The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 27, 1904, Image 33

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Copyright, 104, by Edward W. Town-
LL TELL YOU what I'd Ilk to be
on of doM felleye flat palnta
pictures of people. It'a a softer
Job dan house painting, for day al
ways wotka Indoors, and has a nice Ore
to wolk by In cold wedder, while d
house painters has to wolk out In d
cold, and has no fun In delr Jobs except
spill ins paint where It'll do da moat
I know a picture painter dat wolks
teas dan eight hours a day. don't uae
up a pot of paint a year, don't belong;
to no union, and makes mora dan a
walking; delegate shaking- down bote de
bosses and de hired men. AU he does la
to take a little dinky wipe of canvas
and put paint on It da also and color of
folks' faoea. and p'cnee! he makes em
part wit mora boodle for dat dan If day
had de whole of a four-story country
house painted, with a coat of paint for
da stable and doe; house trun In. What
do you tlnk of datT
I'm pretty tick wit dat painter now
but I had me suspicions of him for a
time dat made me tlnk aim a grafter
Listen: Wlddy you remember Wily
Wlddy. dat Whiskers Is sweet on? she
had her picture took by de artla mug,
de painter I was telling you of, and whan
ahe'd give him a check for de job, and
It was a corker, for Duchaas told me.
he gives a blowout for a fsw of our
set to see da picture, and have tea.
But let me ask you about dla tea
game. I've got so now dat I know who
la getting on well In delr trade. Dey
la de ones dat gtvea a tea. Der waa
a Utry lady Miss -Fannie knowad. and
she never sold any goods to da maga
slnea until aba give a tea. Miss Fannie
puta her up to de game. She says. "Ma
dear," aha says, "all you haa to do to
be press-agented aa da real ting In de
utry line la to give a tea dat will be
reported In de papas. Bare la a llat of
odder Utry mugs" doa waan't Miss
Fannte'a exact wolds, but dat'a what
aba meant "her la a list of mugs for
you to Invite, and I'll stand de price."
I eeen de Hat, and It waa of peekaboo
editors and writers about odder writers,
and a few real ting swells, and some
for' n nobs wit handles to delr names
and 'wit half-grown whiskers and full
grown appatltea for tea, and two or
.tree real autora of real hooka what had
been printed already. Bay, de pieces
' in de papea about dat lady'a sore to de
lltry woiid brought her more orders lor
wolk dan ahe could do. .It haa been
da same way wit odder folks In swell
trades like milliners, silk stocking Im
porters, and horn-mad pie sellers, dat
Miss Fannie baa wanted to help Just
give a tea or two In d home-made pie
atudlo, or da cosey corner where allk
stockings la triad on while you wait,
and p'choe de trick la done yours to de
bank account
Well, aa I was tailing you. dla artla
mug waa a cracker-Jack at his trade,
but only a few of us know it, and Wlddy
waa de only to order a otltyp and pay
for It, and de paintar was doing every
thing but eating tree meals a day and
paying room rant.
"He la really a great artla," says
Wlddy to Miss Fannie, "and should be
give de welcome hand by New York."
"No," aaya Mlaa Fannie, "ha should
give de welcome hand to New York.
Dere la Just de difference dat makea for
success or failure la dla tout-hearted
town. It won't have any one or any
thing dat asks for help, but anybody
dat aaka It to tea, and ahowa signs of
not wanting any kelp he's de white
haired lad for de Island of Manhattan.
I don't want me picture took by your
artls fren. but I'll stage-mange a tea
for him. and stand de price, dat will
bring him more orders for wolk dan he
can do without giving out aome of de
jobs to rival shops."
Dat'a de way It was. Miss Fannie
she aenda out de Invites In de artla's
name, and she lets folks know dat she
la going and la tickled to daat to go;
and before de afternoon of de tea every
' Itttle Willie Boy and Violet Jan trying
to hurdle Into d real ting fashionable
aet was crying for invites, but Miss
Fannie told de artla mug to .say dat his
shop held no more, dan waa already
asked to come, and a second chance
would be give Inter in de season.
Miss Fanni sent our silver and china
to de studio, and I waa dere to help in
de handout. Duchess waa dere, too, for
to help take off ladles' wraps, and de
crowd waa so tick dat before we came
to de tea hand-out we d wolked so hard
dat we taught a sup of beer, and a
small smoke for me. would do no harm
and makea us feel more like d true
Der was a little back room where
Ducheas aald de art is' models rested, and
I'd put a few bottles der. and wa waa
having a little tea of our own. Duchess
and I, when a lady pokes her head In
and says cunnlng-llke, "Oh. you are de
models, are youT How perfectly lovely!"
she says. "So Bohemian!" she aaya. "I
never seen a model before; and ao Jolly
to be having a glaaa of beer. May I
come In?"
"Sure, lady." I aaya, "and bar a glass
of beer. If you like."
if ' l
"Soma of ' 'em had a ahell of bear wit the Ducheaa and aome took a puff or two of a cigarette."
aaaen an artists
Say, be did look
Well, she slid into de room, and waa
tickled to deat at de situation, and ahe
looks about and discovers a few pic
tures dat haa no frames on 'em, and
aaya how much waa day wort.
"Sorry, ma'am." I aaya, "but he haa
no pictures left dat lan't sold except
one," I aaya. Unking dat I might do de
artla chap a good toln. "Ils one Is
not sold, but Mr. Carnegie and Mr. Mor
gan bote wants It bad."
Indeed!" ahe aays, looking at da
picture hard. "What's re price of it?"
Only five hundred dollars," I aaya.
"If d lady dat'a In de picture had more
close on de price would be a tounand,
but being only naif dressed It goes for
half price."
Say, aba hustles fast, takea out a card.
aaya for me to send d picture to d
framer and de bill to her husband, and
den she goes out to spread de glad
Inside of a minute anodder lady
sneaks In snd asks if dat la de place
to -buy pictures of de delightful artls.
Ducheas takes up de game dla time, and
she soaks da next buyer for seven hun
dred and fifty; and In half an hour we'ed
sold every picture dere was In.ds room,
and took orders for more. Ducheaa aald
shs knew dat da artla hadn't a cent on
eart, dat de long green Wlddy had paid
him want .for his debts, ao we took
But de gam didn't stop when we'd
sold all dere waa to sell, dolls came
la making a sneak! of it. and' aaying
how wickedly nloe It waa to meet models,
and some of 'em had, a ahell of beer wit
Ducheaa, and aome took a puff or two
Of a cigarette, and wa waa boosting de
trade to beat a hurry-call ambulance,
when He artls cam In to see what was
de excitement. When I told him what
we'd done In de way of trad be wouldn't
believe until I ehowed him de cards, and
de orders to send pictures to framera,
and bills to' hubblea.
"But," aaya da artls. half crying wit
Joy, "I'd aold de whole bunch for ds
price you have got for one. I've tried
to sell de whole of 'em for leas dan
you has got for de cheapest you have
sold. Now, at last people have recog
nised me gen I us T
"Not a bit like It." I says. "Dey have
recognised dat you are recognised by
Miss Fsnnle snd her set. and dat beats
genlua to a pulp. I never painted any
thing but a black eye for de coachman
which I gave him de black eye ail de 1
: ;
fierce for fair.
same I'll give you a line on your Job
dat you never will get out of de book
of genlua: de next lady dat aaka you
to paint her picture, tell her you are
engaged for a month, and charge her
five thousand Instead of one, and aee
what you'll aee."
De tea was a grand success. Dere waa
so many folks dere dat nobody could
drink tea and dey talked so hard and
loud dat nobody could hear de music,
snd dey waa so crowded nobody could
see nobody else's dress, but dat only
made It more of a winner. It waa out of
sight and near to de limit
In about a week dat artla sends for
me. and he aaya I waa a wlae guy for
fair. He d done what I told him about
de foist order he got and de result
would take him a year to do, and de
dealers dat wouldn't have him at any
old price waa now begging wolK from
him at his own price. "Now, Chlmmle,
he says. "I want to do sometlng nlcs for
you. I 11 p.ilrlt your picture.
'Not mine!" I says. I'd spoil de
canvas. Paint me wife de Duchess
All right," he says; and I chases home
to tell Duchess d news. But dnt goll
snvs. .. 'Not me, Cheems; not me, but
Kiddle. ,t '
"Dat'a a funny ting about women; der
atn t none ao stuck on heraelf but dat
when she has a baby ahe la more stuck
on de Kiddle dan she Is on herself
ruppose dat Is because wnat de Kiddle
Is, de modder made It herself, and what
de modder la, somebody else made It;
snd after all It'a delr own wolk dey la
stuck on.
I took some photographse nf Kiddle In
his football togs to de artls to show
him, because Mr. Paul aays dat would
be a good ting to have Kiddle as a foot
De artla was tickled to deat. "I've
an Idea." h nays, as delighted ss If he
had a winning ticket st de races. "Bring
dls child here In his football close, snd
we'll make an exhibition canvas of de
little rascal."
Dat Idea wasn't strong wit Duchess
she wsnted Kiddle dressed up In his best
close, hut when he came down on a
vacation. I took him to de studio on de
sneak, and had his worst stained foot
bail togs wit me. De srtls snd Kiddle
waa great pals st once, and Kiddle posed
Just ss de artls told him. and was
painted bending over like he was Just
going to make a plunge trough de Una.
Say, he did look fierce, for fair. Well,
whan de got de picture dona, h painted
a sign. "A Coming Champion," and wit
dat sign on de- picture ha allowed It at
d exhibition, and It took a orlaa!
Duchess never eeen It till I took her one
night to de show, and she near fainted
at de sight of de erowd sround It. say
Ing dat It waa de greatest aver.
couldn't drag ber away from It till d
gaa waa tolned out. But before dat
Ducheaa had a run In wit a critic mug
wnat waa aaying tinge dat didn't roeeV
anything about de picture to any one
who'd listen to him. Seeing dat Ducheaa
was willing to listen to anything aald
about It. he aaya to her. "Madam," he
aays, "It la something to be proud of
dst New York haa an artla able to
produce so frne a canvas "
"Blen sur!" aaya Ducheaa, "But It la
aometlng to be prouder of dat we haa
women able to produce ao fin a boy."
"If it were ao!" aays de critic. "But
dls Is not painted from a model; it la an
Ideal child."
"Ideal!" saya Duchess, humping her
snomaers at de mug no dat he Jumped
10 feet. "Do I look like a woman who
would produce an Ideal or a real child,
monsieur? 'Dat child Is ss real aa I
am. for he Is my child!"
ne critic goes to de Janitor and warn
him dat dere was a crank woman sitting
In front of de "Coming Champion," and
to look out for her.
Thomas A.
fJonaa, Howard, in Chicago Tribune.)
O the general public Thoma A.
Bdlaon la the "Wlaard" of Or
ange, N. J. Nothing short of a
social and economical cataclyam
would get the Idea, of his Inventive un
csnnlrress out of the public Imagina
tion. Thla Imagination poses a tall,
thin, angular, ungainly figure In a linen
duster aa the figure of Bdlaon. and It
adds to him a telegraph key and sounder,
with which he is eternally sitting down
to "queer" soma, country station opera
tor, or els It puts him In conjunction
with a feed wire from aome electric gen
erating plant, supplies his quarters with
the dim. mysterious light of the Voodoo
doctor, and prepare to believe anything
which gossip and improbability auggeat
as the result of the seance.
Such a public Is in Una for a shock.
Waiving the personality of the man who
long ago outgrew the linen duster. It
msy be ssld for Thomaa A. Bdlaon that
he never haa ahown to the world one sci
entific principle that waa not recognised
when he waa born. He la not of the
stuff of which genius la made. His
mind Is not philosophic His position
In the scientific world la that of an
adapter of mechanisms that are the out
growth of other men'a elaborate and
distinctly scientific research. Some one
haa sized him up in a paragraph:
"Lying under the famed apple tree,
as Newton did. and receiving the apple
on his nose, Edison never would have
given us the law of gravitation. Bather
we might have expected of mm a series
of experiments providing for the spples
to fall, ready packed Into barrels that
needed only to be beaded up for ship
ment' "
But If the genius slds of Rdtson Is
to be questioned seriously, there are
some evldenoea of It at hand. First,
perhaps, the general public will be Influ
enced more by the absence of one funda
mental qualification of genius that dis
position not to care for the worldllness
of life. On one occasion a friend con
gratulated Bdlaon upon the perfection
of the phonograph, catling it the most
wonderful Invention ofthe age. "Yes."
drawled this erstwhile genius of the
linen duster and the telegraph key. "but
the d d thing don't bring In the money
Edison today Is I? years old. and his
hslr Is aa whtte aa snow. Considering
his modes snd manners In early life, and
the strenuouaneaa of his work and way
In all his later years, the anatomist
might well wonder at the physique thst
has stood under such strain. The nerve
racking vigils of the exoerlmenter seem
to have concentrated their effects in his
hair only. His face Is lo years younger
than his years, and the quick, nervous
footstep In the hlt or on the graveled
aths of the nark would Indicate to a
blind man a vigor and frame not at all
In keeping with the man's snowy hair.
To this man of men In th mastery of
mechanical things, a seeming failure la
only a spur to further work on the
same line, and so sharply does the oc
casion nrlck thst he knows no rest
under th task In his old workshop
gown, over a stained and ahlny non
descript trousers snd Jacket, he Is the
last In hla laboratory to eat and to
fall asleep when the work In hand
presses to a finish. ''
Of this man described on one occaslor.
by a friend aa "an Inrenlotis mechanic."
another friend has said: "I doubt If any
living aclentlst Is able to grasp ths sig
nificance of accidental phenomena with
anything like the nulckness thst be
longs to Edison's nature."
It war this qiilckneaa of perception
thst made the phonograph possible.
Edison had ben singing Into the mouth
piece of a telephone when the vibration
of the diaphragm sent tie fine metal
point Into his finger. Instantly the
effect of the reverse order of the phe
nomena occurred to him. He took up
piece of neper, snd calling "Hello.
hello" Into the mouthpiece, psssed the
paper over the needle point. Then with
an ear to the receiver he drew the paner
heck over the metal and heard the faint
"Hello, hello" that In a moment made
the phonograph. ,
This perception, together with Edi
son's freedom from the necessity of In
spiration having his material alwaya In
hand, with only the task of making the
application has made him the light of
Inventiveness In Amerlcs. In this con
nection his fondness for epigrams led
him away from the spirit of the true
genius when he took occasion to say that
'Genius Is two per cent Inspiration and
it per cent persnlrntlnn." Kdtson dis
covered th prlnrlnle of the phonograph
by accident snd followed It up: Mercen
thsler started out to make a machine
that would set type when all the world
was saving that In Ivnesettlng. at least,
the cunning human hand always would
keep lis cunning.
In the days since Edison was going
Into debt, signing notes, snd paying them
only after they had gone to protest, he
has evolved s system In his business
relations with the world. In those early
days he could not see the Importance of
bookkeeping when his credit was good.
snd the nrotest fees were never more
then 11.50. Today he haa settled a
million dollars or mora upon hla wife,
with the Injunction, "If I fall, take car
of ma"
The Thanksrrlvlng Oocoocoo.
From the Sunset Magaslne.
The original name of the turkey waa
Oocoocoo, by which It waa known by
the native Cherokee Indians. It Is sup
posed thst our Pilgrim fathers, roaming
through the woods In search of game
for their first Thanksgiving spresd
heard the Oocoocoo calling In the famil
iar tonea of our domesticated fowl
Turk, turk lurk " These first Ysnkee
huntsmen, mistaking this frightened cry
of the bird for Its real song. Immediate
ly labeled It "turkey." and turkey It la
to thla day. Much more beautiful and
musical waa the Indian name "Oo -coo-
coo." th notes peculiar to the flock
when sunning themselves In perfect
content on the river beeches.
Naval Panics of tke SpanisK WW1
From the New York Herald.
ETHER or not that tragedy
the North sea was dus
belief ou the part of the
men of Russia's Baltic fleet
that they wer being attacked by Japan
as torpedo boats or merely to the
"panic which shells a drifting apar."
certain It la that there la a pronounced
disposition among American navy men
who went through the Spanish war to
suspend Judgment In this case.
To relate a few of the many Instances
of the sort which came about when
Sampson's unllghted ships patrolled the
Cuban coast and kept atern vigil over
lta blockaded ports. There came about
then, a night when the gray fleet off
Santiago had "torpedo boats, ' aa they
phrase It In the navy. The enemy waa
known to be In the harbor, and tie waa
known to have destroyers, thoae then
untried and much dreaded englnea of
Picket launches had been atatloned
at either aide of the harbor entrance
and from duak to dawn a battleship
had been detailed to lie directly off the
entrance, with her searchlights blaxlng
up the channel and a supporting battle
ship at her side, the rest of the fleet
distributed In a semicircle about the
It was a Mack night, moonless and
misty. For many daya and nights th
ship had been on this duty and nervea
were on edge none knowing but on
each velvet fold some destroy r might
It was at thla tense crista that th
searchlight of the sentry battleship dis
closed a glint of flushing metal juat off
th Monro. A thouaand pair of eyes
were on wstch st the time snd In sn In
stant a doaen searchlights were focussed
on th point A moment's waiting and
then it hove Into view again, sclntlllant
as burnished steel.
A gleam of sheet lightning quivered
through the blackness, and where the
glistening thing had ahowed waa a whole
acre of driven foam, shells bursting
and aptttlng about In a whlssing hall.
From Sampson s quiet flagship Imme
diately biased the signal. "Ceaae flrlng,"
and on the next morning a general or
der waa Issued a bit curt In tone and to
the effect that henceforth no more
empty coffee tins were to be thrown
overboard or anything else that might
drift Inshore and cauaa fusillades at
One of the narrowest escapea from
terrible dlsaater waa when the torpedo
boat Porter came near sinking the flag
ship New York, believing that vessel
waa an enemy. This waa In the early
daya' of the war and on the Havana
blockade. At that time no one knew
the whereabouts of Cervera'a fleet and
thoae on blockade duty wars not sure
but th four fine armored cruisers of
Spain and Its flotilla of destroyers might.
appear at any moment.
To the Porter had been delegated the
EBRA8KA Spiritualists assert
that It 1 due to th revela
tions of a trance medium
that two murderers are now
within the walla of the atate peni
tentiary. The prisoners are Charles
Hutchinson, aged II, and hla mother,
aged 35 The boy Is sentenced to 11
years Imprisonment and th woman to
10 yeara for the murder of Ell Feasel,
an old man and their employer.
Ell Feasel lived on a farm about
eight mllea from Superior and Mrs.
Hutchinson wss his housekeeper.
Charles did the bulk of the farm work.
Harley Feaael, a nephew of the old man.
era a frequent visitor at the- farm
houae, drawn there, it la aald, by die at
tractions of Mrs. Hutchinson, with
whom he soon became In love.
The elder Feasel alao had eyaa for
the charms of hla housekeeper and ob
jected to the attentions paid the woman
by the nephew. Nevertheleas, It Is aa
aerted thst the two were engaged to
be married, and rumor said that they;
had declared that they did not carei
whether th old man gave hla consent
or not. In the meantime th old man
Waa annoying Mrs. Hutchinson with his
love making. This angered her aon
("hnrles, who at one time la ssld to
have threatened his employer with dire
vengeance if his mother waa not let
slone. The rivalry between uncle snd
nephew thus cauaed constant friction
In th Feasel home.
Ell Feaael and Charlea went to
Superior October 1, 10I. with a load of
corn. Feaael .waa seen that afternoon
buying a flask of liquor, but was never
seen sgaln. A few days afterward
T la of th Papuans, a little-
known race of British New
Guinea, that A. E. Pratt and
hla son ar now telling Lon
don, and their descriptions of these
strange aborigines of thla remote part
of Australasia have aatonlahed all hear
ers Tba monstrous practlcea in which
they Indulge ar enhanced In htdeous
nesa by the fact that according to the
returned explorers, they are, an intelli
gent, aulck. merry race of men. Alert
of mind, comely and strong of body, they
laugh delightedly over the unspeakanie
outrages which they commit. They ar
not a low browed, skulking, squalid race.
Ilka other maneatlng aavages. but nim
ble of mind and muacle. daring people
with open countenances and laughing
It Is when tribe meets tribe on festive
occasions that what we may call mur
der la done between the merrymakers,
snd that men. women and children actu-
lly feaat upon the cooked fleah of fel
low-creatures. It Is when the mirth Is
at its highest that one of thoae laugh
ing, singing tribesmen spears his rival
or his tribal adversary. Nor does the
most timid Papuan look upon such a
tragedy as other than a Jolly Joke, a
cause for lsughter. a proof that the
festival has proved a grand success At
other than a festival the slaying of a
tribesman means war with the tribe of
the slayer, and the victims of battle sup
ply the victors' commlssarlst. Some
tribes actually slnv and devour the peo
ple of their own tribes, striking them
down in cold blood, hesitating not to
gorge themselves upon the flesh of their
own relative. Nor la there In this mon
strous practice any evidence of malig
nity. Th corpse la looked upon aa
proper food. The killing Is done by th
village butcher, as a matter of course
There la no grief manifested, and It Is
likely that none Is felt.
"But while we were encamped at Ke
be." Mr. Pratt saya, "the natives of a
village on an opposite ridge, within call
ing distance, shouted over to ua that
they had killed and eaten the brother of
one of my beat hunters, Ow Bow. The
s'sln Papnan himself waa a faithful and
trusted guide There was great excite
ment, and th brother of th musdered
man, summoning all th other villagers.
duty of aeeing that only friendly keels
approached the blockade line, snd with
"stripped hull slinking through the
gloom, hslf guessed and gone again."
the Porter, In her Indistinguishable coat
of olive green had circled twice or thrice
around th fleet, when suddenly through
the gloom and close aboard loomed the
outlines of a large veasel, running with
out lights and apparently standing In
from a direction In which the enemy
was expected.
Show the night fleet signal," ordered
Lieutenant (now Commander) Tremont.
The signal wss shown, but there waa no
reply. Dark and unheeding the stranger
held her course, and on the Instant th
torpedo boat waa In purault.
One more the night fleet algnal was
ahown, and when there waa no reply
Tremont waa convinced that the vessel
waa aa enemy, and the three torpedoes
which the Porter carried were made
ready for a simultaneous discharge at
the stranger. Any one would have de
stroyed tht vessel it. an Instant, and the
torpedo boat waa then ao near that there
waa no possibility of escape If all three
were launched.
The ship waa rolling with a deep eaay
motion and the Porter waa so close
that a pebble could have been tossed
from ons to the other.
"Wait until ahe ahows her boot leg
on the next roll," Tremont ordered, "and
then Are."
Between the terrible dilemma of de
stroying a friend or letting an enemy
escape, Tremont determined to give the
vessel one laat chance, and the menace
In hla hall, 'What ahlp is tint told
his silent crew that it was to be her
laat. The shtp was just beginning to
lift her underbody to a long alow heave
of aea and Angara were Juat beginning
to press triggers when clear and dis
tinct cams back the reply:
"This la the New York. Js that the
Aa It- afterward developed the New
York had aeen the signals and the alg
nal officer had sought to reply, but ail
unknown to him the apparatus had not
"You may live a long time," Tremont
aald later to one of hla frlenda on the
nagsnip, nut you win never have a
closer shave thaq you had that night."
In hla "Wounds In the Rain" the late
Stephen Crane tells of how hla diapatch
boat, the Three Frlenda, waa fired upon
and rammed by the gunboat Machias.
The dispatch boat waa off the Cuban
coast one dark night when "suddenly a
familiar signal of red and white flashed
like a brooch of jewela over the pall
that covered the aea. It was the elec
tric queation of an American warship
snd It demanded a awlfi anawer In kind.
The man behind the gun! What about
the men In frpnt of th. gun?
"Our algnals far from being electric
were two lanterns which we kept In a
tub and covered with a tarpaulin. When
we were accoated at night It was every
neighbors missed the old man and In
quired of the Hutchlnaona aa to his
whereabouts. They said that he had
gone to visit his mother and brother,
who lived near Humboldt.
Comment was roused after thla by
young Hutchinson selling hogs and corn
from the barn. Soon several neighbors
received letters from Thomas Feasel.
the brother at Humboldt, Inquiring con
cerning Ell and aaying that hla Hum
boldt relatlvea had heard nothing from
him for a long time. An Investigation
followed, and Harley Feaael, Mrs
Hutchinson snd Charlea Hutchinson,
were arrested on suspicion. But no
evidence could be found against them,
snd st the preliminary bearing all were
dlacharged. The Hutchlnaona left the
Feasel farm, the mother obtaining work
as a housekeeper on a farm near Nel
son and the son getting work near Oulde
One of the neighbors of the missing
man consulted a trance medium about
the affair and'was told that th body
of Kli Feasel would be found burled In
an outhouse on the Fessel farm. Thla
caused considerable discussion snd a
party decided to investigate. No body
waa found In the building, but a hole
waa there that looked aa If It might
have contained a body, and In It was a
rusty wrench with spots on it, which
chemists declared were blood. The
medium wss again consulted, and thla
time aald that the body bad been taken
from the hole and burled in a field.
Vague directions were given aa to the
locality of the field, and amateur de
tectives dug up most of th Feasel
farm without result
Spooks Hunt Down Murderers
The High-Minded Cannibal
came and demanded all the guna and
rifles to go to this village snd shoot all
these people, which, of courae, I refused.
The noise waa terrible, and It went on
throughout th day. Than, on th third
day, an emissary arrived from the other
village and announced that hla people
were willing to give a pig as pay for the
murdered man, and the outlandish propo
sition waa not only promptly accepted,
but welcomed by the tribesmen of the
human victim. The pig waa brought a
feast waa proclaimed, and my villagers
were delighted with th settlement On
ordinary occasions of this kind it would
have been a life for a life, the frlenda
of the victims usually waiting In advan
tageous places to apear the offenders at
th first opportunity.
'My party had little trouble with the
natives but on on ocraalon I had to
send my son who wss now II and had
acquired th language to a distant town
for provisions, with a very small follow
ing. He had to paaa through a hostile
village a lied Madul. Our carriers war
reluctant to make th Journey on ac
count of this village. I myself waa alao
reluctant to allow my son to go: but aa
we were very abort of food and trade,
the matter was urgent.
"On th Journey down they passed
through the village without trouble, but
on their return they heard that a man
had Just ben killed, and the villagers de
manded that one of the boys of our party
ahould be given up to them to be killed
end eaten.
"At once there waa consternation and
terror among our curriers. It waa a
most critical moment for my son, who
might have been abandoned by the
frightened carriers to the furious canni
bals. Fortunately, he wee well armed,
and he mat th trying situation like a
grown man. He quickly ordered his car
riers to remain In line and thrat
dire punishment on the fleet to
signs of desertion.
" Ws will gtve you no boy te tent aad
eat.' he shouted back through the inter
preter, and we will kill all
that you send to get them. Beware Of
th god that hurls th llghtaing- It
goea (far mwa atrmee aea re ' asm ae
in thJe strata be MMJtJsWM wltfclW
tbem tail aafjb, MJ aatl 1
body's duty to scramble wildly far
tub and grab out the lanterns iM
them. It amounted to a ale
speech. I remember a atory of a
who upon hearing a noise la hla
ona dark night called his usual
query, 'Halt, who goes there? Halt.
I nre: And getting no Immediate
sponse he fired even aa he had said. ,'
killing a man with a hare Up. who un
fortunately could not arrange hla vocal -
machinery to reply In season. W war
something Ilk a boat with a hare lip"
Describing bow the vessel, which
proved to be the gunboat Machias. first
fired a ahell acrosa the bow of th
Three Friends, rammed her and then
backed off the writer saya that "later
from some hidden part of the sea the
bullish eye of a search light looked at
us and the widening white raya bathed
us In th eglare.
'There waa another hall.' Hello, there.
Three Frlenda!"
" 'Aye, aye, air.'
" 'Are you Injured?
"Our first mate had taken a lantern
and waa studying th side of the tug.
snd we held our breath for his anawer.
1 waa aure that he waa going to say that
we were sinking But th first mat
(aid, 'No, air!' Inatantly the glare of
the searchlight was gone and the Inci
dent waa closed."
There Is snother story of that "blind
fold game of war" which la told In
whispers by navy men and haa never
been told elsewhere. It tells of a mid
night encounter off the north coast of
Cuba between the Resolute, one of th
converted cruisers, and the crulaer Cin
cinnati. The Resolute, which was then
unarmed and heavily laden with ammu
nition for Sampson's fleet, mistook th
Cincinnati, which waa coming up astern,
for a Spanish cruiser and her efforts
to avoid the stranger convinced those onf
the Cincinnati that she wag an enemy
aeeklng to escape.
With all men at quarters and guna
loaded and trained, the Cincinnati wa
on the point of flrlng a broadside at
close range when the Identity at th
Resolute wa discovered. A half doaen
or even on live-Inch shell bursting 1
that heavily laden ammunition ahlp
would undoubtedly have destroyed her
In sn Instant
The Wanda, a yacht engaged In dis
patch boat service, had many adventures
with our men of war. One waa when
she wss approaching the Santiago block
ade directly after the lnveatment of Cer
vera'a fleet by Sampaon. It waa In th
gray of early dawn when ahe drew near
and the first that thoae on board knew
of their proximity to the fleet waa when
a shell wh taxed under her bow.
Th little craft promptly atopped and
her startled crew saw the loom of a
dark gray masa a abort distance away.
Thla waa soon made out to be a battle
ship of high degree and a few minute
later the voice of Captain Clark of th
Oregon was heard hailing.
Seven months afterward a human
hand and a coat containing In a pocket
an empty whlakey flaak was ploughed
upon the Stanley farm near Oulde Rock.
The Stanley farm adjotna the farm on
which young Hutchinson was working.
Only the day before the discovery was
made young Hutchinson had quit work,
saying that h waa 111 and would have
to go to town. He appeared that night
at a livery stable In Bad Cloud and
obtained a buggy and team, which be
did not return until o'clock th next
morning. The horses were almoat ex
hausted. Hutchinson wss arrested a few daya
later for the second time, aa were alao
Harley Feasel and Mrs. Hutchinson.
Testimony showed that a body was
burled In the place where the band and
th coat were found. It waa evident
that the ground had been recently dug
up, and a man s and a woman's foot
prints were visible around the spot.
There were tracks of two horses and a
buggy. One of the horses had a
"trailed" ahoe. So did one of the horses
taken that night from Red Cloud.
Young Hutchlnaon waa unable to tell
of hla movements the night be took the
team from Red Cloud. May . laot. after
he left Superior. Slowly the links ef
evidence were forged, ail circumstantial,
but damaging.
Harley Feaael waa able to prove aa
alibi and was discharged, but Charlea
Hutchinson and his mother war found
guilty and sentenced to imprisonment.
Both insist on their Innocence and deny
all knowledge aa to Ell Feasel s dis
appearance. camp with the understanding that the
pow wow should be finished In the morn
ing. "It aeems that each aid expected aa
attack. At any rate, my son didn't close
hla eyea through the night But with
ready weapons be watched the enemy
and his own carriers lest they ahould de
sert him.
"At the first sign of light he had
them ready for the trail, and they atole
away. By the time the cannibals were
aware of th trip, my son had hla car
riers at a place where they could safely
defy the cannibals. He managed to slip
a carrier through to me. I sent help,
and it waan't long before he and hla ear
lier wer back aafely In my camp. It
waa a hasardoua adventure, but the lad
got through It all right."
Mr. Pratt describes the ornithology of
Papua aa Including the oddest and most
beautiful examples of bird life he haa
known. There be saw ths marvelous
blue birds of paradise, one of th latest
discoveries, and there he watched aaton
ished th splendid bower bird, which
builds upon th ground a neat that la a
true bird cottage, which makea about Its
door a garden of orchid blooms plucked
In tbe wilderness, and which actually
dances with Its mate among the well-ordered
rows of flowers.
The Papuana fish In the low countries
with hand-mode nts. and their weapons
ar spears, bow and arrows, and clubs.
They have a ayatem of spreading news
and communicating from village to vil
lage by ahoutlng to one another across
tba valleys snd gorges, the words
spreading from hilltop to hilltop with
wonderful rapidity. Neer Hood's bay
th Pratt party visited tbe Motu Motu
toeoDle. th mysteries of New tlulnea.
for they sre piebald, and th whit spots
upon their black fleah has never
explained by scientists who have
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