The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 19, 1904, Image 1

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Tonight and Sunday, relet MM
tonight; sigh south. sWtlaS
southwest, winds.
VOL. III. NO. 22?.
Rockefeller's Corporation
Under Government
Former President's 86n Put in
Charge of Probing of
the Great Trust's
(Wesblnrton Korean of The Journal.)
Washington, D. C. Nov. "To
ertaln whether or not the Standard
Oil company la a combination In re
straint of trade" la the specific purpose
of a direction given by President Roose
velt for the first of the great post-election
Investigations, so long promised.
The order to make the inquiry Into the
methods of the greatest trust In. the
world la Issued to the department of
commerce and labor, and while not spe
cifically mentioning Standard Oil. directs
a general investigation of the petroleum
Industry of the United States.
James R. Garfield, a personal friend
(if the president snd significantly enough
a native of the .state which 'Standard
Oil claims as Its birthplace, will have
charge of the Inquiry, which falls un
der the jurisdiction of the bureau of
corporations. Mr. Oarfietd, son of a
former president, half a dosen years
younger , than the present- chief execu
tive, may not be wholly without political
ambition. And what better opportunity
t or political advancement could hs have
than association with the most Interest
ing Investigation ever undertaken by
the government? It would give him
prominence, prestige If succesful, and In
any event a grip on the Inside dealings
of the nation's captalna of finance, such
as ha could obtain In no other way. Sen
ators are elected now and then In Ohio
and possibly Mr. Garfield alms even
It Is promised that the Investigation
shall be more thorough and compre
hensive than any previously attempted
by the bureau of corporations, of which
Mr. Garfield haa been the head since
February, 101. t
It Is announced that the president haa
determined that the Standard Oil monop
oly shall be broken, and, anticipating a
long, hard fight, has Issued Instructions
Instantly hs was sure of his seat to
begin the Investigation at once, In or
der that It may be completed within the
four years of bis term of office.
The Delay attsplaraod.
Some of the uncharitable have asked
why the president did not order the In
vestigation long ago. The official ex
planation of this delay Is that "the
president Intended to Inaugurate the In
quiry laat summer, but feared that his
sctlon might be tskcn as arising from
political motives that his intention
might be misconstrued." The sug
gestion has been made that the fear was
that Standard Oil might misconstrue
the president's motives.
Special agents of the bureau of cor
porations will be sent all over the United
States to make the preliminary Investi
gations, Just as was done In the case of
the beef trust. It Is understood that
Mr. Garfield last week submitted to the
president a list of men he had selected
for this work, and the list met the ap-
(Continued onPage Seven )
(Journal special RerTle. )
Chicago, Nov. 19 --Murdered
In his automobile evidently while
driving the maohlne. William
Bates, a chauffeur, was found
this morning on Archer avenue,
near I-nmnnt. a Chicago suburb.
Mis hands were clasped to the
steering gear and a bullet wound
In the back of hla head. An
cartridge was found on
the bottom of the car. After the
the car evidently
started back Into the ditch, but
some one had placed an obstruc
tion to prevent the car leaving
the road. The car bore Chicago
license til snd was rented at
t o'clock last night to a man
giving the name of Dove Shortly
afterward the machine was seen
leaving the auditorium, -rne po
ire Inveetlxewng tne mys-
Bates, the murdered
was employed by the
Canary Automobile ront
on Wabash avenue. The
machine was sent to the audi
torium In response to a tele
phone call from a man giving the
name of Dove, who has not since
City Council Committee
Investigating Tanner
Creek Sewer.
Riner Says Hie Enemies Are Re
sponsible for the Bad Work
and the Charges Mads
Against Him.
There Is no abatement In the Interest
shown In the Tanner creek sewer Inves
tigation; neither are the rumors of
fraud, craft and political Influence In
shielding the city engineer's department
becoming lass startling.
The star-chamber proceedings of the
council committee are censured on all
sides. - Even their colleagues In the
council are criticising the members vary
severely for their attempts to keep the
true condition of affairs from the pub
One startling discovery Is said to have
been made at the investigation yesterday
afternoon. It Is ssld the testimony of
James Cay wood, the Inspector appointed
by City Engineer Elliott to Inspect the
work of the sewer-bullders. was damag
ing, not .only to himself, but' to the
cOy engineer's department. It was stat
ed this morning by one In a position to
know that Inspector Caywood was In
competent to fill the position
C. W. Rlner, son of R. M. Rlnsr, the
contractor, who was Interested with his
father In the work, stated that he
thought he would come out of the In
vestigation all right.
"I told them I would repair any de
fects that were to be' found." said he.
"I said that before, and I eland ready to
do the work at once."
Regarding the defects In the work Be
would say nothing.
It Is also stated that the work on
the sewer has fallen considerably under
the grade called for In the plans and
specifications. Other reports regard
ing sections of stone block pavement
being missing, laying of many blocks
on edge, and faulty construction of
much of the brickwork, have been fully
substantiated by the report of the ex
perts and the testimony which was
b rough t out yesterday afternoon.
Bed Mot investigation.
Promptly at 3 o'clock yesterday after
noon the committee assembled In a
private room on the third floor of the
city hall. Those allowed to enter wars
City Engineer Elliott and his assistant.
George Scogglns, R W. Montague, rep
resenting the property owners; Attorney
J. M. Irfing. representing Rlner's bonds
men; City Attorney McNary. Attorney
E D. Mendenhall. W. B. Ayer, N. L.
and E. A. King. I J. Goldsmith. E. W.
Riner, A. T. Smith. J. N. Teal and
Mayor Wlllama. Stenographer W. E.
Mitchell was also summoned to take the
report of the investigation
The report of the experts was Yead
and Contractor Riner. City Engineer
Elliott and Qeorge Scogglns and Inspec
tor James Caywood were questioned re
garding the construction of the sewer
It is said by one who ws In the room
that the Investigation was "red hot."
The committee adjourned to meet
.early next week, when the testimony
taken will be considered snd the com
mittee will thsn make up Its report to
be mads to the city council Wednesday
While the Investigation was In pro
gress yesterday afternoon R. M. Riner,
the contractor, who is (0 years old
pared nervously up and down the
tsoTrJdors of the city hall. To those he
knew he told a sorrowful tale of how his
enemies were attempting to bring ruin
Everything I hsve in this world."
said he,. "Is Involved in this sewer. All
my property is mortgaged, and If I lose
It the last shingle over my head will
be gone.
"I tried my best to have the work
done properly, but If there are defect
In the sewer It was done by my men
without my knowledge. My enemies
were seen around there several
times while the sewer was build
ing, and If there Is anything wrong with
the work they bribed my men to do a
poor Job."
Stesponslblllty of the City.
In a most Important opinion. Inasmuch
aa It lays down the rule for court aro
eedure in a certain class Of Injunction
suits snd has a direct hearing on the
Tanner creek scandal, the presiding
Judge of the circuit court held that
where fraud Is charged on public works,
a defense must be made by the city.
The decision waa given In the suit of
George T. Myers and others against ths
city of Portland relative to assess
ments aggregating 117,000 for ths Im
provement of Third street, from Maui
to Ollsan. Ths direct amount at Issue
Is about to. eon. R R Dunlway Is urg
ing the esse on behalf of Myers and
About two weeks ago the court sus-
(Continued on Page Two.)
Statue of Frederick the Great, Given to the United States by the
(Journal Spoil 1 fte'Tlre.)
San Francisco, Nov. 1. I, lew tenant J.
Oreer, of the Twenty-eighth United
states Infantry, and, hla wife furnish
'he latest army sensation. They have
luarreled and separated. Coming from
the Philippines on the transport Thomaa
vhlch arrived Wednesday, they had so
serious a dispute that they did not
jpeak on reaching port. .
When the transport docked Lieutenant
ireer went to the Palace hotel alone.
Yesterday he left alone for his post at
Fort Snelllng.
Lieut. Vj 8. Grant III. of the engineer
corps, who was also a passenger on the
Thomas, escorted Mrs. Greer to the
California hotel, where she Is staying.
Grant, who la registered at the Palaco
as "U. B. Grant third." Is a son of Gen.
Fred Grant. He showed Mrs. Greer
considerable attention on board the
Thomaa Since taking her to the Cali
fornia hotel he has been a constant
Mes eeeee
Ph one
The Journal
Main 500
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iggJgWweissMlflilL I sMewS
ASgal1 S gsw
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Emperor. ,
Caller, and last night spent the evening
in her spartments.
Mrs. Greer Is an exceedingly pretty
woman fromTexas. The Greers were
married here In Trinity Episcopal
church, ller maiden name was Good
nnugh, and her family Is prominent
snd wealthy In Texas.
Both Lleutensnt and Mrs. Greer
freely admitted that they had quarreled
and would live apart. Neither would
talk aa to the causa Grant said that
hs never met either until he encountered
them on the steamer, and that he la
not responsible for the separation.
(Jooraal Special Pel me.)
Fernle, B. C. Nov. It. Fourteen
miners are dead at the carbonado mines,
near Morrlssey, ss the result of a ter
rific explosion caused by gas" yssterdsy
afternoon. The bodies were recovered.
If you want to play the Piano, you can
Because The Journal will show you how. It makes no
difference whether you have musical genius or not.
A man by the name of W. Scott Grove invented the
Joseph 1 1 of man n, the peerless musician, says it's the
right and the only easy way, and insists on indorsing
the method.
It's done on the kindergarten system, hence a child
or grown-up must understand.
There will be twelve studies the first one appears in
The Sunday Journal tomorrow.
Therefore, if you want to play the Piano, there is
nothing else needed but to take your Sunday Journal,
cut out the illustrated lesson, lay it on a Piano and
This is only one of the many features which The Sun
day Journal presents Popular, readable and instructive.
Baron Von Sternberg Pre
sents, Roosevelt Ac
cepts Kaiser's Gift
Monument Stands with Those of
Alexander and Napoleon
- in the Creat
(Jooraal Special Service.) -
Washington, D. C, Nov. 19. Amid the
enthusiastic demonstrations of a great
concourse of people the bronse statue
of Frederick the Great, a gift of Em
peror William to the people of the Uni
ted States, waa unveiled today. Seldom
has an svent presented so many brilliant
features of military pageantry and .at
the same time given occasion for the
manifestation of the strong bonds of
friendship between the German empire
and the United States.
Ths ceremony f unveiling occurred
on the esplanade of the Army War col
lege In the Washington barracks reser
vation. Surrounding the statue were
great stands to accommodate the many
officials and guests invited to take part
In ths exercises. Oh every hand the
colors of ths United States and Germany
epee "hponeedtr" 1 1 1 '
Within the smphltheater formed by
the stands were gathered the represen
tatives of every branch of the govern
ment, including the president of the
United States snd members of the cabi
net, the chief Justice and associate Jus
tices of the United States supreme court,
the chief of staff fit the army, the ad
miral of the navy, senators and repre
sentatives. Not less notable was ths representa
tion of Germany designated by Emperor
William. The special commissioners
representing his Imperial majesty were
Lieutenant-General von Loewenfeld and
Major von Bchmettan, both of whom
are descended from officers of Freder
ick the Great. With them were the
German ambassador. Baron Speck von
Sternberg and the entire staff of the
German embassy, all In brilliant diplo
matic uniform, while the diplomatic
corps waa represented by the British,
Russian. Italian and Mexican ambassa
dors and the ministers from many for
eign countries. .
A troop of cavalry escorted President
Roosevelt and the members of ths csbl
net from ths white house to the scene
of the ceremonies. When the president
arrived at the stand the entire assem
blage rose and greeted him with cheers.
An impressive Invocation waa delivered
by Bishop Satterlee.
Baron Speck von Sternberg delivered
the statue to the president with these
Baron Speck von Sternburg, German
ambassador to the United States, said:
"Mr. President The hearty and truly
sincere welcome which Prince Henry of
Prussia met with throughout the United
States during his visit in February,
1902. has left a deep and lasting Im
pression on the German emperor and
on the German people. The cltlsens. of
the United States showed Prince Henry
the true manner of American hospitality
and where he appeared, he received a
greeting which did not merely come from
the lips, but which had tne true ring or
ths heart.
"In the many addresses, with which
the prince wss honored, the name of
Frederick the Great was conspicuous.
It was emphasised that the prince's an-
cestor had shown himself a staunch
and true friend of those people who now
were welcoming, the descendant or tneir
own soli. It was pointed out that Fred
erick the Great had proved America's
friend st a tlms when the young re
( Continued on Pegs Seven.)
e eeeess
mm 1
Final Details of Portage
Road Agreed Upon and
Work to Begin at Once
All That Remains Is for the At
torney General to Pass Upon
the Contract and Bond
Money le Pledged.
Unless unforseen obstacles arise,
nothing now stands In the way of the
immediate commencement of work upon
the Portage railway except the formali
ties of executing the contract and bond
for the work, and the approval of the
papers by ths attorney-general. As sll
details have been agreed upon, these
preliminaries are little more than a
matter of form.
The final arrangements for beginning
work upon ths railway were effected
this morning at a conference -between
ths .STSSattlsa board- f ths Open River
association, we open river committee
of the Portland chamber of commerce
and the state portage board. The meet
ing waa held at the office of J. N. Teal.
attorney for ths Open River associa
tion. The meeting was marked by entire
unanimity among those present. The
plans snd specifications for ths railway
were submitted and approved. The
Open River association wss ready With
a contractor who will perform the work,
upon- terms agreed upon, and the asso
ciation also declared Itself In readiness
to raise ths additional funds required
In excess of ths monsy at ths disposal
of the stats board. This excess will
possibly amount to (40,000.
All details proved to be satisfactory
to the members of the stats board. The
engineers of the board and of the Open
River association reviewed the specifi
cations and agreed upon the terms of
ths contract for the work.
The contractor selected will furnish a
bond for ths fslthful performance of
his undertaking and this bond snd the
contract must be approved by ths attorney-general
of the state. All that
will then remain to be done by the
Open River association Is to raise the
money which It haa agreed to supply,
and aa the entire amount Is already
pledged, no difficulty or delay can arise
on this score
The construction of the road will not
be delayed on this account, but will
begin as soon as ths contract and bond
have been approved by the attorney
general Those present were Governor Cham
berlain. State Treasurer Moore, Secre
tary of State Dunbar and Engineer Mc
Millan of the state hoard: Dr. Blalock.
Judge Mariner, J. A. Smith and J. T.
Peters of the Open River association,
and Henry Hahn and I A. Lewis of the
open river committee of the chamber of
Another meeting of the executive
board of the Open River association Is
to be held this afternoon at Mr. Teal's
i journal Sped! Service.)
Washington, Nov. 1. Rumor Is afloat
In high official circles that Miss Alice
Roosevelt Is to pass the season in Lon
don and that she will be presented st
the court of St. James. It Is said that
she will be a guest of the Whltelaw
Reids, who will take a house In London
the coming; spring.
(Joaraal Special Seerlee.)
New Orleans. La.. Nov. 19. Secre
tary of War Taft and Admiral Walker
and their party arrived tins morning.
They were met by a committee of cltl
sens and soldiers and escorted to the
hotel. Taft will be given s banquet to
night. He leaves Sunday for Panama.
(Special Dt i pa tea to The JaemsL)
Tecum a. Wash.. Nov. It. The storm
on the sound today Is severe. Regular
steamers are all late. No lessee are
reported, but feara are entertained for
the incoming British ship Arracna,
which Is believed to hs lost.
I Journal Special garvlee.)
Lexington. Ky.. Nov. It Col. W. C.
P. Breckinridge Is being kept alive by
the administration of oxygen. Ms can
survive but a few houra
They Are Clearly in Vio
lation of the
State Law.
Sheriff upheld in
raiding gamblers
Council Lacks Power to License
Illegal Games and Equity
Court Will Not Aid Those
Who Conduct Them.
T JTTDOK saoMs so:
Gambling-" exists when any
thing of value Is wagered on any
event or act In which the element
of chance enters.
Selling pools on races Is gam
.bllng within the meaning of the
Oregon statute.
A pool room is e common
gaming house, and as such a
public nuisance, even though
tV? .nd bettmg an races may
ntSfg Vn vlolatlon.of law.
Any license Issued by the city
eounett to conduct a gaming
house In violation of the statute
Is void, and the charter does not
authorise the licensing of such
an establishment.
The sheriff Is directed by stat
ute to enforce the gambling and
gambling nuisance laws, snd If
any person collides with such of
ficial In the performance of hla
duty, such person must not look
to a court of equity for relief.
The opinion does not touch on
the law side of the case and
leaves all questions which may
come before the court on law
points to be decided on their
Pool-selling Is gambling within the
meaning of the Oregon statute, and any
man who engages In such questionable
and unlawful business and thereby
brings himself Into collision with the
sheriff must not expect relief from a
court of equity.
Such Is the decision of Presiding
Judge Oeorge of the circuit court, who
this morning refused to enjoin Sheriff
Word from holding possession of the
premises of the Warwick Commission
company. The court used language
showing that he believed M. O. Neaae.
manager of the establishment, exhibited
effrontery In coming Into court and ask
ing for such a restraining order.
"Poolroom gambling Is certainly mor
ally aa bad as any other kind of gam
bling," says Judge Oeorge. "The law
la against subterfuges on matters of
'devices.' The plaintiff, admittedly, haa
entangled himself In a questionable and
unlawful business, and a court of
equity must leave htm and the sheriff
where it finds them."
The opinion of the court is looked
on by members of the bar as being one
of the strongest and moat comprehen
sive relative to gambling In the his
tory of Jurisprudence. The court holds
that gambling exists whenever anything
of value Is wagered on any act, event
or occurrence In which the element of
chance enters.
It Is held that the city council hss
no power to sdopt sn ordinance which
Is In contravention of the state laws,
and that the charter does not purport to
give It any such authority. A license
to conduct a poolroom, therefore, la
held by him to be null and void. Par
ticular attention Is drawn to the Intent
of the legislature, as shown by the
reading of the laws enacted, to stamp
(Continued on Page Two )
Bank clearings for the week
establish a record In the business
history of Portland. Though the
clearings for the same week of
last year were considered un
usually large, they are exceeded
by more than ll.DOO.ooa by the
clearings of the week just ended
Por the week ending to
av Portland's bank clearings
amounted to K.StO.SK .". Tor ths
same week of ItOt the clearings
amounted to The
difference shows that business In
Portland's banks has Incrssd
more than 1. 000,000 dertSaf Use
past 12 months.
Local buslassi
the lea rings far
Ins weeks or
re positive
in a I