The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 26, 1904, SECOND SECTION, Image 11

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    iiiiimiiiw j. , .
Britt Matched to Box Gsrdnar Brown
Down ths Tiger- Army and Navy Game
Today Boxing, Football and Racing Now
Many Epistles Arrive at Camp
Telling Him How to
Yosemite Club of San Francisco
Arrange for December
I .
1 w mm
I A nTKanTa).
1 m
Jimmy Michaels and His Old Race
Track Partner, Frank Kramer.
Nations Chief Guest of Honor at
Indian Match at the
i atirlec.)
-Tha final
( Journal Specie
Bt. Louis. Not. St. The final arrange
ments for the football same between the
Haskell Indian school of Kansas and the
Carlisle Indian school of Pennsylvania
have been completed, and the contest
Will take place at the world's fair sta
dlum this afternoon. President's day.
It will bo the first time that the grid
iron representatives of the two govern
ment schools have met, and an Important
feature will be the presenoe of Presi
dent Roosevelt, who will occupy a box
draped with the colors of the rival In
stitutlans. President Roosevelt has
made a practice of attending the annual
football contest between West Point and
Annapolis, but as that gams will be
played In Philadelphia on the day of his
visit to the world's falf, the Indian game
was arranged as one of the special at
tractions In his honor.
Dunlsavy certainly cannot be blamed
by the Oaklsnd contingent for losing ths
championship If ths Commuters are not
to figure In the post series. Down In
Los Angeles hs was at bat 22 times last
week, and hit safely 11 times. Osnley
and Devereaux also .did great things
with the willow last week. Van Haltren
("Old Rip") led Seattle with an average
of .400. Crsvath. Jud Smith and Ber
nard, of the aame team, batted over
.860. Frisk, who still leads the league,
is slumping badly, but will doubtless bs
In the lead at the wlndup of the season
next Sunday The following coast
leagusrs are batting for the season .tSO
or better:
Frlak. .8St; Mohler. .SI; O. Graham
sis: Nordyke. .107: Bernard, .806
Runkle, .220; Sheehan. .24; Frary. .J2:
vmdahrand. .27: 8ohlafly. .Sis; C
oiih 288: Casey. .SSO: Delehanty, .280
Waldr'on. -80; Beck, .27; Chance, .278;
Chase 27; Meany. .27B; Van Haltren.
STr.: Shields. .27S; Oanley. .S72; Irwin,
271- Wheeler, .211: Mosklmnn, .286;
Nodeau, .268; Van Buren, .28; Flood.
67 J Smith, .287; Braahear, .2; Cra
vath SMi Wilson. .2t6; R. Hall. .21;
Thleiman. .167; Lynch, .262; McLaugh
lin. .861- m
(Journal Special Service.)
Waco Tex., Nov. St. The magnates
nd managers of the Texas Baseball
leasue are rounding up here for a meet
ing to be held tomorrow to arrange the
league circuit for the coming season.
Ardmore snd Paris ara making a strong
bid for admittance to the league and
it is not improbable that their efforts
may be successful. This would make
an eight-club league, the remaining
cities already comprising the member
ship being Austin. Temple Corslcans,
Waco. Dsllss snd Fort Worth.
Grip Pains
:?,r,?Rr'irv sensations known
T6t they can be relieved, and laa
very short time, by taking
Dr. Miles'
Anti-Pain Pills
ths grsatest remedy on earth for pains
of any kind. Their soothing Influence
upon The nerves Is felt throughout the
entire system.
"I had La Orlppe pslna all pver me.
and I waa In such distress I thought I
could not endure It. I thought ol Dr.
Miles' Antl Pain Pills and after taking
S doses the pain disappeared, and I
slept peacefully. My Trother has a
swelling on his neck, and uses them, as
they ease the pain, and leave no bad
effects like quieting powders.
ADELTA LANE. Portage. Mich.
If they fall to help, your druggist will
refund your money on first package.
26 doses, 26 cents. Nsvsr sold In bulk.
..W.0nUidth.Utmor. ' Wreinan
5? &-Bfca -I-PJTJ
Manager Ike Pitches the Elusive
Sphere and the Tigers
Fall Down.
unurnii special i -
Fresno. CaL. Nov. 26. Iks Butler
kept the Tigers' hits well scattered
yesterday and the Browns had an easy
time winning the game. This was the
last gams of the season here, both teams
going to Sacramento, where the nex
two games will be played. Score:
R. H. K
rort land 00003004 0 7 7
Tscoms 01000000 0 1
Batteries Butler and Frary; Thomas
and flraham.
San Francisco, Nov. 28 Joe Corbet!
had Oakland guessing- all through yes
terday's gams and the Seals cinched the
game In the fourth by timely batting.
R H. E.
uasiana 00101000 0 z 7
San Fran 0 0120000 S 7
Batteries Buchanan and Stark; Cor
bett and Wilson. Umpire McDonald.
And the Angel
Los Angelea, Nov. 26. Jones pitched
careful ball yesterday and hla team
managed to beat out Seattle by one
tally. Score:
R. 11. E.
ix)S Angeles ... 00400001' f. H
Seattle 00003000 1 4
Batteries Jones and Spies, C.
and Leahy. Umpire Chance,
6 3
(Joaraal Special Service.)
Ban Francisco, Nov. 28. But one first
choice, Vesuvlan, won at Oakland yes
terday. Results:
Six furlongs, selling Dr. Sherman
won; time, 1:1414.
Futurity course, selling Callaghan
won; time. 1:11.
Six furlongs Berendos won; time,
Mile and 66 yards Flaunt won; time.
Six and a half furlongs, handicap
vesuvisn won; time. 1:1014-
Mlls, selling Heather Honey
time, 1:41.
Stew Orleans.
Nov. SC. Suit
New Orleans. NOT. If. Summary:
Six furlongs Mimosa won; time, 1:14.
Hslf mile Beldon won; time, 0:48 8-6
Mile Fox Mead won; time, 1:418-6.
Seven furlongs Dick Bernard won
time. 1 :24 4-6.
Six furlongs Janata won; tlms, 1:14
Mile Lampoon won; time, 1:41.
Los Angeles, Nov. It. But ons favor
ite crossed the wire first yesterday at
Ascot park. Summary:
Seven furlongs Devon B won; tits.
Six furlongs, selling El Chihuahua
won; time. 1:164.
One mile Dr. Bragg won; time, 1:48.
Slauson course Bwcalants won; tlms.
Mile snd 70 yards, selling Merwan
won; time. 1:46 44.
Five and a half furlongs, selling Dr.
C won; time, l:ot.
(Joaraal Special Service.)
Denver. Colo.. Nov. 28. Clarence
Forbes of Chicago fought a lt-round
draw with Martin Devaney of tbla city
before a Denver club last evening.
The Waverly Ootf club's fall men
and women's handicap will be played off
on the Waverly links this afternoon
and quite a number of golfers have en
tered for the contest.
'Journal Special tarries.)
Schenectady. N. J.. Nov. 16 The
Plnkey Evans-Jim Rowker bout has) been
postponed, according to a cable received
by J. O. Carey, Evans manager.
Club Men Admire Oregon Eleven
fpr the Came Battle
Put Up.
-.TV ' '
L The football enthusiasts In Portland
are taking things assy today, simply
sitting up and taking notice of affairs
and talking about the Thanksgiving
game between Multnomah and Oregon.
Ths splendid game put up by the Oregon
men Is still the principal topic of dis
cussion, and on all sides nothing is
heard but the highest praise for the
gallant young men from Eugene. Every
person-who saw the game could not help
admiring the team work, the terrific
line attacka, the open tackling and the
excellent punting of the visitors. While
Multnomsh outklcked Oregon, yet the
manner In which the latter got off her
punts, oftentimes being hard pressed
entitles her punter to the highest praise
There are many of the opinion that
Multnomah could have scored In the first
half had not so many fumbles been
made, and the chances' are that ahe
would. Every time the club made a re
spectable gain, a fumble would come
and the advantage gained In ruahlng
would be at once loat. So far as actual
scoring Is concerned, ths Oregon eleven
was not dangeroua at all. and would
nevsr have invaded Mutnomah's terri
tory had not the fumbles and penalties
forced the club men back. Of course
It was football and should go to the vis
itors" credit. In the second half M. A.
A. C.'s defense wss a veritable stone
wall, and her offense much Improved
In the first half ths man with the ball
ran alone, with not a aoul to help, hlra
but thla was corrected later when the
entire eleven got busy and swept down
the field for a touch-down.
The club members were satisfied with
the game that the men put up. and
well delighted with the splendid attend
a nee despite the rainstorm. The club
netted a handsome profit out of the
Now that Willamette university has
made such a fine showing during the
season, the game with Multnomah will
be an Interesting one.
(Journal Special Service.)
Eugene. Or., Nov. It. The Eugene
Qun club a annual Thanksgiving blue
rock shoot wss the best ever given by
that organisation. A large number of
crack shots from all parte of the val
ley were In attendance. Including auch
well known sportsmen as Will Llpman,
Maurice Abraham and Ed Long of Port
land. Ed Vaughn of Loa Angeles, the
champion ahot of California, waa also a
participant. Following are some of the
best scores made:
Shot at. Broke. P. c.
Abraham 226 SOT .180
Vaughn 206 184 .t00
She! ton 188 ltt .ST 7
Wells 186 114 ..644
Wlndora 110 90 .817
Tsbafew ..'. 14t 118 .tOO
Llpman 110 186 .766
Paine ...60 46 .760
Orlffln i 887 167 .711
Kompp 65 47 .788
Kay 86 67 4ft
(Joaraal Special Service.)
Albany. Or., Nov. 28. The company O
basketball team began practice last even-
ng and will play the first game with the
Lebanon Athletic elub ngt Friday even
ing. The team la composed of some of
the best basketball players this city
has ever sent out and will be ready to
meet any team In the state. N.lllard L
Marks Is the manager and la open for
dates with any team. National Guard or
ganisations preferred.
Qnisk Arrest.
J. A. Qulledge of Verbena. Ala., was
twice In the hospital from a severe ease
of piles causing 24 tumors. After doc
tors snd all remedies failed. Bucklen's
Arnica Salve quickly arrested further
Inflammation and cured him. ft con
quers sches and kills psln. 2tc at the
Red Cross Pharmacy, Sixth and Oak
streets, on ths way to the poet office.
Hears Cries on the Beaoh and
Rushes in and Saves an
Unhappy Life.
(Joaraal Special Service.)
San Francisco. Nov. 28. Young Cor
bet t has been bealeged with the usual
bunch of letters from fight cranks In
the last fsw days, but ons missive of
advlcs stands out beyond sll ths rest
Thai wrltsr Is anonymous. He covers
four pagea at foolscap and tells the
exact way to beat Nelson, giving aa a
particular point that the Dane's stom
ach Is a place of attack that must not
be overlooked. Of the many, unsigned
letters that stray Into training quarters
Corbett prizes this the most highly, be
cause there is so much sound sense een
talned in and between the lines. Trainer
Frank McDonald, who was with Nelson
before the Canole fight, affirms the Idea
that the way to beat Nelson Is to play
for the body Instead of the head. He
says that blowa to the Jaw are wasted,
but body punches will -deliver the coin.
The penman, who wishes to hide hU
Identity, believes that a series of upper-
cuts will make Nelson forget that he Is
a fighter end put him on ths defensive
from the start. As' Battling Is an ag
gressive fighter by nature, the change
would give Corbett an easy decision.
Right there the champion disagrees
with letter writing. He Is not looking
for decisions. Referee Billy Roche Is
a fttr Judge, with sn extended knowl
edge cf the game, but Corbett will not
trust to the frailties of humsn decis
ion, -experience has taught ths Denver
boy that tho only way to make assur
ance doubly sure is to put nis man
away, and that la what he Intends to do
With Nelson. If possible.
The weight question came a good bit
nearer solution with the close of the
day. A big rubber blanket was added
to the array of sweaters and woolen
underclothing for road work. It waa
wrapped around Corbett's middle and
Induced a perspiration that the crisp
morning seemed to defy.
When the fighter arrived in camp
from the road his pedometer registered
12 miles. Tut hill suggested a dip in
the ocean to harden the akin, and not
withstanding the temperature Corbett
donned a bathing ault and made a daah
Into the breakers before taking hla rub
down. To a system in anything but
nearly perfect phyalcal trim the shock
of the cold wster would nave teen
detrimental, but It refreshed the enam
Dion and left no 111 effects. A dally dip
in the salt water will be a feature of
his program every day thla week.
Night before last Corbett acted as an
auxiliary life-saver and braved a severe
cold If nothing more serious. A young
woman, filled with enthusiasm snd
"false courage," decided that ahe would
end It all In the beckoning surf. She
had waded In waist deep while the
straggling few on the beach shouted for
help. Corbett heard the cries while sit
ting on the steps at Bheehan'e. With
out a moment's hesitation he dashed
across the boulevard and down the
sands. Ths rescue entailed nothing
more than drenched garments, but the
fighter ahowed the courage that the
spectators of ths rash act lacked.
Over at Larkspur tns bouts between
Nelson and Eddie San try ere dally fea
tures. It waa only a ahort time ago
that Santry was the big event fighter
and Nelson was the punching bag. Now
that things have changed Santry cannot
aee why he should be fighting a pre
liminary the sama night that Nelson Is
ths card. Although the pair remain fast
friends, there Is An undercurrent of
Jealousy that cannot be effaced. U
crops out every dsy and makea the box
ing fast and furious. Nelson always
haa a good shsde the best of It. and
Santry Is magnanimous enough to keep
from the harboring of any III reeling.
(Joaraal Special Service.)
Pendleton Or., Nov. 26. At the
sportsman's live bird snd blue rock
shooting tourney this week some splen
did marksmanship was displayed. In
the live bird event H. J. Stlllman killed
11 birds out of a poealDlo 11. Ths vie
torlous shots wsrs:
Event No. 1 10 targets, entrance 80
cents. Prise, ons bottle Mumm's Extra
Dry. offered by George Hayes, won by
H. J. Stlllman with nine birds In the
aecond shoot-off.
Event No. 8 10 targets, 80 cents en
trance. Prise, Lewis and Clark gold
dollar, offered by Commercial National
bank, won by H. J. Stillmsn with 10
Kvint No. 810 targets: prise. 100
engraved carda. offered by Tribune, won
by H. J. Stlllman In second sboot-orr
with 10 straight
icvcnt No. 4 10 targets; prise, big
turkey, offered by Demott A Co.. won
by C. J. Ferguson with 10 straight In
the third shoot-off.
Bvsnt No. 6 16 targets; prise, cor
duroy hunting shirt, offered by the
People's warehouse, won by Walter
Markham with 14 birds In third shoot
off. '
Event No. t It targets; prise, case
whisky offered by F. X. Sehempp, won
by W. J. Sewell in first shoot-off with
86 straight.
Event No. 710 targets: prise, one
box of cigars offered by Tall man a
Co.. won by Fred Wait in flrat shoot
off with nine birds.
Event No. 8 10 targets: prise. 67.60
worth of dental work offered by Dr.
T. H. White, won by Jamea Spence with
10 birds. V
(Journal Special Service.)
Buffalo, Nov. It. Frank Ootch of
Iowa and recently of Belllngham. Wash..
defeated Tank Rogers of New England,
winning two straight falls In a wrest
ling match last svsnlng. Catch-aa-catch-
can and Graeco-Roman styles were used.
(Joarnal Special Service.)
Saginaw. Mich.. Nor. tt. Harry
Forbes of Chicago, ex-bantam champion
of the world, knocked out Joe Cheny
of Saginaw In the 13th of what was
scheduled to be s 18-round bout
133 POUNDS AT 6 P. M
Young Corbett Disappointed
That Caiifornian Has
Passed Him Up.
(Journal Special Service.)
San Francisco, Nov. 26. The Tosemlte
club will not wait for Nelson and Cor
bett to settls their controversy before,,
maxing ita matcn ror December. it
will put Jimmy Britt on with Jimmy
uardner. and let it go at that. Britt I
anxious to know where he stands, an
rather than defer matters any longer he
Is ready to meet Gardner. Britt offered
to fight him at 188. t o'clock, or 186
ringside. One hundred snd thirty-three.
8 o'clock, would have suited Gardner
better, for he Is qlute large, but he
ri tiftl 1 y cjtmfr to H rtit h tf ritis, sfccctsp U Hflf
by wire. Gardner, who la at Denver
Just st present, will lyirry on to the
coaMt to get to work. If the Tosemlte
club could have been reasonably certain
that Corbett would have accepted
Britt's terms in the event of success
with Nelson next Tuesday night it
might have delayed matters. Corbett
and Britt would have been the best
match, providing the former won. but
Jimmy has declared that he would not
fight the Denverlte at the same weight
he dtd before. Instead of 180 pounds, t
o'clock. Britt demanded 138 ringside
this tlms. which didn't look good to
Corbett after he saw what Jimmy did
to Mr. Gana. Corbett was sorely dis
appointed when he heard that Gardner
and Britt were matched, and he talked
about his old antagonist sidestepping
Otto Kioto, who saw Gardner beat
Rube Smith at Denver, was lavish In
his praise of the winner. He wrote:
"Gardner la the most finished fighter
thst haa aver put up his hsnds In this
city, snd I'm not excepting Gsns when
I make, that statement. He lacks noth
ing bordering on greatness. He is a
complete fighting machine, with all the
parts well oiled.
"Gana had the aame amount of clever
ness and he was probably Just ss cool
and maybe as good a ring general; bat
Gans can't hit as hard nor Is Oans In
ths same class with the Lowell fighter
when It comes to lameness.
"Gardner haa So many good points
that It requires too much space to men
tion them aU. In the first place, we can
sum It sll up In one word he is s
lighter.' He Is a, fighter In every mean
ing of the term, and a champion of the
lightweight division, If over there was
on -
"He is clever, rangy ana cool; knows
all the time Just what he ia doing; can
hit, and aa a Judge of distance he is
par excellence. At no time during the
progress of a battle does he loee control
of the situation, whether the tide la
with him or sgalnst him."
For the benefit of those not conversant
with football rules. It may be said that
no team Is ever penalised 16 yards for
The fair rooters from Eugene wore
long sad countenances yesterday ss ths
result of the game. Such sadness Is the
direct result of college loyalty. Some
of the girls bet that a tie would be the
outcome and others bet cravats In the
match. Others wore yellow chrysanthe
mums. Aside from the fumbling the game was
an Interesting one to watch.
Not one of Multnomah's men suffered
an Injury during the game. To good
training and coaching thla splendid con
dition of the men Is attributed.
The "Haa Beens" and the second Mult
nomah team Is scheduled for a game thl
The army and navy game at Phlladel
phla is attracting attention throughout
the football world today. The army, on
past performances, should win the game
Timekeeper W. B. Fechhelmer got
sleeve full of sawdust during Thurs
day's game In an effort to outsprlnt ths
M. A. A. . forwards. Billy Is the only
person who could really tell how fast he
waa running aa he waa holding a Dla
mnnd" stopwatch In his hsnd at the
"time." Seriously spesklng. It was
funny spill.
Ike Butler is slated to manage a team
In the Western league next season. But
ler received the offer several months SIM
and now, ahould Walter McCrtedie man
age the Browns. Ike will probably Ac
It is stated on excellent authority that
one of the flrat acts of McCreedle, If he
assumes charge of the local club, will
be to secure Louis Castro to play sec
ond base for Portland next season. Trie
"Judge, who knows a ball player when
he sees one. thinks that Castro is the
peer of any Of the second basemen In
this league.
Of the present Portland team. Beck
Thleiman. Iberg, Drennen and Nadeau
111 be retained for next season. The
probable new manger has lines out for
several crack players, ana naa practic
ally clossd with three men, whose names
will bs announced later.
Tscosasv has practically cinched the
aecond pennant. Should Tacoma lose to
day and tomorrow snd Los Angeles win
all three games from Seattle, the Angels
would win out
(Joarnal Special Service.)
Eugene, Or., Nov. 28. The freshmen
of the Eugene high school defeated the
Albany high school freshmen In a game
of football on Klncald field In thla city
yesterday afternoon by the score of It
to 2. Ths same teams played In Al
bany a week ago. the game resulting In a
victory for Albsny by the score of t to 0.
ia th. worst disease es
eartb. yet the aaeteet
w. ewe waan too
DO. Many save Din
pots es the
is toe
nth. sleera teniae
hair, boas pals, ea-
irrfc, ssdjsaa't ksew
MS Arch at., Pbiladelpsta. Pass., for BROWN'S
BIOOD Cl'RE. fl.00 par botteK lasts ssa
assets. Sold Is Portland ealy tPrraak Has.
Fwtlaad Betel Paarotacj.
1 jf - mjnmuuMMMMum
rnvm tVL3
sfJaHtsHowjal I
1 I 8ansEiaBSSaTanVIta1 I
6M amsBL , ?s2H ?! .eaannaaaaSP ItBBBBBM
I LwL-' 'iL :' B H
1 f "lanTjnTfitl JlBsnnnnnnnnl
Lrl I
Boa ' Baa
LnawawK" I
WW fW"- m,11fmmWF ammmW'luW' M
Lfl ' fsnV '-'SB AJMWfS atwwawJrrv.-l
mm '"' ' mmmmmWmm mm H
mm' '' JmPIH !Lmmmm' LrBk
( mm I J waEiL ,J&mmm
Mi ,i MBsmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i
mW. BawaaBF -s. .S'lnBnwawawawawaLal now!
w&m ' j09'mwSm m
I 6Sl. . -: mmnt$Jk&tmmM3mm I
asj ssataV qTaaaqi ' imMWKiKTjtlU Baa
BjSMBSFSBr .1 snrJaTaraTel I
BatBn LSnuL C ' sas BBKnawaMSnnaBtn Baa
BsonHnnaVnT Ml I
Cooney, Princeton's Star Tackle. At the Head of the Tackle Back
Formations, Cooney Has Been One of the Sturdiest Ground
Gainers on the Tiger Team.
(Joarnal Special Service.)
Chicago. Nov. 26. The fifth annual
International livestock exposition opened
st the stockyards today with thousands
of cattle-, sheep, swine, gosts and thor
oughbred horsea on exhlbtlon. The
ahow Is the greatest ever held In this
country, and the prise list ths largest
on record.
During the coming week the show will
be a magnet for not only the nstlon's
foremost stockralsers from all sections
of the country, from Canada, from
Mexico, from South America and
Europe are here. The governors of a
number of stockrslslng states have ac
cepted Invitations to be present and a
dosen of the leading agricultural col
leges of the country will be strongly
represented at the exposition by large
bodies of students as well aa pro
fessors. The Judging competitions for
the sgrlcultursl college studsnts will be.
as In former years, a leading feature of
the show.
The exhibit of draft horses Is one of
the most notabls features thla year.
Pure bred Angora goats and eheep of
fsftLB OTEB)
all known fancy breeds sre ahowa In
large numbers. Of the lO.ono cattle
shown a large percentage Is made up of
choice specimens from the four leading
breeds, while ths others sre feeding
cattle, mostly from the big range of
the. west snd southwest
Ths scientific methods of feeding, sll
thst Is new and valuable In the dehorn
ing of cattle, the wonderful progress
In knowledge pertaining to the general
health and com far t of animals of all
klnda. methods of breeding, and, above
all. ths ears and reclamation of appar
ently worked-out lands these are a few
of the things that will be demonstrated
during the week for the benefit of the
farmer and student of agriculture.
(Joaraal Special Service.)
Charleston, S C. Nov. tf. A number
of visitors are In Charleston for the)
annual stats convention of the Brother
hood of the Christian church. The
ventlon will be In assslon several days
and will be addressed by s number ef
speakers of wide prominence.
(Jews! Special Ssrvtee.)
Milwaukee. Nov. 8t -Benny
won over Mas rice Say res ia S
bout before the Milwaukee
last evening. Ti