The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 22, 1904, Image 5

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    Marqnam Oraad "ldS"
KaaXhla. "tod aZSX"
Oraad .'. Vamtorfll
tar YnrinUU
P vaadevlli
yrjto ViihKtIIIc
BUM Vadrlll
Twelve members of company H. Third
Infantry. Oregon National Guard, were
fined, and , II others ware cenaurad at
laat evening's meeting at the Armory
The culprits wer guilty of falling to be
present at military drills. Major Mc
Donnell Imposed Unas of II each upon
Corporals Chatterton and Clark and
Private Coulter; 11 each upon Private
May and Kurrner, and Sergeants Thomp
son and Oaer; 11 each upon Privates
Krumpp, Mansfield, Peterson. Hick
thler and Duncan. Seven daya are al
lowed in which the culprits may appeal,
and they have 10 days in which to pay
the fines. Under the laws of the state
they can be Imprisoned in the county
Jail and aerve out fines at the rata of V
Pr day.
Generously disposed persons have re
membered the newsboys of Portland for
Thanksgiving day. and a dinner will be
served to the lads at 1 o'clock Thursday
afternoon at 111 Sixth street. The
average newsboy is a chivalrous soul.
and worthy df the attention bestowed
upon him. The boy are quick to note
the misfortunes of others. They ordered
a very splendid bouquet which the
florist this afternoon delivered to Miss
Edith Anarus at Good Samaritan hospital.
on the occasion of the benefit given for
her at the Columbia theatre. They
asked William Bernard to assist in the
presentation ceremonial ana ne agreea
to present the flowers and read the let
ter accompanying them.
Amelia Kilner vs. George Kllner. a
auit or divorce, which waa set for trial
this morning in the circuit court, has
been continued, as defendant, expecting
to prove a cross-petition in which he
asks for divorce, ak for more time.
The plaintiff alleges desertion. Kllner
replied and aaka for divorce on the
grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment,
alleging that his wife attempted to pol
Mn him. They wer married In July.
IMS. The defendant was head of the
Kllner Iron Work, which faUed in 100,
and allegea that his wife since that time
has deVerted him.
Every day is excursion day on the
steamer Charles R. Spencer, leaving
Portland Monday, Wednesday and Fri
day for The Dalles and way landings,
returning on alternate days. It passes
through the grandest scenery of the
world. Passengers for Portland should
change from the railroad to the Spencer
at The Dalles, and com down to the
it y hv the famoua river rout. Tel.
Main SMO.
Good Pianos for Good Money. I don't
mean by thla. that I charge more for
a good piano than other deal era. On
the contrary, I am well satisfied with
hslf the profit others make, but I do not
wish to convey the idea that you will
get something for nothing, or that you
rotild buy for cost or below coat. Such
a thing doea not' exist in the business
world. August W. Meyer, 74 Sixth St.
The Volunteers of America have
pleted the .furnishing of the new hall at
27 Ankeny, between Third and Fourth
streets, and will have a formal opening
of the place on Saturday evening. The
location la a great Improvement Over
that of the old hall at Second and Flan
The City a Suburban Railway com
pany haa filed its answer to the amend
ed complaint or John C. Allen, in an ac
tion for damages, denying the allega
tions that plaintiff was careful, and
raying that he was rolling a cigarette
at the time the accident occurred.
Don't forget that tb Empire theatre
opena with "Crimes' Cellar Door. be
ginning with Thursdays matinee, No
vember H, with James B. Mackle, last
year the feature with the "Devil's Auc
tion." If you can't laugh, don't come.
Prices in. it, 10 and 60 cents.
All the retail grocery stores In th
rlty Will b closed Thanksgiving day.
This was decided upon last night at a
meeting of th Retail Grocer' associa
tion, which met In the office of Assistant
Secretary ft A. Bell. 711 Chamber of
Commerce building.
Steamship "Alliance" sails from Couch
street dork for points on Coos bay and
Eureka, Saturday evening, November
is. and every ten day thereafter, carry
ing freight, passengers and Wells-Fsrgo
express. r. r. tsaumgartner, agent.
Telephone Main Ml.
Charles Meehan. charged with holding
up a saloon in Alblna a couple of weeks
ago, this morning pleaded not guilty to
the charge, and his trial waa set for De
ember II. Meehan was arrested In
rompanr with Jmea Nelson, who turned
state's evidence.
Plsns have been prepared and eon
tracts let by I. Lowragart for the erec
tion of a three-story warehouse at
Tenth and Gllsan trt. Th build
Ina will be situated on the northeast
corner, and will cost 140,00.
There will be an entertainment and
of fancy articles, candy, etc.. at
the rooms of the T. W. C. A.. Sixth and
Oak on Wednesday evening. October II.
to which all are Invited. A good pro
gram. '
Ruth Osborne, charged with shooting
John Thlm. will be trica as soon as tne
Jury Is recalled for December. W. T.
Vaughn, her attorney, said the defend
ant was anxious for a speedy trial.
The new building erected by tb
Weinhard estate at the corner of Pine
and Fifth Streets IB nianj unwura. u
is snnouncedhat the place will be ready
for tenants by uecemDw .
There will be a salo of mincemeat.
i,vip. and fruit cake on Wednesday
Unitarian church. Annual
church baaaar on December I and I.
Th.nkHlvina Dinner An elaborate
m.n.. will b served at the Calu
tis Seventh near Morrison. 4:10 to
I p. m., t the regular price of SO cent.
Wa-Hoo Tonic The grat blood purl
416 Oekum Building.
ThirtMn Fes in Less Than
Thrtry-Sx Hours, 8ay Sail
ors Who Saw It.
Log Booms Burst Moorings and
Quantities of Shingle
Bolts Sweep to Sea.
From Saturday morning until Satur
day evening the Cow lit river roe II
feet. It quickly spread out over the
banks and carried many log booms away
from their moorings. They were swept
down stream and into the Columbia, and
many of the big timbers will be lost. It
la believed, however, that a big portion
of them will be caught In the booms
which Bad been built at the mouth of the
Cowlits for lust auch an emergency.
Great quantities of shingle-bolts wer
also picked up and carried away on the
strong currant, and it la thought that
many of them by thla time are far out
at sea. The steamer northwest. Captain
Delude, .which waa at Castle Rock, situ
ated on the Cowllta river, at the time of
the flood, reports that when the stream
waa raging at Its highest point' the
floating shingle-bolts covered an area of
fully two acres. Log cam Jamming
down against them, and the entire outfit
want drifting down to tb Columbia.
Several tow boats were dlapatched to the
scene, and they are now engaged in the
work of trying to save them. Even It
the majority of the timbers should be
caught, there will be a big expense on
the owner, aa the timbers will all have
to be towed up stream to the point from
which tbey escaped.
The officers of the Northwest report
that while they were coming down the
CowUtx yesterday they ran Into one of
the worst wind storms they ever expe
rienced. The steamer, struck by a par
ticularly heavy squall, almost went over,
but she' soon righted. Everything In the
cabin waa thrown topsy-turvy, and lor
few minutea it waa feared that tne
entire upper works of the boat would be
picked up and carried away. She rolled
and tossed, but finally paased through
the gale aa sound as whan the mow tint
Soon after the rain began to rail tne
river began to rise at the rate of seven
and eight lnchea an hour. It continued
to come UD until it had reacnea a qepiu
of II feet above the mark at which It
stood previous to the storm.
But Bff orts Will Be Made for
provement Just th
Maj W. C Langntt says that he will
shortly order the government dredge
Chinook taken out of commission for
th winter. During th peat month It
haa been impossible for her to do any
work to speak of. on account or tne
stormy weather. It ta stated that she
ventured out on the bar but three times
up to the present day in November, and
It Is believed tnat 11 will oe xoo roun
for her to attempt to do any dredging
thla season. To save expenses many of
her crew wUl be paid off and the veaael
tied ud.
In the meantime It is probable that
some extensive repair work will be done
to the Chinook. Plana for th work and
Its approximate cost have been for
warded to the department at Washing
ton, and blda for making the alterations
will probably be asked for very shortly.
The matter of having the vessel con
verted Into an oil-burner Is also under
While Major Langfltt do not car to
make a statement as to ths showing that
th Chinook haa made during the past
season at the bar. It is Inferred from his
remarks that she wiU be kept at th
mouth of the river for another season,
at least. He declares that an extension
of the Jetty will prove a solution to th
bar problem, but at the same time he
says that the dredge can be made to be
of good service down there. Just
whether ahe has accomplished any re
sults during the past season he will not
positively assert. But it Is the opinion
of many others who have inquired Into
the situation that the dredge baa done
some very effective work.
G. B. Hegardt. the United States engl
neer who has direct charge of tb Iro
nrnvement work at the mouth of the
rrver. wilt epend the next few day In
Portland. Ha Is conferring with Major
Langfltt and drawing up specifications
for the proposed Improvements of next
year. This matter la oeing attenaea to
now, it is explained, for the reason that
fler, nerve tonic and liver regulator.
Just what you need piese daya. For
sale by all druggists.
Homemade plea, cakes, bread, plum
pudding, home dressed turkey, at 110
Alder street, by Ladles of First Christian
church, tomorrow.
That tired out feeling and general
lack of tone call out unmistakably for
C. C. C Toole. For sale at Knights'.
307 Washington.
We clean and press your clothes and
shine your shoe for 11.00 per month.
Unique tailoring Co- 147 Waahlngton.
Main 114.
I. D. Boyer. the popular gentlemen's
and ladles' tailor, removed to room 107
Fenton bldg. New. first-class cutter.
Arbutus circle's dance, Arlon hall.
Thanksgiving night. Everest's orchestra.
Ticket lie. Elegant door prise.
The law offices of Bronaugh Bro
nsugh have been moved to th Fenton
building, rooms 403-7.
Chew Den-Tal-Oum. have pearly teeth
and prevent decay. For sals every
Free dispensary for worthy poor, Tue.
Thurs.. Bat.. 1 p. m. St. Vincent's Hoe p.
0. Hofer of th Salem Journal 1 at
the Perkins.
A. A. Jayne la here from Hood River.
Tom R. Wilson, of the penitentiary
staff at Salem, la amofig the Perkins' ar
George Moore, of Baker City, I In
town on business.
William Nicker Ley. president of the
Magnetic Berry oC., of Toledo, Ohio, Is
making a brief visit to Portland. Mr.
Ley will tour the coast before starting
Edward Kelly of Seattle I a guest
at the Portland.
Idella 8 trad bury of Drain, Or., la at
the Imperial.
C. B. Welch and George H. Foattr
of Baker City are In town.
Senator W. Kuyktndall of Eugene la
t th Imperial.
Senator E. H. Crolaan of Salem la In
tb city. .
Ifa oa Tulsa li w Soatre
Sad of a khjamato.
Believing him to be bordering on in
sanity and a dangerous man to have on
the vessel, the usewnsi of the crew
are endeavoring to gat rid of on of the
sailors on board the French ship Jules
Qommes. now in the harbor. Teaterday
afternoon they sailed in a body at the
custom-house to see what steps could be
taken to get their hapless mate ashore.
They wen Informed that their wishes
cannot be complied with unices provision
Is made to send the sailor to France, aa
it la very probable that he would soon
become a public charge If permitted to
remain her.
The statement Is mad by the crew
that the unfortunate man appears to be
all right at time, but frequently he be
comes irrational When not expecting it
tbey fear that he will commit some
grievous offense. For the paat two
months he has steadily and absolutely
refused to perform any work that has
been assigned him.
A physician was aent to the ship yes
terday to Inquire into his condition, and
he reported that there is nothing of a
serious nature wrong with the Bailor. It
Is believed by the officers that the fel
low la "faking" illness in order to gala
his liberty and enjoy the blessings of
shore life. In the meantime he la alt
ting around the ship and staring into
space, taking not the least notice of
things about him. Frequently he be
come violent and it requires several
men to hold him.
Preparations are being made- by the
management of the Seamen' Institute to
celebrate Thanksgiving day on an
elaborate scale. One of the features
will be a boat race, which will be pulled
off in the afternoon. Sailors from all
the ships in the harbor have been in
vited to participate in the race, which
will be two miles In width, the finishing
point at the steel bridge. At 7 o'clock
In the evening a dinner will be served
t the Institute. Plata will be laid for
120- guests, which will represent about
all the visiting seamen in port. The
dinner will be under the direction of
Mrs. 8. St Martin.
After making alx landings the steamer
Dalles City reached The Dales yesterday
afternoon at 1:10 o'clock, leaving Port
land at 7 In the morning. Aa It is
usually o'clock when the ateamers
from Portland reach the town above the
locks, the trip yesterday is looked upon
as being almost a record-breaker.
Having on board 710,000 feet of lum
ber the schooner Robert Searles left
down this morning for the mouth of the
river. She la bound for' San Francisco.
Lighthouse tender Heather, Captain
Gregory, reached the harbor this morn
ing from the mouth of the river. On the
return trip she will do some work of re
arranging the post llghta in the river.
Since her laat visit here the Heather has
been in Alaskan water. .
Astoria, Nov. f2. Arrived at 7 a. m.
and left up at 10 a. ra. Steamer Francis
n. veggeu irom nan Franciaco. Out
side at I a. m. Steamer Redondo from
San Francisco. Condition of the bar at
s a. m. rough; wind east, weather
Astoria, Nov. II. Steamer F. A. Kfl
burn arrived at 10:10 and left up at 11
o'clock. Steamers ' Deanatch and Aber '
deen aailed at 11:10 o'clock.
Should all th reports that are clreu
latlng along th waterfront prove cor
rect there will soon be a dally steam
boat service maintained between Port
land and the town on Coo bay. The
latest rumor Is that the steam schooner
Newport will be placed on that route.
She Is a email craft, owned by W. S.
Bcammel of Ban Francisco. She has
space for the accommodation of-40 pas
sengers, and will carry about 100 tons
of freight. Mr. Scsmmel operated the
Ill-fated South Portland between this
port and th bay city last winter. While
off the Oregon coast ahe went down In a
storm. The captain, a number of the
crew and three passengers were saved
Oregon. Camera Club Shows
Some Wonderfully Fine Photo
graphs at Tenth Exhibition.
The tenth annual print exhibition by
the Oregon Camera club. In ita rooms
in the Macleay building, la th most
satisfactory exhibit In th club's his
tory. Th average of artistic work Is
higher, and there are more fine Indi
vidual pictures than ever before, aa
well as sn Improvement In taste shown
in the selections.
The Holmes marine trophy waa won
by George F. Holman with a splendid
photograph, "After the Storm," taken
on the Pacific. Mr. Holman's "Wounded
Monarch." a picture of a cougar with
broken back, struggling to rise and
attack the hunter, is a remarkable
piece of work.
Hugo B. Goldsmith has caught the
humor of Chinatown in a picture of a
row of Chinese children sitting on u
door step. Martin B. Wlnch'a "Corri
dor of Mission San Juan Caprlstrano
la a beautiful scene. Others who have
praiseworthy picturea on exhibition are
H. Claussenlus, Jr., O. M. Ash. Henry
Berger. L. C. Henrichsen, C H. Hogg.
Elisabeth Hutsby. W. Kenneth MeKen
kle, J. P. Flannagen. Paul Wesnlnger.
George B. Shepherd and Harry O. Smith.
The laat named won the Judd cup, and
Henry Berger waa awarded the Gavin
cup. H. J. Thorne'a picture of two
horses and a colt taking their noonday
rest and luncheon at the side of a farm
wagon, won for him the Smith cup.
The exhibit la 'open to tne public
afternoons and evening every day to
November 24. Inclusive.
A complete and exhaustive denial of
every material allegation of the. plain
tiff's depositions Is made by the Sefcnd-
snt in the case of Mary Ann O Hara vs.
Jams o'Hara. In a counter affidavit
filed thla morning, i Mrs. O'Hare, on
September It, secured a decree of di
vorce, and the ex-husband haa brought
suit to have it annulled, as he waa not
properly notified of the proceedings and
knew nothing of tne ault until after
the divorce had been granted. He de-
nle that he ever threatened to kill her.
refused her food, ateai the minor child.
shoot her. or do any of the many thing
alleged In her complaint.
Wish a asjlsg' 0 antes and Sinner.
Senator Fulton's Effort to Cen
ter on Improvements for
Rivers and Harbors.
Tillamook, Coos Bay, Oregon
City and Other Points
Will Be Benefited.
Senator C. W. Fulton, accompanied
by his wife and son and secretary, will
leave for Washington tonight to be pres
ent at the opening of congress the first
Monday In December. Speaking today
of the probable legislation affecting Ore
gon, th senator said:
"Our effort at this session WUl be
centered upon appropriations for th im
provement of our rivers and harbor.
We are anxloua to obtain the full amount
necessary to complete the Columbia river
bar project, for by doing so at thla ses
sion It can be finished next year. We
want also to get an appropriation for
open-river work; another important
thing la the improvement of the harbors
at Tillamook and Coos Bay, -although In
th latter cose we scarcely hop Cor
mora than th passage of a bill order
ing the secretary of war to make sur
veys for increasing the depth of the
"The Improvement of this harbor
would mean the construction of a rail
road to that country, which would bring
the trade up her instead of sending It
to San Francisco.
"We will make every effort to se
cure the appropriation of 135.000 al
ready recommended for the improvement
of th west bank of th Willamette at
Salem, where the river Is inclined to
leave Its present channel. I shall do
what I can to further the movement for
the government to acquire the locks at
Oregon City. This can be done without
injury to tb people who employ th
water-power there. I am sura,
"Of course, a great many new matters
will arise and perhaps be disposed of
during the session, but those I have
mentioned seem to me to be th moat
The senator and his family wlU take
their Thanksgiving dinner on the train,
having no Intention of interrupting their
Journey for any purpose.
Victor Zeggilo, Imperial commissioner
to the Lewis and Clark fair from Italy,
sailed from New York a few days ago
for his native land. There he will make
his report on the northwest enterprise.
which will be favorable, and enlist the
attention of some of the largest exhibit
or in Italy.
Engagement Rings
You'll find upon investiga
tion that our line- of rings
is far, far ahead of the ordi
nary display. It contains all
the latest mountings and
styles. "Shell" be glad to
know "i. came from
Wright's." Moderate prices,
of course.
Memorial Exercises
the kUnrheater Martyrs, asd
the Famoua Irish Patriot.
At the Empire Theatre
Wednesday Xseolag. Inilll
rnder the aselees of the t'nlted Irish Leagae
ad the Portland Gaelic League of Portland
Proceeds from these exerrtae will be added to
tne Mom Kni- rase now being collected
la the I nlted Bates.
Vocal olo "Th Manchester Martyrs
... . Adrian Epplnf
iniroaucior, rpmirH
Rev. D. P. Curler. t'hlnlsln A n R
Opening address ,, Daniel Me A lien
vocal solo "O Donnell AM
Mtaa Ellssheth Harwaa
Becltatlon I a Memory of toe Dead"
Amelia (Swing Mart
(or he nn urn School or Dramatic Art I
Vocal solo "The Kerry Panes"
Miss Mae E. Rreslln
Recitation (in oaeiio "God save Ireland" . .
Prof. Motrin of Columbia t'ntrersttr
Voeal aolo - IVlleTe Me. If All Those Kndear
Ins Youn charms" Miss Kstblyn Lswler
"Aiien. i-arKin and o Brlen"
J a me H. Moron,
Vocol solo "The Boyt of Wexford .v.
Frank Henneasr
Recitation "The Orsr of Wolfe Tone"
Amelia Kwlnr Mnet
Voeal solo VTha Laat Ron of Summer . . .
Miss Petronella Cornel It
Address "Wolfe Tone" Dr. M. F. Gallagher
Finale "God Save Ireland" . ..1. Adrian Epplns
Admlaaion to all porta of the hens, St seats.
4Hl Suit or Overcoat
We aak of th one who wish to get
a Suit or Overcoat, first to price them
at other store and then cone to ua,
and you will And our price the lowest
of all. besides we give you a TJhyfre
of oharge. Special sale on Bhs, Tgats,
Pants. Shirks and Underwear: also a
line of Trunin, veiises, ttiankets and
General Praetles. lavesthnttoas, atotat
Bsecial sat rrlodlcal Asdlto.
This Store Oases Thanksgiving
1 mi 1 "aaaragrasafar.
The Chicago
The Big Store in the MkMfe of Um
69-71.73 Third Street, Between
A year of wonderful growth, peace
and prosperity has attended our every
effort. The name Chicago has become
a household word throughout the coast
states. Its patrons can be found from
humble resident of the dugout on the
hillside and the hut in the forests to
more comfortable homes and palaces
of the wealthy. The patron of this
store is not confined to any class but
one, and that is the intelligent buyers
the class who appreciates money
saving opportunities without sacrific
ing style, workmanship or quality.
How well a generous public have ap
preciated die value of this store's ef
forts is too well known to need any
special oration on our part We shall
work to advance step by step until we
sell more goods, clothing, hats and fur
nishings than any store on the entire
coast, from lower California to the
British boundary Une on the norm.
We shall strive to have as patrons
every man and woman that appreciates
the market's best goods at prices the
people are willing to pay.
Columbia Theater
- 14th and Washington St.
ABO. L BAKER, Manager.
Teasykt, all this week, matin TkslSssy a
Ike Tfevern CehnaMs swank Oaaaaaay,
Presenting Man Beoetesalt
Led Astray
Brealnf prices. 15c. av. He. We." statin
prices. 10c, 15c. Z!c Box office open all day
downtown. 10 a m to 7 p. ra . at Dolly
Vartfen Candy Shop, la Marquam Meg., 82T
Morrison st. After T p. St., at theatre.
Tonight and Tomorrow Night, st 5.15 o'clock.
wasnrs awrnsra nsaw e oruuant
The hit of tb seaaoa last nteht. PUT
Pkrquet. $1.50; Baronet elrcl. $ Balnooy. Brst
an rows, ioc: lasi six rows, nor allry, ase.
85c. Boxes and loea, 110. Beats ara now il
ia. Carrtas at 10 .45 o'elprk.
Ml Diil! AM otAnw.r
iTinny vrti'i
ThaskegiTlsg Day Matinee asd Wight,
After th rurky dinner.
murrs aunaxi
With MUw Van
A gala night: both tooth 11 taaaas there.
Prices Don matinee a do uni awiiire lower
flier, tl: halcnar
The and see; galunr.
and 2TV. boxes sad log. 17 50.
Watch for
the big pared at nlgn noon.
The Star Theatre
Oar. Path sad Washington.
rAvnmrvxua tkbatbj
4 Flying Banvards 4
11 a OOWLSS AMD iXBKB, amos,.
Tax PBOECToacor r. '
Shews ISO to 4:80 n SL, TtO to 10:50
p. m. Onuaral admission. 10c.
rata, 38e.
The Grand Theatre
(formerly orrtraj a
To ae the best la th land.
Toe most pa Iron Is tb Grand.
Hundred turned a war I
Dally nulla. X to 8 r.nln. T to 11 n. m
i neqnaieo biih
Mnallner'a Tralaad She.
(New oa th Onset be for )
nn ana isinaj
rrr and A Ilea, remedy sketeh.
Tb roar ours
The Elliotts, barnlsts.
gam and Ida Kellr. rural shtt.
Arthur O. Folk art. whlatler
rrask Melton. Illestratod son.
The Grandlsrope.
aamingiy ninny story rum.
Oalltlem Trsmn"
iroai. .
st. hV.
Admission to sny seat. 10e. Bo
Bijou Theatre
Btxth st . Oa.
Tata VTT.
All tor 10 teats
Afternoon from 1 to ABO,
i to m:an.
While fate has decreed that most men have
health, peace and sufficient to satisfy the inner
man, there is always a number of mora
unfortunate who, through sickness or misfor
tune, are more or
From 9:30 to 10:30
Thanksgiving Morning
The Chicago will place on separate tables S7
All-Wool Suits, dark colors, and 84 good
wearing, all-wool or Persian medium heavy
Overcoats. The above garments all of late
styles, in siae from 34 to 44 bust measure. Si
usually sells at $7.50 to $1000, but from that
hour 8:80 to 10:30 a poor man can take
Choke of SUIT or
This store will be a literal paradise of royal
bargains. The continued arrivals of the choice
of the Cohn-Wampold finest suits, overcoats
and trousers, at 1-2 to 2-3 price, is the real
money-saving sale of mis year.
1 11 '
(Northwest Inter-Collegiate Champions)
Multnomah Athletic Club
cold in 24 hours. Perf eotly harmless. Also cures Malaria
and the Grip. Price 25c. For Sale by Laue-Davis Drug Co.
THKATBE -Twelfth and Morrison
Three days, starting ThaBhagivlag
November M. th diamond
Ort m Cellar Door." latest edition, with
Jssms S. Maeki aad a big oparatto ntrava-
4 ansa eompenr. a veriUBH retention
stria, fanny eesMdlaas. great sneelalrlea
moatr SMrlsl no-ralty feature of the fa
Onrl family, mntoaalmista. eoulilhrlata aerehats
sad InawUrs. A tower of merit. Prte. 10,
te. too. Special isasi iiid asste. We. Matinee.
V to any part of th boo. Children's sstrts)
seats, toe.
Ssiseth aad Aider Streets.
This Week :
to 4m T so
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Third aad TaaaMIl W Kaathag Ftoad. be.
1111 TaadavtBa Hess la A an rial ,
Day at Noon
less financially
P. M.
Hesdqusrters tor
Third and Yamhill Sts.
The Arcade Theatre
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