Si JOOKWAL, PORTLAMP. ATUPAlr EVENING, NOVEMBER tt, HOI THE OREOON FOOTBALL HAS THE STAGE TODAY CHAMPIONSHIP MATCHES ON MANY FIELDS' RESULTS' OF COAST LEAGUE GAMES BOXINQ, RACING. BASEBALL ANp SPORTING If. J. A. . . I lkilflAtf Hy '':'VmB Hm llri'l ' fli v i WiLJB Jh ssslv 9 bbbKbbbbs I assaiSiBBBBBB alLQjjjl BBsaaujaBfSa sb S r 1 t ''5 bk YALE AGAINST SYRACUSE, FROM A PHOTOGRAPH TAKEN AT THEIR RECENT GAME. HIGH SCHOOL DOWNS MILITARY ELEVEN Clever Line Plunging of Goddell and Oberteuffer Responsible for Two Scores. HILL OUTWEIGHED BY HIGH SCHOOL ELEVEN Beauty of Game Marred by Dis putes and Presence of Spectators on Field. lng the ball before It Raa touched a third man. Piling up on a player after toe) ball baa bean declared dead. A aid loaaa II yards for Tripping, holding or unlawful use of hands or arms by the team In possession of the ball. Illegal running by the man receiving the ball from the snapper-back; that Is. the quarterback. Interference with fair catch. outside of distance penalties, dis qualification la given for unnecessary roughness. Yesterday's line-up was: High School. Hill Academy. Holcomb H. K. ......... . Mays Bradley L. rc Taylor Cason, captain Plnkham . . -Butler S m y the Jones i mk, Reed . . . . Ooodell Armstrong Oberteuffer ...R T ,...LT... . . . R Q....v m .Xa. G- swVwi . . . ... R. 11. - . L.H. French . Herbert Btackpole .'. . Fulton 8. French . . . Pease .. McCoy Flohrman . .. Smith The High school football eleven out. Classed and outplayed the Hill Military academy team yesterday afternoon by two touchdowns on Multnomah gridiron. Hill showed up in good form in the first naif, advancing the ball by steady plunges and an end ran by McCoy (or 76 yards before the high school boys took ths ball on downs. Afterwards the cadets could not make any consistent gains against their heavier opponents. High school started the second half with a rush and completely swept the cadets off their feet. The cadets tackled wildly and seemed to be up on ladders isvery time they attempted to down a runner. By steady strides through the Hill line outside of tackle and straight through center Oberteuffer and Uoodell advanced the ball for a touchdown, the former carrying the oval across the line Before the touchdown Hill showed a gpurt of good playing by advancing the pigskin 22 yards outslae of Holcomb, Mays carrying the ball, but after making a splendid game In the same place the cadets rumbled and High school rescued the ball on Hill's 45 yard mark, from where they carried it for a tally. Tan minutes later High school again crossed the goal line after a pretty display of tine bucking, Goodell making ths score. Both goals ware kicked. The feature of the match was the presence of the crowd on the field, which really made end running Impossible, and the continual wrangling when penalties were Inflicted. In the first half High school waa penalised twice for offside plays, and in the second half onos for holding in ths line. Hill suffering a loss of 6 yards for an offside play at the close of the contest. The sooner that the local academic elevens can play a football match without disputing every decision and dispense with the over sealous partisans on the field, the better It will be for the sport and the more it will be appreciated by the spectators. Of course, in the heat of a scrimmage with victory or defeat close at hand, a player may say things that he would regret afterwards, but the discipline of football should be Impressed upon the young men early in their career if they aver hope to shine at college. For the benefit of the football players of Portland the following distance pen alties ara published: A side loses five yards for Coaching or Infringement of any part of rule 17 (f). Delay of game. Interfsrenoe with putting the ball In pir. i Off side In the scrimmage. Starting before the ball Is put In play In the scrimmage. Violation of scrimmage rule as speci fied in rule 11 (b). Snapper-bsck off-side the second time In the same down. Paaslng or batting the ball forward. Unsportsmanllks conduct. Holding by defensive side of the player not carrying the ball. Snapper-hack or man opposite touch- he means scxrrs Your doctor says you must take cod Kver cel. Probably he means Scott's Emubiou be cause you cannot take the clear oil; no one can take the clear oil who needs cod liver oil. The doctor understands that and doubtless means Scott's Emulsion of cod liver oil which everybody can take because it is emulsified and prepared so that it can be very easily digested by the most sensitive stomach. Mot everybody likes it. Well ansa wss a ecorrsxwNi,st LOCAL INTEREST IS ON MULTNOMAH GAME This afternoon on Multnomah field the Albany football eleven will endeavor to trounce the Multnomah club team. Ths collegians are a strong and husky bunch and have a series of plays that will keep the club man busy to solve. The club men, however, are confident of vic tory. The game will be called at 3 o clock and Mr. Lonergan will referee. Hr. Hordman umpire. Mr. Fechhelmer and Mr. McAIpln timekeepers. The line up will be: Albany. Multnomah. Mack , lr . .' . . ft. - - Grieve-Kintnul Morgan .........Hd Seeley Butler , v. .. .LO. . Ross Dolan RT.... Klrkley Orlffith (capt) ... XT Stow Underwood II K. ....... Dowllng Francis I . B Jordan Babb ..QB . Kerlgan Salt marsh R H B. ........ Horan Leonard . LHB Corbett Englehart FB Dolph The M. A. A. C substitutes will be Bennett end Applegate. PITCHER JONES TOO CLEVER FOR BROWNS Los Angeles, Nov. 11. Jonas was tha whale show yesterday afternoon and Portland scarcely got a glimpse of ths performance. Shay took a punch at the umpire after a bad decision and waa ordered from tha grounds. Score: R. H. E Los Angeles ....401010 1 f 7 10 1 Portland 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 1 L I Batteries Jones and spies; Iberg and Frary. Umpire Perrtns. VAOXrZO OOABT LI AOTTB. CLUBS. Oakland ...... Los Angeles . Tieomn Settle Han Franciaeo Portland I 131 o .1 Bill 81.. 18 ! li. 7 12' 41 7 71 0 11 12'14i SO 8112 01 n ts ,v 14 .1577 .567 .557 .484 .4113 3M M'CARTHY AND GREEN TO BOX AT SPOKANE Washington Sports Are Evincing Great Interest in Coming Boxing Contest. (Journal Special Berries.) Spokane, Nov. 11. Interest runs big's. in the McCarthy-Oreen boxmg contest. which will take place at tha Auditorium November 21. This Is especially notice able among the members of the Spokane Athletic club, a large crowd or them watching Oreen work out every after noon at the club gymnasium. Green's work is a surprise to many of his observers, and Mark Bhaugbneasy, who Is training him in his go, has a hard time to keep up with the fast work of his protege. When he is not working out with Shaughnessy, ha Is working at the punching bag or skipping tha rope. The morning program includes a cross country trot of about nine miles. Jerry McCarthy haa arrived from Butte and Is in training here. McCarthy can enter the ring eaaily at 144 or 146 pounds, and In order to bring It down to 141, the weight at which the men are billed to box. he will have to put in a week of hard work. PIGSKIN WARRIORS HOLD SWAY TODAY (Journal Special Berries.) New York. Nov. II. The football aon for 1(04 approaches the apex of lta glory today with games among the big colleges and universities the country over. In the east, Columbia and Cornell meet in this City, Tale and Princeton at Princeton, Pennsylvania and the Carlisle Indians at Philadelphia, Harvard and Holy Cross at Cambridge, and Virginia and the naval cadets at Annapolis. The three big games scheduled for the middle west are Chicago and Michigan at Ann Arbor, Wisconsin and Minnesota at Min neapolis, and Illinois and Northwestern at Cranston. On the Pacific coast, Ice land Stanford and the University of California meet In their annual contest. WXmmS AT AQUEDUCT. (Journal Special Berries.) New Tork, Nov. II. Aqueduct re sults: Seven furlongs Palette won time, I.:".' 2-S. One mile Lord Badge won; time, 1:43 2-1. Oakdale handicap, six furlongs Jim Beattle won; time, .1:14 4-8. One mile and one furlong Ollsten won; time, 1:61 2-S. Five furlongs Trapper won; time, 1:00 1-6. One mile Alater won; time, l:4t 1-S. 1, (Journal Special Berries.) Whitman College, Walla Walla, Wash., Nov. II. The University of Idaho foot bali steam proved to be far too strong for the Whitman lads yesterday and ths locals went down before them to to 21 to 0 score. EVERETT STUDENTS PLAYING MARBLES High School Boys Resent Inter ference in Football by Resort ing to Marble Playijngf (Journal Special Berries.) tr.vorett Wash. Nov. 12. As the out come of the fight between faculty and students of the high school. Everett boys are playing marbles Instead of football, and are making tne sport, as noticeable as possible, in order to humiliate those who interdicted foot ball. Superintendent St. John says if the boys will live up to regulations be will offer nn nhlectlona to football, but hs cares little about the marbles attack. and Is not the least humiliated tnereDy. THE THOMAS STABLE TO BE SOLD TODAY (Journal Bpecisl Berries.) New York, Nov. 12. Horsemen nocked to the Aqueduct track today to attend the dispersal sale of the stable of race horses belonging to K R. Thomas. The horses to go on the block include all those that raced for the partnership be tween Messrs. Thomas and Shields, ex cept the 6-year-old horse Hermls and the 8-year-old colt Stalwart, which Mr. Thomaa will keep as his own property for breading purposes. The sale terminates the partnership between Mr. Thomas and Ale Shields, but under arrangements made. Trainer Shields will continue to handle tha Thomas stable, which the owner Intends to strengthen by purchasing desirable horses through tha winter and In the spring. ENTHUSIASM RUNS HIGH AT EUGENE PUGET SOUND VS. SECOND MULTNOMAH Portland Club Youngsters in Battle with Strong Uni varsrty Players. (Journal Special Berries.) Taooma. Nov. It. The Unlvsrsity of Puget Sound football team and the Multnomah Athletic club second eleven of Portland are engaged In a lively con test at the Eleventh street ball grounds this afternoon. Oame was called at I o'clock, with the teams lined up as fol lows: M. A. A. C. U. P. S. Anderson Jeffrey U c ......... . Clarke Murray .RT Cook Bersaneous ..HI Nloel Sterling L O. . Parcel Seeley LT Walton Montegane LB Noyes Smith QB Mathewa Alexander RH Teager Foley LH. ....... T. Green Austin FB C Olson heads." and If tha Agrlcs really think they are Invincible, as they seem to think they are, why not play against the smaller colleges that really have very creditable teams to place on the, grid Iron 7 Albany has a good team, consid ering ths smallness of the student body here, and Willamette university of Salem has a good team composed of fine sports men and coached by Blahop, whose fame as a football-player Is known from the Atlantic to the Pacific GREATEST PLAYER WAS KING KELLY Boxing Authority Claims pion Has No Excuse for Not- Fighting Johnson. (Journal Special Berries.) University of Oregon. Kugene., Nov. 1 9. Rv.rvthlna is In readiness for the big 'varsity game between Oregon and Washington this afternoon. Tne wasn lngton lads, accompanied by a crowd of rooters from Seattle, arrived here yes terday, and the admirers of old Oregon are coming to town In droves and In dications point to a record crowd at the ..m. ThMa elevens are rewarded ss being equally matched and the rivalry between mem is intense, w. i.uu Thompson and Chauncsy Bishop will be the officials. IJTIBFOOL FI.A1 (Journal Special Barries.) London, Nov. II. Wild Lad, with W. Baxby up, won the Liverpool cup at the Liverpool fall meeting yesterday. Flower-Seller waa second, and Vrll third. OOtf J (Journal Bpecisl Berries.) Colfax, Wash., Nov. II. The Colfax high school eleven defeated the Cheney normal school team yesterday by a score of to 0. ALBANY COLLEGIANS SORE AT C0RVALLIS (Journal Special Service.) Albany, Or., Nov. 12. The recent dls cVsslon In the Portland papers regarding the peculiar actions of the Agricultural college team from Corvallls has natu rally attracted soms attention here, ow ing to the fact that thla city is near Cor valls, and that the team from Albany college was unable to secure a game with Corvallls this fall, aftsr dsfeatlng ths Agrlcs two years in succession. Early last fall, when the team here was first organised, Manager Stewart tried to book a game with Corvallls, but he waa pufoff on one pretext or another. Finally Captain Orlffith and Under wood, both members of the team, drove to Corvallls and saw Manager Plnklng ton, of the Farmers' team. In reference to securing a data But no satisfaction was secured af that time, nor was the local organization abls to secure a date since that time. Mr. Underwood, In dis cussing ths matter with the correspond ent of The Journal last evening, stated that hs himself hsd talked with Plnklng ton at that time and had met with fail ure. The report from Corvallls In one of the Portland papers last Tuesday stated that at no time had Albany asked for a game with Corvallls. This Is certainly untrue, and It is a dark spot on the es cutcheon of the Agricultural college which allows the representative of its big athletic organisation to use such means In trying to square Its unwarrant ed action. But worse is charged against the Corvallls people Mr. Underwood claims that he himself has seen a latter from the manager of the Corvallls team to ths manager of ths university of Ore gon team urging the latter not to give Albany a date this year. The action of the Corvallls team In canceling Its date Is derided here, and It Is generally looked upon ss evidence of "cold feet." The defeat of ths Utah team by ths Corvallls organisation is not sufficient for that team to get "swelled lost M..41l4S)4B4t!613hll. Jonas Was ths Goods. Frestto. Cel., Nov. 12. Jones of Oak land blanked the Ttgsrs up to the ninth, when Lynch's home run netted three tallies. Oakland, however, had plenty runs to spare. Score: R H. K Oakland 11000601 08 16 1 Tacoma 00000000 3 I 8 8 Batteries Jones and Byrnes; Thomas and Hogun. Umpire Brown, Seals Win m ninth. Ban Francisco, Nov. 12. An error by Delmas in the ninth gave 'Frisco the only and winning run of the game. Both Hall and Barber pitched brilliant ball. Score: R H F Seattle 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o T i San Fran 00 000 0 0 001 I 1 Batteries -r C. Hall and Blankcnshtp; Barber and Oorton. Umpire McDonald. (Journal Bpecisl Berries.) San Francisco, Nov. 12. The new Cali fornia Jockey club Inaugurates Its win ter racing season at Emeryville track, Oakland, this afternoon. An attractive program has been arranged, the feature of which will be the Opening handicap, In whlck arc entered soms of the beat known harses on the turf today. K C. Hopper Is presiding judge and Richard Dwyer will do the starting. T A WOE at BESTS M MAKABA. (Journal Special Berries.) Peoria. Nov. 12. Referee Lynch Inter, fered In the third round of the Benny Tanger-Wlllle McNamara bout last even ing and awarded the contest in Tanger. McNamara waa outclassed and was clearly defeated when the bout waa stopped. Austin Rice and Terry Free man boxed a six -round draw aa a pre. llmlnarjr. AN AUTO TRAGEDY. Mr. Shofer Watch Me Scatter That Bunch of Football Backs. 0 0''!i Charley Arfback 8ay, Fellows. Didn't You Hear a Noise? From the Chicago News. Ten years -ago last Thursday Michael J. Kelly died In Boston, Mass. A de cade has not produced the equal of "King Kelly." Great base runners, great catch ers, great batters, great "inside play ers, tricky players, emergency players, great coaches have come, but In no one man haa there been combined the quali ties of greatness on the ball field that belonged to the king pin of the dia mond the incomparable Mike Kelly. No man has earned the great national pop ularity among sport lovers that Kelly attained. There are several times as many baseball enthusiasts today as there were in Kelly's time, and local baseball tdola exist in many cities. Boston has Collins and Cy Toung. New York has Mathewson. McQlnnlty and Chesbro; Chicago has Jones and Kllng; Cleveland haa the greatest of present players in mere playing ability. Lajole, but none of these players approaches Kelly In the degree of popularity attained on ball fields outside of his own city. Kelly was everywhere a drawing card, a "mark" for the fans. The serious de votees of the game cheered him. the sarcastic brigades in the bleachers Joshed him, merely to hear his witty replies, and everybody liked to see him play ball. Collins, Toung, Jones and others have made warm friends, who admire these men for their quiet earnest ness and devotion to the success of the team, and for thstr sklfl. but they lack the vivacity and daring possessed by "Kel." They have no witty sallies In stock with which to reply to the blesch erltesr Jones and' Chesbro snd Kltng have proved resourceful during the thick of a game when a quick idea haa turned the tide of victory, but none of them Is more so than waa Kelly, who originated many of the fine points In the professional game that are now a part of the regular play. Kelly, too, was a good fellow off the diamond, and popu lar with the players, managers and magnates. He was generous and a spend thrift He hsd a great weakness that was more or less accountable for his death, his overconvlvia! habits, but even In this respect he served baseball a good turn, for his example in this particular became a warning to other brilliant ball players, and drinking among profes sionals of the dlsmond has declined to a minimum. AUSTIN SAYS JEFF SHOULD FIGHT JAI COLORED MAN WILL INSIST ON CON" Recent Splendid Showing Challenger Makes Him Appei as Most Formidable Man. RILEY GRANNAN AND HIS FAMOUS BOOK Riley Qrannan haa made a good deal of turf history in his time, but there Is one tale of his many doings thst has not been printed. It occurred In the early days of RUey'a career when he waa booking for W. SI Applegate. There was a five-furlong dash on the card, and a horse by the name of Jim Gray ws a hot favorite, opening at 1 to 2. He was a very fast horse, but somewhat of a bad actor. That made Qrannan let out a link, and he boosted the price a bit. When they went to the post he laid 4 to IT, and. after they got to post and Jim was acting bad he laid even money. The race was st Little Rock, and Riley asked one of the natives: "Is Jim Gray a good horse?" "Can run five furlongs in s minute," wss the answer. Orsnnan rubbed the figures out on his slate snd then chalked up to I sgalnst the horse to win to S a place and ( to t to show. He had his fellow bookmakers gasping, ss they could not figure out whst Qrannan was driving at. The flag droned and Jim Gray was left at the post, and then It dawned on the book makers what Riley had been delng. As soon as he found out that he was in bad laying against tha horse that ought to win sure, but might not get oft. he, lust laid t to 6 that he would not get oft. Those that were at the meeting say that the natives never got ovsr that book, and at every meeting held at Lit tle Rock some bewhlskered individual would bob up with the tale of Riley Grannan's wonderful book The inaugural game of association football will be played this afternoon at Hawthorrte park between clubs se lected from the following players: Sea men's !ntltute-. Psllant. captain; W. M. Porteous, R. Bain. M. Bell, T. Lowe. F. Bnsor. D. French. J. MscdonaM. T. Dee. C. H. Ashley. J. Devlin and Rev. GL C Hrure. Portland association team Wilder. Gilford. Rae. Webbe, Honey man, Brennan, Cormaok. Gray, Rylance. Dickson. Macklc and Gavin. Jim Jeffries' lament over not able to find an opponent worthy of consideration would be silenced In order. If he would sidestep his dices snd agree to fight a black says Bam Austin. Jack Johnson, big negro heavyweight, whipped Ed Martin again the other night. a manner which qualified him for tie with Jeff, and he and his Immediately started a campaign it Is believed will ultimately lead championship fight. In the bout Martin, Johnson won by the kno route in two rounds. The end from a punch on the Jaw with the rig Martin went down heavily and was for nearly 10 minutes. In fact, the was such a stiff one that the police I come alarmed and held Johnson us Martin recovered. There was nothing In the mill Johnson. In ths first round Martin ; several ineffectual leads, and Jons poked him on the nose. When the sounded Martin was very groggy. the second, after receiving a oouple hard smashes in the stomach. MS wss assv. Johnson' Immediately issued a efca lenge to meet Jim Jeffries for heavyweight championship. After contest Johnson said: "I will not rest until public opia forces Jeffries to recognise my claim a fight with him. His drawing ths line is all bosh. His fsmous battle Peter Jsckson out here, his fight Bob Armstrong In New York, and tussle with Hank Griffin, all n makes his drawing the color ridiculous. Jeffries says when a comes along better than Bob Fit mons he will fight again. Wall, I better men than Bob Fltsalramona, knocked out George Gardner, Fltsalmmons was unable to accompli I have never been defeated and am 1 one man in the world fit to make Je extend himself to ths limit. Johnson's line of argument la tlvely true and by every law of and fairness and gameness he has right to claim a fight with ths boll maker. Johnson showed wonderful class wl he knocked out Martin, a pows negro pugilist, who csn fight III demon. It was the Jeff-Munroe all over again. Johnson was as fast an electrlo spark, and as full of ns i i'0-h.irsepowcr automobile. advices say that Johnson looked bit a whirlwind heavy of the kind would make Jeffries fight for his life. Jeffries has no right to araw color line. This crude, uncouth. popular giant fought Jackson, old world-weary; Hank Grtrtln. a rater, and Bob Armstrong, who him for 10 rounds. This trio black. Why will he not give Johnson i match? Here Is a man who can na and Is ready and willing to do so. Jeffries doesn't defend his but rather arbitrarily determines he has the bast right to say whom shall fight. "I do not care whether Johnson the Japanese array." he says, "I repeatedly declared that so long as In the fighting business I will make a match with a black man. negroes may come and the negroes go, and some of the negroes may be cellent fighting men. Just tell the lie thst James J. Jeffries hss mad his mind that he will never put oa Ing gloves to give battle to aa oplan." And there you are. BAXS VTflVAtTBD BIOOSD. (Journal Ssertal Berries.) Memphis Nov. 12. The crack trolt mare. Lou Dillon, broke the worwa naced mile trotting record yest whtti driven hy Mlllai 1 Ssnnders covered th distance In MO WATT AND iT OBiW. (Joarnal Special Berries.) Milwaukee. Wis.. Nov. 12 Tommy Mnwatt of Chicago and Charlie Neary of Milwaukee fought six fast rounds to a draw before the Badger Athletic club last evening. BLOOD POISON I- la Ul i. 1 Arck l RIOOD ovist. I PwUsBd