mmm ,,,, AND HER NAME WAS MAUD ! LEANDER IS THANKFUL! T (To b.(nUnuedJ, Next Sunday ii i r - '1. LULU: "Ob. we ire rniitr fn tin dellvhlfnl Tttanklu4n !. i - .-!- v. " - -- -- - j i- . . ' Uander. can id t the host and sVln "the s7rt of hondrTnT- ' ' T " - HKi. 5&SS5& ."l.i 'JL-.' . ... . - - leandek: "Dear me. Lulu, I can't cam. I injured mv hand this moraine and can't hold . i- tZ,l: l 7L.-a11 St- ii ..u K ."J" i" mu. . . - mcP. ennng. siaej uee wniu .ItKt tnntV I inHw U.' I .,tl4 ...Uk iZiwIZZ. LEANDER (aside) "Ye godsi Much I have to be thankful fo THIS day that fellow butting in ahead of reel" 3. LIEUTENANT SHARPNELL: "Allow me to help you to some filling. Miss Lulu." r?AHI: "And you wiU h,ve th " meat Oh, excuse me. Mrs. Peachtreer LEANDER (aside): "Say. this DOES commence to look like a day of thanks for ME. . LULU'S MOMMER (between Iter teeth): "Never mind. It was an accident, I suppose." CHARLEY: "Yon see. my knife slipped (Aside) By Jove! This is a tough bird, but 111" LEANDER" (aside): "I'm -going to get ready to Jump." 5. POPPER and MOMMER- "O-o-o-o-hl O-o-o-o-hl" CHARLEY: "Ye godst IT SLIPPED!" VLt' y'Tt"' vou ve droPP " dressing all over me! LEANDER (aside) "Never touched mef LEANDER (aside) "This is indeed a Thanksgiving Day for ME." T' K thJt, m tg HiIl. M ' TfirV:- WMBBhaaBa