v; THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY BVBNINO, NOVMBRR Uj lit TO LOCAL WOODMEN WILL CELEBRATE Washington's Birthday to Bs Made the Occasion of a , Croat Festival. INTERESTING PROGRAMS ALREADY ARRANGED Largest Number of Novices Ever Taken Into Fraternal Order to Be Initiated. The Woodmen of the World will make WaahlngtonS birthday th occasion of celebration embracing the Initiation In Portland of the largest number of novice ever; taken Into any fraternal organisation In Orpgon Home of tM f Qatar of th eoealon are not yet settled, but a pared of the mirnriM nk haa taaan rterlded UDOn. and the member of the order In Portland are enthusiastically preparing for what they Intend o make a memorable day la the annala of woodcraft. The Wood men claim the largest membership of any eecret organisation In Portland, and a turn-out on Washington, birthday, accompanied ' by rauelc, arid traced by the regalia of the order, will attract crowd! from all over the state. The west aid Willamette camp are to contribute a large part of the new member, who. with their friend, will be In attendance, and Portland oampt. la honor of the hero of the cherry tree, are exerting every effort to mak the commemoration of th birthday of tha father of bla country and th father of the order a success. A series of concert, the music to b of, a high order, has been arranged by the committee of th various camps. The commute In charge of the execu tive arrangement Is composed of prom inent members, selected for achieve ments In former function of th order, and a conduct of th affair that will be In line with what the order desires to provide for It frlnd and member to assured. That members are: William Reldt. Webfoot No. M. treasurer: B. H. Knapp. Multnomah No. 7T; K. Schad. Portland No. 107. preldent: W. W, Mc intosh. Albinm No. Ill, seorstaryi J. J. Jennings. PropOt" No. 140; H. A. Fred rich. George Washington No. Ml; T. Hammer, Bunny side No. IN; C C. Bradley. Prosperity No. Ml; Oeorge P. Punk. Montavllle No. It; J. W. Booth. Rose City NO. 776. WILLIAMS IS WANTED AT SPOKANE FOR THEFT M. C. William, a private detective of Spokane. Wash., forma the principal figure In a Tale of Two Cltlea." Af ter he waa bound over to th grand Jury by Polio Judge Hogut thl morning to' an war a change of stealing a dia mond ring vslued at $100 from Ml Josle Davis, a telegram waa received from the chief of police of Spokane say ing that b U wanted there for larceny. Owing to th laek of corroboration of Miss Davis" testimony. Williams waa about to be discharged Assistant Dis trict Attorney Hansy believed th man guilty, but thought a oonvlctlon would be difficult. Deputy City Attorney Flts gerald advised the holding of William to answer. Miss Davis swore that he took the ring from her room In the Abbott house. William denied th truth of her statement, but made a poor Impression. Judge Hogue placed hi ball at 1100 cash. Detectives Snow and Kerrigan ar rested William yesterday as he was about to . take the t p. m. train for Seattle. They were Instructed by Judge Mogue to visit all the pawnshops to see If th stolen ring could be located While the judge was talking to the detectives th wire from Spokane reached Chief Hunt William' ball was immediately raised to 11.000. His coun sel. A. wattor Wolf, says he will go to Spokane without a requisition DR. CALHOUN COMES ON EVANGELISTIC MISSION In furtherance of tha evangelical de sign. Dr. J P. Calhoun. D. D., of Pltts burg Is In Portland and will, while at tending to tha business of his mission, deliver addresses to Portland audiences, as follows: Sunday. First Presbyterian church, 10.30 a. m . primary lessons In prayer; t p. m . First Congregational ohurch. "A Truo Revival of Religion;" T:80 p. m , Taylor itret Methodist church. "Tha Spirits Harvest." On Monday the doctor will moat the Interested ministers of the city in the T. M. C. A. parlors for ths purpose of a discussion cf the objects or his visit The Presbyterian slllanc Monday evening will tender the vllng evan gellst a banquet at which h will ad dress the Assemblage on the subject of evsngellcal work In Oregon. After leaving Portland Dr. Calhoun has a comprehensive Itinerary embrac ing the principal cities of Washington and Oregon, where evangelical service will be rendered during the winter. HE STOLE SHOES IN ORDER TO BUY BEER "Drinking bear In moderation may not be a very grievous offena," said Police Judge Hogue this morning In sentencing Pat Duffy, "but you should be taught not to steal In order to obtain It" Duffy waa charged with stealing a pair of ahoee from O. - Kamuahsr, who lives on Couch street between Second snd Third He was found guilty and sentenced to serve six months In the county Jail He winced when ths severs sentence was Imposed. The evidence showed tha shoe had been sold for M cents and th money used to buy beer. C. Hail and William Mclaughlin were charged with tha same offense, but It jta proved they war not concerned In the theft, though drinking th beer. The sse against them w dismissed. aoou at Six lads, th eldawt of whom Is not more than 10 years of age, appeared be fore Police Judge Hotrtt this morning on th charge of throwing rooks t a Chinaman. All professed Ignorance of who threw th rocks. "You boy go hem and get together on this thing." said Judge Hogue. "Somebody to lying. Come beck here Saturday prepared to tell me the truth or the consequence will be aerlnua " Th bey are: Charlie Hannah. 281 First street; Walter and Albert Loe.lt, ill Jefferson street; Harry Johnson. 281 Front street: David Landy. 184 Main atreet, and Oliver Bocarth, 281 Front Street T Oar a Oetd to One Day. Take U settee Brsaw Qetalse Tablets. drurtsts refeaS tee aasar If H fell to ears. RW. Sreve'e elgsatar a eaeh box. ate. WOMAN'S CLUB HEARS LECTURE C. E. 8. Wood Talking Enter tainly on the Basis of Many Rsforms. The Woman' club was addraeed yes terday afternoon by C B. S. Wood, whose topic waa "Economic Freedom aa the Basla of Social. Moral and Religious Reform." The address was heard by a large and Interested audi ence. In the course of his remarks Mr. Wood said: . socialism may or may not be the best possible condition for the state, yet many peoplo believe society la rapidly trending that way trending toward tha common ownership of all wealth by tha state. I do not say thst Socialism is th best solution, though I, ha f helleve In that condition Of AII Whlnh altftWI linV fflUI th fr- dom to help himself, to and make tha best use of that wnicn no one ia using or which another is not using properly. raw.. thra can he aov STOat etrldea in development the first law at the universe must be rmea. ana n ...i. t .lw mnMlltv to those who do not reach It. Chaetlty, purity and . . . I . - J . w.lM Virtu cannot o upnwu rviu who r living a life of drudgery, whoa aaaail ....i,, Att nilt movMa them with sufficient food and warm clothing and a comfortable plane to sleep and rest and It la not for us to condemn them because they have not been able to Obtain these comforts. "As to gambling, I admit mat u is not a positive necessity Of life lt to a craving or a passion to make a big amount by a short cut, hu.1 Idn Ml presume to condemn It any more than I would to criticise th fault of any man until I had stood In his shoes. "A higher plane of moral (which la custom) will only come from a higher (kn.i.hl m wA tha ntarhar Diane of thought can only ba produced . . - . mw . . . through pnysicaj coraion aii awv awai laaaa ... ,hA tlvateaa are the nur- sult of happiness and selfishness. Food is th first cry of all animals and la tha only real necessity or hmwik Other thlnga are In a sen necessities, h nt real nii Todav the DUrSUlt Of nappinsss is so complex iu. a a great many i rungs. WOMEN FIGHT FOR ITALIAN GENTLEMAN 1 Nellie Roy's face, whan In normal con dition, la net Olbeonlan. When ahs ap- aaa a ,h. Miln AMirt t Ma mnrnlnf. with both eyes discolored and swollen, snd tha right tod f has Jaw puffed out O ID l it resemoiea issi va a Bruuuu i T,iaa Hnsna leaned over the bench and Inquired, "Who hit your lliy narper, was in anaw-T. "That Kllv must be able to put up a ira.laaa -acran ' " remarked Deputy City Attorney Fitsgerald. She can, murmureo name, " jm i alto, tha effort further distorting her already badly mated cheeks. "Where did It happeni querieo. me court in a room over a saloon at Front ana riav streeta. It wse becauee of anJ Italian gentleman, and she hit me while I was tawing to mm in anuwier ibaij room." . . , ,.. Xat 'MntlMua' and ladv talk!" savagely ordered the court We deal with men and women nere exclu sively." aa-. atlaa WTallla Ma lad hselc to (ail and a warrant waa Issued for th Har- or woman, who was tax en mio cue- tody. She Is of Amssonian build, which explains how Nellie waa so badly pum- meled. CHAFFEE RECOMMENDfk, VANCOUVER IMPROVEMENT (Jooraal Special Service.) TaTsi a K I nafnn n r Nov. It. Amonc the various recommendattona by l.leu tenant-Oeneral Chaffee, chief Of staff, in hia annual rcTinrt la one for the en largement Of Vancouver barracks. In which he estimates mat iiv.vuv win purchase th additional grounds. Port Baker and Point Hnnlta. he estimates, should be given I125,0flv; Tokeka Point, Wash.. 12,600. and Port Bayard, N. M., Mo. ooo for improvements. rwaiina. with desertions, the report ays that no apeclal rsaaon can be found other than disappointment In .army life. He recommend th disfranchisement of all deserters. Legislative action, he believes. Is required to provide better equipment and aeoeaorle for coast gun, which are deprived of their full value through such lank. Tha report alao practically favors the reatoratlon of the canteens. Y0UNQ GIRL ENTERS A NOVEL APPRENTICESHIP Journal Special terries.) Preeport 111., Nov. M. Orac A. Bol lander. a -year-old girl, bind herself to serve a seven yearn' apprenticeship St housekeeping work, and will take lessons from Jacob Lauck. according to a unique paper filed with the recorder of Steph enson county. Orac la the daughter or Frank J. Hol lander. She binds herself to serve In the Lauck household until ah la It yeara old, and during that time she Is to serve her. msster faithfully, honestly. Industriously, keep all secrets and obey all commands. Th party of th flret part agrees to teach her the art or housekeeping, to have her Instructed In th ground roles of arithmetic, and at th and of her apprenticeship to give her $20, a nw Bible and new dresses. The father of th girl I to reeelve t( a yar for th service of hi child Aoovsas oar TioaAgor. vs.,nv Mmiihinn who nnre drove the police patrol wagon for three yeara, waa Charged this morning wun me oirense of living with and receiving money from a a1laa aitman Ua area taken to the olty prison by Patrolman Carlson tost night for being out attar nour. a complaint waa alao laid against the woman, whose name l unknown, by Deputy Attorney Fltsgerald In order that she may be held a a witness. A letter from President Good to Sec retary (llltner of the state commleelon inA.il,ln aa la tha nrnsrreaa of the fruit exhibit led tO the secretary td make an Inventory this morning or wnat is si ready on hand. He found SIT boxes of apple In storage and there i every In dication that 1.100 boxes will b on ex hibition by the time the fair opens. (Joaresl Special Service.') Stockholm. Nov. M. Henrlk Ibsen, th great dramatist, Is still In a very low condition, due to hi laat attack of heart failure. He breathe with great difficulty and there la but little hope of hi recovery. Preferred Stock Oaamed (roods. Alien Lewto' Beat Brand COLORADO CONTEST GROWING WARNER Republicans Charge That Demo cratic Fixers Secured Many Fraudulent Votes. ADAMS' FOLLOWERS MAKE MANY COUNTER CHARGES Peabody Remains Governor Un til Opponent Secures Certificate. (Journal Special S'rtlr, i Denver, Colo . Nov. 8. Republicans now charge, that Democratic "fliers" from Denver operated In all parte of the etate on election day eecurlng frau dulent votes for Alva Adam. Democrat. who on tha face of th returns Is elected ... . - t. kl. ..Kacaa la asaiuvura,ia l.i; Hi., Mn . ...- Intended to work up symysthy for James Peabody, Republican, defeated for re-election for governor, ana le prelim inary to an attempt to count him In. Contest have been prepared by Re publicans against the Democratic sen ators elected from Pueblo and Boulder counties. The Republicans charge nat uralisation and other frauds. The Dem ocrats say that they haw. evtdenoe of a plot Of Republicans to alter the returns from Pueblo county by means of acid. They charge alao questionable tactics in Boulder1 county to revere the count of the vote for senator, whloh waa fav orable to the Demoerata. The supreme court today modified It previous order restraining the election commission from Issuing a certificate Of -1...1 i.nimll.. nraaldentlal electors and congressmen. Unless the court re scinds the order Dy January iv aohh cannot obtain a certificate of election and until he. la Inaugurated Peabody will remain governor. FIVE ROBBERS TORTURE AGED WOMAN FOR MONEY (Journal Special ervle.) Wllkesbarre, Pa., Nor. Id Five , ...k... i .aI., lnA .Ha nnuaa of aged Mr. Rose Farley, at lurn and ae ,a -an Ka ra an inuri w lmu wviwr . M v. - .i,.!,,.. Annla The Aim liar .ii,u-a.a,. J" men forced an entrance about t o olock In th morning by amaaning tne ooor. using a railroad tie aa a battering-ram. ata Fa-lev and her arand-daughter were In bed together. The men thrust revolvers in ineir faces and threatened to kill them If they screamed. Mrs. Farley was naked where hr money was hidden, one toio. ASA aMa all ana kaii ThAV found It and 11.80 In small change, but thought the oM woman had more. They held matches to her bare feet until the grand- .liii a.jAtaa4 Aa. hakto arva nil. I cniia. in sin euwi v gsw wi mother further tortui. declared h - - eahau ka -nSnStf l 1r1fi.n Hilt rail w vv 1 13 1 rt me wwusi " ---i-e - when they failed to find th coin aha was kicked and beaten. The roooera ran sacked the house, but found nothing and then left. CZAR GRANTS AUDIENCE TO ZEMSTVOS LEADERS (Journal Bpeetil Servlea.) a. ut...tiH Mav " flreat 1 o V has been caused In Liberal circle by th apparent encouragement given by th csar to the Zemtvo movement. Through the new ministry of th in terior. Count Mlrsa-y, rour icsoere 01 ,i nf,r,nr, Messrs Petrun- un.m.ii, . - kevltch of Tver, Rodalnnlko of Bkater lnoslav, Sklhoff of Moscow and Count Heldgen were given the oenent or a long conference with Emperor Nicholas. While the ear expressed no opinion, hi evident encouragement through the Interview and Incisive questions, cov ering Mia - mands. as well aa the kindly manner of his adieu to tha rour conreree. is isaen aa an Indication that he la seriously considering the granting to his subjects of oonitltutlonal righto. COMPANY OF MILITIA ORDERED TO ZEIGLER (Jna real s peels I Berries. 1 Hri.fieid 111 Nov. It. On an or der of the aharlff. who feere more trot ble a company of militia naa oeen or dered to Zelgler today. The union miners hre eatoblUhed In a permanent camp near th Ittor mlnea While no outward lgn of violence ar manl feet th situation la gradually grow ing mora critical. (Journal Special servtee.) Washington. Nov. 16. The 106 en tors and representatives who will sit In the approaching session of congress ka. tnenaut their faces toward Wash ington. Most of them will be here by the middle or next wees, imj unna with them several thousand camp fol - ahn t.nva nr .hone to have gov ernment employment of some kind dur ing th session. There may siso oe noticed a distinct movement In this dl .. .(,, nf eenresentatlves of special in terests of many kinde whloh need watching at tne naaionai capital wnne the legislator ar here. All told a session of congress bring! to Weehlng ton snywhere from 1.000 to 8.000 tran sients. rom AJTS FVaatTT. (soar all Special Service.) Philadelphia, Nov. I. Noted women Interested In temperance work are ar riving from all part of the country to attend the annual national convention of the Woman' Chrttln Temperance l-nlon. which mewta in thl city next week. Tomorrow will be observed aa world s temperance day and the pulpits of msny of the Protestant churche will be oc cupied by prominent preacher and other speakers who are among th dele gate and visitors to th convention. i Journal Speelal Service.) New Tork. Nov. II. The Nan Patter son trial was unexpectedly adjourned thl morning until Monday on soeount of the sudden lllneaa of a Juror. A story to the effect that J Morgan Rmlth. Nsn Patterson'a brother-ln-ls w. who fled after being subpoenaed by the grand Jury, hae been found looked up at headquarters, is denied oy in ponce WAS HOT DOVE ' (Journal Speelal Beiilce.) Chicago, Nov. 18. Edward Orndow. who was arreated last night st Jbltst on suspicion Of connection with the mur der of Chauffeur Bate near latmont a week ago, waa declared not to be th myatertoue "Mr. Dove" who to being sought by the police. He will probably be released today. Representative Homes of Portland ....... .r,, -.. y ..va-v j,-.'- T'lJHBBpJB saaaal asaaS.T7- ' ,-aaaaSaaaaal ' SaaaaaaaPaaaaal Jal Bsto5faerr1TaBSSSVtf- .BSmavSBBHmml. Jl saaaaaaaK al Baaai laaBaaaaaay' mt ' aB 1 Saaaaal BKM W- 1 "' A-afr'H 'TBaBBBaaafUHl laaaP',AttBte aaaaaSaT Bl(iH I B 1 JH i aE B aamaaaaKaaaOaal Sal BaSaaai BaSal Bafr'aaamaal mk bbb BaaaffaaTaBB Sal saHaaaaVa'mal Safe M ff. "i fflV9Klaaai BatifTB ISaaaaB.' ! ' tl B . l3KaaMaaaal m00tfll'tnlWh0'-M ai " - 5r.isrTaB l B HIMsaaaaaaaTsaa Colonial style of architecture to some residence picturea anove. a enhances the effect. Dark shutters the body or uie nouae, wnicn i -oi i efflolant system of wara-alr heattna;, InaUlled by th company. The archltecte of tha building were Whldi FIELDS AT HEAD OF NEW UNION County Clerks, Assessors and Recorders of Oregon Organize. DISCUSS THEIR DUTIES AND ABSORB IDEA8 Session of the First Convention of These Officers Comes to a Close Tonight. Judge Cleland'a room al the court V. ...... aa wall fllled this momln With aaahan n tha newlv-oraanlied SSSO- ni.iinn nf flraaron'a countv clerks, as sessors and recorder. There were also many visitors at this meeting. xai morning was spent in listening to ad- AM.au an varlnna ionics of Interest tO the officials, and In discussing th numerous new reatures uggeei-a uy the speakers. uMiinr Rrandps of Multnomah county spoke thl morning on "Auditing Claims." County nem smun oi uurry oounry spoke on 'What la Tour Opinion aa to Circuit Court Fseer "Should the Assessor Mak th Tax Rolir waa dis cussed by Clerk Zopher Age or nougia county. John W. Koiana or sanon aafata ,M,ul in "The RsSiB- terlng of Votero." "Taking Homestead Proofe" was described oy n. a. acmn iel, clerk of Sherman county. "Handling .v.. c.aaiaiiMi.n' Journal" was X- plalned by Clerk Simeon Bolton of Wasco county, and "salaries oi iw corders" was discussed by William Fol aom, recorder of Umatilla county. This afternoon's session of the asso ciation will open with an addreea on "How to Treat the i-uouc. aj n.iA. e enrtian' Mr. Fields Is one of the moat popular oounty officials In all Oregon and he will tell the vtoltor of the secret of making every person who oalls to so the oounty clerk happy whether th oaller geta wnat ne wanve or not. Mr. Portwood Will he- a paper on the subject of dtrct primaries. How to Handle the Tax Roll" will be discussed by J. B. Oilham of Union oounty. Mining claims will be dsall i.k v. ii ii now. recorder of Jackson county, and 'Th Employment of Women In Fuono ijinces ie ma pi cate subject that Slecorder J. C. Slg mund of Marlon county haa been asked to speak upon. Th visiting ana ioai wamr n. -iuls took luncheon at the Commerolal olub today. Tatrday forenoon they mad an extended tour of the Lewis and Clark exposition grounda. Last even ing the member of th association visited the Columbia theatre, by court eay of Manager Oeorge U Baker. The eeion of the association, which Is ths first to be held in this state, will Close tonight aa -m aw Th following rs th officer or the new society, elected yesterday after noon: P. S. Field, president; O. W. Jones, vice-president; J. C. Selgmund, secretary; C. A. Branded, treasurer; J. a Oilham, J. W. Rowland. Simon Bol ton, director. LEWIS SOCIETY OF PORTLAND FORMED Permanent organisation of the Lewis society of Portland waa effected laat night. There were SB Individuals of the name of Lewis at the meeting, many of whom are descendanta of Merlweather Lewis, the explorer. Officers were elected and plans wre discussed for entertaining th Loyal Lewis legion and all other Lewi or ganisations throughout th United states when they come to Portland next year to celebrate the 100th anniversary of th arrival of th Lewis and Clark ex pedition In Oregon territory. The cele bration will be held August II. Th day haa already been set aalda by th fair officials and it will be known as Lewi day. It la expected that several hundred members of the Lewta family and their descendants will com to Portland At the annual gathering of the Loyal Lewis legion In St. Louis on August II there were over 100 present. There was much enthusiasm over th Lewi and Clark exposition and after the invitation to com to thl city next year waa read, each one of the members present prom ised to act a a special committee of on to work In th interests of the next gathering In Portland Detailed plan for tha celebration will not be mad before further communica tion I had With tha headquarters of the legion, whloh is located at West Kingston, R. 1. Officers of the Portland society are; (resident. John M. Lewis; vice-president, Andrew T. Lewie; secretsry, Charles A. Lewis; assistant secretary. Letta P. Lewi H traaaurer, H. R. Lewis. BP AIM WI1L Fast TX CIV ATB. (Jearaal Special Ssrvlee.) Washington, Nov. 18. Secretsry Hey announoed today that Spain haa an nounced her willingness to participate In a peace conference at The Hague, admirably exemplified in the hand massive nropiace cnian.i . u..u, form a pleasing combination with The houae la heated by a very he W. vj, Mcrnersou 3den & leswla. SUNNYSIDE Fine level lots $350 and $400 a lot, part oash, beJanoe en time. Improved streets. olty water and sew era. Sunnyside is the most aocssslble of any part of the city where lots can be bought at such Tow prices. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 6 and 7 Chamber Commmrom $5 a Month Stops Your Rent 3100 $5 a Month Buys Lots 50x100 at Stewart Park SPECIAL TERMS Por a few days to buyers who build by Jan. 1st. Only a few lota left. Take Mt. Scott Car. Office on ground. SlOO A LOT J0 Down, 55 a Month CHOICE LOTS AT ST. JOHNS On the high ground, within ' a few minutes' walk of the sawmills and the . factories. On the oar tins, olose to fine, , , large school house. Hy drant water, perfect drain ago. TitleGuarantee&TrustCo. 6 and 7 Chamber of Commmfea Homebuilder. end Speculators Yotr Attention! Do not fall to carefully examine WUm VaJSK property roperty. It la lo- cated on the Sjost sightly ti oet alghtly table land be- t ween the e rivers ana on do srs and both car lines Nn aueetlon Walnut Park will become (he enoat valu valualile resident property In the city of Portland Prle most lib eral. Terme cash: monthly or quar terly payment" Title perfect. War ranty deed given. Do yourself a kindness by calling or sending for walnut park maps REMEMBER, I have many more choice bargain in rortiano property. W. M. KILUNQSWORTH Kern parK p In platting the beautiful field which lay hotwMu th original plat of stern Next to the Cat Line We want to attract flower lover, and those who take a Interest In beautifying their home grounds. In addition to twelve roses free to every buyer from now on. we will siso give - $250 IN PRIZES from 18 to III for the beet lawns, Best garden, eta. Those who have already bought, as well sa these who shall hereafter bay, may compete for theee prises. ot oti at Kxrsur rams basiot Heap Your Ex Ota Scores of people are anxious to know just what kind of a house I will sell them at f 10 Down and $10 a Month In a very short time num ber of the houses will be ready for Inspection at Bvalyn and their can see for them- -. a m .- . . - T WaaalAaS- SS1VSS. !! W II lie A SSI. S.M and specification at my office or In agent a hand at Bvalyn. I hav a number of proposi tion for responsible homeeek er. who wlh to cut out the Tent leak, that 1 know will In terest them. Lots 3.00 Down and 3.00 a Month Fastest growing: Portland auburb. All lota hav allays and water, mala. Street ears at tha door. Every city con venience. Best oleee of pwenT and lot of theisv Come out and see how they Ilk It fSsryii .cottfc GEO. W. BROWN Phole Wnif"4" LOTS AT PIEDMONT West Piedmont OOjtlOO Fmmt . 200EACH AND UPWARDS EASY TERMS TtTLE PERFECT City Watmr Graded Streets The Immsnsa barn of tha Consoli dated Railway Co. is n earing, comple tion. Many new houses srs in course of construction. Two stores will soon bs established. Fine place for ft hon.Ce Title Guarantees Trust Co. 6 aad 7 Chamber of Commerce See This Newly built modern 8 room cottage end nice quarter-block In very desirable part of Holla day's Addition Only $4,850 ' o The liealy Investment Co. 2IO-2L4 Jrblitgton Building 106J4 THIRD 8TH8ET CROSS & SHAW 233 WASHINGTON It, PORTLAND AND OREGON CITY, OREGON Real Estate and Financial BROKERS Dealers in FARM, FRUIT and HOP LANDS W have aa extensive list of de sirable ranches at price that will be attractive to intending pur chasers, ranging in prloe froth 810 per sore for Improved land oloss to olty, and $8 for unimproved. 3. have on our list soma aaseal y good buy. at thl. lime. as fee detailed info Van W. Anderson RcmsI Batata, Loans sand PI res Insurance 201 McKay Bid.. Cor. 3rd and Start A. P. SWENSS0N 4 CO., BtOKEW Booms U and IS, SSS Washington St. House and lots In all parts of the city. Money to loan on city real es tate. Collections In United States and Europ. Special attention to collection of Inherltaneee and settling of eetate. In European countries. Soott 8711. EVELYN on snr. sees, oak SA. NASHVILLE Bargain List In the Finest Suburban Addition to Portland. A nice, new l-room house, with large fruit tree; tha house all oomplate tor 8880 cash; worth double the amount. A R-roora cottage, not quit complete, for $800. or I Will complete It for you vary cheap; tbla 1 a bargain. A fancy 8 -room houae, with 1 lota, a tine home, all for 81,800. 1600 cash, bal ance 10 avit.V' , A faaoy fcfoaSJ modern house, with i large lots,hon the corner 81. TOO, $600 cash, balance to suit. A l-room house, nice lawn, shrubs and fickst fence, for $1,100160 down and IB per month I will build you a 8 -room house for $800. Including lot. I have a5-acre tract with an 8-room house, good well and pump, 100 fruit trass, half acre of strawberries; all fenced, for $1,000, part cash, balance 'to suit I have got some choice Building Lots From $80 to $150 Easy terms $1 down sad II per month. Tou oan save the commission by deal ing ennn with the owner Joe NaeSh Business and Real Estate Chances -Rooming-house, It rooms; fine location; every room occupied; muet be sold; thla la a money maker. -room flat, modern 1 1 urnlahed 1. rent $18; location flrst-clasa.' SISOO New modern 8-room houae, on a.u mar atarinj; terra. for sale in the oialiss tatMcti ta the olty. tahloeeaesl -room notaags. S sSO Cigar and fruit stand;, good lo- . v lauvH, a anaiy. k S10OO Cigar and newe stand; fine loca- ..vu, a, uiuiic; iiiaa.r. ARCHEtTPLACE We will eell yon a lot and build you a home; closest addition to the city; easy term.. Pacific Land Investment Company istv. T. INVEST In that great Industrial osnter St Johns Real estate Is cheap new, but the raise In value will be enor mous in one year's time. Lots in Shepard's Add. $5 down and $5 per month. All kinde of property handled. Shepard & Tufts 3T. JOHNS, OR. 100 ACRES T miles from North Yamhill; on half good timber, balance cut off: 7 acres In cultivation; fair house end barn; other outbuildings; 1 sere orchard; land lays well; poesee.lon given at once. Price $1.40. 160 ACRES On railroad. I mllee from town; .mall house, barn and some fruit; II acre In cultivation. Price 180. Steak and fixtures, will invoice about 9; nice trade, "ood location; owner ng east ahd must sell. We have bargains m farm., acreage, timber land and olty property. Call on s or writ Maxwell & Burg SIS Or. FOR SaALE Choice lOklOO-foot south front lot on SAVIER STREET Between 14th and 21th streets, a big bargain at $1,800. 7 WAKEFIELD, FRIES CO, III Stark St. Phone Main 14.