.. ' " ' i ALFALFA IS KI IRRIGATION IS THE POWER BEHIND THE THRONE $5.00 Down and $1 per month, for 30 months, will secure you one acre of Alfalfa. One acre of Alfalfa will produce from 5 to 8 tons per year. The average price of Alfalfa is $7.50 per ton. Join our cooperative syndicate and buy as many acres as you can. $5.00 Of all the forage plants, alfalfa Is the SI!!.1 wondrful- Aa crop for Irrigated swetlone. It easily stands at the bead, the yield of hay bains beyond the compre hension of those who are not familiar with Its growth. It la a perennial plant, and produces on irrigated ground throe good crops a ysar. with a total yield per acre of five tons, while six and eight are often secured. In Crook county It is the staple hay and green-feed crop, and yields quickest returns. The first year It is sown with oats, wheat, barley or rye, and these yield a splendid oxop. The next year alfalfa yields abundantly from two to thro crops. After that it is food for two crops par season, with plenty for fall pasturage. It la relished by and fattens all kinds of stock, In cluding hogs, cattle, sheep and horses, and even hens, turkeys and ducks. Pound for pound. It Is mora nutritious than red clover or any grass. Irrigated land with a well-established crop of alfalfa will furnish a net mini mum income of from 116 to 110 per acre. Twenty acres In alfalfa, under wise management, will yield a cash in come sufficient to support a family. Tear by year the free rang for grazing stock Is being out down, and the demand for alfalfa becomes greater. Stockmen and sheepmen pay from 96 to 120 per ton for alfalfa hay in the stack, accord ing to the supply obtainable. mat warn rtrmi. No stream in the world used for Irri gation has such remarkable features as the Deschutes, the source of supply for the canals of the Deschutes Irrigation Power company. The Deschutes, one of the largest. If not the largest. Interior river, has its beginning in the perpetual snow fields of the eastern slopes of the Cascades, and flows' northerly 100 miles parallel with the mountains. Its entire course above our diverting point being highest and most Important parts, for tunately are Included within the Cas cade range forest reserve, established by an act of congress. Thus the source of the Deschutes Is forever pro tec tad. This stream possesses peculiar advantages from an irrigation standpoint, la the uniformity of flow of a large volume of pure, clear, soft water. The variation between its highest and lowest stages is not more- than It inches. This Is ex plained because of its velocity. Its free dom from lea, the dense forest shading the snow In the timbered district from sudden melting in the spring, the natu ral drains caused by the lava subsoil holding back the spring floods and act ing as reservoirs, which automatically feed out water when the river begins to fall In the summer; and because, the hotter the summer sun, the greater ths melting of the snow. CKT. fJBMsfBMswiTaT'B OFXJrXOaT. After visiting these lands as a mem ber of the Oregon state land board, Gov ernor O. B. Chamberlain says: "I believe that .three years from now st least 160.000 acres of desert land wUl be under actual cultivation, and there is a possibility of Irrigating at least 3t0. 000 acres more with water taken from the Deschutes river. It is s magnificent stream, and water taken therefrom at an altitude of 4,600 feet will irrigate lands to the north, northeast and north west to the -extent of 100,000 or 400,000 acres. Ths land gradually slopes In those directions from the point where the water Is taken from the river, -and the grade Is easy. Cost wax Be nil "The result will be that the popula tion of Crook county will rapidly in crease, and its wealth In the same pro portion. All these lands will raise at least two crops of alfalfa every season. Alfalfa forms the most profitable crop; besides, all the cereals will grow on this irrigated land. It will cost the settler prices not much in excess of $10 per acre, with, an actual charge of SI per acre for water. "if results In Oregon are to be meas ured by those obtained in Idaho, it Is safe to predict that within a few years these lands will enhance in value from 176 to $100 per acre, I do not believe there Is a county In the state whose prospects ere brighter than those of Crook county." QATXOB. The yield of irrigated land is much greater, and the quality of the product Is much superior to that of other land. Supplied with water, tills land will sur pass the most profitable farming land in the humid states, 300 to (00 bushels of potatoes per acre, 40 to 80 bushels of wheat 60 to 100 bushels of oats being ordinary yields. Land sown to alfalfa is made to yield on an average of five tons of hay per acre, besides leav ing excellent pasture for fall and winter purposes. Clover, timothy and blue grass also yield proportionately big, and . there Is always a good and profitable market for all kinds of hay. OUR PROPOSITION We ara offering the Deschutes I. P. Co's lands for sale In 6-acre tracts at $35 .per acre, pay able as follows: $6 down and II par month for SO months. Whan series A, consisting of 190 acres, shall all have been sold the- subscribers to the series will choose a representative who. In company with a member of Deschutes Irrigation Syndicate, will visit the lands and select the 10 acres sold and to be Improved. A contract will than be entered Into for the tract and the first payment made thereon out of the proceeds of the sales of the series. The company will proceed to fence the tract with a good, substantial post and 3-wlre fence, clear and plow the land and seed It the first year to alfalfa and grain, and construct the laterals and distributing ditches for properly Irrigating the crop, and care for and harvest the- same. The second and third years the alfalfa will be properly irrigated nd harvested, and each year the crops will be disposed of In open market to the best possible ad vantage, and at the end of the third year one half of the entire net proceeds of the three crops, after deducting; the coat of production and fencing, will be returned to the subscribers pro rata as a dividend. At the expiration of 10 months, or when all the Installments shall have been paid, each subscriber will receive a warranty deed for his land free from ail incumbrances. While' the company does not undertake to guarantee any specified amount in the shape of dividends. It Is confidently expected that the dividend will not be teas than $26 per acre, and should present prices continue the dividend, would easily repay the Investors' entire ouUay, leaving the im proved land as a clear profit. EVERYBODY CAN JOIN OUR SYNDICATE AND SHARE IN THE PROFITS. Men and women of moderate means; merchants, clerks and. In fact, anyone able to meet our liberal terms can get from 1 to 40 acres of selected alfalfa land that we will Improve, fence. Irrigate and plant to alfalfa and wheat and apply the profits from crops on payment of this land. WE ARE SURE THAT ONE THIRD OF THE PRICE WILL BE REFUNDED TO YOU FROM CROPS BY TIME PAYMENTS ARE COMPLETED, BUT IF PRICES KEEP UP TO THE PRESENT PREVAILING PRICES ON ALFALFA WE MAY PAY IT ALL BACK TO YOU. Under our safe, sure co-operative plan you can pay $6.00 down and $1.00 per acre monthly on K many acres as you can swing, and at the end of thirty months you get deed to land and your are of poof Its of crops raised on the land while you are making these payment. HOW IT FIGURES OUT AND WHAT $10 MONTHLY WILL ACCOMPLISH. Suppose you are working every day and could not go out on land to Improve and cultivate It; yet you knew that the same lands In famous Yakima Valley were worth from 1100 to $600 per acre and that our lands would be worth that In the near future; suppose you paid first payment of $6.00 per acre on ten acres And $10 per month afterwards for to months you would pay In all $350. And it Is safe to say that this same land would then bring $1,000 from advance In value alone. But beat of all It would be Improved, put under irrigation and cultivated and the crops raised on ' It would be worth (we estimate) not less than $300 and aa much as $600, and you would get that In cash along with deed to land, making the land coat you little If anything. "The land we are offering for sale Is about 66 miles from the terminus of the Columbia Southern Railroad, at Shaniko, Oregon. This road will In the near future be extended to a point near these lands, thus opening a splendid market for all farm products. In addition to which there Is at home In the Deschutes country an Immediate market for all the country will be able to produce for years owing to rapid settlement and lumbering Interests. Besides, stockmen rake the country every fall as with a fine comb for hay for winter feeding, driving cattle to the alfalfa stacks. Those In city or who wish to Investigate fur ther can do so by making appointment per this coupon. In evening when necessary.. TO I am Interested In your offer and want to reserve acres, pending further In vestigation. can meet yew at your office at P. Mf on . . m mm . . . . Date. Signed Street Address Series No. 1 will Re first to enhance In value, and In order to get In . on this series cut this coupon out and mall at once. TO DE8CHUTE8 IRRIGATED LAND SYNDICATE. I inelose $5.00 per acre for acres of series No. 1. Please send duplioata con tract far signature and full particulars. Signed , Address ...... HOW YOUR PROFITS ABE FIGURED The first year the land will be seeded to alfalfa, with wale will be sows rye, wheat or oats, alfalfa net producing a orop of amy eoaseqaeaoe the first sea son, as It requires two years to be come properly rooted. This orop of grata will be worth at least 17-80 per aore. The two following years the land will produce at least live sobs a year per acre, or 10 tons, witch at the present prices would bring la the stack $160 or $75 per acre each year. At IS per seat on aa investment, this would make this laad worth $300 aa acre. Sat at the usual prices these figures would he out ta half and even at that each year's orop would be worth $37.60 per acre, which, added to the grata orop, would total for the three yean $88.50 per aore. We estimate that the total cost of producing these three crops, tnnladrsg all lmprove- f or the laad, will amount to $80 of $08.60 per aore to be a rafted equally be- xjuts to cost of BOBaCAX. gUK or TOT TO OOB91BOB TOO or teui rriTnmn, SO. Ton cannot miss the chance bow offered the first to isSnis and only one that wfU be TUI1TI OT IMtUB afford to you to obtain a which will he probably the off aad favorable OT There la no reason why this land should not show a very large Increase n value during the next few years, as lands of a similar character but In leas favored parts of ths Pacific northwest are now selling for $100 per acre more. Keep In mind the fact that this la net a rough wilderness, but an exceedingly fertile tract of land capable of high cultivation. The profits from It are limited only by the purchaser's energy. The following Is an extract from a let ter written by K W. Thatcher, chemist of the Washington Agricultural college at Pullman, Wash.: "REPOHTS Or RESULTS. OK ANAJ TBI8: Shows the soil to be richer In potash, lime and humus than the Yak ima valley soil. The fertility extends to a good deptb, the sub soil at three that being almost as rich as the surface soil. This soil Is similar to but better than Yakima valley soil." Inasmuch as the Yakima valley has long been considered the richest valley in the Pacific northwest, we consider this letter of great importance, aad coming as It does from a rival state. It la of more than usual significance. The Increase In the value of land by irrigation Is well illustrated In the case of W. T. Shaw of Freewater, Or. Seven years ago he bought a quarter einllnsi of land In the raw state for $(60. It was necessary for him to borrow $1(0 on the laad In order to make the pay ment, and he searched In vain for a bank In the country that would take a mortgage on the quarter section for the $360. finally being compelled to go to a personal friend' and borrow the money on other security. He immediately be gan the reclamation of the land y alow degrees, and baa seeded one half of It to alfalfa, besides planting an orchard and otherwise improving It. Just six years from the time he waa refused a loan of $360 on the 1(0 acres, he waa offered 33.320 for It. aa a result of putting water on it and making it productive. Settlers In the Vlneland country, near Lewlaton, Idaho, have grown Independ ently rich in five years. Lands that were comparatively cheap five and six years ago have sold for 31,000 per acre ad joining the town. These were fully im proved with orchards and vineyards. One' crop from a 10-acre apple and peerh orchard near Yakima, Wash., netted Its proprietor enough to pay off a mort gage based on a valuation of (360 per acre, and left him enough In the bank to build a- new $3,600 home for his family. Deschutes irrioated land OREQOINIAIN BUIUDIINQ, PORTLAND, OREGON SY Telephone Main 2498 418 N DIC ATE Office Hours: 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Invest in that great industrial center ST. JOHNS Realty will (tabic ii value within one year's time. giro Lots 60x100, only 4 blocks from the business section of St. Johns. 9480 looxioo. overlooking the river. asso 100x100, close in. $575100x100. only $ blocks from the WF sawmills. y 1 1 S9 50 60x133. modern 6-room house. bbcb lots, Shepard & Tufts Whose, Scott fATB BBC 4061. fit. Johns, Or. Fine Multnomah . County Farm ITS well 160 acres highly cultivated fenced and cross-fenced; fine. large house, nne Darns, rarauy orch ard watered by well, springs and Stream; land corners to station on electric road; fronts on fine, level drive road, miles east of Portland. This Is one of the choice farms of Multnomah county. If you want something nice, see thla HENKLB ft BAKER 17 Ablngton Bldg., Portland. Or. 930-AOBB STOCK T There are 100 acres meadow. 100 acres pasture. 200 acres marketable timber and 120 acres of brush; farm buildings, garden and fruit trees. It is 14 miles Tom Vancouver, In Clarke county, and lu miles to railroad station; pays good interest on Its price $30 per acre. Also 600 acres of woodland; pasture int-med.a.e.a-ntecre, goi McKay 3ttdtf, Oor. Third and Stark. For Sale 190 lOBM Homestead claim, 7 miles from R. R. and county seat, 1 mile to logging stream; road to place; cabin built; will arulse 3.000.000 feet fir; a snap, at $160. 190 AUsVBSJ Homestead claim. 3 miles to R. R. Station; 6 acres slashed; 2 seeded; 2 acres in, cultivation; 40 acres easily cleared; about 30 acres piling and saw timber: double log house; about 3 tons Chlttlm bark: 49 rods picket fence; 400 pounds fence wire: good cook stove, cook ing utensils, dishes, couch. 2 sets wire springs, combination mattress, pillows, bed clothes, tools for work ing place, all nearly new; young mare and saddle. All for 3600. 11-BOOM house on Overton street; ce ment walk; street graded. Price $3,100. Maxwell & Burg 331 Ablngton Bldg.. Portland, Or. LOOK HERE And then decide whether these STTTOBS are not better than your MQ3TKT IK BAJTM TO K Bargains in Rooming Houses 9 900 I rooms, low rent; rooms all on one floor. 25 rooms, low rent. This Is a good-paying bouse. 30 rooms, centrally located, all full; good buy and lease. 44 rooms, lease to 1999 ; rent $76. This is a money-maker. 8 rooms, low rent, with lease for one year. 36 rooms. 2 blocks of Portland hotel, west; lease. This Is a snap. I also have boarding-houses, large and small. In all parts of city, and at all kinds of prices; also cigar stands, saloons, restaurants, barber shops, boot black stands and bakery shop. WALTER Am GREEN i. Commercial Wag-. 3Kata lege. K Lots 4OI10O, 980 to 1135. ERN PAR On 39. Boot aieotrto Mas Sycamore Real Estate Co. MeH Morrison gtreet. K A Choice Corner South of Jefferson street on Park, at a bargain. See It. W. 3M9SS3EB, room 4 41. Diag., Sherlock bi 83 U Third St. KHTI 90 1 ERN IB Pine Boas Bush OP. 40 by loo feet. PAR Bushes Free to Bvery Buyer. 1U LOT 30L9 OK k In platting the beautiful field which lay between the original plat of Kern Park and Next to the Car Line We want to attract flower rovers, and those who take an interest In beautifying their home grounds. In addition to twelve roses free to every buyer from now on. we will also glvs V $250 IN PRIZES from $6 to $36 for the best lawns, best gardens, etc. Those who have already bought, as wsll as those who shall hereafter buy, may compete for these prises. Oet off at KKBK PABX BTATXOK on ST. SOOTT OAS LnT9. 9460 bays 2- lots 100x109 In "Henry's rum aqo. n. TOO for 9 lots in same, very sight Ij ground, right on car line: water plpei to your door; all this side of wood stock. M00 burs 5 acres of aloe, level around In DeLashmutt & Oatman's Little Homes no. I, close to the car line. 9850 will hay the aloes 19 acres ta uai tract, within coo reet or the sta tion, bordering on Johnson creek, aad z county roaos, in nne condition. of 91,350 hays a 10 as re piece ea Barnes road, Just i miles west the Industrial fair ground. 91050 a fine "buy" of a quarter, soxioo, on Vancouver ave., close 10 car 93.300 wtU make you the "happy of 190 acres of timber land as lag, within aoo foot of the ear line. For particulars call on Julius Kraemer OXAX SEE THE HOUSES GOING UP. AT WEST Piedmont Streets are now being graded, water mains oroereu iaia. tne railway com- paur via wrn is wen unaer way. LOT 90x100 $200 Each and Upwards Eay Terms ) . Perfect Title TitleGuarantee&TrustCo. 7 Chamber of Commerce. NEW HVE.ROOM COITAGE Modern In every respect, hot and m water, bath, toilet and plumbed for gas; nne location. In Sunny side, on Bast Mad ison street. Only 91,900. Terms. PATTBBaOK a STBWABT. 10OO , Belmont St, Phone Union 931. Business and Rea Estate Chances -room modern house, with fire place and 13 acres Of land. barn. chicken-house, fruit trees and shrubbery; 1 mile from Oregon uity, on electric oar line, 3 mm utes walk to mills; part cash la Bast Portland Keurhta. Arista. 4-room house and lot 60x100. at Stewart Park, 3100 down, $10 per month. Why pay rent? I KOatB near Mount Tabor, with IX lota, carriage shed and chicken-house, fruit trees and shrubbery, at a bargain. 6 and C-room cottages, on pay mento of $50 to 9100 down and 310 per month. BA and complete lumbering out fit, with tract of timber land at a oar gain. Archer Place On llniint RVnt f r$r Itnet 90 m 1 nut 1 roni Duvintjfjn crjnier. now ib inr umo A asvttiwa, (Ate In hiss Kasnllfiil a A Ait Inn a,u sovuiw tuts ! iiiid uvcauvsaws auuitivu b mm . 1, mo uuwii. mo yer uiuu in. Pacific laid Investment Company 19T", PlTSt Street, Boom 7. GOOD BUY! Full lot with good building on Wash ington street Pay a Good Inter est on the Price $16.000 THE HEALY INVESTMENT CO. 910-914 Ablngtost 100 Third 9)9. Homebuilders and Speculators . Your Attention I TVi not fall to carefully examine WAiKTJT PABK property It Is lo cated on the moat sightly table land be tween the rivers ana on both car lines. No question Walnut Park will become the most valuable resident property In the city of Portland. Prices most lib eral. Terms cash; monthly or quar terly payments. Do' yourself a kindness by calling or sending for WALNUT PARK maps. REMEMBER, I have many more choice bargains In Portland property. W. M. KILLINGSWORTH Beal Batata Sealer. sew a EXCHANOE Four new dwellings, well rented: will trade for a farm. HBNKLE ft BAKER IT Abtagtoa Bldg., Portland. Or. r 1 EVELYN Heart of Celebrated Mt. Scott Dis trict 25 Minute from First Street lit. Scott Car , 5-Cnt Fare. One car fare and transfers will soon carry you to the limits of all Portland car lines. I ELECTION Is over and four yean of PROSPERITY Is assured and now is the time tm get you a HOME and quit the rent leak forever. Wa have two 4-room cottages that wo will sell you for less than you area paying out each month in rente, Come and aee us today. These houses are within half a block of the Mt. Scott car line and a great buy. Arleta Land Co. Successors to Potter ft Chapln. 846 STARK STREET. Ten Cents a Day For choice building lots. $3 down and $3 a month. They are selling fast and you'll get no more at these prices and terms. Alleys, water mains, all city conveniences. Agent on (round. City office open evenings. GEO. W. BROWN Room 903 Failing Bldg. Phone Main 9I9B. V... Farm Bargain 100 ACBBS All chotoe land; no gravel; 75 acres cultivated; 8-room modern Elastered house, concrete basement, all. pantry, closets, bath, etc.: nloa barn, rustic and painted red; house and barn nearly new; 10 cows, 3 calves. 8 hogs, some chickens, teem harness, wagon, covered hack, plow, harrow, rake, mower, cream seaev rator: 40 tons hay, 499 bushels po tatoes: 10 mMes from Portland, on nice, level road all way out: 1V9 miles from electric Una. Price for alt, 310.&9O. HENKLE ft BAKER IT Ablngton Bldg., Portland. Or. East Side Home . 1 ga A very good has brick basement aad up- nm: ths lot is extra large, naving so reet rroatage; feet condition; near good school aad Kast Ankeny aad I, Room 999 to-date plumbln e. havlna 99 f both the house and grounds are la per car line, oetween Kiimalde sts. W. Sherlock bldg. S3 Third A. F. SWENSS0N ft C&, USBd IB, 94 of 'inheritances ana MttHaa la European eowstrtes. Beal 7 -room house 1 Bfl I 1 I srw3WwBssBwBW -JjB . S-BB ' JsBwBwBwBwBwBwBwal