TB OMMON FOOTBALL ARMY AND NAVY ON BATTLEFIELD Pigskin Representatives Arrive in Philadelphia for An nual Contest many Noted men will witness came Betting Men Favor Army While Others Like the Navy's Chances. Untul Speciil servlea.) Philadelphia, Nov. 16. With the mem ber of both temma In prim condition and eager foe the fray, the army and navy football eleven arrived her to day, ready for their annual gam to morrow on Franklin field. With the team cam a small host of official and friends. Both eleven visited the athletic field this afternoon and In dulged In a little practice work. The uaual crowd of distinguished offi cer of the army and navy is expected to be at the gam. President Roose velt's trip to St Louis prevents his at tendance, but tile secretary of war and secretary of the navy wilt attend the game, along with numerous other offi ciate of the several department of the federal government. Most of these will resch Philadelphia about noon and wilt be entertained as guests of the acade mies of Penneylvsnla, under whoss aus pices the annual game between the army and navy I played. The cadets will return to their respective Institu tion In special trains Immediately after the close of the game. There promises to be mora betting this year on the result of the contest tli an for several .years past. Ther 1 B strong feeling among the supporters of the navy that the Annapolis boy have a fair chance of winning and thus balancing up In some (light measure the series of defeats they have sus tained at the hands of the West Pointers for several years past. The army, how ever, 1 a decided favarlt and some of Its most aident admirers are offering odd that the nary will not be able to cor. The Pennsylvania authorities were so greatly plessed with, the result of their plan last year to get rid of the evil of ticket scalpers .and the general dissat isfaction of many persons who did not receive invltat lone In former years, that It allotment of ticket will again be sold and the proceed given to charity. Exclusive of the box, which line both side of the field, ther are a trifle over 18.000 seats to be' ifclsprissd of. These have been equally divided between the University of Pennsylvania and the two academies. Army, 0. , Navy, 1. Array,: 4. Army. 4. Navy. 5. Army, T. Navv. 6. 1M1 Army. II; lMi Nsvy, I.; 1st! Nary. ; llt Army. 1: 1100 Nary. It! 1901- Army. 1 1902 Army. 2S: ' Navy. . 1901 Army. 40; Navy. i. QUAKERS WIPE CORNELL CLEAN OFF THE MAP (ionraal Soectal Rervle.. ) Philadelphia, Nor. 16. With foul-touch-down In th first half and two In the second. Pennsylvania wiped out Cor nell without a score yesterday. So cer tain of victory were the Quaker that with the exception of four players every man of their regular team waa replaced by a substitute In the second half. Wil der for Cornell was apparently excited for hi passes were wild and caused much fumbling. PlekarakL left guard for Pennsylvania made several fin run and scored three touch-downs. Steven son. Carson' snd Reynolds slso crossed Cornell's goal line. The line-up: Pennsylvania. Position. Cornell Drak L. K Ooodapeed Butkiewlscs .r...L. T Smith Plekarskl L.O.Downes. Olderklrk Torrey-Taylor ... .C. .Wilder, Chapman Zelgler-Ksne R. O Furman Lamson R. T.Costello, Halllday Sliikler. Weede, Reynolds R E Vsnnorman tevenson-Corson.Q. H. . .Bird. Newman Reytiolds-Bennts. I.. H Rice Oeene, $heble . . . R B Gibson. Dewey, McDonald. Smith-F-olwell ...F B Halllday, Davis (Journal Special Service.) Milwaukee. Wis. Nov. 16. Benny Tanger and "Kid" Bayre will meet In a in round bout before a Milwaukee elub tonight, and the Sayrea crowd I displaying a great deal of confidence over th outcome Sayres ha trained herd and Is reported to be In excellent shape. The same feeling of confidence I dlsplsyed at the Yanger camp. Th boys mat a few weeks ago and fought a draw. The meeting took place In Milwaukee and wa a faat affair from start to finish. OOOD stOtTT TOBIQaTT. (Journal Special Service.) Saginaw, Mich.. Nor. li. Harry Forbes of Chicago and Joe Cherry of this city will meet in a 16-round bout here tonight. The boy will light t 110 pound, and the bout promises to be on of th fssteat of the season. Forbes will rule favorite, but th Michi gan boy wUl bar considerable support among tho acquainted with hi past performance In th ring. (Jearaal Special IsrTlee.) Philadelphia. Nov. 16. Much Interest la manifested In th fight to he brought off In Industrial hall tonight between Jimmy Walsh, th crack llttl New Eng land bantam, and Hughey MoOovern The fight will be for on of th largest purses given her In a long time, and It la expected a large crowd will be on hand. OMAR AT (Journal Special iirrk. I Eugene. Or.. Nov. 16. The paper chss hold here yesterday afternoon x- ltel considerable Interest. It being th flrrt on ever seeri her. Ther were 10 lady participants. The Srst prls was won by Mrs. Frank Blair, of Fall Creek, second by Miss Winnie Hadley. of Hsd leyvllle. and third by Miss Hasel Hamp ton, of Goshen. SEASON CLOSING COLUMBIA HOLDS M'MjNNVILLE DOWN Portland Lads Play an Interest ing Tie Came with the Baptists. In ona of th fastest games ever seen at McMlnavtll. Columbia' crippled team prevented th undefeated team of McMlnnvlU rrom scoring yesterday. Th Baptist were conceded th victory by thro touchdowns, but a few moments of play demonstrated that Columbia was playing a gam equal to that of her opponents. In the first half Columbia was on McMlnnvllle's 10-yard Una, but was held for downs. McMlnnvlU. worked the ball to Columbia' 15-yard line, when time was called. In th econd half McMlnnvl'le's superior phys ical, condition began te tell on Colum bia' crippled state. Twice McMlnnvlU was In striking distance of Columbia's goal In thl half. One she was on her opponent zo-yara line, and again on Columbia's 16-yard line, when McMlnn vllle tried a place kick which fell short. Columbia In thl half advanced th ball to McMlnnvlU' ft) yard line, but lot It In downs. For Columbia Moore, Smith and Maal gold did th moat brilliant playing. Moor' run of 16 yard brought an up roar from th audience. Smith' kick ing was far superior to hi opponents, and Marigold played hla usually bril liant gam. For McMlnnvlU. Patty, Day and Thompson played the oest Dan. Their play were all directed through th line, differing from Columbia' style, which rrus directed outside of end. Patty s two runs nf 26 yards ware the moat spectacular plays In the last half, when McMlnnvllle's superior condition began to tell on Columbia. Columbia. Position. MeMlnnvuie. BSggersr It K. I. no wen Qulnn R. T. L R Calavan Qulnlan R. Q. L Llnderman Meany C Ward nrussl I .. S. R Miller Scott I , T R C. Calavsn Wood L.E.R HU1 Leeston -Smith Q Gray Mangold R.H.L... Patty (capt.l Moore (capt.) . . .1 H. R Day Webster F Thompadh Referee. C'immlns: umpire. Long; line man. J. Gray; timekeeper. Davis. Length of hslvea Twenty-flv min ute. RACING RESULTS ON DIFFERENT TRACKS Los Angeles. Nov. 16 The racing season opened here yesterday with a big attendance Result: Six furlongs Luckatt won; time. 1:14. Five rid one-half furlongs Cutter wen; time. 1:01. One lull. Opening handicap. 110.000 added Bthelvn won. High Chancellor second. Flobob third; time. 1:40. Five furlong Elfin King won; time, 1:01. On mil and one-sixteenth, selling Trlon won; time, 1:61. Slauson course. 100 feet short Of six furlongs, selling Durbar won. . At Wrw v . IWl af Maw 4K Results One mil arid 70 yard For Hand won; time. j;t i-e. Fir and one-half furlong Edith stay won: time, 1.07 1-1.' Seven furlong Gu Hsldorn won; time. l.SS. Inaugural handicap, sis furlongs Floral King won; time. 1:11 3-6. On mil and on -sixteenth Oregor K won: time. 1:41 1-sV One mil Snd one-quarter Prince Balm won: time, 1:061-6. Oakland. Nov. 16. Summary at Em eryville track: Six furlongs, sailing Sad Sam won; time, 11.1H Qne mile and- 60 yards, selling Bsb won: time. 1:44. Third race, six furlongs, handicap The Mist won; time. 1:14. On mil and one furlong. Thanksgiv ing handicap, value 11.770 Claude won. Fossil second. Gold Money third; time. 1:61. Futurity course, purse H. L Prank won; time. 1:10. One mil and one-stxteenth. selling El Plloto won; time. 1:47. Multnomah 6, Oregon 0. Carlisle Indian 11, Ohio 0. Kentucky Stat College 11, Kentucky nlverslty 4. Alabama 0. Tennaaa 60. South Bend 6. Physician and Sur geon of Chicago 4. Simpson 10. Or1nnU (. University of Rochester 16, Tufts 6. Pennsylvania-Dickinson 10, Washing ton and Jefferson 0. South Dakota University SO,, Morn ingaide 6. Illinois 10. Nebraska 10. luwa Normal 0. Cralghton 0. Drake 0, Aroe 10. St Louis University 60, Rush Medical College 0. HaakeU'a Indiana 46. Washington Uni versity 0. Purdue It, Noire Dam 0. Kansas 11. Missouri 0. Minnesota 11, Iowa 0. Unlvorslty of Virginia 11. University of North Carolina 11. Rose Polytechnic 11, Indiana State Normal 0. Utah University 41. Colorado 0. Lafayette 40. Lehigh 6. Chicago It. Wisconsin 11. Medford. t; Ashland. 0. Seattl high school. 7t; Spokane high school, 0. Marahfteld high school. 7; Independ ents, S. Union high school. 0; I. a Grand. 0. Whitman collage, 4; Washington Agri cultural college. St. Chetnawa Indians. 10; Fort Stevens, ft. Ashland high school, s. Normal's sec ond team, 6. centralis, II; MontesanO, t. BIW1BJI1B (Jennal Special Service.) Cincinnati. Nov. 16. The annual meeting and tournament of th Ohio Whlat association began today at the Burnett houa and will continue through tomorrow. Th large number of player and Interesting program of contest give promise of a highly suc cessful tournament. gggTOBKl HAVaoOD H. cared taoesaa ef ens of Kim Deatlltr. laaoaiaia aad Atro phy. They clear the krals. .tngtt the rkcalatie. aiat dlsestfc. perfect asd IsaMrt rassetle vlgr ts th. wl.ole keiag. All aralaa aart ! roped permanently. 6100 per li 0 i ei gnsrantoe to ear or reread swaay. on Mane Man Beck free. 1-enUa Med. Co.. tSM Arc. St.. PMIadelnalo. Pa. SM I rma esjy y trssk Ma Pwtlaad Hotel Pharmacy. Eaatorn Own Portland Lots At BaasbaJI Sporting Nsws. IriABDC UflH Tvwn I lUEIlv TV II ' nw FROM THE BROWNS (Jearaal SpecUl Barries.) Frssnp Call. Nov. 16. Taooma out classed th Browns yesterday and won two tather interesting gam. Both lberg and Tkielman pitched good, but thlr team-mates were got equal to th occasion. Score: . TaMMte f.!7. . 1 I I ' 3 Portland IO0OOO00 t 1 I 1 Batteries Fltsgerald and Graham . Iberg and Frary. tisegd game . . Tacoma . 0 1 1 0 0 0 1-r 0 Portland 0000 1 00 II 2 Batteries Keefe and Graham: Thlel man and Frary. Umpire Perrlne. Los Angel. Nor. 26 Seattle and the Angels played a tie gam in the morning, but In th afternoon th hon or want to th northern man. Scores i: First game R. H. K. Seattle . . . V. . . . .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 6 2 Loa Angele. . ..01 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 I 4 Batteries Hogg and Leahy; Gray and Spies, Second vam a rv ri. sL. Seattle . 7 ... .41000100 6 IS 20 ' 0 Loi AngI...00 1 0000 20 I 11 3 Bat terlee Newton, Hall and Spies. Shlslds. Blankenshlp snd C. Mall. Urn plre Phil KnU. San Francisco, Nor. 25. San Frn clsco mad mine meat out of Oakland yesterday and won both games. Scores: Klr.t nni R. H. E. Oakland !55fS!?2 2 J i Ban Fran werwvua a - n. Merles J ones and Stark: Wheeler and Wilson. fikrinnil aVSl TV ah R. H. I". Oakland. .. 0 00000 1 00 1 I 4 Ban f ran ivvvvvwv - . Batterlea Graham and Stsrk: Whalen and Wilson. Umpire McDonald. PAOZFZO OOAST fl? clubs, -iiit Tie .on .660 MT .SOI) .405 .SO as A are lea . 8 OakUsaf Baa FY or tec. Seattle 12 IS 3 16 IVrtl.nd ...... 11 10) t n Ut IS0,61MIT1!81I BISHOP'S MEN DOWN THE ALBANY TEAM (Jearaal Special Service.) Willamette University. Salem. Or., Nov. 24. In th harde( fought game of football ever'played on Willamette field, the Willamette university team defeated the Albany college team by the acore of It to 0 this afternoon. During the first half the Albany team put up a strong gam and th ball changed hands frequently, but th play ing waa all don In th visitors' terri tory, and after 10 minute of hard work Mao went bver th 11a for th first touchdown. During th remaining 10 minute of the half the 'vanity team carried th ball from their own 10-yard line, whore Beach received It on the kick off. to Albany's 16-yard line, where time waa called. Thay ware twice penalised 16 yard for off side play and forced to punt, but Albany was not able to keep the ball. Alton Coatea, th famous Multnomah quarter-back, waa playing quarter for th collage, but wa unable to last more than the one-half. His loss was a severe on to th oellege.. even though their regular quarter, Babb. took his place. During the second half thro of th Albany tram were laid out and th game was atopped five minutes before time was up because thay lacked substitutes to fill th vacant places. Long made two touchdowns this half, taking 10 mlnutea for the first and nine minutes for th second, and the team wer on Albany' 16-yard line when time was called. Pollard, both at tackle and when called back to fullback, played a great game. Roder waa th beat yardage maker, covering 16 yards on on run and 16 yarda on three other. Saltmarah waa th star man for th visitors The Presbyterian were slightly heavier than the home team, and both teams were In excellent condition. Th field wa faat. Referee Zacher. of Salem. empire Coach McOea, of Albany. Tim of halve 10 and 10 minutes. Albany. 8a tan. Mack C Ki el son Morgan L G. R Marker Grltnth (e.) UT.R Pollard Francis L. K. R Henkle 8altmarsh L.K.R iLong (c.) Butler hoi. Jsmes Dolsn R. T. L Rader Underwood R.K.I, Patton lonard R H. L Mace Coates-Babb Q Beach nglehart F Launsberry HILL MILITARY WINS FROM EUGENE MEN (Journal Sperlfl Service.) Eugene, Or., Nov. 16. In the game of football here yesterday afternoon be tween the Eugene high school and Hill Military academy eiven, the latter won by th score of 11 to 0. th same made In th game at Portland between th two team early in th aeason. Th Hill boy outweighed the locals and showed better team work. Th grounds were muddy and sloppy, favoring th heavier t FOOTBALL FUMBLES. Both elevens dined at the Portland after the gsme. Th table wer pret tily decorated, and on th club table wss a miniature gridiron of sand with 11 players on It. Hoi Rlumauer remembered th win ning eleven by sending along a large package of something that bore a white The game wa the most Interesting and cleverest played contests ever seen In th west. Th Nineteenth Infantry band waa a big feature of th day. A little music helps some, but a whole band la a how In itself. Both team attended the minstrel show at the Marquam laat night. Pick Hmlth endeared himself to every body by his true sportsmanlike manner. Dick Is composed of th right kind of stuff. The crowd waayadmirahly handled and the entuslasm ran high. The rooting of both sides wss commendable. Th T. M. C. A. Indoor baaehall team defeated the Marshall-Well' nine last evening In a cloaly contested gam by th score of to 4. J sA MOBM M.A.A.C.WINS HARD FOUGHT BATTLE Club Man Triumph Ones Mors Over the Eugsns 'Varsity Elsvsn. CONTEST WAS BEST IN MANY YEARS Oregon Showed Hsr Stesl Disputing Every Inch of the Way. by The Multnomah club's football sieves met the sturdy University of Oregon team ysslerday afternoon and won a decisive victory, th score being 7 to 0. Th much-heralded proWeas and speed of th Oregon boys waa in evidence from the kick-off until the close of th gam, and th clubman had to exert every muscle to keep them down. Th game Waa the prttlt and hard eat aver played, between th two teams, and although Oregon lost, th highest prslse should be bestowed upon the visitors, for they played a gallant, up hill battle and never flinched even when Multnomah' heaviest plunger hit their line. There wa glory enough for Ore gon even In defeat, because her men Played aa eleven men. and they cam back at their opponent In vigorous faahlon, tearing and ripping up plays In splendid style. Joe Templeton played the gam of hta Ufa, a did also Latouratt. th shiny quarterback, who ran In punt with brilliant daring and cleverness. In the first half Multnomah played wretchedly, fumbling with remarkable regularity, and not being able to con centrate her attack In any decent form at all. Seven miserable fumbles pre vented the clubmen from scoring In this half, six of them being recovered by the Oregon men. In th second half M. A. A c took a brae ajid In four Dlays sfter the kick-off scored a touch down through Oregon's right guard and center. Ross. Btow and Keller making a big hole, through which th clubmen hot Horan for the score. Tne pisy was a delayed cross buck, and the visitors didn't seem to be able to get their force In the right place to atop the runner, and he simply trotted aero th chalk mark. Leading up to this play were several pretty performances. On the kick-off Murphy sprinted back for 40 yards in clever fashion, dodging tn Euaene tackier In thrilling style. Corbett on a cross fake earned 7 yards. snd Bam Stow tor off 6 mora around tackle. Then the entire Multnomah team gathered around Horan and car ried htm along for some more distance. from where th play started that gave Multnomah th victory. Toward th close nf th same a bad paaa want over Latourette' head and h wa tackled hehind hi own line for a safety. The Multnomah team playd a much better gam In th second half, and on defensive stopped up Oregon's play. Ross played the best game or nis ca reer. Ho showed up his opponent by getting through the line time and again and tackling- tn runner iia a nna. He displayed splendid Judgment and was a tower of strength in helping his men when they had tn nan. niy waa also ther with th good and be sides being s ston wall on defense, tor through th Oregon lln for a 16 yard gain. 'T"""!. " At th end positions Captain Dowllng and Dave Jordan played peerless ball, making tackle that appeared Impos sible, snd bringing thslr men down with great fore. Stow and Klrklsy proved effective ground -gainers, forcing them elve through small opanlngs and never falling to make distance. On defensive they never did better work, thlr play- In. Kelnv clean cut and decisive Behind th lln. Murphy pUyd a haautlful same, punting and running in punt In gret form. HI punt wer ike ht of the season and wer well placed. In passing the ball h did good work and. waa a big aid to th run I .oner an n. at fullback, showed up in a pleasing manner and his bucking and running in punis wtn Harry Corbett played his usual good game, both olvely nd defensively, and tore through the Oregon lln for subatantlal gains. H wa In every play and always alongside of th msn with the ball. Qrtor was the goods In th flrt half and Keller wa there with the bell on a his sucoessor In the second half. Keller's tackling down the Held was a feature. For Eugene every man plsyed perrect ball, the Templeton. Krron. Latour tt. Chandler and Crow doing plendld work. Jo Templeton fought a brave fight, but gave way to a bad knee In tho middle of the second half. Th club men were well pleased with the perfect game that th Oregon put up and they pronounced th team the best that Eu gene ever sent against Multnomsh Dick Smith's cunning was In evidence In the wsy his men handled themselves, and the club boy congratulated him heartily after th match. Th Une-up was: Multnomah. Position Inrdon 1. E R. Oregon. Chandler Earl Stow L T R Ross L O R Mclntyre Orleva-Kellar. . Center . . . Reld-Penland Seeley ri t u . .aivimriuw Klrkley R T L Arnapiger Dowllng (C. ) . . . . R EL. .Moores-Johnson Murphy. Sui!Sr ' Lateurett Corbett .L H R-Templeton-Oray Horan R If L. ... F Templeton Ixjnergan Full Kerron Umpire Mr. Thompon. Referee Mr. Hamilton. With th Oay Throng Between 6.000 and 6.000 people witness ed the game. The grand stand was packed; It waa a waving mass of yellow and whit and red and whit. Th hill side and all available space on th west Ids of the field wss crowded with root er. Tho tiers of seat qn the east side waa black with man, women and um brellas; th human tld aurgsd back a far a th club building and crowded every Inch of th muddy slope Motor cars puffed and coughed their way slowly through ths mass and swell rlga and turnout deviously sought a point of advantage On the north end of the field there wa a narrow string of humanity that blockaded the way to th grand stand. On the eminence back of the grand stand a detail of police offi cers stalked back and forth In constant sesrch for th hole n th fence where th small boy entered. On th hill side to tho south, where Chine gardeners live and labor, people also gathered In th tree-tops on ths hill agile youth saw th game for noth ing and through window and crack in the wall In th auditorium building ther peered a scot of eye Th field waa taxed to Ita limit; It waa gorged with foot-ball enthusiasm. Of course it rslned That Is. ther wss a drissl that would be called rain any where alee. But It la doubtful tf K In any way interfered with th attead ano. Th sky waa overcast throughout to day but refrained from showers untu Just before th gams. Then It ralaad ft llttl and stopped again till th first halt was over. In th second. howvr, It Ml steadily, though gently. Over In th grand stand th Nineteenth Infantry band from th barracks serosa th river played before th gam began and during th Intermlaaion. It waa ths feature of the day. At times Its strains war almost drowned by th din of yalls and horna and balls aad every blatant sound that sxubarant enthuslaam could devise, but th band played regu larly and ssnt ths thrill of its numbers all through th crowd, while that or Ita vociferous rival was confined to a scanty fww who wore chrysanthemums and Society wa there en masss. Pretty girls, bedecked In colors of th elub or varsity, screamed shrill shouts of en couragement or despair. Once when an Oregon man had the ball and apparently fair chancea for a get-away from th struggling maaa a woman' piercing scream roae above th frightful din of 6,000 yelling throats. "Go t, Jo, run. run." aha creamed. then the whole crowd uttered a good natured laugh a a be sank back Into her at overcome Dy ner crtmaonea con fusion. The university town wa represented by as large and loyal a crowd of enthusi asts as ever followed a team to victory. Th grand stsnd waa far mora prolific of yellow and white than of other color. All the old graduate war there, nun dreda of student were ther and friend from this and othsr cities added to their cheering. Mr. George D. Linn attended with Mr. and Mr. Fletcher Linn. Mr. and Mr. S. H. Friendly and daughters. Mlaa Roaall and Thereae war alao ther aa were Mr. Emma Thompson. Mrs. Jerry Bronough, Mr. Charles Mac rum, Ml Dolly Ankey. Mr. and Mr. Joseph I.uckey, Misses Nona and KUa Hendricks, President Campbell snd scores of other from th university city. Among th rooters for the club men waa Mayor Williams. A. L Mills. J. Wesley Ladd. br. Stephen Wise and many others who ars prominent In this city. AT WATBBXT Th members of the Wararly Oolf club spent Thanksgiving on th links in spit of the rain and damp grounds Several of the enthusiasts mads excel lent scores considering the handicap of th weather. Mlaa Lanyon troll th lgdle' Thanksgiving cup. while 3. K Kollock and T. A. Llnthloum tied In the gentlemen's event. Score: . Orou. H'oap. Net Mr. R. KoehUr 116 7 111 Miss A. Slbson .... Ill 14 117 Miss M. Lanyon ... Ill 14 106 Miss Jewell HI 11 HI Men' scores: T. A. Llnthloum ... 91 10 61 J. K Kollock ... M 17 II A. T. Huggtna 61 7 tl Capt. F. B. Day .... Ill 10 101 J. E. Young 10 II W. H. Corbett II II 14 W. C. Alvord 17 10 17 T. 8. Brook 101 17 II P. B. Olfford II I II P. W. Langtey .111 16 17 William MacMaster.. 101 IS 00 T. R Wilcox : 100 II II A. Kerr II II Thomaa Kerr ....... 17 11 It SBATTU CXaS BSBSSI.SI. ... ... (Jearaal Special Service.) Seattle. Wash.. Nov. 16. After on of th bitterest struggles ever held on i local gridiron, th acorekeeper at yes terday's game wrote In hi little book. OVERCOATS ARE DOWN one Two Three Four Five Hundred of em Made for Young Men and Undersized - Older Men Chesterfield's, with Velvet Collars and Satin Sleeve Lining, MADE FROM ALL-WOOL FABRICS, THE ONLY KIND ' SOLD BY THIS WOOLEN MILL STORE . fi- y '. jtf - Cheviots in Grays, Blacks and Mixtures STYLISH, PERFECT -FITTING COATS At a reduction of one-third from our regular prices which were already the lowest in the Northwest All $10.00 Coats Reduced to ... $ 6.50 All $11.50 Coats Reduced to ... $ 7.50 All $13.00 Coats Reduced to ... $ 8z&0 All $14.00 Coats Reduced to ... $ Q.OO All $15.00 Coats Reduced to . . . $10.00 "WHEN WE SAY IfS WOOL, IFS WOOL" 85-87 THIRD ST. On IHM.CLASS THOUSANDS BY OUR POLICY. Drop us a postal staring your ago and ws wtB saafl you full particulars how to protect your fsinily sad bojild up an estate for yourself. AGE 25 6 CENTS a day saved each year will PROTECT you for 81,000.00 and guarantee you a OOOD INVEST MENT. Why be without a Policy? Insure with The Washington Life OF NEW YORK. Write for particulars. BLAIR T. SCOTT, General Manager. HARRY B. SCOTT. Agency Director. 609, 610, 611, 612 and 613 Cham, of Com. Bldg., Portland. Ore. California I. Washington I. Th gam wa aa fast as can be played. Time and again long - haired Washlngtonlans grabbed the pigskin oval and started to play tha title roll in "The Kunawaya. But just- as often ths vial tore acted the Same part. McDonald won the laurel wreath aa th star actor, rue une-up c.iifornla Position. Washington. Howard LSI. Tlbbala HeltmulMr I. T jncnonam Mahaffey . . . i , ti saococa C , . Crini . . R O Zelbarth Stroud (C.)... Stern Foster R T Rail shack ....at Q Brlnker OIIrr Klttrell Snedlgar . . .uuJtlt... THley KernT...i. R H. .......... Bhaw Boy n ton w atcsiimon tui Referee Best. Purdue. Umpire Vanhovenberg. Columbia Th Marshall-Wells Indoor baseball team will play th opening game of th aeason with tha Company C team at the Exposition building tomorrow night The teams will line up as follows: M.-W. Position. Co. C. Henderson C Lss Lewis Parker P Pugh Williams IB Moore Bkuah IB Dole Beavers IB. . .Larn. Gordon Camp R S wsst Eva I. Murray Johnson -R F. .Collins, Oodfrey Ollsan If.i R. Murray (Journal Special Service.) Denver, Col,, Nov. 16. Stanford didn't do a thing to th 1'nlverslty of Colo rado yaterday. Th tory. bristly told. 1 Stanford, II; V. of C, 0. One the miner got within 16 yards of th "Golden date," but that wss all. Trow- AMD TAKE THE COUNT BENEHTB! bridge. Welier and Dole war great and shining lights In ths visiting team. Nearly 70.000 people looked on and wanted to hallow for Colorado, but they never had a yell comma?. Th Has up i 1 - Stanford. Position. Colorado. Clark L E Allan Horton L T Smith Thompson LO itoiisr nya w sniiw Van Sickle R O Xarutli Shields R T Colon wast R E Chrtstonsan Bansbaoh Q Quran Dole L H Colsy Trowbridge ..... R H ......... Johnson vVslls .......... w . . ........ Robsrts Referee A. W. Riley. Umpire M. B. Kennedy. rm From th London Answers. A curious contest, be. ween a kangaroo and a buffalo, took place in a largo zoological park In th north of stag land. Th two animals, after breaking loose from their In closure, met face, to face In an open space in th park. Without any preliminary quarrel, "th bull mad a furious onslaught on th kangaroo, which at first contented it self with an endeavor to avoid th charge. After a few moments, however, th bull's attention became altogether too personal to paaa unrsbuked. and, using Its hoofs as battering ram, th kan garoo belabored th buffalo In th most effective manner. Roaring and hallow ing, th Irate buffalo mad repeated at tempt to gore Its antagonist to death, but with scant success, th kangaroo proving a most slippery foe. Th fray wsxed furious for over an hour, at th end of which time tha buffalo retired, showing, however, unmistakable signs of th kangaroo's attention.