THE 61 AX, PORTLAND. FRIDAY ', EVENING, NOVEMBER II, 1M1 IF THE COUNCIL TawS of rTorenoe Take Sum mary Action on Charge of Malfoaaanoa of Offica. TWO COUNCILMEN IN 8YMPATMY ALSO RESIGN Placaa of AM Ara Immediately Filled Trouble Over a Warrant (Special Dispatch to The jrul.) Eugene. Or., Nov. II. Ati the lMt meeting of the city council of Florence, t the mouth of the dlualaw river. 80 mils west of Eugene. Orr Hurt, a wealthy ahip and aawmlll owner, waa de posed as prealdent of the council, charged with malfeaaance In- office, and Marlon Morrla waa tnatalled aa preal dent in hla place. The trouble occurred over the passing of an ordinance appro priating $500 of the city funda to the achool dlatrict to help pay for the new public achool building, which waa re cently completed. Hurt vetoed the or dinance, but the council paaaad It over Ma veto. When asked to aign the war rant for the 1606 Hurt refused to do ao. Thereupon he waa ouated. Recorder Pickle and Councilman Carman resigned whan Hurt waa deposed and their auc ceeaora were Immediately choaan. Anthony Burr, a young man of feeble mind, waa taken to the insane asylum at Salem yesterday, having been com mitted by County Judge Chrlaman. Burr yeaterday morning Hew Into a pasalon because hia mother chided him for some offense, and beat her almost into lnaenalblllty. A neighbor who wit nessed the aaaault ran to Mrs. Burr's aaslatanoa and knocked the boy down with a apade. Burr was then arrested and taken before a lunacy commission. M. H. Lucas, a bicycle repairer, was seriously Injured yeaterday by the ex plosion of a small engine boiler which he had in bis shop. Ths boiling wator and ateam poured Over Lucas' face, chest and arm a, causing the flesh to 'fall off in large patches. He may not recover. The members of Company A, O. N. O., of this city are arranging for their annual New Year'a mask ball. The committee on arrangements conalata of the followlngi Lieut. J. M Renne. Pri vate E. R Davis, Sergt. W. L Copper roll. Corp. Charles Watt a. Private Matt Hughes. Private Claude Gaby, Private J. L Furniah and Private Roseoe Riley. A. C. Ruby, who has just returned to Eugene from an extended trip through Europe, bought while there It head ef blooded horses, which are now en route here. He purchased 1C of them In Prance, It la England and two la Bel glum. bob otr a TBAnr. (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) St Johns. Wash., Nov. II. A baby girl wss born on the Oregon Railroad at Navigation passenger train No. 4, be tween Umatilla and Rlparla yesterday. Ten thousand dam one gnawing away at one's vitals couldn't be much worse than 'he tortures of itching piles. Tet theie s a curs. Doan's Ointment never fails MISS RANDALL RUNS FROM "THE RUNAWAYS asocial Paws toh to The Journal.) Taooma. Wash., Nor. 1S.-MIbs Sal lie Randall, member of "The Runaways'' company, who baa been suing the role of "The Attar Nurse," ran away from the oosnnany la Taeoma. Manager Com, stock declined to permit the young wo man to take her trunks, and she applied to Justice Osxreteon, wjpo Issued a writ and the trunks wr taken In charge by Constable Garrett. Miss Randall declaree she Is the last of the female principals in the com pany. She says the leading parts are now being fllled by chorus girls. She gave the management of "The Run aways" the customary two weeks' no tice, but this Manager Comatock g- noreov PRIEST IS ARRESTED ON FORGERY CHARGE (Journal special Barrier Omaha. Neb., Nov. II. A deputy sheriff last night arrested Father Joaeph Schell on a warrant charging him with forgery- The arrest is the outcome ef a grand Jury investigation into the charges that have been made that bank era and merchants adjoining the Winne bago reservation have been systematical ly robbing the Indians or their wealth. The sdccIAo charge against Father LScheil Is that he forged the name of an Plr.dlan woman to a cert meats of da. posit He denies the charge and In hla explanation eays hla arrest Is simply an attempt on the part of those whose methode he has been trying to expose, to dsfeat his purpose. GUILTY OF SHOOTING; VICTIM IS PARALYZED (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Coffax. Wash., Nov. II. The case of 3. E. Brown, charged with assault with a deadly weapon with Intent to kill Thomaa Tumbow, on August t, IPOS, was completed laat night The jury brought fn a verdict of guilty. The pen alty is from one to 14 years in the pen itentiary. 1 Sentence win be pronounced next Thursday. Brown took the verdict indifferently. Turnbow has been para lysed below the shoulders since the shooting, snd was brought Into the courtroom on a stretcher. Brown attempted to kill himself in his cell lsst night A OF ( Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Belllngham. Wash.. Nov. II. where on the Bay of Oeorgla Is the acow pile driver that has been pulling fish trap piles In this vicinity. The number of her crew is unknown. The scow broke from her moorings and was car ried out by the strong wind prevailing. J. H. Relfanydar, the owner, has gone to the rescue of his men. TAOOMA FtVAJTS BTTLX. FICM (Special Oil patch to The Journal.) Taooma, Wash., Nov. II. Local pro moters here propose to give a bull fight In the city. Ths authorltlea are disposed to permit It, but the church people op pose ths exhibition v4olently. (Special nupatcs to The Joarnal.) Pifliman. Wash., Nov. II. "Alms." a Belgian stslllon owned by M. C. Gray of this city has been sold to a company of stockmen of Butler Creek. Or., for 14.000, the largest sum ever paid for a stallion In this state. Joi ssa taiao SEIZED BY W. S. CUTTER -liss a ij is m (fecial Dispatch Jaarsal .) Victoria. S. C.. Hov. Ja-rDetallB have just been received by the Victoria Seal ing enaapeny of the slawri of the schooner Teresa of the local fleet laat July t. The leisure aasnrrod two days before the opening of the sealing sen son just as the sahrmner eras entering Unalaaka harbor. She was boarded by Lieutenant McCoy of the United States cutter MoCuItoch. who was wounded by a shot frorm suns which had been se creted In. the hold by sn Indian. The schooner was brought into a wharf snd all her provisions snd supplies sealed. Two daya afterward the British gun boat Shearwater cams Into port and as of representations made the HUNDRED MILES AN HOUR, NEW RECORD (Jaarsal Special Service.) , Toledo, O., Not. II. Engineer Charles F. Uuyant holds the Lake Shore speed record, he having made a run from Edg erton to Butler, a dtatance of seven miles, in four minutes, st a rate of 106 mllea an hour, when he was making up time with a solid mall train. The total run from Toledo to Kendallvtlle, M miles, was made at a rate of a miles an hour. The run waa made with the latest model eharlne. Ouvsnt says It uses less coal thhn the old-style engines that make one half the IRISH AND GAELIC LEAGUES ENTERTAIN V The United Iriah league and the Gaelic league are planning for an elaborate entertainment on November II for the Allen, Larkln and O'Brien memorial. The best talent of the city haa been engaged. The entertainment will be given at the Empire theatre, Twelfth and Morrison etreets. ' Dr. M. F. Gallagher will deliver an address on "Wolfe Tone," and -Professor Motrin of Columbia university will ren der "God Save Ireland" In dialect There will be many other Interesting features srld the occasion promises to be a mem orable one. HARDY WYOMING COWBOY F0UN0 TO BE WOMAN (Journal Special Service.) Denver, Com.. Nov. 18. Mary Collins, who has just been discharged from St. Joseph's hospital, cured of appendicitis, entered that Institution in cowboy attire snd gave the name of Jamea Brown. Hex father was a email rancher In Wyoming. For years aha rode the range with her father. Then her mother died. She could do a roan's work, but no one would blre a woman to herd stock so ths girl, then 18, donned cowboy clothes. Shs has had Ave years of this life. TRIGG PAYS SMALL SUM FOR BREAKING HEART John B. Trigg, sued by Emma Talbert for damagea on the charge of breach of promise, must pay $100 for not marry ing her. At 1:10 thte afternoon the jury, after being .out several hours, returned a ver dict lor the plstntirr, allowing nar szou. The case was heart before Judge Fraxer. I SPECI 200 BOYS' SUITS $4.45, $5, $5.45, $6 and $6.85 Values $3. SO These suits are in Cheviots, Worsteds, Caasitneres, Serges end Fancy Tweeds of the very best make. Xtra good and Crescent brand ages S to 10 in blouse, double breasted and juvenile Norfolk, in sailor and Eton effects. Mothers of boys to clothe should take advantage of these bona fide offers, as it is a direct saving of $1 to $3. As the number is limited, you should come early and have first choice. awaesSWSsasBSssBBBaasBaMMaM 'a;sswa. .avl aasasaw ism Law V : M J SBbb sbbbV "' 1M ami AesssV. asssae ."".,. Hr .sB lH V, wasss -v. svF esal sear -.nlswa, - .a wa.s vJLr saJ sp 'a. " tsUv Boys9 Clothing for ThanKsgiving Everything the Boy needs to sdd to his outfit is found here in profuse variety. We are the greatest Boys' Outfitters in the northwest. Duster Brown Suits Over 25 styles of the exquisite crea tions. 9 5 tO flO. w ; ' v ' Buster Brown Overcoats Blue, red, tan, brown and Oxford shades with serge, silk and red flan nel linings. f5, 96.50, 97.50, 910 to 918. Buster Brown flats Tams. Sweaters and Collars Boys' Furnishing Department. ' BOYS' SAILOR. NORFOLK and DOUBLE BREASTED SUITS Splendid values, at 95, 96.50 and 97.50. Youths' College Suits Cut on the swagger lines. 910, 912.50, 915 to 922.50. BOYS' and YOUTHS' LONG OVERCOATS and CRAVEN ETTES S6.50, 97.50, 910 to 920. Don't Fail to Visit the Gigantic Overcoat and Underwear Sale Tomorrow and Monday. .-,11 1 "" -X" - " ' ' ' - See Display in Morrison-Street Window. SAM1 ROSENBLATT & CO. Corner Third and Morrison Sts. ENGINEER BRINGS FINAL SURVEYS Is for a Portage Road Around Celilo Fairs in the Co lumbia River. - - , DOES NOT INTERFERE WITH GOVERNMENT WORK Most Feasible Plan to Be Se lected Estimated Cost Not Made Public (Journal Special Ser t1c ) Salem, Or., Nov. IS. The official engi neer of the stats board of portage com missioners, A J. McMillan, Was In Salem yesterday, and brought with him the final surveys and estimates on the coet of building; the road, which will be eon nidered st the meeting that la being held In Portland this week. This survey Is for a portage road around the Celilo falls in ths Columbia river, and does not In any way interfere with the construction of the canal by the government. Several problema. auch aa loading snd unloading freight, have been worked oajt In differ ent ways, and the most feasible will be selected by the board. The estimated cost la not yet made public, but will far exceed the amount of money appropri ated by the legislature for that purpose. tltt, 000. But under agreement with the Open River association, of eastern Ore gon, the state la to furnish the money appropriated for that purpose, and the association la to furnish a contractor who will do the work according to the specifications of the state board. The Open River association will raise suffi cient money to pay the contractor for his chargee over and above the 1166.000, and it la likely thst the road will be begun within a abort time. Martha A. msey has begun suit for divorce against W. W. Basey, sllegtng cruel snd Inhumsn treatment during the entire 22 yesrs of their wedded Hfe, snd because the husband has steadfastly re fused to allow the two grown dsughtere to enter the house. The union has re sulted in Ave children, two of whom are minora J. M Arthur a Co. haa begun suit against A. L Provost and William Mee nan to enforce a contract alleged to heve been entered Into between the partlee for the defendants to purchase machin ery valued at $400, which they were to Install In a steam laundry in Woodburn. It is stated thst this agreement waa en tered Into on October I". 190S. and later the defendants refused to accept the machinery, for which lltl damages are asked. A band of sheep were run over by a atreet car near the state fair grounds yesterday, and eight head were killed before the car could be stopped. It was sbout o'clock In the evening and rather dark, so the moterman asserts he did hot see the animals, snd thst In their terror they followed the leader and kept Jumping in front of the car. W. H. Doe. the owner. Is holding the Cltlaen's Light A Traction company responsible, snd has so far refused to remove ths csreassea from the road. NEW ERA FOR - PORTLAND - ; Many Commercial Enterprises Centering Here City Rap idly Expanding Houm-Bull dins and Moma-flaking Occupy many Minds The Home Complete and How to Make It So. NOTICE The Journal sgency at Sslem haa been transferred to A. ". Lawrence of 4S Church street, phone There is a great difference between approving of the harmony of the ar rangement of a collection of furniture, draperies and bric-a-brac, and In set tling down In solid comfort In a home and having a genuine good time. The former Is soon forgotten, but the latter lingers long In the memory and draws one back to the home which offered real pleasure. There are many, unfortunately, who do not recognise this, snd their dwel lings ever remain places to oe omy coldly admired. Instead of becoming homes, ths magnet which draws and holds family and friends. Music harmonises with everything and S leases everybody, snd thoee who are eslrous of making homea. If they are limited In means, should make the pur chase of the piano the first considera tion. NEW ERA PIANO 5ELLINO Msny new houses are now going up in Portland. It rests with those who fur nish them whether they will be mere dwellings or homea There Is no reason why every new houee in Portland, aa well as every old one, shall not have s piano In It. The Kllers Piano House way of selling highest-grade pianos at low est prices la well known. We do not atop at amall profits. We eave on the coat of a piano from the factory until it reaches your flreelde, and we give the purchaser the benefit of sll this sav ing. We eupply Instrument which we guarantee to be highest grade, and we challenge any one to find a piano any where that will come within lion or even lh0 of being aa low as what ee sell It for day In and day out. THE PIANOS We can aell you the piano that atanda at the very highest pinnacle of piano reputation both at noma and abroad the ("bickering, of Hoston; the famous artists' piano, the Weber; the popular Kimball. Haselton. lister, Story A ("lark. Schiller. Schumann and many others Prices range from till to 1 1,000 and more. LITTLE PAYMENTS, TOO Here Is where we come In strong for people with fine taste and llmlnted In come The entire range or our supero instruments la at their disposal. Whether they prefer one of our more costly styles or simpler Instrument, our small payment system enables them tu Indulge their taste and Inclination. Plenty of time to pay snd all the tlm the Instrument Is In your home and you are enjoying II. Bear this In mind when you furnish your houee get a piano and make it a home. Kllers Piano House. IS1 Wash ington street, corner Park. Leading, lowest price snd most responsible piano concern on the coast. TFFTH special ILL 111 CUT RATES THE Boston Painless Dentists are now giving their annual CUT RATR PRICES on all dental work. The charges are leea than college prices and all work done by our painless system and by specialists of from 12 to 10 yeare' experience. NO STI'DENTS em ployed. TKETH extracted. filled or crowned absolutely without psln by our secret preparation applied to the gums. I ass FT m Extracting Free Examination Free SILVER FI LUNGS GOLD FILLINGS .. GOLD CROWNS . . . FULL, SET TEETH TSo All Work Guaranteed Ten Years Have your teeth extracted without pain and . replaced with new onea the same day. Come In at once and take ad vantage or low rates. Be sure ypu are in the right place. Boston Painless Dentists Filth and Morrison Sts. I Dental complaints snd chsnges prompt attention. will receive (aperlal Diana trs te Tse Journal.) Kendrlck. Idaho. Nov. I. The fra ternal organisations of Kendrlck have let a contract for the erection of a two story brick fraternal hall, to cast ssm la the world. Now Is the Time to Accept MY THIRTY-DAY TRIAL OFFER My Lamps .Never Leave You In the Dark wlvtlfitla MY PERFECTED LAMP Gives universal satisfaction wherever Introduced. and) burns ths lowest testa of gasoline perfectly. To prove this. I walk ship te any mer chant, commercially rated or' giving good Portland refer ence, located la aay taws In Oregon or Washington, lai which I have ns agent, one) sr more of my Perfected; Lamps on DATS TRIAL. billing same at reereiar pries. T.L Stewart Csn now be cared for at a small cost and no one need neglect their teeth. TEETH Filled extracted or crowned without pain. No more dread of the dental chair If you go to the Boston Painless Dentists SS1H MOMISOW BT. TEETH Crown snd Rrldge Work 03. OO During Annual Cut Rates. TEETH Putt Set S3.00 While Annual Cut are on. Boston Painless Dentists Patentee and manufactarer ef Stewart's Perfected Match-Lighting Gasoline Gas Lamp Office 2(3 ksk Street, Portia (V. TaUpttas Ctar vm. aaaaafr SsflflssssW 7Vi W Cm 7 -SssssnWssW V "sstl Thanksgiving Cutlery Qf superior quality Don't spoil s good knife, we can ni Ins Seta that will i your turkey almost as the eating of it all prlcea lew prlc wita a BBBBBBS Hit, where all subscriptions.