The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 27, 1904, Image 30

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sBssssBssam , m. im ui ii ! . m i i i i in n.i .MSBmfssesmBfmmmaeaaBmmmmmmmmmmmmqm
I'H H f
I II lr-l I II larsl I I IaI I U I I
f I t I v f U
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Copyright, 1903, by
w. Scott Grove
Scranton, Pa.
Grove s Music Simplifier
Second . LeSson
THE second lesson in these simple instructions for the piano or organ-takes up the key of G and its corresponding key of E
minor. It is supposed to give all of the fundamental chords used in musical composition. There will be twelve lessons,
each comprising two charts.
The pupil is expected to learn these chords, so they can be played almost intuitively. This means practice, practice,
Place this chart at right angles to the keyboard of your piano or organ, so that the small letter D on the bottom space of the chart
touches the white key D on the keyboard. The other white spaces on the chart will then be over the white keys and the black spaces
over the black' keys. When the lesson at the bottom of the page is thoroughly learned turn page over and learn the top lesson.
The black letters are played with the right hand, and the dotted letters at the left are the bass, and are played with the left hand.
When playing chords, commence at top space and play dotted letter first, and black letters on same space afterward in chord, mak
ing the rhythm desired; then play the middle space in the same manner, followed by the bottom space. Return to the top space,
forming a complement. The small D with the dasti above it is only to indicate its position, and must not be played.
Follow the instructions how to use the chart given here and you will find in a short time you will be able to master these chords.
I. 1 1
4 II
Hump Jonns Last Four of a Kind
From the New York Hun.
there' anybody In the came
that ain't satisfied with the
way lt'a played," aald Hump
John, "the beat thing; he can
So la to eaah In. The motto of the
house la "Chip for money and money
for chip.' There won't be any diffi
culty about getting full value for all
the Ivorlea you hare left."
The proposition aounded more liberal
than It looked. For a glance around
the table showed that nearly all the
ehlpe In sight, bealdea a large roll of
currency, were directly In front of the
There muat have been $2,000, at least.
In hla pile, while all the chlpa of the
ether players put together would hardly
have toted up $100. They all had money
In sight, but the Indications were that
they were all loaera.
"Ain't getting cold feet, are you
John?" Inquired Jim Handy with a
Ho," aald Hump John, quietly. "I'm
never the one to break up a game of
poker In my own hou . but I'm free to
ay that ayatematic and unanimous
eussln' at the lurk I'm having haa grown
UtUe bit tiresome to me. If you
can't take your medicine. 1 don't aee
any reason why you have to keep on
'I'm playing to get hark what I've
lost. I don't mind saying that." said
Big Oeorge. But I reckon I'd have
more snow to do It If you didn't fill
So many four flushes on your own
"Now. that's enough o' that." aald
Hump John, atlll speaking quietly, but
Speaking very slowly and very distinctly
There ain't going to be any trouble
here unless there has to he, hut If It
comes It'll come quick, an' there'll be
enough to go around If any man has
anything to say, It'd he more like a
man to say It. an' not be chuck In' naaty
language If there's any more of It
It'll come from me, an' what I'll say
will be "Shut up or get out." "
"Oh: I don't know." said Shorty. "I've
wen men try to stop a North American
ell lien from taJkln' while he played
Joker, but I haven't never aeen em have
ny great euooeas st It I reckon I'll
Wake remarks when I feel like It, whe
ther I win a pot or lose It.'
"An' I haven't never been gagged that
I remember. said Fat Brown, as he
lighted fresh clear. "Beams Ilka It
was pert o' the game to say what you
Mired Anyway, that's the way I play '
Hump John looked around the table
from one to the ether, as If taking their
measure He was a professional gam
bler, who had been known MP and down
the Ohio river for years, but had been
In Cairo only a few months.
His poker room had become a resort
far thaaa who ware looking for a bl
tcame, and presumably a fair one. He
had never been caught cheating, and he
never had a pal In the game with him,
so, although ha was usually a winner,
he was believed to play square.
His nickname came from a personal
deformity, and, like many humpbacks,
he was pals and thin. Those who looked
clossly at him, however, could aee evi
dences of great bodily strength, for
hla frame though misshapen waa mas
sive, his arms long and his hands mus
cular. Jim Handy waa another professional
gambler whoae usual custom was to play
on the river boats, but who sometimes
stopped over In some of the river towns
for a week at a time wnen he could
find a game worth playing. The others
were steamboat men. one a pilot and the
others matea on Mississippi river
There waa not one In the party who
did not know how dangerously near an
exploelon they wore, and there was not
one who did not know that enough had
been said to provoke a fight if Hump
John elected to fight.
Apparently he did not deelre It, but no
one made the mistake of suppnalng that
It waa because he waa afraid. Storlee
of his coolness and daring had been
brought from up the river In tlmea paat,
and though no one had ever seen him
In any difficulty in Cairo, hla courage
waa not doubted. Only hla prowess was,
for a caaual glance Impreaaed the ob
server with the notion that he waa
physically weak.
He looked around now, not angrily, .but
aa one who debates a queatlon with
"Very well. If you gentlemen want
a conversational game you needn't be
surprlaed If I make a few remarks my
self when the time comes for "em."
"All right," said Fat Brown, cheer
fully. T thought we'd set you woke
up after a while."
But Hump John made no reply to this.
He had been silent throughout the game
is waa hla custom, until he had made
hla remark about the malcontents cash
ing in, listening lmpurturably to the
remarks they made about their luck,
and only apeaklng when they began to
talk about hla In a way that might havs
led a more hasty man to pull his gun.
He had been riffling the cards while
the talk that followed his remark went
on. for It waa hla deal and the deck
was in his hands. Now he passed them
on to Shorty to cut. Fst Brown put up
hla ante and the game went on.
They were playing table stakes and
the larger bets were made In money,
so thst more chips were not really
needed, but Handy and Big Oeorge
hoved over some hills to Hump John
for exchange, and the game went on
smoothlv enough. White chlpa ware
half a dollar apiece, red ft and bluea
110, and as the ante- waa two whites
there were few bets made of leas than
$10 after the draw.
That kind of game easily runs Into
big money, so that there as nothing
surprising about anyone's losses. The
exasperating thing was that Hump John
was the only winner, and It was In his
own game.
They had aeen nothing wrong in his
play thus far, but this had not been be
cause of any lack of vigilance on their
part. He who playa poker anywhere
along the Mlaaiaalppl river, especially
if he playa with strangers or with pro
fessional gamblers, learns very soon to
scrutinise the game very closely.
These five were all veteran players,
well able to hold their own In most
gamea, and apt to win heavily against
ordinary players. Any one of them
could have turned a few neat tricks In
the game had he choaen, or had he dared
to do It, but Hump John and Jim Handy
were the only ones the others sus
pected. Handy might have been suspected of
being in collusion with Hump John had
It not been known that there waa bad
blood between them. He had stacked up
against Hump John's game twice before
and had gone back up the river busted
and wrathy, swearing Vengeance and
threatening all sorts of things if he
should catch his adversary in any kind,
of crooked play.
No one had ever done that, however,
and- Hump John had only laughed at
him, telling him contemptuoualy that
he muat be the worst kind of tinhorn
gambler to put up that kind of talk.
Just because he lost This time he had
come back with a desperate determina
tion to get square, but has has been
aeen there was no Immediate prospect
of his doing It.
When he picked up his cards In this
deal, however, his eyes gleamed and the
corners of his Hps tightened ever so
little. School himself as he would, he
hsd never been able to overcome entirely
the habit of expressing his thoughts by
his facial expression. People had said
that was why Hump John had beaten
him hitherto.
What he saw waa the eight, nine,
jack and queen of hearts with a spade
to fill. The chance was one In 1 three
of bettering, with a possibility of a
well nigh Invincible hand, and be had
no hesitation in coming In.
It chanced that Big Oeorge and Shorty
both had good hands and they both
came in. whereupon the dealer threw In
three red chips, making a raise of four
This waa too strong for the snte man.
who had nothing to draw to, so he
dropped his hand. That brought It to
Handy again, and he shoved a blue for
ward without a word.
Bo small a raise ss he had made was
enough for Big Oeorge. who withdrew
his cards on the table. Shorty, however,
came In, seeing the double ralae after
some study, and Hump John made It
ten more.
Then Handy studied. Evidently Hump
John was strong, and it was all In the
draw for the four flush. Moreover.
Shorty, having played as far as hs
had, would probably see the ten addi
tional, whereaa a double raise might
easily scare him out.
The best play seemed to be to make
good and wait for the draw, and, accord
ingly, that is what he did. Shorty swore
a little under his breath. His kings
up did not look as big ss they did at
first, but he put up his ten and closed
the pot.
Handy let his one card which he drew
He face down upon the table and threw
In a white chip. Shorty also took one
card and let that lie unlocked at, throw
ing in a white chip also.
Thereupon Hump John, who had taken
two cards, looked carefully at them and
threw In a white chip and a stack of
blues. It looked as if he were bluffing
or hsd made a full houae or had possi
bly caught hla fourth to three of a
Anyhow, it wss enough to make Handy
look at his draw. What he found was
the aee of hearts, and he knew that his
ace flush was useless unless Hump John
wss really bluffing. .
The else of the bet though, $200 in a
pot that held only a little over sixty,
looked much like a bluff, and he finally
called. It would have been poor poker
ta raise again.
Shorty laid down, and Hump John
showed his hand. It was a seven full.
Evidently he had drawn a pair of tray.
The Cost of Collars
From the Chicago Tribune.
CHICAOO is getUng to be a city of
the. man with the white collar.
There are approximately 600.
000 grown men In the city
men who have attained to the age where
a white collar is absolutely necessary to
dress. There are each year approxi
mately 6,000.000 collars sold In the city.
Twenty-five millions of collars pass an
nually through the hands of the laun
drymen of Chicago. Theee figures would
give each collar a life of five visits to
the laundry. Considering the strenuos
Ity of the modern laundry, this atteata
strongly to the quality of collars sold in
the city.
The above figures would also seem to
Indicate that the 600,000 men In the city
addlcated to the custom of wearing col
lars change the linen that adorns their
neck but 60 times a year, or about once a
week. This Impression. If let go with
out correction, would be a libel upon
the fair name of the male Ohleagoan.
Surely no one can say-that the average
Chlcagoan wears the same collar seven
days each week without a change. So
the explanation muat follow that there
la a certain percentage of Chicago men
who do not make a custom of wearing
collars svery day.
Some of them never eear one from the
beginning of the year to the end. Oth
ers there are who wear them but once a
week, when the week's work is done and
the day of rest comes. This claaa of
men cuts down the general average of
Chicago In the matter of collars consid
erably, aa they can wear a collar for two
or three, or even four, Sundays without
"I ahould ssy that between 40 and 60
per rent of the men of Chicago are wear
ing white collars to their dally work."
said a man who has sold collars down
town for 20 years. "This would leave
between 200,000 and 260,000 collars in
wear in the city each day. The men who
comprise this army of collar-wearers are
for the moat part of course, men whose
duties take them down town.
"Thore Is a secret or rather several
secrets, in the wearing of collars with
an sye to keeping them clean. Perhaps
the foremost Is to keep your coat-collar
carefully cleaned and brushed. Others
are: Be careful In tying the tie, don't
bulge the collar, keep the hands clean,
and don't perspire. Fat men will find
the last requirement hard to fulfill. But
it Is a fact that a collar absorbing ever
so little moisture from a neck wet with
perspiration will take dirt twice as
quickly aa one that Is perfectly dry. I
should ssy that the average Chlcagoan
of the class which buys the great major
ity of the collars in the city changes his
collar every other day the year around,
and buys about 20 new ones per annum."
"Tour luck holds," said Handy, going
a little white sround the mouth.
"Yes, it holds," said Hump John,
fiercely. "Don't you Ilka ltT"
"Oh! I like it most amazing," said
Handy with a sneer. "I don't see any
reason why you shouldn't ilka it too,
while It lasts."
"Wall, I do." said Hump John, "And
I'm going to beck it aa long aa It does.
You can make up your mind on that"
"Fool if you didn't" growled Big
Oeorge, and Fat Brown took the deck.'
It waa evident that trouble waa Im
minent That deal and Die next three
were uneventful. A Jackpot waa made
and sweetened twice before the cards
came to Shorty. Then Handy took in the
money with a pair of aces with no stay
ers, and the deck passed to Hump John
Again there were soma good cards
dealt out Fat Brown had made the
usual ante and they all came In up to
the dealer, and he raised aa he had be
fore. Again they all came In. so that
there waa $$0 In the pot before the
It waa evident that all four of the
other players were watching Hump John
narrowly, but if he felt any perturbation
he did not betray it Coolly and steadily
as If he were drinking a glass of water
he slipped; off ths earns aa they were
called for, giving himself two,' aa he
had done on his previous deal.
It was Handy's bet again, and he
threw In a blue chip -plainly an invi
tation for. a raise, since he would have
played a white If he had been doubtful,
and much more than $10 If he had
wanted to drive the other out He had
taken only one card, however, and the
others were afraid to raise, excepting
Hump John. He looked carefully at his
two and raised it a at tck.
It was enough for Hrown and he sur
rendered. Handy, however, went back
at him with two stacks. At that the
others laid down and Hump John bat
two stacks more.
Handy counted the money in front of
Kim and found enough to sea Hump
John's raise, with about a hundred dol
lars more. Putting it all in the pot
he aald:
"I'm sorry I ! didn't declare another
thousand In."
"80 am I," aald Hump John, quietly,
as he covered the i-t and showed down
four Jacks.
It was the winning hand, for Handy
had been betting osj a king full, but
while Hump John waa pulling In the
pot a knife flashed through the air,
graslng his wrist so that the blood
spurted, plercini through the unused
portion of the dc. . and 'penetrating the
heavy table to 1 t.e depth of fully two
Before the oin was off from Hump
John's Hps, Short spoke up ooolly:
"I waan't after your hand. John. If
I had been I'd have struck harder. What
I wanted was to make sura that deck
wouldn't get away before we had a
chance to count it"
But Hump John waa furious. If
.Shorty and Fat Brown hadn't been as
quick aa ha was, the gun he drew would
have carried death to at least one of
the party.
The two men seised him by the wrists,
one on either side of him, and Big
Oeorge reached over almost as quick
as they had twisted the revolver from
his hand. Then began a struggle such
as none of the four had ever before
The pale, slender looking humpback
seemed to have the strength of half a
dosen men. Writhing, twisting, snarling,
kicking and trying to bite his adver
saries, he pulled and threw them all over
the room.
The odds of four to one waa too heavy
for him, and. as ths two who had him
by the wrists held on tensclously, hs
couldn't use his hands. It wss not long
before they had overcome him and bound
him with strips of his own coat Then
they looked at Shorty.
'What does It meanT" asked Fst
Brown ss soon as hs could catch his
"Well, I ain't aura," said Shorty, "but
It struck ms It would be a good Idea
to look In the deck for some more
Jacks. This man is a little too handy
about drawing to three of a kind."
A hasty examination showed no extra
jacka, but a count of the cards showed
that there were 64 In the deck which
to the Jury who were sltUng waa proof
enough to convict
First, they divided the money that
lay where Hump John had been sitting,
each man taking what he had lost aa
well aa he oould figure it, snd then they
turned their attention to the prisoner.
He had struggled until he saw the use
lessneas of It, snd then had lapaed into
a sullen silence.
"Is there any good reason why we
shouldn't throw you in ths rlverf" de
manded Handy, fiercely.
"I don't know any reason why you
won't" ' aald Hump John, as savage y
aa ha "Four cowards that'll set on
one man and bind and rob him might
better go on and murder him. If you
don't I'll kill every one of you aooner
or later."
"Tou will, hay?" aald Handy. "Then
I reckon we'd better finish the thing
now." And he drew his .revolver.
This, however, the others would not
"Tou can fight it out If you like," ssld
Big Oeorge, "but there'll be no murder "
Ten minutes later the two men were
out on the levee shooting at each other
and there waa work for the coroner next