbllsbed five veers, command ing large trade; will beer strict Investigation; must aell on account of 111 health r ROOMS All on one floor; good lease, $4,600. 28 ROOMS Swell loestioa aad private; leaae. Price $8,000. 27 ROOMS All oa one food ley. $2. YOG. pari S-ysar lease; 13 ROOMS Centre I. bar rata, rent $50. $1,100. 8 ROOM flat; 8 furnished, very central. SO ROOMS Oa see floor, lease, easy terms. 60 ROOMS Rent 88.000. $128. doing good business 20 ROOMS Transient, lease, reat $70 82.008 32 ROOMS $22 60. Housekeeping money maker. 22 ROOMS Boarding house, newly furnished rent rs I ; good business. $3,600. 11 ROOMS- Centr si. $860. OYSTER house doing fond business. WANTED General merchandise business la the Willamette valley. CIGAR STORE Choice locstlon. Invoice. $1,288. WANTED Money to leaa. We can get yoa pbenomeasl Interest, security sbsolutely gilt edge. SIB US IF YOU WANT BARGAINS. WB HAVE ALL KINDS OF CH A N C EN. BISIN1 WB CAN LOAN YOU MONEY. FEW BARGAINS IN IODOtNG-HOUftKM. 29 ROOMS, furnished, good location. $1,600; lesse $75. 88 " ea Morrison St.. best locstlon la city, cheap rent, lesse 8280, In - come 8860 per month. 24 " 16 furnished, rent 840. 8960. 6 " comer, brick. $3,000. SO ' brick. $1,200. 14 " on Psrk. nesr Morrison, fine location, leaae. $1,060. 11 " on Jefferson et.. near Fifth St. $860. 83 " housekeeping. $2,600; rssh. $1,600. Tl " on Third st corner, snap. 84.300. Income 8SO0 per month. 15 " on Park, near Washington. $1,400. on Park, near Yamhill. 8460 11 " ea Fifth st.. sear Msrket. 8800. Some good barg sins la first -class rooming sa hoarding housee located on Morrison. Alder snd Washington sts. Terms flven snd loans msde. EASTERN A PORTLAND REAL ESTATE CO. 2uH S Morrison st.. cor. Fourth. ALL BARGAINS, esse, low rent BSJ 42 rooms lesse 2 rears rent X7H mo ft nnfl R2 rooms, low reat. central 2.300 36 rooms, doing good business, low rent 1.880 28 moms, central, west aide I. TOO SO rooma. all on one floor, lease 8. 000 T2 rooms lesse on Third st 4,600 28 moms. This Is the beat transient house In the eity of Portlsnd 6.600 89 rooms, fnrnlshed. for rent to good re sponsible psrty. Far particulars celt WALTER A. GREEN. 2nd Commerce Block. Phone Main less). WANTED Anyone hevtag $80 b SSM to lo re, t In S safe, sound business proposition here la Portland and who would be set Is fled with a good fat percentage snd quick re turns, will eall oa Mr. Hunt wltadut delay. SUBl Washington street room 28. WANT COLUMNS FOB SST1 REAL ESTATE. ADVERTISEMENTS under this classification coat 16c for 21 words and a valuable premium free. Dally or Sunday. we rivi n s an a ins WHY pay rent on smsll farms of 10 te SS acres near the city when you can buy the earns from us with nominal cash payment ..H I...., I I... then rent? 17.000 will buy IST-scre farm near by; the wood thereon Is worth 86.008. See us quick. Davidson. Ward A Co.. 408 Chsmber of Commerce. 88.000 MODERN bouse, S Urge roon lc t SO. 1 1 1k ' cherries DeSrS. I'lumS attic; prunes, pesches. grapes, S English wslnuts. bearing; St . .. ,H a.t. curt crouuet cround. SChOOl. nnlversltv: electric care; finest river aad ma.i.,i.u slew' houievurd liar man. owner. Ostman ave.. Arbor Lodge, or Meier A Frank's. Kt two new colonial residences, esst side, close Is: ooa T and one 8 room, full concrete basement; modern throughout; stag one 7 room, two-story house, cheap. Address owner, 488 Eaat Seventaeuth at FOR SALE One good corner, with cottage, for S10.O00. netting 9 per cent; In first-class con dition; also ons lot In Esst Portlsnd snd one la raberbs; cheap, by owner. A a or ess i us, care Journal. " s.doou .ns at, hi one acre of rround on St. Helena mad. near entrance to fair ground: also ground to leaae for temporary bundles. Telephone Front 2046. " 84.000 8 houses, furniture and ground aa mo? ir minutes' weft from court rests win pay for property la 8 years. Landlgsn, 184 I860 WILL buy 4 room house, 60x100 lot. and home building contracts on 82HX100. all Join ing. M. V. Barker, 688 Willis boulevard. University Park. 86-ACRB farm -aeer Greaham. 86 acree In cul tivation, balance timber; fruit and buildings; 880 per acre. SOT Commercial bldg. A BABOAIN House aad two lots for ssls cheep at Arbor Lodge. Inquire st 880 Mlchl gsn ave. or phone Union 8078. 82.600 HOUSE of 8 rooms, brick basement, lot 60x100. Inquire at 248 North Seventeenth at, aeer MaraaalL NEW modern 6-room cottage, oa Mount Scott car Bne: cash or Installments. J. F. Drake, 818 Dekum bldg. . J BARGAINS! In price, terms and location on 4 or 8 acres oa ear Use, Frank Marvin, 242 Washington st S ACRES pUtted In lots Arlington Hslghbt. ton ot ('annul ruaa; will aell cacao. . inquire eel Morrison it MODERN 8 mom house: full lot: fruit. ers: bsrgsln If sold st once, sas ursna a vs. 8S6O180 scree ftrst-eUss piling timber la Lincoln county, or. not uommerciai oing. NEW 11 -room bouse and lot 80x100; sssebls. I Squire 841 Second st. PERSONAL. ADVERTISEMENTS under thla claeel float Ion coat 15c for SI words and a valuable premium free, Dally or Sunday. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Roberta Nerve AlAhtttaa Ou month's tsstsut S " S months. 86; sent securely seeled by mall. Agents. Wnodard. Clarke A Co.. Portlsnd. Or. THE BOOK OF NATURE." "Beak ef Ufa." "Mabel Gray." "Story ef a Sieve." "Nsns;' estslogues free. A. ScbmaU. 229 first at. YOUR prescriptions are mors accurately aad raaeonsBiy tuiee si sysseii s rasrsaaey, zn Morrison at., between Flrat end Second sts. LADIES Earn 890 per hundred writing short letters; send stsmped envelope ror psrtlcu lars. Ideel Mfg. Co.. Cases polls. Mich. MARRY! Improved methods; quirk results; many wealthy; addressee free. 8 tar, Box 82, Oakland. CsL THREE YEARS IN ARK ANSA W" beats all books yen ever saw. 25c. Jones' Book Store, 381 Alder st HOUSE FOB RENT FURNITURE FOB SALE A MODERN residence for reat: furniture, csr pets, nearly aew, for aale. 266 EUvaath st FLATS FOB BENT FURNITURE FOB SALE. MODBRN 8-room flat, furniture for sale. Washington st. Fist 2. eSOtt LOST ABB FOUND. LOST A Fox Terrier dog. license 197. 275 N. 22d. Reward. Main 1081. Return FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER, visible writing. TabnUew. Ball bearing. Light rwaaf Agency 88 Frost st Phoss Bed 1981. BILLIARD AND POOL tables for reat er tat TBI BRUN8wfKIrfALkK CO IX END BR OTA, 48 Third Bt. Portlsnd. FOR SALE Ladles' slightly worn tatlor-msde suits. 94 and 88 bust, very cheep. Call 1S8H Twelfth st. No dealers. FOR SALE Carload high frsde Angora stock aoata snd purs bred billies. Edwsrd N. Nsy lor. Forest Grove, Or. $400 PIANO, need 8 months, for $188; stelnway. $88: parlor organ, $30. 341 First St.. cor. Msln. Room 12 ORPHENION MUSIC BOX with SB 19 Inch discs, cost $160. cheep. 184 First at. ONE grocery bin with 12 s pertinents; heefchtpper Apply S41 First St. slso ons SHOWCASES 4x8x1 feet high flat; 2x2x4 fact upright; cheap. 184 First st FOR SALE 18-foot rowboet. et. Foot of Qulmby CLAIRVOYANT AND PALMIST. MADAMB JOHNSTON Clstrvoysnt. palmist, card reader: I five fscts reliable aad Im portent on II affairs ef real life. Readtaga SOr. 88 Serve th st.. seer Oak. ASPHALT PAVINO. THB Trial 4s d Asehalt Pavtag Co. ef Poctlsrd Office 866 Worcester blk. BIRDS. 0ERMAN linnets snd Hurt's mountain canaries for ssle; sll fine singers snd beautiful birds. Mrs S. M. Frits 266 Grsnd ave. BUTTONS TO ORDER. CLOTH buttons msde to order. Ml Morrison. SAR07.NO ABO LIOBTERIBO. OREGON BOUND LUMBER CO., at Phone Oraat 1171. 131 OISIM CONTRACTORS, HAWKINS A CO Residence, 398 Fourth St.. phone Front 128S; cement script! ons; step work spec work ef sll de- apeetaltyi work gusr- aatees. CHAS H. CARTER A CO., (formerly Carter A BID; cement contractors 874 Taggsrt. cents 1873 All worn gneraaxseo. CXOABJ AND TOBACCO. ESBERO OUNST CIOAB CO. Distributors ef FINB CIGARS. Portland. Oregon. CAFES. THB OFFICE 386 Washington st Phone B MsIB T71 nrkett a Vlg OARPENTEBS AND RUILDERS, a ft st-Tiinns snA M wo in sad bonders; repelling sad jobbing; stove and office BX teres be I It. Shop 303 Columbia Clay ibbi. DEE A HUFF, building aad remodeling; stars flrtures a specialty. 202 Flrat St PhOBS t-iay .swat OF REVENUE IF ADVERTISED ( IS Cents for 21 OMfJOIBOI OTRCWABTS. m RD1NO A FARRBLL. produce end commie a mercbsnts. 140 Frost st.. Portland, or. ITS. DAVENPORT BROS.. 180 Front st. Fruits, pro duce; consignments solicited: prompt returns. CROCKERY AXS GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE crockery snd gUaswarn, PraeL m vs., iw is loo rms, cor. Stark at. 00 AX AXP WOOD. 08BAT WESTEftN COAL CO.. 441 Hoyt est. 11th; washed lump soot less coal. $0.u0 per ton; But. $8.09; agents for Cumberland Range. ST.OO; Castle Gate. 88.60; who leaa Is ces, free delivery; fall weights; aatlsfee a guaranteed. Phone Main 848. WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO., 164 North Fifth at., dealers la domestic aad steam cool, blacksmith coat, charcoal aud coke. Phoae Mala 1018. ALRIN A FUEL 0O. Dealers tn cordwood. coal and green and dry alabwood. R. R. and Al blna ave., 3 blocks ssst of ferry. STEEL BRIDGE WOOD YARD- Wood snd co.L Office. 318 Bolladay s venue. Phone K. 42s. C. B VELIN. first-class wood snd coal, office 38 Albion ave.. aeer ferry. Dry alabwood. ORBOON FUEL CO. ; eU klnda of coal , Phone Mala OS. HOOVER 4 CONWAY. 818 Wster St.. ana cost. Phone Mala rUBMlTUBE FACTORIES. OREGON Furniture Manufacturing Company aunuansrwi ex rurniture lor tha Dad. Portlsnd. Or. FURNITURE msnnfscturlng sad special orders. L. Ruvsnsky's furniture factory. 870 Front at EUSCTEICAL WORKS. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Compear. 803 Stark at.. Portland: O. K for everything la the electrical line. Phases 900 AND H0B8E HOSPITAL. DR. S. J. CARNEY. D. V. 8.. vetertnary ear t. bet Fourth geon, ramoved to 338 OBaaa aad Fifth sts. DETECTIVE AOENCY. PACIFIC Onset Detective Association, ine.. rooma 318 sad 318 Goodnongh ; reasons bis rates. DABC1N0. MRS. GRANT'S sdult aad children's classes. Acsdemy ef Music. Morrison St.. cor. Second DYEING ABB CLEARING. PORTLAND STEAM CLEANING AND DYEING Works; practical Batter In connection: feather aad plumes cleaned and curled by an ex- Fourth. Phoae CUy 704. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED $1 Pr month. unique Tailoring Co.. 847 Washing ton st. R. W. TURNER, professional dyer and clean 80S Jefferson et Phone Mela 2618. BB MRS. McKIRBEN. srtlatlc Baking. 881 Morrison at DRESSMAKING-Strictly up to date; Uteat J I .OS CM . usmihs. ssu lay si. PEOOliTOBB. HENRY BERGER 180 First at: ws Una per. Ingrains, tspeetrlea, sppnqus frleaas. Inter ior aeeoreiing. FRATERNAL INSURANCE. 0RDBB OF WASHINGTON Foremost frster- dsI society of pot tu west; protects the liv- IBg. J. L. Mitchell, supreme secret sry. S12 end OB Marques bldg.. Portland. Or. Tele- Bum F0REST RESERVE SCRIP. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR BALE Ap- I proved, unrestricted, recly ror Immediate nse; lowest prices. E. F. A F. B. Riley. 808 -Chamber ef Commerce. GROCERS. WADHAMB A CO.. wholeaale grocers, maaa fsrturers aad commission mercbsnts. Foorth and Oak sts ALLEN A LEWIS. tsSoS front aaa uavts sts.. land. Or. HUMAN HAIR ROLLS. FT 3. BOKO, msrfr human hair rolls. 438 B 8th. Phoae Bast 2311. Store. SB Morrlsos at. HOTELS. HOTEL Portlsnd. American plan . $3. 88 par day. BELVEDERE; European plan; 4th and Aider eta. 860 Dais JAS. Mel. WOOD, employees- tlsblllty snd In dividual e eel dent saretv beads of sll Made. Phone 47. 803 McKay bldg. B. F. BABTBLS COMPANY. Sre lasarenee. 443 Sherlock bldg. Oregon Phoae Clsy 638 FIRE INSURANCE J. P Retrnedv A Co.. 331 Sherlock bldg. Phone Msln 1858. ARTHUR WILSON. Sre bldg Phone Main 1003. Sherlock MEDICAL. DRS. PATTERSON AND FELLS. Osteopaths graduates Klrksvllle. Mo. SIT Fen ton nldg.. 84 8th st. Phone West 171 MA8SA0E. FRENCH ladles rive bsths snd massage treat ment. 308 Fifth at. Phone Msln 6038. FIRST CLASS vapor bsth and msassge by Udy. Room IT. 323 Washington St. MUSICAL. SELF-PLAYING PIANOS Ceclllan eelf-play-lag pianos pronounced the best by Usdlng musicians; nlso Ceclllsn plsno players. E C. Wells Music House, 860 Alder St. MB. AMD MBS. H. A. WEBBBB. baajo. asade Ba. guitar Instruction. Mala SuM. 1TX W. Park. MUSIC DEALERS. FISHBR MUSIC CO.. 180 Third St. Victor talk lag machines ; repairing. Red SBB. MAGNETIC HEAI.INO. MRS. L, H BART successfully treats all dls aaasa: method taught. New Thought regattas room. 811 Tourney bldg Main 4173 NATUROPATHY. DR. F. W. BLOHM. Naturopathic .physician. Tourny bldg.. Second end Tsylor, room 804. lONNKKBERU A RADBMACHBB. ssoltsry prsmtMVrs, as FoertB st. Both pBi FOX A Co., aanltary plumbers. 281 teeead bet Msia aaa sai PRINTING. BUSHONO A CO. Ftont sad Stark sts.. print ing, lithographing. Mask hooka snd office supplies; work done oa time: most complete printing office la the wast. Msia 104. ANDERSON A DUN IW A T COMPANY, prlnttna lithographing. Mash bosks, rasas Mala it. Aiosr 88. Words Will Do the Work MONEY TO LOAB. FRBO H. STRONG. FINANCIAL AGENT, Money to loss. No commission. I aa la a aoaltloe to stake Immediate leaae ea Improved reel as tats or for bonding pur pose a; say s mount ; moderate Interest, We aa nrove loans from plans aad advance money aa oulldtug nroatsssss. Op Ooa la re par mam after oae year. FRED U. STRONG. Financial Agent 108 Second at., near Stark, THE STAR LOAN CO. Anv saUrtad employe, wage antra sc. aaa get sa his note, without mortsrsge Month. tt-Moalh. wees, ss 813.88 or $8.88 or $3.88 us $ 8.88 or is m or $1.88 us $ 4.00 or 83.00 er 81.88 'o on Repay te 826.60 Repay te 816. on Repay to SALARY LOAN' Tou eaa borrow mover from aa oa your salary or Income for oae to all montha. la ear amount from $8 te $1001 lowest rate of Interest: BO wait SS da isy: sll negaHstloBs sre strictly private aad confidential: payments suspended la case sf sickness The Crescent Loan Co.. 217 Ores gonlsn bldg. person he tlble firm a steady position with nhtslB money on the easy p-iyn-ent plea, with- isS-T oeiay; ail business treated at ernfidentfal. NORTHWEST iuaa CO 1 AMngton bids. ettr.. WANTED Money to loan. We esn get yoa pneuomeimi interest; security abaolutely fitt- edge BQ UARE-BEAL BROKERAGE COMPANY. IB) Seventh st. Phoae Mala 4080. LOANS on easy payment plea to sslsried peo ple; lowest rates; strictly eonfldentlel. Employes' Loan Co., T18 The Dekum. Third snd Washington sts Phone 324. MONEY TU LOAN ea real, persons! aad col Utersl security: special sttsotlon to chattel mortgagee; notes bought. 0. W. Pallet SQ4-S Fen ton Mdg., 84 Sixth et. HIGHLY respectable place whe. ladles aad gents rsn borrow money en dlsmcsade snd Jewelry. CcTiatrrst Loss Bank, 388 Wasb tngtoo at Telephone Black Tl. KB The Donn Lew re nee Co.. real astste and to lose ea mortgsas fax sums iron $300 to financial agents; money securities at lew rates 810.000 148H First at. MONVT ADVANCED salaried people, 'esmsters. etc.. without security esse payments; "tw eet business la 48 principal cities. To 1ms s. 238 Abfagssa Mdg. MONEY loaned na pianos furniture and other chnttel securities: sll boetaees strictly pri vets NORTHWEST LOAN CO.. 531 A bl ag ios bldg.. city. X I AM p re ns red to bov rocJf notes secured oa aay kind of reel estate Ir. Oregon or Wash Ipgton. H F Noble. 313 Commercial blk. CHATTEL loans In s mounts ranging from $28 to 88.000; rooming houses s STtesrlalty. New Era Loan A Trust Co.. 308 Ahlnxton Mdg. s. MONEY te loan at ressonable rates ea Im proved real estate security. Billings A Ford. 608 McKsy. Third and Stark. DO YOII NEED MONFVJ We have for Ins. medlste loans from $5 no on any aecurlty. Stelnmetx A Keating, 604 Marqnam. Money te loaa tn aaUrled people ar orb ere oa collateral aernrltr: small lnsna. abort timet sites bought. 8KB Mohawk bldg. MONEY TO IOAN en Improved er uolmprwved city property, tn anma to salt Parrlsh, Wats kins t Co.. 280 Alder at MONEY TO LOAN la lsree ar email oa good aerutlty : lowest rates. Willis m O. Beck. SOT Felling bldg. LOANS st lowest rates on furniture, pianos: anv security notes purchased. Eastern Loss office. 448 Sherlock bldg. MONEY TO LOAN en CUeksmss county laada. B. F. aad F. B RlUy, 60S Chamber ef Com- MONF.Y ea oh st tela snd real estate securities. Aflrtreiss Y 4. OVERALLS. BOSS OP THB BOAD OVERALR aad mechan ics' clothing : onion -msde. Neuatadter manufacturers. Portlsnd. Or. FLA TINS. THE OREGON FT.AT.NG WORKS. 831 Wash lagtoa st. Phoae 2575. Polishing, plating aad lacquering. 'REM CLIPPINGS. MAKE MONEYI USB PBBSB CLIPPINGS I King np Rlsr1- 11 and order s month's service covering every town la aay er st eaast states dally msaamger service: advance re- Krts on sll contract work. Portlsnd office. $ Second St PAINTS, OILS ABB GLASS. F. B. BBACH A CO. Pioneer Paint Co., selling the best things msde In paints snd general building materia la: wlndnw-glssa sad glssing a specialty. 188 First st Pbo-ys Mala 1334. F. P. FULLER A CO. Msnnfs crura rs Lead Phoenix Pslnt. Kopsllne; a gusrantee given with every galloa ef .taint asafaas tared hyBS. RASMUSSEN A CO. Jobbers, paints oil. ftSSB, saah and doors. Second and Taylor. ROOFING. TIN ROOFINO. guttering, repairing aad general jobbing. I. Lesll 212 Jefferson at ROPE. PORTLAND CORDAOB CO.rrnr Foartesatb aad North rep eta.. Portlsnd. Or. BUBBIB STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 249 Alder at Msln T10; robber stamps. sesU. stencils bsg- gsge. trsos caeegs; seea tor ests sagas. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES ef every deeertptloa; bank, bar and store fix tares msde to order. The Lethe Msnnfscturlng Co.. Portlsnd snd Seattle. SAFES. LARGEST stork la city: Dtsbold work: Uckoata cpened. Repairs, jail work, atari celling, treat ment snd goods meriting your pstronsge. J. R. Dsvis. 88 Third at STORAOE ARB TRANSFER. saves pianos and furniture moved, peeked reedy for shipping snd shipped: all work guaranteed: Urge. 3 store brick, fireproof wsrehonse for storage. Office 133 First st C. M. OLSBN. Phone Main 847. C O. PICK, office 88 First St.. between Stark aad Oak sts.: phone BBS; pianos sad fseaU taee moved snd pscked for shipping; com modlous fireproof brick wsrehoass. Front and Clsy sts. TRANSFER ABB HAULING. OREGON TRAN8FFR CO. 1S4 North Sink. Phone Msln 88. Heavy banting snd StOTSgs. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY No, 300H Wssh. at. nous Msia Of SWTTOHZB FOB SALE. SWITCHFS MADE, combings bought or gas da to order. 84 R. 12th. Tel East 1T10, TYPEWRITERS. YOST TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS xro nrart street. We rest, repair, sell, exehsnee ATI sunnllee for sll auektssa Standard machines 825 and ap to $100. Do yr,o want a etertoerapber or tvpistf ws hsve Hat of good applicants Phone RUek 2871. CNnrriWOOD VISIPT.R TYPEWRITER, agsscy st SB Front sf.. phone Red 1831. TOWEL 8UPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brush boss $1 per month. levrrencc Bms.' Tostsl Banolr Co.. Fourth snd Crsseh. Phoae 433. WALLPAPER.