1 T1 " Different Store" The Sun Never Sets on the "Pair-Way" Chy" Style Shop Portland's Largest, Foremost Store Exponents of Quality in Merchandise. Quality: "A grace which no amount of artifice can ever hope to produce." Stedman A Great Cornucopia of Fashion's Fruitage is Gathered Here for " j I,, Distribution Among the Patrons of This Store's 82d Grand "Friday Economy Sale" Tomorrow! Rare-Ripe Bargains THIS HELPFUL STORE has arranged the most vitally important sale to economists it has yet con ducted this season: A sale so largeso mammoth in proportions that were we to devote the entire pa per you are reading to it, we could not print mentions of all the remarkable values that go to make it up. The opportunities for saving in every one of our over forty departments in mis big establishment are such as to. weld still firmer the friendship existing between this, Portland s most popular store, and its clientele. The daily crowds' of satisfied purchasers attest the down-to-dateness and fairness of its merchandising methods. And for tomorrow's selling weJiave brought together the greatest and best stocks ever found under any Portland . mercantile roof, and priced them beyond the pale of competition. The newest, most dependable merchandise for less than actual cost of make in many cases for less than others will sell for in every case. Come in tomorrow and bring along the visiting folks who stopped over from Thanks giving. The store holds hosts of attractions not mentioned on this page. IK wl 1 Am K bBsbbbbbbbbbbLsbi THE PANAMA CANAL CONTEST VOTE St Mary's School Wins the Model With the Enormous QJQ 037 High school came second, with. ............... . 881,274 Perk school third, with . 111,146 Harrison school, fourth, with ... 114,360 The grand total of votes cast is 909,16. Yesterday the votes came pouring like a mighty flood. A small army of counters was kept busy until 9 p. m. when the above result became known. We desire to ex tend our sincere thanks to our great public for the interest manifested; our earnest congratulations are extended the winners and also those who made so gallant a race to the very end. A large scattering vote was cast for other schools throughout the city. Two hundred fifty thousand eight hundred and eight-seven votes were cast yesterday. THE COMPOSITION AWARD A committee, consisting of Mrs. M. C. Jackson, Ellen G. Barber and L. W. Sitton, examined the compositions placed m competition for the $25 in cash offered by this firm for the best four essays handed in, subject "The Panama Canal." The prizes were awarded as follows: First, $10 in gold ELMER YOUNG, 242 Clackamas street, Portland High school Second, $7.50 CLARENCE SPRAGUE, 187 North Twenty-first street. Couch school Third ALMA FIGGINS. 249 Cherry street, High school $5 in gold. Fourth GERALDINE KIRK, St Mary's academy, $2.50. Thanksgiving congratulations, young friends; may the happiest days of your put b the darkest of youY future. To those who were unsuccessful in winning casn prises we extend congratulations aiso for the splendid essays of fared. They were mil worthy of special commendation. We doubt If any city of Portland s else In the United States could produce so many essays of such real merit as those offered In this competition by the pupils of our schools. Teachers and pupils alike should feel proud of such a showing Wl ARE. " To the ludares. Mesdames Jackson, Sitton and Barber, we extend earnest thanks for their kind as sistance In the puxxllng task of selecting winners from such a host of real merit. A happy Thanksgiving to you all, good rolav uLdjn. nuKxa&n at ainu. E2SJEjSs SSL BBBBBnf3BMBB BBta FOURTH FLOOR. : - ... ' . i ; Quite a Crowd of Little Mothers Have Visited Dollville This Week And not a few dollies went home with their newly found mothers. Tou see, dollies will need dressing before they'll be presentable before company. "Too sweat for any thine." a number of little girls said the other day about our 'Little Sweetheart" dolls. These curly hatred beauties are created by skilled artisans from the models that coat more far more when made by that clever Frenchman "JL'MKAUT"' ";''- rU Three special offerings for tomorrow, selected from tnese aristocratic Deauues Our 11.29 bum "Little Sweetheart" Doll... Our S2.lt else "Little Sweetheart" Doll Our 12.69 slae "Little Sweetheart" Doll.... . 89j l!89 Savings in the Domestic 'Aisle FIRST, FLOOR. Most of you have read In the funny papers of the "Handy Man." who Is al ways ibowhut ud at lust the right time to aid some unfortunate Individual. Well we've a "handy man" In charge of the domestic section, where DAINTY wash riRRlfi AMD FLANNELS are sold. He's popped up Mat in time) to aid Friday buyers to save Christmas money and the more of these you bay" the more you save. jfcc FOR MULLS. LAWNS AND ORGANDIES. $.000 yards of plain Silk Mulls, French Lawns and lacs striped Organdies, In all colors, regular 40c, eve, 60c and 7 So values; special Economy Sale price, yard 884 66c FOR FRENCH FLANNELS WORTH 76c Finest quality Imported printed French Flannels, In beautiful floral affects. scroll, figures, dots, stripes ana uersian assigns,, every one new ana spien l id 7 lie value; for Friday Economy Sale, special at, the yard S5 Lace Curtains and Curtain Rods Economically Priced for Friday Economy Sale FOURTH FLOOR. 11.17 FOR LACE CURTAINS WORTH 15.50 100 pairs of white Brussels Lao Curtains, seven handsome patterns from which to select, all this season's Importations, values 15.50; for Economy Bale, special at, pair 3.97 ONLY so FOR BRASS EXTENSION RODS Brass Extension Curtain Rods, with hooks, extending from 35 to 50 Inches; for Friday Economy Sale, spe cial at. each 6 Three different line of undressed Dolls, with bisque heads, kid bodies and jointed knees. These doois are perfect little "Sleeping Beauties." have curly look's and are of the blond and brunette types, have ahoea and stockings- Our 35o sle Doll; special for Friday and Saturday at 33e Our hue else Dolls; special for Friday and Saturday at . 33 Our lie size Dolls; special for Friday and Saturday at . 48 In Baby-to-Miss Aisle SECOND FLOOR, f. No such pretty bablea as Portland babte. and no uch a baby shop In Portland a this one. And when bablea grow to misses we care for them. too. Every ace la beat looked after her. Special Friday Children Bonnet of white India Kengallne Silk, row Of fancy hemstitching, cord and ruche trimming, regu lar price to 35c; special 16 Better quality of children' white silk Bonnets, em broidered, fine tucked, fancy braid, ruche and ribbon trimmed, regular price 90c and 11.00, at 4T? IN ART ANNEX AND UNDERMUSLIN SHOP SECOND FLOOR SIXTH-STREET ANNEX. Time to prepare Xmas thing. Here' pretty yarn for lea than usual and a rare bargain In Woman' Night downs, too. Read Fletsher'a Oerman Knitting Tarn in all plain or mixed (ray and black color. regular 26c skein, special at 1M Or $1.00 pound, at T64 Ladles' cambric Night downs, six different style to select from. Including aqusre or round slipovers. V-shaped, round or square neck, embroidery, lace, applique and ribbon trimmed, regular price 11.50; special at 89 y IN THE MEN'S NEW TOGGERY SHOP FIRST FLOOR SIXTH STREET ANNEX. Here Is a bargain for our economically Inclined men patrons which they cannot fail to appreciate MEN'S li.oo SHIRTS FOR (Te Men's Shirt in both stiff bosom and golf style. In stripes, dot and fancy effects, both light and dark, the beat 11 oo shirts in town. Seeing Is believing. Come In and look at them and you Will be fully convinced of the truth of what w aay: for Prtdajr Economy Sale only, special at. each 6T Need a Dainty Pan for Opera or Ball? HERE B PRETTY FANS AT PLEBEIAN PRICES. SPANOLED FANS WORTH $2.60 AND 13.00 FOR ... -81.48 A lot of a well Spangled Fans with pressed sticks, painted, very hand soma de sign, regular 11.50 and $3 oo values; for Economy Sale, special at, ea 91.4a DAINTY HANDKERCHIEFS AT HALF PRICE FOR ECONOMY'S SAKE. HANDKERCHIEFS WORTH 50c FOR lie Ladles' embroidered Handkerchief, with scalloped or hemstitched edges, regular beauties and worth every penny of a half dollar; for Economy Sal only, special at, each 2S THE NOTION COUNTER FIRST FLOOR Ic THE YARD FOR BLACK BRUSH SKIRT BRAID WORTH Te. c FOR WHALEBONE CASINO WORTH lie Whalebone Casing. 0-yard piece. In black, white and color, value lie; special Economy Sale price, the pair. f)d Ic FOR BACHELORS' BUTTONS WORTH lOo Bachelors' Button 1 dosan automatic burton in box can be put on or taken off when desired with very little trouble, value 10c; special at the box 8) 17c FOR NEEDLE BOOKS AND PIN CASES WORTH tie Needle Book and Pin CSse, containing 111 assorted needles and pina, vara lie; special Econo my price, each 1T PICTURES AND PHOTO FRAMES. lie FOR PHOTO FRAMES WORTH 11.41 Fancy burnt wood Photo Frames for cabinet alse photos, value 11.41; special at. each 83 lie FOR FRAMED PICTURES WORTH tic Fancy Picture with gilt metal frame and ha ins, assorted subjects, value tic; special at. each 19? AN EXTRAORDINARY SALE OP STYLISH Handsome Coats and Smart Tailored Waists FOR WOMEN STIRRINO PRICE CONCESSIONS FOR FRIDAY PATRONS in the gr Second Floor Apparel Salon the largest stores devoted solely to the sale of women's outer apparel west of Chicago's Marshall Field establishment. Women's $10 and $12.50 Coats $7.85 $15 and $16.50 Values $9.98 But Friday only. The greatest sale of Coat yet thl season The pro duct of Boaster tailors upon whom we depend for many for our smartest gar ments. A purchaee of our buyer during her recent strip to Now York at a great price concession on account of -thw lateness of the maker's ses son. Ma terials are cheviot, kerseys and handsome mannish mixtures. Cut In II and It-Inch Norfolk. Tourists and Paletots, in blacks, blues, browns and tana. Soma have velvet collar and turned military cuff. Some plain tailored, other In fancy stitching, piping, fancy braid and button trimmed effect. Grand values at the regular values. Friday you may choose the 110 and 111.10 grade for 87.86 16 and $11.10 grades for . ..-89.08 Wanted Winter Waists in a Sweeping Clean-up Sale SSSd$7.50 Waists, Fridayfor $2.48 Exquisitely tailored Waists In flannel, alpaca and new granite cloth reds, tans, navies, blacks, blues, grays and browns. In plaited and tucked effects, splendid workmanship and finish. Smart and serviceable, a few of the 17.50 waists are slightly mussed from handling. Values as above; on Friday only, at a choice for f.88.48 Jmt 3GidS say bbbShbbbF EaafpB- r - An Emphatic Clearing of Children's Millinery Friday SIXTH ST. ANNEX-SECOND FLOOR Hats Values to $1.50 for 25c 1000 in the Lot 25c In our recent great wholesale purchase were numbered an Immense quantity of Children's Hats, trimmed and un t rimmed. The truth 1 there were more than we "bargained for.'i But the hats are here today should be gone uiroirraw, nowaver, ii me price put upon tnem xnr rnaay or a&C ror rnoice. All this season s new- sat style, red, blue, browns, white, gray, tana, etc. Chic, charming creation, over a thousand of ic. si.vo ana ii.ao values in the immense lot absolutely the greatast hat bargain we ever orrered Jn children s style. Your choice Friday only at, each .' THE NEW CATHRINE COUNTISS JUST IN FOR HOLIDAY WEAR. Popular demand has forced ua to comply with It mandate. So decidedly popular did the original "COUNTISS bailor" become Immediately upon Its introduction that the first lot was sold In a faw day a Not too many ware issued, aa we did not wiah them to become too common. And now cornea a call, so strong aa to forbid its paaalng by, for another lot. Wa cheerfully comply, but the newer Sailor la slightly different from the first; In fact, the ahapea are varied so that they become any face Aa In the flrst Instance, only a limited number will be Issued. A color line embracing black, brown, blues, gray and tana In the charmingly jaunty sailor ahapea fetohlngly trimmed with a fancy feather band. An early inspection Is advisable on account of limited numner issueo. Toe new sailor is as worn and approved by that charming actress and splendid woman wnoae name it Dear t ATHRINK COUNTISB. Owing to the oncoming holiday season. in wmcn miiiioery stirrers a temporary partial eclipse oy Christmassy things, ws put a vary low price upon thee of $5.00 l"2ZS?Z Silks and Dress Fabrics Before the thoughts of Christ maa things demand your every attention and the savings will help to swell the hoard of Christmas shopping funds. In ths Fifth-Street Annex First floor. NEW 11.11 SUIT SILKS in all colors and patterns; special for Friday, yard , to REOULAR Tie 11-INCH BLACK TAFFETA; special for Friday, yard ... S9a REGULAR 11.11 SILK AND WOOL CREPE DE PARIS, all evening and street shades In the assortment spe.iaj for Friday, yard...... . ...98d CRAVENETTES. CAMELS HAIR SUITINOS, NOVELTY SCOTCH AND " ZIBELINES, FRENCH SUITING. ALL AT HALF-PRICE FRIDAY ONLY 12.00, 11.71 and 11.10 values in BLACK DRESS POOPS; special at yard 9H4 Knitwear and Hosiery Shops , FIRST FLOOR. WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY AT PRICES THAT COMMAND ATTENTION . FRIDAY. SATURDAY AND MONDAY. Sale Opens Friday and Lasts Three Days An aggressive move to reduce stocks. The backward season, combined with generous buying, finds us with stock too heavy to carry serosa the bridge Into December. o w drop them here to you at prices you're bound to fill the winter' need at It's a bit of good) luck for you that's alb . , 11.11 FOR WOMEN'S WOOL UN- 60c FOR CHILDREN'S UNDER -DERWEAR WORTH 11.71 WEAR WORTH lie Children's Women's winter weight all wool Vast aad Pant, the famous "Merode." in white, silk crocheted trimmed, si see l. 4 and I vesta, and 4, I and I pants.-regular 11.71 value; special for three day only, the garment St. 85 WOMEN'S UNION BUTTS WORTH 11.11 FOR 17c Women' cream tinted cotton Union Suit, "Me rode,'' with long sleeves, ankle length or short sleeve, ankle length, regular prioe la 11. II; special for three days only at. ! 97 WOMEN'S li.oo UNION SUITS FOR 4e Women's cream-tinted Union Suit, fleece-lined, half open front long eleeves, ankle length, regular li.oo value; for three daya only; special at 69 Te INSTEAD OF I0e FOR WO MEN'S UNDERWEAR Woman fin ribbed white and allver gray cotton Vest and Pants, good 10c ' vara; special for three day' sail ing at, each 37f Swla ribbed Vesta and Pants. wool, in whits, values to lie; spa rial for three day only at each 6 O 11.11 FOR WOMEN'S EXTRA SIZE UNION SUITS WORTH II So A splendid chance for thoae who wear extra alse underwear to se cure a bargain. Women's extra else cotton Union Suit. "Merode." extra silk trimmed, half open front, long sleeves, ankle length, slses 40. 41 and 44, best 11.10 value; special at suit 81. IB 11.11 FOR WOMEN'S WOOL UN DERWEAR WORTH 11.40--Wo men's fine white sad allver gray rash mar Vests and Pants, soft and fine, regular 11.10 value, spe cial for three days' sslllng at. garmsnt 81.19 WOMEN'S 71c WOOL UNDER. WEAR FOR 60c Women e nat ural wool plaited Vest and Pants, long sleeve vests and ankle length pants, regular ITIe value; special at each 50 ONLY lie THE PAIR FOR WO MEN'S BLACK RIBBED CASH MERE HOSE. SEAMLESS. WORTH 40c. ' tie FOR WOMEN'S LISLE HOSE WORTH 49c Women's black Im ported lisle Hose, winter weight, full finished. 10c value; speclsl at the pair 2 lie FOR WOMEN'S 40c HOSE Women's black Hals Hose with black, cotton soles, very fine, heat 60c value; special at the is SB) WOMEN'S 71c CASHMERE HOSE FOR lie Women's fine-grade black caahmar Hon, full fin 1 shed, double sole. 71c value; pe dal at, pair ) WOMEN'S COTTON HOSE WORTH Oo FOR lc Women's black cotton Hose, with embroidered boot, a large assortment and good lOo value; special at, " SO Bariralna too numerous to men tion in children's cotton aad cash mere Hose. Counter in center aisle, flrst floor. Ask for them. WOMEN'S lib GARTERS FOR Ic Woman' Sid Garters in black, pink, blue, gold and car dinal elastic, with frilled edge, 11c value, special at the pair 9) . B mi r w w. 1 1 ( jtr 1 ffl row- of red Or W SJ- ' ' A- low races at y&Ls? m sb awe 1 L at J x uui rcci lift Did your Shoes spring JJy Irak vMterdav? -J Have you got a pair that refuses to become acclimated T Maybe they're workina o wartime. You wouldn't like to be working on a summer job yet now. would youT Trot along your feet here Friday and order 'em fitted. The more particular you are the better we 11 like It But remember don t com if yon don't want "OOOD SHOES" 'tis ths only sort we Mil. race are leaa on Fri day. -ON THE "FAIR-WAY." Special Economy Sale Prices on Shoes for Men, Women and Children THE O. W. K. SHOES FOR MEN The best shos on ths market today at the price comes In box calf, velour calf, patent colt, patent kid and viol kid. In 10 choice styles buy a pair give them a trial, and you won't be ons bit sorry, but will congratulate yourself on getting a-palr of ahoea worth j 16.00 for only 83.BO WOMEN'S DRESS SHOES FOR lt.ll 1.000 patra of woman' Dress Shoes have neat tops, patent tips, round toes, Cuban or military heal very choice styles: a great Economy Sale special at, the pair SJSv $1.68 FOR WOMEN'S 8HOEB WORTH 12.10 Ml' solid comfort Shoes for house or hospital wear, with hand turned soles, rubber heels and patent tips. regular 12.50 value: Economy Sale price, the pair.... 81-68 WOMEN'S SHOES WORTH 11.00 FOR 11.74800 pairs of women's "Gladys" Shoe, with double or single soles, round toe, military or Cuban heela, beat kid upper. ta.OO value; Economy Sal price, the pair.. 91.74 CHILDREN'S SHOES About 600 pair. In box calf, with double soles, the bast winter school shoes Slses I to I, value 11.60; Economy Sale price 984 Slses IH to 11. value 11.76; Economy Sals price 81.08 Slses UH to t, value 12.00; Economy Sale price 81.38 BOYS' SHOES In box calf, with heavy double soles shoes built for hard wear, substantial and well made Slses 11 to II, value 11.60; Economy Sale price, pair... Sis It to t, value. 91.71; Economy Sal price, pair... Slses !M to SV4. value 11.00; Economy Bala price, pair... lie FOR WOMEN'S JULIETTES WORTH 11.60 Juliette black felt, fur trimmed, with hand turned soles, value 11.60: special Econ omy Sale price, the pair , , I WOMEN'S KID JUI.IETTES WORTH 12.50 FOR 11.71 Women's house JuM- ettes. with finest kid uppers, patent tips, hand turned soles, opera heela. regular 12.60 value; Economy Sale price, the pair 81.78 MAYBE YOU KNOW SOME ONE WOULD LIKE ONE OF THE8E LAMPS FOR CHRISTMAS EHT Sjv Economy Lights These m THIRD FLOOR LAMP STORK. .BL. TV. vnn rni1 mor-l, fx' iii.ht. -nr writ. Snr.lv If v1l do you must appreciate the convenience of a reading lamp. Aa you glance thro' theee items you'll also ap preciate the hslp these price for Friday give to buyers. Maybe you've been waiting for this special sals? FRIDAY ECONOMY SALE OF OAS AND ELECTRIC PORTABLE AND READ ING LAMPS. THIRD FLOOR Our stock of Electric and Oaa Portable and Reading Lamp I complete In every respect The lamps com In novel end beautiful designs which It would be difficult to duplicate anywhere In the city. They are all Included at special price In the Friday Economy Sale. Below are printed a few description and price which will Interest pros pective buyer OAS READING LAMPS 12.16 FOR LAMP WORTH 11.46 Haa black base, oxidised stand, complete with burner, mantle, decorated shade and reet 01 tubing, value 13.46; Econo my Sale price, each 8388 12.70 FOR LAMP WORTH 11.70 Lamp with ornamental stand and base, com plete, earn a above, value 13.70; special Economy Sale price, each... 89. TO 12.11 FOR LAMP WORTH 14.20 Lamp In colonial dealgn, old braaa ftntah. complete with burner, mantle and tubing, value 14.10; Economy Sale price. ach as.! Il.lt FOR LAMP WORTH IB.I6 Thta lamp haa green enameled stand and hraas trimmings, heavy baa, complete aa above, value 16.16; for Economy Sale, special at. each 1 , 83.98 11.10 FOR LAMP WORTH 17.16 Lamp with fancy antique bra baa and stationary shade-holder, very neat, value 7.B; Economy Sale price, each. . as. OUR LINE OF OAS RBADINO LAMPS RANOES IN PRICE FROM 88.88 TO gSX.oU IB AC M. ELECTRIC READING LAMPS Old brass finish lamps with plain ribbed stand and base, with decorated shade, value 13.76; special Economy price, each. 88.78 LAMP WORTH 16.60 FOR 14.10 Electric reading lamp with heavy aqua re baae, antique bra finish, regular value 15.50; special Economy Sale price is. each 84.18 ELECTRIC PORTABLES AND RBADINO LAMPS PRICED FROM 83. TO XJr TO 9SO.UV. Economy Sale of Handsome Laces and Chiffons LACE COUNTER FIRST FLOOR. A lot of lace banda, 1 to I Inches wide, consisting of Point Vsnlsa, In white a. d cream, and cotton cluny In white, also black wool skirt laces and Insertion - Regular Price 20c 15c !0c a&e 40o 44c 10 71c Economy Sale Price are. yard.. 10) 18) 1B IT SOd 884 884 88d JURY RUFFLINOS AND HEADINOS WORTH lie. 10c AND 25c FOR 10c Chiffon Ruff lings. Vi. and 1 Inch wide. In all colore (no white or black). regular 15c. 20c and 25c value; special Economy Sale price, the yard 19) Same as above. 111 Inch wld. regular 16c. 40c and 50c value; for sale price, speclsl at, the yard 187 LACE HAT DRAPES 4lc FOR LACE DRAPES WORTH 75c Nw Lacs Hat Drape In black and white, vary stylish and becoming, worth Tic; special Economy "ale price. eaon w88 BRIGHT RIBBONS FOR FANCY WORK Ribbon of every hue. silk, satin and aroa grain -juat what you need for holl- osy girt makln - for Fr lav Economy Hale w have cut ine price in two Ribbon worth In for 3 the yard; ribbons worth loe for 44 aad rtsSeaa worm eve ror go? 'he yard.