The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 24, 1904, Image 3

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All the extension Unlet In this tore arc exceptionally well made. This on U
made of quarter sawed oak. heavy leg and aella tor 933.00. but tor this ala
la reduced to 114.60. There lan t a kaadaoaar Ma la the atore.
Get It
& Sons
Iti Hanky a Single Instance Has Material Furnished or Work
Done Com Up to Specifications, and Close Examina
tion Discloses a Long List of Fatal Defects.
Extra Concrete Charged for, When Amount Used Fell Far Be
low What Was Necessary In Its Present Condition
the Sewer Is Absolutory Unfit for Use.
The complete report of the experts
who investigated the condition of Tanner
creek sewer waa made public for the
first time yesterday, although a sum-
snary of the report covering the chief
defects In the drain were published In
the Journal last Sunday morning.
The report follows:
"Portland, Oregon. November IS, 114
To the Honorable, the Mayor and
Council of the City of Portland: In
pursuance with your request that we
make an examination of the roconat ruc
tion and repairs made by Ulnar A Rlner,
contractors on the Tanner creek sewer,
from Its Intersection With the north line
of Taylor street, extended, to the south
. line of Waahington street. WW boa; to
report as follows:
-The Investigation waa commenced on
the Sth Inat. and continued on aha th.
11th. 11th and lata. For convenience
in locating the points whore defective
work waa found, reference la made to
the . accompanying plana of the sower.
The Initial point on station t la at the
junction of the repair work and recon
structed sewer designated plans 'A' and
R' In the specifications. The length of
the repair work measured M feet. The
length of the new work measured 1.14
Inspection of BTSW Work.
-Plan A 8 tattoo TV There Is a
-wary poor connection made here with
the original egg-shaped sewer. The
crown of the new sewer is 10 Inches
lower than the crown of the old egg
aha pad sewer There are sharp corners
on each side. No concrete foundation
under arch walla, a half-Inch Iron 'rod
114 feet loaf was throat nearly the en
tire length by hand pressure under either
"Station 1 Removed stone from
tattoo jo light aide near wall and found
eight laches of sand and grave,, termed
"Station T 7t. Removed stone from
hot tors on right side near wall and found
eight inches of sand and gravel, t erased
JMittlon 1 t Manhole obstructed
with 'pieces of hoard left by contractor
The manhole at station 11 T Is slew
obstructed with hoard.
ft at ion I t. Removed stone from
bottom on fight side near wstl and
Here' .a golden opportunity, truly. This store wants to step early into 1806 untrammeled by the many odd lots that are left in various corners of this Home Fur
nishing House. We offer at reductions the largest and most interesting stock tof Furniture ever known in one sale. Space is wanted. We want to lower the
stock because our stock-taking time
today and will ten you about the
Get It at
Jen ning & Sons
one 112.00. It la a beauty, finely finished,
made and with heavy claw feet. We have
Bed In all combinations of colore.
found 10 Inches of
termed "concrete."
sand and gravel.
Station 1 40 Old one-Inch Irog pipe
projecting four feet into the sewer at
springing line on left side, catching de
bris let photograph No. 1. Water leak
ing through crown and sides of sewer
for distance of It fast
Station S 11. Cut hole In left side.
It Inches above springing line. Found
the two outside rings of brick laid
StaUon S 45. rut hols In left side
one foot above springing line. Found
no mortar in any of the joints. By
thrusting arm through hole removed
alt brick within reach, forming two
outer rings. . These bricks were abso
lutely dry. no Indication of mortar hav
ing been used. See photograph No. 1.
Station I M. Cut hole In left aide
two feet above springing line. Pound
all brick laid dry the asms aa I 46.
Station 1 To. Removed stone from
bottom on left side and found 11 Inches
of sand and gravel, termed "concrete."
Station t to Cot hole In crown of
arch; found section two feet by one and
one-half feet where brick Is laid .flat,
only one ring two Inches thick being
used. The upper aide of arch at this
point was in contact with two 12x12
inch timbers. See figure 1.
Station T U.S. This point la five
feet below manhole on Sixteenth street
aad for a distance of t feet the as t
has no bottom other than the earth and
a email section of. the Invert of the old
sewer which waa left on center Una. aa
will be noticed by figure 1 The
water has already washed out the earth
under the left wall for a distance of
eight root. A half meh -iron rod three
and owe half feet long eeuM easily he
thrust the entire length Into the bottom
and under the springing luxe of arch at
any point. In ease of any load coming
upon the arch at this point it would be
crushed, and at the point where earth
has washed from under wall It Is liable
to fall at any moment. See figure 1.
Station It It. At springing lino on
left aide found apace three feet long and
eight Inches wide, where brick Is laid
Sat. cut hois through hare and found
hut one hMcit tww Inches In thickness
for the above length. Timbers la con
will soon be here. Loo wnere
others in another advertisement.
la 40 different patterna, tntabed la either
Ooldra Oak or Mahogany Juit the thing to
afire for a Chrlataua present. Yoo II par
elsewhere. llt-lO to 1100.
LEATHER CTiTSS rail Turklah lea
ther. rooBir aad comfortable. Juat the
thing for Uraodpa and grandma. Price
2i and jib.
tact with the brick. Also cut hole Ave
feet above thia point and found but two
rings of brick or a thickness of eight
and one half Inches. Timber in contact
with brick. See figure 4.
Station It 96 From this point to
11 35. a distance of 40 feet, the invert
of old sewer waa left In place and no
atone or concrete waa placed under the.
arch walla Bee photographs Nos. 1 and
4 and figure t. Half inch rod three and
one half- feet long waa thrust by hand
pressure nearly the entire length under
either wall at any point The arch Is
resting directly on the earth for this
distance and from all appearances the
old invert waa left In place from 11 If
'to the end of the work, a distance of
eight feet further.
Station 11. Cut bole in crown of
arch and found but two rings of brick
making a thickness of eight and one half
inches. 12x12 timber Immediately above.
See figure S.
Brick In regard to the quality of the
material used In construction, we find
the brick a good quality of hard burned
red brick, which probably baa a crush -lag;
strength of not loss than 4.000
pounds per square Inch when tested with
whole bricks.
Four samples of the mortar was re
moved and Submitted to testa, showing
an average tensile strength of lit
pounds per square Inch. The specifica
tions for mortar called for one part
Portland cement to two parts sand,
these proportions should give an aver
age tensile strength of 17t pounds per
square inch, after to days, which is
approximately the time thla mortar has
set A tensile strength of lit pounds
per square Inch would indicate a pro
portion of one part cement gad four
parte sand. Several sasaapiee showed
sand ssams caused by Imperfect mix
ing. Paving Bleaks;.
The paving blocks used seem to bo a
good quality of Basalt
The samples of concrete removed from
the reconstructed aewer were merely
compositions of sand and gravel, with
barely enough cement to give it color
The samplss were removed by hand
without the use of any tool, and had to
be placed In a bag. as the stuff had no
adhesive qualities. The specifications
called for a proportion of one part ce
ment, three parts sand and five parts
broken sand.
The Invert or floor of about one half
of the new aewer la covered with brick
aad mortar aad other debris loft by
contractors to a depth of 1 to I Inchea.
Thla obstructs the dry weather Sow
ronstdersbiy and ha ease of freshet
will gradually be carried down the
aewer. causing ' more or lass wear on
the bottom. The shell of the sewer waa
plsSXad in It different points throughout
Its length saw no earth or other backing
wss found, except In one Instance, which
waa at the springing line on left side.
In fact, the sewer Is coast roc ted through
a tunnel of earth which Is more or less
supported by timbers. Settlement of the
earth caused by heavy rains or break
ing or decaying of the supporting tim
bers will without doubt destroy the shell
ss there is no backing at the springing
Baa or haunches to res ft against
strains. As these timbers are In con
tact with the damp earth and the cavity
is filled with air lea h hag through the
you 11
like in other places, but see our
From 14.04 up a big assortment and
all sixes. The nice-looking amail one (
to the big. maaslve one.' Soma aa high
aa 10, but they are exceedingly fine
and could grace the library of a king:
Get It at Jenning
This particular Chair we will aaU for.
t!2. It la finely upholstered genuine
leather. Nothing to net out of order.
Move at Will. Ask to see Morris
Chair No. 6S.
sewer, the conditions favorable .to rapid
decay are obvious. After a? careful ex
amination of the arch, ws are of the
opinion that fully It per cent of the
transverse joints and 10 per cent of
the longitudinal joints are laid without
mortar. There are several places where
the walls do not form a true curve, as
shown by figure f, which is the worst
case found, the length being about t
feet Several others were noticed where
the soffit of arch deviated from the true
curve from 2 to 6 inchea. Thla seems
to have been caused by a careless method
of constructing the Invert and lower
portion of arch, which was found to be
from. 2 io I Inches too wide at these
points. It would appear that this por
tion was constructed first in order to
remove flume carrying water and allow
It to run over the new work. At Sta
tion 7 tt and 1096, where the arch
la built on earth, a substantial founda
tion of concrete should be built at once,
aa the arch la liable to settlement at
any moment - Some additional erosion
was noticed under the loft wall at 1
4t alaoa the first Inspection, on Nov.
t. The cavity around the sewer should
be back-filled, bat at thla time we fall
to see how it is going to be dona.
Repairs, Plan "B." Station 445
From this point to Station 4 St. a dis
tance of It feet, there la a bad crack
on each aids from 1 to 4 Inchea wide
between the stone Invert and brick side
wslls. It Is not clear whether this
crack waa caused by settlement since
the repairs were made or careless work
manship on repairs There are also two
bad patches in the arch aa shown, and
an old i crack about tt feet long in crown
near Station 1. It Is evident that this
crack haa existed for a considerable
length of time. Several stone warp re
moved from the bottom at 4 tt and
found to have been laid flat with no
concrete beneath and resting on the old
ring pf brick which waa left hi
place. Ws Were Informed by the eon
tractor that thla waa done throughout
the entire length of the repair job.
The work done under plan "A" does
not comply with the specifications la
the following Instances
First From It per cent 'to it per
cent less mortar was used la brick
Second The brick work does not con
sist of throe rings throughout the
sewer. aa before mentioned several
points 'were inspected where bat one
brick laid flat and others where ona or
two bricks edgewise were found. The
brick work Is also quits rough In many
places and numerous projections and
deviations from the true lino of arch
were noticed.
Third The sewer Is not provided with
a stone bottom or foundation under the
arch for a total length of 70 feet, aad
la affect at these points Is merely a
poorly constructed brick arch over a
stretch of sewage running tat aa earthen
Fourth The teats Indies ta that the
proportions of cenieut to ssat ta the
mortar used Is 1 to 4. Instead of I to t.
Fifth Ths concrete Id far below the
quality called for In specifications, and
the samples taken out indicate bat a
trace of cement (See sample accoea
pesytng this report, whisk speaks far
First The paring blocks were laid
Hat Instead of edgewise, as called far
In specifications.
old revert of brick was
offerings before you purchase.
& Sons
saaB bbbbT
left In place and no Indications could
be found where concrete wss ussd ss a
foundstion for' paving blocks.
Third A very bad patch was made
at station tx40 near the manhole In
Multnomah field.
In regard to the specifications, we are
of the opinion that they are defective In
the following respects:
- First It la not sped Bed that ths Um
bers used In constructing tunnel shall
be removed end ths csv ity around the
sewer arch be ' compactly filled with
earth. Thla we consider quite a serious
Second It is not specified that the
debris shall be removed from the In
side of sewer.
Third Attention Is called to the am
biguity of the proportions of esment.
sand and broken stone under ths speci
fication for cement concrete The first
apeclftcatlona call for a "proportion of one
part sand to two parts broken stone, to
gether with sufficient cement to make
two thirds of a cubic yard (measured In
place) to each barrel of cement As a
barrel of cement contains approximately
4.11 cubic feet and aa there is 18 cubic
fsst in two thirds of a yard, this would
Indicate a proportion of approximately
one part cement, one part sand and two
parts broken stone. However, ss these
proportions are seldom used In this clsss
of work, ws assume that ths proportions
called for In printed specifications ac
companying planal wore used.
Regarding ths claim of 541 yards of
extra concrete used by contractor, we
could see no evidence of its having been
used, on the contrary. It Is obvious that
far lass concrete waa assd thsn called
for In specifications, aad attention la
called to the following paragraph on
page 1: Excavation made In excess of
the exact requirements shsll be filled
with concrete at ths expense of ths
contractor, unless such excavation la
ordered by the city engineer, when It
shall be paid for aa concrete.
Respectfully submitted,
(Signed.) J. It. ( TNNINOHAM.
It has been found that the currents
around the coast of Newfoundland make
at times a wide difference In the dlree-.
Uon of the drift of icebergs snd that of
the flat or pan ice. which, having no
great depth. Is governed in Its motions
by the surface currents snd ths winds
Ths icebergs, the lsrger part of which
are submerged to a great depth, follow
only the movement of the ocean water
aa a whole and are uninfluenced by the
wlnda Thus a hugs Iceberg may often
be seen majestically maintaining Its slow
advance In opposition to the wind aad
at I uss the general motion of the fields
of flat lee surrounding It. The sealers
often take advantage of thia fact by
mooring their vassals to an Iceberg to
prevent their ship drifting to leeward.
The movement of these great mountains
of Ire Is practically I
From the Chicago Tribune
The Man (middle aged, but well pre-
) I fear that what I in shout to
say stay take you by surprise, bat"
The Woman (same description) Mr.
Btnndare. when a widower haa called
three times on s widow, do you imagine
that anything he ta likely to any will
take her by surprise Bat go on. please.
We name a few pieces
Thla range we will reduce during tab) aale to 127. SO. It la
equal to any .T. ' range In the city ballt on lei seeing plana
cad ma da of hcarr planlabed steel
Large and handsome Leather Cnaehea. All
ttaae roach aa are eorered with genuine leather
rtll not crack or wear rough. Hare a neat eteal
prtnga and elegantly tufted. lairing thla le
wa will aall them SI fat cent cheaper than
Steamer Leona Goes on Run
Where There Is Businsscs
for Ons Craft.
Late yesterday afternoon the steamer
I-eonu wag sold by 'the Oregon City
I Tnuisportstlon company to Captain
Newt Graham. William Marshall and
Fred B rower, who will place the vessel
on the run between Portland aad points
on ths Lewis river In opposition to ths
1 steamer Mascot, operated by Jacob
i Kama It la the Intention of the new
owners to place the Leona In commia-
1 slon December 1. On the start shs will
land at ths Oak street dock In this city.
It is generally admitted by local
steamboat men that juat aa soon aa the
) Leona la placed on the run named a big
rate war will begin, gotas go aq lar
as to say that Jacob Kamm will Issue
orders .for ths Mascot to carry freight
and passengers for . nothing- Several
years ago, they explain, she had opposi
tion, but the rates were rut to srarh a
low figure that the now company did
not last long. In speaking of the matter
this morning Agent Harrison, who looks
sftsr the Interests of ths Mascot said:
"There will be 'something doing1 Just
as soon ss the opposition boat goes out
on her first trip. Everyone knows that
there la not a sufficient amount of busi
ness on the Mascot's run to justify an
additional boat. being placed on the same
route. A rate war will an rely follow,
and It will be a warm one aa long as It
F. A.
F. A. Ball in. the marine architect, la
spending his Thanksgiving by making
sn Inspection of the new slips which
are being built at the landings down
the river for the Lionel R. Webster, the
new I.wer AlMna ferryboat He In
tends to make sure that there will be no
scandal arising from a faulty construc
tion of the slips, aa haa base the case
with the Tanner creek sewer business
At sny rats he declares that It will be
no fault of his If anything should be
found wrong with the work Until the
landing places are made ready for her
the Webster will eootlnus to ply between
Vancrtuver Snd the penln. ,; i
Steamer Alliance Is expected to reach
Portland tonight frees Baa Francisco
snd way porta. T sals I day st noon aba
aatled from Coos bay. where she had
been bar hound for five days.
No work la being done la ths harbor
today with ths exception of on the
steamers Hsgsafla and Leagett and the
schooner Honolulu. They are being sun-
piled with cargo, their agents wanting
io give mam quick liana ten. Ths man
engaged st the work are being paid a!
i n rate of time and a half for taen
ia bar.
river gate at a higher stage
Get k
& Sons
All klnda and all atses,
11.25 to 20. We might
add . that our Healers are
made by the beat makera
In the country.
of the line will not run-to Corvallls, aa
had been intended. They will only go
as far as Corvallla. It Is ssld that the
steamer Oregona bad a vary difficult
time getting up to Corvallls yesterday.
Ths river fell at that point nearly two
Astoria. Nov. 14. Arrived at 7 a. nt,
steamer Alliance, from San Francisco.
Arrived down at 7 as m.. schooner
Outside st it s. m . four-masted top
sail schooner. e
Sailed at lt:4I, three-masted schooner.
Sstled at 1115, schooner Muriel, for
Ssn Psdro.
Condition of the bar s t t a. m . smooth
Wind east, weather cloudy.
Towing In st 11 noon, a four-masted
bark snd a four-masted si ho oner
Astoria. Nov. 11. Arrived In at 4 p.
m steamer Elmore, from TUtamook
Arrived at 4:15 p. m . schooner Web
foot, dismasted and waterlogged, while
en route from Coos bay to Sai
(Journal Special Service.)
Berlin. Nov. 14. That the
riots In Warsaw were more serious than
at first reported sad numbered among
their victims some of the most promi
nent residents of the city i shown by
advices which reached here today.
Dr. Frankenstein, an aged and widely
known physician, waa struck by a bullet
snd seriously wounded aa he entered hia
home from assisting ta earing for ths.
Dr. Krankenklea. a surgeon, was In
stantly killed by a shot and Bsroness
Hlrach waa shot and seriously wounded
while driving in a carriage past a group
of riot era which had collected on s
atreet earner.
The situation la still extremely peril
ous snd fraught with possibilities of
wholesale bloodshed. Morn rioting it
expected Sunday, when a local celebra
tion ta due which affords ample oppor
tunity for a dlaplay of discontent end
the collecting of malcontents.
The workmsa are said to have In their
possession revolvers, with which
they can do great execution in case ths
fighting becomes sn open warfare.
These have been secreted despite the ut
most efforts of the suthoritles Io dis
arm known disturbers.
One phase of the situation that makes
the work of suppression difficult is that
the prisons are already filled and can so
longer accommodate prisoners who ere
being brought in hourly. The police
BOW arrest man sad use this ss s pretext
for searching snd disarming them, after
which they era given warning net to
appear on the streets within certain
time limits snd sent l their
DeLong "I
Ing io pay J sail
I Long -