T ,j .-s.sjaw .v. ' t-' : rfR THE QRBOQW imiPAY JOUKNAl PORTLAND.. 1UNDAY MOKNINO, NQVEMBEK 11, HO MRS. LOEB WILL BUILD A SIX-STORY BRIGK EYESIGHT A ONE WEEK SPECIAL In order to reduce our line of Extension Tables for we are greatly overstocked we are offering for thla weak this handsome, highly polished, quarter-sawed oak massive extension Table for lohimbla ....."The Oar PmrlalaM' ordrsr' -. riMMU'i Ball' War Vasdevul Mm VsodrrtUt BIJuu Vasorvtlla Arrada . VaudeTlllu lrle Vsodavlli TOWN TOPICS Tomrars inmum Suit was filed in the circuit court yesterday by "rank Hoherg to recover 116,000 from the Southern Oregon com pany. He aliens that this amount la due as a commission on the sale of lands In Coos county. According to the complaint, filed through Attorney Kills Q. Hughes, Hoberg entered Into a con tract with the company In last January by the terms of which he was to re ceive a commission of tH par cent on sending it a purchaser for the property. He declares that he sent It a purchaser. and that the sale was consummated, the exact date being unknown, for 1600,000 He has demanded his commission, hs assarts, on numerous occasions, but has received no consideration at the hands of the company. The Bailey Oatsert's the boat you want to take If you're going to TKe Dalles or any way point. This handsome craft la the stanchest. most reliable and moat comfortable plying between Portland and The Dallas; undeniably the boat for a comfortable and safe Journey. Ask any of your frienda who have taken the trip on the Oatsert and they'll tell you what a delightful one it waa. Steamer leaves Alder-street wharf at 7 a. m. every Monday. Wednesday and Friday. Steamer Regulator, another awtft boat, leaves same hour on alternating daya. Take either boat with assurance of a safe, speedy, comfortable trip. Phone Main l . f He sells the "World Book of Knowl edge." and therefore J. F. Morrison was ' not long In learning how some man waa beating him out of considerable money by gathering In Installments which ha had ao right to collect. For that rea son, Morrison last night caused the ar reat of Ouy Wilson, charging him with obtaining money by false pretenses. Morrison is local agent far the book named, and for some time KM heard of another man soaking collections with out hla consent. Developments drew Wilson Into the affair. He waa locked in the city Jail, in default of bonds. Driving recklessly through the crowded streets at 7 o'clock laat night, a 16-year-old boy almost caused the death of a (-year-old girl who was crossing Morrison street at Fifth. Tile child was some little distance In front of her mother. The boy was driving a Imrse' hitched to a buggy and drove rap Idly round the corner. It struck the child, who waa thrown In front of the horse. The mother screamed and a man from the crowd seised the horse by the reins. In that way the child was saved from being trampled on. The child's Injuries ware painful, but are not con sidered serious. Seventeen Chinese pheasants were ob tained yesterday near Molalla, called the "pheasants' pared lee." by T. M. Toder and J. Wesley Toder. Included In the number are two large roosters, which re very difficult to secure, aa they wlU not fluah. and by dodging and back track ing after taking to the timber will out run an ordinary dog at any time. "We got these two with a ti-spectal rifle at a distance of 10 yards," said T. M. Toder. "They were sitting at the time, i Hunters are hot after these birds, and they will soon become aa scarce In thla country aa elks." At the monthly assembly of teachers of the public schools yesterdsy st the High school, plana for the Portland school exhibit for the Lewis and Clark expo sition were discussed. Organisation of a club fee the purpose of the, general Improvement of the teachers was started. Superintendent Kigler waa elected chair man and Mlaa Laura Northrup was chosen secretsry. Rtglsr waa empow ered to appoint a committee of five for the purpose of outlining plans for a per manent organisation. A special meet ing will be called to perfect the organ isation. A proposition advanced by the. public bodies of Portland favoring purchase of the Oregon City locks by ths United Ststes government fa being seriously considered In many quarters. Senator C. W. Fulton and others of the Oregon delegation at Washington have written to the Portland Chamber of Commerce saying they favor the auggeation and will do all In their power to secure the passage Of a measure at the next ses sion of congress authorising ths pur chase and appropriating money for it. Policeman Foster, who was discharged by Chief Hunt and later reinstated by the civil servloe commission, called at the central station yesterday afternoon and aaked for orders. He waa Instructed to report for duty this morning at 12:30 and uid so. He waa oft duty 41 days. Irishmen and women ahould not fall to be at the meeting of the Gaelic League at their hall. Second and Stark streets, tonight. S o'clock. Admission free. C CUBRAN, president. Walp M. O 'Donald filed suit for di vorce from W. H. O Donald in the circuit court yesterday. Thar ware married In "Wait Until After Election" That has been the even tenor of everybody's song for the past six months. That's all over now (as the farmer said when he peeped out of his cyclone cellar), but the CALAMITY HOWL ERS are busy arranging a few new verses for their winter anthem "WHEN BUSINESS PICKS UP AGAIN" In the meantime the long headed fellows are getting ready to do the biggest business that ever shook up the great northwest. That means that all of them need a little machinery, most of them a lot of it, which brings the argument down to our garden gate. New Brick at . After some deliberation Mrs. Kllaa Loeb has decided to begin building oper ations on her new six-story brick struc ture on the . northeast corner of Fifth and Stark streets.' Aa shs waa unable to secure the full ground necessary for such a structure until next year, lira Loeb will construct a two-story building on the corner site at once. Her property facing on Stark atreet Portland February 14, 1877. Mrs. O' Don ald, whose maiden name was Klrby, as serts that she was deserted August t. 101. Shs petitions the court to restore her the right to use her maiden name. W. L Fisher was arrestsd last night on complaint of F. R. Thomas, who con ducts a rooming house at tit Front street. Fisher Is accused of being drunk and disorderly. It Is alleged he demol ished all of the furniture in hla room. Wa-Hoo Tonic The great blood puri fier, nerve tonic and liver regulator. Just what you need these daya For sale by ail druggists. A King Wilson and O. A. NaaJ have moved their law offices from 14 Wor cester block to 631 Chamber of Com merce. rka nn-Ti-niim have near I v teeth and prevent decay. For sale every where. For Signs see W. P. Berger Son. 284 Yamhill; phone Red IOCS. Dr. Skiff has returned. Over Stein bach's. Fourth and Morrison. LOST OVERCOAT FOUND ON THE, THIERS BACK Joe Qoehrlng, bartender at Frits' Burn- aide street saloon, waa t sanding before the desk at the central police station st o'clock last night, telling Captain Moore of the theft of hla overcoat. At that moment Policeman Endlcott brought in A. J. Leonard, allaa Thatcher, charged with stealing Jewelry from Oa brlelle Bonnaghlen, a woman of the north end district. r "That man's got on my overcoat," ex claimed Qoehrlng. aa be surveyed Leo nard. Qoehrlng waa right The prisoner, al ready charged with theft, was wearing a stolen overcoat. Ha waa booked on two charges of larceny.' Pmm the woman the prisoner took a gold wstch and soms other art Ides of vslue. Most or tne goooe were iounu on his person wnsn ne waa bmiui ur jailer i.iins. Leonard waa Intoxicated. He Is stranger to the police and whether he took the goods of ths two complainants while he was drunk Is not known, ne win have to explain the matter to Mu nicipal Judge Hogue tomorrow morning Mr. and Mrs. Wing B. Allen of Salt Lake are at the Portland. They will leave tonleht for San Francisco. , l ,,-,4, ,n flmlth c o r re a do nd e n t for the Morning Post of London. Is at ths Portland hotel, accompanied by hla wife. Tl, U a..M nf Ma I Mm fa In town. K a. Miller and wife of Astoria are at the Imperial. I John M. Moore came in from sal era laat evening. Tamea s ifcOuade. advance agent Tor "Candida." la at the Imperial. E. H. Davla of Corvallla is a visitor In Portland. Charles Butler, the sheep man, la nere from Port Towneend. Wash. - Representative B. F. Jones of Lincoln conntv la at the Perkins. R Htlnson. the well-known K of P. official, la In from Salem for a brief stay. C A. Sehlbreda of Marehfleld. form erly United Statea commissioner of Skaguay. and at one time a member of the Oregon legislature, la at the Im perial. James M. Ssnsbrough of Roseburg, who was a member of the last legis lature, la at the Imperial. Fifth and Stark. la leased for another year, and at the expiration of that time four more stories will be added to ths new struc ture, and It will be likewise mads about 60 feet longer. The first structure will cost about $15,000. Donald O. Wood ward, Mrs. Loeb'a representative and agent, is authority for the statement that the structure will be enlarged. The upper floors of the completed structure will be used for orrice purposes. DR. O'CONNOR'S SUIT SETTLED AMICABLY White Winged Peace Now Broods Over the North Pacific Dental College. On the gable of the North Pacific Dental college the dove of peace alts again and preens its snowy feathers, secure 'from further disturbance by the noise of sanguinary domeatlo conflict. By stipulation of Interested counsel the suit for an accounting and the ap pointment of a receiver, brought by Director H. P. O'Connor against Dr. Herbert ('.Miller, the president and dean of the faculty; Dr. John Welch, vice-president and director, the college and the TlUe Guarantee and Trust com pany aa trustee, has been dismissed. The order of dismissal was entered by Presiding Judge Oeorge in the circuit court yesterday afternoon. In hla ault Dr. O'Connor declared that false entries had been made In the min utes of meetings, resulting In bis being deprived of his rights. He accused Dr. Miller and Dr. Welch of voting them selves salaries for sinecures and of squandering the funds of the Institution, whloh ha contended was in a bad finan cial condition. In his petition he asked the court to require the officials sued to account for more than 1 10,000 of the college funds, and to place a receiver In charge. The defendants' answer made a gen eral denial of the allegations contained In the complaint. Demurrers and mo tlons were argued, submitted and de cided, and within a few daya the suit was to have been set for a hearing. In the stipulation of dismissal the basis of settlement Is not given-and all the law yers connected with the case are reti cent. Neither aide to the controversy Is to be assessed costs. r DESPERATE ASSAULT MADE ON TWO WOMEN Three Men Cruelly Beat and Rob Belle Baker and Jen nie Smith. A desperate attack was made last night on Belle Baker and Jennie Smith, colored, by two white men and a negro. In a room In a north and house. In the encounter the Baker woman was choked almoat Into Insensibility, while her companion was knocked to the floor by a vicious blow from the negro assailant, who waa ar rested later. While the Smith woman was prostrate on the floor the two white men tried to tear a valuable diamond ring from the Baker woman's linger, but failed. The negro took a IS gold piece from her purse, however, and then the trio fled from the premises. Down north Third street they raced with the Baker woman In pursuit, bare headed and coatleaa. At the top of her voice aha waa screaming to pedestrians to stop the thieves, but no one did so, and they escaped across the steel bridge. Captain Moore was notified at police headquarters and sent Detective Welner to the scene of the daring robbery. A quick sesrch in the neighborhood resulted In the arrest of the negro, who gave his name as Charles Wilson. He Is In Jail, charged with larceny and assault and battery. The police believe that a desperate gang of criminals, whose object Is to plunder by attacks such as the one Isst night, has come here. Kf forts were made to capture the two white men, but the police were unable to locate them. The women who were so brutally attacked declare they will be able to Identify the men. PUSHING WORK AT THE FAIR GROUNDS Labor Started on the Govern ment Building, and the Trail Laid Out. They have stsrted work on the gov ernment building oh the peninsula at the LaSWIS ana Clara rair grounds. A build ing lis been put up for the use of the jswrknten snd dirt Is flying from the bottom Of the post holes, under the di rection of Contractor J. E. Bennett. There are probably (0 men employed on the work at thie time and within a abort while the number will be In creased to 200. Within one month It la expected thst the walls will be ready fcr the plasterers. William Myers, a man of wlds expe rience, has been engaged to "staff" the building, and the house In which the material for the other beautiful struc ture wss prepared haa been torn down and reset near the site. In order to expedite mattera The plies are about all driven for the Trail and Bridge of Nations and It la now possible to walk across the board path from the main land on the south to the peninsula The Trail Itself 'will ncrupy 100 feet of length on ths bridge, which is 2,000 feat across. SPECIALISTS We limit our practice to the eye the defects of eyesight, requiring correctlou by glasses. ZXAKXsTATXO OregonOpticalCo. ITS Fourth St., T. st. C A. HIS MONEY IS CONE, HE IS NOW A PAUPER John Lindstrom to Become . Inmate of the County Hospital. an LOSES POWER OF 8PEECH CANNOT HELP HIMSELF Case Such as to Require an In vestigation on the Part of the Authorities. Sick and neglected, a paralytic,, who haa entirely loet the power of speech. John Lindstrom lies in a smsll room lo cated In the rear of a barn at 411 Fourth street. Through what the county court believes was poor Judgment on the part of those having charge of his wet fare the man la now a pauper. Lindstrom Is K3 yeara of age. He be came helpless about 20 months ago, at which time he owned a houae and lot at aft Tabor worth St.000. On this property wss a mortgage held by M. W, Wilklns for S700. The county court appointed J. Freiburg guardian of the old man. . Wilklns uprehased the Mt. Tabor prop erty for $2,000. paying f 1.300 In cash after the mortgage hsd been satisfied. At that time he offered to take the property and care for the aged owner during hla life In payment, but Attor ney Oeorge P. Lent, representing the guardian, thought this plan not for I.lndstrom's best interests, and so the house and lot were purchased by WU An arrangement. It la claimed, waa afterwards entered into by which WU kins took Lindstrom to his home and ems to take care of him ai the rata of $2 per day when he was too 111 to help himself In any manner, snd 21 a day wien he ahould be able to be upon hla reel. Twenty, monins nave eiapsea anu the money la gone. Wilklns received 120, aa his receipts given Freiburg show, and the remainder was expended In attorney's and guardian's fees and the purchase Of clothing and other neces saries. Ten daya ago Attorney Lent appeared before th county court and aaked that Lindstrom be sent to th county hospi tal. The next day Wilklns went to the court bouse and Insisted that the aged man be taken to the hospital Immedi ately. He declared that if th wagon had left for that Institution on the day In question he would take Lindstrom out In his buggy. Pending an investigation of the ac counts, aa not everything appeared sat isfactory to the court, no order sending Lindstrom to the hospital waa adopted. It Is th opinion of the court that he should have been sent there before his laat cent of money waa dissipated. Mrs. Wilson, a member of the city board of charities. Informed County Judge Webster yesterday afternoon that Lindstrom Is In a pitiable condition. "He lies In a rear room of a barn st Wilklns' place." said Mrs. Wilson. "Hla shoes and clothing have not been re moved. Th old sawn la powerless to mora." WANT TO KNOW ABOUT OREGON'S INDUSTRIES Many Requests for Literature Received by the Chamber of Commerce. I.. ... r n . B S , , M.tlMt frAWI fiu Diego, Cel.; the Portland chamber of commerce yesterday sent seversi ooxes of n,nn lltaratura to that nolnt The agent asking for the matter wrote: "Many people come, here rrom th east and buy property, and our people who . ..ii . ti.,.,,. ,, e In turn In,, Iritis' for ...,nla-a Al wear here Thev want to know all about government land. W have many uses lor uregon literature. Al ready there Is a large list of ottr people who are preparing to attend th Lewis and Clark fair." The Rock Island Railway company haa sent for three boxes of Oregon literature. to be distributed through us agents in the middle wast. A Verdler. a Frenchman, who la sent to this country to make a study of the i.u,lln. vnArtlna industry and renort to the chamber of commerce of Bor deaux, has chosen wheat and flour as his subject, and writes to tne rornana -w.k.a ,.narea fnc all uavatlutila Informatlnn on thin subject In connec tion with portisna ana as an export Un muni, ,4a I a rftu rillnfr I ha lie velopment of trade. Improvementa for handling, storing, railway laciniiva, ana ports of destination abroad. The cham ber forwarded th Information dealred. LITTLE SYNDICATE WILL PASS PORTLAND John F. Cord ray announced yesterday that Instead of bousing the Stair A llavlin attractions, according to his con tract, he will ask the "tittle syndicate" to pass Portland until he can build a theatre to accommodate thm. This will take perhaps six months, during which time old patrons of Cordray's theatre will have to look elaewhere for their melodrama and cheap comedy. Mr. Cordray's plans Include the erec tion of a bouse with a larger seating ca- Heavy and massive, with flv legs. you wouid have paid us 120.00 for Henry 172-174 First Street Landing Lady Columbia Stock Company. Who has rightfully won fame on the stage, and whose charming personality has captured the hearts of her audi ences, endorses "Robertine (Fluid Face The Ideal Complexion Creator AS SWEET AS ROSES. AS HARMLESS AS THE SUNSHINE. GIVES THE FACE A SOFT AND VELVETY . APPEARANCE. The Robertine Co.: Dear Sirs I have been using your "Robertine" for the face and find it very pleasing and beneficial to the com plexion. Am glad to add my recommendation to your list. Very sincerely, CATHRINE COUNTISS. ROBERTINE is prepared Avoid inferior and dangerous SOLD EVERYWHERE A sample mailed to any address for the asking. Blumauer-FTank Drug Co., Distributers Portland. Or. Worth Looking Into HAVE YOU AN IDEA What exorbitant prices vou are paying for your WATCHES. DIAMONDS and JEWELRY in some of the fashionable jewelry stores down town? Why not take an extra little walk and see how much I can save you on a WATCH, a diamond or a piece of JEW ELRY? It has paid others to trade here; it will pay you. We are expert watchmakers and can do your repairing for half of what you are paying to other jewelers. I guarantee you satisfaction in every instance or your money back. Chas. W. Goodman JEWELER AND OPTICIAN, 281 FROINT STREET Eyes tested free of charge. Near Madison. parity than any of th present Portland theatres, but the locality In which It will stand ha not as yet baas ! S. mum CwSV $15 We have reduced all Extension Tables. Had vou been buying a weak ago this Table. That gives you an Idea of the reductions in fore. Joining & Sons Furniture, Carpets, Stoves Portland, Oregon Cathrine Countiss PORTLAND'S MOST POPULAR ACTRESS Powder). in white, flesh and cream. substitutions. jHSS-. . . - aBwiWWlBwH-l S6c Blue Mountain Sanatorium or Consumption Sanatorium treatment la th Ideal and only successful treat ment for tuberculosis. It. con sists principally of Ufa In th open air, rest, forced feeding, hydro-thorapy and massage. Th batha at thla Institution are sup pi lea from natural hot mineral springs, th waters of which ex ert a marked curative Influence. Patients from the west side Of th mountains are especially benefited by the change of climate. The dry air of eastern Oregon and 2,(00 foot of altitude stimulate th ap petite and improve nutrition. DR. J. L BINGHAM All Kinds of New Things at the Union Laundry Now We have added Electric Irons, a steam wing point tip per for stand-up collars n appliance which men wearing stand-up collars will appre ciate once the- know what a surprisingly splendid thing it it a seam dampener, also for collars, which dampens both sides at once, and which makes the collar more pliable and preserves its life about one half ; also our steam-heated polishers, the newest things on earth in the polishing depart ment. THE UNION ALWAYS LEADS THE WIDEAWAKE PRO CESSION Second and Columbia. Tel. Main 308. 2 STORES 312 Wskiijtton Nesr Stalk sad 293 Hot risen New Path laa. with Gloria covers Our patent Rustproof t'mhrel- $1.50 frams Umbrellas. Union $2.66 Repairing and Recovering WsW 1 wti wiislovts SOOTHM SYMP )i.itj jLrk.,. ,i--Uaii'lfr.