THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVjHMEE 1 Hjt, T DEVELOPING ORE r FOR THE SMELTER Three Crosscuts Being Driven on Properties of the Waldo Mining Company. LARGE ORE BODIES ARE OPENED NEAR SURFACE ssbbI bbbW HaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBf Every Indication Points to Blow- m, Ing Smelter in Again Early Next Season. (Special Dlapatch to Th Joernal.) Waldo, Or., Nov. to. Development on the properties of the Waldo Mining 4, Smelting company, at thla place, pro gresees steadily, which ta another as au ranee of the management's purpose to blow the smeller In again next spring! On the Queen of Bronae property, which has been the beat producer of the cop per (roup controlled by Waldo Inter ested tbe cross-cut tunnel has ,a length of slightly over 10 feet. Within an other 300 feet It will open the or body at a depth of about 300 feet, giving the management sloping ground above thla tunnel of sufficient srea to keep the smelter busy for xome time. Drifts will be extended In both dlrectlona when the vein la Intersected. The ore bodies have been proved for nearly the length of jtha claim here, and vary In width from 43 to 30 feet. With 300 fact depth, which will he Increased In one drift, and the width nf commercial ore ahown In upper workings maintained, there aeema an doubt that a heavy tonnage will ba blocked ' out within a comparatively short time I Another croaa-cut Is being driven on the Cowboy claim, which will give a vertical depth of more than 200 feet. ?Thle tunnel la already In 400 feet, and will soon cut the vein, when drifts wlU e run In both directions. The surface showing on thla property la exception ally good, assuring high-grade copper ore at depth. On the Mabel. Copper Xing and Lytla claims development has .been prosecuted, which opena large and promising ore bodies. On the Lytle up per workings opened the vein to a depth of 100 feet, where the ore shoot Wid ened to 30 feet. A xrose-cut tunnel la being driven to open thla ore body nt about :50 feet depth, vertical measure ment. :.oo feet of the drive already hav ing been completed. I A strong development crew la main tained by Manager B. W. Walters, snd no bettor evidence la wanted of the plans for permanent operation than a visit to the workings. By late aprlng, When It will be possible to haul eco nomically between Waldo and drains Pass, the management will be ready to resume smelting, and will have a reserve tn sight that will permit of steady work. Ore bodies here are large, ana drifting on them opens an Immense ton nage. There is auch uniformity In else In all surface work, and the deposits have such evidence of permanence, thai all the expensive equipment before deep development aeema fully warranted. Edgar Baume, Who Is Making a Hit This Week in "The New Do minion'' at the Columbia Theatre. total of about' (0 la employed at prea- ent. The dredger Is-holding up to Ha test run ef laat apilng, when It demonstrated lta capacity to handle 2,400 cubic yardJ a day under adverse condltiona, with a reverse capacity running aa high as 4,00 cubic yarda when digging at shal low depth and In loose gravel. Since the renovation and minor alteration made laat summer there la not a flaw lr. the big machine. The especially de signed sand pump of Manager rim llan, which elevates from the pump be low the trommel to the head of the sluices, la aa such and constant aa the marine engine running the digging apparatus GALICE SOON TQ HAVE OUTLET TO LELAND CHAMPLIN DREDGE tS DOING FINE WORK (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) i Wood villa. Or,. Nov. 10. Dredge op erations on Foots creek this year by the Champlln company have been of the most satisfactory nature. The big plant has been In steady commission since started early In the fall, and Will continue on through the winter. A favorable feature of climate here la the ability of dredger- to run through the winter months, as there Is not enough Ice or violent weather to hinder work. A large crew of men le kept In the timber cutting fuel. By commenc ing thla work early. Manager Chrlatlan has fortified himself against emergen Cles. and has steady deliveries of fuel for the 210-horsepower steam plant The wood la cut on the company'a own land, by contract. Including the wood crews and men operating the dredger, (Special Dlapatrk to Tbe Journal.) Oallce. Or., Nov, 30 --Winter finds everything in this sectlln in excellent condition. Both the Oallce and the Old Channel plants are doing full duty, While Anderaon and Williams and other concerns operating nere nave ineir eauloment In commission. Next season will see a clean-up that has not been exceeded on lower Rogue placers for many years. A force of men has been put at work by the Aim edit company on the 11 -mile road from this district to the Southern 1 Pacfflb near Iceland. When the surveys were finished it waa found that the grade did not exceed 0 per cent In the roughest parts.-and the amount of rock work to be done la net large. The time for completing this new route to the railway cannot be fixed, but it la the purpose of the mlneowners to press work eo ss to have the road open dur ing the early winter. utter ruin for agricultural purposes surely follows dredging. Taking either Oregon or California for observation, dredge men hold that there Is no need of alarm. Moat of the ground dredged ia not used for agriculture. As a rule the boats are placed in aome nar row depression contiguous to rough hills, where there Is not enough aoll over the gravel to render It productive of crops. But If agricultural land dredged, It Is held by operators that relatively short time will be required to bring It back to a state of fertility Land valuable for dredging will have a light overburden of aoll, and thla will be replaced in time over the gravel dump left at the tall of a boat SXICOS FOTTD1 CALIFORNIA MINE WILL BE REOPENED UR0NS0N THE JEWELER I3S Finn STREET, COR. ALDER Best and Most Reliable JEWELRY for the Least Money LZTe JUST THE THING TOR XMAS DIAMONDS We buy diamonds for cash and sell at lowest possible prices. Our margin of profit is small, our selling expenses are less than that of our com petitors. You must see our goods to appreciate them. We carry a stock of diamond ingle stone and cluster Rings, Brooches, Scarf Pins, Studs. Ear Screws, Lockets, Link Buttons, etc. Diamond Ring From $5 to $500 AR0NS0N THE JEWELER Leader of Low Prices 188 Fifth Street. Cor. Alder (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Spokane. Wash., Nov. 30 A force of men is busy at the California mine near Republic, Wash., pumping water from the workinga and repairing the shaft. The removal of the debris of the cave revealed lesa damage than waa eff nected. The shaft has been cleansed and retlmbered aa far aa water would I mineral Industry that would Mexico - has provided, la granting i monopoly to Mexican powder manufac turera, for a $240 tariff on each ton of Imported giant powder when the local concern Is able to meet market require ments. This tariff is about It. (8 a case, and If the local manufacturers take ad vantage of the Increaae in tariff rates or if after launching upon manufacture of powder it is not able to continue to supply the demand, mining men will have to pay an enormous tribute to the government for their explosives. While the monopoly has commenced to manu facture exploalvea, It has not announced Its capacity to supply the market, and the tariff haa not yet been put into ef fect. This tariff Is scarcely lesa op presslva than aome of the monopolies of the Tranavaal government, which Urlt Tan " and other foreign operators ad vanced aa Justification for the Boer war. permit. Work will be done on one level after another as each la drained. The amount of repairing and retlmberlng necessary on each level cannot be esti mated yet. M. A. Lively and brother have taken a leaae on the waate dump. which is known to contain considerable rich ore and much medium and low grade material that will pay well to sort and ship. A Jig haa been set up, and they have begun Jigging and sort Ing. The greater part of the ore which they expect to recover la the One broken material which It was Impossible to save at the time It was mined. It la stated by thoae tn a position to know that the leaaeea have a good thing Manufacture of ateel. Iron and cop per increased more during the-year clos Ing than any other manufacturea In this country. Mining men offer thla as further evidence of the need ef a min ing department In the cabinet. In the nine months ao far recorded there was an Increase of $20,000,000 In the manu facture of iron and steel, $$$.000,000 in copper and $10,000,000 in mineral oils, whereas very light Increase was noted in other branches of manufacture. Handling minerals, their manufacture and delivery in finished form to man kind, are grouped as features of the be em DEEP WORK ON VEINS OF GOOD MILLING ORE (Special Manatrh to The Journal.) Cottage drove. Or.. Nov. $0. Alfred Johnson, president of the Hiawatha Mining A Milling company, has returned from a visit to the company'a holdings. Four tunnels are driven on two ledges, aggregating 426 feet, all In milling ore, says Mr. Johnson. A lower tunnel Is being started. Down the mountain near the mill site another large ledge has been exposed. Mr. Johnson says this property oan be tunneled at a greater depth than any of the claims In the center of the camp, as a long tunnel from the mill site driven under the apex of the ledge would give a vertical depth of over $.000 feet. Mr. Johnson brought out samples from the upper adits. In which can be seen free gold. He aays the Hiawatha group has Im proved a great deal the past season. BIG CROSSCUT NEAR . THE CHAMPION LEDGE (Special Dlspsteh ta The Journal.) Cottage Orove, Of., Nov. 10. George Knowles came out from Bohemia dis trict yesterday and says he has dis covered a fine ledge on the Emergency group On the south' side of Falrvlew mountain, owned by himself and Charles Oettys. Mr. Knowles says there was about three Inches of snow on the ground when he left. The big tunnel or the Oregon Securities company la now Ithln sbout 4fl feet of the Champion ledge, and breaking Into 'Stringers and ledge matter. The tunnel Is being ex tended about five feet dally, with dou ble ahlfta. Mr. Knowlea will return to camp the last of the week. braced within the scope of the new de partment, and all of which would be benefited by It. WABTT Wi Special Dlapatch to The Journal i Taeoma, Nov. SO. The proposal to supply water to Tacoma through the well system has met a sudden check. Kmlnent physicians declare the water should first be tested by competent ex perts, and suggest that an experienced bacteriologist and pathologist be em ployed for that purpose. Dr. K. M. Brown of the board of health has tsken a decided stand In the matter and has forwarded a resolution of the Pierce County Medical association to the mayor. In the resolution the medical men point out the dangers arising from the use of well water. This action haa caused the promoters of the well scheme much alarm, as they bad virtually car ried their point and expected the city council to accept their plan. hew oosTsavsnro compamt. (Special Dispatch to Tbe Journal ) Chehalls. Wash.. Nov. 30. The St. Helens Condensing company haa been Incorporated at Chehalls, with a paid up capital of. $30,000. The company has been organised wholly by local capi talists, and will build a milk-condenser that will repsce the one thst waa de stroyed by fire a few weeks ago. The directors are C. W. Maynard, D. W. Boone, B. O. Lowry. J. W. Crow and John W. Reynolds. Work haa com menced on the site of the company, which will be the same as the old plant occupied. sriooi TaT ACT" S.ITIO ATIOST. AGRICULTURISTS ARE ATTACKING DREDGERS An argument advanced against dredg ing Is the destruction of land by tbe boats. Estimating the total number of dredgers at work on the Pacific coast at ISA. and placing their capacity at an acre of ground per month each. It is found that 1,300 seres of ground are being spoiled annually. All of this la assumed to be agricultural (round, and (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Tacoma. Nov. 80. Judge Chapman. In the superior court, has decided a famous case in favor of Pierce county and against Dell Stuart. Stuart sought to foreclose a venaora lien ior tio.vuv against a piece of.four acres which tne county holds by escheat in the locsllty formerly known as the "Nigger tract." The court field" that piamtlff could not recover on Hie strength of the county's defective title, but must recover. If at all, upon the strength of his own title. TOM AUSTSAAI.IA An event that It attracting widespread attention throughout the city and the Northwest A greet store Is illustrating lis vast resources and displaying the rarest and most beautiful pianos in all the world. Chickering pianos, the Weber, the Kimball, Hazshton, Lester, Hobart M. Cable, Crown, an art exhibit, worthy the study of the most critical. The object of this exposition is two-fold: To demonstrate the ability of this store to meet the demands of the very finest custom of this city and also to make pricss which silence com petition. Every one contemplating the purchase of a piano sooner or later, will do well to visit our store now. The exhibition of Chickering pianos is remarkably complete, embracing baby' up rights, large uprights, small and large grands, In the choicest woods. Especially interesting is the display of Weber grands and uprights, including the latest Weber creation, the style AA, which is surely a "gem." The wonderful Weber with the Metrostyle Pianola mechan ism built right into it is another instrument which will have an especial interest for music lovers who cannot play the ordinary piano. Pianolas, Aeriolas, Orchestrelles of every description at prices ranging from $195 to $1800. EILERS PIANO HOUSE 9SI WASHINGTON STREET, COS. PJMK- saw impose b. mUK etc. etc. If Your Eyes Could Talk They would lead you straight to , us. and later thank you for the relief snd comfort, and easy, restful vision our glasses afford. In lieu of talking they ache are you heedful of tne warning? J. H. KNICKERBOCKER. D. 0. OZXsTTZnO OFTOsfllTIaTT. S07 Alisky SUg. Fhone Clay 408 WITHDRAWAL DUE TO CHANGE OF POLICY British Government Coneidering Plan of Strategical Dis tribution of Forces. (Special .Dispatch ta The Journal ) Tacoma. Nov. it. The Russian ship Olenard will sail for Australia tomorrow morning. 8he carries 1.100,000 feet of lumber. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tbi Rind You Han Always Bought Bears the (Signature of (Special Dlapatch to The Journal ) Victoria, B. C, Nov. 10. A special cable from London to the Times ssys hat the recent withdrawal of warships from Esqulmalt Is part of the radical change of policy on the part of the coun cil of defense of the cabinet. It la an nounced that the government Is consid ering a plan for strategical distribution of imperial forces ao as to concentrate naval and military strength In a more effective way. One change will be the withdrawal of regular forces at small coaling stations and the substitution for them of local defense forces. It Is of ficially announced that the government contemplates the withdrawal of impe rial forces from Halifax. In connection with the decision to be reached as to Esquimau le the fact that the center of the world's military and naval Interest is now on the Pacific, snd this may save that station from reduction. A speedy announcement of the government's In tention In this regard Is expected. TT1T a?TTlJf SPECIAL 1 S&.1V 111 Cat Rates Boston Painless Dentists are now giving their annual CUT RATE PRICES on all dental work. The charges are leas than college prices and all work done by our palnlesa system and by special lata of from 11 to 20 years experience. NO STUDENTS em ployed. TEETH extracted, filled or crowned absolutely without pain by our secret preparation applied to the gums. examination Free SSs TSs Extracting. Fro Silver TUllngs . Oold rulings ... FnU Set Teeth AU Work Guaranteed 10 Years Have your teeth extracted without pain and replaced with new ones the same day. Come In at once and take ad vantage of low rates. Be sure you aro In the right place. Boston Painless Dentists afofmaee StU, Morrison, teal ooacera Is the Builds up the system; puts pure, rich blood In the veins; makea men and wo men strong and healthy. Burdock Blood Bitters At any drug store. Preferred Stock Oaased eeees. Hen a Lewjg' Beat Brand, Is adapted to all who are run down physically and mentally. It strengthens and builds up and thus restores lost vitality, ill ef fects of malaria, chronic diseases and impure blood. For Sale at KNIGHTS, 807 Washington. Get Our Quotations Sash Doors M r 1 Before JT1III V V fJllY Building. Rasmussen & Co. N. E. Corner Second and Taylor St. WATCHES WATCHES WATCHES WATCHES WATCHES onrNpeebaad'Vd Tit'tnst'Jrae'ra' ft, cheapest phase In the est? tut reliable UNCLE FRANKLIN SCsBSE, jSssSaaBsjlBfjw I SPRING and ELASTIC I, .lr3 TRUSSES WCT Fit Guaranteed. Prttmt $I.SO Up. M W Com and Consult Our Export. Laus.Davis Drug Co,