IL. PORTLAND. . WEDNESDAY EVKNINQ, NOVEMBER. t. THE SUN NEVER SETS UPON "THE FAIR-WAY" The . CHy" Style Shop T-v:ar . jLHncrcm Store EXPONENTS OP QUALITY IN MERCHANDISE QUALITY "A grace which no amount of artifice can ever hope to produce." Stedtnan. Store Qosed Thanksgiving m i i i w ii ALL DAY THANKSGIVING, OF COURSE ! Tis a Day Sacred to American Homes and Hearthstones. Let Us Tbank Divine Providence Tomorrow for "THE AMERICAN HOME" SEE THURSDAY EVENING AND FRIDAY MORN ING PAPERS FOR THE BIGGEST AND GRAND EST ARRAY OF MATCHLESS VALUE8 AT THIS STORE ON FRIDAY MARKING THE 82D GRAND "FRIDAY ECONOMY SALE" EVER PLANNED AND EXPLOITED BY ANY WESTERN HOUSE! WATCH FOR IT! WAIT FOR IT! PORTLAND'S GREATEST BARGAIN EVENT! AN OVERWHELMING FLOOD OF BARGAINS! AN ECONOMY EVENT WITHOUT PRECEDENT! Well Prove It! Wait! Watch Out! "SOMETHING DOING" FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AT THE "OLD HOMESTEAD STORE!" While the Store Is Closed Youll find among the city's attraction tomorrow: FOOTBALL, U. of O. vs. M. A. A. C Multnomah field, 2:30 p. m. rain or shine. Game for the championship of Pacific northwest. "Led Astray" At Columbia theatre, by the famous Columbia stock company. Edgar Baume and Cathrine Countiss in the leads. Matinee and evening. MARQUAM GRAND Haverly's famous minstrels. Matinee and evening. PORTLAND'S LARGEST FOREMOST STORE! kAsf(sMjull bbbbbbbbbbbW. mg&Z J Hay Thanksgiv ing Joys Abound The Thanksgiving spirit is abroad in the land. At no period in the history of our grand republic has a greater reason been manifest for the earnest observance of this distinctly American holiday than now. Today conditions warrant the statement that the American people and our nation have more to be thankful for than ever before. The United States is at peace with all nations abroad and in harmony at home; and while this is not unusual, it is worthy of note. The influence of the nation for universal peace, for social, educational, religious and industrial progress and betterment is more active than ever; and as a world power the United States has risen to a lead ership whose strength lies in justice and equity to every nation and individual. Back of all this is reposed the force that moves and directs and controls it all the AMERICAN PEOPLE. The quadrennial elections have passed in quiet saneness and the outlook for a continuance of prosperity was never quite so satisfying as now. Dif ferences between capital and labor in the main are in the way of peaceful settlement thro' modern arbitration. The horrors of war are started to pass away at The Hague and under the directing power of AMERICA'S "GRAND YOUNG MAN" THE PRESIDENT. Crops are abundant, employment is plenty ; surely there is great, grand reason for THANKSGIVING. And this, PORT LAND'S LARGEST, FOREMOST STORE joins in glad acclaim, for never has prosperity smiled as now, never has growth been so rapid and so healthful, never before has good storekeeping been so possible and so thorough. To our great public we extend earnest thanks today for the liberal support of the past; we pledge ourselves to strive end merit its continuance. And now "may good digestion wait on appetite and health on both" Here's to your family, and our great store family, and the whole great American family may prosperity ever follow us. JOLLY NEWS FROM Toyland and Dollville A mammoth village of Toys populated by the prettiest Dol lies you ever set your orbs on has just incorporated on the big Fourth Floor. The biggest doll and toy shops in Portland and more variety with greatest assortment than Portland ever knew before. The big, swift elevators take one up safely and quickly and return when you're ready. r TOYLAND OPENS ON FOURTH FLOOR DICKENS SAID: THE CHILD IS SMALL, AND ITS WORLD IS SMALL, and its rocking-horse stands as many hands high, according to scale, as a big-boned Irish hunter." v Well, here are the horses horses of high and low degree horses that will make their little owners prouder and happier than Cresceus makes Mr. Ketcham, his owner. And wagons real as any that Adams Express Co. runs; and stores real as Olds, Wortman ft King's, and doll houses, ohi such wonderful ones. Relative, as are ail things in this life houses of many rooms; smaller houses that work with the same sublime satisfaction to the little girl whose really truly home is as fairly represented. And, right here, let's get the snivel out of us. Happiness is confined to no money-bound radius. The sun shines equally bright into mansion and cottage. Barring conditions of actual lack of necessities, one family has in it, or should have, as much of the element of happiness as another. The learned man is not a point ahead in the race he knows only to know that he lacks much of knowing all. The rich man same fix, relatively. But every individual lives on a plane and must have its toys and pleasures on that plane, else they affect the mind and imagination in no way that helps. Don't covet; don't worry because some little girl will have a twenty-five dollar doll and yours a two-dollar one. Surroundings considered, the gift is equal not a whit more or leas pleasurable to one than the other. The plane doesn't make the man; it simply regulates his diet of food and other things. That's die thing to remember and to keep us all proud. But the Toys Toys for all Portland. We laid the plans for them months ago with the workers in the Thuringian forests of Germany. We send a man thousands of miles to buy them for Portland's little folk. You see, Germany leads the world in toy making first: Because Germany loves childhood best and knows best how to develop it. Second : Because it Is a very big and profitable business that fits the lives of the folks who follow it. Blessed the man who has found his work and Portland's Biggest and Best Toy and Doll Shop is Ready! Readier than ever bigger than ever, because we've pushed everyday goods farther back. We wUl sell at least $100,000 worth of Toys before Christmas. Buy while selections are ample; stocks fullest We'll pack up your purchase; name it and date it and it will reach home the very day you set for it. The bother ends when you buy and it's pleasant bother at its worst.