THIS OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTEANP. MONDAY EVEMPfO, NO MESSAGE TOO LATE TO STOP WEDDING L B. Hays and Eunice Lovetta Downing Are Married by Vancouver Justice. GIRL SAID TO BE BUT FIFTEEN YEARS OLD Young Couple and Witness to Securing of License Are Portland Resident. (Special DUpatch to The Journal.) ' Vancouver, Waah.. Nov. 11. O. B. Maya of Portland mar tina himself In trouble unltu the Iraia parents or Eunice Lovetta Downing of Portland are reconciled to her marrlaKe to James Wesley McOann. Saturday last these three rouna persons appeared before the county auditor of Clarke county and sought a marriage license for MeQannj and Mis Pawning. The license was Issued upon the affidavit of Q. B. Hays that McOann Is over 21 years old and Mlas Downing over It. After curing the license the young couple was Immediately married by Justice Sparks. A few minutes after they left the courthouse and the audi tor's office was closed for the noon .hour K. M. Bconlon, clerk of the court, received a telephone message from the girl's parents to see the county audi tor and have him refuse a' license to McOann and Miss Downing, as the girt was only IS years of age. By the time the auditor received the menage Miss Downing had become Mrs. McOann. James Downing appeared at police headquarters this morning and wanted both his daughter and Wealey McOann arrested. City Attorney Fltxgerajd was puxzled for sometime aa to just what iaieps should be taken, but in order to git the young people Into court and learn the facts In the case, finally filed charge of unlawfully living together gainst them. 'The girt is only II "years old and McOann is but said Downing. "I have objected to her marrying him or THE STORE NOTED Many Thanksgiving AND EVERY ONE IS remain RAINCOATS, JACKETS AND CAPES Hj- metropolitan la sis and no representative of beat Sty las in th season's favorite fabrics ? These garments were personally selected In jew Ton last snown la any ssamwe. Swell Raincoats New line of the very latest, just in by express. No matter where you go they can't be duplicated, and if you want the cream of quality and. style buy here. W can show you the beat assortment In all new, this season's Coats to be seen In the city. We have them at 122. DO. J19.50. . BfT-.S $10.50 ewjsj A IT NftlMV ? TfTC Critical buyers who bar hupeeted all the different Unas) tell as that TAILORED SUITS -rz; i$?jz&?jr teUor'd worth - Misses' Suits These Suits fit small women, without alteration, to perfection. The suits are tailored snd fashioned to th top make of perfection and ran only be judged after, you hav seen them. We have them for $1(0, $18.50. tit it. in. iia.&o $12 50 and r"T"wW HANDSOME FURS guaranteed. We will sell no far piece at SAT price that Will bring discredit ouslness. We are showing Boas and Scarfs from $98 to a small a price as 1MOHS4 fesjfwc-rm rpfitlTANTl sVWLS 44 t SPECIAL SALE Pre with SI Purchase. H5 1N7 f&H feateM' nil Take Grand Entrance Right on the Corner Third and Morrison even going with him at all. but could not prevent it. Th girl's mother is dead and I cannot stay sit hoes and look out for her. I told County Clerk Fields not to issue a license and also sent word to Vancouver, Waah. It Is poaalble that steps may be taken against somebody for perjury. Assistant District Attorney Haney is investigating the affair. HEROINE OF WHITE ROSE HAS TROUBLES Mrs. Mary Marcello, of white rose hypnotic fame, la making another bid for publlo attention. She appeared In the polio oourt this morning and caused a warrant to be issued . fos; the arrest of ber husband. Mleliael. cm the charge of assault and battery, exhibit ing a discolored optlo as evidence of the beating ehe says she received. "If it hadn't been for ray little girl here running between us," she declared, "my husband would have killed me with an ax. The child clung to my skirts jand he wss afraid to hit me."' The trouble arose, jura. rcoug -plained, because she wanted to attend services at one ehurch yesterday while her husband wanted her to go to an. other. The disagreement, according to ber version, culminated in bis attack ing and beating her. Some time ago Mrs. Marcello waa the chief figure in a sensational police court episode. Trouble arose between her and her husband over her practice or "taking in the town" with her step- arrandfather. A. N. Cooper. At that tins abe said she had been hypnotised through the medium of a white roe sent her by Cooper from O'Hrlen sta tion. Wash. A few days ago Marcello wanted tn woman arrested ror leaving mm, anu was advised to sua for a divorce. . Their trouble was patched up. however, but peace did not brood over the family long. Marcello will be arrested this afternoon. TsUAX, siaw-T.awa OTT. (Jonrnal Sparta! Service.) Boston. Nov. 11. The official speed trial of the cruiser Pennsylvania, which waa scheduled for today on the Cape Ann coarse, was called off. The cruiser will probably arrive tomorrow. (Journal Special .Set-rice.) Hoboken. Nov. 11. The meeting of the stockholders of th Northern Securities company wss again adjourned to on week from today. Fcft THE BKT OOODS HERE AS ADVERTISED Some have been puzzled to know by whet rule a store may .advertise merchandise at cost almost daily, really sell the goods as ad vertised, and still thrive and grow strong and great. There is no secret it is all simple and according to sound business methods. It is also quickly comprehended when it is realized that out of our many hundreds of thousands value of stocks we usually advertise at ex me bargain prices only the fractions that from lines run low. It is clear when we have sold at our- regular fair margin 95 per cent of a lot in any line of merchandise, we can afford to accept a reasonable money loss on the small lot that is left. It occurs, also, that we must at times sac-, rtfice profits to pey for the error of overbuy ing. But be the reason what it may, the bar gains advertised at this store shall never fail to be here as represented. month by our painstaking and oompetent Short Jackets A swell line of Short Jackets in tans, buck, castors. Prices about one half what others ask 112.50. 10. SO. $9.50, $8.50. $7 50 and $6.50 Ladies Tailored Suits By express. Saturday, we received a swell line of new suits In the new blue, brown and blacks, all elegantly tailored, oerfectl" fitting "srments. Every detail In make perfect: three Siseis 34 to 42, In brown and new mixtures your choice Others for Our nrasent exhibit of far garments and varied we have ever offered beat IQjaaa and American models, ana we qnauues are positively Special line of broken slses In white Oxford Winter Waists, values from $2.00. $2.50 and 12.76; "rA"ic choice for h A special line of well-mad, elegantly fashioned mercerised Petticoats QTf value today Don't miss the sale of Thomson's Olov Flttlng Corsets. You save from 50 cents to $1.00. Besides you get th best Corset on earth. xmsT'S SECTiOsT You cannot afford to pass us in men's Underwear and Mount Hood Shirts. Com her today for your Kid Gloves. No use wasting words. Nothing In Portland to compare with ourCfV. Gloves at tBe, TSs and At to- rokn lots of Isles' Vsts Jl JUC ana pants, worth 76c 0c $1.00. Secure some befor all ara sold. OP TM AISKSaiVIINQ WANTS PICTURES OF THE FAIR GROUNDS Many Eastern Concerns Show Much Interest in the Lewis and Clark Fair. The lidgerwood Manufacturing com pany, a large eastern concern, has writ ten to the Portland chamber of com mere asking far three blrdseye views of the Lewis and Clark fair grounds. The company intands making an ex hibit and desires th views -for us in considering the question of location. The chamber is every day receiving letters from parties in eastern states asking to be informed regarding chanocs for employment. "We could send a great many appli cants to a municipal employment bu reau." aays Assistant Secretary Mosses hon. Many Inquiries are also received from people who , wish to leaae room ing , houses for Lewis and Clark fair year. ' The Norman Peace Publishing system, a concern that conducts a hotel and resort advertising business, has writ ten to th chamber requesting photo graphs of prominent buildings and in teresting scenery in Portland and vicin ity, for us in a booklet that is to be Issued for their tourist travel. More free advertising la promised in th south and east through th Richmond Tlmes Dlspatch, which will exploit Portland and the exposition in a special edition. Th editor writes to th chamber of commerce for pho.tographa to be used In illustrating th article. Oeorge Schwartz, a Portland plumber, who Is now In Swltxerland for his health, has had many inquiries from people of that country who are interested in learn ing about Oregon. He has written to the chamber of commerce requesting that booklets and literature printed in the German or French languages b for warded to him at Zurich, to enable him to do some immigration work for Port land. TAR MOnTElvrS ABgTBTTAHfJE. London, Not. 11. The holders of Co lombia bonds havs started movement to gat President Roosevelt to arbitrate th question of receiving a part of the 10. 000,004 paid to Panama In connection with the canal purchase, ths amount to apply cn Colombia's debt grrrd Stock Canned Qoods. Allan ft Lewis' Best Brand. AT LOWB8T PRICES' Bargains that buyer, and there is nothing later Black Suits and Capes For axtra-slsed ladles, sixes from 42 to 46; the only place you can And these sis In th city. Cap lined with Skinner's Satin. - quartered, tight - fitting coat. all the new colors or $l?.5o less nicer ones for more. Is th richest and most Th Bill are selected from th to our awwni w uuwf JJ Nunsveiling and Albatross Waists An elegant Una of new Waists, In nunsveiling, In cream and cham pagne colors. Special t) K( IS.50, $3.25. $$.76 and sw..W Silk Waists New line In latest Chiffon Taf fstas. with blouse effect. In white and black, with the new leg-of-mutton sleeve, elabo- aj-C ff rately trimmed special e.W Children's School Coats A Una of good, serviceable gar ments for school wear, ages 8 to 14 we have those that will meet your ) f( approval from 19 to TABLE LINENS THIS DRUNKEN BOY INVOLVES FATHER Earl Hinds Charges His Parents with Having Furnished Him the Liquor. LAD APPEARS TO BE A MORAL DEGENERATE Warrant Has Been Issued the Arrest of the Sa loon Keeper. for After oloaely questioning 14-year-old Karl Hinds, who was found by Police man Endlcott In an Intoxicated condi tion at Third and Ash streets and taken to the nolle station last night, Munici pal Judge Hogue discovered that Al Hinds, his father, bad given him the beer and was responsible for big condi tion. A charge of giving liquor to a minor was drawn up against Hinds and filed by Assistant District Attorney Haney., Charles Maler, a saloonkeeper, has also been charged with selling him Uquor by City Attorney Fitzgerald. Deteotlv Hawley of the Boys and Girls' Aid society waa given th affair for investigation. The case will com up in th municipal court Wednesday morning. In th meantime the boy has been given into the custody of Super intendent Gardner of the society. Young Hinds told Judge Hogue that he was four times sent to Mater's sa loon after a gallon of beer by his father. On each occasion, he said, his father gave him soma The little fellow has evidently no moral training, and smokes and chews tobacco like a veteran user of the weed. In answering the questions of th court he showed a marked reluctance to furnishing any Information. His answers war curt, "no" and "yes" being his re ply to most of th questions. 'Where is this man Hinds T" Is he in court?" asked Judge Hogue. Bailiff Ooltx called for Hinds, but ha was not present. "Well, I guess well have him here," grimly remarked the court.. "It strikes me that this man should be taught to bring hla boy up better than he ban." Mater's saloon is located at East Burnside street and Union avenue. Th Hinds boy left his home, 60$ East Ash street, and crossed the river before being taken into custody. When found by Policeman Endlcotjt he was s tumbling around in front of a shooting gallery. iMaler heard a warrant was out for his arrest, and appearing in the police court this afternoon gave cash bond in th amount of $100. He said he waa away from his place of business all day yes terday, and did not know whether his barkeeper had sold the boy liquor or not , COURT REFUSES TO UPHOLD CONTENTION Judge MoBrlde at Oregon City Sustains Demurrer to Com plaint of Mrs. Chase. (Special Dispatch to Th Journal.) Oregon City, Or., Nov. $1. Judg Me Brlde this morning sustained the demur rer to the complaint of Mrs. S. A. Chase, who asked for an injunction restraining the city council from passing an ordi nance granting to the Oregon & Califor nia Railroad company and its leasee, the Southern Pacific company, a perpetual franchise for a main and side tracks over Railroad avenue. Mrs. Chase alleged that her property would be damaged by th grant of a franchise, but the court refused to uphold this contention. Ha made an order that th council should not enter into a contract with the com pany Until a further order of the court. In consideration of the proposed fran chise the railroad company offers to complete the south end rosd by bulldtng an underground team subway connecting Third street with the road, and also agrees to construct pedestrian subways at Fourth and Seventh streets. The council will meet tonight and paas the ordinance. FIFTY CENTS A DOZEN FOR EGGS IN SEATTLE (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Seattle, Nov. $1. Seattle's Thanks giving market is higher this ysar than ever before, and many a family will have to forego the usual repast of the season. Turkeys are selling for 24 cents to 1 cents a? pound. Eggs are worth from 10 to 66 cents a dozen. That's Right, Show Your Teeth SPECIALIZATION No dentist's life Is long enough to become expert tn all of the six branches of the nrofeMfcra. To been are .klllfnl la s single branch Is a lofty ambition arm onij a few attain It. All my specialists sre chosen from that few. awery man In my office Is sn expert In s particular branch. He most first h" t-rll "' Ushiliu Is gsuilitfl'MM then bare achieved distinction In his chosen Branch, before I call him. He niust be an expert before he cornea to me. There is sat "If," or "per haps" about his skill when ones yon find him In my office. Jost as Important my specialists are an men of character. I have wars of asrwtala Ins this not st the fatten t 'a disposal. A K,l dentist may be ruined br dissipation, e ear other man. Bach s dentist cannot stsy with me. I don't believe my patients want him. 1 know I don't. Hj specialists sre sll In the prime and vigor of their ewers dentists who bars mad a kern atnlr of their celling: not men who hsve picked up merely enough dentistry to earn a living. ooHBtTtTATiow ran. ran REA SOU ABLE. Office s gs 7 SO hears I a. to p. to I: to e'oloek. eadsrs s. m. to 1 p. m. Dr. B. E. Wright's Dental Office MfH WABHIKOTOX ST.. 00 E. TTH, Phone stain HI. Braaoa effuse, atmslaff blag.. seism. Or. JIIOH ORABF. WORK SMALL TEIOTB. 1 1 i Thanks giving Specials Don't leave th Thanksgiving ordsrlng until th last day. W ar prepared to outdo our aalves this season, but won t you send us your order earlj T You'll be better- pleased. Ice Cream The best ,' nOHHlhle to Dills. All the popular ular navors anu tt, ivors aome new ones, bulk, bricks or moulds. Put up 111 Individual Water Ices Are increasing In favor. Ours have tnat "veiveiy not gy to attain. rinsuvis and Roman fundi will us un in favorite this week. Home-made Pies If you knew how good our Mince and Pumpkin Plea are !.,..', hth, tn rtaka bake them in the home ov rvu iuiuii v ' . 3 van. All Ingredients of Snest quality; generous sue ana generously filled. Mince made with an extra measure of brandy If or dered a day In advance. Cakes Three layers of light, golden cake with two layers or rich filling snd a delicate icing on top. Must be ordered one day in advance. Maple, chocolate, walnut, bananas, marshmal low, fig and cocoanut, lemon and orange cream. Candies The plain, old-fashioned kinds are most appropriate for tbta Shy of feasting. We especi ally suggest our popular Honey Comb Taffies and Mexi can Penoche. An extra as sortment of the richest creams and chocolates. ' Salted Nuts New crop of almonds and pea nuts arrived laat week. We salt them as they should be in choice creamery butter. Novelties In decorative and souvenir fa vors for the table and evening "gathering." Nothing adds ao much to the brightness and fun of the occasion. We never had such a variety as now. See the miniature turkeys and roast turkeys. Oet these early many were disappointed laat year. Swctland & Son If you're not careful in calling us by phone you'll get the wrong number we have no branch stores. 273 Morrison St PHONE MAIN 419 ROSEBURG LAND OFFICE FRAUDS Receiver J. H. Booth Postively Denies That He Has Handed in His Resignation. GOVERNMENT AGENTS STILL WORKING ON CASE Register Bridges Bitterly Ac cuses Secretary Hitchcock of Seeking to Oust Him. Thar wer no enaatlonal develop ments today In th land-fraud cases nor th side Issue Involving special examina tion into the conduct of the Roseburg land office. J. H. Booth, receiver of the office, stated to a Journal correspondent at Roseburg that there was nothing in the story to the effect that ne had ten dered his resignation, which Register J. T. Bridges also corroborates so far aa regards his office. "Inspector Oreene took the Dooaa or the land office." said Mr. Booth, "and let Gardiner and McCrossen examine them at' the McClellen hotel. He also said that Special Agent H. R. Jones was still working on the case." Register J. T. Bridges stated while her in the city that he did not know the nature of th charges, but that he pre sumed they were based on some state ment or effort of J. W. Gardner nd W. H. McCrossen, who, he says, have been checked In illegal work by the receiver and register. Mr. Bridges thinks van ef fort Is being made to remove nimseii and associate. At this end of the line nothing 1 Ming said by th officials working on the case. No on but Inspector A. if, (Jreene, ijih triot Attorney J. H. Hall and Deputy District Attcu-ney W. W. Banka know anything of the affair, and none of them is disposed to make, any statement as to development. Thy merely answer all questions by the simple announcement that they are carrying out official du ties, the news of which cannot be dl yfilged except through the regular chan nel, and after It has been submitted to and acted upon by the head of the de partment. Mr. Bridges, in conversation, before departing for his Roseburg home on Sunday, seemed quite bitter against Sec retary of the Interior Hitchcock, and said the effort of that official to remove himself and associate had onoe before been defeated by the Oregon delegation, after careful Inquiry Into alleged charges. The register did not seem at all concerned nbout possible develop ments from the inquiry now in progress. MANUAL TRAINING FOR PORTLAND PUPILS Four of Ihe Ave manual training ren ters of the Portland publlo schools will start tomorrow morning. Work st the Stephens school center was commenced three weeks ago, and the pupils are al ready deeply Interested tn their work. Only boys who have reached the fifth grade or over are admitted to the schools at the present time, snd the work Is elec tive. Manual training Is meeting with such favor among the pupils that th centers will be crowded. Pupils of the Davis, Chapman, Couch Brilliant As Diamonds 6-lnqh Nappies "Prlsollla" de- stgn , fi9 Spoon Trays SS3S lee Tubs' 15tS Water Jugs SSS Decanters Angora design Plain or handled STS 2-nlac set Sugar and Cramer Berlin design SS.TS Center Vases 8-Inch Carlisle ae. sign iT Tumbler set of Six Nut Dishes Oils and Vlnerars Mayonnaise Bowl, with plate. piete Perfumes On the Paolflo Coast, and w Sail thaxa as w do every article la our store at a popular prloe. WE HAVE JUST RKTEIVED FRESH IMPORTATIONS FROM Soma of our everyday prloas on popular goods: Murray Lanman Florida Water. So small sis 18e R. O. Extracts, new odors ounce . TBe Plnaud's Extracts, ounce 88 Marram's Quadruple Extracts, ounce T8e Valiant's concentrated Floral Ex tracts, ounoe ....80o xna a iota of tbs n OOOMi R AG. "Rve Fleurt." RAG. Ess. Andromeda. R AG. Ess. Bautalla. La? Grand's Vlolette "Comma 11 Faut" Plnaud's Bouq. Parthsnla, Plnaud's Bouq. Veiled a. Plnaud's Bouq. Foscarlna, Sloppy JX Days These Shopping means wet feet and bad colds. Use our telephone exchange 11. We will send for your prescription. All it and return the medicine promptly without extra charge for this "TvlPi1..?,0K-f -nfy. Ja el medicines at our stere. We glv you th best that brains and money can secure at a reasonable figure. Forty years of good drug selling rtghthere in Portland have enabled us to build up the largest retail and Wholesale drug business In this country. You CanJtlwayt Saw Monty and Gmt tkm Bmtt Hmrm. Thm Only Storm Rtcmlving Canadian Mommy at Full Valum Woodard, Clarke C Co CARVER'S ONE DAY COLD CURE. Will cure your cold in 24 hours. Perfectly harmless. Also cures Malaria and the Grip. Price 25c For Sale by Laue-Davis Drug Co. .SJg - ; i 1 and Atkinson schools will meet at the Davis school center; at Holladay center will meet the pupils of th Holladay, North Central and Williams Avenue schools; at tn Thompson center will meet the pupils of the Thompson, Wood- , ' iriv,lon,l Trtrt. mouth OfkleV Greea Alblna Central and Peninsula schools, while at the Harrison center the pupils of the Harrison, Latdd, Falling and South Portland schools will gather. Much of the material to be used in the work has not yet arrived from the east but is expected this wees. Mean while the pupils win be given simple in struction in drawing and cutting pat ah th. nunils have been In structed to bring their jack knives to th centers. MASS MEETING TO AID FRATERNAL BUILDING There will be a mass meeting this ev ening in the A. O. U. W. hall in the Interest of the fraternal temple at the Lewis and Clark exposition. Representa tives front all the fraternal organisa tions will be present At this meeting J. I. Mitchell, presi dent of the Lewis and Clark Fraternal Building association, will appoint com mittees to csrry on different phases of the work. Plans of the proposed build ing will also be submitted for the ap proval of the association. Reports of the progress of the solicitors who ha Ve been at work will ahow that the sum of $14,000 haa been pledged and mors has been promised. Everything is said to be In first class working condition In the association, and the members have no doubt what ever that they will make a great suc cess of their proposition. It is expected that to rats the necessary $60,000 will be an easy matter. As soon as It Is all pledged, collections will begin. Work on the temple will be started about Janu ary 1. Through the courtesy oJfeodard, Clarke ft Co , space has been secured In their store, by the Ladies' Relief society, for reception of Thanksgiving donations for the Children's Home, South Port land. The following members will be tn attendance on datea given: -Tuesday, ltd, a. m., Mesdames Meier and Prescott; afternoon. Mesdames Plttlck and Lowen berg. Wednesday, ltd, a. m.. Mesdames Wygant and Hughes all day; assistant In the forenoon, Mrs. D. P. Thompson; afternoon, Mrs. B. Frank. Thursday, 24th. Mesdames Shannon and Hughes, from 9:3n to 11 m. only. Srfoird Stock Canned floods. Alien ft Lewis' Best Brand. A sYtV (Joomsl Special get ties. I Texlngton, Ky . Nov. 21 A mob which gathered early this morning to lynch three negroes charged with killing Wil liam Moore In a saloon row last night dispersed without making an attack. la Our American Cut Glass. Rich and exclusive designs. Make your Table Beautiful. Perfume Bottles SS.00 Sherbet .Glasses, dosen Sffso Punch Glasses, dosen SS.TS 1. Inert Rossis Bt.Hl.h, jCelery Tray Princeton cut its nonoon uianes nam let ae- . sign . . . . Carafes, or Water Bottles whirl pattern 84.80 Finger Bowls set of six Sf.OO Knife Rest sLae We are also showing: exquisite designs in Florentine ware and Bohemian Glass. Our own Impor tations. Medicine Cases one 81 -SO Hand and pocket Instrument Dags and mm rollups for use. Select physicians' ana family use. one now for the doctors Xmaa gift he'll appreciate. We exchange if it isn't just what he wants. Mare yew seen our display of Fine Leather Goods Nothing to equal U on this Coast Shades and styles new, artistic, ex clusive and practical. Bags, Chat lainea. Purses, Card Cases, Travel ing Cases, Music Rolls; In fact sverythlng that'a useful or attrac tive In leather we have. NOTE Make your selection now while our lines are fresh. We stamp name In gold free. Compare Our Prices A few of our specials Boston Water Bottle. 4 qts. . .8 .98 Sunset Water Bottle, I qts., red rubber oloth Inserted 8 .88 Tyrlan Flannel-Covered Water Bot tle, quart S1.X8 Rex Famllv Bulb Syringe. 1 hard rubber pipes 8 .33 Marvel Whirling Spray Syringe. Our price 88-S8 Dr. TuUar's Vaginal Spray. . .88-43 Don't Take Chances With a Leaky Hot Water Bottle Begin ' with a good one Kverv bottle. every syringe we sell Is guaranteed to be perfect, and If a de fect develops wa make good without question or quibble. Direct telephone to our rubber depart ment JOHN F. CORDRAY NOW CONTROLS THE EMPIRE Here the Stair A Havlin Theat rical Attractions Are to Be Housed. John F. Cord ray baa acquired control of the Empire theatre, and will sooner or later bouse the Stair ft Havlin the atrical attractions In that property. For th present at least th well known manager haa given up hla Idea of bulldtng a new place of amusement Cordray acquisition of the Morrison street house was brought about by his purchase of the Interest held by Mynr feld and Acker man of San Francisco, whloh Is understood to be 10 per cent of the stock. The remaining 40 per cent Is owned by Calvin Halllg and hi associ ate. Th corporation Into which Mr. Cordray bought owns th building and all the furnishings and scanery, and about $ worth of scenery In Seat tle, whloh may be brought here. The sale of ths stock was made sub ject to a lease held by a local man. which has about nine months yet to run. Whether to wait until that lease ex pires and let the people have alt they want of Vaudeville before playing the popular-priced melodramas. Is a ques tion which the new manager of the Em pire's affairs is debating. The most likely result, however, ts that wlthtn a couple of weeks the attractions that formerly played Cordray's will be run ning along as usual at the Empire, MISSING PUYALLUP AUTHORESS LOCATED (Special Dtsaateb to The Journal. ) Tacoma, Nov.. 21. Mrs. Bertha Bow wrtr, the PayS.llup authoress, who left a note telling her husband that she Intend ed to end her life, has been located. It Is thought her notion is due to th suc cess of hr literary work and the demand for her etorles from magasinea. Her mind is t nought to be affected. rovm BSA9. (Journal special Rsrvtee.) London, Nov. tl. Th correspondent of the Central News at Shakhe river wires that after the laat night attack on the Russian front near Putllnff hill, t3 dead Japanese were found on the field. The last St hours have psssed quietly. TXUBATT is siua au. (Joarnsl Roads 1 Service.) Washington. Nov. II. Secretary Hay and Swiss Charge D'Affairea Probst this morning signed th srbltratlon treaty on behalf of the United States and Swltser-land. . -. .H . i j L ... ' -- --