The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 27, 1904, Page 10, Image 10

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5SaaBaSaaSJaaaWaSBsaam I
ars s v i ua issue w
Newbro's Herpicide
The original remedy that "kfib tbe dandruff germ" An Ejtqobite Ho'r Dressing
Grand Jurv't Action in Tanner
Police Investigating Strange
National Association Chooses
Series of Meetings Held at Brush
Creek Sewer Matter of
Story Told by Man Found
Bleeding on Street.
Portland for Its Next An
nual Convention.
Prairie Baptist Church by
Rev. Mr. Lapham.
Effort to Discover Collusion Be
tween Contractors and City
Engineer's Office.
H. R. Martin's Tale Disbelieved,
Police Saying He Tried to
Kill Himself.
Meeting Will Be Held in June,
Teachers' Institute for Clark
Says Hard Working J.
W. Bailey.
and Skamania Counties
Will Convene.
Almost ths entire city Is anxiously
waiting tbe result of the proposed In
vestigation of the Tanner creek sewer
scandal by the trend Jury. It Is said
that that body will begin Its Inquiry
Into the fraud this week.
Whether or not City Engineer Elliott
will retain hla position depends largely
upon the result of this Investigation. If
the grand Jury brings In a report charg
ing the city engineer with malfeasance
In offlce Mayor Williams will hare to
proceed with the Impeachment proceed
ings recommended by the city council.
Mayor Williams' attltuds toward the
scandal Is sueto that unless the report
Is adverse to the city engineer It Is be
lieved that no proceedings will be In
stituted by him.
Contractors It. M. Rlner and E. W.
Riner ars ssld to bs preparing to make
an attempt to prove to the grand Jury,
should they be summoned before that
body, that they have been Jobbed. Wal
ter Thomas, their foreman, who con
fessed before the council committee of
Investigation that be had accepted
money from "somebody" to leave defects
In the sewer. In order that the con
tractors would bs kept from getting
their money, will be subpoened to ap
pear before the grand Jury. It Is also
rumored that the man whom he stated
saw him receive $50 In the tunnel will
be produced, by the contractors' attor
neys and that they will attempt to lo-
i t h. Krth.r
The two workmen who told Thomas
they were receiving money for watching
,the work In the sewer and who wars
. . . . v, I h.v. nl.n 1lD.Il
aiscnargea uj "' ...
fci-i r ... ..... ., .tated that as aoon as
Thomas discharged them they left for
i.t. th. TnrHMMl desire of many of
it? mnmt ilcenlv interested In the
scandal as weu as m jiravmi
. . . jl.... that tHtk mrarui
in l IIC bcci uid.ii. v - - -
jury rerret oui me roancr w uw w-
torn, and It Is stated that they will at-
w tempt to do so.
V TV- .fint..ntnn' nnll in which M.
Balnsteln and E W. Reiner, under the
Arm name of the independent onsiruc-
tion company, ars reputed to have been
leaders and which Included many of the
most prominent contractors of ths city,
w will occupy ths attention of the grand
Jury If It follows the request made In
the report of the council committee.
An attempt will be made to find. If pos--J
slble whether there was any collusion
between the city engineer's offlce snd
'" ths contractors.
Application will bs mads to ths court
by Judge Henry E McGinn for permis
sion to take part In ths prosecution of
the gambling cases that ars yei to am
tried. He will first apply for permU
sion to take part in the prosecution of
M. G. Neaae. manager of ths Warwick
poolroom, who was recently Indicted.
The Nsass case will be heard next
Thursday In Judge George's department
of the Circuit court. Befors that Ume
ths application will be made by Judge
"There Is certainly no reason to P re
Tent me from assisting In ths prosecu
tion. If tbe court gives his consent."
aid Judge McGinn. "I shall make ths
application at any rata, and believe It
Will be granted."
- At the trial of Eugene Blaster for con
ducting a gambling house Judge Mc
Ginn was last weak requeated to with
draw from the prosecution by District
Attorney Manning, who mads no ex
planation of hla action. Blaster was
accused of perjury at the trial, and the
Charge Is now being Investigated by
the grand Jury.
wtx.Ii noma nw jttbt. -
(Journal special service.)
New Tors, Not. 26. Ths trial of Nan
Patterson was today adjourned unUl
Monday on account of Illness In ths Jury.
Ths Juror who caused the postpone
ment of the trial is Bdwsrd Dressier,
who Buffered a stroke of paralysis this
morning, which will make It Impossi
ble for him to sttend further sessions
f the court. It Is understood ths prose
cution will agree to a now trial, and a
; now Jury will bs selected.
Hand and Face
Whitener FREE
(The Great Helden Formula )
(Woodbury Tormale.)
Orsatest face beautlflers In ths World.
Hve to Old Age ihc Appearance
of Youth
Ths beautiful continue beautiful If
these preparations are used. Positively
no money laaen ror ineae generous sam
pls packages. They ars free as the air
1 you breathe.
Madame Aza
MS. SM Karri
Wear West Park.
All facial blemishes, as wrinkles,
sunken ehaaka amallnox nlttlnas. birth
marks, pimples, eruptions of ths skin,
ate, speed I
1 IsjBjtsjffwa,
.-Charges res.
ly remo
removed. Falling hi
scalps treat
IRfl g LH
Bar V'aBs LK Jfl Las
Saw" ' sWagM
Bar" sfl BBBBnl
STfe. - . LflPlxW!
MssWfr ..y'WiWsPsBgBBBBBBBBaV'l
Bleeding profusely from a flesh-wound
In the throat and two cuts on each wrist.
H. K. Martin, who la engaged in the oys
ter business, was taken to the police sta
tion last night by Patrolman Uullls.
There he Informed Captain Moore that
he had boon assaulted by a thug with
a knlfs at Twenty-seventh and Thurman
streets, and after a fearful struggle for
Ufa, during which ha received his
wounds, was struck on ths Jaw snd
knocked Insensible, afterward being
robbed of til. -
Ths circumstances, ths police assert,
abdicate clearly that Martin is not tsll
) t the truth. ' When Patrolman Bullls
discovered him. the alleged victim of
the holdup was very svastvs in his an
swers to questions, and accompanied the
officer unwillingly to the station. Ths
nature of his wounds tend to show that
they were Inflicted by himself with sui
cidal Intent or were received in an en
counter In which hs was facing Ms as
sailant. MarUn was sent to Good Samaritan
hospital, and Defectives Snow and Ker
rigan were detailed by Captain Moore to
make an Investigation.
Martin was -until four 'days ago en
gaged In the oyster business as an em
ploye of the Toke Point Oyster com
pany. Since then, he Buys, hs has been
In business for himself. Tbe police as
sert that hs Is an ex-prtxeflghter and a
handy man with hla flats. His story
"1 was st ths St Helens saloon, four
blocks from where I was held up, snd
lsft there with a young fellow with
whom I played a game of pool shortly
after 1 o'clock. He left me a block awsy
from ths saloon. It was not so dark
when I reached the corner of Twenty-
seventh and Thurman streets that I
could not make out objects plainly.
"Suddenly a man reached over my
shoulders from behind. I did not hear
him comma, but as soon sa I felt his
arm on my shoulder caught the glint of
a knife. There might have been more
than one man. My wrists were cut as I
raised them Instinctively to struggle.
Then I fait ths knlfs at my throat. Im
mediately following the wound In ths
throat I received a blow on ths Jaw and
want 'down and out When I recovered
I found til missing from my pockets.
I wandered around awhile In a dased con
dition, and was blooding so badly
thought I should die.
"When I reached ths end of the car
line at Twsnty-nlnth and Thurman
streets I met Policeman Bullls, and he
accompanied ms bars. I haven't ths
least Idea who cut sad robbed ma"
An examination of Martin's throat
wound at ths police station showed It to
bs located under ' the chin and across
ths "Adam's apple," about three Inches
long and half an inch deep. A white
handkerchief which bad been tied around
the neoh we saturated with blood, as
was ths front of ths man's shirt, coat
and waistcoat
Both wrists were gashed on the back
In two places. ths wounds being a
quarter of an Inch deep and two Inches
long. The wounds pn eaen wrist were
parallel. What leada to ths suicide the
ory la ths fact that all the cuts on the
wrist ore an Inch above the edge of the
shirt-sleeve, which was not cut on either
arm, showing that ths sleeves must
have been drawn back before the In
juries were Inflicted. If Martin at
tempted suicide, it is probable that hs
changed his mind and decided not to die
after using the knife on himself.
Not only did ths alleged victim of
highwaymen glvs Patrolman Bullls
evaslvs answers and show a disinclina
tion to go with him to the police station,
but he had hardly stepped Inside the
building when hs wanted to leave. He
appeared cool and collected, rolled and
smoked a cigarette while telling his
story, and at times smiled when ques
tions were asked him.
Hs gave his address as 48 tt First
street, saying hs occupied room It.
n.. afclrA rnllv nf the A n 1 1 -1 ' I caret t e
us in Portland will be held this
afternoon at t o'clock In Highland Con
gregational cnurcn. corner 01 nasi
Sixth ana rrescon sireeie. u
Rockood, paator of the church, will pre
i . flhArt .n,ihM will he made bv
Rev. C. M. Bmythe, pastor of the Mis
sissippi Avenue Congregational church;
L 11. Morgan, principal ra iM-mey
Oreen school; Rsv. Wallace R. St ruble,
general superintendent of ths Inter
national Anti-Cigarette league, and M.
H. Thompson.
There are now about 6,000 members
enrolled In the league In this city. Mr.
Btrubla has spoken In 20 schools, and
will address me remainaer 01 too
schools of the city next week.
The grand Jury adjourned shortly
after noon yesterday, to resume Its
session Monday. Its report Is likely to
bs mads at that time.
Witnesses were examined and ths
Jury visited a number of places In the
city that are under Investigation. Es
pecial attention Is directed. It Is said,
to ths Cass of Eugene Blaster, who Is
charged with having committed per
jury while on the witness stand In a
gambling case last week.
The Jury Is devoting much at Jits at
tention to the gambling cases thst have
been reported, snd a number of Indict
ments against those who have recently
been tried on similar charges will be
returned. Other matters, however, ars
receiving considerable attention.
(ftpcelal Dispatch to The Jnnrnal.)
Cloverdale, Wash.. Nov. 2s. A. E.
Waeford, born In Bolfast, Ireland, In
lltt, cams to the United States In In
fancy, and came to Washington In mo,
died here yesterday. He leaves a widow.
(Joarsal Special Service t
Washington, Nov. 21. The French
embassador this afternoon formally pre
sented his government's acceptance of
President Roosevelt's invitation to a
second pesoe congress.
One Ban Francisco buyer bought and
shipped 11,000 boxes of Coos county ap-
Another national convention la added
to Portland's list for next summer. The
executive committee of the National As
sociation of Dairy and Food Depart
ments at St. Louts yesterday selected
Ibis city as Its nsxt meeting place.
The news of the designation of Port
land as the next scene of tbe convention
wss contained In a private mesaags last
evening to J- W. Bailey of this city,
who for two years wss president of the
The Dairy and Food association, as
represented st the St. Louis convention
In October lsst, embraced delegates from
18 states and nine foreign ' countries,
numbering about 300. Mr. Bailey, how
ever, Is of the opinion that at least 800
visitors will be Induced to come to Port
land by reason of this selection, for
many of the delegates will be accom
panied by their families.
Portland has resson for congratula
tion upon Mr. Bailey's instrumentality
In securing this new convention, be
cause It Is tbe second ttms In two years
that the association has assembled here.
The St. Louis convention voted to leave
the selection to the executive committee,
whose members are President W. W. P.
McConnell of Minnesota and Chairman
A. H. Jones. A strong effort wss made
to Influence the committee In favor of
Massachusetts, as ths association has
never met in the New England states.
A date for ths convention has not
been fixed, but the recommendation
made by ex-President Bailey that It be
in the middle of June Is likely to be
W. H. Kennedy, chief engineer of the
Oregon Railway and Navigation com
pany, returned yesterdsy from a six
weeks' stay at his old home In New
York city. Hs want away to recruit his
health and returned slightly Improved.
"I don't know much of what Is golnir
on In the world," he said last night at
the Arlington club. "I traveled no
where excepting directly from Portland
to my old home In New York, and I
stayed there quietly during my entire
visit. There 1b nothing further than
you have published In relation to ths
new shops at Lower Alblna. The con
tracts let today ars all that will be let"
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
Eugene, Or., Nov. 2(. The sensa
tion of the week In the little town of
Junction Is ths attempted elopement of
Mrs. A. E Plank, the wife of a well-
known farmer residing near there, and
the hired man. whoss name Is Wheeler.
It appears that Wheeler had been mak
ing love to Mrs. Plsnk for some time
past and at laat they agreed to 'run
away together. The woman's husband
accidentally heard of their plans snd in
company with a brother, who resides In
Eugene, overtook the couple Just as they
were boarding the nlgrtt train for the
north. They were Stopped and Wheeler
was given a severe thrashing by ths
lrats husband and his brother. Mrs.
Plank at first refused to return home,
but thought better of it and accom
panied her husband, promlalng to do
better In the future.
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
Baker City. Or., Nov. 26. County
Clerk A. B. Coombs and hla entire force
of deputies ars very busy preparing the
court docket for the next term of the
circuit court, which will convene Mon
day, November 28. Eighty-nine equity
caaes and 17 law cases, or a total of
178 make up the civil dockets to date.
The term of court promises to be an
Interesting one, as a good many of the
trials Involve Important matters.
(Special Dispatch to The Journal!
Cul ds Bsc, Idaho, Nov. 28. Northern
Pacific depot employes. Agent Bell snd
Freight Clerk Monahan, were held up
and robbed when alone In the depot at
5:25 o'clock yesterday morning. The
robbers secured checks to the value of
$150. Hs told ths men If they did not
hurry he might get nervous and ahoot
someons full of holsa There Is no clue
to the robber.
(Special i ''t to The Journal.
Oro Flno, Ida., Nov. 28. William
Kalke. a pioneer hotel-keeper of Julla
etta, Ida., died suddenly of heart failure
at his daughter's home yesterday. The
body will be shipped to Juliaetta.
mi f m IV u III '
ATI JTk, U 11 fie a 1 VS
Mrs. L. H. Hart
Anyone answerlns this advertisement.
either by mall or In person, will receive
Free one msgnetio treatment. aii
forma of dlsesse can be cured by this
method no difference what alls you. try
a treatment and be convinced. Extracts
from a few testimonials: Mr. J. I.
Davis, Portland, Or., cured In three
teatmenta of muscular rheumatism:
Mr Levi Hostetter, Hubbard, Ore., agn
70 ears,' cured of constipation In four
treatments: Mrs. Anna Dally. Newburg,
Or., cured of diseases peculiar to women
In three treatments. Wlte or call for
free description, circulars and testi
monials. I tench my method to others.
It will coat you nothing to call and get
memember. one maa-netlo treatment
free to anyone who brings or sends this
advertisement to
Mrs. L. H. Hart
til Tourney (A. O. U. W.) Bldg., B. W.
Corner 2d and Taylor sts. Phone
Main 41?
(Special Dispatch to Tbe Journal )
Vancouver, Wash., Nov. 26. A series
of sermons, revival In nature, was con
cluded at Brush Prairie Baptist church
this week, under the direction of -Rsv,
Stanton C Lapham, pastor of the Sec
ond Baptist church, Portland. Or.
All of Rev. Mr. I.apham'a meetings
were well attended, and many converts
gained through his Influence. Thanks
giving day, however, was ths red letter
dejr, during which day eight applica
tion were presented for membership.
Rev. Mr. Lapham commenced hla pas
toral work at Brush Prairie shortly af
ter his marriage. Prior to that time he
Kras an engineer on the P. V. Y. rail
way In this county.
Teachers Convene.
The teachers' Institute for Clarke and
Skamania counties convenes-next Mon
day at ths courthouse In Vancouver, and
will last until Friday nlarht. The open
ing address will be delivered by Prof
Hough of Vancouver, Monday morning,
commencing at 015 o'clock. During ths
week all the schools In Clarke and Ska
mania counties wlfl be closed.
Barracks and Vicinity.
Lieut. W. H. Raymond, Artillery corps,
who has been stationed at Fort Worden,
Wash., has reported st Vancouver bar
racks as an aide to General Williams.
Miss Hall of Portland has been vis
iting Col. and Mrs. Huston for several
Lieutenant Blstle. who has recently
been commissioned In the army and as
signed to the Nineteenth Infantry, re
ported for duty this week. Lieutenant
Blstle brought his bride with htm.
Lieutenant H. M. Sbpplee has re
cently been promoted to first .lieutenant
and transferred to a regiment serving
in Texas. He and Mrs. Bupplee will
leave for their new home In a few daya.
Lieutenant and Mrs. Kellond. Nine
teenth Infantry, arrived at the post to
day. Lieutenant Kellond has been on a
month's leave of absence, during which
time he was married.
A daughter was born to Lieutenant
and Mrs. liegeman Friday night.
Miss .Ethel Suhl returned home last
night after a short visit with friends
at Kalama and other points along the
lower Columbia river.
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
Hood River, Or., Nov. 26. The city
council has ..-officially recognised the
volunteer fire department organised by
ths young men of this city and turned
over to their care the lire engine and
other apparatus recently purchased.
The officers of the volunteer fire de
partment are:
W. B. McQulre, president: I. E.
Morris, vice-president: Earl Bartmess,
secretary; Percy Cross, treasurer. W.
E. Sheets, chief of the department: 8. J.
Frank, assistant chief; W. J. Oadwa.
chief engineer; Will, Morgan, first as
sistant engineer; Clarence Shaw, aecond
assistant engineer; Wlnfleld Olinger.
third assistant engineer.
A firemen s benefit ball Is being ar
ranged for on New Year's night, which
It Is Intended shall os ths social event
of ths season.
(gpeelal Dispatch to The Journal 1
La Grande, Or, Nov. 28. The La
Grande Electric company has consoli
dated with the Cove Power company,
and these companies have Incorporated
under the name of the Qrand Ronde
Electric company. The directors are:
Walter M. Pierce, J. A. Thompson, T.
H. and Clarsnce Crawford, and T. it.
Berry. This will give all the towns In
ths county power for railways and elec
tric lights. The power at the Cove will
furnish 800 horse-power. Lights will
bs put In at Cove, Union and at ths Hot
Lake sanitarium at once, and there will
be an electric railway connecting these
points with La Orande by June 1.
(Special Dispatch to The Joaraal.)
Seattle, Nov. 28. Transportation com
panies report a heavy business from
Puget sound points to the orient. As Is
customary among the Chinese snd other
Asiatics, many of them are returning
to their homes for the holidays. Chinese
New Tear, which comes In the latter
part of February next year. Is a big
festival occasion In the empire, and
thousands of Celestials ars starting or
preparing to start. Representative of
the condition of the Pacific line. It Is
stated that more than 1.006 Asiatics
chiefly Chinese, have taken paasage on
the Empress of China, which sails from
Vancouver Monday.
(Sperlal Dispatch to The Journal.)
Pendleton, Or., Nov. 26. The Eagle
lodging house In this city was robbed
last night of 8100 In money and 8600 In
notes. The notea were mysteriously re
turned this afternoon. The money wss
in a drawer in the orrice or tne nouse.
No trace of the robbers haa been found
The Brewery saloon was alao entered
last night snd a quantity of liquor
taken. It la believed that the same men
entered both places.
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
Lewlston, Ida., Nov. 26.- A large
chimney, costing 8200, Just completed In
the fine residence of W. P. Hurl hut, was
blown up with dynamite by some mis
creant Thursday at midnight Ths sx
ploslon was heard, but the damage was
not known unttl morning. Ths house
was slightly tlamagsd. No reason Is
known for the set.
(special Dispatch, to The Joaraal.)
Tacoma. Nov. 26. rjeorgs McCoy, a
Lewis county lumbermen, Is ths latest
candidate for the speakership of the
Washington legislature He resldss at
Napavine, Four candidates are now in
ths Asia i
to a
hair dressing or one that Is full of
cals Intended to dye the hair. The marked preference
for a clean and dainty preparation, particularly one
that overcomes excessive olllness and leaves the hsir
light and fluffy. Is reflected in the enormous sale of
Newbro's Herpicide. Discriminating ladles become en
thusiastic over Its refreshing quality and exquisite
A WO Man to U lUTtT must have pretty hair.
The features may be quite plain or even homely, yet
If the head is crowned with an abundance of beauti
ful hair, attractiveness will not be lacking. Ths Poet
says: "fair tresses man's Imperial race ensnare."
Herpicide gives the hair a charming distinctiveness
that Is characteristic of no other hair dressing.
DISEASED HAT A aatXaTFO&TtTWX. Unsightly or
diseased hslr la a misfortune In more ways than one.
There Is the actual injury to the hair follicles, and
the consequent loss or thinning or tne
hair; this may cause diseases that some
times follow a removal or' thinning of
nature's protection to the head. A
diseased condition of the Jialr affects
a woman's disposition to a marked de
At I Leading
it Drag Stem, fL00.
ABuliky lair
Reported that Bona Ventura Will
Follow Grafton and Flora
in Short Time.
British Admiralty Is Understood
to Be in Favor of Flying
(Sprrlal Dispatch to The Journal. (
Victoria. B. C, Nov. 28. It Is Svl
dent now that the British Pacific naval
station at Esquimau will be practically
eliminated as far as a fleet Is con
cerned. In addition to ths recsll of the
flagship Grafton snd ths cruiser Flors.
It Is reported that the Bona Ventura, a
gummy snd sticky
gree. If the hair Is dull, brittle and lifeless, owing
to ths presence of a mtcroblo growth, the effect la
to dampen one's spirits snd cause a loss of Interest
In personal appearance, i he use of Newbro's Herpl
cldfe overcomes the ravages of the dandruff microbe,
after which the natural beauty and abundance of the
hair will return aa nature Intended. Almost marvel-'
ous results follow the use of Herpicide. Gentlemen
will find Newbro's Herpicide in us st all Important
barber shops. . 1. , -
Newbro's ' Herpicide has given great satisfaction It
has benefited ray, wife a great, deal and she Instructs
me to say that It Is the very best th(ng ahe svsr used.
(Signed) O. D. FITZGERALD, M. D.
Los Angeles, Cal.
uodlmentary chemi
I have used your Herpicide and It
has dons wonders for me I would not
be without It, and recommend it to
every one. -
Bakersneld, Cal. -t -
Drug Stores or Sent Prepaid from Detroit,
Mich., Upon Receipt of $1.00
Seas He is tunpt for umplt to Dept. U TIE
Detroit. Nkfc.
"Destroy the CauseYou Remove the Effect,"
twin slater of the Flora, will also leave
about the first of the year. The last
number of ths London Naval and
Military record, which Is recognized bs
an authorltlve publication In naval and
army circles, gives additional color to
this theory by publishing ths follow
ins: "Events In ths fsr esst show that
unarmored ships are practically useless.
This statement was made last week by
Albert' Vlckers at Barrow, and almost
simultaneously It was announced that
several sloops and third class orulsers.
Including ths Pallas, which has a pro
tected deck, have been ordered to bs
paid off; their crews returning to Eng
land. "On various foreign stations there
are about 8.000 officers snd men locked
up In non-fighting ships fsr away from
any probable acene of action and serving
under conditions which would prevent
them from fighting If war by chance
rime In their vicinity. None too soon
the authorities have decided to concen
trate their ships snd their personnel,
snd It csn be well believed that before
long, as Is reported, ths Psclflc
squadron Will be still further reduced
In slse. In fact, practically eliminated."
Esquimau will In this event bs main
tained as a source of supply for visit
ing fleets. The admiralty Is being un
derstood to fsvor flying squadrons. The
protection of ths station will be con
fined largely to a land force which will
likely be materially' increased.
We will present to the party who
returns to us, before next Saturday, a
bunch of keys containing our name
plate and key No." 1287, the handsome
Mahogany Chiffonier now shown in
our front window. These keys lost
somewhere in Portland. Don't fail to
examine every bunch of keys you
pick up for the lucky key.
Complete Housefurnishers
As Uahultby Ur
(Special Dispatch to The Journal .)
Vancouver, H. C, Nov. 18. According
to a statement made this morning the
Grand Pacific's Pacific tsrmtnus will be
at Laurler. B. C The new place Is
named by the company after Canada's
premier' It has not yst been decided
where Laurler will be located. Definite
announcement Is expected next week.
(gpeelal Dispatch to The Journal )
Victoria, B. C, Nov. 18. The Tyes
Copper compsny st Mount Slcksr. near
this city, has declared a dividend of
two shillings a share. This brings ths
total dividends psld since the starting
of smelting operations In January. 1903.
to four shillings per share, or 1180,000.
Besides the distribution of this sum
a large reserve fund has been accumu
lated and extensive Improvements have
been made In the plant and buildings at
both ths mlns snd ths smelter, sll being
paid for out of the profits.
(gpeelal Dla patch to The Jearaal.)
Pendleton, Or., Nov. 18. Congressman
Williamson Is In Pendleton tonight on
his wsy to Washington. D. C.