The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 27, 1904, Image 11

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The Only District In Oregon Whe re Extensive Coal Development
or Production Hu Been Recorded Prospecting Is
General in Other Sections of the State.
Output in Last Decade, Quality of Coal, and Prospect for Heavy
Work In the Future Morrow County Has One
Large Property That Will Produce Soon.
Persistent advertising of Oregon's sold
mines and the enlistment of eastern cap
ital In their development has osused the
people of this state to forget that they
had coal districts of merit Since the
year 1865 It has been known that Coos
bay had commercial coal deposits, and
for nearly all of the time Intervening
coal has been mined in the section. This
is the only field where coal mining has
been prosecuted to any extent In the
state, for discoveries made on the Ne
halem In Columbia, Clatsop and Tilla
mook counties, at Taquina in Lincoln
county, Bckley and Shasta Costa In
Curry county, and In the John Day basin
and on Willow creek In Grant and Mor
row counties, have been relatively little
developed. In the NehaJera district
there has been considerable prospecting,
showing seams of coal that are regard-
' ed as commercial when transportation is
afforded, and on Willow creek, near
Heppner, (.000 to 7,000 feet of develop-
. ment work has been prosecuted on a
mine that offers a large tonnage. Aside
from this, nearly all work has been done
about Coos bay, and when Oregon coal
is mentioned lignite of this district is
usually understood.
Interesting Xeports Made.
Three reports have been made on the
Coos bay district by members of the
United States geological survey two by
I J. B. Dlller in 1898 and 1199, and one
by Oeorge Otis 8mith in 1992. These
gentlemen made careful examinations
and have set forth accurate informa
tion of what they found, which mining
men accent as Authentic.
from the writings of these scientists
It Is found that the Coos coal area is
of the tertiary age, the inclosing strata
being termed coaledo formation. Four
subdlstrlcts are defined In noting the
occurrence of the fuel and mining op
eratlons one being termed the Newport
basin, from the Newport mine at Llbby.
another the, Beaver -Slough basin, the
third the South Slough basin, and the
last the Coqullls. The first has an area
of 8x1 miles, the second 20x5 miles, the
third 10x8 miles, and the fourth 8x1
. miles. Dips of the seams are rather
gentle, and large faults are not uncom
mon." In the Newnort basin but one bed has
been extensively worked: It contains
about six feet of coal In three benches.
The roof Is generally sandstone, retir
ing little timbering, and the top bench of
tn the State.
saw so much in the papers about
the wonderful cures effected by Pyra
raid Pile Cure, I determined to give it a
trial. I bought from my druggist One
fifty-cent box and used It as directed,
and by the time I had used the last
"pyramid" 1 was entirely cured; in four
days after I began to use the 'pyramids'
all inflammation was gone. I was per
fectly easy all the time, the excessive
discharge stopped at once, and stools
became easy and gentle.
"I was unable to get m
ret my own firewood
for four months, and half the time when
I could walk at all I had to walk half
bent. I used many pile remedies, salves
and ointments, all to no effect until t
used one fifty-cent box of Pyramid Pile
Cure, and was cured.
"I would not be afflicted as I was
four months ago for the best farm In
the state of Arkansas. 1 can give proof
and reference of the wonderful cure to
all who are afflicted as I was. Please
ubllsh my letter that I may advise the
afflicted." W. E. Wallls, Plggot, Ark.,
Box 2.
The experience of Mr. Wallls Is that
of thotissnds of others who suffer' for
years with the most painful forms of
hemorrhoids, or piles, and aft trying
everything they hear of, give up all
hope of a cure and look for temporary
relief only. To all such s little book
published by Pyramid Drug Co., Mar
shall, Mich., brings glad tidings, as it
tells all about the csuse and cure of
plies, and Is sent free for the ssklng.
coal is usually left with the upper part
ing to form the roof. Small veins of
pitch coal, or asphalt, ars frequently
found In this bench. , The middle bench
Is somewhat thicker than the top one,
and the best coal Is found In the lower
benoh, although Mr. Smith says a small
amount of bone Is found at the bottom
of this deposit
In the Beaver Slough basin there are
five beds of coal defined In the develop
ment proseouted, the best again being at
the -bottom; there are six feet of coal In
this seam. The bottom bed Is divided
into three benches. The work done at
the Beaver Hill mine is the most ad
vanced of any in this district
Coos Bay Oood Domestlo Coal.
"The coal from the Cooa bay mines la
a lignite of a quality that prevents its
competing as' a steam coal with the
other coals of the Pacific coast," says
Mr. Smith. "For domestic purposes It
Is preferred to other coals, since It burns
without smoke or soot These Cooa bay
lignites do not generally coke, although
a sample of Norton's coal from Cathlngs
slough has yielded a good coke In a lab
oratory test."
In the analyses made the following
general averages from the four districts
named are regarded as typical of the
Coos bay country: From lower bench of
the Newport mine, Newport basin, 17.27
per cent moisture at 105 degrees centi
grade for one hour, 44.16 volatile matter,
82.4 fixed carbon, 6.18 ash, 1.87 sulphur,
non-coking. Middle bench. Beaver Hill
mine, Beaver Slough basin, moisture' un
der like test as above, 9.56; volatile mat
ter, 49.85; fixed carbon, 35.98; ash, 4.61;
sulphur,, 0.94; non-coking. Southport
coal, also from the Beaver Slough basin,
7.94 moisture, 41.91 volatile matter, 46.95
fixed carbon, 3.20 ash, 0.28 sulphur, non
coking. Seven-Mile coal, Coqnllle dis
trict, 6.8S moisture, 48.69 volatile mat
ter, 88.05 fixed carbon, 13.36 ash, 1.50
sulphur, none-coking.
The production of the district from
1892 to 1900, inclusive, as obtained from
records of the companies operating, does
not show up in vsry large figures. Prior
to that time no data is available In re
g"d to the output upon which the In
vestigators care to place dependence.
According to their Information, the dis
trict produced during the years named
as follows:
In 1892. 34.611 tons, worth 8148,546:
1893. 41.683 tons, worth 3164.500; 1894.
47,621 tons, worth 3188.914; 186, 73,685
tons, worth 3247,901; 1896. 101,721 tons.
worth 8294.561; 1897. 107,289 tons, worth
8291.772; 1898, 58,184 tons, worth 3212.-
114; 189. 84,888. worth 3260.917; 1900,
58.864 tons.worth 3220.001.
wait for B saver mill.
In late years the future of the Indus
try has seemed to hinge largely upon the
result of work at the Beaver Hill mine,
which is owned and operated by J, D.
Hp reck els. Bro. A Co. This year the
mine, under the able superintendence of
W. 8. Chandler, has commenced produc
ing again, with prospect of putting out
more than 600 to 600 tons per day for the
present, and an increasing output later.
Owing to a recent stoppage of develop
ment through rlre mishap, the mine has
been flooded, but Is being pumped out.
and will no doubt resume production
again at an early date. The' owning
company operates the Breakwater steam
ship between Marshfleld and San Fran
cisco to market the mine product in the
latter city, where It Is said to command
about 31 lees per ton than the average
coal of Washington. The Sprockets peo
ple express themselves as highly encour
aged by the result of their thorough de
velopment, snd operations at this mine
will be on a larger scale than ever be
fore, and in all probability encourage
resumption of work in several other
properties where development hss been
suspended for several years. The Bee
ver Hill has been opened by new work
ings on the opposite side of the tlotlgh.
where' the monagament has provided all
economical means tor miotag sad snip
ping the product . trwaportatlon
rate to San FraijclscOsusjasJnj' estimated
whan determining the value of Coos bay
coal at the mine is If ton. Aa no
railway connection to had with, the
outhernTPaciflc so as to bring the coal
directly to Portland, San Francisco has
been the only market In the past
A K.H.F mrmA nt coal la helms mined
at the Willow Creak property, 80 miles
from Heppner. No effort to being made
by the ownipg concern, ura ni)iiii
Railway Coal company, to market the
product nor will there bo until a rail
line Is built between the mine and the
Heppner terminus of the O. B. N.
branch. Tests of this coal made by the
O RAN. Co. In a freight locomotive
are said to have given better results
than the average coal shipped to this
state from Wyoming: The coal Is hard
er than the average lignite, and has been
,w.,i in ia Knmtorv tests with marked
success. As heavy development has
been proseouted on the property during
the past two years, mere ia vmj
son to believe the needed railway will be
built within another near.
Nehalem was the objective point of a
railway project from this city, which did
not materialise. In prospect of Its con
struction a considerable amount of ex
ploring work was prosecuted In the up
per Nehalem district, and the results
a..-. imlfnrmlT na 1 1 Rfactor v. the Coal
opened being a good lignite especially
desirable ror aomesuo use.
J. Monltz the Quest of De
lightful Party at the
Mrs. J. Morlts of Salt Lake City was
the ' guest of honor at a card party
given by her sister, Mrs. Oustav Simon,
In the parlors of the Portland hotel
yesterday afternoon. It was one of the
most elaborate card parties of the sea
son. The parlors were beautifully decor
ated, palms and potted plant artistic
ally arranged about the room and huge
bouquets of ohrysanthemums sdded
beauty to the scene. Japsnese lanterns
were pendant from the celling and cast
their mellow light over the gay gath
ering of women.
There were 10 tables, and the game
played was 500. Prises were offered,
the first of which was won by Mrs,
L. Hexter snd the second by Mrs.
Charles Feldenhelmer.
While the games were In progress
Professor Amsterdsm's Hungarian or
chestra rendered a program of classical
selections. The music was highly ap
preciated . and the different nugnbers
were applauded.
At 4 o'clock a delicious luncheon was
served on the card ttbles. Mrs. Simon
pmved to be a very entertaining hostess.
Among the Invited gueeta were Mrs.
I. Jacobs, Mrs. Charles Rosenfeld. Mrs. I.
Lang. Mrs. M. Lang, Mrs. Fred Seller.
Mrs. K. Meyer, Mrs. R. Prager. Mrs.
Haussman," Mrs. Frledlander. Mrs. T.
Bernhelm, Mrs. J. N. Teal, Mrs. Newton
Blsalnger, Mrs. M. Slchel. Mrs. E. Ehr
man. Mrs. I. Bulswanger, Mrs. B. Neus
tadter. Mrs. Max Htrsch, Mrs. R Gold
smith, Mrs. 8. Blumauer. MJ-s Abe
Hexter. Mrs. M. Hlrsch. Mrs. B. Selling,
Mrs. S. Werthelmer. Mrs. B. Werthelmer.
Mrs. Thauhauser, Mrs. Isam White, Mrs.
8. Ahpel. Mrs. 1. N. Flelschnsr, Mrs. M.
Flelschner. Mrs. A. Meier. Mrs. Stgmund
Meier. Mrs. Abe Meter. Mrs. Julius
Meier, Mrs. T N. Llpman. Mrs. Leon
Hlrsch, Mrs. Albert Feldenhelmer, Miss
Aekerman. Mrs. Lowengart, Mrs. 8.
Hlrsch, Mrs. H. Metsger. Mrs. 8. Julius
Mayer. Miss Metxger. Mrs. 8. W. Rosen
feld and Mrs. 8. Llpman.
4 An Insolent csbby was recent-
4 ly naked to give' his number.
4 "Tou want my number, do you?" 4
4 he said. "Well, work It out for
4 yourself. If you divide my
4 number by I, 3, 4. or fi. you
4 will And there Is always 1 over, 4
4 but If you divide it by 11 there e
4 ain't any remainder. And what's 4
e more, there s no canny with a 4
4 lower number who can say the e
4 same."
4 Now, whst must the fellow's e
4 number have been . 4
Pall of
When the weather varies there is nothing like the Gas
Range for Cooking, nor the Gas Heater for Heating.
Gas gives any degree of heat desired. There is no danger
of catching a cold that will last you through the winter.
In the fall, winter coal and wood are the bane of the
household. People are now using gas for cooking the year
round. No one who ever cooks with the GAS RANGE
goes back to the old method.
When it comes to lighting there is nothing that compares
with the Welsbach light. What is gloomier than the
sickly yellow light? .Put a mantle on your gas jet and
you have a cheerful, steady white light the nearest to the
sun itself. A mantle saves one-third in gas consumption.
District Forecaster Beals Warns
the Public to Beware of
Spurious Sharps.
No Reports Genuine That Have
Not Hie Name Blown
Into Them.
The latest In the troubles of the
weather man Is found In a circular is
sued by the department of agriculture.
in which a slap Is taken at all unuu
thorlied weather sharps from the
ancient Chaldeans to the village wise
acre. The text of the circular, written
by Portland's district forecaster, Ed
ward a. Beals. is aa follows:
There are today In the I'nlfd States.
ss well is In other civilised countries, a
few persons who make their living by
publishing so-called long range weather
forecasts, based upon old theories which
nave no foundation, and which scientific
men long ago rejected. We also find
in almost every community some man
who 'sets himself up ss a weather
prophet, and who prognosticates, year
arter year, hard winters, dry spells, snd
other oalamltlea Once in a great while
he hits the mark, and then his 'I told
you so' receives public acknowledg
ment; all his previous misses ars for
gotten, and great la his fame through
out the land.
"These men may be conscientious In
their belief, or veritable tricksters. It
matters not which, and does not change
the fact that their sayings and doings
are an Inheritance of the dark ages,
when all the world was veiled In super
stition and Ignorance. This wt know,
for by tracing back the mental progress
of the human race we find that all sav
ages today have their rain makers and
their rain stoppers, and that the patri
archal tribes still believe thst comets,
eclipses and other unusual appearances
forebode dire disasters. Also, anciently,
the most civilised nations, such as the
Chaldeans. Egyptians. Jews, Creeks,
and Romans, had their soothsayers and
oracles, who Imposed upon a credulous
"Latterly,' the astrologers of the mid
dle ages had a large following, and
from the beginning of the 16th century
up to the beginning of the 19th century
they flooded Germany, France and Qreat
Britain with almanacs containing
prophecies of the weather, as well as
prophecies regarding the minutest de
tails of- conduct In the dally lives of
the people. These prophecies were the
merest twaddle, but It took a Inni time
after Copernicus had explored the theory
that our little world was the center of
the universe before the belief In as
trology received any check. Now It has
so far disappeared that none but art
ful plunderers and Ignorant dupes give
it the slightest countenance.
"It is not so with the so-called long
range weather forecasters. Unfortu
nately, many people, and some of the
less careful publishers, are apparently
In Ignorance of the true character of
the work of these self-appointed proph
ets. We cannot account for the con
tinued publication of their utterances
In any other way.
Characterising them aa fakers and Im
postors avails us little. The people
themselves must decide as to the true
worth of their work. Let those who
have any Interest In the matter carefully
compare the published forecasts with
the actual weather day by day, for in no
other way will the utter worthlessness
of the whole mischievous business be
Pianos, Music.
We carry nearly everything In music,
from a Jewsharp to "Grand" and Cecil
Ian" Self-Playing Pianos. Special atten
tion to msll orders. Write, or learn
our prices before buying. Quality the
beet. Prices the lowest. K U. Wills'
Music House, 850 Alder street.
With Thousands Looking On.
Thousands of people have seen Barke
Tonic cure rheumatism. It cures alt
blood humor, and cures rheumatism In
four to ten days. Price, 75 cents per bot
tle; ah druggists. J. A. Clemenson,
druggist, Portland,- Or., wholesale agent.
Experience of Strangers in J.
Moore's Notorious North
End Saloon:
Found Wandering About the
Streets in a Dazed Condition
and Penniless.
What the police declare to be one of
the worst of the many crimes charge
able to the notorious saloon at Fourth
and Couch streets, now conducted by J.
B. Moore, who Is believed by the au
thorities to be merely acting aa agent
for "Bob" Patterson because the license
of the latter was revoked by the city
counoil, occurred early yesterday morn
ing. After having been drugged and robbed
of 89S, every cent he had, 8. Freeman,
a lumberman, was thrown out of the
lodging house over the saloon, known
as the Favorite. He was found wander
ing on the street in a stupefied condi
tion by Patrolman Jones, and was sent
to the city prison. Ludwlg Peterson,
a companion of Freeman, who tried to
rescue him from the clutches of a
woman, wss assaulted by a burly
"bouncer," and forced to leave the
Minnie Greenwood, well-known to the
police, wss arrested yesterday afternoon
by Detectives Snow snd Kerrigan on
suspicion of being the person who
took Freeman's money. Freeman posl-
Somewhere in the City of Portland
a bunch of keys containing three flat
keys and our name plate. One key
marked with number 1287. Return this
bunch of keys, before next Saturday,
to our office and receive as a reward
the handsome Mahogany Chiffonier
now shown in our front window.
Complete Housefurnishers
whom he was at the time he says he
was drugged. She, is now held at the
city prison, without bonds.
8. Freeman Is a lumber contractor, and
at present Is filling orders for the Ore
gon Lumber company of Hood River,
tlvely Identified her as the woman with
He came to the city Thursday, and In
the evening went to the north end with
Peterson to "see the sights." He bed
8104 at the time, and after taking a
glass of beer at the Antler saloon, on
Davis street, between Third and Fourth,
went to the Favorite. There, he says,
be met Minnie Greenwood and wss In
veigled into buying her two small bottles
of wine.
The woman, according to his verson,
then Invited him to accompany her to
another part of the building. After
watting probably a half hour, Peterson
says, he went upstairs to see what had
become of his friend. He was seized
by a large, powerfully built man whol
asked what he wanted. Peterson said
he wanted to find out what was keep
ing his friend. The "bouncer" Imme
diately threw him downstairs and
warned him not to come back.
This morning Freeman gave the
police an account of what had happened.
He saw the woman searching his
pockets and remembers that somebody
assisted htm downstairs and out the
Freeman's story that he had drunk
only to a limited extent before he met
the woman Is corroborated by Peterson.
Both positively Identify Minnie Green
wood as the woman with whom he left
the saloon.
Elocutionary Recital.
Mrs. Sylvia W. McOulre. reader and
Impersonator, will give a recital under
the auspices of the Ladles' Aid society
of the First Baptist church, on Tuesday
evening, November 29, In the lecture
room of the church. Admission 26 cents.
Mra McOulre has been very successful
as a reader, having been Identified with
some of the best musical organisations
In the middle west and south, her spe
cialty being negro dialect stories, in
which she excels. She will be assisted
by some of the best musical talent of
the city.
Columbia river smelt are In
the market at 76 cents a pound.
The first shipment arrived yes
terday from the Cowlitz river
and were immediately sold to a
retailer at 60 cents a pound. He
In turn found plenty of orders
for the fish at 76 cents.
This Is somewhat early for
smelt, the run generally begin
ning after the first of Decem
ber. Within a few weeks aftsr
that the receipt's become so large
that hawkers established every
where throughout the city sell
the fish for aa low aa 1 cents a
Along the Cowtits they become
so plentiful that farmers drive
their teams into the river and
shovel the fish into their wagon.
On the farms they are used as
From the Chicago Tribune.
"Bolivar Pyke," sharply asked big
wife, "did you bet on the election a
this timer' -
"Buenavlsta McCorkle Pyke." he re
sponded, doggedly. "I did. I was fool
enough to bet that Roosevelt wonteV
carry Missouri, and that Douglss would.
be elected governor of Massachusetts."
"You were? Well, did Roosevelt carry,
Missouri T"
"He did."
"Was Douglss elected governor
Massachusetts r'
"He was."
Mra. Pyke's face softened perceptibly.
"One more question, dear," ehe said.
Who Is Douglas T"
Mr. Pyke looked at his wife and,
opened his mouth as if to speak, bat
has paralysed tongue could not framo
a suitable reply, and he ran gasping
out Into the open air.