HAVE YOU 'NOTICED THE FXi HUSK LESSONS IN THE SUNDAY JOURNAL? THEY'RE MAKING Sfouimaf G OOD EVENING. The Circulation Of Ths Journal Yesterday Was 17.000 Tonight and Thursday, occasional rain; high southerly winds. VOL. III. NO. 831. PORTLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 80, 1904. SIXTEEN PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS. MAYOR PERMITS CONTRACTOR RINER "TO PROTECT HIS mm OWN BIG DRAIN 1$ TO BE PATCHED UP AT ONCE Then City's Executive Will Appoint Another Commission to Make an Examination of Conduit He Declares That the Former Report Made to the City Council Showing "Jobbery," Was Preju diced in the Interest of Property Owners. Mayor Williams hu granted XL M. Ulnar & Bon permission to go Into tha Tanner creek aawer and repair detects in their work. - The mayor says he Is going etjM fur ther and will- appoint a committee of three civil engineers to go through the sewer and make a complete Investiga tion, as he believes the report of the former committee, of experts Was a "lit tle prejudiced" In favor of the property owners. Mayor Williams' action cornea aa a surprise to many. Bo is being severely criticised by certain city officials In so strenuously opposing the city council. They an of the opinion that he is ex ceeding his authority In granting the contractors permission to go into the sewer after the council. In Its report on the sewer investigation, recommended that a contract for the rebuilding of the drain be let and the cost of the repairs be deducted from the sum which the former contractors were to receive for their work. They state that Mayor Wil liams has no fight td permit anybody to go into the sewer and make repairs, aa this power lies In the hands of the executive board, which has accepted the work. Mayor Williams granted the contrac tors the permit yesterday afternoon to lay the stone block pavement In the sec tion beneath the manhole at Sixteenth and Alder streets. This was tha sec tion which Walter Thomas, the fore man, ststed he had left out as the result of a bribe he had accepted to leave de fects In the sewer. Attitude of the Mayor. "I thought It best." said ths mayor this morning, "that the sewer should be repaired st this place for the reason that large volumes of water coming down the drain might wash out the earth and cause the sewer to collapse. I am of the opinion that it Is better that niner be allowed to lay this bottom than to allow the sewer to cave In causing great damage to the surround ing property owners. "Rlner was preparing to go Into the sewer and make his repair but he says he was stopped by a man. He did not give his name. He said the man told him If he went Into the sewsr to at tempt to repair it he would have him arrested. He came to me and after thinking the matter over I concluded that It would be beat for mc to give him the written permit" The mayor further stated that he SUBMARINE PLUNGER HAS A TRYING TIME (Joarnal Special Service.) New London, Conn., Nov. 30 The United States torpedo-boat Tlnly, la command of Lieut. C. P. Nelson. U. 8. N., with the submarine-boat Plunger in tow, ha a arrived here, after a series of excit ing and dangerous experlenees. As a result of exposure for six hours in the Plunger, while the seas washed over them. Gunner's Mate C. H. Billings of New York and Electrician J. J. Walsh of Albany are In a serious condition. One of the men waa nhconaclous when brought ashore, and the other was so numbed that he could not move SENA TOR . t : V,11 tmmt imnnv nsor ' Al m i a Kef tha gnvArnmsnl s at torneys In the lend fraud triaJ, but bs Is now In Washington, and in response to the urgent telegrams sent him by Mr. Heney the senator replied that it would be impossible for him to return at this time. The telegrsms sent by Mr. Heney to locate Senator Mitchell and the sub sequent telegraphic correspondence be tween the senator and the attorney fol- i0Z Paul. Minn.. Nov. .0 im.-Fraaci. J Heney Special Aselstant United Statea Attorney. Portland Oregon Unable to locate Senator Mitchell. S. J. PICHA. 7:11 p. m Deputy Marshal. Portland, Nov. 14. 1104. Hon John H Mitchell. V S H'nats. Washington. D. C Was surprised on my arrival here to take up the prosecution of Puter Wstaon land fraud eases to And you INTERESTS" BY "REPAIRING" TANNER CREEK SEWER had given Rlner permission to make re pairs to tha sewer only at this one place. He was of the opinion that he had a perfect right, to do this according to the charter, whloh states that con tractors shall keep their work In good condition one year after It has been ac cepted by the city. He did not think he waa interfering -with the executive board in the matter. WUl Appoint Commission. He stated that he did not think any body would be Injured by allowing Rlner to do the work as the assessment or oosts had not been levied. He was of tha opinion that some one had to do the work and lr Rlner desired to do It, why not allow him to make the repairs. He said that Rlner would be the only one to surrer whloh ever way tha re pair la made. Mayor Williams showed no reluctance whatever In stating when asked that he Intended appointing a committee of ex perts to go Into the sewerv and make an Investigation. He says he will make the selection of the men within a few days, as he desires the Investigation to begin shortly. "The committee I Intend appointing will be composed of three fair-minded men," said the mayor. "They will all be civil engineers who know their busi ness and who will not be prejudiced in the matter. "I have reaaon to believe that the In vestigation formerly made was not els together fair. I have some proofs of this. They were all appointed by the property owners and naturally their re port would be a little prejudiced. "You can find defects In any piece of work, no matter how carefully It Is constructed. For this reason I desire to have a fair-minded committee go Into the sewer end make a thorough investi gation. Mayor Williams acknowledged that politics played a big part in tha sewer scandal, and Intimated that there were certain members of the city council who are seeking self-aggrandizement. Working in ths Soei. The contractors are in the sewer to day. They are building a dam In order to control the water. It will be flumed over the section of the sewsr where there Is no bottom, leaving the ground dry. The work will be finished In a few hours. Ft S. McMullen. an engineer (Continued on Page Twelve.) The Tlnly left New Suffolk, I. I , Mon day for Newport, with the Plunger. Her lines parted twice before dark, and at t o'clock last night the torpedo-boat an chored close to Watch hill. At 7 o'clock In the morning a sale from the south west parted the line again, and the Plunger went ashore on the beach at Watch hill. Billings and Walsh were put on board snd a wire hawser made fast. The Tlnly pulled the submarine off and towed here here with consider able difficulty. The submarine la not believed to be In jured by her experiences on the besch. An Inspection Is taking place today. MITCHELL TOO BUSY TO TESTIFY IN LAND FRAUD CASES made Inquiries for purpose of Intercept ing you and was Informed you would reach 8t. Paul last Sunday morning, and wired United States marshal there last Saturday to deliver message to you on Sunday's train. He wired that he failed to find you. It la "Itally Import ant for prosecution to provs by you that Puter and Watson delivered to you their certain affidavits which you sent to Commissioner .Hermann with your let ter dated March 1, 102, urging him to make special the 11 cases of homestead entries referred to In the abstract at tached to said affidavit of Watson, and urlng consideration thereof without de lay. Without your testimony the gov ernment's case may faU and these guilty rascals go unwhtpped of Justice, and I therefore urge you to treat thla tele gram aa a subpoena and to return Im mediately to Portland as a witness for the United Statea The case will not be aapclwSed before and of next week. !! WHAT GOV. RIOHARDS MEANT TO TESTIFY United States Land Commissioner Richards was not permitted, when on the witness stand in the land fraud case, to tell the whole story of the representations made to him by Binger Hermann which induced him to issue patents upon the fraudulent claims. Testimony on this point was excluded, upon objection by the defense, upon the ground that Hermann's representations were not made in Pater's presence, snd therefore, under the rules of evidence, were not admissible. Francis J. Heney told today what Governor Richards' testimony would have been, if he had been per mitted to tell the whole story. "Governor Richards told me," said Mr. Hene y, "that on the occasion when he was called into Her mann's office, only Hermann and himself being present, Hermann told him that he had known Pater for years and that he was one of the best citizens of Oregon. I asked him why he passed the cases to patent, when Ogden was opposed to doing so. Governor Richards replied: "'Yea, Ogden thought the claims should not pass, but I had been a homesteader myself and had lived in the west so much and seen so much of the hardships of homestead settlers that my sympathies were naturally with the entry man when I was satisfied that he had made an honest, bona fide effort to comply with the law. I did not believe in being too strict as to the character of the improvements. On the face of these reports and affidavits I felt that there had been a bona fide effort by the claimants to observe the law, and that patents Should be granted. If Senator Mitchell and Binger Hermann had not vouched for the reliability of Puter, I would have required further proof.' " Governor Richards told Mr. Heney that he took up a homestead claim before he was elected governor. He proved up on it sfter he became governor and got credit for one year's residence, though not actually living upon the land, this being permitted under the law. He cultivated 40 acres of the tract during this year, raising a crop of barley from which he cleared $2,000. Governor. Richards' statement clearly shows that Hermann's guaranty of Pater's reliability was one of the determining factors which induced him to issue the patents to Emma Watson. 4 SAYS THAT SHE IS CARNEGIE'S DAUGMER , . ) Mrs. Chadwick, Queen of Bor rowers, Makes Sensational Assertions. (Journal Special Service.! New York. Nov. 10. Among the re markable statements made by Mrs. Cas sia Chadwick, the woman who secured more than $600,000 on an unsecured note, was the claim that she Is a daugh ter of Andrew Carnegie. Her main stock In trade was a note for 1500,000 which la alleged to be signed by the steel king. This note never failed to bring a banker to terms and secure loans of large amounts. Apparently these shrewd men made no Inquiry to ascertain whether the note was genuine. Late last night the statement was made ap parently on the authority of some one speaking for the woman that her vast debts would be settled by some angel in New York. The Identity of the man haa not been revealed. The Indications are that not half the mystery surrounding this strange case haa been solved, and some sensational revelations are expected. Mrs. Chadwick e counsel today held a long conference with her and afterward made the announcement that their cli ent would not put forth the claim that she had any connection with Carnegie. This came as a surprise In view of her previous statements, and tends to add to the air of mystery surrounding the case. Mrs Chadwick Is 111, and la reported to be on the verge of a nervous break down. She Is still at the Holland house, where she Is being closely watched by detectives. NEW YORKERS PREPARE FOR JUBILEE DINNER (Joarnal Special Service.) New York. Nov. SO. A small army of caterers and decorators was busy st the new Hotel Astor todsy completing the preparations for the Roosevelt and Fairbanks jubilee dinner tonight. The banquet, which Is In celebration of the victory of the Republican national and state tickets, promises to be the most notable affair of Us kind that New York has ssen In many years. Plates will be laid for more than 1,000 of the Republican speakers who took part In the recent campaign. Secretary of State Hay. Governor Odell. Senators Piatt and Depew, ex-Governor Black, Governor-elect Hlgglns and other party leaders of national prominence have ac cepted Invitation to address the gather ing. Please wire when you will start, and oblige. FRANCIS J. HENEY. Special Assistant to Attorney-General. 'Washington, D. C. Nov. 16. 104. "Hon. Francis J. Heney, Special Assist ant to ths Attorney-General, care Hon. John Hall, U. 8. Dlatriat Attor ney. Portland, Or. "Your telegram of yesterday reached me 1 o'clock today. It Is ths first Inti mation I have had from any source that say testimony waa desired In sny of the prosecutions for land frauds In Oregon. Prior to November It, with the excep tion of four or Ave days, I waa continu ously In- the city of Portland, Or., for four months preceding. It waa known by United States District Attorney Hall and many others for more than a week before I left Portland that I In tended to leave on the evenlnsr of tha filth of November, at which time I dlcH leave direct for Washington, and in ail N VANBERB1LTS LOSE NEW YORK CENTRAL Rockefeller Compels a Pooling of Interests with Stillman as Trustee. (Journal Special Berries.) New York, Nov. (0. The New York Central la no longer a vanderbllt road. The Vanderbllt and Rockefeller hold ings have been pooled In the hands of James Stillman as trustee. Stillman Is president of the National City bank, the head of the Rockefeller chain of banks. snd also the first of Rockefeller's lieu tenants in railroad and other Invest ments. Among the men who know most about railroad stock news this Is regarded as the culmination of a movement by which the Rockefellers are gaining control of the Keystone and Vanderbllt system. Wall street men believe that the Rocke fellers have outgeneraled the Vander bllta and that the pooling repreaenta a way of "letting down easily" the family that has so long been Identified with the New York Central. It Is understood that the holdings of tha two Immensely rich families are so nearly equal that neither cares to risk a showdown and that no body Is quite sure which controls the larger amount of stock, hence the pool ing arrangement. a PATIENTS FACE DEATH IN BURNING HOSPITAL (Joarnal Special Service.) Pueblo, Colo., Nov. SO. St. Msrys hospital caught fire at 1:10 o'clock and is still burning. A high wind Is .blowing. Three hundred patients are in the build ing. They are being carried out by fire men. BOi VULT. (Journal Special Serrlee.) Washington. Nov. to. Senator Cock rell of Missouri called at the White House this morning and had a talk with the president over the president's offer of a position on either the Panama canal commission or the lnter-state commerce commission. Cockrell will probably se lect the latter appointment. TO rat STATE PASS DAI (Journal Sperlsl Service.) Chicago, Nov. SO. Members of .the American Association of Fairs and Ex positions are rounding up at the Grand Pacific hotel for their annual meeting tonight. The purpose of the meeting Is to tlx the dates for holding the fairs of the middle west during the coming year. this time no suggestion was made to me by sny officer of the government or by any one elss that my testimony waa de sired. I did pass through St. Paul. Sunday morning laai. arriving there on the Northern Pacific train at 7:10 o'clock and leaving on the Burlington at 1:10 o'clock for Chicago. Surely every op portunity was open to have had tne subpoenaed or even notified of the wish upon the part of the government that I should be present at ths trial. Had thla been done I should have deferred leaving until the trial was over, aa I am very willing and anxious to givn any testimony In my knowledge that will have any proper tendency to fasten fraud on any of those charged with fraud. But It Is simply Impossible for me to leave here now. I have impor tant engagements In the departments and with committees, snd slso In get ting ready for the meeting of the son ata, whloh convenes oa the ILh of De 4 CRISIS IS EXPECTED AT ZEIGLER TONIGHT Several Lives Are Believed Have Been Lost in the Bat tle of Monday. to (Journal Special Service.) Benton, I1L, Nov. 10. Reports from Zeigler say that the night paaaed with out any trouble, but It is considered likely that more troops will be sent there to day as a crisis is expected tonight, livery resident of the union miners' camp, near Zeigler, has been ordered to appear before the grand jury. It is be lieved that several Uvea war lost In Monday nlght'a battle. A report Is cur rent here today that several wounded men were removed from the scene. Pools of blood have been found In seversl places outside of the stockade. Since the arrival of Joseph Letter with a further force of men from Chi cago, the unreat among the union miners at their camp has noticeably Increased, and last night many of the residents of the town of Zeigler passed a wakeful night, expecting at any moment to hear cracking of long-range rifles that it is now considered almost certain the strikers have in their possession. The order promulgated that each man must report to the grand Jury has had the further effect of decreasing the out look for an amicable adjustment The authorities therefore have. It Is under stood, asked for additional troops, and It Is expected that If matters do not reach a more peaceful state of affairs within a short time, action will be taken looking to an arbitration board com posed of leading Influential men of the state. Such an arrangement, It la under stood, has been under consideration, but no definite steps have been agreed upon by the promoters. IS IMDIOTMB. (Joarnal Special Berries.) Peckneyvllle, in.. Nov. SO. The grand Jury today Indicted Joseph Loiter for taking armed men through the state without permission from the governor. BIG LONDON FIRM IS SAID TO HAVE FAILED (Journal Special Serrlee.) London, Nov. 10. The Evening Star says tha London S Paris Exchange, a large banking and brokerage firm, haa closed Its doors and is In serious dif ficulty. The firm's liabilities are said to amount to at least 15.000,000. No state ment haa been issued. cember. I will here stste, snd possibly the attorneys for ths defence may be willing to concede that I would so tes tify If on the stsnd. that the affidavits of Emma L Wateon and S. A. D. Puter, which were forwarded by me to Com missioner Hermann In my letter of March 1, 1902, were handed me her In Washington by S. A. D. Puter on or about the date of their transmission to the' commissioner; that Mr. Puter, whom I had never eeen before to nay knowl edge, came to me and asked my assist ance In getting the 11 cases of home stead entrtea referred to made special. At thst time he brought s letter of In troduction to me from a prominent and reliable attorney of Oregon, vouching for hla reliability. This Is my whols In formation In regard to the matter. I took It for granted, of course, that the affidavits were traa, and t airing thm to be true, very strong reasons were presented why early action should be USED BY SWINDLERS Mitchell Victim of Puter and Mrs. Watson, Heney Says. SENATOR'S DUTY IS TO TAKE THE STAND Why Does He Conceal Names of Attorney Who Recom mended Puter? Prose cutor Asks. Assistant Attorney General Heney. said concerning the telegrams sent to Senator John H. Mitchell requesting him to come to Portland as a witness, made the--following statement: - "I can appreciate the hardship which It would be upon Senator Mitchell to return Immediately to Portland after having just made a long and arduous trip east, but 1 cannot understand his failure to answer my telegram request ing him to furnish me the name of the attorney who gave Puter the letter of introduction to the senator at the time the latter vouched for Pater a reliabil ity to Commissioner Hermann and As sistant Commissioner Richards and re quested that these fraudulent claims be expedited. "If Senator Mitchell was on the wit ness stand, I could compel him to dis close the name of this attorney, and to produce the letter which he received. If he still haa it. Ths government haa a right to get the statement of this at torney and fin out what. If anything, he knows about these fraudulent trans actions. If this attorney Is Innocent, the disclosure of his name can do him no harm; whereas. If he had a guilty knowledge of the fraudulent character of these transactions at the time he gave the letter indicated to Senator Mitchell for Puter, the government la entitled to know his name so that he may be prosecuted for aiding the con spirators now on trial. "I deem It tne duty of every good cltlsep to aid the government by telling the officers who are conducting the prosecution every fact whloh will throw any light upon the, frauds- which have been committed, and I think that every United States senator Is under a double duty to disclose facts within hla knowl edge which tend to expose any frauds which have been committed upon the government, or to disclose who the guilty parties are, and In view of the fact that Senator Mitchell was used by these defendants, Puter and Wat son, to aid them In securing the fruits of their crime by having these fraudu lent entries expedited, I think that the duty of Senator Mitchell Is Increased tenfold to disclose to tne prosecuting officers of the government sll facta within his knowledge that may have the slightest bearing upon these unlaw ful transactions." WEALTHY COUNTESS SEEKS PRISON BED (Joarnal Special Serrlee.) New York, Nov. 30. Diamonds worth thousands adorned a young and beauti ful woman who 'asked a night's lodging at the West Thirtieth street station last night AC the woman's throat biased a big diamond sunburst, on her left hand she wore a number of costly diamonds and opal rings; shs Wore a gold bracelet on her left wrist, with a diamond clasp. She also was attired In expensive cloth ing. She said that she was homeless, and asked the police to give her a place to sleep. The sergeant suggested that she pawn her Jewelry, but ehe replied that they were heirlooms and that she would not hsd In ths land department, and hence my letter transmitting ths affidavits to the commissioner. "JOHN H MITCHELL." "Portland. Nov. 24. 1M4. "Hon John H. Mitchell, U. & Senate. Washington, D. C. "Defendanta' attorneys refuse to ad mit truth of statements contained la your telegram to me of yesterday. Your testimony Is still vitally Important to government. United Statee Attorney Hall did not consider your testimony important when you were here, but he now agrees with mi a to Its materi ality and great Importance. What waa tha name of the attorney who gave; pu ter the latter of tntroductlosi to you 7 Will you come, and wheat - "FRANCIS ' rm CONFESSION ON STAND R. W. Montague Says He Was an Accomplice of Tarpley and M'Kinley ADMITS COMPLICITY IN THE LAND FRAUDS Issued Bogus Proofs at Request of Alleged Conspirators, to Men He Never Saw. When R. W. Montague, formerly dep uty county clerk in Linn county, took the witness-stand this morning in tha land-fraud trial, and confessed himself an accomplice of Dan Tarpley and H. G. McKlnley In the conspiracy to rob tha government of the public domain, tha de fense received a ataggerlng blow. Montagus admitted that in his ca pacity of deputy, clerk he falsely certs fled, at McKlnley'a requeat and Instiga tion, that seven of the pretended entry men had appeared before him and made oath to their olainas. while In fact no such persons had been before him. The r,r0f r d his words were scarcely audible even t the defendants' attorneys, who left their seats and crowded toward the witness box to hear the confession. McKlnley s guilt was established be yond dispute, and the testimony strong ly Indicated that Tarpley was equally In volved. Other evidence given earlier In the session connected McKlnley with the mythical George A Howe, and a docu ment In which Howe's name had been substituted for McKlnley'a waa intro duced by the government and promises to be an important link In the chain of proof. Details of Confession. There was a perceptible sUr among tha defendants when Mr. HaU called R. W. Montague to the stand. The witness stated that he was deputy county clerk of Linn county from July, 1900, to July, 1101, and that It waa his duty to take homestead filings and to administer tha oath to entrymen and witnesses. Ha Identified a number of the fraudulent homestead entries In town shin 11-7, and said that the certificates attached te them were made by him. These oertif 1 -cates recite that the entrymen appeared! and made oath to their proofs of entry. Did you have any conversatlona with Tarpley or McKlnley relative to taking; up lands in township 11-7?" asked Ms, Hall. "I did." said the witness. Tn the lat ter part of the summer of 1100 I talked at Albany with Tarpley about this. H was In the locating business, and ha spoke of the notice hanging In our of fice, notifying settlers In that township who were entitled to make proofs that the survey had been made." Tarpley suggested that It might be (Continued on Pag Two.) part with them. Before the police ser geant started with her to the refuge for homeless women she called him and said: "I am the Countess Madeline Za nettl. At the time of the Franco-Prussian wsr, when I waa a babe, my father, because of trouble with the government, had his property confiscated and waa exiled." For six years the count secured m large Income In England through Intro ducing American families to members of the nobility. Her present penniless condition she explained by saytng that she eloped from London to the United Statee with a musician, who deserted her. ant Attorney-General. Portland. Or. "Telegram received as 1 wired yea yesterday for reaaon stated In telegram It Is simply sbsnlutely impossible for ma to go to Oregon at this time. "JOHN H. MITCHELL" "Portland. Or.. Nov. 11, 104. 'Hon. John K. Mitchell, U. S. Seaataji Washington. D. C "You neglected to give me the nasta wire It Immediately, so that I caa as him aa a witness for the goveraaseat. and oblige, "KRANC1S i sawaw. "Special As t to . To this n at