The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 15, 1904, Image 1

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    iBBiPr 'Bssasr 9 "I.
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VOL. III. NO. 218.
"ji- iMHL''' J.1 . .
One of the Greatest Gathering? of
Patrons of Husbandry in the
History of the Order
Mrs. Sarah . Baird Only Woman Master of
a Grange Is Here Many Reforms Will ((
Be Discussed in Convention.
Convention called to order at
11 o'clock.
Roll call and announcement of
committee on credentials.
Receaa, during which addresses
will be made toy visiting patrons.
Report of committee on cre
dential, after which there will
be a receaa for luneh.
The annual adilrsss of Worthy
Master Granger Aaron Jones.
Addresses of welcome by Gov
ernor CJnmberlaln and Mayor
To the patrons of husbandry Portland
threw wide tta gate this morning. TM
-ity n keya are their. Indeed the olty
Itself la thetra. go long aa they re
main. ! ' . . "
T)l g t north west extends Its greet
ings to the delegate to the thirty
eighth annual convention of th Na
tional Orange. Patrons of Husbandry,
and Portland. Its metropolis, takes upon
Itself the pleasure of expressing to the
visitors the welcome that la felt And
Portland rejoiced that the duty was im
posed. The convention begins tomorrow. It
will continue for ten days. This morn
ing at 7 o'clock a special train direct
from ft. Louis reached the city with
officers and delegate of the national
Bepresentattv Farmers Are Mere.
Representative farmer from all sec
tions of the country war In the party.
There was the thrifty New Englander.
from the country where farming long
ago became a science; the prosperous
southern planter, who alone and unas
sisted is solving a social problem which
only he himself can solve; the farmer
from the middle states, and the rancher
from the new country of the north
west, where tree are burned to make
room for crops, and where there 1 mora
land than tillers.
There are many women In the party.
Many of the officers and delegates are
accompanied by their wire and daugh
ter. And there are woman who are
delegate. Mr. Sarah O. Balrd of
Kdtna Mill. Minn., la hare to attend the
convention. She 1 master of the State
Grange of Minnesota and, by the way,
la the only woman master In the history
of the grange.
Mr. Bell, wife of Governor C J.
Bell of Vermont. Is a delegate In the
place of her husband, who was unable
to attend.
N J. Bachelder of New Hampshire, is
another governor who la an officer of
the grange. He 1 lecturer of the Na
tional Orange, and la a distinguished
member of the party mat arrived thla
morning. He was master of the State
Orange of New Hampshire for It yea
hut retired laal. winter. He la slo eeo-
A (Jtmrnsl Bpeelal fcrvles.)
-Chicago. Nov. 1. Started at
e New York a message of two
4 words was cabled to London. e
thence cabled to Sua, sent to
Bombay, rushed to Hongkong.
then to Yokohama and dispatched 4
under the Pacific via Honolulu
4 to Ban Francisco, where the tale-
graph Instruments ticked It to
anxious Chicago yesterday and
relieved with the cheering me-
sage "Market higher," the ua- e
pen of hundred of stock
e trader who spent the morning d)
. know-Ins- whether they were
s rich or ruined.. 4Vf
The meage was the first
e news of the condition of th
New York stock market that a
a reached Chicago, which was cut
4p off from communication with S
(he east hy a terrific storm e
which swept away all the tele-
graph wires, end waa sent by )
Charles O Gate, of CharUa O.
Gates Co. In New York, to the
Laflslle street office of the firm. e
An answer was cabled Neat
York by the nam rout by e
a Orson C. Well, manager of the
e Chicago office, "Giv n aome-
thing" was th meege in reply
The me-aaga and reply oont 150 e
e cable toll.
rtaryaf aJ&w Hampshlr atat
board of agriculture. Governor Bach
elder la chairman of the committee on
publication, and It will be to him that
th newspaper will look for whatever
transpires during the secret saaalona of
the convention that the grange desires
to -give to th public
Twenty-eight states will be repre
sented during the convention and be
tween 3,000 and 4,000 visitors are ex
pected to attend. There will be large
delegation from the Individual granges
of Oregon and Washington.
Included In the party that arrived
this morning is Aaron Jones of South
Bend, Ind, worthy master granger of
in National urange. at. Jones win
preside at all the sessions and will de
liver rrh annual address tomorrow af
ternoon. Governor Chamberlain will
make a brief addreaa of welcome to th
visitor n behalf -of th state, and
Mayor William on behalf of th city.
A 'thllc reception will be hold at th
art,ry tomorrow evening.
Itaprsptatly of the American
Grange Bulletin and Scientific Parmer,
the official publication of the order, are
In attendance. D. W. Working of Den
ver, and T. C. Atkeaon of Morgantown,
W. Va.. associate editor of the paper,
are In th olty to attend the convention.
Matter Will Be Considered.
TherV are many Important matters
that wllKba brought before the atten
tion of the grange. One i subject that
will receive especial attenton will be
the improvement of the parcel post sys
tem. Efforts will be made to secure
government assistance in improving thla
so that it will be of greater benefit to
Under existing conditions there is a
postage rate of 11 cents for merchandise
parcels of four pounds weight. Farmers
claim to be unable to secure by mall
what they desire If th weight limit 1
confined to four pound. They desire
that the limit be Increased to 11 pounds
and a reasonable rat for that weight
be Imposed.
Another proposition that will be taken
up will be the improvement of public
wagon roads throughout the country. It
1 th object of th delegate to create
public sympathy in favor of such. Im
provement and by means of legislative
committee to secure assistance from
th federal government In that direc
tion. Congress will likely be petitioned
during the convention to aaalst in the
project of improving public mads
Perhaps the ,most important, and cer
tainly the moat novel proposition to be
considered 1 the establishment by th
government of postal savings banks.
The system haa been discussed for years
by the grans and la said to have bean
successfully adopted by .several Euro
pean governments. J
It la proponed to convl.. th govern
ment Of the wisdom of establishing sav
ings banks In postofflces throughout the
country. Several offloea In th same
county could he selected. It will be
argued, to accept deposits from farmers
and others In sums not lea than 11.
Th government will be expected to pay
a small amount of Interest on deposits.
"The system hag been- successfully
operated In other countries," said Mr.
Hlllesj-y, pt master granger of Ore
gon, "and could be operated successfully
la thla country. It la etatmed by the
grange that the government la fre
quently compelled to borrow money and
under the postal savings bank system the
government could borrow from the peo
ple instead of being compelled to go
abroad for th accommodations or ac
cept It from the powerful financial com
binations." Another matter that will be considered
and discussed during the session will be
th construction of a canal connecting
th great lakes with the Mississippi
river. There are many other subjects
of national importance that will be dis
cussed by the National grange.
"Th fundamental purpose of our
order la the Improvement of the condi
tion of the farmer," said Aaresi Jones,
master granger. "That, of course, I our
main purpose, bat there are many other
object that we hay achieved and still
other that we hop to achieve It Is a
fraternal order, but differs from ether
fraternal organlxatloaa la that we admit
women, our- wives) and daughter, on an
equal footing with th man.
one chief aim of th grange I to
promote education among the farmers.
It Is our desire to e agriculture taught
in all oar public schools and' college.
We also strive to extend oar markets
and to create foreign commerce In
many waya aa po Ibis,
"We realise tha, th cess of th
falter must necessarily com from th
(Continued aa Pag Two.)
B. G. Leedy, Master Oregon State
Largest Tobacco Shipment Ever
Sent from the Coast Goes
Out Next Month.
The Large Import Tax Will Aid
Japan to Prosecute
the War..
O Of the big-goat shipments of .to
bacco aver sent to the orient from a Pa
cific coast port will go out of Portland
next month on th freighters operated
by the Portland Asiatic Steamship
The shipment will constat of 800
hogsheads of leaf tobacco, the total
weight of which la 1.100 tons. It will
require SO freight car to bring it from
Virginia, where the weed la ggown. All
of It will go to Japanese porta.
The tobacco la now in transit from the
east, but will not arrive In time to go
out on the Nleomedla, the liner now in
port. The shipment will b divided anil
aent out on the steamers Ell eric' and
Nu mantle, the next vessels to arrive
from the far east. The Klleric la ex
pected her about November 11, and the
Numantla a few daya later. In addition
to the tobacco they will carry flour and
other freight. Including a big lot of
structural steel, which will also be con
signed to Japan. All the apace on both
steamers haa been engaged
Placing It at It centa a pound, the
market price of the raw material, the
1.00 tons of tobacco 1 worth 11(0,000.
A It is vary bulky, It la thought to be
doubtful .whether It could all be placed
on the largest of the liner operating
from the Pacific coast. As there la a
heavy Import duty on tobacco collected
by th Japanese government, it will be
th means of th latter realising a
handsome sum when the weed la de
livered A new tariff bill will be Introduced In
the Japanese parliament or diet ion Nov
ember 21, .providing for the collection
of tax on almost every manufactured
article aent there from foreign coun
tries. There Is now a heavy tax on to
bacco, but It will be materially In
creased If the proposed bill passes. Aa
It la looked upon aa one of the necessi
ties, it 1 stated by the local exporters
that there ia no danger of the shipments
In thla line being curtailed to any great
extent The local shippers are also of
the opinion that the proponed new tariff
will have no perceptible effect upon the
amount of floor that ia aent to Japan
every month. Th assertion ia made
that the consumers over there will have
to have the commodity, and they will
purchase Just aa liberally aa they have
In the paat from- Pacific coast dealers.
The same view 1 taken regarding the
shipment of all other food product
which have been exported- In th paat
from th Columbia river country.
But th exporters declare that the
Japanese are likely to Introduce a , re
trenchment or economical policy when
tt comes to purchasing many of the
manufactured articles whleb are pro
duced In the eastern states Just as soon
aa the new Import -Tariff go Into ef
fect. In other word th declaration la
made that they wilt not bay anything
unless It la an absolute necessity.
On the other hand, however, the local1
officials of the Portland A Aslastlc
Steamship company 'are of the opinion
that the new Import duty will have lit
tle or no effect upon the amount of
shipments made to Japan from th Pa
cific coast. They explain thla by stat
ing that the tariff will mean that the
consumers will have to pay only allghtly
higher prices, for the Imported goods,
and they wttl not hesitate about doing
so Consequently the now order of
things will have little. If any effect. o
they declare, upon th export business
from the Pacific const.
( Joaj me I SpVCtel ttSaTTWaf-)
New Tork, Nov. It The trial of Nan
Patterson, charged with the murder of
"Caesar" Young, th bookmaker, last
June, was poetptmed thla morning until
tomorrow, owing; to a crowdad docket.
k'-.-V L'TJ
J. O. Win;. Master Washington
State Grange.
Maximum Velocity of Wind in
Last Night's Storm Was Only
Thirty Miles an Hour.
A Sixty-Mile Gale Raging on the
Sound and Many Ships Re
ported in Danger.
During the heavy storm which visited
Portland last night th wind attained a
velocity of 30 mllea an hour-, which waa
sufficient to blow down signs and awn
ings, but no serious damage to person
or. property has been reported.
Th highest velocity on record -in the
local weather office ia 65 miles an hour,
which was on March 25, lst7. Had the
weather bureau been in-atbe Oregonlan
building, where th Instrument was
placed at a higher point, the register
would have been at least 17 mile an
hour, the same velocity which created
auch havoc in thla city and up and
down the Puget sound country in Janu
ary, 1880. Yesterday's storm, by com
parison, waa a mere aephyr.
The probabilities are that at the
mouth of the river the wind was speed
ier. The wire connecting the Portland
office with North head Is down. Th
breakage waa supposedly caused by
falling trees in the forest through which
the wire pssses. Th last report re
ceived from the North Head station waa
that the wind had not struck with any
force, but Forecaster Heals anticipate
that the weather will be livelier In that
neighborhood today.
Last night's storm waa anticipated In
yesterday's weather report, and conse
quently warnings of sea galea were post
ed at all stations. This gave command
ers of vessels plenty of opportunity to
be prepared for the storm.
The precipitation In the paat 24 hours
was .41 of an Inch The heaviest shower
occurred at 11 o'clock last night, lust
aa the theatres were over, and th great
est damage of all, perhaps, waa the
drenching of the personal apparel of
those who attended the playhouses,
rear for the Jetty.
Pears are entertained that the storm
may have caused further damage to the
government jetty at the mouth of the
Columbia, but all communication with
Port Stevens haa been cut off and ho
Information baa yet been received by
Major Langfltt, who ha charge of the
(Continued on Page Two.)
(Journal Special Service.)
Washington. Nov. it. with
e all honors due his rank. Prince
a nadanura or the Japanese im-
pertal house of Paahlml waa d
4 formally received by President
Roosevelt at tne wnite House at
' 1 o'clock this morning. 4
Th distinguished visitor de-
llvered to the president a per-
A sonal message of good will from
e the emperor of Japan, hla half
e brother, after whlth ceremony
he called at the atate department
to pay hla respects and later In
the day exchanged visits with )
e hla ambassador.
e At t o'clock thla afternoon the d
e president returned the prince's
e visit, visiting him at the Arilng-
ton hotel. Tonight the prince la
e to- dine at the White House.
Th Russian ambassador will
e not take part In any of the cere-
) monies connected with the
e prince's visit, not oa account of
e any personal unfriendliness, for
e the two men have met frequently d
e In the past and are aatd to have
0 a high personal regard for each
e other. Prince ftsdanura expresses e
hlmeerf as highly pleased with
e the attention that la being be-
e stowed upon htm by America.
eeeeee e ee
Stampede Is Caused by
Big Fire in the Stock
Prisoned Beneath the Flames
Many Hegs Are Slowly
- Roasted to .
I Jour n. I Special Service.
Now York, Nov. 16: Fire In the
United State stockyards at th foot of
Sixth street In Jersey City esrly today
burned to death 1,600 hogs, roasted 3
100 carcasses In cold storage, caused
11.000 head of cattle, sheep and hogs to
stampede and destroyed much valuable
Not In the history of New Tork, old
aa it la, haa auch a spectacular and ex
citing chase been participated In aa that
which followed the breaking out and
subsequent rounding up of th 'cattle aa
they charged wildly through the atreets,
followed by cowboys from the yards,
who swung their rtatas and gave vent to
the enthusiasm of western training
which moat of them have undergone.
Th fir Itself was spectacular. It
started In the cold storage room pre
sumably from th explosion of a tank
of ammonia. At that point there are
hut few men employed and the flames
war sweeping through th grease
laden floors with llghtnloa-llks rapidity
and terrific heat before an alarm was
turned in.
Directly beneath the floor of the cold
storage fonm the hogs were confined,
and before long the aqaeallng of the
lowly tortured animals added to the
din of the engine and the ahoutlng of
men trying to prevent a stampede of
the cattle In the enclosure. As th
floor fell through, dropping coal upon
the hog beneath, efforts war mad
to get th anlmsls out, but were unavail
ing, the heat being so terrific that the
drovers could not approach the aub
gatee. The flams bunt through th walls
of the storage room almost aa the alarm
Bounded and belched forth a cloud of
denae. sickening and grease-laden
smoke Instantly the cattle in the
wooden enclosures, which up to thla
time had been "milling" and bellowing,
broke Into a wild stampede, and the
fences and barriers were swept down
as though built of straw, and out Into
th streets of the city swept th fren
led herds.
On every hand pedestrians plunged
madly for entrance waya, cars stopped
snd drivers laghcd tbelr horse into
bystreets until the rush of cattle had
paased. In th yards are employed 100
men. nearly all of whom have served
years on western plains sa "cow
punchers." They sprang on hnraea and
clattered In pursuit of their herds, the
roundups having all th excitement and
much more 'danger than those to which
their training accustomed them.
Some of the cattle made their way
well Into the downtown districts before
they were either roped or rounded In
with others snd driven bdek to the
yards. Several pedestrians were knocked
down, but none are reported aa seri
ously Injured.
The fire loss Is estimated at approxi
mately 1160.000.
Emerge from Hiding in Owl
Mountains and Clean Up
Saloon at Thermopolis.
(Jeorsal Special Serrte )
Cheyenne, Wyo.. Nor. 16. Th two
outlaw, who robbed the bank at Cody
two weeks ago and killed Cashier Mld
dauah. came oat of their hiding piace In
the Owl Creek 'mountain last night and
early this morning nein up a saioon ano
gambling house st Thermopolis. The
bandits cleaned oat the house and occu
pants. A posse Is In pursuit snd the
whole Big Horn country Is aroused.
There Is a determination on the part
of the cltlsen to either capture or kill
the two desperadoes if possible before
th chae Is given ap.
Before this last escapade on the part
of the two robbers, the belief was grad
ually gaining ground that they had es
caped to the Mole-In thewall country
and war safe from pursuit or capture.
New Tork. afov. 15 Philip Wain
selmer. th convicted labor delegate,
guilty of bribery, today secured a tem
porary stay in his sentence and will re
main in th Tomb until November l
when the stay ia returnable.
Twelfth Annual National Con
gress Convenes for a Four
Days' Session.
Senator Is Enthusiastically Re
ceived as "He Arises to De
liver His Address.
(Jonrasl Special Service. )
Kl Paao. Tex.. Nov. II. To the strains
of American and Mexican national airs.
played by th Mexican City Regimental
band, the twelfth annual National Irri
gation Congress waa opened her today
for a four days' session.
Ths great convention hall, capable of
aeatlng 3,000 persons, was comfortably
filled when President W. A Clark,
United States senator from Montana,
called the delegates to order. After th
usual addresses ot i welcome and re
sponses adjournment to 1 o'clock this
afternoon was taken.
The afternoon sesalon waa opened with
the prealdent'a annual address. Senator
Clark was enthusiastically received as
he arose to deliver hi addreaa. HI
keynote waa: "Save the foreats, store
the floods, reclaim the deserts, build
homes." He was frequsntly Interrupted
by applause and waa accorded a perfect
ovation at the conclualon of hla talk.
The announcement of committees and
reading of letters and telegrams occu
pied the remainder of the general ses
sion, after which the delegates went Into
sectional sessions. Addresaea were
made by Olfford Plnchot, chief of the
foreatry division, on "Forestry"; 'Pro
duction by Irrigation," by I. t. O'Doo
nell, of Billings. Mont . Prof. EL Benja
min. Andrews of the University of Ne
braska, and Herbert Myrlck, editor of
the Orange Judd Parmer; "Engineering
and Mechanic,'' by Frederick Newell, of
Washington. D. C chief engineer or the
reclamation service; "Climatology." by
H. K. Williams, of Washington. D. C,
assistant chief of the United States
weather bureau; "Rural Settlement," by
William C. Smyths, of San Disco, CkL
The convention promises to be on of
the most Interesting and important gath
erings of Irrlgatlonlsts ever held Par
ticular effort haa been mad, to secure
addresses by experts of national reputa
tion, and In this the executive committee
haa-sunSeeded well.
Oa of th features of th gathering la
an exhibit of raisins, dried fruits, nuts
and wines, ajl th product ot California,
sent to El Paso by th California promo
tion committee.
Wife of Society Leader and
Clubman Fighting Desper
ately for Her Husband.
(Journal Special Service )
Chicago, Nov. 15. Desperately fight
ing th charges that her husband, Am
brose McGregor, a society leader and
club man. Is a burglar. Mrs. McGregor
Is sasklng to save her husband's In
heritance of a 111.000,000 aetata. On
his acquittal on two charges of bur
glarly. which led to hi arrest and ar
raignment for trial at the Thlrty-flfth
street police station yesterday depends
whether McOregor retains bis inneru
anc. Mrs. McGregor was with her husband
when ha waa arraigned before Justice
Hurley. A continuance wa granted and
the case went over to November 11.
"My husband Is not guilty." said Mr.
McGregor. During the proceedings she
was Weeping softly in th rear of th
court room. Th 112.000.000 that will
be young McGregor's If he Is soqultted
and events transpire as the family coun
cils have planned, la the estate of his
uncle. Ambrose M. McGregor. Uncle
McGregor, who died four years ago.
made a fortune with the Standard Oil
company. Th property was Inherited
by Mrs. McGregor, the accused man's
aunt, who frequently expressed her In
tention Of bequeathing the moot of th
million to Ambross. Jr.. In the absence
Of nearer heirs.
It Is accepted aa certain that If young
McGregor I convicted that hla aunt will
cut him off from a further ahare In tbe
One of the alleged burglarlea was that
of a plumbing shop, where a telephone
was looted of nickels. The robbery of
Iouls Mussers saloon at 147 Thirty
seventh street, where a cash register
waa broken open and rilled la also
blamed on the prisoner.
Journal Special Ser.lce )
Rio Janeiro. Nov. Is. Th revolution
ists' movement haa been crushed and
order restored. Some of the leaders of
th movement have fled and other have
been arrested. Many person have been
killed and wounded It la not thought
further trouble will occur.
Nov. 15 Thomas
I.nby, a morphine fiend, jumped Brass a
story window In th United Stataa
this morning and waa Instantly
, He hurled himself from the win-
as th hotel employ were
(Journal Speelsl
a r a
MR. M'Gli
Not Permitted to Hurl
Oratorical Thunder
bolts at Trial.
Defendant Says He Does Not
Know Sheriff Word Very
Well and Case Goes
to Jury.
Henry K. McGinn waa not permute
to hurl hla oratorical thunderbolta
against gambling In general and roulette
in particular in the circuit court thla
morning. , '
The well-known criminal lawyer had
been engaged by the state to aid Dis
trict Attorney John Manning prosecuta
Peter Grant, who waa under trial on
th charg of permitting gambling to
be conducted In property under his con
trol. It was alleged by th atat
that on July 11. 1904, roulette waa
played at the Portland club, and that
Peter Grant waa on of th owners of
th club.
After about an hour and a quarter
bad been apent in Judge Cleland's court
In examining witnesses, or waiting for
them to arrive to be examined, this
morning District Attorney Mantling
arose to address th Jury.
Ha told them that aa cltlaens they
could not do otherwise than And Peter
Grant guilty. Mr. Manning said:
"There la no possible doubt that th
game waa pissed on th day stated.
Now, If you. don't think It 1 your duty
to back up Tom Word In thla matter,
why did you elect him sheriff? Or why
have we a sheriff? It Is to enforce th
law. If you do not like this law take the
matter up with the legislature. At th
present time the law la on the books.
If 'Pete' Grant did not own th room la
which the grr" - r'frf1, wtir djdw't
he say so when on tbe witness stand?"
Mr. Manning announced that Mr. Ma
Glnn would close for the state.
"The defense will waive th argu
ment." aald Ed Mendenhall. who with
8. C. Spencer and W. M. Davis, appeared
aa attorneys for Peter Grant. ,
Henry B. McGinn looked surprised. Ia
fact, he w'aa dumfounded
He had mad elaborate preparations
to addreaa the jury, and those who know,
th attorney expected that he would outdo
himself In "stinging" th gamblers he so
bitterly opposed. But th action of Mr.
Mendenhall virtually gagged him. Those
on th opposite side evidently enjoyed
Mr. McGinn' chagrin and It was evi
dent to spectators that it waa a coup
neatly planned
Sheriff Word was th first to take
th stand In thla morning's session ot
th trial. H stated that he saw Pete
Grant In the Portland club at the time
the keno game formerly run there waa
raided. Sheriff Word denied having
formed an agreement with Attorney Mo.
Glnn to "hound", Grant and the Port
land club.
' Mr Word, you feel a very deep In
terest In convicting thla man do yott
not?" asked Attorney Spenoef.
"No more than I do In tbe conviction
of any other man who conducts gam
bling." answered th sheriff.
"Don't you take more interest In prose
cuting thl man than you do in looking
(Continued on Pige Six.)
(Journal Special Bar t tee.)
Los Angeles. Nov. If. Uaa
pacha H eeo ha, on of the great
medicine men of the Plut, la
dead, slain by a tribesmen be
cause he failed to propitiate th
evil spirit and bring better cow- i
dltlons among th tribe, which
live alone th Colorado. Hla
slayer. Arda Mecha, killed him- I
self In obedience to an order of
th chiefs. Th double killing I
occurred a few day ago north l
of Spear's lake. 1 mile from
The medicine man waa con-
demned to death because of bis
failure to drive away a spell i
which Is rapidly killing off the 4
tribe. At a conclave his death 4
am decided upon. He wa or- 4
e dered from the land whsr ni 4
hut had stood for many years. 4
He fa lied to so. nenevins iui 4
as soon as h stepped from th
boundary of bis property, which
la supposed to be consecrated,
that he would die. Meek suc
ceeded la getting hlmoff the
land ay. IMlM we
e desired