in j Li3roiiTf I The Journal's Fanny Folk I 'FPjQOtt Sr OVLVVSli J SECOND' SECTIOIIhM PORTLAND. OREGON, SATURDAYEVENINQ, NOTEMBER2M904 WILLIE WESTINGHOUSE EDISON SMITH INVENTS AOAlT ELEVATORr V hsv aar"afr fc 'iBBBBBBBBBB nn if . i Dear Tommy It made me so weary to see Mary Ann lugging coal up from the cellar- That I buik an automatic coal etevator. You just pulled the brake and presto die bucket was filled. Qw Mamma came in to see it work, when die brake got jammed and couldn't stop k. About two tons of coal was dumped into the kitchen before the weight ran down We had to send for Jim to carry 6m coal back to the ceflar. i got 4 awful aooidngt Yours, fe. WSL THE GROCER ADMIRES PRETENDING PERCY Aftoaaco ' . "