FOKTLAJfP, TMPAT VtmMa, WVMBTO IV HOt. in. - " "i in A Shortage in Turkey Ii Cauafef Much Con cern at to the Prices. J !!' 'iM. . 1 1" " ,U mil Smiiiij.i U'jl.l1 1 " "! " 11 TODAY'S MARKETS It's Cheese Continues to Qfin tflfW Price, on SnWlkr Receipts. thk ojaraoif daily CHEESE SCARCITY ADVANCING PRICES Shortage Bring About Stiff or Values Some Factories Quit Operation. LARGE SALE OF HOP REPORTED AT OLEQUA Turkey Not Coming Fast Enough and Quotation Rise Poultry Is Higher. Front Street. Not. 18. -The Brlaelpal featgre f the Portland wholesale markets today are: th.eae market climbing higher. Hap market, la not dull. Turkey are rery scare. Mar ea.tera butter and ana la. Uooel demand tar poutoaa goad. Onion market la doing batter. Excellent atrawberrtos and reapberrlee. liothouee lettuce rerr dull. Cheeee Market Climbing Higher. The oheaee market tbU aeaaoa waa an ex ceptional ana and pricee worked from tba low to the very high extreme. Early In the ataeon tbe gurkat waa. glutted with cheeee and Terr w prion prevailed. Tbe demand at that time Waa ell bat good and atocka piled up higher than In reeeat year. After a while the cbeeea manufacturers begas to feel daepondent eed com) of them quit the baelsess. The larg est of theae wee the Woodland Cheeee com pear, which foetid It more profitable to ehlp Ita create to local creamery then to mann future cheeee. Thla eaeeed a Mg abortage In thla market and itoce that time price hare steadily adrenced. Tble week three wee an other rlae In raloee, full cream twine being Quoted very Arm et ISHe. while Young Amerl cea are aearea at 15c. The fact that the pricee In tbe ee.t here eteadlly adTanced during the eaow period baa been great help to the Port lead tad other onset market. Butter Market nboutd Steady. If the Portland batter market doee not again go contrary to general condition It will ebow More ateadtneaa daring tbe coming few weeka. Tbe eaatem batter hue adraaeed materially ef late and aret-eSwa predoet ceoid not be hipped to thla city today at leea than tba beat Teniae on tbe loeal product. Soma aaatera rotter eame today In the eeaae car ae the east era hatter waa a halt oar of axe tern eggs. wMcb found a good aala ea leeaaat el the entreats abortage of loeal freah good. Price vtiihenged. Hop Market la Vet Dull. Some of the dealer ere trying their utmost t" bear tba hop market, bat tbelr effort are 1-roTing unTaiung, aa the lcm.lning atock of tbla yeer's growth la la Tory strong handa. Tbe talk of fbraxlng a pool te .ubeldlng. be canae tbe growers aay tba promoter, went too much of a earn thing, while they thcnueltcs t. ke all tbe chance, which they can do wit leea cxDenae outelde of tbe pool. The follow er aw-cui diapatch te The Joan The Journal be been rewired from TsesaM wired from Taconu: "A large .ale. of hope reported from OewBte county. A. M. Patter .n. wno raiaed 468 baleo at Olcqua. tea dto- A large ele ef eon, wno rum wi v.... - noeed of a lot to Meflowan ft Neff of Puyallup . . i mmrwA nit thm nU I Jlf. BVUC Man . . -r - ley, but the dealer, refnee to giro the par lirulare, aa they aay that the, public, haowa i.lready too much of the bop market. WQTorxae leaa the growere are holding for higher Bgnree end are conident that pricee will 8tbm. Tarheya Are Tory Scares. SuppHee of turkeya la hake asarket are at present Tory email bat a one e-eme to be able to toll what Prior will rale, daring the coming week! Been the larger dealer. h generally know to a nicety fast whet the njarket la go ing to do within the neat ew daye. are aa mac rayettsad aa are tbe ether. .Today Ilea t rkeye found a demand at ITc, wMI kml atock waa .oiling at XritUc. The pooltry market la In good ahape xad betrerTajBae are ruling ell maod. Thar I a goad "aaeaa for usee ducks ad gaeee aa well aa for wild Mrds. tain ta are Bet enmUg aa fa at aa the trai werreata and price, are Be ing held rery firm. Excellent Btmwberrlee and Bsaga.rrlae gucirers, jwbo are 8wU FWt 1 rka. pring. - .i A3 .ilL. market tooey is ai- "rr' "! TJiEH w, dull rTaceoont of tbe pitiful auppUe. of garden bead smwre. unww r. u."e ter and poutoaa oootlaae to hae a good call The recclpte of real and dreeped hogs coa , local large and the markete are a xriae waaaer Today . wboleeale Quotations, aa rerleed, are a. follew: gJ, Twad. WHEAT New and "'o- C?0& Ztftn't tarn, araakat, ttt.00. OATar0ree'lrtoe-le. 1 white. MT 00 2r-a, as, mm it i Bran, ahorta tlBSO per ten; dllnga. 25.iJ0; country . axz-ao; chop, 118.00. i HAY Producer. rlce Timothy Willamette mm 00: ordinary, ,12 0OJ ili-w': .tn Oregon. 118 waie.M; mtari Zieini.TiM: cloTer. Ul.00djlt.e0i grata. ffi.MfiB.00; cheet Itt.00tjlt.i0. i Eopa, Wool and Hide, mil's I. 8iae for eanorte; UH choice; SlUc for prlmee ana Bainme WOOb Nominal. Tnuey;oerae aja. ITqlBV ; Baa, ee; aeaiw" sftfliShe.Hrig. loOSOei abort wl. 9-iet Oc : medium wool, aoajaoc rajVdium -Priaxa. per lb. d5ei No. S and J Aiai' 1 iaa-e sray- a-aaj naaa. a ... - . TinTTIM'ttiaK-de per ft. buying price. .h!M -.!; It A MS ffi ..-.. ...... IK- Art kin NO. 1. O to in 100. ISwc; dry calf. Hi. 1, ander 5 lba, lBMei irr Mlted bulla and atage, 1-1 leea than dry Inti railed hide., eteer. eound. 00 It or oyer. ir in T to 00 lba. Tc; onder 60 Ibe and rnV. ' Tc: atoga and bulla, eound. Cc; ktp. n to wT tba V5c; eound. to to 14 lba. Oot J?lf .oitnd. nncpr 10 Ibe IWci green (ma. v. ten. ic i"-r . v . . . -J - -Ti h. i.a hide, aaltcd, eecn, li.nyi roi ory, raw it Ml 60; colta' hide.. eecB. aaayarjc; geex llLn common, eaeb, , 10tjll Aagor. with wool on, each. tocaU.OO. Butter, Egg. and Poultry. UTTK.B TAT tweet. We; eour. tdxte. BUTTHH City eroemery, beat, 0e; eeaaad eriTdo 2SWlTHc; outalde feney, SfUgJtOe; ordl ?STH;, atHe M,trB foiiufflili.: ator. l013V4c. rWfcHaTj freah Oregon. SOc; ea.tern. vtimi SRSyffi cream, twin. l14c; yTofn.TH'v,CJib.oJi-. -Ud. it, ft: .irltpir I rryera, 1181 lV Par 1 ,13" rouri Itc ; T' . kaiaai a Da lrocnn W rAII Oft K..i:" Ai 5Tic- -SirMS iWK TO buying prleeL Kiajaati aweata, beat, 36. Cr(iN?fli5i5eal fl.tifaOOi buyere' price. in l fx- awe lh gi.o1.70: g.rlle FBlari rtOITBAnlaa. extra feaey. .. i iirrron. il.00ai.SS nor box; a. nn oer rox: innoj. r - Kealcan, fc pe I no 603 00; n...r.. ii.ooar.M ar nox: ronoorda. i-lb beehet 00 .ri,V""""lu oSri.'fii Bee IhT "iST.'Xi.'i'a'. J.. el on i-,' a e.r vnii xenaa- "C"-:. o gon U.SSOl.TS cwt; lettuce, hothanee Sop fj8t?a &yi0aattl a, Ma. SJ.SJl 111.60; 100. a ewi 100a. tU.00dJld.00; 100a. (Abere price apply to ealaa of leea than ear te. Car iota at epaeUl price aubject to Dxioen a pair lota. Cer lot at I flurtnatlona. OKA1N BAOB CaleatU, SJ.TB(d.0O per 100. RICK Imperial Japan No. 1, : No. 2, 4c; New Orleena head, eVtittdc; Adjack. SMc; Creole. 4c. aaaini omau wain, ae ..... t. ... u., pink. 4c; b.j.u, W.e, ma.. 9c; Mexl- rUTB-Pe.nut., Tme; jumbo.. Itte par lb; '. OdJIOc par ft! roaaud. cocoanota, (kJ per Sea: walnut.. lauflUHe per ft; pine raw. OOe per dea: walnut.. 18UdJ14He per ft; ptae aula. 10eSl2H par ft; Vokory MrtB. lOe per Wi cbeetButa. eaatera, ISdjltc air ft; Sraail aate. lie per lh; glberra. lfialde pee ft; fancy peeana. letyioe per in; auaa. najioc per m. Maata. TUh Bad taaaaileaa. FRESH MaUTS-lajprated gf. eteere. dc per ft; oowe. 68 48Se per lb; lam FRESH MKAT8 4w)Se par ft: Bark. 6c per ib; bulla, Tleill irar w, tuu real, extra. 7 H floe oer kAJdS. 4BACoS5T BfcliS heaaa. 10 to 14 Ibe. 18c oar If par lb; 18 to 30 lba, lag ioc per id; nreaxra.t neeoa, Bieaiea. 10c ner lb: reeuUr I emoked. 04c ner lb: amokedT clear back., unamoked. 10c per lh; per Ib; Union bntte, 10 to 18 lhe, i per in: emoked. Be per lb; el. reeked, ner ft: amoked. LOCAL LARD Kettle leef. 10. lb; Uttc per lb: 60-lb tine. 10M team rendered. 10a. 1014c per lb; 6a, fi:!?'e Ti'i" i u'iib, iiuvj -n 04B. igt Alaaba UIU. pink. MtftOe; red. tl-Mi nominal end, Te ner Ib: floandere, 8c per lb: Halibut. SV per Ib; crebe, U par doai etriped beaa. loaJltHe par lh ; eetfteh. Tc per ft. l1cblnook - par lb! atrraraldea. fUc per lb: herring. 8c per ft; ealaa, 0 par 111 ahrlmpa, 10c per lb; ahad. dreeeed. par lb; porch. 6c per lh: ahad ree. pat lb; had 0c per lb; black cod. 9c per lb; alreer nraatt. Se par ft; lobatere. lSWc; freah mackerel. 8c; crawgah, 30c per doe; doandera, te per lb; ataraean, T pe' ft OYSTERS -Hhoa IS -Hhoalwater bay, per gal, IS.SS 4 nt; oiympU. per Jgu. tTtt. -Hard .hell, per bat, 1100; near CLAMS Hard cla 83.00 per box. Palnte, CoeJ Oil., Bto. ROPB Para MaaUa, lSVtc; atandard, it; Steal, lOHc. t ual tilL Pearl or Antral Caeee. 21 Vac per gai; water white, iron bate 16c pa moaa. - par gai: aeeangat, iTO-deg. He per gal. Iron bbla 17c ner ral. 2a LINSEED OIL Pare raw. In tbla ate par gal. eeeee eTe per gal; genuine kettle boiled, eaaea 60c par gel, bbla B4c par gal) ground cake, ear lot (30.00 per ton, leee than ear lota 838.00 caeee Ste ''"rlENHNE-BBdeg1 c VUm Utte ner aal. caeee tie per gal, lraa AIK OIL-Raw. bbla SSe par gaL eaaaa pTN'TTf.t. wodea 81c jr gal. troq bbla Te per gaflUo WHJTB krta T tie per lb; 600-lb a'BiA-iatf&'aaua WI LIVESTOCK ARRIVALS ARE PTE LIBERAL Hogs and Sheep In Fair Supply But Cattle Com Too Slowly. Portland Union Stockyard. - 18 today but el ml eirlVl etrw the market "''rtrxJir. Hoga cmtuiee dull wen, wnue eneep ere .trong The reeelota ceoay 406 hog.. dS cattle, MB hoop. Today -e official Urea took price: veiHo nejex eaatem urcgon beet Telley atearn. git oort.fas; a.zo; pun., ii.maxgn!, . II S8f 2.00; ataga, 82.00. f nega neat t nina rata, XASTBX H08S BT1ADT. Chlcaga, Not. IS Liroetaefc receipt: jaa, vai Kicag Kaneaa City Osaka d.BO0 Moge opened .tea ay with 8,000 left Tr recetptg a year ego were St.O00t Prteee: Mixed and bo tot era. 84 60O4.B0; gaad keary. 8.MeM.00; rough heary, 4 !lT0; light. Cattl--eih. i Sheep Strong to 10c higher. TWO POINTS RISE IN COTTON FUTURES (Parntabed by Orerberk, Starr A Oaaka On.) ior. nor. i.--,ottoo future cloaed practically 2 point p. Tbe market: ngn. low mScS: April May Juna. rtcTembiae'. I Voember . 5 T8 1.88 8.80 t.os 10.01 063 0.08 too s-s 0,00 In Sktht. New Tork. Not. IB. Hnnerlnrjndene Mian of the cotton exchange giro, tbe cotton In tin week ae 000,00 Baiee agatnat bbi a year ego. LlTerpeol Cotton Lower. LlTerpool. Not. 18 Cotton fa tare, eloeed tat point, lower. Sea rranclaco. Not. 18. Mining atack quota- none oioeing: Rid. ts-to 1.1s i os ft NHerra Nrrd. tfeaican' Could A Il'tah ....... Sitlllon leg. Belcher., li.tloe ....... Beat A Be Ton. Oel Myage nboller Potoet Hale A Nororoaa Crwwa Point . . Vellow Jacket.. SitentaeVy . '. 1. ' on. I 'ale'lonla ..... Whalhnge .... . .iOk .10 .S3 .18A .IT .18 :5 t nolo. ........ i on. New Tork. frratiean ....... I'nlen Cn llTrr Hill Peridental t . , . . " oorplon . i . . Alpha non. Belcher ... Congdenee I TOXOPAH EXCHANOE. I Ton. Moataaa MoN.mara . . Jumbn Ton. Ner. da. $im Belmont . Too"?old Ts -OSI Tacomn. Waab.. Not. 18. Wheat, Bltieatem, BtV; ehak Baal red, Me. Sjsrad, wboleeale. nanon egga. aie. eUCT Waa Balaa Sa te rTlM. U nri fMnSL btoah. iIbb bar Ihi aaakere. I LOU. HBWaBBfBBBl. BBBJBBKT BBJUBBT 111 . Ik: thcdiurv lOTtf mt IB: 14 la 1SJ ISM. pWlhfdHta,; dm TtearT ffi 11 lie nee lb: imexnehek. ie TlJnii .a. ff.Le 'lit lhi loale oar Ha par JULY ONE AND A QUARTtR HIGHER Chicago Wheat Market Opens Down But Gain Strength Later In 8eeeion. DECEMBER AND MAY A QUARTER CENT ADVANCED Corn I Off Somewhat .While Oat Ar Slightly Up Pork Drops. TBI WHEAT MARKET. OMn PIam Pin.. 1 Today. Today. There. rteeember tl.1014 till $11044 Hay 1 HV4A l.UA July .VlZ .OSftB .07, (Parntened by O Tar beck. Starr A 1 Chicago, Not. 18. Logan A Mlnneapeiia wneer .toca. are tncreeae at 1.000.000 baahe hall eablee ArgenUae aa aaa,uug ouaneia a weak and 830.000 aaarkat doened alurbtl: rather abarply on gen Boaineae. 11 ranctea wet tern Wheat ad and the maflt ppp. market: WHhUT. mm 1 m OOSN. mm 1 n 1 uxta. trass pobm. kit m i LARD. , e.aee ..-. .ee.ea mm m w SHORT BIBS. WM m t& n. THADINQ IS SETTER. nefe.HSuVS! ariaeBlatera hard been good burere at the da- aiMal clta-e. The loeal axil. WrlMMrS quite urgent, eat U la thought Been heen worked Bar exnort. or ley la dall with no epaeUl and little for tale. Today', official 11:80 a. r- market: WHEAT H 01 Lew. ill December ....81 May .... B ABLET. ; m m m TKIHABT, SHIPMIMTS AMD CT.StStHOS. Ohio. go, Her. 18.! lA-PHIgar-pte; 1. 048.000 1.046.00 Wheat ta were: Whea' fjLaraBcee hajbel.; oar.. 6.000 Chloaffe Oaah Wheat. Chicago, Hot. 18 Oaah wheal OKZOAwO OEATM OAS LOTS. Chicago, Mae, Jg. Orala ear lota; tar., win. Wheat .110 rgw ftr SI lath. 19BI t ricago, IBB. OUT8IDS WHEAT OtOSSS. ml Mt. Lenl. tirt Kanaaa City... Mllwaukoe New VatS ). Chicago 1. Mlnneapetle L MlnneapeUa .. Baa Praaclaoo AHeSMTIMS OBAIH SHlfttSJH. Cblc.go. Mar. It. Argentine grata iklp Wheal Uaea . BOSTON OOVna HABKET. Boatoa. Mar. 18 Copper ekatn fflr.. ;.v::.v: Atlantic Daly .Weat na . Miniag. groaJallB T: It 14 hJMe J M !.::::::::::::::::::::,::::;a. 5 (Spiatel Dtapaieh 4 The Jeernal ) OreahBm. Or.. Not. It. Andrew Bruegger of Terr gnat With B gcrlou accldaat yaStefdat rno ho wag on ihd plank fl effiAU: eetiBHtea wiip ae la thta weak. . SeWdk- .btonjda te fee IB WMga affi.." et an f lower BaH iaUmi aral ar.MaJTBal0d hBiM owing ae aennnaea ary wtauer. ati- when la rigtjjt. The Drorlstea trad of an outelde dome tlnnea unehaBawi. Tadey-e BfTWll rid. A.k. tl.ldN So. 3 red... a mA No! 3 liart'wtator Na. 8 hard winter.. 1 tti It l.lOIf 1 1H sit ar fOBO rniixat TniniDB onf of hll 4f LOSSES SHOWN IN PROFIT TAKING New York Stock Market Opens Higher But Lost on Sell ing Orders. SAUS OF STOCK STILL ABOVE THE MILLION Sugar and AmsJfitiatd Begin Session with 0e1 Tmi Industrta Off. 1 k XMaaa A rVuk. A. I Toek Mmw i Th. .took m.iBef 4day any Bigaer, out pmui mwav ar the eeeaioo cauaea ra pn Si Barrow bound, and to ea 8b 08 g 8krdy, w8k law 'losay of fldal atoek aarket vnnan raeune, ei Chi. A Alloa, ooaT. Chi. A OL West.. Chi., Vl. A tT r tCbl' Tarmteel BT. . . '. ! ! Cbaaapeeke A Ohio Ctlo. PoeJ A Iron. car.. 9d tsrja4 1 4r4i "' lart ffiTetl 4o p9tm-t Jo Id pNftrtad 84 "tire, inouy. i Manhattan Herated.... Mexican Central By... at inn., at. r. at aea. B. . 00 u 147 rra-:::::! 10814 He Norfolhi, "Sttl com ! 1864 TS 10614 N. T.. Ont. A Waat ... PeruJaylTeala By pre!; u a c. o Preaaed 8 tee I Car. com. vfAalFuXl Htm ' Oa ! ! -r way lit 1Mb 1 Beading, com.... do let preferred preferred. .. . . IakxBd, com preferred . . rff'fese":::: s do tot preferred St. U A If, aaea.... 81 V5re,lo: '.djrWrf J V-e, A rAM0tS00 LOCAL STOCKS. Sen fraacUr. Nor. 1A Local atacka cloalaf, iv. jo a. aa. Bid. Aak. 10 11 Spring Tatley Water , Central Light Mutual Electric s. r. Oa. A Electric. 86 Oleat Hawaiian Sugar llonnkea Kuear . H'lteblneom Saga IS 16tt ...1.. a a Kllanea Svutar.. MakawaH Sugar Peeuhaa Sugar r.t win. Ana Pacific State Tiepnne POETLAND BANK iTA 83 Inga ITOB 000 03 84.HI3.83 3 Specials for Saturday FLOUR War mAftArssp flour In th morkat; eold every wher for 11 10 Saturday, par amok $125 TOMATOES (Overstocked I eana for d cans for Par doen . MS a e a ' a e e a a . . JjO He COVE OYS TERS M.":t::it:insi:s;i::::::. f thoS who Mmli&to9 wlO aWt Am? ltvm!y. '. 11 B ool?eS2 Biookfrn Banld Traaeft g 114H 118 lit 14 U4 Ss8 37'4 tOVi tTK f8 081 87 7 10 'OSH 604 18S4A 134 Vi 1:44x2 usk m! 1T8 HijtT. ii! Sa S-ax ttl, 38 33 37V4 37 SSM -SBlt "St 08 H 188 18dv 1M6J, ::::: ::::: ::::: S B.-.X 3 Ttr;- Pellows VfU warn te deal with If it's food Qrcweries and nit Msats you meet desire. TH new Addi tion of eur meat market assufft you of Citing as good rpesta as Hit gtoetrit you've beught. 91.00 ' Jt pounda best Granulated Sugar. 16) t Pound New Crop JSnsltah Walnut. 20 a Pound Boat Soft Shell Almonds. Thro l ib. pkgs. Seeded Kalsina. 25d I pounds boat Cleaned Currants. 1647 Pound Citron. Lemon or Oraag Peal. 157 Pound Beat Shredded Cocoanut. 30e Gallon Pur Apple Cldor. I Maaneo?Baa Moat. 20e or Ohirardlir Cocoa. fjgOknVwer Applddk FELLOWS 874 Washington Street. Quick Delivery. Phone Main 2896 A. J. FARMER tAtltsale and Retail Grocer Third and Jefferson Ton can save It par cent by dealing with me. Beat Creamery Butter.. 65o and &c rou aexaae ocotcn um. K. WhU Ik TJMrn 1 lb. Arm e Hammer BcxU L ar.ktka Drun 13 bars Royal Savon 8oD I iixe r raH.uiia.iim i wxaxr bare Baby Elephant Soap 1 10 bars Diamond C. noap 1 S Darn uai wwaa . " 10 lbo. Sago or TaMoca iio 1 lb. good English Breakfaat Te He Best eurar-cured hAma, 1 lb We X ID. aunpvwwwr aw I enna Primrose Cream II 16 lba D. O. Suamrj,. , wf 1-1 1 sack good Hard-Wrheat piour" ! ! j!J 20-ih. Mil best lard tt- 10-lb. sail pura Lear ira gi. r-ipat. :;::::::: ? can Table Syrup ew Stoft-ghoU Walnuts Ilea Popes rn ., lba. fsncy rultBB rrunea . trlii . 4. 112 lb. Lamon reel Boat Side. Taadays andKrldays. Special Sales WASHINGTON MARKET iM ''iriArro. Special salsa an all klrafa freah and salt meats, sausages, fish, poultry and vsgatablss. egg and Beat creamei y butter. We make a special Inducement to our customers. On all salsa amounting to 60 oants wo pay your car op way. and all sales amounting to 81 00 WO pay your car fare both way Those Inducements are on meats only. Olve us a call and we will oonvlnce you that we sell cheaper than other markets. We deliver twice dally on East or Waat Side. All telephone orders promptly at tended ta tims A Standard Market TS. Alt t.l.nhon. ordera Bromntlw at tended to. Thanksgiving Draws Near visions of a fine, big. Ace In one's mind. We 0 by the forelock and ahead that we expect ream to a realisation, turkey If uo to the gfjtt from 'in' yeT- ordtJ Central Market 4b,Jb,bV PAon EQOS 2 Doz 45c .... V .. a - .80e and 56c VlWUCIf . . . . Best creamery butter Dairy butler ....... Renovated butter . . . rarn T,f) A ... . . .660 and 60 j 40o . .49e and 41a . , .He and 300 Best sugar-cured Picnic hams .... Breakfast bacon :::ui end 15o .10. 10a and ISMd '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.tOa Ida r. .IP., v imw. 60c tea for. per pound - . . 1. .-.4 Arbuckle'a Lion coffee. . 2 pounds or tic LA GRANDE CREAMERY SB Chickens 14c a Pound rtF'urV' Chits and BI loweax prinw. Buy your good handy to vo flTtaff Turkey now and secure the holoest pick. Mir. ... r.-w. ,..u... .... jum. wmmmmmmmr- ENTERPRISE CREAMERY 1ST oc ST WT.Ui. Hnnov ISO I tv lax Crackers So rajundg good Rica ............... .Mo I tXH PrinxM. Rnval Mnccnronl . . 26c I fv. Hohlliine'a Bakln Powder lie llalrln. nwur - .ul trtlaTOfity'di OVERBECK. STARR k COOKE CO wSSBsaTB CkkeBra rwSjl ? Traaw. AfganBB AaaVa J BV.nH 3 Dr. W. Norton Davis. IN A WEEK W. Mat .11 Hint. n.TMI and cnronlc in. aleo blood. atoaafB. aaan, threat rroeniee. we ,t m .. f i t. ease i to 00 days. We i t operation or pala. la 18 W sds dralna. the reaatt ef aelf abaaa. laaidteblr W. can reelnr. tn. aaeu.l Tlgee f Mp aaen andar 60 br meaas Of local traat- sfjppi sMfejnr iw wmwi'bi We Core Gmrrtou HiaWeeK IsatHate are a" rasaiar tn malatnla. end will naAao an carta U care can he W gagjaatee to core In arery caae we nnr Take efX.rV. no fee. CSaaaltetlnq free, Ut taes aaafldentlol. TnetrortlTe BOOK FOB nfSB In plain wratirr. eaaent can et ornce, wrrre m Horn, treatment aaeeeasiau ias I 8. en T t" Sandaya sad kelldaya. 10 to 13. tB Weeing eaeetarlet In the Harthweat, Dr.W. Norton Davis & Co. Tas Bop atotat, V. T. Cor. Third Bad Wda Mia la. omaaoM. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. La Tea. UNION DBPOT. Arris 8:00 a. i Dally. aw Mara-ere. Balnler. Dally. U;iea rentes. FlaTst Baa- SSra.rt'Krh. ISSBt Astoria gad SilSharsi Astasia Bxpteea, emraarcla'l Aeat?48 Alder Portland Marble Works BCH ANTOf A NBU. Vfanufacturers of and daalera (a aU kinds et Mail, Granite and StoneWork Application. 268 FIRST STREET Jerfersoa Btroata POBTLANa Or- TBT Vulcan Coal Co's Raven Lump Coal at 36.30 Delivered. It's a good, cheap house coal Rock Springs Lump Coal at SS. SO Delivered. Ifs tho elaaneet and best on this market. Screened coal sad full WBtaTBlS fuaranwwu. WEINHARD'S City Brewery sad Btawt Complete Bottled Beer a Specialty WO. 79. 13th aad umaide Straeta. PORTLAND. OREGON. CITT NOTICIS. POUNDMAATBB S NOTICE. Notice la bcreb gjeen that en the 14th day ef NnTembe. 1804. I toes up eno eranuunoeu S r. ft'y TOlBxX'orSr ToUowTn. descrlbea animai; One yellow Jersey heifer with hell en neck; r.fe.r3& Ser.Kirci.s k: toa.Uxer with tbe pound feee on aald animal, is Ttdal by ordlaaaee No. 620. ae tnenrld, of said city ef Portlaao. I will on 'h 23d day of NaTeaahrr, 1804, et the hour et 10 a. m at the City Pound, at No. Ml Slateeatk, la eeM city sell the aeoT. drrltKl animal at public auction tn tbe highest bidder, to pey the coats agd shares for taking ui. keeping asd adrer "u. h aslmsi. Deled thla 10th dsy of Noimhr. 1004. T, W, KBSO. Poaadaw.ter. lUHI Of VACATION OT TKOMAS STBXIT. OregoaT te be bald on Weuneaday th4 Ttn day ef DirrnW. IMl st lh regalar beer aad rare. .... . a a. - - - - J . nIA f ..unrtll a petition win o. i . of Kelly street, u. u. waansna. aii uam- thsA Oraawl. N.T.,rr A ifo. ear. hidaas ago ?.V""!1T gV Ete U'eaae oi ssUttSBafaS am ad lgl g. BS I TteWi a. W (IftllAhotrV WBCBAW AJTB 101 BaTctmBBaV aMAatTTat fl7yftatM4TS. Oregon Shoiluib Union Pacific 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Thrcnah Pallman .taadard and llxrtst akxea. Ing ear dally to Omaha Chicago, gpokasef tourt.t aleeelns car. daily tn kanaaa OTU through Pullman tourt.t aleenlng care r (rrsw ally weekly ta Chicago, chair eats (aaats ftceT to the Bart UNION UBPOT. Arrlfea. CHICAOO POBTLAMl SrKCIAL. fr th Eaet Tie Hunt Ing ton. 8:18 a. ax. rally. n JSp. a. SPOKANB PLTBB. For Raetern Wa.hlrm ton. W.lla Walla. Lew lop. a. Dally. i-eoa. a. Dally. letno. Ooenr d' A lane ana ureal northern point. ATLANTIC) EXPRESS ra the Ba.t rta Bast- 8:18 P. a Saet t Inston. Deny. 0Byww spsj roR astoria and way Drnfltai. aTOtlOfPtll) wf tn Sh tJrsi iSi aalo. Aah-at. dock. I yasxMl ttreat Kara. City and rnNhlll0Rrer TOO a. m. 8:80 p. aa, CeUy. Dally. polnta. etra. Bnth andl moooc. AB-et. deck. I Water BwastttAvf, ax. Snaday lax. sxttthyr.l I aak STreT Beat, rOR LSWTSTON. Ms B 0 a. snn way points from Mparts, Wash., at rare. Spokane and Lewletan. Delly. ax. Set. 8 on n. am. Dally. leg. rrtdaBa TICKET OrriCB. Third sad Tesx. -it Russell and Rogers Line BETWEEN PORTLAND and SAN FRAJiClSCO WEEKLY SJHUMQS F. A. KILBIJRNnd AURtOIA AM KZUTjmV. for 8an Francisco. calllnSJ Coos bsy. Plitay, Borarabwr SS. at AtymBT.I A , forSai Kranclaco direct. AATB Pi Tel. Main 2960. Oak-Street Dock. EAST na SOUTH UNION DEPOT. Arrtwsj, burg, AahlasA. Saera baas and the East. ToBa shj n nrLdtffl wtnf ex.cept Susday a T:ISa.8Bt 1 s r t e a r l a saH Natron. tan loeal Oorjallla lfar ShaildBB BesBaegar. . . . MS aiSans -fhwas VhVtarra. Iwrveao-uevnge bJVTub" of JefBsrBB Street. . - r:-- - - - WTO T:80 I ra,w wc- i'a-la i a . i 2i -etarata, rrrg TW 11:10 p. m. D.lly (except Seadsy) tjK IS 8:80. 10:20. 11:46 a. ra. Bxcepi I sfaeaay. ttoB p. ra. rktadny only, 10:00 a. si. meoiaie poinw w '" n ' I . a- ArrlT. Wtland"l0:80 a. a. The IndcpendencMnntnonth hVre Ua f Willi ewTMiOT-i n a-eawaesw sajBsaBaagi' w i s iaa at rare lis. aon-eiaa. nwrw TlcSata to g.atern petna aad tjuigl. skflt Jans. Oilna Honolnlo and A intra 11 a. dry iieaex urm ' '"w w 11 Inatm .'"''.. Pboae wain ... W. B OOhUrt Oe. Pass. Adaati n. w, rrnrruaa, City Ticket Agent. TIME CARD TRAINS PORTLANDl CtflON DSPOT. Pagtt Sound Limited, fee T a own a. Seattle CrttB Dolnt V.-k revaat TJmltgMl 8:80 a. aa. 8 88 B.B4. i i T:00a. B, TsWaaj, T:S8P- Shj Kttesrv-f-iat 8:00 a. at. ,lBo.,?nu:p.,;:: Vl'lo.'Korf, kane, beleaa.' e feat W -oa' 11:48. V all points Sontheaat. CjtytlB 'jSejjjC 8poana"BuTt.. BUUnga. 6 80 A BV oeuTi City. StTMw-aM i last aad tourh- point. SSI- Aalatant Oen.ral P.eaenger Agvax. at. eee. Third Bwriiaas, sx Tlekwt Mas IBS Third St. rf-ox TrnnacontlnBntal JBt Train Dally t PAST TIME Daylight trip 'hrough lh ..Csaead rods . Till a. ax, iDafly. ,TaFwr " rAK.saw-1 10:00 b. a. 1 1 A IA it ra. I Inrt he atop Stil-sw oea; which hung upon t grave way InrMr 11 IBM BIBB IntUSilf id below. Hla face and kaurnt. BreoUilttt- nee a were onaiy