THIS OREGON DAIIyY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY BVSOTNO. NOVElIBR I MELDRUM GUILTY ON MANY COUNTS Jury Does Not Take Long to Convict the Disgraced Ex Surveyor General. FORMALITY OF ASKING FOR A NEW TRIAL FOR HIM Exposure May Result in Bring ing Others to Book for land Frauds. "Guilty as chirred" on every one of the 21 counts Of the Indictment asainst him, Was the verdict of the Jury Which tried Henry Meldrum. the former aur-veyor-general of the state of Oregon. ly thia verdict Meldrum stands convicted of 18 separate forgeries, made for the purpose of defrauding the government. It was nearly 6 o'clock yesterday af ternoon when the Jury retired, and leas ""than an how waa consumed In the con sideration of the evidence. On motion of Oeorge C. Brownell. made before Judge Belllr.ger this morning, the defendant waa granted SO days in which to file a motion for new trial, and in the meantime he will be allowed to remain at liberty, the bond already given con tinuing in force. The penalty prescribed for the offense of which Meldrum is convicted ia im prisonment at hard labor for a term not exceeding ten years, or One not exceed ing $1,000. or both. Henry Meldrum waa appointed United States surveyor-general for thia etate in July. 1901. He owed hia appointment Xfto Senator John H. Mitchell, Senator Simon refusing to Join in the recom- . mendatlon. Senator Mitchell s interest had been enlisted by George C. Brownell, With whom Meldrum had long been closely associated in politics. , tat OStoa Jsotten With VMM. Prior to thia appointment Meldrum I was for several years county surveyor of Clackamas county. He waa quite a prominent figure In the county and waa an active member of the Republican or ganisation. At the time Meldrum waa appointed surveyor-general. Binger Her man was at the head of the general land office, which was notten jrlth fraud. An atmosphere of dishonesty .seemed to per . vade the whole department- Public lands , were stolen, government records were falsified, and advance information as to 1 surveys and reserves waa regularly sold to the land thieves by trusted employes if the department. Hermann himself .bad been the subject of investigations by secret agents of the Interior depart ment, and BO damaging were their dis coveries that he waa dually removed in disgrace from bis office, and his Indict ment waa advised. With such widespread corruption in - the department, the temptation to fraud was doubly strong, and It was not long after Meldrum took office before rumors Of irregularities became current An In vestigation was ordered by the secretary of the Interior, and the result waa the discovery that Meldrum had been sys tematically defrauding the government by means of forged applications for sur- i veys of public lands. These forged applications wars, made 'the bests for letting contracts for sur veys and the contracts ware let to Rufus S. Moore, Meldrum a nephew. How many of these fraudulent contracts were let by Meldnrm is not definitely known. ' ft is estimated that these frauds cost the government from 150,000 to $100,000. Less than two years after his appoint ment Meldrum was summarily removed from office. Secret agents of the gov ernment continued their investigations, which Anally resulted in the indictment of Meldrum by the federal grand Jury, in April of thia year. . Ooaapiraey Against the Government. In bis address to the Jury yesterday afternoon, United States District Attor ney John Hsll plainly declared hia belief, that a conspiracy existed between Mel drum and Rufus S. Moors, to whom the surveying contracts were let, and J. W. Hamaker, the Klamath Falls notary, whose name and seal were appended to .the forged affidavits. Ha expressed the belief that the profits of the frauds were divided among the three men and Intimated that had the grand Jury been ' in possession of all the facta which have alnce come to light, both Moore and Ha maker would have been indicted with Meldrum. Probably the statute of lim itations bas now barred legal proceed ings against them. The conviction of Henry Meldrum la regarded as a signal victory for the gov ernment. He Is the first of the many men Involved In the land frauds perpe trated during the Hermann regime, to be convicted la this state. There Is reason to believe that this oonvlcUon may he fallowed by other exposures, in volving men who nave hitherto escaped the law. JAPANESE DESTROY ANOTHER ARSENAL Discover Location at Port Arthur and Center Artillery Fire Upon It. (Journal Special Service.) Tokio, Nov. XI. It ia reported that the Japaneaa have destroyed another Russian arsenal at I'ort Arthur. The Japanese discovered the location of the arsenal by seeing through field glasses men carrying ammunition from it They centered their artillery Are. upon it After dropping 20 sheila in that locality they suooeeded la blowing up the magazine. (Jeorn.l special Berries.) Hull, Nov. IS. At today's session of the board of trade Inquiry into the Doggerbank affair the commissioners paid a high tribute to the gallantry of the members of the fishing fleet The court heard the evidence regarding the financial circumstances of the killed and Injured fishermen and those dependent upon them, and claims were put In, REPORTS A REPULSE. Barn Taps Attacked (Journal Special Barries. St. Petersburg, Nov. It. General Si ha roff , In a dispatch to the general staff this morning, reports that the Japanese last night made another attempt to re take Putltoft or Lone Tree hill, but were repulsed. DEFENDINQ PORT ARTHUR. Appointed to Yosts There. , (Journal Special Berries.) St Petersburg, Nov. 18. It Is an nounced that Rear-Admiral Lostchlnsky has been appointed to superintend the naval mine defenses at Port Arthur, and Captain Ivanhoff to command the orula er Bayan now at the port (feemal Special Serrlce.) Fakkeberg. Denmark, Nov. 18. The second division of the Russian Baltic fleet haa arrived. IS PORT ARTHUR OF LABOR WORLD Fail River Garrisoned by Women and Starving Children of Textile Workers. (Journal Special Serrlaa.) San Francisco, Nov. 18. At thia morn ing's session of the American Federation (Of Labor appeals were made for aid for the striking textile workers at Fall River, Mass. Pitiful plcturea of Buffer ing woman and children affecfed by the strike were drawn. A woman delegate stirred the delegates by declaring that she had seen 1.40 children stand in line and get a meal of soup and bread, which was the only meal they received that day. Fall River wee referred to by one speaker as the Fort Arthur of the labor world, garrisoned by women and chil dren. A 1 per cant weekly per capita assess ment waa unanimously voted to be con tinued three weeks, or aa long as the executive committee deemed advisable. GOVERNMENT CALLS ON BANKS FOR MONEY (Jew sal Sseetsl Bsrviee.) Washington. Nov. 18. Secre tary of the Treasury Shaw thia afternoon Issued a call on all the national hanks In the United Hia tea for 81 per oent of the gov ernment deposits placed with them. 10 per eent to be paid by January li, and 18 par cent by March If. It la estimated that thia draft will bring Into the government treasury tfi.00a.000. (Journal Special Serrlce.) Marseilles, Nov. 18. Reinforcements to the number of 1,200 men and 8.000 tons of war munttlona haa been ordered for Tonquln, In view of the reported un easiness over the Boxers. PEOPLE FEEL SURE OF PORTAGE ROAD efc Open River Association Wilt Make a Proposition to the State Body. Members of the executive committee of the Open River association held a meeting this afternoon at the office of J. N. Teat to consider the provisions of a proposition that, if found acceptable to the oommlttee. will be presented to the atate portage board. A Joint meet ing of the two bodies is to bo held at IS o'clock tomorrow morning In thia city. " " " ' , The members of the committee in at tendance at today's meeting are Henry Haha of Portland. Dr. N. O. Blalook of Walla Walla, W. J. Mariner and J. A Smith Of Blalook. 'The meeting today la a preliminary," said Mr. Halm, "to decide upon the form of proposition that will finally come before . the Joint meeting of the atate portage board tomorrow. The situa tion at thia time regarding the whole project of a portage road ia more favor able than It aver haa been." ASSERTS THAT DRAFT OF TREATY IS DRAWN I D I I f M L I , Sv -j- -gjll v 1 Pi ME msm m wNu5wrjp ME 'II wsaafehsajasAasP aP sstaa BhsagOaal ME Ueeroal Special Ssrvies.) Birmingham, Nov. II. The Post as serts that a rough draft of the Anglo American arbitration treaty has al ready been drawn up. It la regarded as assured that the American congress will accept the treaty. A IUIK. (Journal Specl.l Serrlce ) Los Angeles. Cel. Nov. 18. Mlna Ru dolph, the San Toy actress who was In jured in an automobile accident, la still la a critical condition. Her memory la a blank as to the accident Hii Ids up the system; puts pure, rich blood In the makef men j"- B l !?ra ATaaySg stoa Thanksgiving Specials At s Thankful Price 50-Piece Dinner Set Only $3.95 We are showing many new designs and novelties in Glassware must be seen to be appreciated. SPECIAL BLENDED COFFEE The beet in the United States. Roasted fresh every day only 25c pound HAINES TEA STORE 170 THIRD STREET Phone Main 1706. Between Morrison and Yamhill 1 I1TWV165W1P ME H5 lWvsf W Mm ME ME mn ME wmsm LOT TRADING SlWIPi GET THE B. & H. H-ABIT" of saving the B. C& H, Trading Stamps. You can only get them at this store, and they get you anything, even the cpld cash. Mn Saturday, Tomorrow, Nov. 19 We Wffl Give 20 B. Sk H. Stamps Free JSja"' . V v.- , ; V " . . ' To every one who visits our store Saturday. Don't leave until you get themthey are free. No buying necessary. See that you have everything fully explained by the young isdy who gives them to you. . 1 What You Can Do With B. & H. Stamps For, every 10-cent purchase or multiple thereof we will give you B. & H. Stamps. Paste these on the back of a sheet, which contains four pages, which we give you, holding 50 stamps each. When you have filled one or more pages, bring them to us and we will give you in exchange beautiful Silver and China ware of the best quality. You will soon secure a handsome Dinner Set and a Full Supply of high grade Silverware, absolutely Free, or as stated above, $2 cash or $2.60 in merchandise for 10 pages or 500 stamps. THE GREATEST SELLING IN Tailored Suits, Coats, Fancy Coats, Jackets, Skirts Ever Inaugurated in This City BRONNER & DONNELLY of St. Louis, Importers and Manufacturers of coats, suits, dress skirts, underskirts, cravenette coats and skirts, wool waists and dressing sacques, In fact,every style of garment that makes an up-to-date cloak and suit room, have retired from business and we have purchased their entire stock for Cash less jite Ir cent from their cost. We have them on display In our show windows and our cloak and suit room, second floor of our store. Come prepared to get the dree test Bargains ever 'offered In the city of Portland. Sale com mences Wednesday morning and continues until stock Is sold. Seme of them are small lots and will go fast, so do not be late but come while the lots are full. We quote you a few sample prices: A WONDER AT $7 45. The- Correct Tourist Coat, mads of awod Quality American Kills handsomely trimmed, 41 inches lone, In 4 styles, Bronner a Donnelly's price $10.00; our price mixtures, $7.45 A SURPRISE FOR $9.68. Butcher Back Tourist Coat, in Oxford and brown mixtures, wa have them in t dif ferent styles, with storm or velvet collar or collarless, 48 Inches Ions, A p Bronner A Donnelly's price J13.L0. our price eVaUO THESE WILL WALK OUT AT $10.88. Handsome Invisible Strip Oxford Cravenette, guaranteed shower -proof, full ST Inches long; Bronner A Donnelly's price 815.00; our price ,. A CRACKER-JACK FOR $1248. Rain-Proof Cravenette. In Oxford gray, mad with cape, belt back, Bronner Gt) A Donnelly's price $17.50; our price.... aylaVsvO A CORKER FOR $13.45. Magnificent Sheridan Storm Coat, mixed stripes and plain colors. shoulder capes and box plait in back and others plain: ask to see them; Bronner A Donnelly's price $18.80: our price ONLY A FEW AT $14.68. Shower-Proof Man-Tailored Cravenette Coat, box plaited back. Bishop sleeve with ouff, belted back, trimmed with battens mad from goods oa coat; Bronner tt Donnelly's pric $19.00; our price -ruBf stir rsr ai nasi A Cravenette Coat with a record unquestionably the highest grade water-proof far. ment made, this is tne new naveioca; cape sieeve, oeiiea drck ana oox plait down back; Bronner A Donnelly's price $28.00; our price.. $10.35 some made with $13.45 with ouff, $14.65 w ff a i v $18.65 j FULL LINE OF SIZES 85o. All -Wool Flannel Waist, plaited front box nltt4 hack tn rose, srarnet. royal and black; -"-3 .. . V. . n ooc Bronner A Donnelly's price $1.15; our price. THIS IS A BROKEN LOT AT SBo. A strikingly handsome effect, plaited front and back, some trimmed with tailor buttons, the others with large metal buttons on front, in royal, garnet and black; Bronner A Q)C Donnelly's prlos $1.50; our pric ''v THESE WON'T LAST AT $1.15. An Unusually Stylish Wool Waist, soma tucked, others plaited, trimmed very pretty with white braid, in garnet, navy and black; Bronner Donnelly's price $2.00; (M 1 C our price. THE BARGAIN OF BARGAINS AT $1.15. A unique effect of Plaid Wool Waists and small broken checks, plaited front and back. 1 large metal buttons on front, full sleeve, they come In brown and green, cardinal and green. blue and cardinal, and grreen and blue; Bronner A Donnelly's pric $2.00; our price.... ;' $1.15 DONT WAIT THERE It ONLY A FEW AT f 1.45. All-Wool French Flannel Waist, with shield front, nicely braided In black, the colors tan, navy, black and Reseda; Bronner f A e A Donnelly's price $2.50; our pric. COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH AT $1.50. A Bewitching Waist, made of nice quality of all-wool Albatross, lace collar, plaited front and back, 8 rows of tucking on bust, the colors are shell pink baby blue, Nile green and cream, Just the waist for evening wear; Bronner A Donnelly's price $2.75; d t A our prlos pl.Uv WAIT FOR US AT $2.66. A Brilliant design in good quality mohair Brilllantine, embroidered front of silk. In cream color only, plaited backs; Bronner A Donnelly's price $8.7$; AC our prioe.... , J)a.Ud JUST IN TIME FOR THE 8EA80N 45c. Ladles' All-Wool Honeycomb Dress Vest, In green er red, double breasted, with gilt but tons; Bronner A Donnelly's pric $1.00; iCr our price lrV RAINY-DAY SKIRTS This Is the last chance to secure on of the greatest bargains ever offered in the skirt line positively this Is tbe last week w give these prices i $1.50 Rainy. Day Skirt 904 $2.50 Rainy-Day Skirt .J5 88.50 Rainy-Day Skirt S1.6S 14.00 Rainy-Day Skirt B 1.7B 8S.00 Rainy-Day Skirt S2.65 , $.0O Rainy-Day Hklrt ....82.85 $8.50 Ralny-Dy 8klrt BB.BB $7. bo Rainy-Day Skirt 83.45 LADIES' CRAVENETTE SKIRTS $6.50 for $7.60 for , BB.85 $10.00 for fT.BO BLACK UNDERSKIRTS $1.00 Spun Glass. .. 500 $1.25 All Best Silk BBet $1.60 Near Silk Bl.OO $1.76 Mercerised 81.25 $1.00 Am X Silk , 81.38 THE ONLY TIME THEY HAVE BEEN ' BOLD FOR 38o. A Flannelette Dressing Sacque, cream colored ground with pink, blue and red stripes, made with cape, trimmed with finishing braid; Bronner A Donnelly's price 75c; IZr our price.., .77,,... .00 THE PICK OF THE LOT FOR 45c. A good quality of Teasledown Outing Flannel. In cream ground with pink and gray or blue and gray stripes, oape trimmed with finish ing braid and Torchon lace, neck tied with pink or blue silk ribbon : Bronner A A Cr Donnelly's price $1.00; our pric ."w YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THEM AT lass. Ladles' All-Wool Knit Sweater, in cardinal or cream; Bronner A Donnelly's prloe IE $8.60; our price syA.OO WE GIVE THEM AWAY FOR 25c. A Very Pretty Dressing Sacque of tennis flannel, in cream ground with pink and blue stripes, made with cape embroidered with luster silk; Bronner A Donnelly's pric fZr 60c; our price aViJL Specials in Dress Goods For Mid-Week Buyers who come out' during the middle of tha week, when the inducements are sufficient to warrant It, as Is the case In this Instance Dress Goods selling at remarkable reductions. New Novelties, 88 Inches wide, yard 54-Inch Wool, all shades, yard BroadclojUub black and colors, 62-Inch 8 -Inch Black Berg New Cravenette. rainproof , Wool Waist Infra, black and all shade....... Best quality, all colors and black, 811k Velvets... Black and Colored Moreen Skirting 5O0 650 81.00 :...3B .65 to 82.25 25a) 950 350 All-Wool Sicilians, 88 Inches wide, in new shades of brown, tan, "gray, red, jrreen black and blue ., , - 391 New Flannelettes la late designs ',, French Flannelettes, 86 Inches wide ..11) Light and Dark Outing Flannel 5 Apron Ginghams, fast colors a'aO" Best Outing Flannel, 18Hc grade 94 YES. IT'S TRUE, WE GIVE TRADING STAMPS. THE KICKER DON'T SEE! SL: I W McCall Patterns The latest and new est patterns for fall and winter lOc lSe. Ask for tbem. McCall's Magazine BOa) A TBAR, A awell monthly of fashion. 4H a free aepy of oar Faahlon Sheet ME ran 2SU mm pi M 1 . 1 mi MR ME msm ME mmsm PR ME ME TRADING 5IATIP ME ME if rD$oAnp MR Mn bh mn Mi MttmSMW JWO&tVS pwptfcSWfl WWWwltTl II iiwevvwvTasari HQ II BvBjVVbsw7 asflsiBr ' IsBtsfisMsar TsKHH I si 1L .j . . it . M, m