The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 11, 1904, Image 19

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tot a. c&afiw o kichsrds. no u. lot m!
119 36; lot 37. Joha H. George. llfTST lot
38. Melvlu C. George, 111.IJ8, lot , Melvlu
U. fesurge, 118 So; lot 80, Melrlu C. Oeorge,
.: lot 81, Melrtu 0. Oeorge, all
of lot aa wept south 83.84 feet. Mslrtn O.
souib M M feet lit 83. UaitUn S. Cotton.
aavlnga Trust
lot iu, mamn u. ueorg. X7.70: lot is.
Melvln 0
ucerge. T.TUi lot 13, Mtnu c.
Oeorge, 111.00;
lot 14. Melvln C. Unn.
11.10; lot IB, Melvlu C. Oeorge. $11.10: lot
0. Melvln C. George. 114.30. BLOCK 00.
NK g Ml 1, Melvln c
Meiun c. teeorge,
jeorge, iu no.
A 'fruit Gomnsny
100 test Of Mock 1. Walter V. Smith, $U.0Oi
eaat V. or block a. Waltar v. Smith, soa mi.
A parcel of laud Irlua between, the weeterlr
Una Of TwentleOl llmt and a line 100 teat
weeterlr therefrom and parallel therewith
and batwetn tk. north Una of Clifton .treat
tad a Una $30 feat northerly therefrom and
parallal therewith. Waltar T. Smith. 1U4.40.
All of block 6t), Carter's addition to tie til
of Portland, except east 40 feet, Amanda W.
Seed SaUte, Belra ef. $23.10; eaet 40 feat of
pock at. Carter', addition to tke city of
Portland, It. Lea Barnee, $11.00. BLOCK
MVt, lot 1. Central Treat Investment Com-
unr 111 DO- l,,t 9. I'.ntr.l Tru.t A lnvest-
compeny, tll.w; lot a, niiaasem m.
Smith 111 OO: lot a Elisabeth B. Smltb,
$11.00; lot 6. L. M. Sborno, $11.00: eouth
U lot t, L. If. Bhorno, $8.60; north Vt lot 8,
Georgia K Nottingham. 88. Bu; lot 7,
Osurals R. Nottingham, $11.00; lot . Ooorgls
R Nottingham, $11.00. BLOCK 67. lot 1,
fraacU leal, $11.00; lot 2. rrancla BeatJ,
$11.00; lot 1, Mae rf. Card well. $11.00; let
a. Josephine C. Child, $11.00: lot 8, It- B.
Lltt, $fl.00; lot 8. A. B. Lit t, $11.00: lot
T. Sarah N. Hill, $11. 00; lot 8.
Sank at. Hill, $11.00. BLOCK 88. weet tt
let 1. Charlea P Bacon Batata, Belra of. weat u. lot . Charlea P. Bacou Ba
tata. Helre of. $5 50; eaat H lot L J. 1,
Haeeltlue rt ai. lo.BO: ea.t
lot 3, J. A.
K Thomaa.
ttulM.. . ft. in. In, e W " mt, mil . v,
an no- lw a w Thomas.
$11.00; lot 0,
fi. B Grabbora, 111.00; lot d, H. 11. Orabborn
$11.00; let 7. Northern Counties luveetiuent
Trust. Ltd., $11.00; lot 8, Northern Countlee
Investment Tru.t. Ltd., n.oo. w-ui-a ,
let 1, W. B. Ttomss, 111.00; lot 2, W B.
Thorn... $11.00: lot S. W. B. Thorn.., $1100;
lot 4, W. K. Tboaaaa, $11.00: lot 6, W. K.
Tbomae. $11.00: lot a, W. B. Thomas. $11.00:
lot 7, W. E. Tbomae. $11.00; lot 8, W. .
Thomas, $11.00. BLOCK 70, lot 1, W'Utom
K. Smltb. $11.00; lot 2. Willi. in h. Batltk,
$11,00; lot I, Richard Khllnser, $11.00; eaat tt
Tot 4. J. B Scott, $8.80: went tt lot 4,
K ilia bet b Kragnieler, $8.80; lot 8, Albert
rehrenbach. 111.00; south S3 feet lot 0,
Albert Pobrenbacb. $4.88; north 3$ feet lot
0. Bather Mutiny Estate. Heirs of, e.K;
lot 7, Ernest House, $11,001 let 8, D. W.
Hoelblat. $11. 00. BLOCK 71. lot 1, Ellaa
8. frame $11.00-; lot 2, BUaa B. Frame.
11.00; lot $, Charles P. Bacon Estste, Heirs
of. $11.00; let 4, Charles P. Bacon Estate,
Hairs at. $1100; lot 6, Ross Buchsnsn.
$11.00: lot i. Rosa Buebsnsn, $11. 00: lot T,
Margaret B. afrClore. 111.00; let 8. Msrgaret
E. IlcClnre, $11.00. BLOCK 72, north 100
feet of east 86 feat of block. Orrlll U.
Rsnkln. $11.70. west IB feet of east 100
feet of north 100 feet of block. Agnes M.
Crawford. $8.10; eaat 110 feet of south
100 feet of block. Agnes 11. Crawford, $2t.20;
weat 70 feet of north 100 feet of black. Robert
Warrack. $18.40; waat 00 feat of south
100 feet of block. Joha Wear en, $18.20.
BLOCK 78. lot 1. Ella L. Woodard, $12.08;
lot 2. Ella L. Woodard, $12.60 ; lot 8. Ells
. . . , Mm a Bliia r. TBAArXmrA
112 . lot 8, Wtillsm M. Ladd. Trustee.
r 12.0ft; lot u, wiinaat si. nun, ii".
12. 8: lot 7. Wllllsm M. Ladd, Trustee,
$1288; lot 8. Wllllsm If. Ladd. Trustee,
llt.OB. BLOCK T4, let 1. A. L. Besrd.
$11. 00; lot 2. Tera Ounderenn. $U.00; lot 8.
John T. Wllllsms, 111.00; lot 1. Joba T.
Wllllsms, $11 OO. 111. cm K 7T, lOI 1. ueorae
Bam ford. $11. 00; lot 2. Georae Bamford.
1.00: lot 8. Amanda Drjdrn. f 11.00; lot 4.
nanda Dryden. $11.00. BLOCK 78, east
100 feet of oortk 100 feat. W. H. Wsrrene.
00; east 100 feet of south 100 feet. George
ghton. $22.'0ii: west 80 feet of east 180
feet of sonth 100 feet. Joseph Hlckej. $8.90;
west 100 feet of sooth 100 feet, Augusts W.
Ooobock, $22.00; weet 08 feet of esst 188 feet
af north 100 feet. The Northern Counties
laTeatment Company, Trustee. $14.10; weet
feat of north 100 feat. Oeorge 11. Williams.
$14.80. BLOCK 70. eaet 120 feet of north
100 feet. Antonle Lebbe. $86.40; weet 80 fast
of north 100 tret. Louisa P. Vial. $11.00;
west 88 feet of south 100 feet, Joseph Ul.-key.
EL70; eaat 88 feet of south 100 feet, Blslee
bhe. $l8.7o. BLOCK SO. 1st U Baama
Anderson. $11.00; lot 8, Emms H. Ander
son. 811.00; lot 3. Bmma U. Anderson. $U.0;
lot 4. Emms H. Anderson. $11.00; lot 6.
Oeorge S Williams, $110: lit S, Oeorge
H WUHsms. $11,001 lot 7, George H. til
Ham. 811.00; lot H, George It Wllllsms.
Ill 00. BLOCK 81. lot 1. Tke Alliance Trust
Company of Dundee. Scotland. $11 00; lot 2.
The AlUsnce Trust fompany of Dsodee. Seat
IsnJ. $11.00: lot $. U. A. Senjgstske $11.00:
lot 4. M. A. staagsUks. $11.00; lot 6. If. A.
BeagsUks. $11.00; 1st 8. If. A. Seasstska.
$lD5o; lot T, The Alllaaee Trust Company
of Dundee, Scotland. $11.00; lot 8. The
AlUsnce Trust Oompsny of Dundee, "cot bind,
$11.00. BLOCK 83. 1st 1. Jaaasa 0. Shefasr.
$12.iu; lot 2. Jamea C. Shotnsr. $1X10; lot
I. James C. 8botner. $13.10: lot 4. Jsmss
C Shofner. $1310: lot 5. Arthur B. Elliott.
$11.00; let 6. Harriet and Bernard Opita,
ill. 00; kit 1. Portlsod Trust Company of
Oregon $11.00; lot 8. Portland Trust Com
near of Oregon. $11.00. BLOCK 88. kit 1.
Canadian A A seer tees Mortgage Trust
Company, $12.10: lot 8, Canadian 81 A meri
no Mortgage A Trust Company, $13.10; lot
$. C P Wsarner. $12.10: lot 4. EUs L.
Woodward. $11.10: let 8. EUs L. Woodward,
111.00; let 0. Ella L. Woodward. $11.00;
r) T, Caasaua ft American Mortgage ft
Trast Company. $11 00: lot 8, Canadian A
American Mortgage ft Trust Ceaapanjr, $1100.
BLOCK 84, lot 1. rred VU1 and Colla A.
MsPkall. Jsmes Jsnusr andtW. A. MansOeld.; lot 2 Fred Vlef sad Colin A. Mepkall.
smes Jsnuary and W. A. Mansfield. $11.00;
lot $. Pted Vial and Colin A. McPhall, Jamea
Jsaaary sad W. A. Mansfield. $11.00; let
4. Fred Vial and Colin A. McPkalL Jamea
Jsnusry and W. A. Mansfield. $11.00; lot 6.
Fred Vlsl snd Colla A. McPhslL Jsmes Jsnu
sry snd W. A. Mansfield. $11.00: lot 6, Fred
Vial and Colin A. McPhall. James January
and W. A. Msnsfleid. $11.00; let 7. Fred
Vlsl snd Colin A. McPhsll. Jsmes Jsnusry
snd W. A. Msnsfleid. $11.00; lot 8. Fred
Vis) end Colin A. McPhsll. Jamea January
and W. A. Msnsfleid. $11.00. BLOCK Hit.
lot 1. Central Trust ft Inrestment Company.
$11. 00; lot 3. Central Trust ft larsstmsnt
(ompsny. $11.00; lot 8. Eugenie 8. Bsrtlett.
$1100; lot 4, Pnrtlsnd Trust Company.
$11 i lot 6. William D. Penton, $11.00; lot
n William D. Kenton. $11.00; lot 7, M. C.
Hsrtman ft Company. $1100; lot 8. M. C.
Hsrtmsn ft Company. $11.00. BLOCK 80.
east of north 80 feet, Bmma J. Smith,
$0.88; weet 86 feet of north B0 feet, Can
adian Bunk of Commerce, $0.88; esst tt of
south IV) feet, John A. Luckel, $38.06; south
1.1 feet of west H. Mollis B. Hlckey. $38.08.
BLOCK 87L west 80 feet lot 1, Cathasiae Cook,
Trustee. $8.80; west 60 feet lot 3. Catherine
Cook. Trustee, $6.80: east 86 feet lot 1.
Wllllsm Lebbe, $T.18; sast 86 feet lot r
Wllllsm LsDhe.' $7.18: lot 8, Msry Bridges,
litaa: lot 4. Msrv Bridges, $12.88; lot 6.
ft w 8tryker. $11B: lot . S. W. Btryker.
812.86; lot T. W. Stryker, $13 88; lot 8.
w ntryaer. .1.-00. r,in.a so. 101 ,
Hnrlnerr Estste. Heirs of. $11.00: lot
$ Kste Springer Bstste. Heirs of. $11.00;
lot 8. Caroline B. Laphsm. $11.00; lot 4.
Caroline B. Laphsm. $11.00. BLOCK '81.
lot 1. Annie B. Nlson. $11.00: lot 3. Annie
B NUnn. "$11.00: lot $, Tjorlng K. Adsms,
$11 no: lot 4, Lorlag K. Adams. $11.00.
BLOCK 03. lot 1. School District No. 1,
$13 86; lot 2. School District No. 1. $12.86;
Tot 8. School District No. L $1X8; lot 4.
School District No. I, $12.88; lot 6. Reboot
District No. 1, $13.88; kit . Mcbool District
1 $12.88; lot 7, School District No. L,
12.86; lot 8. School District No. 1, $13.88.
LOCK $3. kit 1. Clemens Csessr Bstste.
Heir. of. $11.00: lot 8, Clemens Cesser Bs
tste. Heirs of. $11.00; lot 8. Clsmens Csessr
Bstste, Helre of. $11.00: lot 4. Clemens
Csessr Bstste. Heirs of. $11.00; lot 8.
Clemens Csessr Kstste. Heirs of. $11.00; lot
8 Clemens Csessr Kststs, Heirs of. $11.00;
lot 7. Clemens Csessr Bstste Heirs ef,
$11 00: lot 8. Clemens Csessr Bstste. Heirs
of! $11.00. BLOCK 84. let 1. Oeorge H.
Wllllsms, $11.00; lot 3. George II Wllllsms.
$11 00; lot 1. Oeorge c. Flanders. $11.00;
lot 4. George C. Flanders, $11.00; lot 8.
Lsnrs H. Northrnp. $11.00; let 8, Lsnrs H.
Nortbrup. $1100; east tt lot 7, A. Bush.
$8 SO: eaat H lot 8. A. Bash. $8.80; west
I lot T. B. Wlstsr Morris. Trustee, $6.60;
west i lot P. Wlstsr Morris, Tru.t re.
$8 60. BLOCK 86. east 07 feet of lot 1.
Mlknle J. WeseermsiT. $WA7n; rest 87 feet
of IM 3V Mlnsle J. Wsssermen. $10.70: west
feet sf let 1. Frank C. Wssaarmaa. $0.S8
west 8 feet of lot 2. Frank C. Wsssermss.
$0 80; lot 3, Msry Bridges. $11.00; lot 4.
Msry Bridges. $11 00; sll tkst aortloa ef lot
6 bounded snd deecrlhed ss follows: Be
ginning 80 feet easterly from eonthwest
corner of block 06; thence essterly on north
line ef Soring street 30 feet to eoateeest
corner of lot 6: thence northerly to north
esst corner of lot 6; thence ewthwesterl. In
strslght line to beginning. Hery Bridges
$1 1ft: ell that portion of lot 8 bounded end
described ss follows: Beginning at southwest
corner lot 6: thence essterly 80 feet; thence
In strslght Hne to nortbeeef corner of lot 8:
thence weererle to northwest corner of lot 8;
thence southerly to beginning. Atnesmrth
Nstlonsl Bans, $8.96; lot 8, A Ins worth Ns
tlonsl Bunk. Ill 00; lot 7. W. F. Cordee.
111,00: lot 8, W. F. torde. 311 00. BIXICK
$, lot 1. P. I. Beech, $12 1: t IF. B.
Beaeh. $12 m lot 8. f. B. Beat. 813.10:
lot 4. F. B. Beec $13.10; lot $. Helen O.
nsmsd.ll $11.00: "16. Helen p Reame11.
11J0; lot 7, Helea 0. rUasadelt. $11 oo. vt
, Helen a. Bsmsdsll. $11.00.
tt the aty ef
land BLOCK 87, lot 1. FrankUa I.
pallor. $1100; lot 3. Frank II u I. Fuller.
S7t.1V. T. e aMakits t riu, en no!
bt 4. Franklin I. Fuller. $11.00; lot 6. Edgar
L. Strang, m-uv m e. auger i.
H.M. T t HS... I. lit!. SIS
BLtiCK 88, lot 1. Charles C.rdineli. fll.'oO;
lot 3. Ctsrlee CsrdlaelV $11.00, lot 8. Charles
0; lot f, smear u. aua
lerdlneil, gn.w; wt s. t.aariee caraineii,
11.00; 1st 6. Charles Cardlusll. 222.00; lot
sariss taruincM, es-ou, iot i, o.rie.
nell. $33.00; lot 3. Chsrles Csrdlnell
1: let$. Charlea Cardlnell. $13.46. BLOCK
lot 1. Sylreeter Psnaoyer Bsuts, Heirs
of. $11.00; kit 2. Sylreeter Psnaoyer Eetate,
Helre of, $11.00; lot 8, I 'or Hand trust Com
pany ot uregou, ii.uw; s
Trast Company of Orsgoa
Portland Trust Company af
lot a. Portland Trust Onmaeay
111.00; lot 7, Portland Trust ( . u.psny of
Oregon. $11-00; lot 1. Portland Trust
psny or urego", fw "Vj.
.nh Sll. 00. BLOCK
Plelechner. $1100; let 3,
$11.00; lot 8. Warren E.
$11.00; lot 4. Warren B.
$11.00; lot 6, Wsrreo E.
Ill no: lot a. Warren E. Thomas. Trustee.
$1100; lot 7, Jacob Flelschner, $11.00; lot
ST Jacob Flelschner, $11.00. BLOCK 103,
lot 1. H. 8. Beers. $11.00; lot 2. H. S.
Bases. 4111.00: lot 8. B. H. Nlcoll. $11.00;
,t 4. 0. a. mcoii, ii oo, ioc o, si. at.
Icoll, $1100; lot 8. B. H. Nlcoll. $11.00;
,t T. L. D. Flsmlng. $11.00: lot 8. L. 11.
w, 1 Sit On WrivnSr inn In. 1 U 1 fmtr
Guthrie Iarestmsat Company. Trustee, $11.00;
lot 2. Balfour. Outhrlo Investment Company,
Trustee, $11.00; lot 8, Annie B. snd Msry
Nichols, $11. 00; lot 4. Annie B. sud Mary
NlchoU, $11.00: lot 6, Annie S. nd Mary
Nichols, $11.00; lot 8. Annie 8. snd Msry
Nichols. $11.00; lot 7. Balfour, Guthrie In
restment Compeny, $11.00; lot 8, Bslfoor.
Guthrie Inrestmeat Company. $11.00. BLOCK
104, esst 30 feet of lot 1. FrankUa I. Fuller.
$4 40; weet 80 feet of lot 1. May M. Post,
pLOO: lot 3. Wllllsm Pyla, $11.00. let 8, Ellen
ft. Miller. $11.00; let 4. Oeorge C. Flsndere,
$11.00; lot 6. Oeorge C. Flanders, $11.00;
lot 6. Ella L. Woodward. $15 40. '
A tract of Isnd bounded snd described ss fol
lows: Commencing where northerly Una ef
tlock 116, O rarer s addition. If ssunded west
erly. Intersects the southerly sad easterly
line of block 100. In aald addition, said
Sit being to the northerly lias of Hew
ne Terrace: thence aorta 40 degrees 88
utee wsst 80 fsst; thence Berth S3 de
grees 38 minutes east 44 feet; theses south
1$ degreoe 81 minutes esst 80.28 feat; thence
south 4 asgrsee 11 minuses weat 80 ssetl
thence north 8K drgre.s 63 minutes west 33
feet; theno south On degrees 40 m
wsst 23.48 feet to place of heglaatot.
C. Alas worm. .
A trsct ot lsnd bounded snd discTthel as
follows: Commencing at northwest corner
of block 108, Ororer's sddltloc; thcoce sast
SASS feef : thence south 4 decrees 11
west 64.1 feet; thence north 81 degrees 81
minutes west 60.28 feet: thence south 83
degrees 20 minutes west 44 feet; thence north
40 degrees 81 minutes wsst 80 fset; thence
northeasterly to place af beginning, Clara
Msrkle, (7.60.
A trsct of lsnd bounded and described aa fol
lows Beginning SO feet wsst of the
noat northeast corner of bleak 108; thence
southerly psrsllel with the esst line of aald
block 122.7 feet to the northerly Use ef
Hawthorne Terrace; thence westsrly 84.8
feet; thence north 4 Isgrll. 11 minutes
sast 124.1 fret: thence easterly 88.7 feet to
beginning, J. C. Alosworth. $10.60.
GBOVBsCS ADDITION to ths City ef Pert,
lsnd BLOCK 100, esst 80 fsst. Lsnrs A.
Handera. $31.00. BLOCK 110, north U of
east 30 feet of wsst H of block. T. P. Wtss.
$6.80; south H of ssst NT feet of west H ef
block. Inrestors' Mortgsgs Security Comoaoy.
Limited. of Bdlnburgh, Scotlsnd. $6.80;
south V4 ef west 60 fast af ssst
80 feet of west H af block. Wash
ington Nstlonsl Building ft Losn Inrestment
Company. $8.70; north ft ef west SO feet of
esst ho feet of weet ft of block. William P.
Olds, $8 .7ft: wsst 60 fset of block. Laara A.
Flsudera. $16.30; ssst ft ef block. Csnsdlsn
ft American Mortgage ft Trust Compsny
United, $87.30. BLOCK 111, south ft of
esst 100 feet of lot I, Portland Trust Com
nsnr of Oreaoa. $28.88: north ft of aaat 100
feet of lot IT Mrs M. E. Craft. 888.88, let
Amsnas Trust Compsny of Dundee. 3f still
$81.06. BLOCK 113, undlTlded
Jsmes K. Hsssiuns,;
l,.f 9 Jiaui 11. Tlsseltlne.
u. or'lot 1 naorea Xtsrknole Batats. Hslrs of
16.80; undtTlded ft of lot 3, Oeorge Stsckpole
Estate. Heirs of, $6.60 : lot 8, Portlsnd Trust
Con.psny or Oregon. en-uu; ses
lortlsod Trust ComBgajra Oregon.
$11.00; lot 6, Jennie Currle, $11.00:
iot 6. Henry Dlttmer $1LOO; undlrlded ft
of lot 7, J.mes F. Hsselttos, 85 80; uadf
elded ft ef let 8, Jsmes E. Hsseltlne. $8.80;
undivided ft of lot 7. George D. Btsckpnls
Estste. Heir. of. $6 60: undFrlded ft of let
t Oeorge D, Stsckpole Estate, Heirs of.
JflTTrLOCif T, undlrlded ft ef north 40
t of black. La same Rlttman, $8.16: undl
Tided H of north 40 feet of block. Marianas
Bsmm. $8 16. BLOCK W, Elsie Monk Bstste.
rHtTLAND CndlTlded 2-10 of wast 100 fast ef
O, Charlea L. Fsy. $13.46: undlrtded 1-10
ef weet 100 feet of O, Sarah B. Fsy, 88,80;
undlrlded 4-10 of west 100 feet 0. Mabel
Hsseltlne. $34.80; an divided 8-10 of west 100
feet of O, Msry B. Heeeltlre, $18.8$; wast
100 fset ef H. J. K. OIU, $18.40.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS Lot 1, George Soren
sen, $10.80: let 2. George Sorenaen, $8.88;
lot S- Oeorge SorensSB, $8 80, lot 4, George
Sorensen. $8.80; lot B.lleorge Bereassn, $8.80;
lot 8. John Bingham, $18.1$: lot 7. John
Bingham, $13.28; tot 8. Joha Bingham,
A tract at lsnd lying hetwesa the esst line
ef Fourteenth street and s line 100 feet
esst thereof snd parallel therewith snd be
tweea s 11ns 100 feet south ot snd psrsllel
with ths soith line of Spring street If ex
tended eaeterly In Its present course snd
between the southerly line of block 808. Port
laud, except W. K. Smith tract. City of
Portland. $88.80.
A trlangulsr trsct ef lend lying between ths
southerly line of block 808, Portlsnd, s line
100 fsst sast of and psrsllel with the
essterly line of Fourteenth street and the
eaet uns of Thomas Certer donation Una
rlslm, W. K. Smith. $10.89.
A tract of land bounded snd described ss
follows: Commencing st s point In the south
line of Spring street where esms would be
Intersected by the west Use of Twenty flrst
street if extended southerly la Its present
course; thence south along the weet line ot
Tweaty-ftrst street If sxtsndsd southerly In
Its present course to s point 1B6 feet eouth
of the south Uns of Spring street: thenes
northwesterly 114.1 feet to a point 100 feet
south ef the south Una ef Bprlnl street:
thence north 100 feet to the south line of
Spring street; thence esst along ths south
Uns of Baring street to niece of beginning,
Chsrles M. Cartwrlght, $38.06.
A tract of land lying between the weet line
ef Twentieth strset sad a Uns 83.8 feet weet
thereof nnd psrsllel therewith and betweea
ths south line ef Fverett street snd s Uns
SO fset south thereof sad psrsllel there
with. Barsh J. Henderson, $8.18.
A tract ef land lying between two Usee
resprctlrely 62.6 fret sad 100 feet west of
snd parallel with the west line of Twentieth
strset snd between the south line of Bverett
street and a Una 00 frst south thereof sad
parallel therewith, Q. W. Alien. $8.00.
A trsct ef Isnd lying between the west tins of
Twentieth street snd a line 1116 feet weet
thereof and psrsllel therewith and between
two lines respectively 80 feet snd 110 feet
eouth of arid parallel with the south line
of Everett street, Ertle P. Young. $12.80.
A trsct of lsnd lying between the weet line
of Twentieth street sad s line 112.6
fset west thereof snd psrsllel therewith
snd between two lines respectively 110 feet
snd 180 fset south of snd psrsllel with the
eouth line of Everett street, Wllllsm Gsrd
ner. $12.80
A tract of Isnd lying between the west line
of Twentieth street sod s line 1136 feet
west thereof snd psrsllel therewith and be
tweea 3 lines respectively 100 feet snd 310
feef south of end parallel with the eouth line
of Everett etreet, Joseph M. Honeymsn. $1380.
A trsct ef lend lying between the weet line
of Twentieth street snd s Uns 100 feet west
. thereof snd parallel therewith end between
two Bnes rsspectlrely 310 feet snd 260
test south of snd psrsllel with the eouth line
of Fverett street. Helens Betefuhr. 311.00.
A tract of lead bounded end described ss fol
lows: commenclug st s point In the weat
lias of Twentieth street 200 feet south ot
the south line of Everett street; thence west
112.6 fset siting s line 280 feet south of snd
psrsllel with the south line ef Bverett street:
thence north 80 feet along s Use 113$ feet
wsst of snd psrsllel wltb the weet line of
Twentieth strset; thence wsst 87.6 feet slong
s Uns 280 feet south of and psrsltsl with
tks south line of Everett street to the esst
line of EUs street; thence eouth 146.23 feet
along tke esst Use of Ella street, thence
rxrtb to place of beginning. Hsrlet Oplts.
A trsct ot lsnd lying between the weet line
of Twentieth etreet sad a Uns 100 feet
wsst thereof sad parsllel therewith snd be
tweett two Unas respectively 877 71 feet snd
427.71 fset eouth of snd psrsllel with ths
eouth line ef ifrerett street, M. K. Hums
son. $11.00.
A tract of lsnd hounded snd described ss
follows: Commencing st a point in the west
Una ef Twentieth street 437.71 feet south
of the eouth line of Everett etreet: thence
west 100 fset slong s Uns 437.71 fret eonth
of snd psrsllel with the south Une of Everett
street: thence north 80 feet along s line
100 feet wegt ef snd psrsllel with the west
line of Twentieth street; thence west along
s line 838.71 feet south of snd psrsllel with
the eouth line of Eeerett street to the esst
lias of Ella strset; thence south slong the
esst line) of Ells street to the northerly line
of Wsshlngton strset; thence essterly slong
ths northerly Une of Wsshlngton street to
the weet tine of Twentieth etreet: thence
north along the west Una of Twentieth street
to piece sf beginning. Ms. till. Jeffsry,
$70 20
A trsct sf Isnd lying between the eest line
of Ells street sad s lias st B feat eaet ihsrss
snd psrsllel therewith snd between the eouth
Use ef Everett street snd a Baa 88 84 fast
see e. J. u. nwfl
101. lot 1. Jason
Jacob rssMsBer.
tBemss, Trustee.
Teems., Trustee,
. Themes, Trustee,
m or pa i.
and psrsllel therewith. Bait
tf , mi ..... .
87.8 feet seat thereof
sud parallel
use ex averett
naW. la. so
A tract af toad lying hetwesa ths saat Una of
Hlattrest snd altoe 87.6 fset esst thereof
snd perallel therewith and between two line.
I- too fMt and 180 fsst south Oi
sndpsrsllel with the south line ot Everett
street, . V. leal isss n aw-iv.
A trsct of land lying betweea the ssst U
ef Ella etreet aad s Une 87 6 feet east t her.
and parsllel therewim snu Hjwevm
resoeeUTelr 180 fsst sad ..M0 fsst
the see Una
fleet ssst thereof
between two Hues
188 fset south of
A tract ef land ly
ef BUa etreet and
mmmm MMllal t tlM.. 1
rsaDsrtlvely 18$) feat snd 330 feet south ot
aadpsrallsl Wtu the south Uns of Brerrtt
street. Beglaa Fe Id man. $6.76.
A trsct ef lead lying between the weet line
of Ella strset sad a Una 100 feet wsst thereof
snd perallel therewith aad between the south
Une of Bverett Street and a line 60 feet
south thereof snd psrsllel therewith, Owen
Cerr, $11.00.
A trsct of lsnd lying between the west Uns
of Ella street aad a line 100 feet weet thereof
and parallel therewith and between two lines
respectively 60 test snd 100 fsst south ot
a ncf parallel wltb the eouth Une of Everett
street. Thomas i'spworth. $11-00.
A tract of land lying between the west Baa
ef Ella street aad a Una 100 feet weet
IU psrsllel .Itn vv -vum ,
reeC Thomaa i'spworth. $11.
trsct of land lying betweea
' Bits street aad a Una
ere,,r and narsllel therewitl
thereof, and parallel cnsrswitn sna oeiweea
two lines respectively 100 feet snd 380 fset
south sf sad parallel with the south Use ef
A tt?A ITued lytS bStwS? ths.-, He.
' Ella street sue a line mm rest wsst
tea sea net and a Use 100 fsst
if snd psrsllel therewith sad between a
as fsst south ef aad parallel with the
tt etreet aad a Has 300
STB tas
a Baa loo rest
tnaewwirn snd he
180 fsst snd 300 feet
with the north line ef
. L. and Anna Mitchell.
811.00. ; '. - -
A trsct ef toad lying betweea the weet Use
at Blla street snd a Use 100 feet waat
thereof aad psrsllel therewith sad between
tasa Uses respectively 100 fset sad 160 fset
north of and parallel with the Berth Uns
of Washington street, D. B. Boston aad wife,
A trsct af toed lying hetwesa the waat Baa
of BUa street aad a Baa 188 fsst weet
thereof sad parallel therewith aad asters s
ths aerth Use ef Washington etreet aad s
Une 180 feet north thereof aad parsllel
therewith. Llssto B. Stewart. $3.00.
A trsct ef toad lying between the north Has
ef Wsshlngton etreet snd s line 60 feet north
thereof aad psrsllsl therewith aad tstwssa
the east Uns of Tweaty-ftrst street aad a Une
100 i reel eaet thereof snd parallel resrewtu.
Bsa Selling. $1L00.
A trsct ef lsnd lying betweea the Berth Baa
sf Wsshlngton street aad a Baa $0 feet nerth
thereof snd narsllel therewith and between
the west line of Twenty -arst street aad a Use
168 fast wsst thereof and parallel therewith.
William Sksrleek Estste. Hslrs ef. $17.86. $
A trsct or lend lying between the aorta une
ef Wsshlngton street snd s line 60 feet
aerth thereof aad parallel therewith sad be
tweea tare Uses respectively 188 feat aad 118
fset wsst of sad psrsllel with the wsst Hue
ot Twenty -drst street, Zephalnab Spsuldlag.
A tract ef toad lying between She aerth Baa
of Washing ton street sad a Uns 80 test aerth
thereof aad parallel therewith sad between
a line 813 fset west ef sad parsllel with
ths west Une of Twenty -Bret street sad the
ssst Une ef Twenty sscead street, Dora
Belly. $18 46
A trsct of toad lying between the aerth lias
ef Wsshlngton Street end a line 60 feet
north thereof sad parallel therewith aad be
tween the west. Mas ef Twenty -second street
aad ths ssst Uns of Strang's nddlUoa te
ths aty ef Perils nd, Reset U Sherlock. $16.33.
STRONG'S ADDITION to tie City of Portland
BLOCK 1. undivided ft ef south $0 fset ef
tot 10. William M. Ledd. $1.80; undivided
of south 80 feet of lot 8, William M. Ledd,
30' undivided ft of sonth SO feat of lot
F. R. Strong Estste. Hslrs ef. Sl.SOt
undivided ft of south 80 fast of tot 8, F. R.
Btrong aeiaie
Heirs ef. gi 20 BLOCK 8
undivided ft ef south 80 fset tot
IS, William at. Lead, $3.78: un
divided ft of south 80 fast of sast
14.86 fset of lot 17. Wllllsm M. Ledd. $0.80;
undivided V, ef eouth SO feet esV tot 18. V. R.
Strong Betsre, Heirs of, $2.73: undivided ft
of south 60 feet of ssst 14.88 fset of lot 17.
F. B. Strong Bstste. Heirs of. 80.80.
A tract of toad bene dad aad described ss fel
lows: Commencing st s point to lbs north
Uns of W. W. Chspman donation land claim
110 fset esst of the east Use of Sixteenth
street: thence south slong s Has 110 feet
esst of snd psrsllsl with ths saat Uas of
Sixteenth street te s point 100 fsst north
ef the north line ef Main etreet If extended
westerly In Its present course; thence south
essterly slong a line to a point to a Une
678 4 fset south ot snd psrsllsl with ths
north Tfhe of W. W. Chspman donation land
claim, ssld point being 173, fsst west of the
west Uas of Fourteenth strset; thence weat
alone a Has 678.4 feet south of aad psrsllsl,
with the north Une of W. W. chapman
donation land claim to ths esst tine of Six
teenth street; thence north 118.4 feet slong
ths east Use of Sixteenth strset; t hence
sast 178.8 fsst along a Une psrsllsl with
ths north Une of W. W. Chapmen donation
land claim; thence north 100 feet along a Une
parallel with ths esst line of Sixteenth
street; thence west 171 14 fsst to the esst
Une of Sixteenth street slong s Una parallel
with the north tins of W. w. Chspmsa do
dstlon Isnd clslm: thence north slong the
ssst Uns of Sixteenth street to Its Intersec
tion with the north line of W. W. Cbsp
man donation land claim; thence east slong
ths north Uns sf W. W. Caanmsa oeaettoa
lsnd clslm to rises of beginning, Jaeea
Ksmm. $167.40.
A trsct ot lsnd lying between the eest Une
of Sixteenth strset snd s lias 174.63 feet
esst thereof snd psraUel therewith sad be
tween two lines respectively 800 feet sad
480 feet south of snd psrsllel with the north
line of W. W. Chapmen donattoa toad etoftn.
chsrles T. Ksmm. $88.40.
A parcel of land bounded and deecrthed as fol
lows: Commencing st s point In the weet
line of Fourteenth street 673.4 feet southerly
from the north Une of W. W. Chepmsn do
nstlon toad clslm; thence westerly end
psrsllel wltb the north lias of ssld clslm
Ubs 470 fset to ths ssst Une ef Stxtssarh
street: thence southerly on the esst Uns of
Sixteenth stteet to e point 100 feet north
of ths nortl Use ef Jefferson street: thsaos
esst slong a line 100 feet north of snd psrsllsl
with ths north Uns of Jefferson street to the
weet line of Poart.enth etreet; thence north
on the weet Uns of Fourteenth etreet to the
J lace ef eegtastag. H H. Northrup. $143.00.
trsct of lsnd lying between the north Une
of Jefferson street snd s Une 100 feet north
usreor sod psrsllel therewith end bet
two Unas respectively 100 feet and 172 feet
weet of end perallel with the weet Une
of Fourteenth etreet. Miller Mnrdoek. $16.88.
A tract of land lying between the north line
of Jefferson street and s Une 100 fset aorta
of and parsllel therewith snd betweea twe
Unee rsspectlrely 173 feet snd 14s fsst west
ef snd psrsllel with ths wsst Une of Four
teenth street. Oregon Inrestment Company,
A trsct of Isnd lying between the north line
of Jefferson street and e Uns 60 feet north
thereof snd parallel therewith aad between s
Uns 884 feet west of the weet Hne ef Four
teenth street snd the esst line of Sixteenth
street. Joha P. Wsrd. $11.00.
A tract of lsnd lying between two Unas re
spectively 80 feet and 100 feet north of snd
psrsllsl with the north line of Jkffsrsoa
street snd betweea a line 344 feet weet of
and psrsllel with the weet Une of Fourteenth
etreet and the eest line of Sixteenth street.
Emms T Turner, 111.00.
A tract of land lying between the north
line of W. W. Chapman donattoa land claim
snd s Uns 88o fset south of sad parallel there
with snd between the esst line of Chepmsn
street etui the weet line of Seventeenth street,
Jacob Ksmm, $320.00.
A trsct sf Isnd lying betweea the aerth Une
of W. W. Chapman donation Isnd clslm ssd
s Una 880 feet south thereof snd psrsllel
therewith snd between ths esst fine of
Seventeenth street Snd the WSSt lira of
Sixteenth street. Jacob Ksmm. $148.60.
A trsct of toad lying between two Unes
respectively 400 fsst snd 6T8.4 feet eouth of
and psrsllel with ths north Una ef W. W.
chepmsn donation land elaim and between
the east line of Chspman strset and the west
line of Seventeenth street. Jacob Ksmm.
A tract of toad lying betweea two lines re
spectively 480 snd 673 4 feet south ot snd
psrsllel with the north line of W. W. Chep
msn donation lsnd clslm snd between the eest
line of Srwenteenth etreet snd the west Uns
of Sixteenth etreet: Jscob Ksmm, $47.30.
A trsct of lsnd bounded end described as fol
lows: Commencing st intersection of the
south Use of Washington street with the
west line ef Twenty-Brat street If extended
a. .other I r la Its sreeeat course, thence south
erly slong the ssld west Une ef Twenty flrst
street 100 feet: thence westerly st right
snales 127.1 .feet; thence northerly psrsllel
with the esst line nt King street 80 03 feet;
thence westerly 100 feet: thence northerly
181 93 feet to south line ef Washington street;
thence essterly along ths south Hne of Wssh
lngtea etreet to place ef beginning. M Shu si
A. King. 174.80.
A tract of land hounded sad described ss fol
lows: ommenring st a point la the east line
ot King street 181 91 feet seathsrly from
the intersection of the east Uns of King street
with the seath Bae of Washington street:
thence southerly slong ths eaet line of Kias
street 80.0$) fsst; thence essterly 108 feet.
thence asrthsily
wa.vm reet. taesr
HBtB Use sf Everett
rtth BBd'hetWeen loo lines
tt etrirf X?
thereof snd parallel
rare lines rssnectlTely
I perallel
street. J
eace westsrly
100 fast to beginniag. CsroUae D. Botmsn.
111. oo. "
A trsct ef toad koaadid aad dilsrtbid aa fol
lows: Commencing at a paint in ths west
Uns ef Tw.stj-fe-st attest Iflcsstsd seath-
ly to its arsaaat coarse 308 feet southerly
am the Intersection ef the south Uas of
Washington strset with the weet Use of ssld
Twenty nr. t street; thence westerly st right
snglss to ths wsst Uae of said Twrutr flrst
street 1ST. 1 thaiu-e southerly 888.00 feet
psrsllel with the eaet Hue of USB street us
the aerth Bae ef Taylor MHdt:
essterly stoag tke aerth lias el Taylor
180 fret, more or toss, to ths west
Twenty-nrst street
: Une eg
Piece Of
A. KlesT.
A trsct Bt land
oi booed aad nan far a
ss fol-
tows Ceeemeoclug at a point to the esst line
ef King street. 1774 feet eocther to from the
Intersection . I tha swath Una ef Wee
et with the Shet line of BOB Street
the eeat SBe oi
nor IB Ban or
.loser the north
it thence north
parallel with the esat line of King strset
78.06 feet; thence westerly 100.27 test to
place ot beginning, Loyal B. Stearas. $11.00.
A trsgt of land bounded and defter t bed aft fol
lows: (Iran metering at a point In the eest
Uns of King street 803.8 feet southerly from
the Intersection sf ths south Uns of Wsshlng
ton street with ths ssst Uns of King strset;
thence southerly 76 feet; "heme easterly
snd slong the north line of Msry F. Stssrns
tract 100 fsst; thsass northerly snd psrsllel
with King street is feet:
feet to ptoce of beginning
feet; t hence weat 100
l. at. a. sxorria
111 oo.
A trsct of land bounded snd described ss fol
lows: Commencing at s point In the east
Uae sf King street 327.04 feet south from
ths Intersection of the south line of Wssh
lngton street with the esst Uae ef King
essterly 100 feet: thence
feet: thence westerly 100 fset;
northerly 76 test to place of beginning.
a. ming. sit) oo.
A tract af
g Mad b
bounded aad described aa
follows: Commencing st the Intersection of
the south Bas of Washington street with tho
aaat Baa af Twenty-Ant street; thence
wlr Sevang the eaat line of Twenty-arat
888 fsst to the Center Une of Taylor
street If extended westsrly la Its present
course; raenre essterly elong tas center use
of the said wsstsrly extension ef Taylor
etreet 404.8 feet to the east Has ef King
liastisa toad claim; thence north on ths ssst
Uae af tha King donation land claim 80
(sat to the aerth Uns of Tsylor street If ex
tended westerly In its present course: tbenee
the aald wee tarty extension of the
ef Tsylor street 417.8 feet te
the esst Uns of Stout street If ex-
northerly In Its present course: thence
serif SB ths ssld northerly extension of
eesx nas or stout street
to a point to
-American In-
Baa of the Scottish
Compsny s tract 878.33 fsst;
right angles to the west
Une of
the Scottish-American Investment Compsnv's
tract 80 fast; thence north slong the west
lias of Stout street if extended northerly in
Its present course 310 feet to the south Hue
ef Wsshlngton street, thence west on the
south Bae of Wsshlngton street 468.3 feet to
place as beginning, except .07 aero tract de
scribed In seek 383, pegs 881, Record of
ids Muttnouift i County, King Batata,
Esct et toad bounded snd described aa fol
Cexsnaenclug 438 8.1 feet southsrly
from She Isaac lection of the south Uns of
etreet end the eest line of
Twenty -Srst strset; thence essterly 70.8 feat:
thsacs southerly 30 feet; thence westsrly 88.8
feat: IhSBSft north 64.24 feet to place of be
ginning. A Bee B. Nunu. $6.60.
A trsct ef toad bounded snd described aa fol
lows: Claim sating st s point la ths south
line ef Wsshlngton street where ssms would
be Intersected by the esst Uns of Stout
81 leaded northerly In Its
peessat . eourss
then re southerly
178.73 feet; thence ssst
at right saatos to the ssld northerly extension
of the saat Uae of Stout street to the west
line eg the Seottish-Amerlcsn Investment Com
pany's tract 88.38 feet; thsacs north slong
the west Uae of the Scottish-American Invest
meat Company s tract to ths south line of
Wsshlngton street; tie nee west along tbs
south Baa of Wsshlagtea street to piece
af bejlnnlng. King Estste. $32.00.
trsct ox isna nounsea sua oeeennea ss
rat st the Intersection of
of Wsshlngton street with
of King street: thence esst
north Une of Salmon strsst 383.1 fset
Uas ot Twenty-nrst street If ex-
. southerly to Its present course: thence
rly slong ths ssld west Uns of Twsnty
ireet 187. 07 feet: thence westerly 144. 7
aad narsllel wltb ths south Une of Tay
lor street If extended westerly In Its present
eourss; thanes northerly and parsllel with
ths ssst Uns of King street 83 test; thence
aa a Uae at Tight anglee to King etreet 100
feet; thence southerly ea the ssst Une of
King street 108.18 feet to piece sf begin
ning. C. A Holbrook. 390.80.
A trsct of land bounded and described ss fol
lows: Commencing at a point In tha esst
Has of A. N. King donation land claim 48.1
fsst nerth of the south line of Morrison street ;
thsass north 30 degrees 16 mtnatos wsst on
the sast Uns of King donation lsnd clslm
1$L fsst to the weet Use of Nineteenth
etreet; thence north oa tbs wsst Una of
Nineteenth street 88.06 fsst to the south
Uns of Wsshlngton street; thence south 20
degress 18 minutes west 183.7 fset; tbenee
north 80 degress 43 minutes wsst 68.83 feet;
thence eouth 30 degrees 18 mlnutee west 83.6
feet : thence south 86 degrees 88 minutes esst
808.87 feet te place of beginning, Scottish-American
Inrestment Oompsny, $164.00.
A trsct of lsnd bounded snd described ss fol
lows: Commencing st s point where the
north Une ot Tsylor street. If extended
westerly In Its present course. Intersects ths
ssst Uns of A. N. King donation lsnd clslm:
thence north 08 degrees 8 minutes weet 487.48
feet; thence north 30 degreee 18 mlnutee esst
8887 feet; thence south 88 degrees 88 minutes
ssst 608.67 feet to the esst Has of King
donation lend clslm; thence south 30 degrees
16 minutes wsst slong ths ssst Uns of King
donation land clslm 600.1 fsst to place of
beginning. MaJtaetash Amateur Athletic Aa
soelstlon. $808.00.
A tract bounded snd described ss follows:
Commencing st s point In the south line of
Tsylor street, if extended westerly in Its
present eourss, ssld point being 100 feet
easterly from the esst Une ef King street;
thsacs south psrsllel wltb the esst line of King
street 134 feet; thence essterly parallel with
the ssld wsstsrly extenelon of the south line
of Tsylor street 144.76 fset to the west Uns
et Twenty-feet street If extended southerly
la Its present course; thence south slong ssld
extension of the weet Une of Twenty flrst
street 107.07 feet to tbs north line of Sslmon
street; thence sast on tbs north Uns of Sal
mon street 82.6 fset to ths center line of
Twenty. flrst street if extended southerly la
Its present eourss; thence north on ths center
line of ssld center line of Twenty first street
888.4 feet to the south line of Tsylor street If
extended westerly Is Its present eourss; thence
westerly 177 feet to ptoce of beginning.
King Estste. $86.00.
A trsct of lsnd bounded snd described ss fol
lows: Commencing st S point la the esst
Uas ef King street where the ssme would be
Intersected by ths south line of Tsylor street
If sxtsndsd westsrly to Its present course:
thence south slong the esat Hne of King etreet
83 feet; thenes east 100 feet; thence north 88
feet te the south line ef Tsylor street If ex
tended wsstsrly to He present course; thence
west slong ths south Uns of Tsylor street
103 feet te place uf beginning. Security Bar
ings A Trust Compsny, $8.80.
A trsot of land lying between the weet Uns
of block 308, Portlsnd, snd s Una 10 feet
weet thereof snd psrsllel therewith and be
tween the eouth Uae of ssld block 388 ex
tended westerly la Its present eourss snd s
line 100 fset north thereof snd psrsllel there
with, Harriet Hooper Young, $2.20.
A tract of land lying between the south line
qf block 388, Portlsnd, snd s Une 30 feet
south thereof snd psrsllel therewith snd be
tween ths esst line of ssld block 388 It sx
tended southerly In it. present course snd s
Une 210 feet west thereof sud perallel there
with. Hsrrlet Hooper Young. $13.86.
A tract of land lying between the southerly
line of Spring street snd s Uns 100 fsst
southerly therefrom snd psrsllel therewith
snd between the westerly Une of block 103.
Ororer's addition, and a line 80 fset westerlv
therefrom snd psrsllel therewith, Annie 8.
snd Msry Nichols, $8.88.
A trsct of lsnd lying between the northerly
Une of Elisabeth etreet snd s Une 100 feet
southerly from snd parallel with the south
Uns of Spring street snd between the west
srly line of block 108. Orever . addition snd
s line 80 feet wssterly therefrom snd psrsllel
therewith. PsrISc Mutual Life Insurance
Company of California. $8.60.
A tract ot lsnd lying betweea the northerly
Hne of Elisabeth arrest sad s 11ns 100 feet
northerly therefrom and psrsllel therewith
snd between tbs easterly line of bloch lo4.
Ororer's sddltlon. and a Uae 80 feet wssterly
from snd psrsllel with the westerly line of
l lock 108. Ororer's sHdltlon, Franklin 1.
Fuller, $8.80.
A tract of toad lying betweea two 11 nee
reepeetlvely 100 feet snd 180 feet northerly
from snd psrsllel with the northerly line of
Bllcabeth street snd between the essterly
Uae ef block 104. Grnrer'e addition, and a
line 80 feet westerly from snd psrsllel with
tke westerly line of block 108. Ororer's sddl
ttoa. City of Port la-. d $1.06.
A tract of lsnd lying between the southerly
line of Spring street sr.d a Une 180 feet north
erly from snd psrsllsl wltb the northerly line
of Blisshetb strse arid between twe II nee
respectively 80 fsst sad 33 feet wsstsrly
from snd parallel wltk the westerly line of
block 108. O rover's addition. . ny ef Port
Isnd. 30.43.
A trsct of Isad lying between the enethsrlv
Has of Spring street end s line 130 feet north
erly from snd parallel with the northerly
line sf BBsabeta street aad betweea lbs
easterly Bae ef block 10$. Oreeeea addition
end s line S3 feet westerly from sad parallel
with the westerly line ef block MS. OreTer's
sddltlon BBs L. Woodward. $4.16. Tots).
$ i ,
Auditor ef the City of rortlssd.
Portlsnd. Oregon. November 11. 1804.
t bases
uaa or
follows: tmm
the aerth Uas
the eaat Bae
ma the nortl
to Bsa wsst
Notice to hereby given that at the meeting
ef the Council sf the City of Portlsnd, Oregsa.
held oa the 3d day of November. 1804, the for
lowing resolution was adopted:
Resolved. That ths Council ef the City ot
Portland. Oregon, deems It expedient snd pro-
i co improve aeimont strsst Tom tbs esst
af Bast Wster street to ths west line ot
avenue, in the following manner, to-wit:
bringing ins surrsce or ins strsst
with run Intersections to the grade
according to stakes set by ths City Engineer,
sen esrtn. eisy, gravel, reca or
f constructing wooden sidewalks la
with the City Engtueer's ptoas.
ana esumatee.
planking the roadway fall width
stasctlous In accord. ace with tas
puns, spedflcetlona aad ssn-
ment to be msde In sccordsaas
tb aha charter and ordinances of the CltP
nettaad and the plana, spectnsattosa sad
of the litv Engineer fled la Use
ef the Auditor of the Citr of Portland
on the 38th dsy of October, loot. Indorsed:
City Engineer's Plsns snd specifics t lone for the
Improvement of Belmont street from the esat
line of Eaet Water street to the west line
of Union avenue, and the eetlmstee of tb work
to be done and the probable total cost thereof.''
I ne coot or ssia improvement to ne seeemeu
as provided by the city charter upon the prop
erty upeetolly snd peculiarly benefited thereby
aim wnicn is nereoy aeciaren to ue m id. iois.
rrts thereof snd psreels of laud lying between
line 100 feet north of and parallel with the
north Use ef Belmont etreet and s Has lor)
feet seata of sad psrsllel with the south
line of Belmont street, and between the esst
line of Best Wats strset sad ths west Una ef
Union s venue.
The Engineer's estimate of the Drobsble total
cost for the Improvement ef said Belmont street
to $10,330 00.
TBS snore improvement is to as ciasssa ss s
lank roadway Improvement aad shall he matn
s tried br the cltr for a period of two veers.
provided that the owners sf s msjoritr ef ths
property ne pen ten or saia improvement or any
portion thereof aba 11 net petition for a new
or different Improvement before the expiration
of eurh period.
The plans, speclncstlons sad sstlmstes of ths
City Engineer for ths lmprorsmsat of ssld
Belmont strsst are hereby adopted,
KeeolveU. That the Auditor of ths aty sf
Portland he and he to hereby directed to give
notice of the pro Doe ed Improvement of said
street ss provided by the city charter.
Hemonstrances against tne ft Dove improvement
may be Bled la writing with ths anaeavdgaed
wlrhln 30 dare from the data of the flrst pubU
catloo of tbf. notice.
By order or the Council
Auditor ef the City of Portland.
Portland. Oregon. November 8, 1804.
Notice to hereby siren that at the meettae
of the Council of the City of Portlsnd, Oregon.
held on the 3d dap or woeemner, lawt, tha rot
lowing resolution wa. adopted: A
Resolved Tbst ths Council of tbs City sf
Portlsnd. Oregon, deems It sxpedient snd pro
poses to Improve Alder street from the west
line of Lownsdale street to the wsst line of
Chspman strsst, by bringing ths strsst full
width with full Intersections te grade accord
ing to the stskes sst by ths City Engineer,
with good, rlesn esrth, rook, gravel, etoy ot
other suitable filling, by planking the road
way full width with full Interescttons, snd by
constructing wooden sldswslks.
Ssld Improvement to be sxsds In sceordsaos
with the chsrter snd ordinances of ths City
of Portland and the ptoas, specifies tlous snd
estimates or tne city Engineer bum la tas
erase of the Auditor ef the- Cltr of Portland
on the 21st dsy or October, 1804. Indorsed
City Engineer's plane snd saocllcstlons for
a improvement of Alder etreet from the west
of Lownsdale strset to the weat Uae of
sanea street snd ths ssttsxetes of the work
to be done and ths probable totsl cast thereof."
The cost of said Improvement to be sssessed
ss provided by the city cbsrtsr upon the prop
erty speetelly snd pseuUsrly benefited by ssld
Improvement snd which to hereby declared to
be aa follows: Ths south one half ef blocks
818, 831 v snd 838, sad ths north ons hslf of
blocks 316, 833 aad 328, la Portland, and a
parcel ot lsnd lying between the weet Una
of Chapman street end 1 line 100 feet weet
thereof snd psrsllel therewith snd between the
south line of Washington street snd s line 100
feet sonth thereof snd psrsllsl therewith.
The Engineer a sstlmsts of the probable totsl
cost for the Improvement of ssld Aider strsst
to J20.840.00.
The above Improvement Is to be clssssd ss S
Ilsnk roadway Improvement ssd shall be main
allied by the cltr for a period of two reara.
provided that the owners of a majority of tha
property benefited by eatd improvement or say
portion thereof shall not petition for s sew or
different Improvement before the expiration of
.such psriod.
The plana, specifications and esttmafee of ths
City Engineer for ths Improvement of said
street ere sersoy suopteo.
Resolrsd, That the Auditor of the city of
rortiand be and tie is asreoy directed TO give
notice of the proposed Improvement of ssld
. , , .. - -1 . a v ,.. .. .
U W- . - yi.'.i'm, ,,j ,U, vi. J , o,,i- .
Remonstrance, against tha shore Improvement
may be filed In writing with the undersigned
within xo asys rrom tne oats ot tne nrst publi
cation of this notice.
Bp order of the Council.
Auditor of the City ef Portland.
Portland, Oregon, November 8, 1804.
-Notice is hereby gives that st the meeting
or tne uouneii or tne t:ity ot i-ortisna, uregan.
held on the 3d dsy of November. 1804, the fol
lowing resolution was sdopted:
Resolved, Tbst the Council of the City ef
Portlsnd. Oregon, deems it sxpedient and pro.
noses to Imorove Jackson etreet from the wsst
line of blocks 48 snd 48. Carter's Addition to
the east Uns of Nineteenth street,. In the fol
lowing msnaer. to wit:
First By grading ths street fall width with
foil Intersections to grsds ss given by the City
Second By constructing srtlflclsl stone cross
Third By constructing srtlficlsl .tone curbs.
Fourth By bringing ths ef the street
full width with fall totsrasctloaa to grsds with
Said Improvement te be made to accordance
with the charter and ordinances of the City ot
Portland ana tns plans, sseciscatiene ssd sstl
mstes of the Cltr Engineer filed In the office
of the Auditor of the City of Portlsnd on ths
28tb dsy of October, woe. indorsed: "City
Engineer's plsne snd epectfleetlons for the
improvement of Jschson street from the weet
Une of blocks 48 end 48. Carter's Addition to
the esst line oT Nineteenth street, and the
estlmstes of ths work to be dons snd tbs prob
side totsl coat thereof."
The met of said improvement to be aaeeessd
ss provided by the city cbsrtsr upon the prop
erty epeclslly end peculiarly benefited thereby
sna which 1. hereby declared to be sll ths lots,
parts of lots snd parcels of land lying between
a line 100 feet north of and parallel with the
north Une of Jackson etreet snd s line 100
feet south of snd psrsllsl with ths south Use of
Jsckeoa strset snd between the weet line ot
blocks 48 snd 48, Csrtsr's Addition to ths
city of Portland sad the sast line of Nine
teenth etreet.
The Engineer's estimate of the probable totsl
rest for the Improvement of said Jackson strset
la 3820.00
The above Improvement Is to be clssssd ss a
macadam Improvement .nd shall be maintained
br the city for e psriod of dec years, provided
that the owners of s majority ef the property
benefited by ssld improvement or sny portion
thereof shall not petition tor s new or different
I m pro re men t before the expiration sf saeh
The plsne, speriScstloae and estlmstss of the
City Engineer for the Improvement of ssld street
srs hereby sdopted.
Resolved. That the Auditor ef the City ef
Portland be and he le herebr directed to give
notice of the proposed Improvement of said
strsst aa provided by the city charter
Remonstrances agslnst the shnvs Improve
may be Sled In writing with the unrtorstgned
within SO dsys from ths date of the flrst
publication or this notice.
By order of the Council.
Auditor of the City of Portlsnd.
Portlsnd. Oregon. November 8, 1804.
Notice Is hereby given tbst tbs Council ret
tbs City of Portlsud. Oregon, st s meeting
held on tbs 3d dsy of Norsmber. 1004, de
clared the assessment by Ordinance No.
14.276, for the Improvement ef Dorthwlck
street, from the north Une of Bosssl! street
te the north line et Htsnton street In ths men
ner provided by Ordlnsncs No. 18.(161, upon
each lot. part of Int and parcel of land, which
are specially snd peculiarly benefited, to be
ae ft dit ws. via :
HI K 9. ssst ft tot B. Stephen Bernl
14" e,
t U lot
10. stepl
epbrn Bernl. 138.13;
t u lot ii. John Scb.ld. 88.ra: ,. u
lot 10. John Sehsld. 88.11: tot 11. Wllllsm
T.ppeiirien. 840.88; tot 13. D. C. Miller.
843.41; lot 11. Sylvts A. Tucker.,
tot 14. Chsrles sad Msthew Nolan. 178.88.
BLOCK 10. tot 8. Mrs. 0. V. St. Helen.
18l.iv: lot 10. Mrs. O. v St. H.leers, 884.84:
tot 11. city ef Port lead, 830.33; let
IS. M. Csples hfstfhlse. 880.18; eest 84
feet of lot 13. Jerk Skowrouekl. 844 87,
east 84 feet ot lot 14, Jerk Skewroeakl,
848.18; eaat 33 feet of west 48 fset of tot
3. Catherine Daniel. 88.14; sast 33 feet
ef wsst 48 feet ot tot 14. Cethertne Deatol.
88.1ft; west 24 fset of tot IS, Michael Pto
herty. 38.80; wsst 34 feet of 1st 14. Michael
H.h.rtv 88.38. P.MH-K 11. tot 8. Mary A.
Bsa-tseton. 187 44. tot 10, Deatol H
SeeVTS; lot 11. Oeorge c. snd Annie
can. 330.10: lot 13. Ilvtra D Fellows.
eonth 3. feet of lot 18. Ilvtra D. PaE
t: north 17 feet of lot 13, A. H.
rr. tit. ta; let 14. A. B. Leeds. 884.18.
!K 12. let 8. Joha sad B. Orten. ill 07;
other sutsh)
Second B
accords ftps
Third -By
with fuU tat
City Engineer s
E. Tinman
Hsnn.h E
Claud I. and Clyde J. Seoffin. $3.86, lot 11.
D. B. Newman. $0.73. BLOCK IS, tot a,
George W. Bete., $48.44: lot 6, Ernest B.
Merges, $$8.11; lot 4, Wllllsm Tappesden.
165 11, lot 3. William Tenpendoa. 848.18;
tot i, Wllllsm Teppenden, 887.38: let 1,
Henrletts Blsckmsn. $67.46. BLOCK 16. lot
3. William Bride. 88191; lot 8, Willis
Bride, $80.88;
$48.33; lot $.
tot 4. Laura
r. S. Meri
a Wise.
aee. aacvr
lot 2. J. I
$70.83. b:
Brt 4. Wllllsm
A etstsment of
eot has
ens. snd
rn ssjbred la the Docket of city
new due aat agysbls st the oft
City Treasurer, la lawful money of
State sad If hat paid within thirty
of the
.ee from
the date af tale notice, eucb nroesedlsge win
he taken for the collection of tks same ae
srs provided by the Charter of ths City of
The above sssessioent will besr Interest ten
dsys sftsr ths first publlcsllon of this notice.
Auditor of tks City of Portlsnd.
Oregon. November 8, 1004.
Notice la berrby given that the council of
tbs City of Portlsnd. Orsgoa. at a meeting
held on the 2d dey of November. 1804, de
els red the asasesmsat by Or (Una nee Ne.
14.278 for the Improvement of Hassslo etreet.
from the eeet line of Esst First etreet to the
west II us of East Sixth street in the manner
provided by Ordlnsncs No. 13.080. upon ssch
let. psrt of lot snd parcel of lsnd. which sre
specially snd pe, u lie rly benefited, to as. as
follows, via:
HOLLaDAY'S ADDITION to Esst Portlsnd
SLOCK 87. lot 4. John Clsrk. 884.69: lot 1.
John Clark. $0.11: lot 6, Augustine Msrle
Plchnt. $12.28: lot 6. Augustine Msrle Plrbot.
17 86. BLOCK 64. lot 4. A. H. Breymeu,
124.91: let 8. A. H Breymsn. $6.88: lot 6.
A. H. Breymsn, $3.80; lot 6. A. H. Breyman.1
$130.83. BLOCK 86. lot 4. Emma A. Arrham
besa. 810.01; lot 3. Bmma A. Archsmbeftu.
$8.84: lot 6. Lillian Olds. $6.34; lot 6, Lil
lian Olds. $13.37. BLOCK 73, lot 4. Louis
Nlcolsl. $1108: lot 1. Louis Nleotol. $8.$f.
lot 6. Louis Nlcolsl. $8 68; lot 6, Lnnl
Nlcolsl, $8.88. BLOCK 73. lot 4. George
K roe h man. $134.09; lot 1. George Kroehman.
641; lot 6, Dora Srhsde, So. 48: lot 6. Dora
isde. $86.88. BLOCK 46-. lot 1. Frsnkts
H. Zlllsr. (3.38; lot 3. A. M. Stsnsberrr.
$0.33; lot 7. The Oregon Real Estste Com
Kny, 810.86: lot 8, The Oregon Reel Batata
mpany, $138.30. BLOCK 48. lot 1, Bern
hart Hagedom. $14 .88; north 16 feet ef lot
3. Bernbsrt Hagedom. $3 10; south 86 feet of
lot 3. A. 1.. Ford Warren $7.28; lot 7.
Augusts Orobock. $8.01: lot 8. Augusta
Oosheck. $8.88. BLOCK 47. tot 1. Augusta
Ooobock $9 18; tol.2. Augusta Ocoboek. $8.93:
lot 7. Augusts Ocoboek $8.31; lot 8. Augusta
Ocoboek. $13.00. BLOCK 46. lot 1. Herman
-Jrittenberi. $13.08: lot 2. Mermen Witten
berg. $8.81; lot 7-Hetmsn Wittenberg. $8.66:
lot 6, Hermsn Wittenberg. 86 68. BLOCK 46.
lot 1. Msnd 0. Hudson. $124.08; lot 2. Maud
0. Hndaoo. $8.48; lot 7. Nils P. Johnson,
$0.86; lot 8. Msry E. Rowland. tai 3o; right
of way. Portland Railway Company. 338.78:
tight ot wsy. City ft Suburban Railway com
pany 11.80. Total. 11.186.08.
A atatetnent ef ftforsSSld sssessment has
sun entered in the Docket of City Liens, and
Is now due sad psysble st the office of the
City Tressurer, In Iswrui money nr tne united
States snd If not psld within thirty days from
ths date of this notice, such proceedings will
be taken for the collection ef the same as
srs provided by tbs Chsrter of ths City of
Ths sbove sssessmanr win nesr interest io
dsn sftsr the Srst publication of this notice.
inilD- 1'Di 1-1.',
Andllor of th Cltr of Portland.
PorUnntl Oregon. November 0. ltXM.
Notice Is hereby given that at a regulsr
e mHh of the Council of the City of Portland.
Oregon, te be held on Wednesday the Itn day of
USCCmner, nets, et tas ivguiar uuai ,uu place.
petition will ne preeenteo to ssiu uouncu
praying ror tne vers iron or rnsr portion or
Thcmss street In said cltr lying betweea the
eest Uns of Corbett street snd the wtet line
of Kelly strset. o. u. usmmsns, aaiia usm-
maas. msry nsrneney.
Portland. Oregon.
ovsmber 1. iP04.
I 'M Only
Railway between the
Missouri River
The Chicago-Portland Special, the
BBost luxurious train in the world.
Drawing-room sleeping cars, dining
car, buffet smoking snd library car
(barber and bath). Less man uiree
days Portland to Chicago.
Through Trains
to Chicago are operated dally ria the
gat oa R K. & Nar. Co.. CP. R R. aad
tcag-o 8t North Western Ky. hf Chicago
aj Portland and points b Oregon aad
Eaxtern Washington.
Daily excursions la Pullman tourist
slseplng cars from Port land through
to Chicago without change.
eeeiAgt. rsc. Cesst,
C. aV-W. Br.
SSr Market SfreeS.
Geseisl Ageet,
W. By.
Ha Third Street.
Ticket Ofdoe ISm Third era. W
eses. Tranacontinant
' 2
atsV Traalriai Orally
TO ilPOICANrt. 8T.
ltaht trla tl
and Kock mounts! aex
undivided M of lot 10. Maud
80.86: undivided at of lot 10.
167.76; tot 8.
north ft lot 4.
egi sb ; strum eg
tot $1 Mtltos
t. Scott $88.13.
LOCK 11. lot 8.
lot 6. Wllllsm
lot 4. J. A. FTf
Wtlaem McLsaa
McLesn. $0.78.
Union Pacific
Through Pullman standard and teartst
lug ears dstly to Osxshs. Chlcsgo Spoksaen
tourist sleeping cere dally to Kansas City;
through Pull rafts tourtet eleeplna cars I net sea
ally conducted! weekly to Chicago. Recti ntns
chair ears (sssts free! to ths Best dairy.
At l fees.
For ths Esat vie Bunt
013 a. m.
6 38 p. m.
For Eastern Washlug
ton. Wills Wells Lew
6:16 p. m.
a o s. aa.
Istoa. Coeur d' Atone
snd Crest Northern
For ths East vU Meat.
8:18 p. m.
7:18 a. fts.
S. B. Gob. W. Elder
Nor. 2. 12. 22.
S. B. Columbia
3:00 p.m
3 OOp m.
Nov. 7. 17. 37.
CMamVla trver bvfeW
8:00 p. m.
point., connecting
8:6p. m.
ex. Sunday.
itrar tor iiwbco
and ex. Sunder
North Beech, str, Hss
sslo. Aeh-et. dock.
oo -v rr
YsaahlH Blver ateata.
OB DATV'ON. Oregon!
City sod Yamhill River' 7:00 s. m.
points, strs. Ruth sm: Criiy.
Modoc. Aab at dock. ex. Sunday
8:80 p. as.
ex. Sunday.
twswr isi sauting,! I - 6
Snaks Blver Rente.
and w.y point, from
Blpsrls. Wssh.. stmrs.
Spokane snd Lewlstog.
6:40 s. m.
ex. Sat. .
3:on p. at.
TICKET OFFICE Third and Wsshlngton. Tata.
. Phone Msla 713.
81 ASIATIC 8. B. CO.
For Yokohama and Hong Kong, eel Hne et
Krhe, Nagasaki and Shanghai, i taking freight
vis connecting ttesmsrs for Manila. Port Ar
thur snd Vladivostok: B. K ARAOONIA. Oat.
38; S. 8. N1COMEDIA, Nov. 31: K 8. NCMAN
tia. Dec. 8. For freight sad further pertleav
tors apply to
DEWSON. Agent.
Upper Alaska Dejck.
Telephone Mats 3BK
trslus. for Seism. Boss
burg. A ah land, Sacra
mento. Ogden. Sea Pr.s-
8 10 p. m
etseo, stocktoa. Lea ASH
galea, si p.,. new Or
leans sad tne as sr.
Morning train i
neets st Woodbara
dslly sxeapt Sunday
8 :80 . m.
with train ror git.
Angel. 8 1 1 v e r t o ft.
7 10 a. as.
Brownsville. Soring-
Oeld. W.udllng end
Albans iisssssi
4 00 p. m.
aatts st Woods lira wtta
Mt. Angel sad Silver-
10:18 s m.
ton local.
7:10 s.
,4:80 p.m.
Shsridaa net
8:38 a. m
Dslly. i Dslly sxceat Sunder.
PortlanJ. Oswego Suburban Service sad
Depot Poet of Jefferson Street.
Leave Portlsnd dslly for Oswego f rSS a. BV
13 80. IM, 3:3B. 8:30. 8:38. 8 SO, 10 18 a. m.
Dslly (sxceat Sunday). 8:38. 8 80, 8:38.
, a:ao. a tax. leaf
Sunday only, 8:88
a. m.i 4:80. 11:80 p.
Returning from Oswego srrlve Portlsnd Oslte
8:88 s.
i:ob. .von. s:an. ecis. t:bb. b:bb.
Dally (except Sundav) 4:38, 7:38.
11:10 n.
8:30. 10:20. 11:48 s. m. Except
is as
n m Hsaflir OUIV. 10:00 ft. SS
leaves from same depot for Palls, nad In
medlste points datlv (excert Sunday) 4:00 p. m.
Arrive 1-ortlana ltrxo s. m.
The Indenendenee-Monmouth Btsteej Uses
eaerstss dally tn Moamouth and Atrrss, ssea.
BScnng Wltn noutnern i-aeinv compear a uicss
st Dsllss snd Independence.
First els ss fere from Portland te
snd Sen Prsneiseo 830. bertha gn:
fare f 13. second-cless berth 83.80.
Tickets to Esstern points and
Japan China Honolulu and Australia.
City Ticket Orilee corner Third aad
legion at eta PbOBO BUI Tlx,
c W. RTlNc.rn W It.
city Tletel Ag.nt flea.
UNION D3P0T. Pogsrej. Aalloaw
Paget Sound Limited.
for Tacoma. Seettle .
Olympla. South Bead a. sa. 8 80 b, ss.
sad Ossy's Mirhn
North Coast limited,
tor Ta corns. Seettle,
Butts. St. PsnL Mia- ,n. T 00 s. ss.
Beepotts, Chlcage, New i au a. sx.
York. Boston and points
Kaat and Bonthsast,
Twin-City Et press, for
T.roms. Seettle, Spo-
lane. Helena. St. Paul.
Mlnneepojto Chlcsge 1 48 p. Us. T-as s. sa.
Nsw York, Boston snd
sU points Cast sad
Puxet Mound . Ksnsas
city.St Louis Special,
for Tacoma. Seattle!
Spokane. Butte, Billings.
Denver. Omaha. Kanaaa 8:30a. m T :O0 p. ae.
City. St. Louie sad aU
points East snd South
All trains daily sxcent en
branch. A. D. CHABI.TON.
Assistant Oener.l Passenger Ages
238 Morrison St.. cor. Third. Portland.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
Lesvee. UNIOW DEPOT, Arrtvsa.
8:88 a. SV Poe Mergers. Rainier Dally.
Dally. Clatakasle. Westport. Ililu s. sx
CHf bat. A. torts. War
rentes, riavel, Ham
mond Peri Stevens.
Osarhsrt Psrk. Seaside.
Astoria sad Beesavrs.
fafx Aatorl. Express.
J. C hi A TO.
Paeae Mala 888,
C A.