x:..r.J ty-y yy- 'sU'fVT'Jaarjyis'. Hrf. ris9eVvv9WsareB Q, NOVBMBXR IT, V9B1 ggggpaaji.i.H aWamAFI Ib niUHDAY Bal - . - . . . u Orsy 0tt Mow Quotsd Higher Than White Wanted for Seeding. SALMON RECEIPTS SHOW LARGE SLUMP Stormy Weather Cuts Catch Ail to Pieces and Prices Are Higher. QUEER SITUATION RULES IN THE OATS MARKET Oranges Are Cheaper Halibut TopFresh Egg Receipts Practioally Nominal. Ireat Street, Nov. IT. The principal feature o( the Portland wholeaal markets today are: Kaatero tg mararta advancing. Huelpt. of pbeisante qulta liberal. AaotW car eaetem egga arrlres. Hun of aalmon la very MaU. 1'resaed real continues In good call. Dressed hoga bar better tone. Poultry market keep moving. Orange r quoted lower. Halibut la Quoted down. i Tear oata are being offered. ' Slump In Reoeipta of Salmon. Within the paat fear day there baa been remarkable eluinp In the receipts of ateelbead almon. The supplies from the Columbia bare been est off nearly altogether qp account of me stormy earner a no receipt now are iron etber place. Thl caused an advance of prac tically lc per pound la the quotation her on freab dab today. "It eeatna wonderful." My I . J. H. Melarkey. 'luat bow much th re elpt of Columbia rlrer ateelbead bare been (tit during the put few day. Th auppliea aye now ao aenrce that V ara aecurlng aaoat of our Bah from Gray's harbor and other coaat atreaaaa. " Th weather condition arc alao reapnndble for the abaence of raaur clama tbla markeet during th week. Isaeger .receipt of halibut bare caused a rut to be "made In former quotation. Eaatarn Egg Market Advanctag Lata report from the et aay that th egg marki'tii are advancing eery rapidly for rretb etoeka. but cold atorage product I very dull and low. 'a ear of cold atorage atock arrtaed her thl morning. Strictly freab Oregon egg re practioally out of the market not mar than four or poadbly are eaaea appearing on th atroet at one time. Bom of th dealer re quoting freab egg-H high a 33c. hot they da not hive the good they are out of th market. Th few egg coming from local point are being eold-at SOe. Receipt, of Faeaaaate Quit Liberal. Th receipt of China pbeaaanta la thla market late yeatenlar and thl awn quite liberal, but the demand wai greater than the supply and high price war lly obulned. There I t good demand tor eanraabark duck at around 18. (si4M.no per doaen. bat lupplte re email. Teal dacha are the acareaat and for their alae are quoted th highest. Nauru please tits ara la damaad at lower price than the China bird. Poultry Market Keep. Bering. It firm to be generally understood among the trad that th receipt la poultry thla week will be rather light and that good price will rale. Thl 1 alwayi th .ease in thla market- the farmer ho Ida hla poultry for the Thaiikaglrlng trade and all of them hlp at are, ran lag a glut la th market and con arqttently t slump In the qaeutloa. Turkey wem to be In (sod demand with lire blrda go lag at lSojlTc. Tarn duck Had good le. a d gee. Dressed Taal Oatlaso in Good Call. Notwithstanding that receipts of dreaaed re I during the past few daya bare been quite liberal the market haa gsawnarl all offering at the printed Hate. Dressed hog continue to com In large aupply, but the market baa a .lightly Improved tone, with no change la th price Orange Ara uetd Lower. Receipt of orange are larger and the market ha a downward tendency- A ear of madllhga came this morning nd found good aala at lower or i. e. drape were dragging today on account of the poor quality of arrivals and the bad condition of the weather. California to matoes are lii larger apply, but demand a yet Is slow. Hothouse lettuc I In large aup ply with the demand raull. A large ablpment of genuine chill pepper from Mexico are la th market. Use trade take well to them. Hap Market la Quiet. Hope are quiet bat vary gam Tk dealer, continue to rest upon their oara and aad few of them care to .peculate at the present mar ket, shipments of hop to the east are going at th rat of 1,000 bale a weak. Some of th dealer are now sabmltttng sample of cheaper stock to entires eo.inet Hon. Unusual Situation In Oata. Thla seems to be a oaeer year as far a tk oata situation I concerned, Th aupply of ry oata for- aeedlng purpose ha been aa small that irlws have .dr. need aaaterlally over those of the No. 1 white grade, as occur -anee ab unusual that It Is a curiosity Mo. 1 grays are worth for seeding her today (So ton while whit of the same grado sre selling .1 aovaaST.&O. The uaust price for gTy la about II under the white. Wheat la quiet, ,in -mi noehsnared. Floor la alao dull. Today's wholesale (votttloaa, as revised, sr aa foll'W: Grain. Flour aad Feed. WHEAT New and Wslls Walla, tie) . . - gill ml I In SlTMrnSsd. w-.M fe) hre .. I.. M (HI CORN W i hob- t2-'"' Br tea: cracked. ttt.OO. tsvsr at tlx o.r ewt nATS-Prrstueer' price No, 1 white. W7.no ti kf r.i st U s.'.ou. FLOUR Ktcru Oregon Patent. 84.8S; .ft. If hi". 13. TB; v.lley. 8410; graham, W Wl"'LaTrr-K-rlraa. tlt.BO per ton; mid dlings. 125.00; abort, country. SSS-Sa: chop, ''ilTv t' odueera' j.rlce Timothy,- Willamette aiie, tl.'i.no: eai il2 uoqixi it. 004(11 1 valley, fancy. SlB.now lo w: orejinary. nxna eastern orriim, fi- W. ' 1X00; clover. aii.wmia.uu; grata. lUII; meat. sil.isviK is.ou. Hops. Wool aad Hide. HOI'S ISM, 3lc for exports; SIHc for rbol T primes "uu H-.'uium. sal. Valley, coarse t medium. 171 isa. So. ISc; etr Oregon, 13U18V. MOIlIR New. 90e. c . t-IIEKI'SKINS Shesrlng. IOCS; short wool, ngjjlli . medium wool, SOtJBOc; long wool, "tu i !,w''"prlme. per lh. 4Sc; No. 2 aad 2(2Mr. t HITflM BA RK 4c per lh, baying price. 1IIDKS -Dry .hide. a. 1 IS lb and np. ix.. ai l.M- per lh.; Mry hip. No. 1. B to IB lba, It'ae- drr calf. no. l, unuer n in. ine; drv .'alted bulla and etge. 1-3 le than dry Slut ..ilted bide.. ter, aound. SO lba or over. 71 . 50 to SO lb. Te; under 60 lh and raVw.' S(f7e; stags snd halts, sound, tc; kip, n lo M lbs T'i,e; aound. 10 to 14 Ike. Se; calf sound, under 16 lb. SV4c; green lun ashed lc per lb leaa: call, lc per lb Iras; "I- hides. Mltrd. each. ItTJij. each, tt ir 1 6ti; colt' hid, each, tBOBOc; goat klus common, rarh. lOaiBr; Angora, with wool OB, each, 26c; II. on 1 Butter. Egga aad Poultry. BI'TTBR FAT Sweet. tSMc; sour. ttHc. BCTTKR -CUT crcmery. beet, JOe; second grade tci2TU.c; outside fancy. XTMaSOc: cardl nsrr ' 25dt7Mc cold atorage, 2lMc; etera ae1o: store. V113Hr. BIOS No. 1 freah Oregon. SOe; eastern, fresh 2Be: Aprils, lie. cil'rWst-lfew roll cream, twin, ltaitMc; W - l.ele. 144tl4Ue. POI'LTRT Chicken, mixed. M8t0c per lb; bens loaiOH' Pf 'n: raoater. old. tOIVt WORTHLESS SOIL TRANSFORMED INTO RICH BEARING GROUND Drstn your lsnd with a system of tile, and rloubla It In value. W; can furnish you with rod o sewer pipe st mile pries If In terested send for deacrlptlv mat ter snd price list. DIAMOND BRICK CO. isi : Yaa Foot Ankeny St. TODAY'S lb; lOo par lb: broilers, 10 per lb; fr. rrver. 1 v, nnii oiu. isar per turkaya. 2 no as I toed. H-OOO BO; ranvaybaek. IS u rd. H-OOO 10; caovaabarta tl uus.ft phessssU. IT.80; aatlv phnu, Bt .01) s, qi.ov; assasrv dm SAW Taaassl sttTkTmsd aSe)Sc; sweet 00 TgkU. SOCOtl.OO ewt; grata. TOaSae: sect, boat, fl.M, tl.8flaj2.00; buyer' price, jwe, SOW, par lb. J; feaey OrvajiToOO lj par f. looOs'aS per hat; seedling' 12. oo! has I bananas, Be per lb; lemon. rJ FRUITS Appma. extra fancy. r box; oranaej. 0O43X.BO oar lb; lemon, ehkitee 83.00 per box; fucy SJ.ovsja. 70 par box. lima Mexican, eoe per iuu; tl0.lXittll.00 par bti; prunes 2c per lb. Ytvai 1X1 AOJ 8 Turnips. 11.00 per sack; car. fOtal, 11.80 par sack: 0U. 1126 per sack; Oragaa radlahea. ISc per doa; cabbage urog qiane. Ore gon. I1.2S017B ewt I lettuce, hothouse, Soak 60c par dag; green pepper. 7c per lb; celery, toatte par dog; tomato, Oregon, SOQWe gar box; pereata, ftejl.JS; pi plant, ZnNc; Ctb; string beana. lc; cauliflower. SOcSll.oo ; hotter be n. Se; pumpkin, lc par lb; horeersdksb. Te per lb: sprouta. Se mushroom, lnajnc par in; rticnos, ooqsoc par dos. DRIED FR CITS Applee, e. a, nested TtJSa per lb: prlcot. tMOlSr per lb; sack, t,c per lb lem; pche I It lie per lb: pears, per lb; prunes. Italian. tv,44Sc per ft; French. IHSMVeC par ft; Sg. California black, SOSHe per lb; California white. per ft; plum, pitted, par lb; date, golden, ttfk par lb; tarda. 11.50 par ls-lb box. OrtorlM, Wuta, Etc. SUGAR Sack basu Oub, C40; powAsi-tM. C.86; fruit iranuUttsl, M.ifi; dry graaulatd. U 1 K kkaam aaem aa as... laa, Sa sal aftS AJt . r 1st. ww.ltr, Isva-apa, IUUH azJ, fu, W , Illlg V . . J U , g.lSaa 0 IB 6s. bbls. 10c. Wla tBc. boxe 60c advance on sack baste, lea 25c ewt for caah, 16 daej maple, HffllSc par lb. II0NKY livilJc. COFFEE Oreen Mocha, 2102.V; Java, fancy, MABSc; Java, good. 20fJ2Sc; Java, ordinary, ltaao; Qoska Rlc. fane. I920c; Coats Ries. good. ialSc; Costs Rlcs. ordinary, llsflSc per id; pacaage come, gl.7n TEAS Oolong, different grade tttSe: gun- XHOSZawe: Bngllsh oreaxraat, dlf rc ferent gradaa. T2V4a96c: aolderlea. Japan, SOfltoc; gren Japan (vary acarc), SOU HALT- Kin Bale. 2s. 3a, 4a. be. 10. 11.30; lata, dairy, i 60a. t BOtill 60; 100. 10.00; Imported Liverpool. 60s. lis ool I IU60ai8.00; fit. 13.frOai4.60; at bbl. 2m. U, Be, 10a, MM; butt. i.oo; loos, xtra flne. . 320 lb. M 00: eacke. 60a. 86c. HALT Coarae Half ground. 100. per ton, t6.tS.flo; SO per ton. Ill.dSas.OO; tlrtrpool -w?tV: fToaVsr wk (ABov prices applr, to Ml ef aaas thn ear lota. Car lota at special price subject to i special prices sanyocx ORAIN BAOS Calcutta. IB 78 6.00 per 100. RICK Imperial Japan. No. I, dtU; No. 2, e; nw uruaa Bead, SHtptc; ASJact. Creole. c. BUSetc BVtc; BEANS Small white. 4c; large white. SVc: pink. 4c; be TO, 2; Llmss. 5c; Maat- cas rada. 114. (l . , NLTS Peanuts. TtiC: Jumboa. BHc per lb; raw, OClOc par lb; roasted, cocoasnts. Doa 00c per doa; walnuts. UUtJltHc per lb; pine nuts, loaitrf par lb; hickory ants, 10c par lb; clieatnuta, eatern. IBatlSe ner r in; Drain nuts, c ner lb: fa OCT 16c per lb; Mbert. lBfllflc ptcana. 14016c par lb; almonds. lSOlSc par lb. atasts, Flak aad Tiaitelmm, FRESH MEATS Inspected Beef, ateer. Sc lb; cow. per in; mutton, arimin. I O 6c per lb; lambs dreaaed. BOS par lb. r snn ami MEATS Front street Beef 4 One per lb; pork, block. Bads per lb: packers, or per in: ball. zaM par lb; cow. BHtldHe Pr lb; mutton, dread. IfSBc per lb; rear extr. 7HOSe per lb; ordinary. 5417e per lb; poor. 4Q6c ner lb; Umba, BUtJIHc per lb. HAMS. BACON. ETC. Portland pack (local) bama. 10 to 14 Ik. ISc par lb; 14 to It lb. IV per lb: IS to 20 lbs. 13c per lb; cottage. 10c per lb; breakfast bacon, idaibtr par lb; picnic. 10c per lb; regular abort cUare, un mokrd. 10Ur ner lb: smoked llUe nee lh: clear berke. unamoked. 10c per lb; smoked He per lb; Union butt. 18 to II lb, unamoked. Bd per lb: smoked. Se per lb; rlesr bellies, un s rooked. - par u. smoked, per lb. LOCAL !.Al- Kettle la?, in. lie per lb; Ba, llMe Pr lb; BO-lk tins. lOHr per lb; steam rendered, 10a. 10e par lb; Be. 10c per lb; 60. S4e par lb; compound tleree. 6 Sac per S; tub. so par lb; Boa. (fi,e per 67 CAN.N'KI) SALMON Columbia riser l ib tall. tl.86: 2 lh tall. 2 50; fancy i lh Beta. MOO; H lb fancy Sate. l 25. fancy 1 lh orals. 11' 75 : Alaska tails sank. SSaaSOc: red. SI. HO: ssalasl tk. fall. 12 00 FISH Rock cod. Te ner lh: nVanndee Be oec 1b; Ualtbat. 6Hr ner lb; crsh. II 25 per doa; striped base. JooitHe per lb; cattsa. Te per lh. aalmon. rbinook. per lb. ilvrldo. SWc ner lh: herrlne. He ner lh: so Us So mr lh abrimaa, 10c per lb: afaad. dreaaed. per lb: porch. Sc per lb: abed ree. par lb: had. Sc oar lb: Mark nod. s nee lh: slleee melt. 5c per lb: lohtee. llMe: freab mackerel. Br; erawnah. 20c per dos; loadts, Be per lb; atltrgenn. Te per lb. OYSTERS Shoalwater bay. par gal. 12 23 P"-.."ck 14.00 net: Olympia. par sack. BStt. c .A MS Hard shell nee hot XI no clama. 12.00 per box Paiata, Osal oil. Etc. ROPE Par Manila. l.lWe: atandard taate. Waal. lOHe. I UAL OIL Pearl or A area I Caaa 1 u.c per gal; water white, Iron bbl 18c par gal. wooden. ner eal: heerfllsrhf 1Tna ...... MM par gal. Iron bbls ITc per asl. LINSEED OIL Para raw. In bbk 62c ner eal faaaa 67c par mvl; genuine kettle boiled, eaaea Bwc par gal. bbl B4c per gal; (round rake, car lota 125.00 per ton. haa than car lota 128 00 per ton. OASOLIN tic per gal tbla 28c per gal; atove sM Me per gal. iron hhi. ISc per gal naussmgj n.1 deg per g.i, Iran tbls IB Me ner gal I Al 1ST OIL Raw, bbls SSe ner eal .vK' per as i, onllefl cases 40c per gal TVMPSNTINat Is esse, lac par gal. wooden bbl. Sic per gal. Iron bbka Tt ear aal. to lb cse lot Me per gal. a , . VlT" LSD Ton lota TVe per lb; lots T,o per lb. laa let se ner lb. 600-lb WIR1 NAILS- Present base at 12 50 HEAVY RECEIPTS ARE ' CAUSE OF DECLINE Hops Too Plentiful and Prices Are About Fifteen Cents Off Today. . Portland Inlon t toe k yard. Nov. IT. satire hog market I weaker on account of th larger receipt, and vrytklag. Including pack er, are 16c lower Tke eattl nurttet Is firm with an upward tendency, but tbe beat steers are sot sow quoted .above 18. SB, although 11.60 is looked Tor anon The sheen market la Clem with quotation unchanged. . The receipts to. No cattle arrived. bog and 21S sheep. Tort. If . ,,fri,..l MnalM,. .I cattle Beat eaatarn Oregon steers. 13.16; SU T,1)rr 2mJ. tAOoafTtS; row. tflBd 2 25: bulls. tl.SSa2.tm. stsgs. 1X08. HoeB Wavy. 13 50; block S4.00a4.tB; J1, . ,4 B; tockr" ' faewrr. B3.80 a. 78. .."keep- Beet grain fed wether. IS 00; lamb. W 23; mixed sheep. BXB0. ' ABTXT MOwg BTEADT. Chleago. Nov. IT -Livestock receipt.: A. Haat. Csttle. Sheep. (hlcsgo 7.tV000 11.000 1000 K.naaa City 1,080 8.000 f.000 B 4.000 1.600 a. 000 Hoga opened strong and ateady with B.OOO left over. Sena bats a rear aao were 2 non Tlree: Mixed. U S04J4.86. beary. 4 SOOt 0; rough. Sd.tO4S4.T0; light. I4.50si4t0. ( attle-rmll. - . Sheep Steady and weak. NEW TOSS 00ITBS MABKET New York. Nov a, it. corrsw eioaing Bid Ask A.k ' . Sit Ask. November . IS 73 Id SSI Mar If 30 tt.SS December .. 8 SO 8 N8 June January ... AM 8 86 Jaly Febmry ... 7.00 7 IVi August ... rcti T.IO T.I8 Beotember. April T 30 T3Bl0tob.r ... 7.40 7 46 T.4I T.63 T60 T.6B T OO T.St T.tB T.TO BIG SLUMP TODAY IN COTTON FUTURES New Tort. Nov. IT. Cotton futures 14 te It points down. The market Yen. High, Low. . BO AM ATI January . . February Mrrk. . . . Axrll $ Jka. iy Ni-aember. lstceaxbsar. ASS BBS S 83 10 OS lo no 10 in 0 4 . t.TI At l i8 10.08 110 ABB 10.00 loot Close S.TiaTS Ssila lo M ft oj S.S4sM 4lO2 MARKETS LIQUIDATION OF LONG WHEAT HURT Market in Chioago Strong Early But Lost on Selling ONE AND A HALF LOST BY MAY OPTION Corn Market Lost in Sympathy and Oats Were Without a Feature. THE WHEAT MARKET. Open Close Close Lou Todv. Today. Today. Wed. 1 bar ....I1.1SU 11 104 H 12B 1.124 1.1U lltA MM .tTa -SSM Today. Today. Wed. December -OlM .01 H .01 M Mar July aurnl.hed by Overbeck. Htarr Cooke Co.) Irago. Mo. If. Logan Jr. Bryan a say: wn- Wheat, after aoaaa little strength at th open ing, declined Under pressure- ul git lag. which looked Ilk liquidation wbet. All outside markets, partln neral sell i of lone particularly th '. which helped t sharply a the decline. The abort later est bring ne. Tk eliminated by yesterday s bulge, th apecuUtlv market waa weakened luat ao muck. The eaab situation waa vaatly changed over night. Uta- gstapaH reported bolutly nothing doing tor srssb wheat and the outbwet market reported much the same atory. Wheat Influnod Cora. Th corn market was Influenced largely by the weakaee In wheat and declining premium for caah. Beeetpu are coming quite liber!, causing a decline in premiums. No doubt every effort will be made to convert new corn into contract for December delivery. We still feel, la view of tk small stocks, the hart (Ida could be made very dangerous. We continue to favor the king aid of May. Oata Without feature. The oats market Is without fa tore. There waa some little eommlaalon bona buying of hbty with a prominent cash boo th best eeller. It I still a alow, rltrvsiirsgiss market and we adslse taking profit when In eight. Better Tkamsas, for Rigs. Th nm via Ions market waa influenced bv the better demand for bogs tt th yard. The market eubaanntly weakened la sympathy with other ptta. It I (till a alow market and we advise taking profits when la sight. Today 'a official market: ' WsaWtT Open. High Low Das t l lH 9 1 '214 I 110 star 1.1MS Efl 1.10 JPIT .M tt .BT1 Nov... Dor... May... July... Nov... ee... Mar... July... Nov... Dec... Jan... . Map... Nov... Dae... Br: Nov. . . Jan.... Msp... tin MX88 PORK. 12.77 S It-TTft 6S6N ABIMA A GOOD MILLING DEMAND. Ag-ain Ssn Kranclaco. Nov. 17 C. t. Hut ton A Co. ssy Loral wheat acted la reverse of the east cm marketa again today. There ha been some good foreign buying order In the markat for some daya and It la thought tbeae limit war wctlrd yeaterday. There has alao rudrtebly started up a good milling demand. It looks aa .If December holdings have been pretty well liquidated and thoae who now hold these con tract will probably take tk wheat Barley Is dull with nothing of uteawat In the market. Today's ofSclal lao g m. market: Open. High Low. Close $1814 1.43 ttl.SBM i 4.M, I1.4BH . 1 46 V. 1 47 1.48M BARLEY May Deceopber Maj LOOM 1.0SH l-OSA i.osi 1.0BM I.OHMB 1 0SA 1 00 A OA OUSaUM WHEAT CLOSES. December May Milwaukee Mlnneanolla ....ll.ioja 11104 .... l.u l it .... 1.11 1 l.lt A 13 Daratk l.lt New Tark LIT 1.1TA 1.12 A v.va. St. Loula.. Kanea City. Issmf I 1.0IM I blcago aa Fri 1.101 1.11 A 1.431, l.SM Chioago Oram Oar Lata. Chicago. Not. it. Oral ear lota: Car Grade Wheat 54 Est rt Oors tOl t oat 4 30 201 Wheat ear today ay: Minneapolis. BS3: Ouluth. 1ST. Tear ago: Mlnnes polls. BBS; Dulutb. 804; Chicago. J 04. Taooms Grain taaxket. (Special Plsptch to Tke Journal.) Taeoma. Wash.. Nov. IT. Wheat, nominal. Blueatem. SOMc; clab and red, 87c. Llvrpel Omln Market. Nov. IT. Close: Wheat. Oocent er. M np; March and May, unchanged. Corn December. MB np; January , Md np. SAW ITt AHOIBCO MINTNO STOCKS. Ban Francisco, closing: Nov. 17 Mini ag quota Hois Bid. .41 .08 .11 .08 .It .OTA .48 .It .28 .ISA .61 .61 .T4 .09 Ojahlr Mexican Gould A Curvy. Beat A Belcbrr Con. Cal.-Ta... Savage Cbollar I'otO-l Crown Point . . Yellow Jacket. Con. Imperial. . ton Kentucky Alpbs Cost BetSer 13-ISA 1.10 .11 1.00 1.80 .21 .IB on .IS .IT .USA .03 .12 Sierra Nevada. Itah Bullion Sea. Belcher . O rax ma a rustics , Caledonia .... Chsllenge .... Con. New York . I nlon Con Silver BUI Occidental Scorpion IT ta TONOPAH hTZ CHANGS. Bid Bid. .1 AS .34 .57 Ton. Montana 1 1:7 H Midway SB Jumbo 81 Ton. Nevada .. .osm Belmont M-Samara .... Ton. Oold Field BA3T ykANCISCO LOCAL BTOCXB. Sin rranctaea, Nov. IT Local atock cloalng. 10:80 a. as.: Snrlna Taller Water Ska Its arisen Uea A Electric i ; la nt Powder Honokei Sagar Hutrl.lnaon Sugar Hlai.es n ugxr ktakgwsll Sagar Ononj a Sugar Paanban Sugar , Alnsks Parker' Ca llf ornla Wine Oceanic Steamship . . . . dottle States Telephone BOSTON COPPEB Beaton. Nov. 17 Adveatare Al Adradlan Arnold . AtUtitlc Blngbssa Calamet Centennial I Utm. rsrslga Caffs Marks U Havre. Nov. i: Coffee luHail brg unchanged. i Cloae. t-18A 1.1U .ST. CORN. sr i i 1 OATS. .till Si? Ml "in? iiattj W iiiiA LARD. TOON S.STVa 7 10 7 1 7 06 T.0BA T.2J T.SS 7.20 7.20A SHORT RIBS. 'ietM 8 B7M ' f.62M t.T) t.TO 6.66 Id. Ask. iiii-igk, ...... 16 16M It in 'a v 104 108 MAAKET -Copper chasing Bid. Aak. 8 8 10. 30 v..::;::;:::::: Jt 80 II M Copper Hang J T4M Dsly West 14 142 rrsnklla 24 MM atsas TM Tft Large Decrease in Re xeipti of SUelhead Sal mon from the Columbia. SUGAR STOCK IS BOOSTED UPWARD Cains Five and a Quarter Points During Session Open ing Lower. TENNESSEE CAINS FIVE . POINTS IN BULL MOVE Amalgamated a Feature with High Fluctuations Union Pacific Makes Record. (Kumlahrd by Overbeck rheek. Starr sV Cook Co.) 17 -After th opening tbi In the atock market tod) now lork. Nov. Dsias neio nign jinx, in tbe atock market today and values took a ateady and sometimes rapid pwara jump. Amalgamated Copper waa special feature, although the high period of ralla came a close aeennd. Amalgamated opened Jew Jt TTM anil waa down for a abort time, but the T8 mark waa soon reached. In quick suc cession the bulls forced the pries up Vfc point, until It touched s high pis,-.- at SIM, rise of Sa points since tke opening. Atchison wss alao strung, hot not so mnch aa some of the other rails. Colon I'sclflc struck another high mark st 16. It opened i point unasr yesteraay s eaaea, out gslned strength St. Paul snd Reading were both Inactive ami nag rew riuctnatinna either wgy. Steel wag qnlte aetlr after opening down Canadian PelS went up to IBS. after on Ing at 1.1.1 It la worth today with Its ex- rignxa ox o, i.si. Among toe industrial Colorado Fori waa very strong. It opened at 48 and touched 48M during tbe day. Sugar did the bounding sot snd touched the high places, opening at 14TJ4, the mm ah yesterday, and advanced to 163. Brooklyn Rapid Transit waa easily moved np ward. Rock Island and Chesapeake A Ohio were both higher Rn melter waa a good feature snd made a vain. Tennessee Coal A Iron advanced f5 during no- session on neary ouying Southern Railway waa ' rose practically 12. good hands and Today' official atock market DESCRIPTION. Anacooda Mining Co.... Amal. Copper Oo ; Atchison, earn do preferred Am. Car A Found., com.' do preferred Am. Sugar, com Am. Smalt., com do preferred Am. fee, com., do preferred Baltimore A Ohio, com.. do preferred Brooklyn Rapid Transit. lit I1M Ills KSTa. 1141, 115 all arm IBM i anaaian , ractne. com.. Ckl. A Alton, com do preferred Chi. Ot. West . onto.. Chi., Mil. A St. Panl... Ol. A North., com Ckl.- Terminal Ry Cheaapeake lc Ohio Colo. Fuel A Iron. com. loto. Mouth., com...... do 2d preferred do 1st referred Dehtwer A Hudson I . A It ., cm do preferred Erie, com . . . . dp 2d preferred do lit preferred Illinois Central LssSlSVIlle A N.ahTlIle Ktro. TrirUott Ca akattan Elevated Til-. 148U ion i ci'. I124M lf4 Msxlean Central Ry. iot aeare., nr. r. do preferred , . . lllaaouri Paclflc M.. K. A T.. cats do preferred New York Cerrti!. Norfolk Western, com do preferred North A merle i- N. T One. A West leuraylrania Ry P. Q.. L. AC. Co Pressed steel Car, coa . do preferred TsctSc Mstl Steam Co. Reading, com do 2d preferred do 1st preferred Ren. lr m A Steel, com do preferred Rock Is lam I. com , do preferred , Southern Ry., earn do preferred Km 764 Souther a Pad Be tBSAi tt , STMi SSM TB St. LAS. F . 3d pfd. do lat preferred St L. A ft. w . com... - de preferred Tex A Paelte Tenn Coal A Iran . 25. 26; T.. At. L. AW., cm... do preferred , , I nlon PaelSc. bom lo preferred a 4 14M 14A 31 6 tH 87 8. Le eatber. nref erred V. A Rubber com... do preferred D. A Steel Co.. eeea. do preferred Wheel. A L. K , com do 2d preferred . . . . Jo lat preferred. . . Wisconsin Central, am do preferred Western 1'r.ton Tele.. We hash, roan a prefmiad Bt 30M . i S3 34 S 33t,l 34U tTjgl.et I IT Total sales for day. I. 717.1 stoney. SaJOH per cent. PORTLAND tin STATEMENT. Cleerlnga Balanera .tS37.BS4.SS . 1.17 07" 73 BIG FIRE RAGING IN CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS l Journal Special flervlce.) Indtanspolls, Ind., Nov. IT. Fire to day completely destroyed the Meridian Street Methodist church, the largest church building In thl city, noted aa the place for holding the Methodlat confer ences. The Marlon club and building of the Indianapolis Telephone com nan v appear to be doomed, and the wind In blowing the Hre toward the business district. BROKERS STOP WORK TO SEE STRIKERS FIGHT lJrsarnsI Special Service.) Chicago, Nov. IT. The board of trade stopped business st noon today to watch sn attack of 800 atrlkers on the wsgona of the Johnson -Chair company, which wna attempting to deliver chairs to th board of trade building. A mob of several thousand sympathise re gur rotinded the wagons. Missiles were hurled from the street st the non-union drivers. Police reinforcements finally uccreflea in extricating the wagons from the mob. sat . MISS MINA RUDOLPH HURT THIS MORNING Word was received by the manage ment of the Mamuam Grand theatre thla afternoon that Miss Mlna Rudolph, who played the title role In 'Ban Toy here recently, wss seriously and perhaps fatally injured In an automobile acci dent st San Francisco this morning. Miss Rudolph's male companion, the dispatch says, wss killed outright. No detail are given relative to the acct- IfBrox, SENTINEL TALKS BACK TO PASTOR Asks Pertinent Questions Which Rev. Mr. Lapham Will Probably Answer. FREE LOVE DISCUSSION 18 CROWING VERY WARM Pointed Suggestions Offered in the Combat Raging Between the Press and Pulpit. Pross and pulpit have met In combat, With th Rev. 8. C. Lapham of the Sec ond Baptist church, Raat Seventh and Ankeny sfrerta. sad the editor of th "Cathullr Sentinel" aa prlnelpals. Mr. Liapham's blow was delivered in a r. mon Sunday night, then he took a har ried trip out of the city. The ' Sentinel" retaliates In lta currant lasu with a leading editorial, entitled, A BapUat View of Divorce." Th paper had accuaed Mr. Lstpham of preaching "free love." Th minister, denied this, and explained hla position. The editorial replying to hla charges follows: "It geems that Brother Lapham. In his Sunday evening sermon, 'wss very sarcastic In his denunciation of tils Catholic critic.' H doea not ilk the Sentinel's view of a Christian marriage, nor our strictures on his 'dlvorceablo man.' We would aak. What does the Baptist church stand for, anyhow t- la It Christian or aatl-Chrlstlan? Th good brother will no doubt answer. Christian. But wttb Dr. Brotigher. at th .White Temple, turning our noaea Into anokestacks and Brother Lapham of th oaat aide advocating divorce, who dare any it Is not becoming sensational and antt-Chrlatlan? "To be aura, there are unhappy mar riages. To be sure, tt wen better that some (couples) be separated. But, doea not the Lord command that if the wo man depart that "sue remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband' T Is there no Chriatlan principle at stake Is this matter of dlvorceT "The brother'a Vancouver friend says: 'It Is not neceasary to defend Mr. Lap ham In hla private life; the gentleman atands firmly for purity of life and the aancttty of the home.' Excellent! But as a ChriBtian mlhlatef AS lUfwIy Should stand for the teachings of Christ, no matter what other may think of The narrow and sectarian views of the Bible.' " 'He that is not with me is against, me, and ha that gathereth not with me acattereth.' "Any cultured gentleman Jew or Oentlle can depict the evils of unhappy marriages, but no Christian gentleman (not to aay minister) can consistently advocate divorce and remarriage as their remedy. Canada practically knows no divorce, because every pulpit and home In the land- recognises Its evil. Di vorce Itself Is often the result of looee, very loos, morals. When ministers preach the gospel and all men and wo men learn to live decently, tt will dis appear from America. "The reverend doctor ought to know that dtvoro as understood In America carries with It the privilege of remar riage, a privilege which la un-acrlptural and -esaentlaally Immoral. Anyone using the FSagllah language In America, muat expect his utlarances to be accepted In their ordinary significance among us. If the doctor meant to advocate a legal separation merely, why did he not say so in the first place? Mr. Lstpham ought to use a dictionary. NO MATINEE AT THE "MARCltWM GRAND At 1;3 this Afternoon It waa dis covered that It would be Impossible to gat the ma salve production of "The Runaways' net on th Marquam Orang stage In time for the afternoon perform ance. The matinee waa, therefore, called off and the announcement made that tlcketa. would be exchanged, for the night performance. 'The Runaways la an extremely heavy scenic production snd slthough sn extra, crew of stsgs hsnds snd car penters worked valiantly from the mo ment of the arrival of th train thla morning. It was found Impossible to have everything In readlnesa earlier than 3:30 o'clock, which would have caused the matinee to run until after the din ner Hour, and netiously Interfered with the night performance. A mammoth crowd waa waiting for the doors to open and suffered a keen disappointment. PRINCE LAYS WREATH ON TOMB OF WASHINGTON f Journal Special Barrio. ) Washington, D. C. Nov. IT. Prince Pushuml. as th personal represents tlve of the mikado. In the preaance of a distinguished gathering today, placed wreath of flowers upon the tomb of Washington and planted nearby a tree which he brought from his native land F. J. HECKER QUITS PANAMA COMMISSION I Journal Special Servte. ) Washington. Nov. IT. F. J. Meeker of Detroit bss resigned aa a member of the Panama Canal commission, aa he fears a general breakdown In health. The president has sccepted his resigns Hon with regret. FOUR WORKMEN KILLED BY GAS IN DOVER PLANT I Journal Special Service.) Dover, N. J.. Nov. IT. Four employee were asphyxiated In the motor-room of the Dover gaa plant today while at tempting to repair a broken talve under the floor. They were dead vtien dig covered. MAY ORDER STOESSEL TO SURRENDER GARRISON (Journal Speelal Service.) London, Nov. IT. A dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph from Rome ststeat that a telegram has been received there from St. Petersburg saying that the cxar Intends te order the surrender of. Port Arthur. or .Journal Soectal Berrte ) Philadelphia. Nov. IT. Mis. Daronds Mayo, a daughter of the late Frank Mayo, the famous actor, waa married In this city today to Mr. John Oreen of New Tork. The ceremony took place at soon In th Church of the Holy Trin ity, and waa followed by a large recep tion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James th latter being s slateVajaWBJBsjn hearing. H says h has no A Erect rttj 9 'iVr&mmmM OUR PHONE IS MAIN We have removed to our new quarter, corner Thirteenth and Irving streets, 1 are prepared to offer the trade the largest variety of Stevaa antf Ran aea. to be found on the Paclflc coast. portable and brick-set 4 feet to 12 feet, with single and double ovens; Portable Cabinet Ovena for Bakerlea, Restaurant and Logging Camps.; copper and re tlnned Hotel ware. Kitchen ITtenslla, Tinware, Colonial, Imperial and Amethyst We solicit your sniniaicu worxy. en . Loe wen berg OVERBECK, STARR dt COOKE CO. Members Chicago Board of Trade. , astATtf. rmonsiOBTSj. oottost. stocks aid sosst, lot Third Street, McKay Building. Portland. Or. WW DO A gXaxlCTIsY 0O3g3ClxtBTIO3T BTgTaTBSS. Continuous Markets by Private Wire. Quick Service. RKFERENCFS Ladd Tllton. bankers, and United State National Bank of Portland. GRAND JURY'S TRIP INTO CHINATOWN Sheriff Word Chaperones a Party of Jurors on a Tour of Investigation. Playing of fan-tan by Chinese Is re- celvlng the attention of the county grand Jury. This afternoon Sheriff Word conducted the Jury through the Chinese quarter of the city and made It thoroughly acquainted with the dis trict, the numerous gambling eatab- lishments. snd the precautions which they have taken by placing the Iron bound doors to escape arrest In case of raids. It wss ascertained that attention has been paid by the Jury to the allegation of Ctranellman Zimmerman that some body haa been grafting on the Chinese gamblers, though not on tbs theory that ; Sheriff Word haa done so. It la re- i ported thst the Jurymen sre of the opin ion that If anybody haa beep grafting, I It la Borne official connected with the! police department., Sheriff Word nays he Is not In the least worried over the outcome of the damage suits brought against him In th federal court by the Chinese. "We are not worrying about such suits at all." cheerfully aaaerted the sheriff. "If those fellows don't stop gambling we will give them a chance to bring some more suits. The Chinese thst are suing me now took down their own doors sad are putting them back again, I understand. Other gambling houaea are making repairs snd getting ready to open again, I am Informed. Well. If they do. they are laying up trouble for themselves, that 'la all." It la understood that the Jury will In dict May Wah, a Chtneae. axreeted by Under-Sherlff Morden for conducting a lottery. HALLUCINATIONS OF EIGHT UNFORTUNATES Eight persona were examined aa to their aanlty thla afternoon 'by the county court and a number of physl clana, Including Dr. C. C. McCornack. the assistant county physician. The list includes three women and four men, - nsinssiB Mary A Tllden haa been In an asy lum for th Inssne twice. Miss McOee, the street preacher, la acouaed of chas ing children with a club. Mary B. Hardraan le troubled with chronic mel ancholia; which la claimed to have un seated her reason. B. L. Ptetsach want to a numbar of nl..u In lit fev s.l avsintaMt to srnnaw whst street In Salem he waa on. He' also Inquired as to how he should get to Port land. Entering a barbershop, hs accused a boy of trying to steal his coat, and ran out Into the street with his face covered with lather. It D. Runyon Is accuaed of having a habit of haranguing crowds on the street end' denying that he Is either a Soclallat or evangelist. He aald he talked "Just because thla la a free country and. he wanted tb air his opin ions." Benjstnin Joalln Is a decrepit Inmate of the poor farm. Lately he haa shown a tendency to violence. Thomas Canlent waa arrested snd charged with Insanity by the police. TEACHERS ASK FOR HIGHER SALARIES Another effort Is to be made by the teachers of the public schools of this city to hsve their salaries raised. They are preparing to bring th matter be fore the taxpayera at the annual meet ing to be held on the third Monday of December. The last time the proposition was brought before the school board there wss not a full attendance of the mem- berg end tbe excuse st that time waa that they did not desire to act without having a full board. The subject was brought up Isst Friday st a special meeting. Trustee Wittenberg atated that he would take tho matter up at the very first meeting when all the ' members were present. He Is of the opinion that teachers should have their sslsrles In creased, snd Is very anxious to have the other members of the board (agree with him. but there are on or two who have Sn adverse opinion regarding the mat ter. ' -X. If the proposition is not brought up until the taxpayers' meeting the teacher and their friends are confident that provision wilt be made by th taxpayers to meet th Increase In the salaries and that the trustee, will be asked to raise them. DR. LOVEBERRY ASKS FULL INVESTIGATION A complete 'report hss been forwarded to th headquarters of the bureau of animal Industry at Washington D. C, Dy ur. uiarence Leovetierry. In charge of the Inspection aervlce at Portland, corncemlng th charge of dlnrrlerly conduct preferred against him by Mis. Florence Oould. She caused his arrest because she saya he telephoned to her 14-year-old sister, whom he desired to meet st Fifth snd Washington street saying h wss "Dr. Snow, a friend of th family." The case for the city wss heard Tuea- day before Judge Hogue In the munici pal court, and continued until Saturday. An effort wan mad by the complaining Danvet, Jv. llf&gM ffefsBsassasssssH wltna to have the case dlnmlaac.l. but waa hurraed ta) Vfjklttg Drv IVStksrry declined and demand a etrnyet th tafxtsal 966 We carry In stock Hotel Kaaaix patronage. & Going Co. iTaTmtrrm ajtb ntrxtro sts. XfBBKSBSSaaaSBasBSSBBKSKSSk 1 O SPICEsV O COFFEE,TEA. at A laflMlw aVlntVI.ro aVaWaggl IflW rWTT SsaavSS. Futyooro rvaWsluhrSttry, filatStfilvtslY CLOSSET ft DEY . OMCQON. Ca GEE WO-r Ths (treat Chines Doctor la called great be cause hla wonderful curia are se well known throughout the United Stat, and because so many . tieool are thankful to him for saving their live. OPERATIONS He treats any aad II diseases With powerful Chinese herbs, roota. bud. barks snd vere tables that are entirely na- L,,.,K,r , m m aclence In this coun- ,rw .-.a ,,,.. -v. is, use .-if thee harxei- be use of lest reasedles. This famoua doctor knew th action of over 100 dlfteMut remedtee that ha haa succsafulTy uaed In dlsTetent d Lease. He guarant. toetiFe catarrh. liumt. lun lrouDis. '"""T'"- "ZT vouenens. stomach, liver. Kidneys, fe male trouble and all private disease. Hundreds of ttwttmonlals. Charge, moderate- Call end see hta. COaTBTTT.TATTOaT rssauV Patients out of the city writ, for blnnk and circular, .ncloa stamp. Ad- arTHE C GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. JC3 Alder street, Portland. Or. tlon thl paper. Ef try Woman l4.sfflaAsSlgaaw For Sal Bv woodabd. cisAJtara s oo. .XI ST MEN AND WOMEI. Has Big S3 for aaaatnral oiacBarn.inni Irritation at ef maeeae Paialeaa, east asat , goat or tsstSB or Mat in stale sinnjs, 'Vniltr m( sa IsIsMbV 200 x 200 Suitable for manufacturing pur poses or warehouse. Railroad trsck alongside. A fine buy. Price on Application. Cross (SivShaw 233 Washington Street. COMMISSION) CO. ( Room 2 Chamber of Commerce. O round Floor. tapltal east gttrplas Bxa3,0AaA Broker hi Grain. Provisions, Slocks and Bonds largast Private Wtre Block E. K. ALDKN, kStxunaAfsr oowrao. xortutra a IBstsbllshad ltll.l t An i I I I. I BBB ONE DEAD, THREE HURT IN A DENVER FIRE Inaaffiiuttaaa .r-" "Hr-T Sigk !W4Br"niSa 11 CI LsssaaxV. fu'iiitrit1 i'aeSk-'rX0? t gtva fall r nir ii tare and lt taction la- tsff sW ar.:.0"- g-BgatTss I S. I SsnW AvaxrW SearMtee vS aVg esS S. Mrlm.r. tTefrrt (rlCsigAiC8 JBBBBVr jwaT W. Charge It Inter Sat fail I keg La ' Jssnaaal aataanat. aSBSSSl o M - -J 1 't&tmmmmKommVS " ' ifc-' ' liJ. .TpjaaaEeat