THJt OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 80, 1904. Entered at ib. postnfflr of Portlsad. Or, rr transportation through tbe Bulla a aut tar. Poetage for 1ml. ropiest For aa 8. 10 te 1S- page pa par. I cast; It to M peg, 3 naU. S3 ui a. 44 OIH mala. TELEPHONES. IMif.rl.l BOBBM Duals Of flea Mala 360 .Mala iOO roansv advektibiyo repkebemtatite. Bengamln Special AdrartUlBf Agency. ISO street, Naw York; Trlbun. Butljl VMOBITTIOV RATES. Tirmi W ft. 1 i The nallr Journal, with Bandar, 1 reaf...BT-B0 The Dally Journal. 1 rear 8.00 Tee Dally Journal, with Sunday. The Dally J on trial, a months . Tb. Dally Journal, with Sunday. The Daily Journal, months The Dally Journal, with Sunday. Th. Pf I It ner w..k rlellv.rerl Monday Included Th. Dally par week, delivered Sundsr sxcepted W Tsrma by Mall. Th. Dally Journal with Rnnrlsv 1 year... IT 00 Tba Dally Journal. 1 yaar -OR' TIM Dally Journal, with Sunday. 8 month.. .7B Tb Dally Joarnal. month a LL1"H! Tta D,ny Journal, with Sunday. 1 montha. l.0 . . a 1 w' I .oo . S2& 'M rLARD VALUES DROP A QUARTER CENT TODAY h Dally Journal I montha t' Dally Journal, with Sunday. 1 .50 1.00 1.00 The Dairy Journal 1 month ga Sunday J, urn. I. 1 yaar ........ Tha Sunday Journal. month. ....... V Th. Rami Wa.kly Journal. Th. Semi Weekly Journal. S to 12 PagBB each Issue. lllustrat.8. fall market re- port. 1 yaar 7. .77.. et-30 . Tha Weekly Joaraai. Tha Waakly Journal loi aotamaa sf resil ing each less, lllaatratad. rati market r-rorta. yaar ...l-0 Remittance, ahonld aa mad. ay dr.fta. paatal note, nprra. cider and small amounts ara arcaptabla Ib 1 and 3-cent posts., atarona THE J0URKAL. f. O. Ban ltd. Portland. Or. WHERa. lit JOTTSUfAX MAT RX FOTJaTD. Tha Journal caa be found an aala at tba fol io wlna places: BOial. IDAHO Plaawrr hook atora. CHI0AQO Poetofflee N.wa company. ITS Deer Wn atraat. DENVER. COUO. Kendrlrk Book A Stationery company 911 Seventeenth atraat; J Black. Sliie.nth sed Purtl. atraat. KANSAS CtTY Van Nny Kew. company. LOS ANGELES B T. Gardner, 388 South Spring atraat; Ollrar A Haines, 200 South J. Karaaaaca. B0 Sooth Soring atraat. Ml WBAPOLIS bf Third. NJCW YORK riTT Rr.ntano's. Union sqoars. 05 DEN--O.rl.n Newa company. OMAHA- Millard Hotal newa atand: BUtlonere ooranany. 1S0S Pamnm atraat. SALT LAKE CITT Ken yon hotel newa atand: Barrow Bene.. 43 West Second afreet. South. ST. LOnS Philip Boeder. 61 Loenst atrcet SAN KRANcisro w R ArSlng. Palaea Hotel new. atand; Goldsmith Broa.. 230 Sutter afreet: Prad w Pitts. 1008 Market atraat. SPOKANI WSH.- John W. Graham A Oo. TACOMA. WASH. Central Newa company. UtT Pacific arena. WEATHER REPORT. Tba atora announced y eater day morning la aow central oyer Vancourer Inland. No report baa been received from Tatooah l.laod. At North Head a maalmum Telocity of 50 mllea from the southeaeT ocenrrod laat Bight. Storm eoutheatt warnings were chaogt-d to southwest at 7 ir a. at. Light rain has occurred generally In northern California, western Oregon and we.tcrn Waah- Inglon. Snow la falling thla morning In tha lower laka region. Rain Is reporterf on tba Atlantic eeast from Haw Knglmid aouth to tieorgla. The coldest weather of tb ssssoti prevail In the middle weat, with aero tempers turea In North Dakota. The Indications ar for rala la thla district Thursday, with blustering winds this afternoon TODAY'S MARKETS Provision. Lower Wheat and Flour Dull Pheasant Season Closes at Midnight Car Eastern Eggs in Salmon Receipts Small. PROVISIONS ARE QUOTED DOWNWARD Local Clears, Back and Bellies Are Lower Picnic Hams Off a Half. Season for Pheasants Closes at Midnight Coast Salmon Is Very Scarce. MARRIAGE LICENSES. iv. aa. Myrtle T. Jonea. IS. AICl Holmes, ill: Venn Peterson. 20. W. Anthony Isidore Cohen. 20: Art bar C. Wagner. 2. John B. Campbell. 37. Viols McCorkle. Siret nsTldaoa, elB V. Bauer. 20 IS. BIRTHS. V r.-uiher ST. t Mr. and Mrs. John A. While, at BTS Moody Mr ret, a aoa. Norember 84. to Mr. gad Mrs. Henry Tsrhspp ot 12T North whlrtntb atraat; a son. . Norember 21. to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Est hers; of 456 Cambridge atreat; a daughter V nrcmlor 12. to Mr add Mrs. O. Christian Koenlng of 250 Lincoln street; a daughter. Norember St. to Mr. and Mrs. Alei Carlson of o; Beech street; a aoa. Norember !B. to Mr. and Mrs. John Tucker of IM Fargo street; a son., Noramber 2. to Mr. gnd Mrs. CbrlstsB Han son of SO North Puurtaentb atraat' a daughter. Norember . to Mr. snd Mrs. rredemaa Ol son of lul Knott streat; a aoo. Narember IX, to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer H. Adam, of 740 KnoseTelt streat: a son. Norember U, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl K Holt of 420 Knott street: s daughter. Norember 10. to Mr. sad Mra. Harry Kenny ef S2T Wheeler street; s daughter. Norember B, to Mr. snd Mra. Edwin Person of 302 Stsnton street, a aoa. Norember 11. to Mr. aad Mra. Charles W. Bslsrd of Vancourar Wssh.; s son. Norember 20. to Mr. and Mra. Samuel Ma surcnkl of SS4 Water atreat; a son. NoTcmher 2-1. to Mr. and Mrs. John Ashmaa of TS2 Vaio-iHircr syenus; a son. October 30. to Mr. and Mra. Walter Johnson of TS2 Vancourer aTcuue. a daughter. October 10, to Mr. and Mra. 0. K Brain budge of T82 YanoouTer aranus; a daughter. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. Norember 20. Leonard OlUam, SM Marguerite street; typhoid fr. Norember at. Christian George. 758 East Eighth streat; dlphtherls. SXATXS. Norember 20, Cbriatlsn H. Ponders, aged 65 year, si root or hal Hurnslde street: cause heart dlsesss. Burial st M unit Calrary cease soTemhcr 2T. Olan LeRoy. aged rwt Gllaan streat; csnac, carbolla arldr poison Ing (sceldentsl). Burisi at iine tit cemetery Front Streat, Nor. SO. The principal market reaturea ara: , Prorlslooa are lower. Local lard quoted .c down. Dnllaesa continued In wheat sad flour. Barley Arm aad sctisttMU. dull. JTraab halibut la selllag at rtae. Coast salmon recalpta are smaller. Car eastern fresh eggs are In. Three cars of hanauaa arrlra. -Growers of onions ara rery bullish. Hops ar offered at lower figures. ProTislona An One ttusrt.r Lower. Tba cheaper prleaa as lira bogs bare at last mad aa Impression In the provision market sad .slue, today are lower. I'tcntc hems are down e while clears, bseks and bellies ara quoted He down. Lard Is weaker and prices today ar down vc from the prerlous lists. Fresh Hal. but la Higher A small amount of frlsh bsllbut rsma la tba markets from the north this morning snd quotations weat up 2c to Be par pound. Cold storage Sab could ba obtained at tba old valuee. Salmon Receipts Ara Disappearing. Receipts of ateelbead salmon from the coast streams are rast disappearing and supplies in thai market today are rery limited. The flab from the Columbia Is not rery much In erldence. We will aooo have to fall hsck on wust Is commonly called 'dog aluwn. say '. I. B. Malprkay. "J daa't know the reason why that name waa glTsa tba Sab, because It I of good quality. Tb asm. practically kill tba de Dullnsss Continued la Wheat aad Flour. There Is nothing but dullness In oltber wheat or flour. The only aalea of the former re potted are from the smaller mills wUek only boy Ib small lota from hand to mouth Some off era ware made for flour by tb orient today bat tb price are practically 5c under those allowed by th mills. Local demand Is vary There continues a rery food demand for bsrley from the ralley. but oats srs dull and unchanged Pheasant Baaiosi Closes at Midnight. The season for tba shooting and aala of pheasants cloaca at midnight aad after that hour It will" ba unlawful to aboot or dlapce Ol tha birds. Tba receipts today were quite heavy aad late la the day price will be sac rtfloed In order to The supplies of other wild bird ara Vary beary with tb markt a trifle dull. This Is causing the poultry msrket to drsg a trifle, the only demand of any con sequence atlnf for hens, which ara quoted Sraser. Eastern Freak Eggs Arnre Taday. A car of eastern fresh eggs arrived in today aad were quoted st 28c. Other recent re ceipts of the same grade ara rasglng from tee to 28c Local eggs ara rery firm with tba srrlvsls few. Orewars of Onions Ara Very Bullish. Growers of onions In this Tictaity ara rery bullish and BO purchases ess a made under the 2c mark. siren st tout ngure mere sr t.nt fw aceentsnces. the growers generally bold lng for JVkOSg. It Is now stated that tha ran Bros, af RaedTlll hare formed a com hine anions the onion-growers snd control prscttcally 1T.0OO sacks. With this smount In one control It would not be a bard matter to force the market higher. Potatoea continue dull with no offere being made by tha dealer. The beat selling price along rront street today waa B5c. Hods Ar. Offered at Lower rigvraa. Some of the tired bolder of bopa are offer Ins their supplies at lower ngures. Mttilor win around yesterdsy trying to get some one to take a hundred bale or so or hops hleh grsde from prime to rnoiea si suyc, oui r.-. . I vert no takers, air. Mcmor ue.o-r rt ha. bs bullish on hops up to this time Tha only ooea wb eaem to b timid as to the situation ne deslers. the grosers. slmost to unit, slgnlfylag their intention oi o nuns octll they recelre 16c. Of the latter claaa is Cspt Oeorg Pope of Hubbard, who claims S bare adrlcea aaylng tbst choice I'sclflcs see selling Arm In London st 87c. Mr. Pot I. k.lil.. .Iwint a cur of tits crop for .!V- He experts dutlnes to prarall until after the holiday. Tb ruling markets today ar: Grain. Flour aad Teed WHEAT Naw aad obi Wallr Walla. 80Q 82c- bleaatem, BBe87c; valley, 7t88c. BARLEY Faad. 21 0jai f; rolled. 823 .00 BOOS No. 1 frasrk Oregpu. 83c; aaatera fresh. 5088c; cold storage. 22Ve4c. 1EESB Now fall cresm. twin. lVc: Per Pr Young America. 15c; Eaatera. lStjloc I'oTi.tuy- Chickens, mixed. IDtsS hena. 11c par Ib; maters, old. Be youug. lowc per Ib: broilers, 11c try srs, lie per lb; ducks, old. 13c par at; geese ITc per Ib: dressed MB Teal. SI TS: widgeon. II. TB: mallard, : caurasoscks. i,su. Froiu aad VagateMss. POTATOBB Beat Oregon, goOSSe cwt; bay. sa ' erica. TO075t; second grade. T0d)85c .1 a ofis, sac p furlfeys. lBtai WILD ll ld. lOVkc par lb; sc. 8Bc par Ib; ed, lReic par lb. sack; buying isrloa, Uagafee, sweets, beat .l'8l crated, Bl.aSl.0 ONIONS Local, New California. Be lb. 2.004J2 2B; buyers' price. $2 VOU2.oo; garlic. BCloc par lb FBBSH VSUITS Apple. extra fanny. 11.50: fancy Oregon. (1.0011.88 par box; cheap grade.. 4UsT5c per box; orsnges. natal. fiToesJl 86 par box; seedlings 82.ooa2.6o Per box: baaanaa. Ba per lb: lamoua. choice. U.3S par buz; f saver. 88. TB par box: limes, pears. i UOSJI 60; grapes. 1 Lucklrbarrles, BgtlOc per tb; Mexican. SB par 100; plneapplea, 82.6oe3.oo; ps. si.uuaji.zo par Box, r tb; cranberries, 80.00 par bbl; Jersey, 810 par bbl; praaea, 2c per Ib. VBOBTASLBS Taralpa, 81. on par sack; car rota, 11.00 par sack; heets, 31 2f per ssck Oregon radishes. 18c per dox: oabbagc. Or. bob, Bl.jgsfi.rB cwt; lettuce, hothouse, S881 60c Bar daa; green peppers. 7c par Ik: chill pep- F. " , uc to, leicri, wis l,n fc" , mihsi.ii, sllforula. 31 11 28: parsnips. Tbcall 36; pie plant, 202MC lb; string basua, 4c; esulldowar, BPeetl.OU dua: butter besns. 8c; pumpkins, la lb; horseradish. Tc per Ib; sprouts, ac; muah- nms. 25c oer lb: artichokes. Wiosnoe per oos DB.BD FRUITS AbdIss. araiasrated 7tl8c per lb; apricots. ttAlBe per Ib; aacks. He per lb leas; peaches. SQlZg per lb; pears. per lb) prunes. Italian. 3Vk04tk par Ibt French. 3J4Hc per Ib; Sgs. California black, SCCfllac oer lb: California white. per lb; plums, pitted, aar lb; dates, golden, ac par lb; tarda, 31 60 per la-lb box. Orooartea, Rata, Eta. SL-QAR Rack basis Cube. 88.40: powdered. 88.36; fruit granulated. 88.-6; dry granulated. 18.16; bast granulated. 8.05; extra C, 88.15; Kidaa 0 86 56. bbls. 10c. Vbbls 28c, boxes t sdraacs on sack basis, leas 26c awt for cssb. 18c per lb. C & ft W. SEVEN AND QUARTER HIGHER Remarkable Run Made by Stock Today on New York Exchange. 15 daa; maple, 140K HON K Y 14 Vl aiBC, COFFEE Pscxsge 1 age Brands. B14.TB. HALT Fine Bsles. 2s. 3s. as. Ba. 10. 11.30: tsble, dairy, 50a. 3"5oail 60: 100a, BS-00; Imported Urarpool. 80s. ld.oo; 100s, 314.50O15.00; 224s, $13.5014.50; extra Baa. bbla, Is. Sa. 6a, 10a, B4.5V; balk. 820 Iba. B4.00: aacks. 60s. BSC. SALT Coarse Half ground. 100s, per ton S6.20tt8.60; 60s per too. B6.sSeB.00: Llrerpooi lump rock, BIBJMIBJIS.BO per ten; 60 lb rock, S8.2503.TS; 100. 35.75(38.25. (Abora prices apply to sales of tea than car lets. Car Iota at special price subject to fluctuations. UHAIN BAOS Calcutta. 35.T&OS.OO per 100. RICE Imperial Janan. No. 1. 48Ae: Na. R V; New Orleana head, hutlflc: Adlack. 8Vsc: Ooolc ac HEANS Small white. 4c; Urge white. SVsc; pink, ac; baioo, 2c, Ltnuui, Be: Meil csn reds, 5Hc. NUTS Pesnuts, Ttte; Jumbos, BVie par lb; raw, 8010c par lb; roasted, coeoaaate. 8oO B"c pat dos; whlaute. l016c per lb; pin nuts. 10O12HC per Ib; hickory note, 10c per lb; ursBii nnts. chestnuts, esstern 15.118c oer lh per id; niDcrts, intarioc per io; issrj 16c er-?b! 028.50: bee wing. 32.00. CORN wn 2 years November 2T. Robert McAyral. aged T8 years. st Hotel KDelnpraiti; csuse, canuac paralysis Huiial st lone Fir cemetery. Norember 2S. Verdla Cooper, aged 2 yeara. a I 345 Eaat Oak ttreet; csuse, pneumonia u.. ri.i at Fir cemetery. .November 27. Msttle B. Spencer, aged 30 irsrs st St. Vincents hospital; csuse, septicemia. Burial st Lobs Fir cemetery. r-remstorium on Oregon City car Una. neat Sellwond; roodera. scientific, complete. Charge. Adults, 8'-. children, no. visitors a a, m. to 6 P. m. Portland Cremation aaaoclatloa. Portland Or. Tk Edwsrd Holmsn Uadartaklng company, timers I director and em ba liners. 320 Third street. Phone 607. j P. Flnley A Boa, faaerat directors sad rmbetmere. hare remoyed to their new eatab lishment. corner Third and Madison streets. Btb rheasa No. B. raaeral wreaths aad cut flowers a special! (t Rose City (ireenbouse. Twenty aecond aot Cast Morrison, opp. caaseterr. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Claries U. 8truble snd wife to c k. tltael. Jots 8 snd T. block fl. 8lru- Llc's adJItlcB 100 r sr I et t sol to M. Leltsel. lota 8 snd T. id", s 8. Struhle's addition tSO r s . nelwl snd wife to K. H. Po lot t. block 5, Albion addition 100 Nevttnu I'. HIIHeni snd wire to A. T. iii.hlsud. lot S. block 2. Ollllsm's See end addition S00 Mshcl L. Sulllrsn snd husband to Security HsTlngs A Trust company, lota B, 8, block tTB. Couch .iddltlou 1 Aloya Harold to L. S. Moffltt. lot i. ' blnck 13, Captain addition ....... ... IT Annie Etans and husband to C. Ilbos. wHitbeaat lot J'0- Jsrees Jfohna' a ldlllon to St. John 1 Crescent Land company to I. It. Strong. lot 8 block 3, Keystone addition 4.BO0 Amos Hurg xad wife to L. Oould sad wife, lot 3 scd 8. block 14, Columbia Heights 880 Jars J. Hahn and wife to L. C Qulg ley. west rs 11 ' ki" R2' Tlhhetts' nddlthn SS John Wilson d wife to J. D. Hewitt. lot. 48, 4B and tnwnslte of Melrose. 10 l lines Her snd wife te U H. Roesl tec lot 10. block 4. riedmont Park . . 1 Otto J. Kumer to L. K Crawford, lot ST DeUsbmult A Oatman's Utile Hmr addition, subdivision No. 3 'So Portland Trat nusny o J SchnaU. lot in. block 13, Williams ATetosa sodl dot U. Weiss. 410 tool hole. B3S00 per ton; cracked, 328 00 It VK 81 AA oer cwt. OATH Prodi cere' pries No. 1 white, 327.00 grey. 3-'' "O. n .H it Fsstern Oregon Pa teBts. 34 sit sights. S3.T5; vsllej . $410; graham, is 34.00; 10 34 4B.I . uii.iJiTri'i' nriii. 81B.50 per ton: mid dllags, 325 tsj; aborts, country, 122.50; chop, at a An HAY Producers' rrlce Timothy. Willamette Tslley. fancy. 31600918.00: ordinary. B1Z.00O 00: eastern Oregon, sio.oussio.w, mixea. 00O13.00; closer. 811.00012.00; grata, 0OU12 00. cheat. 311.00012 w. Hapa. Wool and Hidas. HOPS 1904, 31 He. for exporU: 31 Uc for choice. 81c for primes snd mediums. WOOL Nominal. Valley, coarse to medium. ITOISc; floe lBc; esstern uregoa, lzajtac. MOHAIR -New. 80e. MIEEP8K1N8 Sheering. ltO20c; short wool 20( 30c; medium wool, SOOBOc; long wool. eacb. TALLOtv iTime. per 10, segue; n. a ana Tans !1S. 12 1 11.1 grease. tOtUc. chit riM BARK 1 HIDES Drr hides 14H01DC par lb; dry kip per Ib, bnylng price. No 1, 18 lbs snd an No. 1. B to 15 lbs KUc: dry rslf. No. 1. under 5 lbs. I5ie dry salted bulls snd stags. 1-3 leas than dr) Bint: ssltsd hides, steer, sound. 80 tba or orsr TOSc; 50 to 80 lbs. Tc; under 50 Iba sad cows, SOTc; stags and bulla, sound. 8c; kip, l to 80 lha. T'jc; sound, in to 14 ins, Ke calf, sound, under 10 lbs. SVsr: green (ue sited, lc per lb leas; culls, fc per lb less; Bcras hide, salted, each. 312501 7'v nrr' b 31.0001.60: colts' hides, esch. 25060c; goal klna, common, each. 10015c; Angora, with wool oa, each. BScQll.OO. Butter, Eggs aad Poultry. BI TTER FAT Sweet. 3SUc: soar. SBUe. BL'TTBR City creamery, beat, JOc; second graaa, g;tiTtc; outside fancy. 2TO.10c; ordi. ajsiwc; oary. 38 and California cold storage. 22 22H2TVsc: store l-.O30c; ore !Ue: esstara lSOUVsc- K O. Bendr to A. McCslmsn, lot 1. block n. M. Patina's tract Benjamin Bender snd wife to B. O. Bender, tat 1, black- B, M. ration's tract I..t 11 Hortnn to S. Horton, lot S. St. "tm Heights P. H. Msrlsy and wlfa to D. W. Butler, lata la Laurel aPrk J. P. Mesa-fee at al. to II M Hansen. 40x100 feet beglnnlg 20 feet eaat of south wast corner lot IB, block 21. Al 81 na First NatlnnsI Bank to M. Froessncr. block 12. WsTorl,- aJIdtlon tcinrge W. Biowr. to c. H. Feaske, kit T, blork X. A r lata rsrk No. I Msry Klchet et si. to K. Rons, fractional bt 1, soatb 80 feet fractloa lot It. block 2. Atkinson's I..., lot 13 and 13. I lock T, WHeoi.'a addtlloo .... Curtis Hnlcomh to C. Holcnmh. lot B, north H t s, bloc 1. Bran's addi tion to Alblna 430 4.l i 840 OOO 3 500 estst. Inauranca and abstracts to real the Title Owaraate A Traat coat- Oat soar le from . Chamber of Comm. re building BUILDIKO PEBMITS November IB. Mrs. Msrr V Urls.n rtweln... Msrket between Third sod I'ourth iIn.ii' ctsst, l.8fS. Norembrr S. W. M. Tsrlnr renatrs to atnee. house, ilrsnd srenne between Fast Washing ton in I Kaet Alder stream : coat. Bots) Ssrsmbar 3S. R. M Rlarr. renalrs to dw.i- . northwest corner clay sad Meoentb streets; 1 fo. 14Q16C per lb: almond. 18018c par lb. Meats. Fish aad Proylslons. FRESH MEATS Front street Beet, steer. 4Q6c per lb; pork, block, 608c par lb; peckers, 8c per Ib; hulls. SOtMc per "' cows, BtsOsItsC per lb. mutton, dressed. 405c per Ib; real, axtra, TVsOBc par lb: ordinary. 57c per lb; poor. 4a5c per Ib; lambs. 6HO6V1C per lb. HAMS. BACON. ETC. Portlsnd Back (local) bsma. 10 to 14 lbs. 13c per lh; 14 tt 18 lbs. Ic per Ib: 18 to 20 Iba. 13c oer lh: cottage. loc par lb; breakfast bacon, 14016c per Ib; plcni. 8V3C per lb; regulsr short clesrs, un- smoked. loc ier Ib: smoked. 11c per lh; clesr bscks, unsmoked. uo Per Ib; smoked. IOIsC per lh; Union butts, 10 to IB lbs, unsmoked. Be per lb; smoked. Be per lb; clesr bellies, an smoked. 11c per lb; smoked, 12c per in. Lot AI, LAUD Kettle lesf. 10s, 10s,C lb; 5a. 10T4c per lb; 50 lb tlna. 10'..- pei steam reodered. 10a, 10c per lb; 5s, 1'"..' per Ib; 60s, BWc per Ib; compound tierces, 8Vsc per 10; tuna, ac per lb; 00a. 01.C per id. camivkii BAl.Horv uoiumoia rirer 1-10 vans, 31-88; 2 lb tails. 83.50; fancy 1 lh Bate, 83.00; '-,11. fancy Rata, $1 26; fancy 1 lb orals. 32.76; Alaaka tails, pink, 86080c; red, 31.50; nominal 2s, tall. 33.00. FISH Rock cod. Tc per lh; flounders. Be per Th; Hsllbut. Be per lb; crabs, 31. 26 par doa; airhead haae. lusl21Ae nar Ib: catBab. Te BBC lb: an I mon. atselheads, Tc per lh: slrreraldee. 8c per id; D erring, oc per id; soi... oc per id ahrlmpa, 10c per lb; shad, dressed. per lb perch. 6c oer lb: absd roe. per lh shad. 8c per 18; black cod. Be par Ib: allrer smelt. &c per lb: io waters, 12Vic; trash mackerel ac; crawnsn, auc par aoa; nounaera, oc par id aturaeon. Tc per lb. OYSTERS shoal water bay, per gal, 83 36 per aark. 34.00 net; Olympls, per sack. 86.38 CLAMS Hard shell, par box, 32.00; rasa clame, 32.00 per box. Paints, Coal Oils, Eta. ROPE Pars Msnlls, ISVsc; stsadsrd. 12c Sisal. lOUc. COAL OIL Pearl ar Astral Cases, fli ic per gsi; wsier wnite, iron ddis 10c per gal, woooea. per gal: oeadiignt. 170-aeg. cs 2314c per rsl. Iron bbls 17c per gsl. iiieid OIL Pure raw. in bbls nae per gsl, t mc tier ssi: genuine senie ootiea. esse 58c per gsl. bbls 64c per gal: groond cake car lota 326.00 per tea, Iras than car Iota 838.00 per ton. GASOLINE 88-deg. cases 83c per gsl. Iron o is iV,c per gat; store, esses zsc per gsl. lion DDIS jnc per gal. BRNEINE 83-d eg esses 22c per gsl. Ibis 15 per gsl. I'AINT OIL Rsw. bbls 33c ner ssl. esses 88c ner gal; boiled, esses 40c per gsl TTR PEN TINE In esses 86c ner asl. wooden bbls. Sic per gsl. Iron bbls TBc per gsl, 10 Ib esse lots 84c per gsl. Will 1 K LEAD Ton lots TUc ner lh: 600 I b SIS Tc per Ib. leas lota 8c per lh WIRE NAII-S Present bsss st 32.80. "I--.!'?'1 J" 0TBeB Starr 4 Cook a Co.) ? Yr. Nor. 30. Chicago A Northwest ern is having s wonderful run on tha stock fT . svwsy im pries .d v. need BT.3B The market opened st 206. tha same a. v... terdsy s closing. Tatars was aa upward more a. soon as tba gong waa sounded for tha it-.. 's Price leaped to 208-2DT ; than dropped back to JoTK; then up agala to 30TS4. Two hundred aad eight waa then announced f" m S10V, and 2UH By thU time the bear were fair I, v startled and did not ui. .s """," "O ""III 212V was reached. HtT Vrtn reacted to 211 U at tba claaa. ii . ,1, ril w" goof-fmian, opening as r .... -a ass waa OBI a momentary BaP I?.1,, "L ,40 nd tb" danca to : . - lLJ DO't b,,ow ,h, ' close. i nlon Paclfli opened down ' at 115; and on good buying wsnt to US It reacted back to liz". n "c" again to u. Toward t ctaaa It weat back H point .eei s.ocss were weak all through the day. Hearting waa strong aad unchanged at T4V,, the !Tr. .w, " inea rrom the start and uie clone waa sam hlgher thaa the previous Psclflc Mall waa strong from the stsrt at 48. Its high mark for tba day waa 148' aad It Irll to 140 at th claaa. Its net rise today was Amalgamated opened unchanged at 80 and struck the high point early at 81. It closed at the opening figure. Sugar Refilling opened np at 148 sad reached 160 soon after. It reacted back to 11".. showing a loss for the day of H point Missouri Pacific, nndrr the guidance of Its friend., was bulled to HJV, at the opening, but Ister west back to 108. its high mark was n.srte nesr the close at 110, a net rise of 1 points for tbs day.- St. Paul was Arm but unchanged at 1T4, the opening figure, bat during tba day weat to ITfl'V It closed around 1T8?, sa adraBce for the day of 32.31. Tbe official stock markat: DESCRIPTION. f I llSVilHS 1114 1 M', S0! ttO I I Ml,! 8T I103HH03 111:11, I 84 8.1141 33 I 02 1 a-jtZ a ....1". .7... ' .-.T -si 1 ikw, ll.H M'-, 81 Anaconda Mining 0. . . Amal. Copper Co Atchlaoa, com do preferred Am. Car A Found., com do preferred Am. Sugar, com...... Am. Smelt., com. ....I no preicrred 11. ar ,..' ..r. Am. Ice, com ' oj j?i iV odo preferred... ngS Baltimore s riku ?Z". f ..H a - "3) s. r r'" as rl V 1?vla nlt. 88 I 88 674i 87 . ,, ..nit, 1 184 14 1 1841A Ltl u , 1 as at -Alton, com 1 as . aos7j .... ... do preferred. . - ak I.H at Ot. Weat.. com... "M- -am. ojs. racl... l74 1178U tTSSAIirnu com. 200 2U!205 2101a 14 I 15, 141(1 14 112 8 :hp Ofli,, I :.7 84 B4 B4 's 8 Chi. LIVESTOCK MARKET SHOWS AN ADVANCE Cattle, Hogs and Sheep Are Quoted Twenty-five Cents Up Packers Buy. Portlsnd In Ion Stockyards. Nor. 30. There hi rery X'kxI tone rutins In llrestoek. The re. celpts today wsre sot large but they were fairly liberal. Tbe packer are again In tha marsei ana noge are snowing an improvement with the beat up Z5c. The tone In cattle remslns st the hlrh notch snd tbe market today shows sn sdrsnc with the t..t esstern Oregon steers quoted flrmer si so. 00. Hi sheep there Is sn advance of 2.V n consc trashes of a Utter demand. With the general scsrclly of csttle th trad I taking to abeep ana neavy receipt ao not aenoutly arrect this market. The receipt. todsT were 1S1 hoc. 130 rattle snd i'.i abeep. official prlcea ruling today: stile Best esstern Oregon steers. 33.60: nest rsiiey aieers, .l i3; cows. B2 2,.ti'J ,vi. bulls. 82 IK); stags. 32.00. Hogs Beat bear. 83.30; block. 34.0044.25 China fata S3.rto4j3B.T5. Sheep Rest lambs. 33.60 firsln-fed wethers, ad abeep. 88.78 . stoekers snd feeders. 83 25i:i.7B; EASTERN HOOS LOWER. Chicago. Ne. SO. Livestock receipts: Hosts. Csttle. Sheen Chicago Kn OXS) 2-i IKS) -22 (SSI Bunsas city ls.orai lo.iaai .. sjmans B.1SN) 1 Hogs opened 6c lower with fl.rttsi left over. Receipts a year ago were 47.000. Ruling prl ativeii. s.. 84.2044 46; light Csttle Ktesdv Sheep, Strang. 34.86(14. at): g-..l 8456t4u6. 8439 8J4.56. rough COTTON SEVENTEEN POINTS OFF TODAY f Fninlah d by iiverbeck. Btarr A Cook Co.) New York. Not .TO. Cotton ns we.ker 17 point oft. Tbe market: Open lllarh. Low Janusry . . . ana BIS k2 Kebruary nis 802 March .... BIB BM fdm April ....... 820 BIB V BBS B40 911'. Jane ..... ... -Inly 8SS B42 B15 Aug'it ram 1107 November ... ... ... ... lie -ember . . . BBS Bt 873 Close KS.1HM7 Writ, 1 13 ftistii; iir.tiT BI0.2O w rtbStt Liverpool Osttea Daws. I 'v. .p..i No. .1.1 Cotton cloaed qnlet S to 1 points lower. CRTOAOO SRALR CAR LOTS. Chicago. Ner. SO.-tlratn ear kta todav. Cars Orada Bnt inrvt Wheat 2a -tT OT i Sns 1 SU4 l.m OS la U IT SO IIS ch I Chi.. Mil. A St Chi. A Nortbwe.t chl. Terminal Itv Chesapeake A Ohio Cs,lo. Fuel A Iron eon. Colo. South., com do 2d preferred do lat preferred .... Delawar A Hudson . . . D. A It. 0., com do preferred Erie, cam do 2d preferred llo 1st nreferreH Illinois i.iitni I U-ulailll- A NaihTllle Metro. Traction Co Manhsttsn Kiev,, ted Meilesn Central Ky... Missouri Pa el tie M., K A T., com do preferred New York Central Norfolk A Western, eom'f 75 00 preierreu . . . North American. N. Y., Ont. A West Conns) Ivan In It. P. O. L. A C. Co..:. Pressed Steel Chi eon. Psclflc MslI Stesgg. Co 60 Ik I 60141 4814 50 &9 "i 5?' jj-sji an aw 88 I 88 85 I 5S 58 58 18T 18818T ! 33 I 33I41 ;tx I 88f 88 86 4J)C 8B I . PI Vj 07 156141157 14014.142 1414ll4l 1-4'. 124', is.i: 1 -:.;-, :16Tl88 187S,lt17X . 224 i 224 221. 2214 llOUlt 1101A 10K. Ilu's 384! 8-tV X BRAI 82 I AS Si. t-1 I vz O4tilo4. 43 4 12-, , 1 ' ' 'N I ' . t.l'. 11214 112141111;, Ill4 viisi na Bwmj so SB VI 1KT ,'1ilV4 Stl 40 14 67 V. I T.T. J... lion- 1 ADVANCE DUE TO ARGENTINE CROP Harvest It Threatened by Un settled Weather Serious Damage Expected. CHICAGO WHEAT ONE AND QUARTER HIGHER Tone Was Hesitating at Opening on Easier Liverpool Cables Narrow in Corn. THE M II K AT MARKET. Opa Cases Close Gala Tdr , Today Ttlea. Today l.ofl4 l.irT 31.08 3 .oil, - 1W iobC i.obCa ,0l2 eBs5 .fjg .01 5 IVceiriber . May. .... . Julj (Furnished by Over beck, Starr A Cooke Co.) Chicago. Nov. 3. Loevan A Rrn v..- losds of wheat are reported tak t at seaboard and 38.000 bushels csah wheat sold In thla mar. k.. Kansas City reports small tots of No. 3 hard, 58- pound wheat, sold n,..,. 1 under Chicago for shipment to Minneapolis. Minneapolis slocks Increased 834,000 bushels In four dsrs and It Is expected to show an in. cress of s million for lh.. ...... i. , cables Hist the ArgentlBe harveat la threstened ft unaettled weather. Private cable stste ssias luc wesmer is wet snd hss threatened serious damage to the wheat crop in tha north ern part of tbe country. The market ahowed Some little hesitation after the openlug. In flueuced by tbe easier tone of Liverpool which gave tba Impression of more fsvorable news regarding Argentine conditions. The decline or the psat two dsrs hss been sharp and the trade followed Its lead and tbe market 1. I. good position to take another sport. There has been soma strength heretofore snd some i. urn During ror long account snd the theorv that dsmsge Is being done lo the Arsentln'. crop. Trad.- Is slow snd Isrgely local. Nsrrow Rang, la Corn. The corn market haa been fsirtv .. .ti. bat In s aarrow range. Twenty boatloads are reported taken at seaboard and 288.000 husbrla of rash sales are reported In thla market. A little commission house buying dereloped la the mmj. wmen csrriea tne msrxet back to Its former lerel. Dull la 01. 18 oats there la nothing verv urrent In th. situation In either direction, bat w rather favor purchases of Msy oa set-backs for scalp lug profits. Blow la Previa I "ad... In provisions It Is still a sloe. acalrWng arket and we see verv little at the moment to change condition. In thla pit. i mra r a . rnoiai markets WHKAT. Ixiw Clearances ware: Wheat aad fksar. 44 7uo bushels; corn, 11,100 bushel. ; oats, aoo bushels. OTJTSrjDS ORAIK CLOSES. May Option Milwaukee 31 00I4R Maw York I ll 3 Mlnneapulla 1.1114 Dnhlth 1,1)2 t. Laadg I.hC Ksnaas City 1.01 Chicago f.0B Ban Pranolaoo 1.4S MEW TORS COFFEE MARKET Nsw York. Msw. 30. -Coffee fntarea chased 13 points down The market claaa: Rid. Ask Bid. Aak. 88. HO 86.851 June 37 4 37 60 6.B5 T.OOIJaly T.6 7 63 T.06 T.IOI Asurnst T.rsi T 88 T.10 T.BOIBsptembrr .. T To T.TS T.S5 T SOiOctobeT T.TS T 80 T.-IS T.40 NO. 7 Rio, 7; cio. Hauloa, December Jsndsry . Kcbrusry March ... April .... Msy I'ssh coffee: 8c. PORTLAND BANK STATEMENT clearlnga lis lances .f1H.2iBi.44 . 188.2XO40 COUNTESS TZAYKOWSKY IS GRANTED A DIVORCE (Journal Sperlsl Service.) Parla .Nor. 10. Counteaa Tsaykownky waa yeaterday Riven, a decree of sepura Hon and the cuatody ot her children from her huaband. Count Tsaykowsky. secretary of the Turkiah lecatlon at Th Hague. Th counteaa waa formerly saw! I mW asssssssssxf mtmrnXtSmmmW ;:sBa88v 'SjaxsaVR Dr. W. Norton Davis. IN A WEEK veaa max swV lea. W Ws treat accessfully sll nrtvst. rf.ronlc diseases rf men. also blood. , oeart. liver kidney snd throat t Cure BYPHir.I.ia twittuvot saarnnrvl as BSJ 1 4 forever, la 80 to 80 days. Ws ismavs STRICT l'Rk without uperatloa ar pais, ta 13 Bars We stem drains, the result ef salf Immediately. We ran fsaatore tha eexaal af say man under 60 by mesa af Heal tnent peeaTlar I We Cure Gonorrhoea In a Week The doctors of thl. Instltats srs all l saavai rraduataa. have bad BJatay years expert. 1 IISl nagur. UTJ l-MSIHVH nss, . . . - sL- SS Ml.. xSlth U Collin, of Nsw T2JrJ3J&tt Chauncey M. Dapew was her auardian. tak aa ease unless certain car ess a at and at ths tlms of her marriage she was heir to a fortune of ST.0O0.000. She la a direct descendant of Commodore Van derbllt. being -hi. grand-daugfiter. and Is also a cousin of the present Cornelius Vanderbllt and member, of that genera tion of the family. Her marriage to the count took place In lfttT, and while creating much com ment, wa. generally looked on with favor. The newa that .he haa aecured a divorce haa likewise caused consider able surprise. Winter' Rate to Yaquina Bay. The Southern Pacific Co. will sell, on Wednesday and Saturday, of each week, until March SI, 106, low rata round trip tickets to Yaquina. limited to CO days from date of aule. The aale of tbe.e excursion ticket, during the winter month. 1. a new departure and haa been brought about through tha desire of our local sportsmen to enjoy the exceptional ly fine hunting and fishing privileges of that section. , feered W. en. ran lee Sa mm te, sSBSB S CSS. VP. I fake or -harife no fee. CSnaultstlnn free. Id.. era confidential. Instructive BOOK e0B) Men mailed free In rlaln wrapper. If rest cannot call at office. tlon blank. Home treatment Of ee hours a te r . T ve. aoMdaya. 10 as IS. Sundays sad 1 leading aneetallst. In the Morthweat. F.t.l.ll.hed 133x8. Dr.W. Norton Davis 4 Co. Tas Hoy Hotel 31. M. Cor. T Fine Street POBTlsaVSIO. OaSJBOOST OlH, 11 !e5,l S Reading do 3d preferred , do 1st preferred Ren. Iron A Steel, com . do re f.rred Rock IalauB, coxa do preferred tiouthern Ry.. com do preferred Southern PaHflc St. L. ft 8. r., 3d pfd St. L. A S. u . com. . . do preferred Trxaa A PaclBc Tenn. Coal A Iron T.. St. U A Weat., com do preferred Colon Peolilr, cm . . do pref. rred V. S. leather, com.. do preferred I'. 8. Kohls. r. com. . . do preferred U. S. Steel. Co.. ear do preferred Wheel. A L. K . com. do 3d preferred .... do 1st preferred Wisconsin Central, com do preferred Western Union Tele . Wahaab, com do preferred . . , 411 40UI 4B.; 4al 4TV 48 T8HI Tsfil Tefil T8 81 81ai Hoy.1 .... USUI aUVkl 88 f 8814 a is (UT.I 71 ism m 28v4i wi 88i! 88 HfiVi: 8.1 .18 i M; 36 t,i K VC,, 8A4.I Sft 88! IIS 8T4 jsjsi r m 0 , SB v., : I 64 I 84 :,i. .1 :i04 :i7i m: 37 1. -I T61 i T8HI TB T8 . 371, BSVxl .mi, i mix .: HC 6TXJ BS VI US' m-v. w 3 81 -IU8H lies . .1 86 I 8B ..I 148,1. 148, .. 86141 86 ..I S3 83 . -I lil S 82 ..I 32 Vk 32V. 31 N I 32 .. 8,'lfcl Mki 83V.I . .1 SO ! 2041 20 I 204 -.1 S8l :v 2 jpv . . .1 SIS ST IT 2.1'. 24 I v.: .1 4T, 48 I 4T44! 47 BS iic, 48 11B 4 H ml 86 S3 31 . .1 844! 8,l 82' . -s 1 1 -v ;i soya I T 48 Totsl ssles for day. 1,411,000 share. Mono. .!', per cent. Norfolk A Weatern. common ex.dlvi1,.n,l of Hh per cent. Delaware A Hudson, ex-dlrldend of 1 per cent. Halted Ststes Robber, preferred, ex-dlrldend or 1 71 pec cent. ' BOSTON COPPER MARKET. Boston, Nov. 30. Copper close tale Royal Wolverine Victoria Trinity , Tamarack .... Shannon fin lit a re Old Dominion.. Mass Greene Copper Arcadian Adventure .... Atlantic Rtngham Calumet Centennial .... Copper Kange I is It Weat Mlchlgaa Psrrot Phoenix :. Qnlncy Bid. Ask. 27 27 H 187 108 8 B14 14 14V, 1S6 130 I", 84 21 S -7 1 , 274 3H 8J 3014 )4 S 24 84 84 1T4 IS ; HT4 BTr. 680 2MI, 284 70t, 71 Lit, 134 84 10 SI 314 8H ) 11B 117 SAM rRAKOTSOO LOCAL STOCKS. San Kranclacn. Nov. SO. Loal, rlnalna 1U...I a. ra. marsei: Spring Valley Water .... tiisnt rowqer Ilswsllsn Sugar Honokes Sugar Hutchinson Sugar M, kawell Siigar inomea sugar I'aauhau Kiigar Alaaka Parkers' sllforals Wlae flcesnle steamship Pacific Coast Uoras I'acISc States Telephone Bid. ... 18 . . . irv. . 3.1 1 , TT ...10 .187 . . 10T A.k. M 0..V4 li.-... 10H4 BAH PKANCISCO KIXIWO STOCKS. Ssn Krsnoisco. Sov. 38, Mining stock offlc closing: Rid. I Rid. Mclean 11.16 ISIerra Nevada . 3 .48 Gould A Curry . . SB I Overman IB Beat A Belcher. 1. 10 IJitatlee OS Cim. Cat. -Vs... I TS I nion Coa 87 Savage 33 I Alia Con ISI Chollar 18 Ijatta I' lost 18 ' eleclonl. eg Hal. A I. IS incidental all crown Point ... .18 lAndea 24 Yellow Jseket 1.08 ISIlrer Hill 83 Con. Kentucky .03 challenge 7 Confidence BO IBrorptoa OS TOMiPAH KXCaANOE. Bid. I Bid. tandatoriB S .36 Iwontaaa 11.70 Belmont TO rdeftsmsrs 23 Uldnsy S3 )4aa m ':,t.-nal,in 2 lilinlm gA Bold Field .BS IVsrtk Star 17 Dec. . . Msy... July. . . Not.:. Dec... Jan.... Msy.. . July.. . Nor. . . Dec... Msy... July . . Nor. . . Dee. Open I. IB. 1 .08 .08 U .ons -45 High, f I 1.144 CORN. S 10884 1 0814 -BT14 48, 48 OATS. I m m .48 V, -434 Close 10714 1 0a 84 StttM H B .38 ni -i n 31V MESS POBK 2D 3114 314 -4.1B .4N M oil', .31 (an 12.78 12 so 13.70 Msy 12.8214 18.10 12.ST14 LARD. Nov..... Dee jsn.'.;;;; sstu T.oi" May T.1TH 7.17', T.1214 SHORT BIBS. Jaa 8 63 8.6714 8.V) May 8 TO S.TB 8.BT14 Tacaxaa Oram Market. 11.80N 11.30 12.80 13.10 T.OON 8.8214 7.00 T.1TV4 8.B714 8.73 Established 1888. Portland Marble Works SCHANKN A NEU. Manufacturara of and dealers In all kinds of Marble, Granite and Stone Work Xattmatas Olven on Application. 268 flRST STREET Bet. Madison and J s Iter son St rests. .OKTLAND. Or. none. SSed 8TT MM WE IN HARD'S City Brewery Larg-est and Mfoat Complete Brewery la the Morttwwat. Bottled Beasr a Specialty rsLiraon Mo. TS. Offloe 13th and Humslda S1 PORTLAND. OREGON. Tscoraa. Nov. BO. Wheat Quiet and nn changed. Blueslem. 88c; club and red. 88c. BAH FRANCISCO ORAIN MARKET. Ssn 1sncls.-o. Nov . m. grain msrkst : WHEAT Open SO. Ths official 11:30 December May December . May High 3I.38S4 31 1 424 1.4SK BARLEY 1. 0814 1-08 1.08 1.08 Low 31-80. 1.424 1.0814 1.08 ( lose 1.S8J4 l-4Si 1084 ICS Liverpool Orela Markat. Liverpool. Nov. SO. Class: Whest. Deeem- her. Ts I'.d. Hd down: March. T .T-jd. d down. Cis-n January. 4, 414d, 14d down Primary, Shipment, aad Clearance.. Chicago, Not. So Primary receipt. Today Tear Ago Buah. litis h Wheat 888.000 1.201. BBS Corn 478,000 37.isni MhlDmenis were: Wheat 77.0O0 7211, issi Corn S0S.00O 188.000 COAL COAL The " celebrated, senulne Rock SprlnRS CaosI defies all others for clean Uneea. No clinkers, no dust, no waste; all coal. Prlcm $S.oo pmr Ton THE ROCK SPRINGS COAL CO. C. R. Davla, Manager and Exclusive Agent, wholeaale and retail, for IT. V. Coal Company. 282 East Morrison at. PhSna East 1S4. EGGS 2 Doz. 45c Creamery butter 68c and 55o Best creamery butter 65c and H Dairy butter 400 Renovated butter 40c and 4Se Eggs, per doxen ,J6c and SSo Best sugar-cured ham. ISO Picnic hama llo Breakfast bacon 14c and llo Cheese Sc, lOe snd It Vie Swiss cheese 2c 50c tea for, per pound 38.: Java-Mocha coffee 30o Arbuckle'3 I. ion coffee).. 2 pounds for t io LA GRANDE CREAMERY 284 TAaKaTXlVZ. DOWHTMO, HOFXIHB St CO., (Eatabllahed 1ISS.) AT AT4TB STOCK 3SOIIS3. 4, Ground Floor. b or FmRS. WIISLOW'S J SOOTJIie Olxi )lrtrD wsllssT TOtgaxJOat fOtT OVaTsl gftafwT TaHSxfV 1 r - FHSHBHxHgaH I I WOUT OTVasssf Sotrt h- All nrutrtrllttss. IMbhr- OVBRBBCK, STARR ' & COOKE COs Members Chicago Board of Trade. PBOVISIOHR. COTTOH. STOCKS AMD SOVOS, 4 102 Third Si reet. McKay Building. Portland. Or. i' .. . WW BO A STHXCTX.Y coMxaaaiOH busihzsrs. Continuous Markets by Private Wire. Quick Service. REFSRENCE8 Ladd Tllton. bankers.' and United States National Bank of Portland. Naw Terk Sugar. New Yors. Nov. 30. Rsw sugar firm, with c.ntnmgai. 4r; maseevneios. 414c: rertnetf, un changed. Iiandaa beet. flat. 3l4e down at 1.1 s4c far Nmiliir aad Daeeaaber. ftiaim StarUag. New Vnrt. Nov sn Demand sterling, 488.4S 4.488 86. SV gays, 483.8o483.7S Thursday, December 1st We Open Our East 15th and Broadway Street Store w E INVITE the public and the residents of that lo cality in particular, to call and inspect our new Twentieth Century Food Depot. We have spared no time and expense to give the residents of Holladay ad dition and Irvington a grocery store the equal of which in furnishings and fittings is not surpassed in the entire Northwest. It is simply an up-to-date store, bringing to the homes of its patrons the best the world affords. We talked nothing but quality in our long grocery experience, which fact has crowned us with success, being known far and wide as Portland's Greatest Grocery, in fact as well as in name. We hope to receive the support of every family that demands the best, guaranteeing you in return the best goods, best service, the best satisfaction known in the busi ness world. F. Dresser & Co. PHONE MAIN 337 CORNER SEVENTH AND Wi