The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 18, 1904, EXTRA, Image 13

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Tamtr. of th
' tempt to
Will At-tho
Crimson Colors.
Wind Up of Season1 Shows
Teams to Be In Remark
ably Fine Condition.
The football mwb of 1(04. on of tho
moat remarkable in tho htatory of tho
tamo, la drawing to a close. Raally
only thro gamsa Vt Importance remain
to bo played. Harvard and Yale will
try conclusion tomorrow at Now
Haven. Cornell and Pennaylvanla will
prove which 1 the better at Phila
delphia on Thanksgiving day. and tho
Arnry and Navy will wind Op tho aoa
son on Franklin Mold a week from to
morrow. Interest Just now AenUrs la tho Tale
Harvard same. It will bo a battle of
giants, and while tho chance aoom to
favor Yale, it la by no moaaa a cer
tainty that victory will not porch on tbe
crimson banners. Tale . was scored
against by Syracuse and beaten by West
Point, but trounced Princeton. Harvard
waa beaten by Pennaylvanla and won a
scratch victory over tho soldiers. Penn
sylvania, which beat Harvard, baa
played two trams which havs played
Yale. The Quakers beat Penn. Stat
points. Yale boat the same team 14
point; Pennsj boat Columbia It points,
while Yale beat her 34. This would
argue that Yale was better than Pennay.
and If the Quakers beat Harvard by 11
to 0, the sons of Sll should at least
double that score. That's the Yale aide
of It. But Harvard boat the army and
Yale was beaten by the soldiers, and on
this showing Harvard should boat Yale
Ynd that's the Harvard aid of it. Under
the clrcumstancea the wlae prophet will
withhold hla prediction aa to the result
until after the fame I played.
The important games tomorrow are:
Harvard vs. Yale, at New Haven.
Annapolis vs. Virginia P. I. at An
napolis. Pennsylvania Stat VaV Geneva, at
8 tHt college.
Dickinson vs. Urslnusr at Carllal.
West Point v Syracuse, at Weft
Point. '
Wealeyan va. William, at Wllllams
, town.
Rochester vs. BtUUlo. at Buffalo.
Illinois vs: Iowa, at Champaign.
New York unlvoralty va.' Union, at
New York.
Georgetown vs. Columbia, at Washing
ton. Oregon vs. O. A. C, at Corvallis.
Next to tb Yale-Harvard gam the
West Polnt-Annapolia gam excite
most attention. The rivalry between
Uncle Sam' two great institutions I In
tense. Tho teams are more evenly
matched than they have boon In years,
and It I safe to say that tho moat dis
tinguished gathering that ever saw a
football gam In this country will be
on hand when they join issue two works
from today.
Here are the record of tho two team a;
12.. Tufts 0U..V. M. I. ....
IS. .Dickinson .. 0 10. .Princeton ... t
0. .Harvard ... 4 J3. .St. Johns ... 0
11.. Yale 0.. Dickinson ... 0
1 . .Williams ... 0 0. .Bwarthmor .
' 6.. Princeton .. 11 20 . .Penn. State . . I
4..N. Y. U. ... i.-U. Of Va. '..
It looks a if the army should win
the game. In spite or the xact mat
Princeton beat the Wist Pointer and
wsa beaten by the men of Annapolis.
Tho thing I o dose, however, that ar
royal battle la certain, barring acciaenis.
The sailors ar gritty, and will tight
wits a fierce determination agalnat their
gn-adltional rivals, wnicn is usoie in mc
compHah great reaultaon the gridiron.
. The scores so far of the Big Six fol-
Butler's Men Unable to Hit
Wheeler and Co Down to
Another Defeat.
Franeiaoo, Nov. it. The Seal
a gT job, out of the Brown yes
terday, defeating them 4 to 2. After the
second 1 jag Wheeler allowed but -on
hit, that ooming in the ninth, when
Runkl drove a safe one into right.
Portland's two run cam la the second
Inning after two men war down. Spen
cer. Nadeau and Frary hitting safely.
AB. R. K PO. A St,
HUdebrand. L
ateany. r. f .
Irwin, lb.
Van Huron, lb.
Waldron. c f.
Anderson, tb,
Qochnauer, s. a.
uorton, c.
Wheeler, p.
Totals . .
1 t
0 it
1 ?
0 i
1 I
IT 4 17 II 2
AB. R. H PO. A E.
. 4 0 0 I 0
. 0 .
.4 0 0 310
10 0 110
1 X 1 t II 1
.10 110 1
.10 0 14 0
. 1 0 O 10 0
. 10 2 4 24 T "
erennen, a. f . . .
unlock, r. t., . .
Runkle, lb. a i
Beck, lb. 4k lb.. .
Shay, a a.
Spencer, 2b.
Nadeau. 1. f. ...
Frary. c. A lb.. .
Butler, p
Kellackey, c ...
1 2 3 4 6 6 7 1 9
Portland 0 20000000
Hit 0 1000000 1 4
San Franeiaoo 1 2 4 4 0 0 0 1 I
Hlta 0 1110001 i
Stolen baaaa HUdebrand, Wheeler.
Gorton. Van Buren. Two-base hits
Spencer. Meany. Sacrifice bits Ooch
nausr, Wheeler. Van Buren 2. Irwin.
First baa on error Portland. 1. First
base on called balls Off Wheeler, 2; off
Butter, 1. Left on bases Ban Fran
cisco. I; Portland. I. Struek out By
Wheeler, 1; by Butler, 1. Time of gam
One hour and 20 minutes. Umpire
Los ' Angeles. Nov. II, Oakland
pounded Mason to th tall timber In
the drat Inning yesterday and Dolly
Oray, hla successor, waa batted all over
th field. Score:
R. H. E.
Do Angeles ... 01000000 01 1
Oakland .' . I 1 0 29 0 0 0 1 T 13 i
Batteries Oray, Mason and Chance;
Buchanan and Byrnes. Umpire Brown.
Fresno. Cel., Nov. IS. Tb Tigers
want to pieces sgaln yesterday and Russ
Hall's brigands ran up 11 tallies In four
Innings, white tb best that Tacoma
could do waa to gather a tub of whits
wash. Score:
Seattle 00003320 21 1 11 0
Tacoma 0 0 0000000 0 I I
Batteries Shields and Blankenshlp;
Overall and Keefe and Anderson and
Overall, umpire rernne.
Portland Academy and High
School in Good Form for
Tomorrow's Game.
Princeton II Dickinson
Princeton 10 Georgetown
Princeton It Westeyan
Princeton 1 Wash, and Jetf.
Princeton Lafayette
Princeton t Annapoll
Princeton 10 Dhlgh
Princeton . .1...1S Cornll
Princeton It West Point
Princeton 0 Tata
Yale JV. II wesleyan
', 0
. 0
. 0
Y.I. 41 Trinity
Tala It Moly Croa
Yl 14 Pnn. State
Tale 0 Springfield T. 3 . 0
Yale 17 Byraoua t
Tale Wast Potnt 11
Yale 34 Columbia t
Yale tl Brown 0
Yale It Princeton 0
Columbia to Union o
Columbia It Frank, and Mar... t
Columbia 1 Wealeyan 0
Columbia II Tuft
Columbia 11 Williams
Columbia II Bwarthmoro
Columbia . ..
Columbia ...
Columbia . .
Columbia . . .
"Cornell v
Cornell .....
Cornell . . .
Harvard . . ,
0 Amherst It
0 Pennsylvania ...It
0 Yale 14
..It Cornell t
, .. ( Perm. State o
, , . Swarthmare . . . . 4
.14 Virginia 0
...14 Frank, and Mar., o
,..14 Lehigh 0
..11 Gettysburg
... Brown 0
. .10 Columbia 0
..11 Harvard 0
..It Lafayette '. t
..It Carlisle
..1? Colgate
..II Rochester a
..14 Hobart
..14 Hamilton 0
..14 Buoknell It
..It Frank, and Mar.. I
. . Princeton It
..I Lehigh
. . Columbia It
..14 Williams ..; 0
. . IT Bowdoln 0
. .22 Main o
..11 Bate 0
..4 West Point 0
..It Indian ....'. 0
.. Pennsylvania 11
.. 0 Dartmouth ..... 0
..It Holy Croaa &
Albany. Or., Nov. la.-'The Albany
coileg "basket ball teem ha arranged
tn play With the team" of McMlnnvllle.
falsa. Monmouth " Chmawa. and
will begin training at once for the win
ter campaign. Borne of the game will
be played In this lty. Chemawa and
Monmouth having agreed to come here.
ItftalXI MANHOOD II" eared tboaitss,
a' eeswet Wervea Debility. last) out sad Atr
V.hv TWr elear tbe brain, streugtaea the
,l,,l.tloa. dlgeetkn perfect ssd In.prrt
i .aiietle .Igor ta Vu wM" being. All drln
, !... .lipped i rtinnentlr. fl 00 pe
lt x n i.e gnsrintte I" nr t reftini
i Hn,. MM Malted muled Bock frev.
eb n fiU. CWK ee St.. lnMMa.
jjaftid l IVrtUndealy by rreak Baa.
Tomorrow afternoon on Multnomah
fleld the Portland High School eleven and
tho Portland academy team will clash
for supremacy. Unusual Interest la at
tached to this game on account of th
peed and prowess of both aggregations.
and whichever team wins, barring
flukes, will hav earned th victory.
In getting play under way, neither
team haa any advantage over the other,
but the style that characterises Port
land academy' team i prattler to watch
than the loose attafck of the High School.
This is accounted for because High School
depends almost entirely upon (hxxlell and
Oberteuffer to gain the ysrdage. and
both of those men are so, fast that they
beat out their Interference.
Captain Whlttelaey men, under th
coaching of Mr. Blanchard, ar In aplen
dld condition for a hard conteat, and tho
followers of Portland academy are look
ing forward to a glorious victory. Har
old Read will play quarter for P. A. Reed
haa shown up in great form this year,
hla passing, tackling and defensive work
being exceptlonaly good. The gam will
be called at 1 o'clock and the men will
fane each other In this fashion:
P. H . 8. P. A
Caaon. oapt . . . K T I. Polhemua
Holcomb R 8 D William
Butler R O Olds
Carlson C Cook
Smyth D Q R Falling
Plnkham D T R Hurlburt
Bradley D R Whlttelaey
Reed (Earl) Q... Reed (Harold I
Oberteuffer L. H R Clarke
Uanong R H White
Uoodell F B Flavel
Eugene Eleven Confident
Beating Farmers on Their
Own Field.
Excursion Trams Will Carry
Thousands of Rooters to
Scene of Battle.
(Journal Special Service.)
Saturday afternoon at Corvallis will
be decided th Intercollegiate football
championship of th' northwest, whan
th team representing tbe University
of Oregon and Oregon Agricultural col
lege line up for the final struggle. As
usual Corvallis claims tbe game before
it I played, but her at Oregon 1 tb
sentiment that so far It anybody's
gam, but In all likelihood Oregon's.
Coach Smith has the Oregon player
In fin shape, and since the Washington
gam a number of new play hav been
taken on. Ther will be but one change
In the team from that which went to
California. Hugg, who haa a strained
arm, will be out of the game, and Raid
will take hla place at center, i n rest
of the lineup will be the ame. McClaln,
left guard, haa developed wonderfully
grid is already picked for an all-northwest
soattlon. Arnsplger, who played
ring around big Tom McDonald of the
Washlnon team, will show tb farmers
what a light man can do at tackle. Mc-
Intyre, th big freshman guhrd, la an
other comer, and by next year will sur
prise ths football public by bis playing.
He Is at present too fast a man for
guard, and with another's experience
should make a lightning! halfback. Karl
la the consistent man of th team, play
ing offense and defenae with the Uog
gedneaa that means yardage In a football
gam. Moor and Chandler ar easily
the beat ends In th state thla year, and
will probably show their superiority over
th Corvallis men in thla position. LM
touratte is the bast conditioned man on
the team, as hi playing shows. As a
quarterback he Is no doubt the best ever
turned out In the university. Frank and
Joe Templeton work well with each
other at the halfback position. Kerron
at fullback la tbe hardest working man
In the back field, and it waa by hla ef
forts that th Templetons made so much
yardage over Washington. Dick Smith
says that he Is an Ideal fullback and
clearly the beat In the northwest. HI
defenae I away above th average, and
so far this season haa never been thrown
back for a loss.
Manager Ore ham will take 12 substi
tutes with htm, so that ther will be
plenty of fresh material on th slds
line. Oregon will probably need a few
uba. aa the Indications are that th
game will be played on. a Vet field, and
as the Corvallis men a re much heavier
than the Oregon men some of them will
no doubt be used up.
,, Collage spirit Is running wild, and one
of the largest excursions In th Stat
will be run by the Oregon students to
Corvallis Saturday. The team will ac
company the excursion. Every evening
tne rooters ciuo notas special ana yens
and songs are being learned for the
game. This game will be one of the
best In ths history of the sport in tbe
state and the railroad companies have
I made special rates from all point In tbe
state. At Corvallis arrangements ar
being msde to accommodate the Kugene
rooters In one side of the grandstand,
while the Corvallis contingent will occu
py the other side with their band aird
(Journal Special Service
New Haven. Conn.. Nov It. When
Tate meets Harvard on the gridiron here
tomorrow, there promises to be a battle
royal. Both teams are full of conn
dance, bat neither expects sn essy Tic
tory. From Cambridge come reports of
the superb condition Of tb Harvard
eleven and th great Improvement In
their team. The Tate coaches and
trainer have been working hard to
make the team as speedy as possible
snd confidence Is expressed that the Blue
will put up a hard tussel for victory
and glory The demand for tickets Indi
cates that the usual immense crowd
will be on hand. Special trains will
bring crowds of enthusiasts from New
York. Boston. Providence, and other
San Francisco, Nov. II. Results at
Oakland track:
Five furlongs Sea Voyage won; time,
Futurity course, selling Cloche d'Or
won; time, 1:11.
Five and one-half furlongs Del Carina
won; time, l:0t.
One mile, selling Bab won; time
Six furlongs, sailing The Mighty
won; time, 0:t.
One mil and 100 yards, selling ki
liott won; time, 1:11.
a mvesT.
(Journal Special Vrlea.)
Vancouver. H. C. Nov. II. In the
Rugby foetball mutch here yesterday,
Vancouver defeated Nanaimo by the
acore of 21 to I. The big acore was
mad possible by the brilliant work of
Vancouver s back division.
A number of Portland football rootera
will attend the Oregon-O. A C. game at
Corvallis tomorrow. - The M A. A. C.
team will he represented by Frank
Watklna snd Thomas Ross
In tbe history of Oregon football few
gamea bve ever attracted the attention
that is being given Saturday's match.
Chairman Ho,neyman has announced
that on Wednesday evening next the
club will hold a smoksr and football
rally. Speeches will be made by promi
nent members of the club, the coach and
Captain Edward Dowllng. A yell leader
will be chosen for Thanksgiving, and
the songs that have beep written for
the occasion will he rehearsed. The
songs, It Is understood, are the real
At a ' banquet hld In San Francisco
Tuesday night, Jsmes Force, known by
sll California college men aa 'Sunny
Jim," was elected by his team-mstes
to the captaincy of next year's foot
ball team. Next year will mark
Force's third year on the U. C. varsity.
He played right tackle In Baturday'a
gam a
James Hopper acted as toastmaster at
the banquet and every man who played
on California's football team was pres
ent Coach Hopper waa tendered a tes
timonial for hla efficient work by th
it seems more than unfair to crltl
clse a coach that haa worked aa hard
for Berkeley as Jimmy Hopper. Re
port were sent out Immediately after
the game that Hopper waa held respon
sible for Berkeley's defeat Such un
just criticism is about on a par wllb
Charlie Flckert's unsportsmanlike ex
cuse three yeara ago, when his un
coached eleven waa downed by Berke
ley. It Is a pity that a game which ha
reached the importance and popularity
of college football should be played In
such fashion that the championship Is
In doubt. On ths record Penny can
fairly claim to be the champion this
seaaon. yet there are few who believe
she haa a better team than Tate or
Princeton, and without detracting from
the merits of her victory over Harvard,
it Is to be doubted If ah baa aa good
a team a Harvard. It would seem that
some schedule of games could be ar
ranged which would settle the question
of superiority beyond a cavil. Perhaps
this will coma in time.
On form and aggressiveness Tale
ought to defeat Harvard In the annual
match tomorrow.
Multnomah's eleven will be some
what orippled when the whistle blows
for the kick-off .on Thursday. A fsw
lame backs, sprained ankles snd a stray
felon or two on the tnstepe, certainly
make life worth living. Still one can
never tell what may happen on the
wary grid.
a. a, a
The wrestling fraternity held high
carnival at the Multnomah club last
evening and thoroughly enjoyed the
sport. Wagner won th 114-pound class
by defeating Percy. In the 126-pound
class Dennis downed Smith snd Putnam
drsw a tie. In the finals Dennis won
the flrst and third falls and the match.
Fuller beat Bennett tn tbe It class, and
Jeffrey downed Rueter. In the finals
Fuller beat Jeffrey In tstb straight W.
Perry heat Klllen and Tjaynee downed
Wagner In the m-poufld claaa. and in
the final Percy defeated Haynee. -The
wreaUlug was of a vry. good order.
J. Frank Watson Speaks Warmly
of the Things He Saw
While East.
The Oregon lan knowa his is the best
country on earth, and thla fact leads
him to appreciate the good feature of
other sections he may visit on a trip of
business or pleasure.
"There Is some grest country tributary
to Omaha and Kansas city, saya j
Frank Watson, who haa lust returned
from a visit to those cities and a tour
of the state of Kansas. I "The people of
Kansas are in good shape financially
and have On prospects for business
uuniig iaf coming swusvu- ik m m
great state. Where In pioneer day
farmers were burning corn because .It
was so cheap there was no profit In
hauling It to market, they are now get
ting 40 cents a bushel. The state Is
covered with prosperous farms and
growing towns."
, Mr. Watson's mission eastward was
primarily of a business nature, but he
took time enough to see the cities of
Omaha and Kansas City, although he
found It impossible to continue his
Journey to St. Douta to see the expo
sition. He was charmed with Kansas
During bis stay at Omaha he met Mr.
Mohar. now vice-president snd general
manager of the Union Pacific system,
who is making a floe record in his new
position. Mr Watson la a olose ob
server of conditions, and he saw enough
to make him genuinely enthusiastic over
the Missouri river country. Regarding
the after effects of the Omaha exposi
tion, be says, that while the fair waa
followed by a slight dullness in busi
ness, the effect was on the whole good
for the city. The Omaha exposition waa
a financial success, and this did much
to prevent any considerable slump afterward.
Encouraging Report Received
from the Fifth District by
ths Stats Board.
Thanksgiving and Holiday Sale.
In resdlng last evening's Journal you
probably noticed the large, attractive
advertisement of the Oregon Mercantile
company. If you were interested in
women's wear, not to mention household
necessities, you doubtless let the ad
vertisement more than attract you
you read It 'Tie incredible that you did
not if you're an economically inclined
ahopper. yesterday marked the begin
ning of a great trade event at the store.
For this special sale unusual bargains
are holding forth In every department;
bargains, thrifty housewives will find
quite too good to let alone. An enumera
tion of these "monster reductions" (to
quota the ad. 4 would entail lota of time
and apace; the" advertisement, aa large
as It was, could only tell you of ths
"heavyweights." It told you, though,
that If you were about to purchase suits
or coats have millinery work done, buy
muslin wear, shoes, furs, linens, pillow
tops, table covers, dress goods, silks,
ribbons, fancy goods, china and a hun
dred other things, that the O. M. Co.
was the place to make your Mecca.
This store prides Itself on the fact that
goods snd bargains are strictly as rep
resented need more be said?
Tacoma ......
Han Francisco
Port la ad
' I! i ll
rlr M
10 IS 0 12 14 5 JOB
10 . . B 11 MM S4 .MS
4 fl . IS 1 1 IS S7 .ft.M
IS . .151 40 .MS
12 4 T 14 .. 9 4(1 .474
no 11 2 S.. S6I u
1 'z-
144 1 4246tt2lftlM3 2
(8paclsl Dispatch to The Journal.) -Central
la. Wash., Nov. It. The high
school football team of thla city has
been compelled to cancel all engage
ments for the present. Several of ths
boys were so badly hurt tn the game at
Olympta last Saturday that It will be
several weeks before they are In la con-
dlton to play again. Among the 'games
cancelled Is one with the Tacoma high
school team that was scheduled for
next Saturday. A light team may be
picked up to play a game here on
Thanksgiving day.
Miss Blbson and Mra W. B. Ayer
qualified yesterday in the lad lea' fall
handicap, second qualifying round.
Those who entered were: Mrs. W. J.
Burns, Mra. Allen Lewis, Mrs. W. B.
Ayer, Mrs. Richard Koehler, Miss Alice
Blbson. and Miss Msrlam Strong.
Tomorrow afternoon at Waverly links
the third qualifying round of the men'a
fall handicap will be played. As each
succeeding -round la played. Interest iu
the sport Increases. On Thanksgiving
day the handicap will be started.
But Boeamt It ek Reasonable?
Thla may read aa though we were put
ti e strona because n is son
thought by the majority of people
ting i
e rally
that Dyspepsia In Its chronic form Is
Incurable or practically so. But ws
have long alnce ahown that Dyspepsia
Is curable, nor Is It such a difficult mat
ter aa at flrst appears.
The trouble witn uyspepucs ta mat
continually dieting, starving
they are
themselves, or going to opposite ex
ng tne airaaay over
ith "bitters," "after
Judd Ceer Civee Advice and En
couragement to Orchard
lets of the State.
"When growers learn to grow first
class fruit, pack it In a flrst-ctaaa man
ner and put equally good fruit through
out the package buyers will come to
them they will need to hunt no mar
ket." aaya Judd Oeer of Cove, member
of the state board of horticulture for
ths fifth district of Oregon, including
the counties of Umatilla, Union,
Wallowa, Baker. Grant. Malheur and
Mr. Oeer has sent in his district re
port, which Is to form a part of the
biennial report of the state board to
be published early In the year. Accord
ing to his estimates ths values of the
various fruits grown in his district
during ths years 1001 and 1904 sre aa
Apples Increased from I1S0.00O in
1003 to 1170,000 In 1004; cherries. In
crease, from 140,000 to 140,000; the
peach output is valued at 110,000 for
each year; tbe pear crop, which In 102
waa valued at ftt.000, shrunk In 1904
to 9B.00O; the prune crop of a year ago
brought 114,000, but Is valued thla year
at only 130,000; the strawberry crop In
creased frOm $38,000 to 140,000; others
fruits yielded crops valued at 210,000
each year.
Tha, territory covered by Mr. (leer's
report 1 hilly and many parts of It
Isolated, long drive being necessary
for the grower to market their crop.
Many old settlers in that section war
told, when planing a small home
orchard, that It was a waste of time,
s fruit would not grow.' Mr. Oeer says
tbst In nesrly every Instance the suc
cessful commercial orchardlat today 1
one of the men who at first planted the
small orchard for mere love of the fruit
and the work of horticulture.
'Cultivation and irrigation are work
ing wonders In many parts of eastern
Oregon that once were regarded aa
mountainous or arid wastes." saya Mr.
Oeer. "The more business developed In
one locality ths better It proves for all
the growers, for they get more buyers
and better prices for their fruits.' The
commercial grower need not fear com
petition. Even an overaupply for a sea- I
son or two should not discourage htm,
if his location la good for raising high
grade fruit It Induces man to build
csnneries, evaporators snd cold storage
plants, all of which prove of permanent
value to the business."
Mr. Oeer thinks the apple la destined
ever to head the list of commercial
fruits. He tells of Irrigation projects
that are being developed In hla district,
and of the great value of Irrigation to
fruit raising, but adds that "irrigation
la not everything there must still be
careful cultivation."
While some contend that irrigation
produces fruit of inferior flavor, he
aaya such results are caused by the
manner In which water Is applied, and
not to. the water Itself.
Concerning varieties of apples that
grow best In his district he suggests
for the higher valleys and foothills the
Rome Beauty, King of Tompkins
County, Tork Imperial, Rhode Island
Oreenlng and Jonathan, while for th
warm lower valleys he recomrrtends
Newtown Pippins snd Spltsenbergs. He
strongly favors cherries for his dis
trict, and namea the Royal Ann. Black
Republican, Blng and Lambert Bo far
aa he haa investigated pears, none of
the commercial orchards In hla district
has been money-makers.
Drop us a postal, stating your sge and we will mail you
full particulars how to protect your family and build up
an estate tor yourself.
AGE 25
6 CENTS a day saved each year will PROTECT you
for 9 1,000.00 and guarantee you a GOOD INVEST
MENT. Why be without a Policy?
Insure with
The Washington Life
Write for particulars.
BLAIR T. SCOTT, General Manager.
HARRY B. SCOTT, Agency Director.
609, 610. 611, 612 and 613 Cham, of Com. Bldg., Portland, Ore.
I Wsl BBT m
n 'Waal bW on.
for boring a Wateh elsewhere get
nrlcee snd find out that we are tha
cheapest place In the city far reliable
Bates from SI Ss.60 per day. SMventh and Washtasoa aWaa.
yiefsned Stock Canned Ooods.
Allen A Lewis' Best Brand.
Tea oaa be ears aaiakly if yet
gists, 11.10.
ssa SB. M.
For Sale by the UUE DAVIS DRUG CO
Harry Randolph has performed a feat
which to County Physician deary and
Assistant County Physician McCornack
appears little short of the miraculous.
' Tbs man Is what la called a "dope
fiend." While trying to escape from the
chain gang last summer be was shot by
ons of the guards, receiving II buckshot
In ths right knee. The leg was saved
from amputation, but Randolph is barely
sale to move about on crutches.
Notwithstanding bis condition, he man
aged to elude the vigilance of the au
thorities and lert tne nospiuu a w
days ago. Moving at a snatl'a pace, he
traveled all night and reached town.
He has been seen her on tne streets
sines then. The distance ha traveled la
about live ml lea.
m -in,
The Oregon state Poultry association
will hold Its 10th annual exhibit Decern-
bar 20-21 inclusive, and plana are undeS)
way to make It th blggeat exhibit lisi
tbe history of th organisation.
feature of the show will be tbe
household pet division, 't his depart meaS
will be under the supervision of F. K,
Btuhr, and will be one of the most novel-
and interesting or tne snow, moms)
Wilkinson of Vancouver. B. C. Will be
Judge of the department. W. W. Brown
lng of Ogden. Utah, sad Elmer TMaoaS
will act aa Julge of the poultry.
- Secretary Ouy T. Hunt has sent tnvl
tat ions to each association In ths states
and has received many acceptance.
"T suffered
with soi
throat. Blctrlc Oil cured me in twenty
four hours." at. 8. Gist. Hawesville,
treme, or else delugln
hurdened stomach wit
dinner pills," etc., which invariably In
crease the difficulty even If In some
case they do give a slight, temporar
relief. Such treatment of the stomac
simply makes matters worse. What the
stomach wanta la a reat. Now, how can
the stomach become reated. recuperated
and at the same time the body nourished
and sustained.
Thla Is a great secret, and this Is
also tha secret of the uniform success
of Stuart'a DrsoeDSla Tablets, This Is
a comparatlvsly new remedy, but lie
success and popularity leaves no doubt
as to Its merit.
Th Tablets will digest the food any
way, regardless of condition of stom
The sufferer from Dysnspsia, accord
ing to directions, la to eat an abundance
of good, wholesome food and use the
tablets before and arter each meal, and
the reeult will be that the food will be
digested no matter how bad your I)ys
pepsla may be, because, aa before
stated, the tablets will digest tbe food
even If the stomach Is wholly Inactive
To Illustrate our meaning plainly. If
ordinary food and place It In a tempera
ttire of tt degrees, and put with It ont
of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets It will
direst the meat or ease almost ss oer
fsctly as If the meat waa enclosed
within the stomach.
The stomach may be ever an weak,
ret these tablets will perform the work
of digestion and the body and brain will
be properly nourished, and at the same
time a radical, lasting cure of Dyspep
sia will be made because tbe much
abused stomsch will be given, to some
extent, a much needed rest Tour drug
gist wilt tell you that of all th many
remedies advertlaed to eure Dyspepsia
none of them have given so complete
and general satisfaction as Stuart's l)
Tablets, ana not
pepsla Ti
lance In
these hard tlm
leaat In Impbr
ea fa the far
that they ar also the cheapest and give
the moot gooo tor ma least i
Buy Their Boys' Clothing Here Could
Just Whisper to the Mothers Who
And Tell Them What They Know, We
Would Soon Have a Monopoly of
the Boys' Clothing Business.
Quality) begin at $3.50, but with price
increased to $.5.00, Quality is quadrupled.
Our Lines at
$4, $5, $6 and $7
In aAll Styles Are Very Complete.
Special for Saturday KNEE PANTS 45c Pair
WATCHES, AIRQUNS. FOOTBALLS. Etc., fiven with ail SUITS or 0VERC04TS j
IW. lam IOIfU4fMtOi (Villi.
Only MGH-CUSS CM Staff f tl It Omkv tf