The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 22, 1904, Image 6

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City Engineer Elliott, Responsible to the People for the Manner
in Which Work Was Done, Seeks to Put Blame
on His Subordinates.
In One. Place, Where the Bottom Was Not Even Built in the
Sewer, the Defense Is That It Was Due
to an Oversight.
With the disclosure of the true atata
f affairs surrounding tha Tanner creek
ewer the shadow of scandal la deepen
ing and bids fair to envelop not only
Contractor Rlner and Inspector James
Cay wood, but City Engineer Klliott and
"l assistant, George Scoggln.
Every effort possible la being made to
save City Engineer Klliott.
Rumors are being freely circulated
. that the Republican leaders of this city
are using their utmost endeavors to
protect him and to shoulder tha blame
upon some other individual. City
' Englaeer Elliott in his report and In
tie testimony before the council eom
snlttee attempts to lay all the blame
upon Inspector Cay wood.
Ha says ha had tha greatest
confidence In hla Inspector, and
when told that tha contractor was
building a good aewer he believed
Ha excuses himself by saying that
he has so much work to look after that
It Is Impossible -to make more than a
caaual Inspection of any one place of
I work and that he haa to trust to the
competency and Integrity of his Inspec
tors that the work, la being properly
' pe 1 1 ot med .
On the other hand. Mr. Caywood says
that the blame should not rest on him
alone. In an Interview today he stated
that lie was under W. Uraden, another
member of the city engineers depart
ment, while doing the work. He stales
that Braden was frequently In the
sewer and went over the work.
According to Caywood, George Scog
glrut visited the sewer almost every
night during Its construction, and that
City Engineer Elliott was there very
frequently. If the city engineer at
tempted to lay the blame, on him he
vowa he will make a written statement
disclosing everything he knows about
the aewer. Besides the city engineer
stated to the executive board Uiat he
knew of hla own Knowledge the work
was all right.
Caywood's Side of It.
I Mr. Caywood States that he followed
Instructions In constructing the sewer,
and that frequently be turned man off
whom he found to be Incompetent.
At yesterday's session of the commit
tee the reports that a pool existed among
the contractors at the time the bids were
first askad waa substantiated by the tes
timony of M. Relnsteln and E. W. Rlner,
formerly partners, known under tha firm
name of the Independent Construction
company." Both witnesses admitted
there was a pool. The sum of 3,000
wss to be set aside by Mr. Relnsteln.
who financed the company, to be divided
"I will state that at various times
when complaint, waa made to me by the
Inspector in charge that workmen ware
7 nertormed alighting and neglecting to properly per
tmr it.. .,, ur f.xmnA v. form the work. I instructed him to dla
l .1... i.i charge anyone on the work who was
alone. In an interview today he ststed ulitV " "y time of doln" anything
that was not up to tha requirements of
the specifications
"I desire further to state that In no
class of work does responsibility for ob
taining results rest more on the In
spector In charge than In the construe
Uon of sewers as In this caae.
"Work once done may be Inspected
only by outward appearances, except the
work be torn up again for the purpose.
Mr. Elliott explains in detail the de
fects ahown in the report of the rx
perts. He states that every time he
visited the sewer, the work done and
the material uaed were In accordance
with the' plans and specifications. Ha
said, however, that casual Inspection
could determine nothing at variance
with the requirements. Defects which
may have existed were not apparent.
"Assurance was always given me," he
continued, "by the Inspector fn charge
that the work waa being performed on
all parte of the sewer satisfactorily and
strictly in accordance with the plans
and specifications.
'Owing to tha nature of the work
only that portion would be Inspected on
my visits where the work was progress-
ins;, reliance being- placed on the In
spector In charge that those portions
which were unable to be aeen were
being properly done.
among other contractors 1n the Poof t . v.l9cm -rwora. me
The tool wss broken at the time the PTCJ". 1, Z. T , unl OI
ki. i. -.. .f - mh. what f deemed his especial fitness, he
are circulated freely today. It la known
that leadera of the Republican forces In
thla city are exerting every effort In hla
behalf. Just what influence he will
have over the committee Is a question.
It is not known on whom tha committee
will fasten the responsibility.
While the testimony of the witnesses
Is very damaging to Contractor Rlnec
gnd Inspector Caywood, It Is equally
damaging to City Engineer Elliott and
to his chief assistant, George Seogglna.
The committee la making out Ita report
today, and tomorrow afternoon will
submit it to the city council at a special
In his report and also in hla testi
mony before the council committee City
Engineer Elliott attempted to fasten the
enure blame upon Inspector Caywood.
He aaya that he haa had ao much work
on hand that It haa been impossible for
him to attend personally to tha Inspec
tion, other than to occasionally visit tha
work and then he could see nothing
wrong. In hla report he saya:
bids were all rejected and new bids
asked by the city executive board.
Relnsteln was to get two thirds of the
profits of the building of the aawer be
cause he financed the company and put
up the money for the Tool. Each of the
; contractors In the pool were to receive
certain suras of money. R. M. Rlner,
the father of E. W. Rlner, broke the
' pool by a lower bid Later ha took his
son. E. W. Rlner. In with him on the
I contract. i
I from the report of the committee of
experts and from the testimony of the
witnesses brought before the council
committee It seems clearly apparent
. that the contractors Intended to defraud
the property owners, and that they were
allowed to do an Inferior piece of work
on the big drain under the very eyes
, of the city engineer's department.
Rumors which were current yesterday
'that political Influence In being brought
to bear to shield City Engineer Elliott
"All roads lend to
Fame," said Golden
Gate, "but I shall meet
queer people aa I ao.
"Not everyone cares
for hih-rade coffee,
some prefer the cheap,
rank kinds. Seme
dealers prefer to hsndle
bulk goods Instead of
coffee packed In aroma
tight tins.
"I'm uniform In quality ;
I was aged In my native
country, I'm smooth
drinking Hch-aromsticf
I'm full weight (honest).
With all this in my fsvor
I cannot fall to please.
Tm old on merit,
merit will win!!
WslMa, d with GOLDEN OATS
COrrEf aetlelacliea. No
I aad S Ik. areaaa.ligal Haa.
Nevee 14 ia balk, i
J. A. Foltfer (XL Co. Half a Cealary
an rrancltc
being a brick and stone mason, the only
one on the civil service list experienced
in the construction of brick and stone
"Having been led to believe by the as
surance of the Inspector that the work
was properly' done and apparently ao at
all times when I visited the aame. and
that the rumors of poor construction
were unfounded, J requested that an
Investigation of the work be made by
the council.
Took tha Inspector's Word.
In his testimony before the commit
tee, Mr. Klliott stated that he visited
the sewer occasionally, and that appar
ently everything was properly done. Ha
took Inspector Caywood's word when the
latter stated that ha waa holding the
contractors strictly to the plana and
speclficatlona. He aald he had implicit
faith and confidence In Caywood, and
took his word for everything.
"If the report of the committee of ex
perta Is found to be correct," queried
W. B. Ayer, "do you consider that the
sewer waa properly constructed"'
Mr. Elliott No sir. If those things
exist, I -think! they should be remedied
before acceptance of the aawer.
Mr. Ayer Do you think tha city's In
terests are properly safeguarded by ac
cepting a Job having the defects claimed
Mr. Elliott No. air; I never would
have accepted the Job If I had known
those things existed.
To a question asked by I J. Gold
smith If he had to accept the report of
the Inspector that la furnished htm by
the civil service commission, be refused
to' anawer.
George Seogglna, the assistant city
engineer, testified that tha contractora
kept their men at work during the
entire 24 hours of each day while the
construction, of the sewer waa going
on. Although the Inspector waa not
there all the time, he waa expected to
be on hand whenever the workmen were
laying brick. Ha said tbey laid the
brick whenever they were ready for it.
In regard to the criticism that his
speclficatlona were atuffed, he said thla
waa impossible, aa there was no oppor
tunity of atufflng them.
Caywood's Damaging
James Caywood, the Inspector, was the
chief witness before tha council com
mittee. His testimony waa exceedingly
damaging, not only to himself, but to
the entire engineering department. He
confessed that he did not know how
many barrels of cement were used In
the work. He never counted them, but
he could state approximately. He stated
that lie gave Instructions to the work
men now to mix the cement, but he
wss not certain that they had done that
way properly. He aald he could not be
there all the time, but that he averaged
about It lioors a day. The remain In
14 hours" work waa carried on without
an inspector. To a question as to what
he thought of tbe durability of the
sewer, he stated:
"Gentlemen, I think tbe aawer la as
well constructed as any aewer, so far
as the brick laying la concerned, and
I have been on several sewers. I think
the sewer will stand. At Alder street
where thla bottom la left out, I will
take the responsibility of saying that It
waa an oversight It was overlooked."
When shown a sample of the concrete
which was taken from the sewer he
admitted that It was not good. Hs aald
he could net see why the bricks were
loose: he had discharged two or three
men for laying brick improperly.
He did not know that tha contractors
had followed his Instructions regarding
the Invert to the old aawer. which waa
left In place. Stone and concrete were
to have been placed under the arch
walla according to hla Inatructlona, and
when told that no concrete had been
placed there he stated that he had given
ordera to that effect, but he did ae
Our Thanksgiving Offering
will give numbered coupon. AT 8:80 P. M. SATURDAY EVE.
those interested will meet at our store and select a plan of drawing
the lucky number (duplicate number) ; the hicky holder can have with
out a single reserve
In Our Large Stock Absolutely Free !
On account of a majority of our patron being unable to get here
Wednesday afternoon at 4 p. m., and many others who wanted to buy
but could not attend the drawing for the suit of clothes until Friday
or Saturday, we shave decided to extend the contest until
SATURDAY, NOV. 26, 8.30 P. M.
Our patrons holding coupons for the drawing will please take notice.
A coupon with any 60c purchase until 8:30 p. m. Saturday.
... - . - . I . 1
A late season and the fact that we are
anxious to make a change January , 1905,
causes us to get generous as the Thanksgiving approaches, and Instead of the
ax falling on Mr. Turkey, it falls on PRICES here and in many Instances are CUT
HALF IIS TWO. We are slaughtering our $30,000 stock of Clothing, Shoes,
Furnishings, etc. New goods arriving daily that we are slashing prices on.
If yes wfll vhrit ear itare aad bay hi
worth of eraaaasiae we will par year
ear far eaeerfaUy. will any ether arm
de the auael If the valaea aad aaallty
are art bare wkaa yea leak, eea't bay.
ain't that fair I If they are, aad yea ae,
yea eave you ear faro.
All Cars Stop Within Ten Steps of Our Door. Transfers to All Parts of die City..
Wa pay partleular etteatlm t mall ordon
ass wfll rally gu aay esse, from tala
steak, aa aawertlaea. Write aa aad we'll
how you what gnat ear aad attention la
paid to thi ataartmaat, Wo do a whale-
waat to rtalaalaa their took should eeae ia
we aaa offer.
know whether they were carried out.
"What do you think of the report r
questioned Mr. Blgier. "If that report
s true do you think tnat mis is a gooo
aewer, and one the city ought to accept
and pay for. '
hlr. Caywood. "lea, I ao. 1 ao not
know why they should not. These peo
rle aay It la poorly done. I can go to
ny sewer In this town ana una mikw
Mr. Blklen "I thought you. were
working for the city, and not for the
Mr. Caywood. "I waa working for tne
city, yes. You asked me K i tnougm
that aewer ought to do pare ior, ana j.
""vt'ailor. "In the face of all these
defects, which you have psrtly acknowl-
dged exist? You nave not oemw
air. Caywood. ' Yes, i am going 10
gay these" people are oiaaea m ...
of the city. I suppose I wa Inter
viewed 60 times while on the sewer,
mostly by people asking whether' the
city was going to pay for It. and I told
them I didn't know what the council
wss going to do about It"
Mr. Slgler. "Well, on your etatetnent.
Mr. Caywood. you would be willing to
accept a Job of work after It waa fin
ished, and a report of thla kind bad
been made upon It?"
Mr. Caywood. "Yea, I think I would.
B. W. Rlner. Interested with Ms
father. H. M. Rlner, In the contract,
teatlfled regarding tha work and at
tempted to throw tha blame of the poor
work on the drain upon hla enemies.
He stated that threats had been made
that he would have trouble before the
work waa completed. He affirmed that
he bad been "jobbed." He aald that
he waa willing to go Into tha sewer
with any fair engineer appointed by the
council and repair tha defects. Many
of the dafeota pointed out by the experts
were not there, and tha absence of the
block pavementa at the Alder Street
manholi waa almply an oversight.
a For awhile thla morning ft d
4 looked aa If there would be a
d break In the prlcta on turkeya.
4 but the market steadied and noth
d lng under 25 cents is being aaked
d for good birds at the retail mar-
a gets.
a gome "culls" oontlnue to be
sold for 22 and 22H cents.
a The receipts today, were very
d Aa matters now stand, the mar-
d ket haa about equal cfianch" nf
going up or down. Tomorrow!
mornlng'a receipts will tell the
tal (
Evidently fearing the consequences of
supplying hla 14-year-old son with
liquor. Al Hlnda ia aald to have'ltldden
himself, ao far the polios have been
unable to locate him.
For this reason Police Judge Hogue
postponed tha trial of Charles Malar, the
saloonkeeper charged with selling beer
to the boy, until Friday. Mater gave
bonds yesterday.
j "I waa hunting on Sunday, and waa
not near the saloon at all." aald Maler.
"I underatand the beer waa sold to the
boy by the barkeeper. I have discharged
the man and will never give htm employ
ment again."
While tha authorities are convinced
that Mater is telling the truth, they aay
that as beer waa sold by his agent he is
responsible as tha owner of tha saloon.
William Morgan and George Bowan.
who started out one night a month ago
to engage In the hold-up business, but
made a mistake and tackled Officer Tom
Taylor, were sentenced to a term of
nine months each In tha county jail by
Judge Cleland thla morning. Their
trial before a jury laat week resulted In
a verdict of simple assault. Tha court.
In passing sentence, aald tha crime In
tended waa very aerloua and gave the
heavy semence, the maximum being one
year in JalL
Nineteen applicants for positions aa
deputy auditors and clarka appeared for
competitive examination before the
civil service commission today. The re
sult of tha examination will not be made
known for several days. Seven subjects
were included In the examination. The
first subject waa 20 words of more than
average difficulty to spell. Tha next
was addition lengthwise and crosswise
decimals and common fractions, per
centage and tha statement of simple ac
counts. ' Latter-writing, copying and
other subjects ware Included.
Another Chinese lottery San was
raided laat night by Deputy Sheriff Hol
llngs worth and four Chinamen war
caught They wore arrested and brought
to the county Jail, where thla morning
they were placed under 1,000 bonds.
The building entered was at the corner
of Second and Alder streets. When the
deputy sheriff pushed his way Into tha
room, after traveling a long, dark hall
way, he found Lea Foo. .Chan Ton. All
See and Ah Joa busily engaged In
drawing tha little paper balla from tha
big vesael, which they Immediately
dropped and attempted to escape. AH
the paraphernalia, was captured, even
the drawn tlcketa scattered on tbe floor.
Charles Miller, who left Philadelphia
several daya ago to make hla home in
Portland, arrived hare thla morning In
an Insane condition and after being
taken to tha eherlffs office, where he
waa examined by Dr. H. Wilson, he was
sent to the Mount Tabor sanitarium.
Ha la accompanied by his wife, who aaya
that during tha trip her husband became
nervous and alctc They are well-to-do
people, and evidently have plenty of
money to pay expenses. Ha la a
mechanic by trade.
Astoria, Nov. 22. Sailed at 12:20 p. m.
Steamer Northland, steamer Asuncion,
schooner Joaeph Russ, schooner Hal
ey 9', for San Francisco; barkenttne
George C. Perkins, for San Pedro.
Two daring thieves entered tha home
of J. Todd, at Ml Bast Eighth street,
at t o'clock yesterday afternoon. They
were seen by a neighbor, according to
tha report of Patrolman White, who
knocked on tbe door and frightened them
away before they had time enough to do
more than break open two children's
banks and secure small amounts.
Tha thiavaa first rang the front door
bell, and receiving no reply want to Ota
rear door and knocked There being no
response, they entered tha house. No
member of the family was at home. When
tha neighbor knocked thsy bounded
down a stairway and ran out the rear
door In tha direction of MUwaukle
etreet. Detective Snow and Kerrigan
are investigating the affair.
David Kunz, the Troutdale farmer
who waa struck by an O. R. N. train
yesterday morning, about two miles out
of town, died at St. Vincent's hospital
yesterday afternoon as tha result of hla
Injuries. Death waa directly due to a
clot of blood forming at the baae of
the dkull, which waa fractured Hla
wife waa with him when he died, and
I left to support four little children.
Kunz was one of the best known farm
ers in tha region of Troutdale.
wo rare bttatuabt
Oskar Huber, director of works of the
Lewis and Clark exposition, left laat
evening for St. Loula In response to a
telegram from President Goode. The
object of the trip Is to obtain statuary
and other features for tha 105 fair, and
Mr. Huber will remain on tha ground
until tha present expoeltlon la closed, se
lecting what Is most needed for the local
show. During his absence W. B. Scott
will be acting director of works.
(Continued from Page One.)
lection of a jury and all preliminary
proceedings In the caae until It cum
to the cross examination of tha de
fendant. Eugene Blaaler, when District
Attorney Manning took charge, with the
result that there waa a rupture between
tha two attorneys on tha side of tha
prosecution. Manning had announced
the conclusion of tha cross examination,
when McGinn aaked If he might b
allowed to ask a question or two.
"No, you can't," aald Manning, nhe
croaa examination haa closed."
McGinn than appealed to the court
for permission to ask the questions, but
the court ruled that tha district attor
ney bad charge of the case. a
"Then you ask htm," said McGinn,
turning to Manning, "whether ha owns
the Parts house."
'No. I don't want to," aald Manning.
"Ask him If ha sold that at the Barns'
time ha aold hla gambling business, '
aald McGinn.
"Will yon please leave tha room until
I have conoluded thla case?" yelled Man
ning to McGinn, and tha latter aald be
Immediately upon tha reconvening of
tha court thla afternoon tha case of the
state vs. Gus Krlckson was called. This
is tha laat of tha gambling case sched
uled for thla term ana will probably be
concluded tomorrow.
(Special Dispatch to Tta Journal )
Seattle. Wash., Nov. 22 The finance
committee of the city council, which for
tne past week ha been considering the
tax levy for tha coming year, la face
to face with 17 mills, an Increase of IS
mills over the present rata.
A Ouaranteed Oar for VUea.
Tear drvggist will rofa
Itehiag, blind, bleeding or pretndlag ptleo.
r oruggiit win rorona mono ir I'uo Oiut
t fall to cor yoa In 8 to 14 day. 8or.
Yes, They're Here
Come in and look them over
if you find anything that suits
you we can make the price and
terms so that they will appeal
to you. Aside from the large
shipments of new pianos just re
ceived, we have several special
bargains in used instruments. It
will pay you to investigate, as
the opportunity may not come
Prices from $90 up.
Terms Most any way to suit.
Soulc Bros. Piano Co.
Steinway and other pianos.
fiifitiifini rmii ii imi i ininniiTf rm r imn 11 lit t iHmm unii r i iiht
' 1 ! T ,