The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 18, 1904, EXTRA, Image 1

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    , . -ijL-iaJ
vox. in. no. mi.
19, im -sixteen pages.
urn Ait
Thirteen Ktxsm to Ite Dei4 Twenty
Niae Unaccooritd tor aid Smet
teen Injured in RoSfftik
Explosions Damage Buildings for a Radius of
Five Blocks and Chrmple Near-by
Homes Like Rouses of Cards,
Jfltrrwil Bpiil Hsri'le1 . )
Chicago, Nov. la-Fire Igniting tank
of tha ropt' Jes company at 4 O'clock
th wornln caused a series of explo
sions, fining possibly a score of persons.
Injnrlrig a Tnany more, wrecking build
ing within a radlua of live blocks and
causing a loss that I estimated ht
Fir Marshal Campion way that the
number of dead 1 certainly 11. The
hnmber of Injored to date la 17, Includ
ing five persona hurt by the collapse of a
bn tiding 0 feet away froth the go
plant. Thlrty-rtx men are known to
hare town employed In th plant and only
Ik are accounfad for at S p. m
Plve dead bodies have been recovered.
One at tha dead haa been Identified a
Ttelnh Vfetta. .uperlntendent of tha Pyl
gs Plrt.
Thomajt rxsnhfc.
Jennings. '
Laborer, name unknown.
l'nldentinetf body, supposed to be that
of th ltrlt superintendent.
The tnjnntrr- rr:
Thomas ttpane.
John fcnhfi
I. & lniah.
William Olaon.
MM Wntbble.
c W. ari.
William H. Malowefv
Bruno Han.
William tint.
fldward Borne.
Thome ininn.
John Watson.
Carl Harford.
A. C. Istngdoh.
Alfred Co.
Max M.
odiea Tom fclmb From tint.
Nearly all of the bodies recovered are
literally torn limb from limb and not
M of the a It Ilea at the moreur
Is entirely complete. Stray members,
les and arms, have been picked up n
hundred feet or more from th scene of
the i ,
Two of the corpse recovered had been
btirlefl rlesn otitald the fence surround
Inf th company's plant and a quarter
of a block from the building.
A three story burtdlng fe feet away
from tli plant collapeed like a nous of
earda when the Aral aerla of explosion
wttrt upon It. lb the twinkling of an
aye it was a mfe heap of brick and
aoetar, the fierce,, hot breath of the ex
plosion sweeping, block Way. every
psrtlcle of the cloud of dust that rose
When the building fell. Half s mil
owsv people were powdered with the
aftlclea of mortar that fell like fgrh.
With the eolraaw at the building fv
worsens, all of whem wre at the Wht
wafehfn the fire were Injured,
wo of them possibly fatally, and It wa
an hour before the last was rescued
from the ruin of the house
The plant of the People' Oj com
eanv Is at Sevehfy-fourf h and Botrth
(Meo avenue. Af o'clock fhht morn
fng re originated m the pratrf Of the
gwefenent of the gas oomwany. The of the tire has not yet been dis
covered, hut It f laid, as tttrl, fo
gnoYrfncona combustion.
The flames soon spread to the n
company ' works. A small storage rank
nled with gas Was Ignited and
at, aw Mk the roar of heavy ar-
tfitift fher- followed mtlok upon the
grst blast a series ot nravr riproironi
as the adjoining tank e flred. Phre
fwpeelil Wspstcb to The Jnoraal )
gpokan W-ash . Vov i" Johnnoiim
gren dollhiratcly trVd to nd hlislir by
lying across the trick of the Igortnem
Pacific, last night A switch engine
gtntcfc htm, mangling his cheat, abdomen
lega. snd battering his head. He is not
thrpected to gnrvlvo the day. He wn
conwclotis when picked up by the train
OrWW of the same engine. Who btmjgnt
him to the hospital on a stretcher-. There
h. told hi story j
"I wanted to end my life, and I t
Sorry that f did not stfer-ed. It I not
because of drtnk. htit other trouble.
Holllngnerl ha been brooding over the
death of hi partner. U Olson, who wpji
killed her on the tfotlrHrrn Pscinr
track last astiirday wa sn eye
- , v, . t iniMv He 1 a wid
ower, and hag thro children in th home
tanks In kncceaalon were destroyed.
A doren more explosions followed dttr-
tmjr the couree of the flra. Te sudden
release of hundreds of thousand k
ruble feet of burning gas sent a column
of flame apoutlng like a giant geyser
m guarter of a mile Into the air, and re
leased on the instant 4 furlou a heat
that the people In tha treet turned
their faces io the wall to avoid the
scorching rays. ,,..i w
The shock or the explosion shattered
windows for five blocks aronnd. Bo
great wa Its force that sashes wore
hurled Into rooms, cornices came tumb
ling down and the ground rocked as
with an earthquake.
More than one sleeper was badly cut
when the glass of his bedroom window
was daahed In splintered fratwents into
hi face. There is not a whole pape of
glass wftW"n rive block of the scene
of the explosion, and the building In
spoetor has ordered Several housoa v.t
rated until their fijnndfitlorjs ran be
examined to see the extent or t dam
age don. , ,
tWHo follow! fcxpioaion.
A panic rnllowed the explosion. Peo
ple hair dressed ran Into the streets
screaming like lunatics In a mad panic
of terror. After the first fright many
Went back Into their homes to gather up
their helongtngs. but not one remained
In the threatened district .
Meanwhile the lire spread rapidly In
an hour it bad reached Seventh-fifth
street knd Qrbenwood avenue tad was
burning so furiously that the firemen
could not approach within three blocks
lib ' , . . ... -..
The whole trend of the names was
tnwsrd two huge storage tanks, the
larieat t the plant, tt seethed certain
that they would catch and people waited
terrified for their rrploslon.
The threatened tanks contain fOB.OOp
feet of .gas The flrem'n jjotired tons of
Water upon them, but sppkrentlf t P
effect, but st the moment when their de
struction epted, certain the wind veered
around and the tire turned In the oppo
site direcTiqn. mv.
At 11 orlock thl morning the first
bodies Were recovered a anarter of a
hlorfc from the fire As the flame were
gradually coming under control In the
afternoon eearehing parties explored the
ruin and two more bodies wer reerr
At t o'clock the bodies were stilt being
taken out. .
An Immense crowd surrounds the
plant and the police sre having diffi
culty fff keepfng the people out of dan
ger as there Is the possibility of other
explosions . ' . .
It Is flnderstood that a hlxnket fnur
nce policy covers most of the loss
tfAorntT ffperfal Serrfee )
naiHopoits. f, Nov I. An explosion
of dynamite at Oretnn ' station today
caused! the death of frfer Royee and
fatally Injured four others. They rf
working tn a quarry.
AusgfiajjEg jag jsjgAJC
babthquaxx rr rr alt
(owraaT Special Service.)
ftome. Vov i Severe eartfiauake
shocks wer experienoed today fti een
tral rtaly, especially at riorence, Ptta
and f'rhlno. No damage ts reported.
The ctsc of Woiiingren is surroirnded
by elrrumstances that make it an un
istmlly pmhrtlc one. Be Is a man of
tender Impulses snd there ex1ted be
tween himself and Ms friend Mon,
Whose death he was a witness tn. the
closest hond of friendship. Raperlslly
was this notleshle since th death of
hi wire Her death was a blow that
lg said to have almost resulted in TT"l
Hngreti's losing his mind The three
little children In the how of the frlend
mMF m thl city, were alo a great
sourcwof pain to the father Be brooded
over the rgndltinn hs wag m and oom
plalnedl that his rlrcumstances were
sich that lie wag unable to properly
provide and cars for bis little ones,
that he might always hgve them near
HWf $ Jf"f lb a melancholy
mood, caused by the gurroundlng. thst
ho ought death.
$casait4l First
All of the Men Raided
M and Held for Trial-They Will
Be Placed Under Arrest.
fofrotrri mn, poker players
and fan -tan players have been
frrdfctetJ by the grand Jury as
ftr TwwtA f rafda made by
Sheriff Word.
At 3:30 o'ctocfc thfs afterriobn
tttii Jftit wrnd titilt MM
against M. G. Nease. nianaeer
of WarWtcV cfub for cdn4tt6t
ing a resort "outrageous to pub
Kc morals and wherein dissolute
and tewd persons oongregate."
Resolutions Prohibiting Thel
Bale or Manufacture Before
Patron of WttloaHdry.
Many Degrees Will Be Conferred
Tomorrow On Honored
Members of Order.
Patrons of Husbandry will fight the
cigarette evlt. They wilt oppose the
manufacture or sale of cigarettes wlthlu
the United State, and will hot confine
their effort against the varieties ot
ready-mad articles. Thet will attempt
to prevent the manufacture df MIo Of
cigarette paper.
Jll tht morning's elon Of the Na
tional Orange tho committee, on reso
lutions recommended the adoption of a
resolution submitted yesterday to that
effect, tt was referred to ttU commit
tee on ragoiuuSns, of which T. c. Atko
son of West Virginia t chairman.
Tht morning the chairman reported
that the committee had decided to rec
ommend Its adoption by the convention.
Th resolution, offered by W. f. Hill
of Pennsylvania, follow: ucaa
"At a meeting of McKean County
Orange held at Port Alleghany. August
5, the following resolution was adopted:
" Whereas, The cigarette habit i
ruining score of young men; be tt
'Resolved, That we ask tha National
Orange to co-operate With u In an ef
fort fo have a law passed problblUng
th manufacture or tale of cigarette
or etgarofte paper rftft the united
State of Am-sat' i
four committee ha cArefuiiy con
sidered th abovo resolution and, recog
nlng the evils of the cigarette habit,
beg to recommend Its adoption wttn the
further recommendation that the sev
eral state granges and the legislative
committees of th National Orange co
operate in vry y possible" to abolish
the evrj." iJifM1L
Signed. j T. C. Atkeson, chairman;
0. W. Bsjrd. !t M. WlUon. C. A. P.
Ijidd and Amanda it. Horton. .
This mornings session Wa defoted
largely to epceehmaWttft .rtctlvlng ro
ports of committee and masters, of state
granges and other routine worll Re
ports were submitted .from master
Sanger of the state of Illinois. Kan
s, Missouri. Washington and tfaasa
ehusett. . xni. . jjjL
rtrlef addressea were made hy Jiign
fl. P. Bola and Jfrs. Pol Me of Oregon
nd Mrs. L. fl W rtmsh, seeretary of
the California state grange- Addresses
,lso made by Mr CI
lecturer or the Oregon state frange.
frof. .fames Wlthycontbe oX tAe Oregon
Agncultural college, Mrs Mary 9 now
nrd, secretary or the Oregon State
grange, F. C Brlggs. secretary of the
Washington tte grange, and J H. T
Smith, lecturer of the Wahtngln state
The initiative and referendum resolu-
(tnt'lnttid on" Pago Klgrlt )
ctrtrwAirY ttim
(P'-ta1 IMspsteh to Tke Jonrnsl )
Independence. Or.. Nov. 1 The Inde
pendence JfutVal Telephone company at
a meeting or storKnniqers electee tne
following offker: J. A. Cmven. presi
dent, W. W Perrlval. vlce-prasldent; Q.
A. Hurley, secretary, od t A, Messper.
I treasurer. The board of directors a
Report is Returned
and Creates a Decided Stir Among the
rtAttttuy ft We Wly,
fry Sheriff Word Are Ca
a : i Uf j ill,
Way, Chinese, for conducting
fan -tan games.
Against Tom Harrison, J.
W. Simpson, Jack Emerson and
Frank James for playing poker.
Against Ed Styles, for as
saulting and beating Fanny
Against Charles Me eh an and
Frank dames for holding up and
robbing . W. Chirk.
Bench warrants were Issued
Reported That. Tift's Visit to
Panama Is to Shake Up
Ex-Commissioner Hecker Used
Office for Friends' Benefit
Alger In Case.
(Special Dispatch te The Journal.)
Washington, t, C.. Nov. IJ. The res
ignation of Col. Prank 3. Hecker of the
Isthmian commission, which was made
publlp yesterday. Is the result of seri
ous friction tn the commission. Other
changes are expected to follow Secre
tary Taft s visit to the isthmus, during
which he will Investigate many charges
against tha commissioners. It la
charged that Colonel Hecker conducted
himself In a manner calculated to
srouae suspicion- Business Interests, it
is said,- guided him largely In the per
formance of his dutlMC cGmralmmlm
Immediately after the commission
reached a conclusion to purchase 1,000
dump cars, Colonel Hacker is aajd to
have wired friend In the u Dlted Elates
urging them to work up the contract.
Ills friends immediately began to lobby
to secure the contract. Admiral Waikei
at once took' steps to frustrate the woik
of the lobby Ilecker'a business meth
ods ana the way he proposed handliug
the 110,000,000 preliminarily appropri
ated for the beginning of the work baa
been seriously criticised. Hecker wan
appointed from Michigan, and Is iruer
std In commercial venture with
United States Senator Alger. Alger is
the principal stockholder of big Lumber
companies in Alabama. Colonel Hecker
had long experience in the lumber busi
ness. And the purchase of lumber l
one of the big Items In the work of the
canal conetrucUon.
It Is stated that-Oeneral Iyls, gov
ernor of the caual sone, X to be re
moved r at leaat hi powers will
greatly restricted.
Army . ot a. Tt a mt-
Panama, Nov. II. Flva hundred Amer
ican marines have been landed from a
warshln in the harbor and occupied La-
bocn; Ancon and the Panama railroad
depots this afternoon. Prealdont Ann-
dor has Issued decrees deposing General
Huerlas from the command of the grmy.
I but giving blm a full salary for life.
Tk. swmso lex tn raa r,4alnsd tsmanra rl I v
and the command haa been offered toJ
General Varon. General Quertaa haa
refused to accept a pension and Varon
has declined to accept the post of com-mander-ln-chler.
Ms.n5T..ii.i rU'kiW 1 gJli V ttkTWt
tmmXOmTfwW MVMMn; USIff UTU.
(Jr,urnl SpecUl Aervlee,)
New York. Nov. 18. The freight
steamer Mohawk, belonging to the Cen
trnl Vermont railway, burned off Hor
toe's point early to.lay
,lerted was J. ft Craven. W. W", JrT
iv l, O. D. rt'iti.-r. Walter Lyon and A.
n Sperling. Th rapltsl stock was In
creased from fuOn to 100. Pntncblsta
a to be secured from Independence and
Late this After-
fA vrfe M fury
in afl of these cases and the
amounts of bail fixed.
The gamblers are the same
who have been raided by Sher
iff Word within the past few
weeks and while it was expected
that the grand Jury would make
a futi Investigation, such quick
action was not expected.
The two Chinese in the case
are the same who are stiinj
Sheriff Word for damage for
breaking into their houses.
Lack of Shipping Facilities Con
tint. to Great Injury Of
- this Pork
There Is Sufficient Business
Here to Justify Largely In
creased Transportation.
Because a big duantlty of flour which
should have been cent direct from Port
land to the orlsnt was ahibnad bv wav
of Puget sound, this city has been a
heavy loser, so far as prestige Is con
cerned, feeduced to, dollars and cents
tha injury 1 not felt to, any great ex
teitf. , . M . .
'there 1 a wide difference of opinion
as to who is to blame for the lack ot
transportation facilities from Uia Colum
bla rivsr territory to the far east. Koine
say that the Portland & Aetatlo Steam
ship company is entirety at fault for th
situation, while otliiru declare Just as
emphatically that tho exporters them
selves axe deservina of censure. Certain
of his critics aay that Oeneral Manager
Schweria takes but very mile interest
li Portland, and does not care whether
it prospers or not. Hu is accused of
being a heavy stockholder in the Pacific
Mull Steamship line, operating from San
Francisco, where alt his interests ceni-
,, . . .... , j , ...
n the other hand, It is said In defense
of th Portland & Asiatic company's
general manager and vice-president that
he has exerted aver honest effort io
do the best possible for the Oregyn me
tropolis, and that the local exporters
failed to reset htm half way. It is de
clared that he promised the latter that
all of tbelr shipment would be taken
oar of if they In return would promise
him their business and oeaae making
shipments hy waat of Seattle ntl Ta
coraa. Hut the story goes that tbe ex
porters declined to make this promise,
declaring that the.v would not favor hlixt
la the least by waiting for his boats . It
Is told as a fact that they would not
agree to hold their orders for even five
days If a steamer was scheduled to sail
tliat match earlier from one of the north
ern ports, failure te secure an under
standing with some of the principal ship
pers on this subject 1s claimed to be the
potent reason that Portland 1 slowly
losing her preatln as an export renter.
Th exporters sre also scored for nt
being mqre patriotic to their home city
Whf n tht regular steamers operating
(tm pget sound cannot handle all f
y,, trafflo 1p or the explanation Is
mtAe UlA, .,,1, and Tacoma ship-
D t to,ther ,, barter tramp
I . .... ....
it Is iolhted out that they have pur
sued such a course upon several ooca
stons during thi past summer and fall.
As proof of it the Information Is given
that the British ateamal.lp Quito, aa well
ta tho Viking, gre now under charter to
Seattle exporters to carry flour from
tlaued on Pat
rar rtme costs
ffl '' T .
(Jaernul peelal Isrrlc.)
rtoaton, Nov IS Firs whl h sUrtod
at It o'oloek last night destroyed pier
Mo, 6 of the Uoosao Tunnel docka, en
tailing a loss of S&00.000. for a time Che
entire Charlodtown water (jont was
threatened The io;ka are owned by th
Boston A Maine railroad.
1. 1.
ciiicn enn
Judge Mulcts Attorney
Wendenhali for Using
lnsHftlng Language.
,N personal encounter
Lawyer McGinn Alleged to Have
Spat in Preacher's Face
and Used Larry Sullivan
for Wrong Purposes.
Following a brief but' heat ted verbal
tut between Judge Henry K. McGinn sn
AttoVnet Ed Mendenhall, which marked
the culmination of the numerous exciu
lng episode Incident to the trial of
members of the PorUaad dub on tlie
charge of conducting a gambling house,
Vlrcult Judge Sears tbl snorning Hoed
Attorney Mendenhall $10 for contempt
of court.
Attorney Mendenhall was examining
juror to try. Uarvey Usde. whom tkjs
state claims to be a, member of the club,
when tho trouble begsu which caused
tht, eil.k iiimwii criminal - Imswa tm
I IbpWW' oo-ooG lftf pMwswX eJtA44sBoo'
court a no spcciaiors wore lascui un
awares, far A few seconds it looked as
if personal collision wore Imminent.
Juigo McGinn objected to the ques
tions asked.
"I submit, your honor," he said, "that
this line of examination Is a good deal
"No, It Un't." retorted Attorney Men
dcuhttll, angrily, but it may be rather
McOlnnlsh. Anyhow. I never spat In a
preacher s face." "
Judge gears broke in and endeavored
to atop the fiery colloquy, but to thaur
wrath the lswyors paid no attention to
him and part ot tbe time court and
counsel wore talking at once.
"If I had been excoriated a you wer
by Judge Shattuck. 1 would be careful
what i sadd." declared Jade Mot linn.
"You ought to hove been disbarred."
"Wall, I didn't send Larry Hulllvan
around buying up witnesses tn the Lip
man A Wolf affair," shouted the Irate
At this juncture, whan It looked a If
tke men would resort to blows to settle
their trouble. Judge Soars raised his
voire to such a pltoh that the antagon
ists concluded to suspend hostilities; the
bailiff meanwhile had addod to the -roar
by w booking tho table with his
gavol for order.
"Mr. Mendenhall, you are fined 110 for
oontetnpt of court." sternly asserted
Judge hvry tt n
"Snail I pay tt nowf asked Attorney
"T. Je it now," was the order.
The lawyer walked around to the desk
of the olerk nod deposited' tbe amount
of tho fine. Returning to hla ooat by hta
client he requested the court also to
One Judge McGinn.
No; this court will handle its own
business," said Judge Sears. "You
started this affair. ' h i
Attorney Mendenhall then proceeded
with the examination of jurors and no
other untoward incident occurred to mar
proceedings Four Jurors only had boon
selected up to the hour cf adjournment
at noou. namely J H. Lambert. W. O.
McGorralck. O. A. Williams and C M.
After tho adjournment of court, Judge
Sears stated that while Judge MoGmu
soted unwiaely In using the adject iv
Merulnhallleh. oqunsel ror . tae oa
fonse committed tho first serious breach
I ol court etiquette by accusing Judgo
McGinn of having spat in a preacner
The jury trying Nate fcoloraon on the
same charge a In tbe case of Dole,
being unable V reech sn agreement, was
discharged af t 3 o'clock last night by
Judge Cleland. The Jury stood igbt
for conviction to four for acquittal when
(Joerssl Speetsl Serrlr.)
Detroit, Mich.. Nov. 1 8 Policeman
jfohn Daley wag shot dead by burglars
last midnight snd Special Policeman
Herbert Plckali, who raa to his ass lot. j
i ance. was- probably tetany wounneu.
Th criminal escaped. A negro waV
this morning arrested on suspicion of
connection, wit k th murder, tail no 41
rect evldenoe against him hae been e
cured. and be BreUgts Uinooence.
Policeman iMiey penning A dark alley
oaught glimpse of two men ettempt
log. to through,: the) horned win
down- into the rear of the store whloh
fgoni on No, 7S Michigan evnu-v Tbe
burglars caught night of him as he ap
proached am) when he nailed on tbesn to
surrender tjiey opened Are InruUano-
ousur.: .voioy reniiel to their . are,
a moment ltr ss struck la tke
by a bullet and pitoaoa
Teamsters of Other F
tortes Quit Under Or
ders from Union.
Will Not Handle Product of
Factory Where Strike Is on
Even After Delivered
to Retailers.
(Jooraal Special Service.)
Chicago. Nov. IS. Tbe strike of th
furniture wagon drivers, whloh led to
riots yesterday, haa spread today to
other factories in the furniture manu
facturers' association. The U a mater
have quit under orders from the union
officials, picket lines have been eatab
llBhed and tha factories ax tn a state
of siege. The Chicago Employers' as
sociation will try to move wagons to
day with non-union drivers. lUoung Is
likely to result, and it is believed on in
junction will be sought against
y wood Brotheoa. Zasgerle St Peterson.
Nonnoat A Co., ttoroid Chair Co., Itaut-rte
& Starka, and Oiseh 4 Co. The inter
national teamsters have docid d not to
handle tha products of any 'factory
where the tsrlke Is in progress even afr
tr deliveries have been made to ra
tallora. ttmwel
On Klnzl and Cnlon streets toddy, A
thousand strike sympathisers stoned
four wagons of tbe Johnson chair fac
tory, and fought a battle with to- pa- ''
lie. - t'nlon teamsters fanned a blocko
ado Of wagons, and It took the polieo
an hour to release tho. teams which wen
as milled. Several policemen wore In
jured by missiles, but none seriously.
may be Lockout.
Bricklayers Ordered to Kay Tiles De
spite Protest.
(Journ.l Special Merrier.)
New York. Nov. 18. Kecause th
bricklayers were ordered to lay (lies
despite the protest of the tllelayera un
ion, strikes or a lockout of ll.eoo brick
layers in this city may bo ordered.
(Journal aperls! Serstee.)
Cambridge Mass., Nov. II The sopho.
more class of Harvard baa shattered ail
class election tradition by electing to tn
office of president W. H. licnltng of
Sioux City, la., who la working his way
through college. President Keeling la
one of a largo force of student waiters
at Randall ball, which Is a largo aatlrgj
hall managed exclusively by students. Is
Is bard to remember a cine president In
recent years who has not been a society,
frstnrnlty man or wealthy, distin
guished In athletics or other college o
Uvittr. Keeling is popular with hi
classmates, but haa never been promi
nent socially or In -athletics.
(Bpeetal Ilspateb to Tee J.-ernsl l
Oehtralia. Wash.. Nor. IS. George
Kennedy, an engineer, employed at a
logging camp at Mcintosh, near Tenlno,
was fatally Injured yesterdtiy hy htlng)
nought between a tree and a log tha
woo bojogl heeled oy si) engi-ie. ilia
leg was badly crushed. Ha mtos brought
here and cfTxd shortly. His parents live
at Greenville. Mich. The body will be
sent east tonight.
stones Th robbers sasrle no tnoare to
give ground and apparently reloaded
their revolvers, for. when fpeelal Pnlliae
tin I'l-'kell. attraeted by the fusUiaale,
hurried to Ixeiey s aoeistjc. no wo
met with a strtody Are from both re
boo. Bet ore he could reech Daley
xtde he. too. was Ml and fell. The reb
oot eoceped before other policemen
ijoomei oKst nwrtes i
Chkwgo, N v. l Three hlgkwaraossii
raided Jung T
on North
inc. Th