The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 29, 1904, Image 13

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Engineering Feat Performed in
Preventing Further Land
slides in the Park.
City Cains Two Beautiful Lakes
and Water Company Es
capes Damage Suits.
Two high-pressure reservoirs in the
city park will soon be In use by the
city witter company,, and the unsightly
cavern that have marred Portland's
most beautiful grounds will to converted
Into highly ornamental little lakes. This
wtll also terminate a nightmare's mad
revelry on the engineering price of the
water company, and prove a corrective
feat of engineering science that la sure
to command wide attention.
For many weeks a foroa of more than
a half hundred men has been busy retin
itis" the city park reservoirs and effacing
all evidence of that slide which has
been such a costly agent of destruc
tion. Ttieir work Is nearly done. The
upper reservoir has a clean, smooth con
crete lining, and five to six Inches of
concrete Is being plastered aver a heavy
layer of tarred preparation In the lower
one. Before the multitude of neat year
Is thronging to the park there will he a
serene beauty upon the surface of this
district that would never suggest to
tha admiring visitor the broken walls
8 ltd network of drainage i tunnels that
Bve been feature of early work.
Portland property-owners will sigh
sweetly when they learn that BUI Run's
floods are confined by these two pre
tentious works, and that the "buckling,"
"toe of tha slide," "fault plane," and
other ruthless antagonists of engineering
minds have been eliminated. In addition
to repairs and more repairs that marked
early days of the reservoirs, and then a
long system of tunnels and shafts driven
to drain the ground, Portland sustained
a costly lawsuit over them.
Tobogganing meal Estate.
King Bros, alleged in court that 4he
reservoir excavations removed the bull
wark that held an 80-acre tract In place,
and as a result valuable real estate was
tobogganing Into the gulch. To persuade
U good men and true that this claim
was exaggerated. Portland brought a
formidable array of engineering talent
here, securing as expert witnesses the
beat minds to be had on the coast. Tha
water company won, but the victory was
like the reservoirs costly.
In the long trial, a mass of technical
evidence was adduced, wherein It was
shown that the beautiful knoll back of
the reservoirs waa a elide The fault
plane waa a tod of herd clay that
dipped Into tha gulch slightly below
the level of the bottom of the rservolra.
This slide began well back upon the
bill. There a small pond had been
formed In the space where ths slide
parted from the mainland, and the aqua
pura of this pond waa said to be the
lubricant that slicked ths haidpan bed
...... ,4 . t , ..Ian. nr ih.
burden of loose soli to move on. Teats I
and measurements mads by the city
water works proved that tha ground
waa sliding slowly and seemingly Irre
sistibly, which the city and Its engi
neering talent held -had been so for time
Immemorial, and that excavation of the
reservoirs "cutting the toe) of tha slide"
1 ad not facilitated the movement.
Kow to Correct tha reult.
TDCSf siiiic-iii-ni n-untfu upon hi.
eminent and lamented engineer who had
located tha reservoir sites, but were
proven to the satisfaction of the Jury,
while good friends saved the memory of
the departed by loading the responsi
bility for selection upon subordinates
who had acted while the master mind
waa busy with great and general plana.
Correcting the fault, without fruitless
chiding, was tha next duty essayed by
ths water company. Ons long tunnel was
driven from near the reservoirs Into the
sliding hill, following the fault plane
of clay. Laterals wars extended from
this so as to drain away all water that
was prone to meander down the Incline
and smooth the path of the slide. EarTy
work along this Una was observed with
the closest attention, careful tests being
made to determine If the slide was de
creasing. Engineers said that It was.
Then the system was extended, and time
waa riven to 1st It become effective.
Flnslly the engineers were satisfied that
the movement of lend naa neen cnecxeu.
Without the lubricant diffused over tha
fault plane the land see men ansniutety
fixed, and now the work of rellnlng the
reservoirs has been taken up. To keep
the drainage of the fault plane perfect
the system of tunnels and ahsfts will
to maintained. One shaft la being sunk
above reservoir No. 1 and tha work
prosecuted beyond and near No. 1 has
poen very exiensuvw.
In rellnlng cars has been observed to
gusrd against seepage. On top of the old
cement lining a double or triple layer of
. . . . -..t mnnamtlon that might he
mistaken for heavy tarpaulin has been
placed, a fluent waah of tar being used
on top nd bottom. On this Is placed
five or six Inches of fine concrete, the sur
fsce of which la cement. When all has
been placed and permitted to dry water
will he turned Into the reservoirs, with
assurance that It will to held there un
til drawn off by men.
coubt or xarcvniT.
(Special DUpsteh to The Journal.)
Bremerton. Wash.. Nov. . The court
f Innulry Into the causa of the ground
nsr of the monitor Wyoming haa been
onene-l and will laat aeveral days. Tha
members of the board are: Rear Ad
vnirul Henry Olaas. commandant of tha
? t naval district; Captain B. P. Til
lay captain of Mere Island navy yard;
rantnln J. V. B. Bleec.ksr. of Bremer
ton navy yrd. snd Commander T. S.
Phelps, former commander of the
MarbleheBd. snd now on waiting or
Jsrs Re" r Admiral Glass and Captain
B V Tiller wars saluted upon their
arrival. m
(Bpeclal Dlspstch to The JesrssL)
Belllngham. Wash.. Nov. BlB.
Tem ng of ths brokerage firm of Dem
IM 0?W. add- K "'' h to1r"
that John Cudahy ! Interested In galn
S cnntrol of ths salmon industry.
Tem?ng bid for the Pscltta Am.r.c.n
fisheries when It was sold here Ko
vrStlO tn W. A. Ptters. for M10.
00? offer was Wt.OtO.
Winter Ratss to Yaquina Bay.
Ths Southern Pacific Co. will sell, on
Wednesday snd Baturdaya of each week,
until March II. l0e, low rata round
trio tlcksts to Taqutna. limited to M
days from data of sale. The sale of
these excureton tlcksts during the winter
month IS a new depart urs and has been
brought about through the dealre of our
.wy. ........ 1-- .-zr
SJSS OSSUBS paiVHssgwe wi
Van Cortland
313 Washington St.
$10 Reading
No Charge Unless
Never before la the history of ncealt sewses
has a man ef Professor Van Cortlsnd'a pro
fessional standing- consented to place hia serv
ices at the disposal of the public for ouch a
nouilnal conai duration. Realising that this
city has Dees overrun with pretenders, and
that many ef Its lieat eltlecne are anxious
to visit a genuine clairvoyant and spirit me
dium, he tin decided to pls'-e his consultation
fee within reach of all. As a teat Is your
reading he will tell your name and the object
of your vtatt without asking you a question.
nl'HINEMM, operate tlou, Investments. Insur
ance, changes, travels, health, lova. divorce,
MARR1AIJE. LAWbUTTB. sepsratlona. WIXaLB.
deeds, murtgagea. patents. CLAIM", collec
tions, etc. He will tell you what trade, busi
ness or profession you sre adopted for.
He trill tell you your use. in all. tella
your life from the cradle to ths grave, and
exactly what yon want to know.
MSH Waahtnaton Street
Sixth Street
to i, Dairy si
tit Woreesier Blag, nose West 11.
General Practice. Investigations Estate Work,
special and Periodical Audits.
proposed improvement or moebib
Notice Is hereby given that at the meeting
of the Council of the City of Portland. Oregon,
held os the lots say of November. 1904. the
following resolution was adopted,
Rasolvad. That the tVsincll ef the City at
Portlsnd. Oregon, deems tt expedient sod pro
poses to Improve Morris street from the west
curb line of Deity street to the sast curb Use
ef Vsacosver svesse, la the following manner.
First- By constructing wooden sidewalks In
sroordasee with the City Engineer's plsas,
specifications and estimates
Second -By Jar leg woodsa crosswalks.
ftald Improvement to be made In accordance
with the charter and ordinances of ths City of
Portland and the plana. siMclflcstlone snd estl
mstee of the ltv Bktgineee, filed Is ths office
of the Auditor of the City of Portland on the
8d day of November. 11". 4 Indorsed "City
Etigtoeer'a plana and specifications for the Im
provement of Morris street from the west curb
ILoe of Daley street to the eaat curb lloe of
Vli-couver avenue, and the estimates of the
work to be does snd the probable total cost
The cost of said Improvement to he snssi(
as provided by the dty charter upon the
property specially and peeultarl' benefited
thereby, end which la hereby declared to he
all the lota, parts thereof and parcels of land
lying between a lloe lying 100 feet north of
ssd parsllel with the north line of Morris
street and a line 100 feet south ef and parallel
with the eouth line of Morris street snd between
the west line of Delay street asd the esat Use
o Vancouver avenue. .
The Engineer's estimate ef the probable total
coat for the Improvement of aald Morris street
Is (1.7(0.00.
The plsas. specifications and estimates ef
tha illy Engineer for the Improvement ef said
Morris street are hereby adopted.
Resolved. That the Auditor of tha City ef
Portland be sad he Is hereby directed to give
attics of the proposed Improvement ef ssld
street aa provided by the dty charter.
Remonstrances against the shoes Improve
ment may he filed tn writing with the nnder
algned within So dais from the date of toe
first publication ef this notice.
By order of the Council.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
Portland. Oregon. November gt. 1(04.
Notice la hereby given that st ths meeting
hereby given that
of the Council of the City of Portland. Oregon.
held on the 18th day of November, 1(04, the
following resolution was adopted:
Resolved. That the Council of the City of
Portland. Oregon, deems It expedient and pro
poses to Improve Hhaver street from the east
line of I'nlos avenue to the weat line of East
Twelfth street In the following manner, to
wHl First Bv grading the street full width
with full Intersections tn the proper grade In
arordsnce with the stakra set by the City
Second- By constructing wooden sidewalks.
Third By constructing crosswalks.
Fourth By constructing box gutters.
Raid Improvement to be made In accordance
with tke charter and nrdlnancra of the City
of Portlsnd snd the plana, aperincatlons and
sstlmstee of the City Engineer Bled In the
offlcs of the Auditor of the City of Portlsnd
on the 11th day ef November, 1(04. Indorsed:
"City Engineer's plana and specifications for
ths Improvement of Shaver atsevt from the
estt line of Colon avenue to the west line of
East Twelfth street and the estttnstre of the
work to be duos sod the probsbls total coat
The rest of aald Improvement to be assessed
as provided by the rlty charter upon the prop
erty specially and peculiarly benefited thereby
snd which Is hereby declared to be sll the Iota,
psrta of lots end parcels of land lying between
a line ion feet Berth of and parallel with the
north Hue of (asvsr street sad a Una 10B
feet south of and parallel with tha snath
line of Hhaver etreet, esd between the esat
line of L'nlon avenue and the weet Use of
Bsst Twelfth street.
Tha Engineer's cat lax Its ef the probable total
cost for the Improvement of ssld (haver street
Is (3.81S.0O.
The plana, specifics ttons and eatlmstee of ths
City Engineer for the Improvement of said
Shaver sweet are hereby adopted.
Resolved. That the Aodttnr ef the City ef
Portlsnd be sod be Is hereby dtreetsd te give
notice of the proposed Improvement of said
atreet aa provided by the city charter.
Remonatraneee agalsst the above Improve
meet may be Sled la writing with the nnder
slsnrd within 20 dsys from the dsts of the first
nuVllcatfon of thla notice
-By order of the Council.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
Portland. Oregon. November SB, 1(04.
Notice Is hereby gives that at s secular
r reilng of tke council of the City of IN.rtl.uid,
Oregon, te he held on Weonesdag th fta dar ef
Dseeaoer. ise. si ids isareasr seer ano place.
petition will be rreeeated to asid Oessrll
Lnraying ror ins vacation oi vast iriiss ef
(TV maa street Is said city lying ketweea tke
esst Use of Cornell street ana the wist Una
of Belly street. O. 0. Qssr
suss, sank usm
a. Mvs,
job TjtTBovExnrT or SA
Not lea Is hereby gives that the Council of tha
City at Portland, Oregon, at s meeting held
on the Sad da7 7 November. 1804. declared ths
aosassmaat by ordinance No. 14. Ms. for the
Improvement ef Balmuu street, from the wset
Use of Front street to the seat Use of fifth
Noi,TaV wpos "so ctHot ar fIf Jot a
W,T0a. upon each lot
lead, which sre specie
ted. to be ss follows,
sad parcel
alls iai laanslleels aaiii
filed, to be as follows, via
PORTLAND liLoCK s. undivided II east
at net lot 4. J. A. Malorty. ( lots 24. ua
dlvlded 1-3 east OS feet lot 4, P. K Hulmas.
tlOO.lM; undivided 1-S seat SB feet lot 4.
tarns Rolman. (106. 84; west So fact of
lot 4, Oregon garniture Manufacturing Com
pany. (1'JT.TB: lot 8. Oregon Purulturr Man
ufacturing Company. (48.04; lot . Oregon
furniture Manufacturing Company. ;
lot t. John A. Dcvllu. ash 26 HUM K IX.
eeet SB feet lot 4. A. Qraoe Rooo. (418.74;
fast IB feet lot 4. Mary J. Woodward.
IMS: weet 4 feet of north H lot a. Mary
woodward, tl.40; west 16 feet of south
H lot t. Mary J. Woodward. east
fact of north ', let t. Annie Hewald.
It. aa Wlagaad and Kate Stands. (88 TP; eaat
to feet of south H let S. Wiley 11 Allen,
tin "I; eaat 10 feet of lot 0. Mary J. Wood
ward, t7 ill; west SB feet of lot 6. William
Frssler und Elisabeth Corbett Bstste. heirs
of. east 10 feet of lot 6, Mary J.
Woodward. (4D.14: west 8f feet of lot 6. M. BtchsrSBon. (4 IT 44 BIACK St.
undivided 14 tot 4. Joseph N. Dolpb Estate
helra of tin 4H. undivided V lot t. Jceeph
N. iMIph stare, b'lre ef. tin 77. undivided
4 lot A Cyrus A. Dolnh, (11T.48: undivided
lot S. Cyrus A. Dulph. flt.TT: undivided
S lot 4. J T. Apperson. (254 11. ao(ti.
vised H lot t. J. T. Appersou. ttS.aB; lot
tt. Marx A Jorgeaaea. aat.74: lut 5, Thorn
St. Richardson. (488.20. BLOCK 02. lot
4. George T. Myers, (488 24. south S lot
t. Elisabeth end Oscar E. Hetnta. XS6.S7.
undivided north u lot I. Ellssbeth and
Oscar E. Heinta. tlT.dB; undivided w north
H lot 8 Arthur B. Hslnts. $17 iw. lot t.
George T. Myers,; lot 6. George T.
Myers. I4M.M. BIOCK 88. lot 4. Ida M.
Church. (407.83: lot t. Hicter J. Morrison
171. t; lot 0 Bernhsrd L. Htoue Estate, helra
of. 171. Ml, tot ft. Bernhard L. Stone Estate,
heirs of. BLOCK ft. lot 1. Robert
1'atton Estate, heirs of. (48B.BB: lot 1. Ret.
ert Psttoni Estate, helra of, (B.BS; lot 7.
Daniel Elntel. nn 28. lot a, Dsnlel Ktnkel.
(41)1. KT BLOCK 11, tot 1. ASa Marker Es
tate, helra of, t4sa.ot: lot 8. F. C. Smith
Estate, beirs ef. (TO. TO; south 30 H feet
lot T, T. C. Smith Estate, heirs of. 148.73;
north 1814 feet let 7. Henry Welnbard.
tlt.01: kit n Henrv Welnhard. (48T.31.
BLOCK 34. tot 1. German Havings A Loan
Society. 84T1.BO; lot 2. Mary Ruth Hawkins.
BB7.34; lot 7. J. W. and V. Conk. (70. ad;
lot t. Security Ssvlngs A Trust Company.
(4(1. ST. BLOCK S3, north Vt of btock. Ctty
sf Portland, BLOCK St. tot 1.
Multnomah .County, x.-.nt x". lot 2. Mult
nomah County. (71.4k: lot 7. Multnomah
County. (71.00; lot 8. Multnomah County.
(808.40. Total. (
A Ststement of aforeiuilil aasessmaint has
been entered In ths Docket of city Liens ami
la now due and payable at the office of the
City Treasurer. In lswful money of the t'nlted
states, sad If sot paid within sn days from
the date of this notice such proceedings will
be taken for the collection o the same aa are
provided by the charter of the City of Port
land. The above assessment will heer Interest 10
says after ths first pnhllcstlon of this notice.
Auditor of the riu of Portland.
Portlsnd. Oregon. November SB, 104.
Notice m hereby siren thst st the ssa.Mii.
of the Cauucil of tha City of Portland, Oregon,
held on the 16th day of November, 1904, the
following leaotutlon waa adopted:
Resolved. That the Council of the City of
Portland. Oregon, deems It exoedlent snd nro.
poeoe to Improve Williams avrnne from the
north line of Morris street to the north line
of Alberta atreet In the following manner, to
wn :
First By grading the street fnll width with
full Intersections to the erade aa shows hv
the a takes set by the City Engineer.
Second By planking the roadway full width
with fnll Intersections In accordance with the
City Engineer's plans, speclflcstlons sod esti
mates. Third Br eonstructlns sldewslks in seeord
st with ths City Engineer's plans, spscutca
tlons snd estimates.
Fourth By constructing wooden curbs In ac
cordance With the tity Engineer s plans, spectS
catlons and eatisastes.
Bsld Improvement to be BXsde is accordance
with tha charter, sod sealsasesB sat the dty
of Portlsnd axel the plana epeelflea lions and
estimates of the Ctty Engineer Bled In the
office of the Auditor of the dty of Portland
on the 18th day of November. 1(04. indorsed:
"City Engineer' plans snd speclflcstlons for the
Improvement of Williams set sen from the
north line of Morria street te the north line of
Altiertg street snd the estimates of the work
to be done and the probable total cost thereof."
The cost of aald improvement to he assessed
as provided by the city charter upon the property
specially snd peculiarly benefited thereby sod
which la hereby declared to he all the tots, parts
thereof and percale of land tying between a
line 100 feet west of and parallel with the
west line of Wllllsms avenue and a line lot)
feet eaat of and parallel with the esst line of
Williams avesue. and between the north line
of Morria street ssd a line ion feet north of
snd parallel with the north tine of Alberts
The Engineer's estimate of the probable total
cost for the Improvement of said Williams
s venue ts (IS. 400.08.
Hie (hove Improvement is ts he ekteeed as
a plank roadway Improvement and shall he
maintained by the city for a period of see
years, provided that the owners of a matorlty
of the property benefited by ssld Improvement,
or say portion thereof, shall not petition tor s
sew or different Improvement before the ex
piration of such period.
The plana. speclScstlons and eatlmates of
the (Tty Engineer for the Improvement of eeld
Wllllsms avenue sre hereby adopted
Resolved That the Auditor of the City ef
Port land be and he a hereby directed to give
notice of 'the proposed Improvement of asid
avenue as provided bv the city charter.
Remonstrance against the shove improve
ment may be Bled In writing with the under,
signed within 90 dsys from the date of the
first publication of thla notice.
By order of the Council
Tiles C. DBVUN.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
Portland. Oregoa. November 28. 1804.
Notice Is hereby given that at the meeting
of the Council sf the City of Portlsnd. Oregon,
held on the 18th dsy of November. 1(04.
the following resolution vll adopted:
Resolved. That the Council of the (Tty ef
Portlsnd, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro.
poses to Improve Teniae avenue from 23 feet
west ef the weat line ef East Twenty -third
street tn the esst lies of Grsnd avenue, la the
following manner: .
First By bringing the street fall width with
fnll Intersection to grade aa shown by the
stakes set hv the City Engineer
leeond By constructing wooden sldewslks In
sceordsnee with the City Bstineer's nlsna,
apecldcatlons and estimates.
Third By laying crosswalks in sceordsnee
with the City Engineer's plsas, speclflcstlons
and eetlmstcs.
Fourth By constructing bog gutter
Bald Improvement to be made la accordance
with the charter and ordinances of the Ctty
of Portland snd the puna, apeclflcatlooa and
estimates of the City Engineer Bled In the
offloe of the Auditor of the City of Portland
ns the llth day of November. 1(04. Indcrsed:
"(Tty Engineer's plsns and specification for
the improvement of Tentne avenue from Z
feet Wset of the west Use ef Eaat Twenty
third street to the east line of Grand avenue,
snd the estimates Of the work to be done snd
the nrobsble total esst thereof."
The eeet of ssld Improvement to be ssseesed
aa provided by the clfy charter upon the prop
erty specially and peculiarly benefited thereby
and which la hereby declsred to be all the lota,
parts thereof and parcels of land lying between
a line 100 feet north of snd parsllel with the
north Use of Tentno nvenue and s line loo feet
south of and parallel with the seeth Use of
Tentno avenue and between the ' esst Use of
(trend avenue snd a line (B feet weat of and
parallel with the weet Una of Esst Twenty
third atreet.
The Knglaeer'a estimate of the probable total
cost for the Improvement of said Teniae a Ve
nn Is (7.847.00.
The nisrs. specific. it ions nnd eetlmstea of the
(Tty Engineer for the Improvesseat ef ssld
Tentno avenue are hereby adopted.
Resolved. Thst the Auditor of the (Tty of
Portlsnd he sad he I hereby directed to give
notice ef the proposed Improvement of said
avenue aa provided by the city charter
Rsmooatraaces agalnet the above Improve
meet assy be Bled In writing with the under
signed within 20 days from the date ef the
flrst publication of thla notice.
By order of ths Council.
Auditor of the (Tty of Portland
Portland. Oregon, 28. 1804.
Notice la hereby given that at the meeting
of the Council of the City of Portland. Oregon
held on the 18th day af November, 1(04. the fol
lowing resolution was sdopted :
Resolved. Hist tke Council of the City af
Portland. Oregon, deems If expedient and pro
sees to improve Emerson street rrotai tn west
Ins of Patton avenue to the eest Use et
lienver avenue, by bringing the atreet to the
It. I aa shown by tbs "takes
set by tbe (Tty
Bald Improvement to he made in accordance
with the charter sod ordinances of the city
of Portland and the plans, speclflcstlons sod
estimates af the City Kuglseer Bled ts ths
efBce sf the Auditor ef tits Ctty at Psrt-
land oa the llth day ef November. 1804. to
dorsed "City Engineer's Plans and pscllBcsttisas
fat the improvement of Emerson etreet from
the wast line of Patton avenue to ths sast
line of Denver svenae ssd the estimates of the
work to he dous sad the probable total cost
The cost of aald improvement to be ssaessed
ea provided by the city charter upon ths prop
erty aneclsllv east nsnuHsrlr bens flted thereby
end which Is hereby declared to be sll the
Iota, pasts thereof sad parcels of land lying
between s line 100 feet north of snd parsllel
with the north Line of Baserson street sad s lint
10O feet eouth af snd osrsllel with the south
line of Emerson etreet, end between the esst
line of Dearer s venae sad the wast line of
1'atton s venae.
The Engineer's estimate ef the probable total
cost for ths Improvement ef said Emerson
street la 11.7(3.00.
The plena, specifications and set! mates of
the ctty Engineer for the Improvement of aald
Emerson street are hereby ndopled.
Resolved. That ths Auditor of the Ctty
of Portland be and he Is hereby directed ts give
notice of the proposed Improvement of ssld
street ss provided by the city charter ,
Remonatraneee agslast the above lniprovment
msy be filed Is writing with the undersigned
within 20 dsys from ths date of the Brat publi
cs tlon of this notice.
By order of the Council.
Auditor of the tity of Portland.
Portland. Oregou. November 2u. 1(04.
Notice Is hereby given that ths Council ef the
City of Portlsnd, Oregon, at a meeting held on
the lath day of Novrmlasr, 1(04. confirmed snd
u don ted the preliminary reassessment of the
Auditor by ordinance No 14.SS4. for the Im
provement of Mela atreet, from the weet line
of Chspmsn street to the wast llue of King
street, upon each lot, part of lot and parcel
of land, which ore specially and peculiarly
Iceneflted. to be aa follows, vis:
Msp of Southeasterly Portion of Amoa N. King's
Land Claim. Recorded April 8, 1871 BLOCK
3. north H of northeast H of F. W and
c Julia Hsnebut. (108.78; south 4 of northeast
H of, William and Elisabeth Bsraes. (86.S4;
south Yfe of uorthweat 14 of, Bridget ointy.
(no. 44; north of northwest k, of, Ellen
Planlgan. (141). 81. BLOCK 7. northeast k ef.
Mrs. Josephine J. Boyd. t218.33: east H of
northwest lsof. The Title Uuarsntee A Trust
( ontjiany. tit"). 72; west S of northwest V, of,
E. K liaseltlne Estate. Helra of, (108 67.
BLOCK 1. northeast of, Mary E. Hasel
tou, . ,., gs.4 feet of northwest k
of, Margn,r.-t I. chown. ti'U weet 4t feet
ef norihweat i.4 of. Fsnnle Hnradon, (ISC til.
A tract pf land bounded on the north by s
Use draws at right angles with the eaat Una
of King street and from a point la said eest
line of King etreet 850.8 feet southerly
measuring on aald esst Hue of King street
from Its Intersection with the south Has of
Salmon street, essterly to ths west line of
block No. 10 on the "Man of toe Southeast
erly Portion af Amos N. King's Land Claim."
recorded April 8. 1(71: en the eest by the
westerly line of aald block No. 10; on the
srulh by s line 100 feet southerly from and
parsllel with the south line of Main street;
snd on the west by the easterly line of King
street and a line drawn from the south end
of ssld esst Use of King street south 20
degrees eaat te Intersection with the south
boundary line aa tbovs described, Rebecca
L. LndlngtoB. (116 54,
A tract of ".and bounded on the north by the
south tine of Main etreet; on the wset by the
east line of King street; on the south by s
line drswn from s point In the east line
pf King street 850.5 feet southerly meeenrlng
on ssld east line of King street from Its
intersection with the eouth line of Salmon
street sad at right angle to ssld east line
ef King street to the westerly ftne of block
No 10 en the "Map of the southeasterly
Port I n of Amoa N King's Lend Claim."
recorded April 8. 1871 : snd on the esst by the
westerly line of ssld block No. 1, Mary W.
(iaston. (30B.M.
Man of Southeasterly Portion of Amos N.
King's Land Claim," recorded AprlfS. 1871
BLOCK 8. south H of southwest 14 of. B. B.
Knight, ( north of aouthesst V of.
s A. Olltner. (34.22; east 30.87 feet ef
southwest K of, F. W. and Julia nauebut.
t58 82: south 72 88 feet ef east 80.87 feet of
weet 78.88 feet of southwest of. Msrgsret
Markenxlr. tSS.Sl : weet 48 feet of southwest
u and north 33 feet of esst 80.87 feet of
weet 73.88 feet of southwest 14 of. The Ore
gen Mortgage Company. H'2.r.u BLOCK 8.
aouth 4 of southeast 14 of. Robert B
i . nuwn a.,
.uthea.t i of.
10: esst ') of
One. (103 8.1;
Prrrr. (448.42; north W of southeast
N. A. and E. A. King. (87.60:
Mn)h.t V. of (leoree A. G Lc of aonthweat i. of. James E. Haa. 1
tine, flu 27 BLOCK 11. south x of. Mary
W. Oaston. (082 77.
A tract of land hounded and described ss fol
lows: Beginning st s paint In the north
Itne f Main -street 7 S feet eest of the
intersection of the east tihe of King street
with the north Use of Mais street; thence
northerly at right ancle to a point 100 fret
north of the north line of Main atreet : thence
easterly and parsllel with the north line
of Main street te the westerly lloe of block
No. 11 on the "Map of the Southeasterly Por
tion of Amos N. King's laud Claim," re
corded April 8. 1871: thence southerly on ssld
westerly line of block No. 11 to the north line
ef Main atreet ; thence westerly on ssld north
Use of Main street to piece of beginning.
Msry W. (Isston. (248.78.
A tract ef land hounded snd desert bed ss
follows: Beginning at a potijt In the esst line
of King atreet which la 188 78 feet south of
the Intersect ion of the south lloe of Salmon
atreet with the eaat line of King street,
thence essterly and parallel with the south
Use of Salmon atreet 8B.0S feet; thence
northerly at right angles tn a point 100 feet
- northerly from the north line of Main street,
s laid oat east of King street: thence
westerly snd parallel with the north line of
Main street tn the east line of King street:
thence sontherly to the place of begianlnx.
Wallace McCsmsnt. (41 81.
A tract of land bounded and deecrihed as
follows: Commencing at a point on the east
aide line of King atreet which la 188 77 feet
snath of the point where the south line of
TUlusna atreet intersect the east aide line
ef King atreet, aald point being the south
west corner of a tract of land deeded to
Wallace McCamaut by Instrument dated July
(0. 18S4. and recorded la Multnomah County.
Oregon, la Deed Book 234. at page 8(7; from
thence running along the aouth line of the
residence tot of Wallace McCaasant 8S.8
feet tn ss iron pipe at the southeast corner
ef sold MrCamant lot; toe nee 'running aouth
oa a Use et right snglea to the aouth side
line of saM Salmon atreet to the north side
Baa of Mats street B4.8 feet; from thence
running weet along the said north line of
Main atreet B7.B feet to the eaat aids line
of Blag etreet; from thence running north
along the aald esat side tine of King street
:.7 7 feet to the piece of beginning. 8. W.
King. (131 St. Total 8.1 723 SO.
A ststement of aforesaid reassessment hsa
been entered in the Docket of City Liens, and
Is bow due and payable at the office of the
City Treasurer. In lswful money of the I'nlted
.states, snd If not paid within (0 days from
the date of thla notice, each proceedings will
be takes lor the collection ef the same aa are
provided by the charter of the City ef Portlsnd.
The above assesemest wilt bear Interest 10
days after the first publication of this notice
Auditor of the City of Portlsnd.
Portland. Oregon November 28. 1(04.
Notice la hereby given thst st the meeting
of the Council of the City of Portland, Ore
gon, held on the 18th day of November, 1904,
the following resolution waa adopted:
Rr solved. Thst ths Council of the City of
Portlsnd. Oregon, deems It expedient Sad
prc-.M see to Improve Ess) sixteenth street from
tbe aouth line of Weldler street to the Berth
tine or Hataey itrett, la ths following matt
ner, to-wit:
First By grading the street ts the sub
grade as given hy the City Engineer.
Second- Py bringing tha surface of the
strict to (rede with gravel.
Third By constructing artificial stone aide
walke la accordance with the City Engineer's
plsns. specifications and es time tee.
Ssld Improvement to be made la sceordsnee
with tbe charter and ordinances of the tity of
Portland and the plane, specifications and estl
it i to of the City Eagtleer Bled In the office
of the Auditor of the City of Portland on tbe
14th day of November. 1804. Itdorssd: "City
Etgineer's plans snd specification for the
improvement of Peat Sixteenth atreet from the
aouth line vtf Weldler etreet to the north line
of Halsey strret and the eatlmates of the work
to be done snd the probable total coat thereof."
The east of said Improvement to he sssessed
aa provided by the dty charter upon the prop
erty spedslly snd pecullsrlr benefited thereby
and which la hereby declared to be all the tots,
parts of tots and parcels of land lying between
s tine ion feet weat er and parallel with
the weat line of East stitcenth street and a
Use 100 feet east or and parsllel with ths
east Hue of East Sixteenth atreet. and be
tween the eon lb line of Weldler street end tha
north line of Halsey street.
The estimate of the Engineer of the nrobsble
ratal cost for the Improvement ef eeld Eeet
Sixteenth street Is (414.00.
The above Improvement la- te he elaoeed ss
a gravel Improvement snd shell he maintained
by the dty for s period of five veers, pro
vided that the owners of a majority of the
property benefited by ssld improvement or
sny portion thereof shall not petition for s
sew .wr different Improvement before the ss
plrsttos of such period.
The plsns. speclScstlons and eetlmatea of
the City Engineer for the Improvement of seld
Eaat Sixteenth atreet ere hereby adopted
Resolved That the Auditor of tbe City ef
Portland be end he le hereby directed to give
notice of the pmpoeed Improvement of ssld
street ss provided by the city charter
Remonstrance agslnst the shove Improve
want may be filed In writ Ins With tha under
signed within 20 dsys from tha data of the
Brit publication of thla notice
By order of tbe Council
THUS I . XJBV l.l.s
Auditor nf the city of Cortland. I snd which la nrreny oeciareci io ne sll toe I wgwyasgag , ssssssSsBasS as less. tdtilaeMaassBBBBBm
I Psrtlsad, Oregon, November St, 1(04. Jots, parts tsereot ana puree la oi tana ijuig sows at aBsai wwmivmmam
Notice Is hereby given thst st 1e meeting
or the Council of ths City of Portlsnd, Ore
gas, held on the 14th day of November. 11)04.
the fulkiwliig resolution waa adopted:
Resolved, That the Council of the City ef
Portland, tar spas, deems it expedient and
Ersps... te Improve the alley through btock
8. Central Alblua, from the north Una of
sees street to the south lias of Falling street,
by grsdlng the street to the grade ss shown
by the stake set by the Ctty Engineer
Held Improvement to be made la accords ass
with the charter snd ordinances of ths City
of Portland, and the plans, specifics tluns and
estimates of the city Engineer Blsd la the
office of the Auditor of the City of Portlsnd
on tbs 13th day uf November. 1(04. Indorsed:
"Ctty Engineer's i lens snd speclflcetlous for
the Improvement of tke alley through block 28.
Central Alblna, from the north line of Beach
street to the south llue of Falling atreet and
the estimates of tha work to be aoxsi and the
prohsble total cast thereof."
The cost of said Improvement to he assessed
sa provided by the cltv charter unon the uros-
rrtv specially and peculiarly benefited thereby
I and which is hereby declared to hv sll the
kite, parte of lota and peroela- of land lying
between a line UK) feet eaat of and parallel
with the eaat line of alley through btock 28.
Central Alblua, snd a line lou feet wsst of
and parallel with tbe west line of alley
through block 28. Central Alblna, and between
the south line ef Felling street end the north
line of Beech etreet.
The Engineer's estimate of the probable total
coat for the Improvement of alley through
block 28. Central Alblns. Is (82.00.
The plana specifications and estimates ef
the City Engineer fur tbe Improvement of
aald alley through block 28, Central Alblua,
sre hereby adopted.
Ilea,. i v.d That the Auditor of tbe (Tty of
Portland be and ha Is hereby directed to give
notice of the proposed Improvement of aald
alley ss provided by tbe city ensrter.
Remonstrances egutust tbe above Improve
ment may be Bled la writing with ths under
stgt.ed within 20 days from tie data et the
Brat publication of this notice
By order of ths Council.
Auditor of tbe City of priVtUnd.
Portland. Oregon. November 28. lt04
Notice Is hereby given thst st the meeting
of tbe Council of tha City of Portlsnd, Ore
gon, held on the 18th dsy of November. 1(04,
the following resolution waa adopted:
Keaolved. That the Council of the City of
Portland. Oregon, deems it expedient and pro.
posse to Improve Preeeott street from the
weat line of Esal Twelfth street to tbe esst
-tine of Eaat Fourteenth atreet, la the fol
ic wing manner, to-wlt :
Ftrat- By grading tha street full width with
full Intersections to the grade- ss shown by the
stakes set by tbe (Tty Engineer. .
Second Bv constructing wooden sidewalks In
sceordsnee with the City Engineer's plans,
aiierl Acs Hons snd estimates.
Third By constructing crosswalks.
Bald Improvement to be made In sceordsnee
with the charter snd ordinances of the (Tty
of fortund. and tbe plana. speclScstlons and
estlmstes ef tbe (Tty Engineer filed In the of
Bee of th Auditor of the (Tty of Portlsnd
on the llth day of November. 1B04. Indorsed:
"City Engineer s plsns sad specifications for
the Improvement of Preacott street from the
west line of East Twelfth street to tbe eaat
line of East rnartocnth atreet snd the eett
matee of the work to be done snd tbe prob-nl-le
total cost thereof.''
The cost of ssld Improvement to he as
reeked si nrovlded by the rlty charter upon
the property specially and pecullsrlr hene
flttd thereby snd which la hereby declsred to
be all the lets, i arts of tots and paroela of
lend lying between a line 10 feet north of snd
parsllel with the north line of Preeeott street
snd a line 100 feet south of and parsllel with
tbe south line of Preacott atreet and between
the weet line of East Twelfth atreet and tbe
eaat line of Eeet Fourteenth street.
The Engmeer'e estimate of the nrobsble
total cost fist the Improvement of said Pree
eott street Is (211.00. ;
The plana, npeclflcstlnns and eatlmates of the
City Engineer for the Improvement of said
presoott street sre hereby adopted.
Keaolved. That the Auditor of tbe (Tty of
Portland he and he la hereby directed to give
notice of the peopoaed Improvement ef aald
atreet aa provided by the ctty charter.
Remonstrances against tbe. above Improve
ment may bu Bled in writing with the under
signed within 20 dara from tha date of the
flrst publication of this notice.
By order of the Council.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
' Portland. Oregon, November 28. 1(04.
Notice is hereby given thst st the meeting
of the Coundl of the lite or l-oriisoa. iiregon.
held on tbe 18th day of November, 1(04, tbe
following resolution was sdopted
Resolved Thst the Oeuoeil ef the City ef
Portland. Oregon, deems It expedient and pro
poses to Improve the north heir of Halsey street
from the east line of Esst Fifteenth street
to the west line of Holladay Park addition. In
the following manner, to-wlt :
First Hv grading tbe north half of ssld
ire.) Cull width wlfh full Intersections to
the subrrade as sires, br the City Ensiacar.
Hecoud By bringing the north half of said
street run wiain ,wnu iuh ... . - e, . .... ...
grade with grave. . .
Third By eooatrurtlnfr artlfldat stone aide
Fourth By laying artificial stone crosswalks
four feet la width.
Fifth By constructing stone gutters.
Bald Improvement to be made In sceordsnee
with the charter snd ordinances of the City
of Portland snd the plsns. apeclflcatlooa snd
estlmstes of the City Engineer Bled In the
office of the Auditor of tbe City of Portlsnd
on the 10th day of November. 1(04. indorsed:
"City Engineer's plans and specifications for
the Improvement of the north hslf of Halsey
street from the eest line of East Fifteenth
street to the weet line of Holladay Park ad
dition, and the estimates of the work te be
done and the probable total cost thereof."
The coat of asid Improvement te be sseessed
as provided by" tbe dty charter upon the prop
erty spedslly and peculiarly benefited thereby
snd which Is hereby declared to he ell the
lota parts thereof snd parcels of land lying be
tween the north line of Hsleey atreet and s
line 100 feet north thereof and parallel there
with and between the eaat llue of Esst Fif
teenth street ssd the weet line of Holladay
Prrk addition to Portland. Oregon.
The Engineer's estimate of the probable total
cost for the impressment of said Halsey street
Is (1.14B.0O.
The shove Improvement ts to he classed at
a gravel Improvement snd shall be maintained
he the city for s period nf five years, pro
vided that the owners of a xsajorlty of the
lioperty benefited by eald improvement or sny
pirllcsi thereof.. -hall r t petition for a new
ir different Improvement before the eintrattoe
of such pertod. ., .
The plat., sprdfl rations snd estlmstes ef
the City Engineer for tbe Improvement of ssld
Hslsev atreet sre hereby adopted.
Resolved, That the Auditor of the City of
Portland be and he Is hereby directed to give
antic of the proposed Improvement of ssld
street ss provided by the city charter.
Remonstrances agalnat the above Improve,
meat msy he Hied In writing with tha under
signed within 20 daya from tha data of the
first publication nf this notice.
By order of the Council. ...
Auditor of the City of Portland.
Portland. Oregon. November 38. 1(04.
Notice is hereby given that at tha meeting
of the Council of tbe City of Portlsnd Oregon,
beld on the 18th dsy of November, 1(04, the
following resolution wss adopted :
Resolved. Thst tbe Council of the City of
Portlsnd Oregon, deems It expedient and pro
poses to Improve Wllllsm svenue from tbe
north line of McMlllen atreet to the north line
of Morria street except that portion of aald
atreet lying bet wees a line T8 feet north of
and parallel with the north line of Cherry
atreet and a line 100 feet aouth of snd parallel
with the aouth Use of Broadway and, all nor
tlons of ssld street need by the Portlsnd Con
solldsted Hallway Company right of way, In
the following ma nicer, to w it :
Plrat By grsdlng the street fun width with
fnll Intersections to the grade sa ahewn by tbe
stakes set by tbe city Engineer.
Second By constructing stose block header
double row. .
Third By laying tile
Fourth -By constructing arttficlal stone
rifth--Br bringing the aarfaee of the atreet
fnll width with full Intersections to grade
with Warren's bltullthlc pavement
Mtxth- All thst portion of aald avenue oc
cupied by the rllwav cornea ay a right of way
shall be Improved by replacing the rails now In
use with grooved rail net leas tha n seven
Inches In depth, psvlng the apace between the
rails and ons font outside ef the rslla with
atone bkwks set on concrete and grouted with
cement mortar, tbe concrete under the ralki
ssd atone blocks to be at least six Inchea
.tenth, the remelnlng portico of the right
way tn be Improved with Warrrsa blthullthlc
Bald Improvement to he made la accordance
vlih the charter snd ordinances of the (Ttv
of Portland and the plana. speclScstlons snd
cellmates of the City Engineer Bled In tke of
n ,r the Auditor or the tuy or iwtinaa en
the 16th day of November 1S04. Ind
"Ctty Engineer's plsns snd speclBcsf tons fee
the Improvement of Williams svenue from
the north line of McMlllen street to the north
line of Morria atreet sad the estlmstes ef the
work t" t- done add the probable total eest
thereof." I
The cost nf asid baprovemest tn he
ss provided hy the dty charter upon the prop
ss provided hy the charter upon tbe prop btbssbbs sswasjss sSSS) Bsurts. --bbb- 1 Ullgaa. SBJ
erty specially snd pecullsrlr he netted thereby I . 10 hit Uj ..lasstaasH
between s line 100 feet west of sad parallel
with the wset tins af Willi me avenue and a
Una 100 feat east of sad parallel with the eaat
Una of Williams avenue end hetwees s line
100 feet south of snd parallel with ths south
line of McMlllen street and a line 100 feet
north of and parsllel with the north line af
Morris street.
The Engineer's estimate ef tbs probable total
cost for the improvement of ssld Williams
svenue Is (gxofiB.Oo.
The above Improvement Is te be class ss s
I Ithullthlc psvenmnt snd shall lie maintained
by the ctty far s period of eight years, pro
vided that the owners of a majority of the
property neaegted by aald Improvement, ar
any portion thereof, shall not petition for a
new or different Improvement before the ex
piration ef aech period.
The plans, spec ifications and eatlmates of ths
City Engineer far the Improvement of said
Wllllsms avenue are hereby adopted.
Keaolved. That the Auditor of the City of
Port laud ha and ha is hereby directed to give
notice of the proposed Improvement of ssld
avenue as provided by the city chnrtsr.
Remonstrance against ths above Improvement
may be Bled In writing with the undersigned
within 20 days from the dste of the first pub
lics Una of thla notice.
By order of tie Council.
Aupdltor of tbe City of Portland.
Portland, Oregon. November 28. 1(04.
Notice Is hereby glsea thst the Auditor of
the City of Portland haa prepared a proposed
assessment for the Improvement of Whttsker
street from the east line sf First street te
the weat line ef Macadam atreet. and has
ascertained what ha deems a just apportionment
of coot of the Improvement In a coord nee with
the aueclal and peculiar beneflta derived by
eech parcel of laud and lot or part thereof
within the osseasment district . ana has appor
tioned the coat for ssld Improvement In the
c. mount set opposite each parcel of land and lot
or psrt thereof as Its share of auch proposed
Any oh tec ttons to the apportionment of cost
for ssld Improvement must be made In writing
tn the Council end filed with the Auditor
within It daya from the date of tha first
publication of thla notice, end said objections
will be beard and determined by the Council
before the pseaaga of the ordinance assessing
tbe coat of said ImprovensSBt.
ADDITION as laid nut by the South
Portlsnd Besl Estate Association
BLOCK 128. bit 8. Marcus Bnedy. (117.(4;
south S lot 8. Sarah Cohn. (8.87: north s
tot B. M J. Moss. (8(7: lot (, City ef
Portland, (17 AS; lot 4. Constance and PTed
Tillman. (!2 BLOCK 127. lot 8. Wil
liam E. Drlskell. (; lot 8. William K.
Drlskell. (174: tot 8. Percy H. Birth.
(87.78; lot 4. Frank and Louisa R. Rum
melln. ttlB.eft. BLOCK 128. lot 8. A. U
t'poou. (383 48: kit B. Fred B. Pierce. 80 08;
lot A Oeorgs 8. snd Minnie Livingston.
821.18: kt 4. Martha Hrnahaw. 1 107 77
BLOCK 128. tot 8. Oregon Mortgage Com
pany, (1(8.18; south H tot 8. Alice L.
how on. fin 04. north H lot 8, Charles Hough
ton. (10 rJI; north H lot 8. Joseph Nellsen
88 81. aouth H lot 3. L Ooldenherg. (8 82;
lot 4. Ads snd A. K. ran no (284.08. BLOCK
124. tot t. C aroline Vsntlse. 8233 88: let 8.
Caroline Vantlne. (17. 4t; lot 8. Amsnds
W. Reed Estate. Helra of. (82.73; let
4. Amsnds W. Seed Estate. Helm ef.
t11.4t. BLOCK 123. let B. Arthur O.
Chnrchlev. (173.(4; tot 8. Arthur O. Chnrcb
ler (BBSS: tot 3. Prestos W. (Illicit. (18.01:
tot 4. Preston W. Glllett. (128 18 BLOCK
1(2. tot B. B r. Strait tot 7,
B. P. Straus. (17.02: lot 2. Grant Pbeglev
(17.17: tot 1. Laura Patilker (120 28. BLOCK
133. ltd 8. Pred A. Lltx. (237.17: lot 7. Fred
A. Lite. $17 OS. lot 2 Pred A. Lite. 887 83.
ws4-fc -fSpsst A. Lltx (SIS 18 BLOCK. 184.
1st B. William C. listener. (147.04: tot 7.
William C. Marnier. (87 72; lot 2. Adeline M
t'nderwoed. (21.18: lot 1. Adettna M. t nd.-r
wood. (241.(8. BLOCK 138. tot 8. Alexsudrr
B. Psttullo. (238 73: tot 7. Alexander fl.
Psttiitto. (2B.2B; eest Vk lot 1. Prank V.
Bchurk. (118.00: eest S kt 2. Frank Y.
Refturk. (R.82: west tt lot X, William P.
Olds, (8.87: west H tot 1, William P.
Olds. (MS XT BLOCK, ltd. lot 8. Henry
Welnhard Estate 'Helra af. (12.1 BO. tot
T. Henrv Welnhsrd Estate. Heirs of.
tl7.B4: lot 2. Oollln C. Otrviri. tfrt.M: esat
T8 feet lot 1. Anns Herrsll. (220.14; west 28
feet tot 1, Msry J. Nelsses. (74 .V. BLOCK
117. tot 8, Milton W. Smith (287 08: tot 7,
Milton W. Bmlth. (68.80: lot 2, Milton W.
Smith (17.17: lot 1. Milton W. Smith.
(233.88: right of way cltv A Suburban Ball
way Company, (18.30. Total. (3 808.17.
Auditor of the Cltv of Portland.
Portland. Oeeswe. November 21. 1(84.
lJv Osfjr
Railway between tbe
Missouri River
The Chicafro-Portland Special, tbe
most luxurious train in the world.
Drawing-room deeping: cars, dining
car, buffet smoking and library car
(barber and bath). Less than tJiree
days Portland to Chicago.
Th rough Trains
to Chicago srs operated daily via ths
Oregon K R. ft Nsv. Co., V P. R. R. and
Chirsgoft North-Western Kv. tt Chic ego
from Portland snd point! In Oregon snd
Eastern Washington.
Daily excursions In Pullman tourist
sleeping csrs from Portlsnd through
to Chicago without change.
Goal Agt. P.c Cess. Gssavsl Agsst.
C. N.-w. By. C. M. By.
Sty Market Street. TJ Tklvd Street.
San Pbaxcisco. Cai rmuttn. oss.
SBd should know
shout the wonderful
Majrvfl vYhirlissj Spray
w 'Msissj Piinasv. itfsr-
saesasf mtttiUt asvfMsV'sloM"'
Meet ct
1 dffl 1
i z
7l twv Evanr
ai c4s; a,.i i n
W 2iS "A'-'sa ito
s aaBsVsaBrBsSSPsa!r' OssasaasasssasctJ
EJHI IlllBBl IfscH. aBBhssasaasaSave
as cannot so only Ike sWBBrHrWj .
tskVBtt. serves BS BePlk. "bbBBB-
other, let send stoma for ssv, bksbse
1 1, ism rated boot avslvs llglvee TV M
E"nt"ittLlgfi iplwleE LAMP W,sPsairfi
IStVKL. aea, ae SssasaBB I hi ska BssasSataVSami BsSBBl
oitiet. taieend stasia for Bw saBUe BBbbbWi.FIPv
lliastrated hcet -ssslae Itgtvea V WT tBeawsrsfc
ad Union Pacific
Through Pu Haass stsndsrd sn
tag cars dally te Omaha Chicago
tourist eleentna cars dally to Bant
through Pullman tourist sleeping care (pi rasa
sllv eondu-tedl weekly In UBIesso
chair ears (eeeta frcel to the Esst salty
For the Eaat via Hunt
For Eastern Wsshlns-
ton. Walla Walls. Lew
istou. Coeur d'Alene
and Greet Northern
ror ths Eaat via Bnnt-
. fagtee.
8:18 p
7 IS a. BV
OBtaVta Ervwr Titviaissj.
POR ASTORIA sod way 8 no p. sa.
points, connecting with Dally,
stmr. fur Uwsoa and, ex Sunday
North Rea-b. str. Haa Saturday
sal... Ash-et. dock. iin:0nr m.
8 to p. sa.
X. Sunday.
l c i it PATTON. Oregoa!
City and Yamhill Rlveri T:0a. Bx.
polstt. atra. Roth and Crlly.
Modoc. Ash-et. dock. es. Sundsv
t Water permitting.)
8:88 s. av
ex. Sunday.
Basks Elver Baste.
FOR LEWI8T0N. Ids.. IK. - About
sad wsy potuts fromlrstlr. ' S on p. as.
mparts, evaan., stmrs. !,. tut Dally
BpoQne SBd Lesrlstae.1
TICKET OFFICE Third snd W seeing too. Tele-
phone Main Til
trslns. for Salem. Rose
bars. Ashlsnd. Beers
80 p. m.
men to. Ogdea. Ban rrsn-
T 2B s. SB.
dseo, Stockton. Los An
galea. El Paao. New Or
leans and tha East.
Morning train con
nects st Weoghers
dally except Sunday
with train far ML
Angel. Btlvsrtaa.
Brownsville. Spring
T18U. 1
Beld. WeaeBag ill
Alhanv nsseenger ess
4:88 p. ra
T:("i a. ss.
: 4 So p.m.
recta at Woodburn with
14:14 B.4as
Mt. Angel and gilvsr-
ton locsL
'IB-SB p. i
8 28 S. I
gheddaa posssager
" epally.-IIDslly. except Sunday.
Portlsad-Oeesas Suburban Bwrviee
Depot Foot nf Jefferson Street.
Leave Portland dally for Oswego T:(8 a. I
12:80. 2:OV I 2h. 4:20. S:2B; T:4B. 10:10 p. St.
Dslly (except Sunday). 8:80, S:t0. t:tS. 18:88
a. a.; 4:00. 11:30 p. m. Booday ealy. BtsB
vSj lrBtiTTBysa Brtrfw
8-18. T BS. m m.
8 -.10 s. m : t -SS. 3:08. 4:SS.
11:18 p. m Dslly (except Bsachvl 8:sB. ?:
B:tt. Wits. 11:48 a. tn Kirept Monday. lt:t(
p as. Sunday only. 10:08 a. m
I eaves from same depot for Daftse snd rates
BBS (late points dalle Isscept Bandar) 4:00 B. W.
Arrive Portland 10:20 S. at.
The Indenendenee-Moemouth stater Ltae
operates dally to Monmouth ana Strike.
Becring Wlin eonmern I actwc company
St. oaiiaa and indenenflenee.
First class fare free Portland te Be era Wis SB
and Sen Prsndscn (SO. bertha (V second class
fare (18. soeond-clasa berth (1 80.
Tickets to Essteru point snd Europe. Otse
Jsnsn. Chins. Honolulu snd Anstratls. ,
Cltv Ticket Of See roener Third snd Wast)
Inrten Bea Phone Male Tig.
City Ticket Agewt. , Oea. .,, tewt.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
B:00 s.
Per Marge r4 Rulnlsr
CMtaksaie. Weetport.
Clifton. Aotorta. War
rentna. Flsvel. nam
mond. Port Stevens,
Gearbart Park. Sea aide
Astoria and Seashore
Express dslly.
Astoria Exptsss.
11:14 I
T OO p. m
B 40 p. av
a P. sad P. A.. Astoria. Or.
C. A. STEWART. Cnmosercial Agent (41 A Idee
St. Psoas Msls (OS-
Pna-et Sound Limited.
5 . 30 p. BV
7 00 U. KB.
for Taenia. Brattle
Olvmnla. South Bend
8:80 a. m
and Bray's Harbor
North Cooot Limited,
fee Tseoma. (sett Is.
Butte. St. Pssl. Min
8 00 p. m.
neapolis. Chicago. New
York. Boston and points
raat and Nontneast.
Twin-City Erprees. for
Taeoms, Be,,.),, Spo
kane. Helena. St. Paul.
Minneapolis Chlcaso.
. -JL.
T 00 a. Sk
11 48 p. in
New York. Boston sod
all points Eaat and
Soothes et.
Paget Sound Kansas
(Tty -St Louis Special,
for Tacnma. Seattle.
Spokane. Butte. Billings
Denver. Omaba. Basses
City. St Levis and all
points East and teeth
eest. 8:30 a. m
7 :00 p. St.
All trslns ds'ir exrent ea
branch. A. P. CTIARLTON.
Aoslstsnt Oeneral Psssenger Agent,
228 Morrison St.. cor. Third portlsnd. Or
Ticket Offloe IBB Third St.
essa. Trmnmcorttlrtmntnt
Tt-BBlnsB Dally -saw
ifi.NproAPor.ici. cuicaoo and
r. 1 1 Irln theonarh the Caarada
ana Beeky mountains. For. full panic-
. . . fni.c... etc call oxt mm ant.
IBS Third (Silk
Leaves. Arrives.
(:TB S. m. B:2Bp.Ss.
Dslly. Dally.
1 lo p. m a
Dally. Daily.