The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 18, 1904, EXTRA, Image 6

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    ITER CHANGES TTZ . r. o ' CI
i bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsj bbbbbbbwss mmmrmtmmmmmfmm ssbbjbbbbs. bbbbsb bsbbbbbbi a bbbbbbbbs bbbbbbbjbbsbb bbi lawaswawaaai iMpwiiiwiiWHWWPPMPPPPPWiiwpwwiW
l m aw m mmm 1 w nmw a a w w vaw bbbbj amm mmm mmm mmm amm amaT,,-. -mam , . swan wara bbOT stc. gsra gsra aia. saw- sbbbm stm gsTv tot a sot sot sot tot a st v mam -mam. mar mm. .Mar mam mam . m mar v Tarn. m.vw jot v Tam mi . tot
r r rauvnf i
- r 'w ill'n,'k sanTj--Biwj raw - - - ;
Prom nent Citizens fcxprs sat- V aI'HA'! - -
r.r . . . . i s sassa. aam maavmam mmm.
isf action with the Document ' r- ' Tmlmimi MT W n JT
Meeting Will Be Held Next Fri
day to Receive and Dis
cuss Suggestions.
At the meeting to consider tmn4
menia to the city charter lut night the
old board was represented by 11 nan-
bers; two member of toe legislature
ar nraiant to sive counsel.
pressed satisfaction with the charter;
the worst said was that it had not yet
had sufficient trial Rawtoton waa de
precated, and no radical changes war
suggested. ,
' Among the amendments offered waa
one to aaaaaa the coat of building
ti th whale oltT Instead of tO
a restricted district. Cutting dawn the
detailed advertising notloea of the aa
ssssmrnt of costs waa another ucgee
- tlnn; and changing the civil service rules
ao as to take laborers from under the
Jurisdiction of the commission waa dis
cussed, as waa also the postponement
of the city election to the time for the
county and state, election. A special
provision granting railway companies
franchise for extensions and connections
had advocates.
Those present were A. A. Bailey and
nmrn W. Holcomb. members of the
ate legislature, and a. h sums, vn-
UB KlUlngswortn, K. w. amniague. Wi
Willis. Fred V. Holman, laam White,
w Soott W. Hurra 11. Henry W. Fries
fend T. C. Devlin.
A. U Mills, chairman of the old char-
. , .IvIaJ phalmui. and
1 Thomas C. Devlin waa chosen secretary.
Mr. Devlin waa canon upon, mm m. wvm
observer of the workings of the charter,
to tell what he knows of it Ha be
lieved the charter waa good in Its main
features, and pointed out th tares
amount of street Improvement accom
plished under Its provisions. -Although
there had been .considerable litigation
Ei "X . n nmm ftf hntirAWB.
tent, he felt sura that the courts woura
decide in favor of th city. The work
of the civil service commission had been
felt In every department, and although
it worked hardships In certain cases, it
had Improved the servloe generally. The
city was now in a better financial con
dition than before th charter waa adopt
ed, although the levy of 7 mlil waa In
sufficient to meet th requirements of
the departmenta.
Mr. Devlin said -in looking at the mat
Mr from all sides, th charter appeared
to be an excellent one, and compared
favorably with any in the United States.
The opinion waa generally; expressed
that care should be taken in any pro
pbeed changes, which should be made
along lines where the charter had been
tried and found to be a failure.
H. W. Scott waa quite emphatic In his
statements that ha waa opposed to any
i AO cLi caanv
He apologized for editorials whloh had
Been puotianea in ma paper "
change df time of th city election to
the date of the county and state elec
tions. He waa absent from the city at
the time, he said, but when he returned
the publication of the articles was at
once discontinued.
' He desired it understood that he waa
pot in favor of changing the time of
election. " " "
Just before the meeting adjourned a
resolution was introduced as follows:
"Resolved. That It la the sense of this
committee that all proposed amendments
to the city charter be submitted to the
voters of this city for their approval
or disapproval before they are recom
mended to the state legislature."
It was thought wise to table the reso
lution until a larger attendance of the
charter members and the state legisla
ture are present.
Next Friday evening another meeting
will be held At that time proposed
amendments to the city charter will be
presented and a general discussion had
on the advisability of adopting the same.
One of the prominent Knights d
Templar who paaaed through d
Portland a few months ago en d
route to the Ban Francisco eon-
clave haa returned to Oregon to d
live and to locate two of his d
grown sons her.
He is W. J. Burns of Orion,
111. After Mr. Burns return d
home he made up his mind to
become a resident of Oregon. d
He aold a portion of his extan- d
slve land holdings near Orion,
and wrote to the Portland Com- d
merclal club asking for lnfor- d
nation regardlnr agricultural d
and business conditions near this d
city. The replies were sattsfac- )
torv and he came here this week.
It is his Intention to dispose of
more property in Illinois, and as 4
soon as his sons arrive he will
make further purchases of land
In the vicinity of Portland. d
Music Lessons Free.
After six years of earnest study and
experiment a method of teaching the de
sirable art of playing the piano has
been devised, by which any one can learn
to play, and at the same time acquire, a
fundamental knowledge of the theory of
music This method has been secured
by The Journal, and the first of a course
of lessons will be given in the Sunday
Journal. November 20 (next Sunday).
This method is a revelation of sim
plicity and places the art of playing the
piano in everybody's hands. The course,
a It will be' published In the Sunday
Journal, will treat each key and its rela
tive minor key In one lesson, and com
pleting a course comprising all the dif
ferent scales. The first lesson, ss stated
above, will appear In the Sunday Jour
nal Issue of November to, and If you
desire to follow the course should order
from vour dealer or newsboy the Sunday
Journal. There Is no expense attached
to this course of plsno lessons other
than he subscription to The Journal.
The olin is on exhibition on a piano In
an Etler's Piano House window, at 360
Washington street.
Winter Rates to Yaqulna Bay.
The Southern Psclflc Co. will sell, on
tVedne-dar and Saturdays of eech week.
until March II. 10I. low rale round
ein tickets to Taaulna. limited to CO
days from dale of sale. The sale of
these excursion tickets during th winter
months Is a new departure and haa been
hmught about through the desire of our
local sportsmen to enjoy tne exceptional
y fine hunting and Ashing privileges of
Tff 1 M A JVV rrrC A late season and the fact that we are anxious to make
i UU rlAiSY UUULlij a change January 1,1905, causes us to get generous as
Thanksgiving approaches, and Instead of the ax falling on Mr. Turkey, It falls on prices here and in
sWamasiwi' JiAw'.af.We'Jsa'a asa'aa ad LI i I 17 M M.I HnAt , '
many m&iani,c& arc i,ui naur in f rrx.
With every 50c purchase here Saturday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, we will give a num
bered coupon. At 4 p.m. Wednesday eve, those Interested will meet at our store and select a plan
of drawing the lucky number duplicate number); the lucky holder can have without a single reserve
CHOICE OF ANY SUIT OR OVERCOAT In Our Large Stock Absolutely Free
Is confined exclusively to The
Chicago for this city. There is
no other make now before th
people that shows such pro
nounced Individuality - coupled
with tne- best bench work known
to the shoemakers' craft' as The
We have Just re
ceived a large ship
ment of the Best
Shoes for Ladies
and Misses on earth.
Ladles' heavy soled rid kid. worth 11.11;
many styles to select from; you take yoiir
A still better trade shoes that exclusive
shoe stores say is worth $1.60 here,
VT. fl.T
Girls' Box Calf, good winter Shoes; during
turned Shoes you'd pay 13.25 and $1.60 for
f l.OO
pick, at
only . . .
this shoe elsewhere here. only. .
CI Mi Girls' Buck Calf, good winter Shoes; during
ss.vv thls mi,, .1,. 9.i2i f0r
CI 7 Same shoe, sixes from 12-1,
waaaw for
Men's and
This celebrated make has stood the test . of the
years and has 'always occupied the "right of' the
line" In the march of progress. The makers of the
shoes we sell originate others follow In their wake
sometimes far behind, for it's no easy matter to
keep up with The Chicago in progressive' shoe
maklng. The output of a famous shoe factory is
confined exclusively to The Chicago for Portland.
We have Just received an Immense line of these
excellent shoes and now offer them to the publia.
nn Our best Patent Calf, Vict Kid. Box Calf, In
ww.WU aji the new shapes and lasts; the kind you
go sad pay $4.26 and 14.60 for, and yet get no bet
ter quality, no better fit and no better style. We
gamble on these and guarantee every pair to give
satlsfacUon 93.00
C A Now we are talking ahoea. Tou, get no bet
4r.OU ter style or quality anywhere for double
the money, and we will back our reputation on
them MUM
C? A A A dandy pair of shoes; extra quality the
4aV.UV kind that fits, wears and holds their shape;
all styles and makes. Tou'd pay 12.60 and $2.00 at
a shoe store for this grade, now S2.00
yc Shoe that you pay $2.60 for . other places,
''' you get here for much less; every pair of
them guaranteed to be perfectly satisfactory, a regu
lar shoe-store $2.60. and $2.00 shoes, at Sl-25
CI A A Buys a new pair of shoes. Just Ilka paps,
v I .UIF wore good, serviceable wearing kind sixes
tt-lt, for J..OO
C if Same shoe, sixes from 12-1,
The Free Thanksgiving Choice
Of 421 men's choicest hand
tailored suits and overcoats,
worth $12.50, $13.50 and $15
The Suits
Just a few words to convey an Idea
of the splendid styles the exclusive
models the grand aggregation of Suits
which are now subject to your selec
tion In this sale at 214.60 for th
choice. The fabrics are among the
finest that are woven by the best looms
of Europe and this country. The color
ings and patterns are up-to-the-hour
chaste refined beautiful. Th
trimmings are In keeping with the high
order of the goods, many suits being sllk
llned throughout. There are Plain and
fancy dressed and undressed Worsteds,
Scotshes, Heather Mixtures, Overplalds.
Checks, stripes and mingled effects. In
Cheviots, Caasimerea, Tweeds, Vene
tians, Vicunas, etc. The styles are
single and double-breasted sacks, cut
away frocks, and-English walking coat
suits In all the popular models in each
of these styles as well as many mod
els exclusive with us. The workman
ship Is of the best known to the tailors'
craft, hand-tailored, so as to Insure per
fection of fit and permanency of shape.
Men's Suit
ajJF Sf.W ,t0 00 AND 122.60
COATS Superb creations all of them
with fashion's stamp Indelibly Im
pressed on every garment. Hundreds to
select from. In all the styles and In all
the weaves, patterns and colors in
vogue. Do you realise the amount of
money you save by selecting one of
The Overcoats
There never was a time when indi
vidual taste In Overcoats waa so much
in evidence. Some men of excellent
taste prefer the Short Box others pre
fer - tne Medium lengths with either
Box Back or Chesterfield shape; others
again pin their faith to the full 62 -Inch
Ixng- Coat, flowing gracefully over the
form and we can meet the various
views of all men in our stock at $7.46
for the choice. The overcoating fabrics
Include the heavy Cheviots In mingled
effects, Undressed Worsteds, triple
milled Meltons, Montagnao and castor
Beavers, Kerseys. Covert Cloths and
Box Cloths, etc., .id. All the colors and
all the shades affected by careful dress
ers are shown In th grand aggrega
tion. The trimmings and linings are
of the finest. The finish and lit are
above and beyond reproach. Perma
nency of shape Is an assured fact from
the further fact that these garments
are all hand-tailored and therefore
equal. to a the finest of custom work
Men's Over
coat Special
$l-60 AND 118 SUITS
This offering Includes both Fall and
Winter weights, all new 1(04-6 styles.
In all the models created for the coming
season's wear, by the leading experts In
the business. The variety Is practi
cally limitless. The facts face you, the
rest remains with you.
Special Thanksgiving Bargains in
Boys' Clothing
l.OO for 12. so Suits.
1.S5 for $2.00 Suits.
2.00 for 14.00 Suits.
35d for all 60c and 66c
Knee Pants.
S2.SO for $6.00 Suits.
3.00 for $.00 Suits.
3.BO for $7.06 Suits.
55 for all $1 and 11.26
Knee Pants.
Boys' Overcoats
For an Overcoat
worth 13.50.
For an Overcoat
worth $4.61.'
For . best Over
coat In the elty.
Overcoat, ages from I to II, fl.95 and up to 92.45.
3.50 and M.OS- -all th latest styles and makes.
Special Thanksgiving Bargains In
Youths' Clothing
( AC We have hundreds of Youths' $7.60 and $8.00
sJO.tu atngle and double breasted Bulta and Over
coats. In sixes 1$ to 20. a broad variety -of fabrics,
weaves, styles and patterns alt subject to your
choice in this sale, for S3. 95
7? w showing Youths' $0.00 and $10.00
wO.IO Suits and Overcoats, cut In all the most ap
proved models, in a wide range of fabrics, colors and
patterns; sizes 18 to 20; at the choice of them all.
for SS.7S
7 Cft vF offer, subject to your selection, hun
'"' dreds of Youths' splendidly fashioned $12.60
and $16.00 Suits and Overcoats, cut in all the latest
models, in a wide assortment of charming patterns;
sis IS to 84); at th choice, or 97.50
We are showing a
nobby and selected
line of all the new
Fall s h a pe s and '
THE WtlNsTEIN Jhis Hat comj. ''""f
MBA SAT. np o"1 for the price--and ne-
cause there are" so many other
makes of $8.60 and $4..00 hats advertised -but The
Welnstetn Hat Is a fit competitor of the best $4.00
hats of other stores.
TUC aiAiai No such Hat to be found elsewhere
it sit hit tor less than $2.60. We carry this
l BO make In all the popular shapes of
soft and stiff silk finished throughout.
A Hat good enough to wear anywhereln all the
late shapes and shades; you pay $2.00 and $2.26 for
this hat elsewhere.
A COOD $1.25 HAT
The best $2.00 Hat on earth; quality and styles are
sure to suit you.
Two Great Shirt
We defy compe
tition in the two
spectala quoted
below. The freight
Just brought
us these goods1
tbey were late In
"arriving- we were
told to sell them,
hence these lew
nCr 211 dosen Golf soft bosom all styles In fancy
WOW colors with and without attached and detach
able ruff; regular $1.00, $1.26 and $1.60 Shirts; while
they Isst i, 54)
Another lot of Fancy Stiff Bosom Shirts, hun
dreds of styles to select from, for.
lien's Pants
QEr Wool or Worsted Trousers; the kind you nay
$1.60 and $1.7$ for any place etoe, here 95)
4f Q C We have Just received a new line of extra
l0O good styles, and all the new materials In
Pants that we should sell for $2.60 and $2.00; your
choice . SLOT
7 A Regular $2.50, $4.00 and $4.60 Trousers; the
7eV.OV best quality of goods, fashioned In the latest
style, and pants that other places do not offer for
our price E2.50
If you will visit our store and bay $1
worth of merchandise we will pay your
car fare cheerfully. Will any other firm
do the same? If the values and quality
are not here when you look, don't buy.
Ain't that fair? If they are, and you do,
you save your car far.
We pay particular attention to mall orders
and will carefully fill any order from this
stock as advertised. Write us and we'll
show you what are it rare and attention la
paid to thla department. We do a whole
sale business and country merchants who
want to replenish their stock should come
In and see the special bargains we can offer.
that sect to.