THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL1, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 19, 190L MANY CONTESTS ARE LOOKED FOR Twnty-Four Statt Will Soon Bo Sparring for Boiootion of Tvventy-8lx Senator. RACE FOR FAIRBANKS' BEAT IS VERY KEEN Continuation of Bittor Bonator iai Fight in Delaware Will Be Continued. (Jourml ejuttl Service.) Wshlngten. D. C Nov. II. Mom in tereettng ountMt for gentta In the I'nlted BUtes senate will be witnessed a little over a month hence when the new legislatures ssserable. Twenty-fix senators will be chosen br S BUta. Indiana will elect two senators, on to succeed Senator Fairbanks, who will realm March I next to become vloe- presldent of the United States. Mass chusetta will elect two senators, one to fill the unezDlrad terra of the lata Sena tor Hoar, which doee not and until March I. 107. The Pennsylvania legis lature has the election of one senator for two terms the unexpired tana of the lata Senator Quay, ending March I next, and the term of eix yea re from that date. Of the If senators to ha designated by various states a large majority, will come la without controversy. This le because an Increasing numherof statee has adopted the policy of re-electing useful senators, and because a few others have Indicated In advance the men of their choice. In the latter class comes Nebraska, whoee state convention Indorsed Representative Elmer J. Burkett; aleo Utah and Nevada, where the election of former Representative George Sunderland and George Nixon, respectively, has been foreshadowed by the general consent of the party leadere. Vigorous contests are looked for In eight states. One of them will be Indiana. , While Senator Beverldge will be re-elected without opposition from his party, the strife for the aaat of Senator Fairbanks la very keen. Colonel Harry New end several of the Indiana delegation In the house are contesting for the place. The winter will witness a continua tion af ths bitter senatorial fight which has marked the political hletory of Delaware for the greater part of a de cade. 3 Edward Addlcka la atlll desir ous af coming to the senate, but ap parently lacks two or three votes. It seeing to be taken for granted that Sen ator John Kean of New Jersey will be given another term without opposition, but In Maw York it la not yet quite clear whether there . will ha opposition to flenator DePew. Connect tout will have an Interesting senatorial fight. As the election there practically means an election for life, he strife to attain the honor will be all the more spirited. There are now two leading candidate!, one of them Samuel Feeeenden. long a national committee man, but It la not Improbable that others will enter the conteet before the legislature meets. The Republican elected from Connecticut Witt aucceed Oen. Joseph B- llnwley, who ha been in the senate nearly z years. IS Wieeonstn the La Valletta control will probably result la the turning down of Senator Queries. Sentiment has not . rystsllleed a his successor. Missouri will be the scene of another Interest Ing contest. In this case for the toga of Senator Cockrell. Cyrus P. WsJbridgr, the defeated candidate for governor. Secretary of the Interior Hitchcock and Richard KsriBS are among those names mentioned as pos sible candlda tea. In California It la regarded aa quite probable that Senator Bard will aucoeed hlmaelf. but he has not yet cleared away alt opposition. Washington wUl sea a warm fight for the aeat of Senator Foster. The Republican legislature in Mon tana. It Is expected, will elect mom H. Carter, who la already a familiar fleers in the senate. Altos-ether there will be aeareety a half dosen new men on the senate floor after March I next. Two of the new comers will be Senator Knox of Pennayl vanla and Senator W. Murray Crane of Massachusetts, though both men are well-known In Washing-ton IN DIVORCE SUIT WIFE ACCUSES HER DAUGHTER (Jearssl fecial Berries.) New York. Nov. II. New York's srt lsta Wilt be stirred by recollections of the strangest romance la the Bohemia of studios In this city when they learn that the Wife ef Bruce Crane, one of the fare- most painters, was granted a divorce from him. naming In her complaint her daughter by a former marriage. The decree waa granted Mrs Crane by a North Pa k eta judge She la new Irving m St. Unite, while her former husband la living In Steu Pall, where he alee en deavored to obtain a divorce. With him is his stepdaughter. Annee Burchard Rralaerd. Suffering from an Inherited nervous dial nee thai caused her to be come a vtstlm of the alcoholic habit, Mrs. Crane drifted away from her husband and he devoted hlmaelf to the education of his stepdaughter Just two year aga their frlende Were ahncgad by revelations of a dlvsres salt. In which Mra. Crane had petitionee! fee legal separation, and ac cused her own daughter. Wo defeaae waa made by Crane. Thle ease waa thrown out of court here aa the, ground of col lusion All the parties then removed to South Dakota- Wf DS WITHIN TWO WEEKS OF DIVORCE (J sal OMitsl Sendee.) Battle Creek, Mich., Nov. II. A quiet, unexpected wedding yesterday afternoon was that of O. W. Poet, president of a cereal company and of the National Ad vertlsers' association, and a millionaire, to Mies Leila Youngs, who has been his prlvste secretary far the past Ave years. The bride la Tears younger than the sroom. Only four persons were present ;t ,he weddlns. Poet'e first wife obtained a divorce two weeka aga. He did not make a Sght. Winter Ratee to Yaquina Bay. The Southern PaclSo Co. will eel I, on Wednesday and Saturdaya of each week, until March 31. low rate round trip tlcketo to Yaquina. limited to 10 dave from date of sale. The aale of these excursion tickets during the winter monthe la a new departure and baa been brought about through the desire of our local eportsmen to enjoy the exceptional ly line hunting and fishing privileges of that eectloir AjJixiAef oyty stoticxx i i CITY TBSASTRSB'S BOTICS Of IALE 01 uaxiauuEXT Notice le hereby ares that the Auditor of tke Oltr of PeetUod ass traaaaltted to me a list sf the. doHaawiat eeeeesaeuts for the Improe Isg of Kelly street treat the sortk Hue of (Sever treat to The south Use of Sk-rmour avs- CH I on, offer far sale et public auction to tke Elsies bidder for essh, subject to redemption, the following described parcels ef real property, to-wtr: Oarathors' Addition to tke City ef P-vtlend as laid out by tke Seats Portland Seal Batata sGrktS,lo 1. 'ran asd Mary Bsek eney . . ISMal Block IM. let X, Frank and Mary Hack saey 1.... lm.ts Stack 1M, let I, Frank asd Msry Hack easy. lie 3d rortiane rsoaesieeo Black f . 4 of lot 1, J. Schmidt M M Back elece or tract ef land will be sold h Ba rs taly sad far a aaa not leu than tbe unpaid it thereon and Interest and cost of ad rrrtlelBg ana earn: ir more than ou hid u r. fared the lead will be cold to tbe bidder offer ing to take tne earns for the least amount of penalty ana interest, competition wm be first I son the Density for the Best rjerlnd. Second Up pen tke penalty for tke aaocoedlng Third Upon tbe rate of Interest. i. B. WBRLEIN. City Treasurer of tke City of Portland. Port rtland, Oregon, October 104. tmrnntm yob impbovem-kht or BAYOU bTBXXT. Notice le horsey gives that the Coanctl of tbe City of Portland, OreTon. at a meeting held aa the 18tb day of Norember. 1904. 'declared the assessment by ordinance No. 14.303. for the Improvement ef Sartor street, from tbe went lie of Twenty-eighth street to the ssat lias ef Twenty-ninth street. In tbe msuner provided by ordinance No. 14.0.1H, upon each art, part of lot and parcel of land, which arespoclally (snd peculiarly benefited, to be WILLAMETTE HBK1I1TS BLOCK C, let 1, Louis Ooldsmlth. $101.81: lot 2. Loots Gold smith. $14.88: lot 8, Louis Goldsmith. IRT.ll; let T, tenia Ootdaaltb. 158.40; lot 10, Loals Goldsmith. 18 87; lot 11. Percy B. Birth, $83 47; lot 14. Percy H Blyth. 1.12.57; lot IK. Bally Y. and If. E. Moore, $104. IT; lot 18. Charlea Koha. $6.1 20: lot II, 'Carles Kohn, 883 43. BLOCK B. Lot 4. Percy B. Blytk, m.00; lot . Percy fl. Blyth, 114.00; lot 5. Yells Fried lander. $107.48; lot 8. Perer H. eill-ar ; 1st 0, Paal Van KMdaah. 10 08; lot 12, Matilda C. Mcintosh. lldtMM; lot I. William Maeklnteah. $08.30: lot 16. William Mackintosh.; lot 17. W. F. Brooks, 152.70: lot 20. W. F. Brooks. Total. lUaaSOa. A statement of aforesaid assessment kaa been entered la the Docket -of Cltj Liene. sad la Sew doe and payable at tbe erf lee of the City Treasurer, la lawful money of the Culled Statee, and If not paid within SO darn from the dste ef this notice', each proceedings will be tsken for tbe collection ef the seats as are provided by the charter of the City ef Portland The a hrrTs assessment will bear Interest 10 dart after the first publication of tbU TIMS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City f Portland. Oregon. Norember If. 104. Portland. IBSY1IB1.TT fwB IaTBOVEB!ET OF TBI SOUTH BAIT Off TATLOk STBXKT. Notice is hereby gives that the Council of inc. nj or roriiana. Oregon, si a meeting neia en the luth day ef November, ISM, declared tbe taaeaaawat by ordinance No. 14. SV. for the Impressment of the south half ef Taylor street, from tbe east curb lias ef Slateenth street ta a line 100 feet eaat ef tbe east Use of Sixteenth street. Is tbe manner prerlded by ordlnsncc No. 14.180. upon each lot. part of lot and parcel ef land, which are sseotsuy sad peculiarly neneriled. to be ss milowt, Til: POBTLAND BLOCK Ilk, lot is. B. It. Xla esld. tXO 25. A atatemsnt of sforesald been ea tared hi the Docket ef CHr la aow due and payable at the el City Trea.urar. la lawful money of the United Braise, ana 11 not pais witsis so aas the date of this setlce. aaek araeeedlnss from of this setlce. such sroeasdlaga will foe ike oollsetlon of tke ssme as are he taken fat tke oollsetlon ef tke ssme as are provided ky resided by the charter of tke City of Portland. Tke above esssssm.nt will beer Interest 10 srs after the first sahUoetlaa af thle Auditor of the City of Poetised. Portland. OrsgsS. November II. MM. ZlfYBOVERXNY ITBXXT. Of inyi- HOB Notice to kereer (tree that the Council ef the OUT of Port lead, Oeegea, et s asset Ing held ee tbe I eta day ef herrarher. 104 declared tne assessment sy ordinance no. 14.SOT, rnr tke lapeeesasst ef Division street, from the west Use of Oread a rasas te $0 Met went et tbe weat Use of Beet Third street, la the shea ear fee rleed br ordinance Ne- 13,874. epos each lot. fart ft tot snd parcel of land, which srs specially sad peeailsrlv benefited, to be aa fellows, vta; STEPHENS' ADDITION te tke City of Port- lane iuhji Si. let 1. muian-rouiwn torn Deny. 1180. M; lot S. Innisu I'oulscn Company $3X98 ; south 19 feet lot f. Inaau-Poulsm Compear. fS.OO; south 1 feet lot 4. Iamaa I'oulscn Compsnr. tH.SS; lot I. Inmsn-Poul-eea Company, 11.44; tot . I Bases-Poshes Company. UB0.96. BLOCK 60, let T, laman Pouleen (oespea. 12211; let I. feaaao Poulaea Compsnr. B.Tr, south II feet lot a. lnmsn I'oatoen Compsnr, HT.Tf fsatk II feet tot 4. lamas-Poulsen Company. m OS; Sn'msu icilSScSS?: esst 50 feet lot 7. lasaaa-Poulsen t'omosnr. tftSfi seat so feet tot 8. Inmsn -Poulsen Cimisar. ; esst 50 test of south 19 feet tot t, lnmsn I'oulscn Ossnpaajr. 110. fx KKRNS' ADDITION te Bast Portland BLOCK C. tot r Thomas Oleen. I10S.B8; tat 7. The Northern Counties Investment Trust Com pany. Ltd., 123 41: tot 2. Charles Ungorr 177 S2: tot 1. Herbert B. Mr f. wen. 1208 07 BLOCK B. tot 8. Wllllem C. Brown. X20T.7: t lot 7. William C. Brown. 142.10; lot X. 1 Usui C. Brown. IM.T4: lot 1. William Brown. S21S.1S. AU of block A In Krrae addition lrlna between tke weet Una of Eaat Third street sad a Ilea BO feet wast thereof aad parallel therewith asd bet sees tke south Une of Division street aad a Use 109 feet south thereof asd parallel therewith. Se curity S vines Trust Company, 181.0. To tal. sx.eti.0f, A statement ef aforeeald ssaessment has been entered la the Docket of City Liens, and Is now dae asd parable at tbe office of tbe City Treasurer Is lawful money of the United states, aad If set paid within SO days from the date of this notice, such proceedings will be taken for the collection of the sense aa are provided by the charter ef the City of Portlsud. The shore assise meet will bear Interest If days after the first publication ef this notice. THOB C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. Oregon, November If. 1904 Partlesd, ASSESSMENT FOB IatPBOVEMENT OF OLI AN STREET. Notice to hereby ftoen that the Council of tne 1 117 et roriieaa, tiregen. si s meeting neia en the loth dsy of November. IBM. declared the Basse ami! by erdtneaee No. 14, 80S. for the lavprovement of Quaes afreet, from tbe west line ef Twenty-second street te the eaat lies of Twenty-third street, in the manner pro vided ky ordinance Ne. 13.877. upon eech lot. part of tot aaa parcel of land, which are ape clally aad peculiarly benefited, to be aa fot- MBAl's" ADDITION to the City ef Portland -BUM'S: 1 tot 1. Stephen Mead Batata, heirs of. laTSj tot S. Stephen Meed Betate. heirs of. iafd; tot 6. Stephen Meed Batata, heirs ef, $8 55. tot H. Stephen Mead Betate, heirs of. II 75. 1st I, TV. W. Oraka. heirs of, 110 12. v A tract et land lying between the sooth Mae of Ollsen street and a line to feet south thereof and parallel therewith and Vtween tbe eaat Use of Twenty third street and a line 200 feet eaat thereof and Cirallel therewith. Utwtsre asd Albert 0. arkkardt. 163.07 A tract of land lying between the north line ef Onaan street sad a line 7(1 feet north thereof sad parallel therewith and between tie Weat line of Twenty essend street and a Une 100 feet weet thereof and parallel therewith. Stephen Mead Estate, heirs of. KINO'S SECOND ADDITION to the (sty ef Portland BLOCK IT, aerth SO feet tot S. Harry W. Scott, ft 47 A bract of toed rjlnf between the sortk line of Ullssn street aad a line IU) feet sortk thereof aad parallel therewith and between two lines respectively 100 feet aad ISO lest weet ef aad parsllel with the weet lie ef Twenty second street. Rather Hsrrto. la 8 A tract of land lyrna between the north line of Ollssn street nd e Bae ton feet north thereof and pars! 1st therewith end between two lines respectively 180 feet and too feet weet of and parallel wltb the west line ef Twenty second street, Reran ktsd'onnell. SSI. 01. KINO'S SECOND ADDITION to the City ef Port la ad BLOCK IT. tot . Lewis L. McArtaur Betate. heirs of. 110 71: tot 12. Bertha Osbn. ISo. If: tot 1,1. Berths Conn, ET; lot IT. Oaeisve and Albert Bnrkserdt, Ml; tot If, Assure asd Albert Burkhsrdt. II: riant ef way. City 4 Subwreaa Kail way. 1X2.57. Total 1453 M A atatsBsaat of aforesaid aseeesment bae keen entered In the Docket of City I ten, and la now due and payable at the office ef tke City Treasurer. In lawful money of the United Staksa. and If net paid wllhla 80 day from tbe date of thla nodes, each oroceeolnss will he taken for tke collection ef the ssme ss are pi ov Irks try IBs cnarter sf the City of Portland The snovo nausea meet will beer Interest 10 dsn after the first publication of this notice. THOB. C. DEVI. IN, Aadltor of the City of Portlaad. Pertlaad, Csregae, Netiakir Is, IBM. sea. and met aersosin to section 413 or tke charter of tas City of Portland, I will, oa Monday, the Mat day ef November. 104, at the hear of 1(5 o'clock a. a, at tke west soar ef the Clt Ball, la the City of Portland. Ore- FOR ntPBOTEXXNT OF OLI- Jwr.atveathet 0ealj 1 of IBM. declare a. 14.10. far the aaaeeaaeat by erdleases No. street, from the eaat weat nee et rroot OM Ik, M,Mf eewelitod br No. Am. upon eech tot, part of tot aad par. eel ef lead, which are apedally sad secsnarly City of Port- Terailnal Oompaaj 1. Northern Pa 1.0M.f5. BLOCK W. let 11 lampwuy, Oo?paJ&Ll c Terminal Pacific Ter ortbern Ps rifle Teralasl tV.pany.ftM tM'Sssyisr. T. Portland (laa Company, 0. BLOCK 23. u of lot a Tke N loots I Ev or an u. vaswsse iswws, , Tetel. 4.M1.4S. . A sutemest of aforassM assessmsnt has been entered ta the Docket of Ctty Uens and to saw asm and nays his at the office of the City Treasurer, 4n lawful money of the United States, and If not oaM within 10 lay. trom tbe date of thla notice, each proceedlnga will he taken tor tne collection or roe seme as are presided by the charter ef the City of Pertlaad. Tne above s eases meat will hear Internet 10 days after the' first publication first pobUcstlon ef notice. TBOS. 1 Auditor of the TBOS. C. DEVLIN, . city of roruana. Portland. Oregon November If. 1904. FOB IMPROVEMENT OF EAST THIXD STREET. Notlte If hereby give that tke Council of tbe Oltr ef Portland, Oregon, st s aseeting held OS the lath sty of November 1004 de clared the aaseesmeat by ordinance No. 14.28S, for tbe Tmprove ment of Bast Third street, from a point 80 feat aerth of the north line of Esst Davis street to the earth Une of East Couch street. In tke manner provided by ordinance No. 14.141, upon each toC part of tot and par cel of land, which are specially and peculiarly hoMeitsrl to he ss follows. Via: EAST PORTLAND BLOCK 08, south 80 feet lot 0. western naaiag wimps ny, ewe.iii tot K Wee tern Baking Company, 194.83. BIXM'K 08. tot S. Caroline Ann aad Marietta Meosadorfer. 1106.79; lot T, 'Caroline Ann and Marietta Meussoorrer, ans.vo; 101 w. T.hitha J. Wilson. 869 07: lot 5. Tablths J Wilson, $50.07. BLOCK 74. south 80 feet lot 3. Lansa It. Monro Bsisie. neirs 01, 83.18; lot 4, Loelaa II. Moore Estate, heirs 07. fllS.BX. ULt ) IS. TO, MH 1. K lease 1 sw Fltnn. $105.18; lot 2. Michael A. Fltnn, 188.98: lot S. Phoebe J. Oolbnrn. $80.70: lot 4, Phoebe 1. Colburn. $80.48. TotaL fffu-71. a it.tMnut of aforesaid ssaessment has been entered In the Docket of City Liens, sad la now doe and payable at the office of the City lj assurer, in lswrui money 01 me 1 Statee. and If sot paid within 30 daya from the date of thla notice, each proceedlnga will be take fee the collect to ef the ssme as are WlkVfcf'eJnT hirlnt'fe days after the nrat paoucaoon ei wis TBOS. C DBVTJN. Aadltor of the City et Portland. Portlaad. Ore sou. November 19. 1904. FOB IlCYmOVEJtENT OY FBANKXIB STBXET. Notice Is hereby fives that the Osssetl of r &"-? w, the aaassimsni by ordinance No. 14,297. for the Improrement of Franklin street, frees the west line of TbUtyseeood street to the east Use of Rnfby street. In the inanner provided by ordinance Ne. 13.S, upon each lot. part of tot and narcel of land, wblek are apedally asd peculiarly heseflted. to be aa followa, via: WlIXAMrTTTE HEIOHTB-BICK 2S. lot 4. BlytS. 118.00; tot J. Percy B. Bth. ttl. lot f, Ckarlea M. JiMrlua. .1 "; . f Percy It Blyth, $08 BT ; tot 12, Cysthla A row ... ., rn. Bsneroft. $8. IB: tot B. BlyTh' $81.58 W XL BLOCK 81 Birth. aaa. st ; lot 1 n. sit 17 Perev II Blyth. 180.23. BLOCK 21. lot 1. sottish American luveewiewi I'r1"' Ut. $188 72: tot Y,risV-r an In MtmMit Oinrasv. tract of . r, llWWSWlth Sad Between the WSSl line of Iloustoe atreet and a line ln feet weat thereof asd parallel therewith. ScottUh American Investment Company, Ltd., 147.71. Total. fl.sre.Of. A eta tensest af afarseeld aaaaaeaiet has beea entered in the Docket of City Lease, and Is now due snd payable at the ornce or the City Tlueauiti. to towful money ef the United Statee. and If set paid within $0 days from S date of thla notice, eueh sroeeedlaga will taken for the esltoetlaa f the ssme as are provided by the charter el we tuy 01 r-eniana. Ths above sseeesmeeit will bear latsreet 10 deya after the fLrtt BUM lea Boa et ,u,tioo ew- TBOS. C DBYLIN. Auditor of ths City of Portlaad. Portland OregSB, November If. 1904. ros , sxerxB in third TBEET. Notice la hereby given that the Council of the City of Pertlaad. Oregon, at a meeting- held OS tbe lota tiay er .ovenioer. new. oeeiareo the assessment by ordinance No. 14.311. for th oonetraotlon of a sewer In Third street. Sim IS feet south of the north Use of Meade street to the sewer In Marouaa gulch. In the manner provided by ordinance No. 14.172. upon each lot, part of tot and parcel of lead, which are specially and peculiarly benefited, to be ae f.itowrtavV.r: UTHEKS' ADDITION TO CABTJTHBBS" IDITION to the City of Port I snd - BiaeJUa OS, SOI n. ouos r.. viuwn. v-wi tot 7. Anna E. Woitrvag. $95: eaat 4 feet ef weet 100 feet of lot 8. Anne E. Woltrlnx, 80 seat 4 feet of west 100 feet of lot 5. ma t. Woltrlue. 10.40: west 98 feet of tot 8. Mike Epstein. $0.23; west 98 feet of lot 8. Mike Epstein. $9 23. BLOCK o. tot 8. Jo seph Fink. $9.83. BLOCK 89. tot 1. Oram Railway Navigation Company. $28.08; lot 2. Orafbn Hallway A Navigation Company, 123.06; tot 8. Oregon Railway A Nsvlgattoa Compaay. 13303; tot 4. Oregon Rsthrsy fj Navlgatton Company. $35.03. BLOCK W. east Sr. feet of tot 1, Jennla Hugh Lee, $210; weet 13 feet of eeat 100 feet ef let 1. Albert B. sad Elale B. Weight. $3.80. Total. $173.5. A stats mi at .sf sforesald aaeeeament baa been entered In the Docket of City Llena. and la new due and payable at the office of the City Treasurer la lawful money of tke United States, asd If sot paid within SO daya from the data of thla notir . such i roeeedligrs will be taken for tbe collection of tbe ssme aa are provided by tbe charter of tbe City of Portland. Tke shove assessment will beer Interest 10 days after the first publication of thla sotlce. THOS C. DBVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. November 19. 1004. FOR IMPROVEMENT OY EAST TWENTY-SECOND ST BEET. Notice ta hereby gives that tbe Council of the City of Portland. Oregon, at a meeting held mi the lath day ef November 1104. dee Is red tke assessment by ordinance No. 14.310, far the Improvement of Eaat Twenty-second street, from the north Use ef Dunn e addition to tke north Use of Eaat Rnrnelde street. In tbe man ner provided hi ordinance No. 14.0rT7. upon each lot. pert of lot and parcel of land, which are specially and peculiarly benefited, to M aa fol lowa. via: DUNN'S ADDITION to Bast Portland BLOCK S. tot 8, Atlaa Milling company. $78.88; tot 3. Atles Milling Company. 1101.30: tot 1. Atlas Milling Company. $113.82. BLOCK 7. lot 10. Mary E. Jones. $183.03; tot 0. Msry K. Jones. $42 78: tot 1 Silas Jones. $10.78: .tot t. Sllaa Jones. $158.5. BLOCK 8, tot 10. Edna R. and John Oatee, $114.11; tot f. Edna K. aad Joba Gates, $38 81: tot 3. Edwin C. Johnson. $11. T; tot 1. Edwin C. Johnson. 881 79. BLOCK 8. west 14.3 feet tot ?. Atlas Milling Company. I14.T1: tot . O. M. Smith. $71 92 lot I. O. M Smith SSS. 47 ; tot 4. Frank Thlrman. 83.87. block 10. tot . Elbert W. Cooper. 1148 81: tot T. Elbert W. Cooper. fST.33; west 14 2 feet tot S. rasl Ernest Jeeas. 111.48: weet 14.1 feet tot 3. James F. asd Asnle Watktas. Ill 27. kt 4. tames F. asd Aaat Vatklue. flel.TV tot 8. S. S. Burner. $148.87 BLOCK 11. lot a John F. Cordray. $14 88: let T. Jobs F. cordray. $16.4(1; west 14.2 feet tot S. Psol Ernest Jones, 111.1; weet 14.2 feet lot 3. 1.11 lie Morris ordrs v. $3 41: lot 4. I Mile Morris Cordrsy $1383: lot 8. Llllle Morris Cordrsy. 111394. Total. $1,938 sn. A ststeaaent ef aforeeald aaeeeament has been entered In tbe Docket of City Liens, and Is now doe and payable at tae omen er ta Cltv Treasurer, la lawful money ef tke United Statee. and If net peld within SO dsys from the dste of this notice, snob proceedings will be taken for the collection of ths sams as are provided by tne raarter or tne city or roruana. Tbe above ssaessment will bear Interest 10 daya after tbe first publication ef thla sotlce. Til OS C. DBYLIN. Aadltor of the City ef Portland. Portland. Oregon. November 19. lfM. NOTICE OF VACATION OF THOMAS FT NEXT. Notks Is hereby given that at a regular r retina if the Council of the City of Portland. Oregon, to he held on Wednesday tbj Ttn day sf D c is her. iws4, at lae tegular nour snd place, a petition will be presented to ssld Council nrsvtag for the vacation of that portion of Tstaaa atreet Is aatd dty lying between the eest line of Corhett street and the w, st line ef Kelly street. O. a. (Jsmmsns, Edith Usm asne, Mary llacheney. ParUaaA Oregos. November R ifOa, 3 nnn nrfs" I STV " IT. 10. ftoetol reattvUtod Vk ef tot 1334 04, nndlvidsd Bros Company, W-Basseeaaraa, .e-ss. Us IT FOR SEWEB IN MORBIB BTBXKT, ABTBaTBRXB AYRBVR AND TNE ALLEY Of BLOOKB U, 14 AND 11, BIYEB YEBV ADDITION, aWRTaTWICX STBXET AND MONROX BTBXXT. Notice le hereby given that .the Oouncll of the City of Portland, Oregon, at a Id on the 18th day of Norember. 1904. declared the sseeesment by ordinance Mo. 14,18, fur the eoaatrsettoa of a Bearer In Morris meat. OaaUuhela sveuue sad alley ta blocks is. 14 and 18. Blvervtow Addition, Buetfiwlck street and Monroe atreet, from tbe weat line of Wll Uaaaa avenne to a eusnsetton with the Cook areaoe district sewer In Album s venue, ta tke manner provided by ordinance Mo. 14,04. upon each lot. part of lot aad parcel of land, which are specially aad peculiarly benefited, to be aa SUBDIVISION OF RIVKBVIKW ADDITION TO ALBINA -BLOCK 13, aeuU I feet of tot e. Ltasle Utt. IBM; south S fast of tot u Sophls O. Anderson, $390; south 8 feet of tot 10, John T. Newlaad. 910; south 8 feet of tot 11. Richard Beater, 90. south 8 feet af tot IX Richard Heeler, $3. 90; south I feat of tot 13. Joba Moore, $3.90; south 8 feet of tot 14, John Moore, $3.16. BLOCK IS, Booth V. tot T, Sol StotTberg. 8R4.18; south Vs. tot 8, Sol Btonberg. $33.40; north Vt lot T. Olaf Kylto. $Xt.lO; north Vk tot C Olaf Kylto. $18.86; south 100 feet of tot 6, W. H. Nunn. trustee. $30.35: south 100 feet of tot 4, George Smith, $88 36; south 100 feet of lot 3. W II. Nunn. truatee. $88.86; south H of south 100 feet of tot X W. B. Nunn. trustee. $31.90; south H .of south 101 feet of tot 1. W. H. Nunn. trustee. $22 40; north u of south 100 feet of tot 2. Johu Johnaou, $14.86; north Vk of south USI feet of lot 1. John Johneoo. $14.90. BLOCK I 14. south 100 feet of tot 7. Kata Fretaej , $37.80; south 100 feet of tot 6. Kste Fralaar. $3tl 35; Booth 100 feet of tot 6. James A. Randall. $34.35; south 100 feet of tot 4. It. F. sad Ueale Jarrett. $30.36; aoutb 100 feet of tot 3, Augusts B. Leader, $38.38; Sth 100 feet of lot X Barl C. Branaofb. 36; south 100 feet of tot 1. Barl C. nature, $37 30. BLOCK 16. south 100 feet ef tot T. Lydls H. Seaman. $37.30; Booth iOO feet of lot X Lydla H. Seaman, $30.36; eouth 100 feet ef tot 8, Thomaa Nestor. SSXaB; south 100 feet of tot 4, Thomaa Nestor. $36.36; south 100 feet of tot 8. Laura . Kreeft, $8.36; Booth 100 feet of tot X n .nd R.nrv I.. StenheneoB. $34.86: aooth 100 feet of lot 1. Oeocge B. sad Henry " Stephenson. $87.80. DIXJCK IX north S feet of tot 8. CTiartea M rortes IJetete. helra of. $2 90; north 8 feet of lot I, Charlea If. Forties Betate. heirs of. $2.00; north 8 feet of tot 10, Daniel Kavanaugh et nx, $2si; north S feet of tot 11. Arthur O. c a BO- north S feet sf lot IX A. E. Curtis, '$2.90; north 8 feet of weet 30 feet Sf tot IX Ida M. Johnson. $310; TOVto 100 feet ef tot 14. Ids M. Johnson. $37.36; .. im Cssv of east 10 feet of tot 13. Ids M Johnson, $8.10. BLOCK 14, north 100 feet or lot 8 Mar caret Dsr. $37.33; north 100 feet of tot 9, WiUlam T. Kerr. $36.36; north in,, ru, ,.f l,.f in William T Kerr. $36.33; north 100 feet of tot 11. Jamea Alexander and E. B. Mitchell, $37.86; weet 21.13 feet of north 100 feet of tot 12, Albert P. Morse, ssu an ni ick IX north 100 feet of lot 11. Methodist Episcopal Church. $86.36: north 100 feet or lot in, nriasei i r, ea -.h inn feet of lor 12. Ida II. Qorrell. Se.36; north 100 feet of tot 14. list tie lson. $44.30: east 31.13 feet of north 100 feet of tot 10. Nellie T. Brundell. $34 40 fytTNIWAY-B SUBDIVISION IN BIYBBVIBW ADDITION IN ALSWA-JIWCI A, tot 3. A. J. Clark, $34.26: lot 14. Tlca Von Bolton. $46 so; north 40 feet of lot IX ,Thereeta Roberts. 18.40; south 8.887 feet of lot 13, J. W. and Augusta M. Cartoon. $4.50; north 88 818 feet of lot 13. J. W. aad Augusts M. CirriSXTOooth 7.874 ft oT tot X - - V . - - sv on north 100 feet of tot auTk Veaaaan. $37.46: north MO ill. TC is a rnfirt ssv 4S ALBINA ADDITIC-sliOCK J. wrat frat of tot X O 28 feat Albert aWUotoaaew $3.00 ...ik B lot of tot T. 0 AlUa. iru.tee $21.70; SBSt 36 net Ol north IS (est of tot T. Albert Na il 00; eouth M of tot 7, Ellaa aft $22.70; tot 3, Mary Mai it, Msry Msnfold. 888 06 l.. nay isstais. Boy W. asd Id Anna O'Connor, Wiseman. $33.96 I; tot IX. Jobs W. Wlf4B,. WILLI AMM AVENUE ADDITION TO TBS CITY OF POlTtNle-SIeJCK 1. .St,.. Anna U Johnson. fM-OO; tot I. .rl- $44.00; tot 8. MOUle Mssoo. wi.iw; in..K-.h n i.i..a 844. tni: tot A J. B. aad Kste A. Fox. $4X86; let X Annie l'owjra tefh eV RAILROAD SHOPS ADDITION BLOCK I. tot 1. H. D. Lea, S47.08; lot XL. Y. KeSdl 'and Margaret W? Ready. $38.36; let IX Aata B. Lesder. $33.00: tot 14. AutpmU B. T ... IA. -IOO feet of lot 18. n.vH. noioawsn 8X7 (15 : north 100 fast Of In re IT.,,1 Solomen 837 06. RAILROAD SHOPS ADDITION BLOCK 1. tot 1. B. Dnstard. $4'-et); tot X B. Duatard. $33.00; north 100 feet or lot 10. " ""'"f $37.00: north 100 feet of tot IX H. Dualard, $37.03. Total. $2.601. 3a a Hitemant of aforesaid ssaessment has been entered In the Docket of City IJens. aad la now due aad payable at the office of the City Treasurer, 1 lawful money of the United States, and If not paid within SO daya from the date or this notice, aucn proceedings win he taken far the collection of the same ss ere provided by ths charter of the City of Portlaad The above amassment will beer interest 10 days after die first publication ef thla TBOS. C. DEVLIN. Aadltor of tbe City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. November II. 1904. AX8ES8MEST TOR IMFXOVXMENT 0Y EAST br given that ths Council of the City of Portlaad. Oregon, at a Bsectlur held on tbe 18th day of November. 104. de clared the aaaeaamenf hv ordinance No. 14.80b. for the Improvement ef Beat Twenty-eighth atreet, from ths eouth Has of Belmont atreet to the north Une of Hawthorne avenue. In the manner provided by ordinance No. 18.848, upon eech tot, part of tot and parcel of land, which are specially aaa peculiarly oenentea, to as foliowa. via : HANSON'S ADDITION to Best Portland block u lot a. Mrs. M. Aaaoratetn. $38.73: tot T. Mrs. M. Angerstetn. $17 82, eaat Vk tot X J. P. Woods. $17.30, aaat Vk tot 3. tP. Woods. $34,96; weat V tot 6. Winner Pass $3.23; weat Vk tot A Wilms r L. Page. $3 33. BLOCK IX tot X Louis c. Henrvs. $32.63: lot 7. Louis C. Henrys. $34.60; tot d. Msry Coufblin. $33.63; tot 6, Mary I'ouehllit. 122. lih. MURRAY HILL ADDITION to Beat Portlaad BLOCK i. lot 8. Sarah II. Isaacs. .; io T Harsh H. laaaea. SAX16: tot X E. M. Bar- gent. $47 56, tot .68, tot 8, Joseph C. lilhson. sar. 17. X tot 8. T. Q. Browsaon. $32. 88, BLOCK tot T. T. O. Browsaon. $36 79. tot X T. 0. Hrownaoa. 816.87. DOLAN'S ADD LK'B ADDITION aa ths City ty Of Kaat Por land aaTi vei'likll1 IdV Bar Bsadaa8. 83 ! 19 BLOCK T W at tot t W. L ..ordon. $81 7rt, lot . Coins C. Fraalee, $17 71, tot I, Cell! as c. Urssler. 27 T.e4. HANSONS SECOND ifiD Allliirioiv 10 r.aai rori 31. tot 1. lea B Boberta. PI. EUsuor ralasev. Elesnor Palmer $37 weat & 4' Eleenor Palmer. $37 Of; east Vk Lis B. Roberta, $3 74; esst u, lot 3. Roberts. $11 78. BIsOCK 34. let 1, Roberts. $8 3$; lot 2. J c Beberte. tot X t. i). Roberts. 13.38; tot 4. Itohorte SI TX BLOCK 36. tot 1. Ids K. I. c. J. E. Scotl. BeiVCI: tot X J. B. Scott. $53.97 let S. Jskn J. Doyle. 160.93: lot 4. Fred W Hanson $40 63. BLOCK 38. tot 1. Ana Col lins. $40.90; tot X Ann Collins,; lot X William Stevenson. $11.18. DOLAN'S ADDITION to the City of Beat Port land BLOCK X tot X William Stevenson. $13.71; lot 4, William Stevenaoa. $83.66. BLOCK T. tot May Hsrley Jeaks. UXTS; lot 2. Mnr Hsrley Jenks. 138.86. lot 3. May Harley Jeaks. 340.93: lot 4. May Harley Jenks. $43 0. BLOCK 10, lot 1, Bylvaatsr Whltcomh, 844.70; tot X Sylvester Whit comb. $30 49; west Vk tot X J. N. aad Mary B- Davis, lis 08. weet Vk tot 4. J. N. aad Mary B. Davla. $37 78; eaat Vk tot X J. N. aad Mary B. Davis, fo.43; eeat Vs tot X J. N. snd Mary R Da via. $0 32. TotaL 1.40XsJ. A atatemest ef afareaatd assessment has been entered to the Docket ef City Liens, and Is aow doe and payable at the office of the city Treasurer I lawful aabaey of the United states, and If set paid within .10 days from tke date ef this notice, such proceedings will he taken for tbe collection ef the ssme ss are provided bf the charter of the City ef Portland. The above assessment will bear Interest 10 dsys sfter ths first publication of thla ' TBOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of ths City af Portland. PrsTtlasd. Otwfoa. Nov sen bar If, ISM POTJNDMASTXB 8 NOTICE. Netlce Is hereby given that ea tbe 14th dsy et November. 19"4. I took ap and smponndrd at the City 4ousd. at No 31 Sixteenth street. ,n the City of Portlaad. Oregon, tke following described sntmel: One yellow Jersey heifer with hell ea neck; and unless tbs owner, or ether person or per sons having an Interest therein, shell claim pos session of the aaaae, and pay all costs and ekargae of tke keeping and advertising ssme. segetber wltb tbe pound fees on said aalasal. aa provided by oretnence vo -i.izi. as smended. ef said City of Portland. I will oa the 23d dsy sf November. ISM. at Iks boar ef 10 a. a., at the city Pound, at No 381 8liteetb. In said city aell the above described snlaal af public auction to the highest bidder, to pay the coate and charges for taklag up, keeping and adver ttslng such animal. J .4 liaise lam lam usy ox -vovosnosr. leos. AT, W, MMMD. F CITY NOTIONS. FOR IMTBOVKMENT 0T N0BTKBVP BTBXXT. Notice Is hereby slvea that the Council of tbe City of Portland. Oregon, at a merlin bold oa the luth dsy uf November. 19M. declared 1 ne assessment By etainasre No ls.avi. iter ihe improvement uf Nerlhrup atreet froa tbe wast Use of Twenty -second street to the east Una of Twenty -tbiid atreet, lu tin- manner pro vided by ordinance No. II.T24, upon eaek lot. part ef tot and parcel af land, which are spe cially aad peculiarly bensflted. to M aa fol lows, vto; COUCH S ADDITION to Ike City of Portland - -BLOCK fna. tot 4. James DrtocolL $1M.S2; hit X Arthur C. Bpepeer. $14.81; tot . Hnbert Brace Wilson. 86. Til; lot X Lyeaa. 163.69; tot S, Otoaeatine L. Wt BRMl tot IX Ctoaaatiae L. Wltoaa. 181 t IX CtoBMBtlas U Wlleoa. SLm; IT. Caroline E. Wlleoa. lU.M; lot IS. Bai Wagner. $97 31 BLOCK 30$, tot 1. 1 as; kk Samuel lod Ssaarttaa HoapluL 10101; kit X Oood IB.iT; tot X Oood Ss- Bamarias nesmlisl msrltsn Ileepital. S3-. tot 7 Oood Ss muriian tvoepnsi. US; tot 10, Oood Sa- msrltsn Hosiiltal. 39; tot II, Oood Sa il; tot 14, Uood 8a 00. A tract of land asntaa nespitai. msrltsn ll.ollsl lying between tke eouth line of Northrup etreet asd a line 180 feet south thereof and between the eaat line of Twenty third street snd a line 180 feet eaat thereof sad parallel therewith, 1 oa Samaritan Hospital, $113 39. Total, A ' slstesasat af aforesaid assessment baa been entered Is the Docket of City Liens, and Is now due and payable at the office of tbe cltv Treasurer. In lawful stoney of tke United states, and If sot paid wlthla 3n daya from the date of thla notice, each proceedings will be taken for the collection of the ssme sa are provided by the charter of the City of Portlaad. The above assessment will bear Interest 10 dsys after ths first publication of this notice. THOB. U. UBVUn, Aadltor of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregos. November 19. IBM. NINTH BYREXT. - Notice is hereby gives that tbe Council of tbe City of Portland. Oregon, st a meeting held on the 10th day of November, lfxM, declared theTaWsBtuent by ordinance No. 14.38. for the Improvement 91 inula oereer, irom m i line of Oltsan street to the south line of Hoyt street, in the manner provided br ordinance No. 14,196. upon eech tot. part of tot aad par cel of land, which are apeclally aad peculiarly benefited, to be aa followa, via: COUCH'S ADDITION to the City ef Portland -. BLOCK TX tot X Adotpb Bnrckhardt, $44.62; tot 8. Adolph Bsrckhardt. $44.63. BLOCK T4. tot 1. Lena H. Lewis. $44.63: tot X Leon H. Lewis. $44 92. tot 6. Jaaaa H. Huddlesrn. M4.tj3; tot 8. James H. Huddle eon. $44.62. Total. $287.72. A atateaant of aforeeald assessment baa been entered in the Docket of City Llena. and ta now due and payable at tbe office of the City Treasurer, In lawful money of tbe United Statee, sad If not paid within So daya from the data of thla notice, such proceedlnga will be taken for the collection of tbe ssme aa are provided by the charter of tbe City of Portlaad. The above assessment will bear taterest 10 daya after a he first publication of thle notice. . THOS. C. DBVLIN. Asdltor of tbe dty of Portlaad. Portland. Oregon, November 19. 1904. T FOR IMPROVEMENT OF THE EAST HALF OF SIXTEENTH STRRRT. Notice ta hereby gives that the Council of the City of Portland. Oregon, at a aseeting held on the 16th dsy of Norember. 1PM. declared the assessment by ordinance No. 14.306. for tbe improvement of tbe esst half of Sixteenth atreet. from tbe south curb line of Taylor street to a line 100 feet Booth of the Booth Use of Taylor street. In the maaner provided by ordi nance No. 14.168. upon eecb tot. part of lot aad tiercel of la ad. which are apedally and pecu Isrly benefited, to be aa follows, vis: POBTLAND BLOCK 319. tot 8. H. R. Klnesld. tot T, B. R Klucald. $44.02. Total. A statement of aforeeald aaaaasaaset kaa bees entered In tbe Docket ef City Liens, and ta new due snd payable st the office of the City Treaaurer. In lawful money of Ihe United Statee. and If not paid within 88 nay froa the date .if thla notice, such proceedlnga will be taken for the collection of the same aa are provided by the charter of the City of Portland. The above aaaeament will bear Interest Q0 days after the first publication of thla THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City of Portlaad. Portland. Oregon. November It, IBM. ASSESSMENT FOB IMPROVEMENT 0Y OLI SAB STREET. Notice ta hereby gives that the Council ef the Cttr of Cortland. Oregon, at a meeting held on the 10th day of Norember. ISM. declared the assessment by ordlnkhce No. 14.300. for the Improvement of OHsen atreet, from 13 feet east of the wait ttne of Park atreet to 12 feet weat of tke aaat line of Ninth street. In tbe manner provided by ordinance No. 1X161, upon each tot. part ef tot and parcel of land, which era specially aad peculiarly benefited, to be aa followa, vtai ' COUCH'S ADDITION to the City of Portland - BLOCK T3, tot 1. Marie strsrher. 110jT; w 2 Adolph Burckhardt. IllO.oT. TotaL Vata'sment ef aforesaid assessment baa been entered In the Docket of City Liens, snd la now dee and payable at the office of tke City Treasurer. In lawful money of tbe United States, and If not paid wlthla 30 days from the date of thla notice, each proceedings will be token for the collection of the ssase ae are provided by the charter of tbe City of Portland. The above assessment will bear Interest 10 dsys after the first publication of thla notice. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Aadltor of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. November 19, 1904. TO IMPROVEMENT OF QU13LBI STREET. Notice ta hereby gives that tbs Council of tbe city or rortiand. Oregon at a meeting held oa the 16th day of November. IBM. de clared tbe assesament by ordinance No. 14.304. for tbe tniprovemeat of Qutmby street, froa the west Use of Seventeenth street to the cart Une ef Twentieth street. In ths manner provided by ordinance No. 18.8BT. upon each lot. part ef tot and parcel of land, which are specislly and peculiarly benefited, to be aa followa vfs: COUCH'S ADDITION to the City of Portland BIOCK 251. tot 1. Oliver J. Oroee, $121 27; tot 4, Oliver I. Ornce, $17.33: eaat Vk tot X Alwln and Clara Kade. $30.1.1: eaat Va tot X Alwln snd Clara Kade. $78.78: weat Vk tot X Maria L. Flanders. $366; west Vk lot X Maria U Flandere. $177.63. BLOCK SIX lot 1, Savings X Loan Society of San Fran cisco, 13X0.31; tot 4. Savings X Loan Society of San FranHeco, 163.08; lot X Parish ei St. Mark'a Church. flT.61: kt X Pariah of St. Mark's Church. $243 38. BLOCK 383, tot X Lottie Bae. $138.70; tot 8. Mary H tuuch, it7 25. lot 8. Mary H. Couch. $86 TS; let X Mary H Couch $8.1.58; tot 9. Mary H Couch. HUM; tot IX Mary H. Coach, 1S1 88; lot II, Mary H. Couch. I34 .60: tot if. Mary ic. sis. 11; kit is aery h. coum. IM. BLOCK 233. tot S. Oliver J. Oroce. 1188; tot 6. Oliver J. Oroee. I1T.I3; tot Clejnintiae I . wen, sniiss; lot 7. Ltetnio- ne F. LSWIB. $339 04. BLOCK 234. lot X Mary H Couch. $300.38; i..t 6. Mary H. Couch. $81. TS: lot 6. Merv II. Couch. $17 72; tot T. Mary H Oouch. $344. SX BLOCK 2M, lot 1. Job Batleld Estate, heirs of, $124.99; let X Edaa Hatfeid. 117.88; cast S tot X Michael McCoy. $34 IT; weat Vs tot 6. Theo dore Hate-host. $44 17: east V 1st T. Alms A. Martens. (33 39; weat Vk lot T.Bernard Bradv $33.31 east to lot 10, Karen K. Raemneaen. $41. TP; weet Vk tot 10. Jacob Bauer. $81.16: eaat 2.1 tot II. Pertlaad Trust Company of Oregon. $9.1.87; west 1-8 lot 11. John J. Onrlen. $27 24. eaat 1-8 tot 14. John J. Otirlen. $23 88: weet 2-8 tot 14. B. H. asd Pannle Frsnce. $47 32; tot 16, D. M. MeKar. $1106; tot 15. Fred I. Vsraehr. $30758. Total. $4,163.32. A Statement of aforesaid aaaeeeaent baa been entered to the Ducket of City Liens, aed le now dae and payable at the office of the City Tresanrer. In lawful money of. tke United States, snd If not paid within Sir deya froa tke data of thla notice, euch orooeedlngs will be taken for ths collection of the as roe as are provided by the charter ef the city of Portland. Tbe above aaaeament will bear interest 10 daya after tbe first publication ef this notice. TOOS. C DBVLIN, Aadltor ef the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. November 10. 1904. ASSESSMENT FOB BXWXB IB PETTYOEOVE Notice la hereby given that tke Council nt the city of Portlaad. Oregon, at a meeting held on the 16th day of November. 19M. declsred the sseeesment by ordinance No. 14.112. for the construction of a sewer tn Pstisgiuvi, street, froa 180 feet weet of Twenty fourth atreet to tke eevrer In Pcirvgrove street. In tke manner nrnvlded br ordinance No. 1X173. upon each Int. nart of tot and parcel of land, which ar specislly end peculiarly benefited, to be as fol lows, vll : GOLDSMITH'S ADDITION to tbs City of Portland SLOCK 10. tot X M. Arnold. IIT.T8: tot T. M. Arnold. $17 73. BLOCK 11. lot 6. Lewis L. Mc Arthur. $28 18; tot 8. Louie Goldsmith $26.13. Total. IST.80. A statement of sforessld aseeesment has been entered In tbe Docket of City Llena. and is now due snd payable at the office of tbe City Treaaurer In lawful money of the United Srntee. and if not paid within 80 daya from Ihe date of thla netlee. such nroceedluira will he taken fur the collection of the asms ss srw provided by the charter of tbe City of Portlaad. Ths above assessment will bear Interest 10 dave after the flrat publication of thta notice. i - THOU. C. DEVLIN. A editor nt tbe City ef Port la sd. OTTY NOTICE. FOR IMFB0VEMENT OF DAVIS STBXET. Notice Is hereby given that the Council of the City of Portland. Oregon st a meeting held on the loth day of November 1904. declared tbe aaseaaaest by nidakaa 1 No. 14.306. for the Improvement of Davla street, from 13 feet iat of "tbe weat Una ef Twenty first street to 13 feet weet of the eaat line of Twenty -second street. In the manner provided by ordinate e No. 14.168. upon sack tot. fart of tot and par eel of land, which are specially aad peculiarly benefited, to be as follows. Tst! KINO'S SECOND ADDITION to the city of Portland . A tract at toad lylas be tween tbe weet line of Twenty first street and a line 10 feet weet thereof and parallel there with, and between the north Use of Davie street and a Use 100 feet north thereof and narsltol therewith, (leorse W. Bales. 8184 117 A tract of land lying between laa Berth line ef Davla atreet and a line 100 feet north thereof and parallel there with, and between two lines respectively losj reel ana inn icei weet of and parallel with tke weat line of Twenty. first street. O. M. Smith. $53.57. A tract ef land lying between the north line of Davis atreet and a Use 100 feet north thereof Snd parallel t Herewith, and between two lines rreiM-rtlvely LIS feet snd 2M feet weat of and parallel with the weat line of Twenty first street. Ktnfard B. Whiting $17.72. A tract of land lying between the north line ef Davla street and a line 100 feet north thereof and parallel therewith, aad between two lines respectively 304 feet and 841.4 feet weet of and parallel wltb tbe weet line of Twenty-first street, Jalla E. Hoffman. $183.18. A tract of land lying between the Krth line ef Davla atreet aad a line 108 it north thereof and parallel therewith, and between two llnea respectively 841.4 feet end 347 2 feet west of sail parallel wMb tba weet line of Twenty Mrst atreet. Us sale Sire ban $31.16. A tract of land lying between the north line of Davis atreet and a line 100 feet north thereof and parallel therewith and be tween the eaat line of Twenty-second etreet and a line 8ST.3 feet weet of and parallel with the weat line of Twenty-first street. Sophia Holmes, $S3 34. The north 100 feet of parcel of laud bounded and described as fol lows: -'Commencing at a point lu the aoutb line of Davla atreet 186.8 feet weat of the weet line of Twenty first atreet. thence east along tbs south Une of Deris street to the west Use of Twenty first atreet. thence aooth . atone tba weat line of Twenty first atreet te Ita intersection with the northerly line of Washington atreet. thence weeterly 158 feet along the northerly line of Washington atreet, thence northerly to piece of begtaataat. Wil liam Sherlock Estate, Heirs ef. KKB.4. The north 100 feet of a parcel of land bounded aad described sa followa: Commencing tn tbe eouth line of Davla atreet 108.1 feet aaat of the east line of Twenty-second atreet. thence weat along the south Hue of Davla atreet 1ST.1 feet, thence eoutherlr to the point In the northerly line of Washington street 168 feet west of the west line of Twenty first street, thence westerly 168 feet along tbe northerly Use of Washington atreet, thence northerly to place of beginning. Zephanan S. Spauldlng. $383.31. The undivided Vk of tbe north 100 feet of a parcel of land bounded and de Bcribed as follows: Commencing at the Inter section of tbs eouth Use of Davla etreet with the eaat line of Twenty-aecoad atreet. thence aoutb 160 feet along the eaat line of Twenty -secosjd street, thence eaat 181 feet, thence northerly to a point in the aoutb line of Davis street 103.1 fast eaat of ths east Use of Twenty-second etreet. thence west along the eouth line of Davis street to place of beginning, 8. 0. Beraar. IM.61. The un divided Vk of tbe north 100 feet of a parcel of land bounded and described aa followa: Commencing at the Intersection of the aoutb Una of Davis atreet with tbe eaat line sf Twenty-second atreet. thence south 160 feet along the east line of Twenty -eecond street, thence eeat 131 feet, thence northerly to a point In the eouth line of Davis atreet 163. 1 rest eeet of. the east line of Twenty second K" eat. thence west along the aoutb line of via atreet to place of beginning, C. Hereey. SAM!. Total, $1,227. A3. A statement of aforeeald aaeeeament baa been entered In tbe Docket of City Llena and Is now dae and payable at tbs office of the city Treaaurer, In lawful money of the United Slstea. and If not paid within 80 daya from Ihe date of thla notice, each proceedings will be taken for tbe collection of the ssme aa are provided by ths ehsrter of the City of Portland. Ths above saaessment will bear interest 10 day,, after the first publication af this notice. THOS. C DEVLIN. Aadltor of tbe City of Portlaad. Portland. Oregon. November 19. 1904. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. UNION DEPOT. Ms. i Dally. For Ma Dally. 11.10 a. m. en., Clifton. A T:80 p. a. Dally. 1:40 x a. Astoria Basses. J. 0. MAYO. O. F. snd P. A. Astoria. Or. A STBWAKT. ftaaaeretal Agent, at- Phase Main SOX teat, see .he Oar Double-Track Railway betwees the Missouri River MM Chicago The Chirajro-Portland Special, the most luiurlous train in the world. DrBirinj-rotNn sleeping carx dining car, bufrVt smoking ana library car (barrier and Data). Less man itirce day Portland to Chicago. Two Through Trains I Chicago srs operated datty via the n R. R. Bar. Co., L r. MJL. fad to A North-Westera If. te Chicago from Portland and poiata la Oregon and Eastern Weehingtoa. Daily excaraiona in Psllman tnurltt aUeplngcarairoffi Portland through lo Chicago without change. a. a. BiTfHiB, no inn eai Art rac. cosst, sssstsi c. a n.-w. as. a Su Harass Brest, in Till aan raaac isco, c ai m B-VLTLMORX f OHIO R. R. AJ-sL TRAINS VIA A fere nsmisr. .torU."w-- ronton. Havel, Ham mend. Fort Stevens, Oearhart Park, Seaalde. Astoria sad Seaskar. TXTS-as sail. av 'Bi. isM ShotLwb and union Pacific 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY' Through PnTuaea standard and lumbal el ing csrs daily to oraana. lateen. Be tour'.at sleeping care dallr te Kansas through Pullman tourist sleeping cars V ally conducted 1 weeklr to Co tea so. Bs ehelr ears (aeate free) te tbe Best daily. UNION DBFOT. Leaves. Arrives CHICAGO-POBTLAND SPECIAL- 8 15 s. m B 39 p. St, for tbe Bast via Bunt Oally. - Dally. laaTeaa. SPOKANB PLYBB. for Baatern Waahlag- ton. Walla Walla. Lew- 8 lo p. m. a no a. aa. i laton. Ooear d'Alrne Dally. Dallr. snd Greet Northern points. ATLANTI0 BXPBBSS. . . .... . I for the Rest via Hunt- ' ' ' tat-too. Dstly. Deity. m Oslsaksa Bher Mi Mia- 1 FOB ASTORIA snd wall 8:00s. as. I,, rw.inta cnnectlng wltb Dally. AOesne stair, for Ilwaro snd ex. Sunder :0 , a. North Beach, atr. Has. I Sa turds r ex. Sender. aalo. Ash-et. lift lio ns p. a. TskkktiinBniasiwZ " -i OB DAYTON. Oregsel TZT City snd Yaaklll BrVer T:08 a. a. M f. as. Ednta. stra. Roth an Crllj. Dally, odoc. Ash st dock. es. Sunday ex. Soadsys (Water asralttlag.l HfcaswTBlvar rUejaa. POB LXWIBTOR. Ida., s 40 a. a. lAbant and way polnu froa Dstlr. B n0 . a. Btparla. Was . stars. $. Dallr. Spokane and iswtatask ss ITrldar., TICKET Omcr Third snd phone Mala T1X Russell and Rogers Line BETWEEN PORTLAND and SAtV FRANCISCO WEEKLY SAILINGS F. A. KILBURN AJJREUA n 1 1. BURNT, for Ran YraacJarn. anlllnnk at Coos Bay, Yrlday, Bi I 111 IB SB a u an I.I a. ror Ban 1 Saturday, December B. for San Francisco direct. Tel. Main 1110. Oak EAST via SOUTH UNION DBPOT. OVBBLAND BX1 tea laa. for Sales. SlSI p. TRa. Cisco, Stockton, Los As- gstae, Bl Pass. New Or leans and the Ba Barslag train accta at dallr except Bandar with train tot Mb. I : s. a. Ktfti Ammmh BllTirto BrowMflllt. Iltl wVwWW DtSltaaf SSVvTcwlt. 4 09 p. a. T W a. a. 18:19 a.a. IIS-' Dally. IIDatly. ex Yerllaal nisagi aw Depot foot of Retarntnx from Oewego. arrive Portlend dsnf 11:10 a. a.' Deliy (except Saadarl ':X 1:30. 10 K. 11:48 a. m. Except Via lay. BTew a. ex.; i s-, a.w, v-w- w-aas i.m p. a, era nosy ovixr. iv - Leevee rrea bbbbs tiipsi xov snai awai insai edlate p.dnta dallr 'except Bundsf) 4:80 p. BVh rrlve PVirtland 10:38 a. fc. mediate Arrive I Tk. I., aoasv invest ad AhTns. ess., apasy's triskaj oneratee dally tn Monmouth ssd neetlng wits soninem rinnc ro at Dalles and inoepenoence. Ptrat-class fsre from Portlaad ad te Ssirsssesea. is M: sinsdilaaal WB0. an Baa rrandsen BSD. oerva . sis .uw.nS . tM nerta Tickets to Baatern points sna icwrwi Jama, chine Honolulu aad Australia, fltr Ticket Office corner Third sad tagtesi st-eet . Phone Mala TLX (1 W BTT!of. W. B rvrMAB. i nsan, Psea. AaielaJ Cttr Ticket Agent. esse. TIME CARD TRAINS PORTLANDi UNION DBPOT. Paget Soared Limited, for Taeaata. Seattle Olvmpla. South Bead asd Oray'B Barber points. North Cosst Umlted. Bar Taeoma, Sesttls. Butte. St. PaaL Min neapolis Chleage. New York. Boa too and feists list and Southeast Twin-CItr K J press, fee Taeoaaa, Seattle. Bee lane Helena. It. Paul, MlnnsapolU rhicsro. Mew fork. Buss aad a. 8:8 p. , :00 p. a. I T:08 X ax. k. TBk Ska at! polnu Eaat sad Southeast. Paget Sonnd . Kaasaa CljrBt. Lottie Special, ror xscosse. sjeBtiss. Sooksne. Bntte. Bllllnsa Deavet. Omaha. Kasesa citr St. Inula snd all a. I T oo p. i points aaat saa aeota All trains da'lr sxceot en Snntk branch. A. D. CBABLTON. Aalatant Oeneral Passesfer Agest, IV Morrison ex.. ear Third. Pertlaad. Or. IBS Third BX rse. TreBftaaooritlriaintatl mtt Trains Dlly FAST TIME TO SPOKANB. ST. BAJJU DULJDTBJ, MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO AM AIX POINTS EAST. rvawiiwht Ida thrnuarh the and Rockr mouBtaln. For full alar, rate, felderx etc.. cell drees . . i er aaV IBS Third CREE LAND INC I lo ths rkhe syssa, ftvit and i thtworM. ta -- -At Issslskatkassasak HAM and ..Assise. usaisaar 118:80 s. a HHiagir leBJSe.Ssl f etapatay. . nrja. awva. aaat 8:80 a. I H P- -.a x 1 'jra