It Standi for Somrthmg, Thftfs Why the Journal Staxaada. When Looking for SmuethUg Good, Note The Journal's Dramatic Paga PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER It, 1XH. Fifth, Sixth and Washington Streets. Leading Mall Order HouM on the OouL If not convenient to come To the store, order b mail, or phone "Exchange 11. The JjSl' -iTlV PORTLAND'S Different (jjlgf LARGEST, fr aaBBBBBBkan abv aw- aawaav - J- aT- sosr y w aasar - v bbi ..a ar I . ML'rJj 1 1I, ..... W Me. $ wsaar-ovx i A SOUVENIR OFFER 1 December Designer now ready at Pat tern Counter. ioc; or aaat post paid to any address for He a year. Agents for the fsmoua "Standard" pa tarns; bow re duced to 10c end lfc each. None higher. The "Daylight" Store that Closet Evtry Nht 6 Six o dock. "Store-Town" Jottings AT LAST! There's a lot to be thankful for. Tea, the now annex stores open to morrow from first floor to fifth. The new monster elevators will run all day and every day. Note the new store directory in another column. The new elevators, located at the junction of main store and 81xth treat Annas, are each txt fast la dimension SI square feat, are run and controlled each by a separate, powerful to -horsepower electric mo tor that whisks them from first to fifth floor In 10 seconds. The larg est elevators and moat powerful mo tore aver brought to the coast for store use. Each of the now eleva tors will bold comfortably 40 peo ple. Thus with both running with the old one which has a capacity of It 96 people a minute may make the round trip from first to fifth floors and return. 86 to 16 is the sons; of the new elevators. The two mighty electric motor that control the mammoth naw pas senger elevators are situated one on fourth floor, the other in the base ment. They are worth a trip up to see work. Encased In glass, they will be viewed bjr thousands tomor row, by billions upon billions In the years to come. The only fir proof steel building in taw 'city. The only absolutely safe store In Portland for crowds to shop la. Thlaa of tfcia when ytm shop. Buyers and visitors alike welcome. Portland adda a aaw street to her list tomorrow, between Washington and Alder, connecting Fifth and Sixth, open dally Sundays excepted from a. m. to p. m. What shall we call ltT We will give 110 In gold for a name for the naw thoroughfare ave nue opened through this store con necting Fifth and Sixth streets be tween Washington and Aider. For particulars sea another column. 160 feet a minute la the way the new monster passenger elevators will travel. The old 16-capaclty elevator will still remain In commis sion. Meet me tomorrow In the Annex. The men have a toggery shop all to themselves bow. "Forward march!" were the orders given in man's shop and shoe stores on Saturday night on the "double quick." and tomorrow along with leather goods you'll find them In the new Sixth street Annex, first floor. Handkerchiefs W have Just received a Una of children's pur Linen Handker chiefs with -Inch bams; they are the kind that wash wall and wear well. Extra special value at. each 5) Stylish Hat Drapes At the Veiling Counter, Iacs Hat Drapes In black and white. First floor. Only 1 yards In length; regular 76c value. Special sale price Is. each 484 90c Petticoats 69c SIXTH 8T. ANNEX SECOND ... FLOOR. Ladles' Knea Petticoats of fine fan cy striped flannelette, 0-tnch flounce with silk embroidered edge; regular price 00c Special at 69 f Kid Glove Sale GLOVE COUNTER; 1ST FLOOR. ISO FOR KID OLOVK8 WORTH 1.00 Kid Uloves, overaeam. In all the latest shades and black and white; the best wearing II 00 Glove made. Special sale price for tomorrow only, pair 850 Fancy Belts 41c IN8TEAD OF 76c FOR BILK BKLT8 First floor. A lot of Silk Belts, ' some with buckles, some with crocheted rings, some made of fancy openwork braid, some whits and gold mixed braid all of them worth 7Bo each. awhi for tomorrow only, each . . rrWT... 434 Big Special Sale of Bright Sunshiny Ribbons FIRST FLOOR Silk, Railn and Gros Oratn Ribbons In all colors, widths from H inch to 3 lnch.. Just the Ribbons you need for fancy work. Regular Prices are to, 6c, to, lOo, 14c, lie. ale. Me. 0e. the yard. Special Sale Prices 34 44 54 04 so 104 is.v4 io as the yard. , In new quarters Monday Sixth St Annex first floor opening special GET CALLING CARDS FREE! To every person making a purchase of $8.00 or over anywhere in the store, tomorrow (Monday) we will give FREE an order for one dozen nicely written calling cards, any name written thereon, by an expert penman under contract with the store to do the work satisfac torily on the premises. Best quality, regulation size, ladies' visiting cards. A card bearing the order will be sent from the wrapping desk. Have this card entered with your name and number at the desk provided for the purpose near Fifth street entrance, and cards will be written in order requests are received. Free when you call for them. Grocery $10 in Gold for a Name! Tomorrow, with the opening of the new Sixth Street Annex, there opens up a new public thoroughfare--or avenue connecting Fifth and Sixth streets, between Washing ton and Alder. It runs directly through this store and will be lined on both sides by its busy shops all under the Greater Olds, Wortman & King roofs. The avenue, though under private control, will be a public one ten hours of every business day of the year. A great convenience to pe destrians as well as a "delight to shoppers. We invite the public to make full and free use of it ; whether patrons of this store or not, you're welcome it's a short cut through between Portland's busiest streets use it. Signs with the name of the avenue, street, or whatever it may be called, will be erected at both the entrances, qn Fifth and Sixth streets. Twill be a great arcade of stores. Now what shall w? call it? By what name shall it be known to the public what magic name, that will become a household word among Portland folk, shall we place upon those signs that direct the way through Portland's greatest store ? We will give $10 in gold to the person who submits the one chosen by a committee selected by this firm. We want the "pattest" name possible to get. Contest open to-all. Names must be all in by 6 p. m. of next Saturday, Nov. 19th. Address Olds, Wortman & King Adv. Dept., City. A MIGHTY BARGAIN EVENT ! Stupendous Selling and Enormous Crowds Will Mark It! A Tremendous Public Ovation Awaits Us Tomorrow We Know It, and Have Prepared With such a feast of matchless value inducements as Portland never knew before 1 The new Sixth Street Annex building stores open Monday on every floor, first to fifth. Not a dress parade not prepared for that yet; the workmen haven't done and all fixtures are not ready, so it'll be just a jolly bargain reception a tort of go-aa-you-pleaae, but be sure you go through all the new stores tomorrow. You'll find thousands of remarkable value offerings besetting your path at every step, so batter bring along your purge or youll go home with a heartache, unless you have a charge account and tall the salespeople to "charge it." Hot half the bargains are printed bare page won't hold "am. 8 Monday's papers and watch 6rnrsOuncetjgitJsUl wA of the peerless offering! we've arranged for t week the MONSTER "ANNEX-EXPANSION SALES" A Determined Clearance of the Great Apparel Shop Women's Suits Furs, Flannel Waists and Raincoats Second Floor In the midst of a Monday bargain scrimmage tomorrow! Expansion Is come. Workmen are ready to start tearing down the partitions and cases that separated the salons of outer-wear from the millinery store now moved to the new Annex. Tomorrow they'll be at It, hammer and saw. We've got to get our splendid stocks ont of harm's war. No .need to think of even looking elsewhere now when we're slaughtering snch values as this store is famous for showing In Its apparel shops. We're going to enlarge tha department to twice Its present else, and while the work Is going on. If you're not over nervous and can stand a bit oC bun and pounding round you i with perchanos a little good-natured elbowing from your neighbors who are buying too, you'll get the bargains of your life bare this week. FOR MONDAY we offer these extra special values. Every Tailored Cloth or Street Suit in the House $20 to $250 Values at ONE-FOURTH OFF regular prices the lowest on tha coast (Velvet Suits and Evening; Gowns not Included.) , Materials of Cheviot. Broadcloth, Venetians and fancy mixtures (Silk or Worsted Shirt Waist Suits not Included). In every wanted color, popu lar mixtures and black. Handsomely trimmed In very newest, latest Ideas, too varied for descriptive text. MARK. EVERY CLOTH, TAILORED SUIT AND CALLING GOWN IN THE HOUSE, 14 OFT IN PRICE A IX WEEK ! 120 Butts for 14.85 1100 Suits for SZS.OO S" ! rZ Xi2 22 8u" $40 Suits for SO Suits for $75 Suits for .S .10.00 Stl.25 $56.25 $160 suits for 1 12.RO $175 Suits for f 131.25 $250 Suits for $187.50 and 18 In-between qualities at proportionate in-between prices. Great Three-Day Reduction Sale of Fur Coats and Neck Pieces 9 Products of leading fur garment makers In Minneapolis, St. Paul and the east; owned by us and sold at lower prices than 'Us possible for any other local dealer to meet. No small dealer or maker could hope to compete such values. The Coats are In plain electric Seal, or nutria trimmed a few black trlmm&d cuffs, collars and fronts. $25.00 values; Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday $32.60 values; Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday $26.00 values; Monday, Tuesdsy and Wednesday $46.00 values: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday FUR NECKPIECES A special line, long or short, for three days only, re duced aa below. They are In electric Seal, with fancy sterling silver clasps. Blsck Coney, lined with handsome Siberian Squirrel, with cord and tails, also Sable and Isabella, Possum and Black Marten, lined and trimmed as above. For Mondey, Tuesday and Wednesday only $7 60 values, at MS.OO 116.00 $s.60 values, at S6.25 $i8.r,o $10.00 values, at $6.85 $20.00 112.10 values, at A LOT OF NEW RAIN COATS In a special three-day Sale Monday, Tuesday snd Wednesday nnl smartest new Raincoats that aver came to Portland Just In a lucky purchase, of our buyer recently New York. Medium weight. In swell, handsome cravenetted mixtures, beautifully tailored. Reduced $16 oo Raincoats for 510.95 $16.60 Raincoats for 512.45 $25 00 Raincoats for . $11.60 Raincoats for $11.45 $20.00 Raincoats for $14.65 $28.50 Raincoats for . . IN BOTH BLOUSE AND COAT EFFECTS. values, at values, at values, at $8.15 i marten 115.95 .24.35 126.25 .75 10.45 12.35 13.25 y. 200 of the returned from as printed. $18.50 $21.95 A Three-Day Sale of Tailored Waists $3.50 Values for $1.98 $5.00 Values for $2.45 Handsomely tailored Flannels, Alpacas and naw Granite Cloths; reds, tans, navies, blacks, grays, blues and browns, of sxqutalte workmanship and finish. Styles both plaited and tucked. Very smart and serviceable. Nl'RSES" RAINCOATS Just received. In blscks and, uavy bluet lightweight English Serge, nicely tailored. CHILDREN'S AND MISSES PRETTY PLAID WAISTS Just In. Of fleeced Serge, for scnoot. store, office or shop wear. In all tha stunning Tartan snd Highland rislds. All have fancy stocks sad pretty silk ties In colorings to match tha colors forming the plaids, N Millinery in Its New Home SIXTH ST. ANNEX SECOND FLOOR. Tha brightest daylight millinery store In tha city. The handsomest In all the west. Not wholly settled, but ready for business tomorrow morning. Special offerings for tha Informal openings. Photographs of MISS CATHRINB COUNTISS Ths popular actress and splendid woman. GIVEN ABSOLUTELY FREE! To the FIRST 200 LADIES making a purchase In the Millinery Depart ment on Monday, of no matter what amount, be It to or 160, we will pre sent free a beautiful cabinet photograph, largo site, of this charming ac tress. OTHER SPECIAL OFFERINOS FOR THE MONDAY THRONGS Your full choice of all our $1.00 and $1.25 untrlmmed Scratch Fait Turbans, Bailors and dress shapes, la black, blue, brown, gray, etc, Monday only 404 An odd lot of ready-to-wear Hats, slightly soiled In the moving; values to $2.60; your choloe, on Monday only, at 454 A lot of new White Hats, clean, "spick and span" Just from their dainty nests In tha boxes, mostly sailors; values In the lot to t.00; special, Monday only, for i .'.. 554 Choice of any Child's Hat In the Store, Including ready-to-wear and trimmed Hats, a big variety, ranging from 7 to to $10 00 each; all at, Monday H price. Choice of our entire elegant stock of regal Ostrich Plumas, In blsck. white and colors; Mondsy only, st H Stirring Opening Sale of the World's Best SHOES NEW SIXTH ST. ANNEX FIRST FLOOR. Handsome new Shoes of newest pat tern and In a new noma. Laird Schoo ner's snd Wright A Peters' famous pat tarn Shoes. ST to 53- Plngree's Shoes for men snd women, 53.50, 54, and $5- Tha Olorlas, Governors. Vogues and Protections. The "O. W. K." Shoes, snd these matchless bargains. $2.13 FOR MENS SHOES WORTH $3. 50, $4.00 AND $6.00100 pairs of Men's Shoes, In box calf, patent colt and vlct kid all the best makes, $.i so, 4 on and $6.00 values; special sale price, the pair 32.93 $3.(2 FOR WOMENS $6.00 AND $6.00 SHOES 626 pairs of Women's Shoes. In sll ths best leathers, hand-turned soles and medium round dressy toes, Louis heels; regular $6.00 and $6.00 values; special sale price la, the pair 32.92 $1.66 FOR WOMENS SHOES WORTH $3.60 670 pairs of Women's Shoes for general wear. In sll leathers; regular 13.00 vsltiea; special sale price, ' Pair 31.53 $2.5 FOR WOMENS $$.60 AND $4.00 SHOES 1,160 pairs of Women's Shoes, with matt or bright kid tops and calf, vlci kid or patent colt i vamps, patent or stock tips, military, Cuban or common senss heels; full round, medium or extra wide toss; regular $$.60 and 14.00 values; special sale price, the pair 53.58 WOMENS $1.60 HOUSE JtXIETTTES FOR 66o 400 pairs of Woman's House Jullsttea, In red or black felt; regular $1.60 value; special sale price. pair 7$c FOR WOMEN H SLIPPERS WORTH Women's House Slippers, values $1.00 a Pair v.... BOYS' SHOES 640 pairs of Boys Shoes. shoes. Bites m to 6Ml regular $2.60; Rises lSVt to I; regular $3.00; glass 11 to 1$; regular 11.76; $100 AND std $1 26 made of boa calf; $1.36-400 pairs The Greater Olds, Wortman C& King Store Directory Preserve for Reference FIRST FLOOR DRESS GOODS. SILKS LININGS, PATTERNS Fifth St. Annas. LINENS: South aisle, main floor. DOMESTIC8: Aisles to left of Fifth St. entrance. T MEN'S OUTFITTINGS: Blxth St. Annex "Man's Toggery Shop." JEWELRY AND LEATHER 3 GOODS Purses, wallets, bags, be its. etc.: Annex, Sixth at., main aisle through. NOTIONS: Main avenue through main floor. RIBBONS. LACES. EMBROID ERIES. GLOVES. HANDKER CHIEFS, UMBRELLAS, ETC.: Washington St. aisles, right oft Fifth St. entrance. SHOES: Naw Sixth St. Annas. SECOND FLOOR ' ENTIRE MAIN FLOOR THE BIO APPAREL SHOPS FOR WO- Msarr; : z SIXTH ST. ANNEX Millinery. Undermusllns, Petticoats. Royal Worcester Corset Salons and Art (poods. FIFTH ST. ANNEX Ladles' pub lie lavatories, millinery workrooms and sewing rooms. ( Very soon wtll ha sdded on main second floor a ladles' public tea room and rest snd writing r " ' 1 : THIRD FLOOR MAIN FLOOR China and Glass ware, Silverware, Cutlery, Lamps. Brlc-a-Brao. Household Hardware and business offices. SIXTH ST. ANNEX Stoves and Kitchen Furnishings. FOURTH FLOOR MAIN FLOOR Carpets. Ruga, and Portland's newest and largest permanent all-year-'rodnd TOY SHOP the home of SANTA CLAUS. SIXTH ST. ANNEX Beds and Bedding, Curtains; Draperies and yardage goods for same. FIFTH FLOOR MAIL ORDER DEPT. Carpet workrooms, lunch rooms 'employes), sample rooms and the new day nur sery for tha babies, (Open In a rew days.) sale prioa, taw I smsMstasfl fjssisaaSe&jw i fsf"5w3 WwaJWHsagf vrr Vote for Canal Model The composition contest for tha $36 In gold closes Saturday next. Compositions are coming In fast. All are a credit to their young writ era. More mention of these this week. The voting at 6 p. m. yester day stood: High School 127.328 St. Mary's Academy....... 116.744 Harrison School 100.771 Park School 76.606 Portland Academy 7.21 Atkinson School 37.016 Williams Avenue 27.171 Falling 34.134 Holtaday 20.666 Bunny side 18.706 Total vote 713.60S Special Sale of Fine Laces FIRST FLOOR. Tomorrow wa put on sale a splen did assortment Of beaut If Laces. All our Torchon, Venlae, Si Gaul Chantllly, aHovwr. net top, Bscu rlal. Point Gauss and Nottlngnum laces wlsl be on aala at special prices. Msny fine new patterns An excellent chance for lovers of handsome laces. Far Monday Bale they will be sold as follows: Regular Prices 26c. 15c, 50c. 76c, $1.00, 11.36. $1.60. $2 00. $.100. $4.00, $6.00 the yard. Special Prices 194 27 334 534 T54 544 51.13 31.30 2.20 33.00 53.75 the yard. The Men's Toggery Shop In naw quartos Monday Sixth Street Annex First Floor Opening Specials - atw FOR MENS FANCY BOX WORTH ISO a the beat Jc boon evwr sws ray ear span hag $a sj sag Wlfgl