The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 09, 1904, Image 8

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i9oe toomuri
(Special Mepatc to The MmL)
lam. Or.. Not. . While speaking
Of the recant election and the unex-
C-ted landslide for the Republican,
vernor Chamberlain thin afternoon
paid a compliment to Roosevelt's per
sonality and .Americanism, attributing
his large vote to this.
He also sounded the watchword of the
avert presidential campaign, "Bryan for
president." The governor said:
"The election is over, and I believe
Roosevelt's victory due to two things
first, the country is prosperous and the
people do not feel that a chance in ad
ministration is necessary; second, the
gentlemen In the east who demanded the
nomination of Parker for president tie
ananded Bryan's defeat in lt9ti and 1S00
They accomplished the latter purpose
beyond question of a doubt, and to their
course In the two preceding elections is
largely due Parkers defeat yesterday.
"Many Democrats who supported the
platform and candidate in 19U0 and 1896
purposely remained away from the polls
this rear or voted for Roosevelt Just
as Belmont and his coterie of states
man voted for VcKlnhey In 186. It
might be said, too. that there was no
particular Issue between the partlea, and
Roosevelt's personality and American
lam were worth to him many thousands
of votes to all the states. I believe the
defeat of the Democratic party this year
VUl bo beneficial to It four years hence.
aaaYTBST WLmoiL xiTinun.
HlaaowTl Wow Basws to) Save Oons
(Jourual Special Sarrloe.)
New York, Nov. 9. The greatest sur
Bflse of the election was given this ev
enlng when It was learned that the vote
of "solid south' had been broken by the
great Roosevelt landslide. With Mis
aourl in the Republican oolumn, Presl
dent Roosevelt will have 311 vote in
the electoral college according to' the
present calculations. ' i
While both aldea claim the state which
for 35 years has boon safely Democratic
In national elections, late returns this
afternoon place Missouri under the Re
publican banner.
That Joseph Folk carried the state for
governor Is not disputed.
In West Virginia returns continue to
come in slowly, but a Republican victory
la Indicated.
The landslide la augmented by a Re
publican -plurality of 400,000 in Penn
sylvania, and the potency of Tammany
la evidenced by the loss of Brooklyn to
Marked Republican gains In congres
bangs 'of complex
atonal district and change
lost In several state legislature have
firmly established the Republican con
. trol of congress by a majority of 84 In
the house and 34 in the sonata.
Late returns Indicate the election of
Republican legislatures In Nebraska,
Washington, Connecticut, Delaware,
Utah, Wisconsin, West Virginia and -Ne-
with the possible addition of Mis
Among the Democratic senators likely
to be retired are Cockrell of Missouri
and GMbaon of Montana,
The seat of Congressman Cowherd.
chairman of the Democratic congres
sional committee, Is also likely to be lost
to the Democrats.
(Joaraal Special Berrlea.)
Washington. Nov. . 'What's the
use? It's getting worse." said Chairman
Cowherd of the Democratic congres
tonal campaign committee when asked
this morning for estimates on the Re
publican congress. Cowherd had just
received a dispatch from Missouri indi
eating bis probable defeat In his own
district for re-election. Conservative
estimates Indicate a Republican major
ity In congress of between 00 and 75
(Journal Special Serrtre.)
Kansas City. Nov. 9 The World's
count shows that Cowherd .was elected
by six votes, with one strong Demo
cratic precinct to hear from. Incom
plete and unofficial returns from aM sec
tions of the state do not diminish the
probability that Roosevelt carried Mis
souri, although the complexion Is uncer
tain. W-EVADA.
(Joaraal special Servica.,
Reno, Nev., Nov. t. Sixty-two out of
17 precincts In Nevada give Roosevelt
3.339; Parker, 3.038; Vandusen. Democrat
for congress, 2,848; A. S. Terlngton, Re
publican. 8.199.
Republican have made a cleai sweep,
carrying nearly every county. Roth
parties claim the legislature.
(Special Dispatch to The Joaraal. )
The Dalles, Or.. Nov. 9. Precinct
have not all been heard from but large
Republican gains so far given. Prohibi
tion carried by nearly 600 In the county.
Five precincts In Hood River district
gave a majority of fojr for prohibition.
(Special Dispatch to The Joaraal.)
Baker City. Or.. Nov. 9. Returns
from II precinct in this county out of
44 give Roosevelt 1,(11 and Parker 808.
This Is about two thirds of the vote
It wis with Detective Frank Snow's
revolver that John Clark's saloon, 21 Al
bum avenue, was held up and. robbed
Saturday night, according to evidence
that canto -to light last night, when
"lYank James" waa arrested by Detect
ives Kerrigan and Snow, tt is now cer
tain, aay the detective, that this man,
with Henry Mctlloln aad Charles Mee
ham. turned the trick Snow had loaned
"Jamsa" a revolver, with the under
standing that it was to be used during
a "stunt" at the HUou, a local vaude
ville theatre.
Instead of using the weapon, aa he
said he was going to do, in the theatre,
it now develops that hi wont. In com
pany with others, and held up the sa
loon, a stated. This much he has ad
mitted to Detectives Kerrigan and Snow.
At noon today Detactlvea Kerrigan and
Snow brought in the fourth man to be
arrested in connection with the saloon
holdup. Me la Charles Meeham. a man
who has been op trial previously for
holding up a saloon at Troutdale, but
who was released for lack of -evidence.
He is Implicated by the confessions of
James" and Mcdlotn. road last night to
the detectives after their arrest In the
north end district.
In addition to the oharge of complicity
In the saloon holdup, it is probable, the
detectives state, they will file charge of
burglary and robbery against him for the
following "Jobs," perpetrated by mm, u
Is alleged, early Monday morning:
Oolden West saloon. Seventh and OU
san streets, robbed of 848.
Tourist saloon. 28 North Sixth street.
entered and ransacked, but no money
found. -Hawk's
-Saloon. Ninth and Gllsan
streets, entered; cash register smashed
and 130 taken.
"Frank James" Is the name given by
the man Who borrowed tho revolver from
Detective Snow, and He say that is nis
stage name. He is the 'man who heed
the revolver's mussle to John Clark's
''head when he made him open the safe
and disgorge Its cash contents during
the sensational holdup Saturday night.
He admits this la his confession.
Joseph W. Forced, arrested last
night also as a suspect, will probably
be released, since the arrest today or
(Journal Special Serrlet.)
Tokio, Nov. 9. It is reported that the
forts on Rlhlung and Susung mountains
have been completely silenced by the
Japanese. Theft main strength is said
to be engaged in an attack on Its moun
tain, with indications favoring the capit
ulation of the fort on this mountain.
With ' this In their possession, it Is
thought by those conversant with the
situation that the abandonment of Port
Arthur will follow. This much Is cer
tain If the Japanese succeed In taking
the Ansbu and Its mountain fortirica
tiona. they will hold the key to the situ
atton at Port Arthur. Taking into con
sideration the condition of the Port Ar
tour garrison, which is according to all
resorts in exeentlonallr dire straits
Lowing to the scarcity of food and medi
cines for the lit ahd woundeo, tt is read
lly seen that all there Is left for the
hardy warriors under that man of Iron
nerve, General 8!. is evacuation.
surrender or annihilation.
QmrnrmosTB that wxu attract
The days for the hardest and most
interesting football matches are draw
ing closer, and on next Saturday the
partisans of many elevens throughout
the country will await patiently the
news from the battle ground. The
event of the Pacific coaat will be the
Stanford-Berkeley game -at Berkeley,
with the Oregon-Washington ' .contest
coming in for second mention. Prince
ton will meet Yale at.Prloceton, Colum
bia will attack Cornell, and Michigan
will try conclusions with Chicago.
Her In Portland! Multnomah and Al
bany college will . struggle for honors,
with the odds in the former's favor.
Two weeks ago Albany ran up 17 'point
against the Cheat wa Indians in rapid
style and. judging from reports, the Al
banians play a fast and snappy game,
and will keep the club men busy for two
Multnomah win begin this evening a
special course of training for the Uni
versity of Idaho contest in this city
one week from next Saturday. The Ida
ho aggregation are a moat formidable
and husky lot of football warriors, and
In order to meat them half way Mult
nomah realises that It will be necessary
to undergo the hardest kind of training.
In speaking of Multnomah's shortcom
ings in the game, and the points that
must be Improved. Captain Dowltng had
the following to say last evening:
"We have games ahead of us on the
schedule that our players do not fully
appreciate, and I feel that If the boys
do not turn out and do harder work that
several of these later games will surely
go against us. While our men ar tak
ing things easy, the Albany, the Astoria,
the Oregon and the Seattle Athletlo
club's elevens are tolling like Trojans,
getting Into perfect condition for their
matches with us. Our men do not help
each other enough. When the backs go
through the line they have men going
alone, when .the tackles and guard
should be around -there with the other
two backs helping the runner. On punt
the line men ar very slow in getting
down the. field and this may also be
said concerning the backs. We also
waste tlm in giving signals. The sig
nal should be given while the men are
still on the ground after a scrimmage,
o that when they get upon their feet
they need not delay, but start off with
the ball. Last Saturday there wore fully
IS minutes lost in the game for no other
reason than that Multnomah waa slow
and overd is posed to hold post-mortems.
Beginning this evening an effort will
be made to get some speed out of -th
men, because they have It In them "
Then was a seen at the county Jail
this morning between Attorney A. Wal
ter Wolf and County Jailer Oraftoa. A
few days Sao. it Is said, the attorney
advised his client, Ruth Osborne, who
shot John TA mm. to plead guilty to . a
charge of simple assault and receive
as punishment only a light fine. She,
Instead, sent for another attorney.
This morning Mr. Wolf appeared at
the1 Jail and unbralded the Osborne
women in language that caused her to
become hysterical. The jailer ordered
him out of the place and as he failed
to obey the Injunction was forced out
bodily, after more or less of a struggle.
mobs o sum.
(Journal Special Service.)
Richmond. Vs.. Not. 9. Samuel Mo-
Cue was this afternoon sentenced to
hang January 20, 1908.
What's the secret of happy, vigorous
health. Simply keeping the bowels, the
siomacn, ine uvsr ana Sidneys strong
and active. Burdock Blood Bitters docs
It - -. ,H.'
Election day at the Waverly golf links
the occasion for several of Port
land's business men to spend the greater
part of the day In practice games.
(Special lWepatrh to The Joaraal.)
Vale. Or.. Nov. 9. Late returns this
afternoon give Roosevelt 427. Varker
188. For prohibition 121. against pro
hibition IN. Precincts unreported, 8.
(Journal Special Berries.)
Boston, Nov. 9. With two precincts
to hear from Roosevelt's plurality In
Massachusetts will be 88.033 and that of
Douglas 88,848.
(Journal Special Serrlre )
Forgo, N. D., Nov. 9. More complete
returns show aa Increased Republican
majority of mor than 88,000.
si " -
(Speetsl Plepsteb M The Journal. )
Denver, Nov. 9. Democrats this nf
tarnoon claim Adams' election ad gov
ernor by 8.808 over Fsabody.
(Jeevest geeelal Service.)
Milwaukee. Nov. 9 Complete, returns
elected to congress by 814
F. H. Osgood has placed the Allen
gulch placer, near Waldo, in condition
for steady work this season. The prop
erty was leased by Mr. Osgood this year
and It 1 his purpose to run the hy
draulic plant full time.
Br rati se it is either hun
gry or in pain. Property
nourrshed k w3l usually grow
up right and be corafcrtahle
that's the principal thing
for a baby. If its food lacks
strength and . nourishment
add Scott's Emulsion at feed
ing time. A few drops will
show surprising resorts. If a
baby- is plump it is reason
ably safe. Scott's Emulsion
makes babies plump.
(Journal Special Settler.)
University of Oregon, Bugene, Nov. 9.
There Is considerable satisfaction ex
pressed around the university over the
faot that Coach Dick Smith has been
selected a one of the officials of. the
snnual Stanford -California game which
is to be played on. the 12th of this
month. Heretofore the umpire and ref
eree have been the best known football
experts in the eaat, who were brought
out especially to officiate at the game,
but this time Oregon's coach has been
one of the man selected. . -
(Journal Special Service.)
L.ok Angeles, . Nov. 9. The
Angels landed hard on Btarkell'a
curves yesterday and theBrownles went
down the line 19 to 8) Dolly Oray was
the goods and held the visitors safe
throughout. Flood's error and Runkle's
double gave Portland 2 In the ninth.
Los Angeles ......4000 20 4 10
Hits t 1 0 1 1 3 0 3 11
Portland .0 0 0 0 8 0 0 8 - 3
Hits 0 1 9 0 1 0 0 1 2 8
Batteries Portland: Slarkells and
Kellacky; Los Angeles: Oray and
' '
SB 111 "vsa wtjTTseassfla JttUuJt
Consolidation and enlargement of the
power enterprises of southern Oregou
la forecasted in the organisation of the
Southern Oregon Power company. This
company was brought into existence 9f
the Kay interests, wnicn nave in con
dor power plant, and ar now building
transmission lines from Coidray to
the south and north, Th men In the
Siskiyou Klectric Power company of
northern California are also Identified
with the new company, which has an
authorised capital stock of SB0O,09.
The Incorporator are J. W. Churchill
of Trek and Alex. Roaborough df Oak
land. CaL; F. H. Ray of New York, C.
K Ray of Oregon snd R C. Benson.
Harvey Yeaman and H. D. Benson of
San Francisco.
This company is the result of a re
cent trip to the California capital by th
Ray brother. ' Manager C R. Ray of
the Condor plant, upon his return, said
that the statement of merger of the Sis
kiyou and Condor plants was prematura,
but left the inference that the purpose
of the new company was to take both
in. The company waa organised In Cali
fornia to get as far as possible from
the Influence of Oregon's Eddy law.
The Siskiyou company has a plant in
northern California, which 1 owned by
Ban Francisco Interests, who are sup
posed to be represented la th new con
cern. Th Ray interests have also been
making surveys In th basin of Bear
creek, beyond Ashland, where an. exten
sive Irrigation project la being dis
cussed, water to be conserved in a great
reservoir. Engineer Alsop, who made
careful examination of the traet and
also compiled estimates of the prob
able cost and territory that could be
reached, has gone east to meet F. H.
Ray in New York.
Dr. J. F Roddy of Spokane, who is
operating In mines In southern Oregon,
stated while in this city recently that
it was the hope of th mine owners, to
see good work done in exhibiting Oregon
or at th Lewis and Clark exposition.
That this might be on a seals to accom
plish the greatest results, h said, thor
oughly practical mining men should be
In charge of th work of gathering ores
and arranging them. Th plan of sitting
local committee In the respective dis
tricts to gather ores was regarded as
a good idea, and th doctor thought that
this should be supported by a practical
mining man. or mining man. lu charge
of the general work.
Though only 18 years old, Oeorge Mar
shall, a big and Innocent-looking country
lad, was sent to the penitentiary this
morning to serve a year for I art-en y.
Tho boy pleaded guilty to entering the
apartments of J. 8. Fordyce at the Nor
ton house. Twelfth and Morrison streets.
and stealing Jewelry and toilet articles.
After a conference this afternoon be
tween Judge Oeorge, District Attorney
Manning and Deputy District Attorney
Moser. young Marshall was brought Into
court again, th morning sentence nulli
fied and the boy permitted to plead
guilty to petit larceny. He was then
sentenced to servo 10 months in the
county Jail.
Well end yob a
4 ., 4o
New York.
The action of Chief Hunt In dlscharw-
nW Ponce Officer C. E. Totr for fail
ure to report for two hours while on duty
was too dictatorial, according to the ver
dict of the executive board, before whom
the Case was heard today, and th chiefs
mandate waa set aside. Foster was
found guilty of violating the rules but
the penalty Imposed by the chief was too
severe, tt was Stated. The board decided
to reinstate him at the end of 48 days,
during which time he wilt receive no
Los Angels ..
San Franc la Co
40141 IS9NTM
L-i i
4 . I 3S MR
Seattle Whip Seeds.
Oakland, CaL, Nor. .9. Seattle played
rings around the 'Frisco nine yesterday
and won hands down. Score:
Seattle 3 10 4 0 0 12 1 ts" if"
San Fran 0 3 0 90 0 1 09 3 9 3
Batteries Hogg, Shields and Blank
en ship; Barber and Gorton. .
Tiger Jaoa In Rtnth.
Fresno, CaL, Nov. 9. Tacoma had th
game safe until the ninth, when Thomas
walked two men and allowed two safe
drives, netting the Oaklanders four runs.
The score:
R It E.
Oakland OOomooH 8 8 8
Tacoma 00100020 03 7 4
B&lterles Mosklman and Byrnes;
Thomas and Graham. IJmpIr Day.'
(Journal Special Service.)
Chicago, Nov. 9. Like other cham
pionship fighters, Tommy Ryan, ton, ha
boon stage-struck. The clever middle
weight boxer as an actor its th prize
ring has always been a wonder, and
Tommy thinks even greater honors
await him behind the footlights.
"For Hearth and Horn, under th
direction of Sylvia Ferrltl and Howard
rarr, Is the tragic and mellow drama in
which Ryan will embark upon his. the
atrical career Ryan, of course will be
the star In the cast. "I wants to he a
leading lady,'' Is th song Tommy sings
dally, and he really bellev It will be
muoh -easier for him than lighting. Ry
an's show opens in Hen ton Harbor
Thanksgiving day.
mTjHsrrwo at aqtjbduot.
(Journal Special Service.)
New York, Nov. 8. Aqueduct sum
mary: Six furlongs King Pepper won; time,
1:16. .
Mile High Wind won; time. 1:43.
Th Creedmoor stakes, six furlongs
Pierre Le Folley won; time.. 1:14 2-8.
Handicap, mile and on furlong Dolly
Spanker won; time, 1:83.
Mils At wood won; tiro. 1:88 4-8.
Six and one-half furlongs Master of
Craft won; tlm. 1'I2 3-8.
(Joaraal Special Service.)
Lincoln. Neb . Nov. 9. William Jen
nings Bryan baa plans for a party re
organisation, and actually admits that
he deems such course necessary to th
suoces of Democracy.
In an Interview today h said that he
would sak no man to Join .him In these
plans, as he would stand .sponsor for
them himself, snd he added that th an
nouncement of bis views would be made
through his editorial columns when h
flere-d the tlm rip for such su im
portant campaign.
(Special Dlspsteb to Th Journal.)
Helena, Mont., Nov. 8. Tho author
of the "Arlckarce Tales" 1 no mor.
The stories, which were often as
cribed to Brete Harte, while running In
dividually In eastern and western' pa
pers, were th worn Of A. O. Clsrk of
Helena, the son of a millionaire mar
chant. A. O Clark.
Just after leaving the polling place
last night he dropped dead. He was an
Intimate friend and neighbor of Gov
ernor Toole. He leaves a widow and
several children.
("serial Dispatch to Tat Joaraal.)
Tacoma. Wash.. Nov. 8, Capt. C. . JL
Po4ndxtr. who waa master of the
schooner LlUle. L. wrecked on th 81-
borlan coast, at Eagl cap, has r.
snswed tit Aroma lie was compelled
to remain at Eagle cape fully a month.
aad tails Interesting tales or nis expe
rience during hi enforced visit At
Graphite, on the Siberian coast, Oaptain
Polndcxter saw an Immense deposit of
graphite. He declares that there seems
to be nothing save graphite in a moun-
Th eestain says the natives are not
Ilka tho of Alaska They are descend
ants of Chinese. ,who drove all the abo
rigines out of the country. They wor
ship children, and hav no other gods.
Whan Slberlsn of this class want a
wif h takes his runos and crosses to
Alaska, where he steals one from the
native there.
An object lesson
', Za a
A physician put th query: Have
sou never noticed in any large restau
rant at lunch or dinner tlm. the large
number of hearty, vigorous old men at
th tables; men Whose ages run from
sixty to eighty years; many of them
bald and all perhaps- gray, but none of
them feeble or sen lie T
Perhaps th spectacle Is so common
s to have escaped your observation or
comment, but nevertheless It is an . ob
ject lesson Whlof-4neans something.
If you will nu what these hearty
old fellow artlng. you will observe
that they are not munching bran craxk
ers nor, gingerly picking their way
or -new-rangiea
y. ii
through a menu card
to nrefer a Juicy roast of beef, a prop
erly turned lolst 'of mutton, and ven
the oeaaiy nroitea topster is not alto
gether Ignored.
The point of all'thls Is that a vigorous
old age depends upon good digestion
and plenty of wholesome food, and not
upon dieting and an endeavor to llv
upon bran crackers.
There is a ccrtsjb class of food cranks
who seem to Jatueve that meat, coffee
and many -o.tMW good things are rank
poison, bo those cadaverous, sickly
looking individuals are S walking con
demnation of their own theories.
Th matter In a nutshell Is that If the
stomach secretes the natural dlgeatlv
Juices In sufficient quantity, any whole
some food will be promptly digested,
if the stomach does not do so. and cer
tain foods causa distress, one or two
of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets after eaob
meal will remove all difficulty, becauao
they supply Just what every weak
stomach lacks, pepsin, hydro chlorio
acid, diastase and nux.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets do not act
upon th bowels and In fgtt are" not
strictly a medicine, as they Act almost
entirely upon the food eatefT digesting
It thoroughly and thus stvlngMhe stom
ach a muoh needed rest and an appe
tite for the next meal.
O? people who travel, nine out of ten
use Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, know
ing them to be perfectly safe to use at
any time and also having found out by
experience that they are a safeguard
againat Indigestion In any form, and
eating as iney nave io, at an nours ana
all kinds of food, th traveling public
for years havs pinned their faith to
Stuart' Dyspepsia Tablets. .
All druggists sell them at 69 cents
X VromainyVonrh if ft.
opinion were asked.. will aay that Stu
art's Dyspepsia Tablets is the most
popular and successful remedy for any
stomach troublv
(Journal Special Service.)
: Bee ton. . Nov. 9. As th outcome of
the Chicago beef war among the pack
ers, a suit In a $1. 208,000 action was
brought against J. Ogden Armour, by
writ entered today. Th plaintiffs are:
Jam C, MaVhyjl James
I is I
by our poucy.
Oftjp as postal, trtertfasf your sjjp3btt w will mil you
full particulars bow to protect jrour tnuly snd build up
in gstato lor yourself.
AGfe 25
6 CENTS a day saved each year will PROTECT you
for fl.OOO.OO and guarantee you a GOOD INVEST
MENT Why be widsout a Policy?
' Insure with
The Washington Life
Write for particulars.
BLAIR T. SCOTT. Oanaral Maaafar.
HARRY B. SCOTT. Avracy Director.
649.610, 611, 611 ana 613 Cbem-of Com. BVfc., Porctae, Ore.
If, so, watch the daily papers
. Thursday and Friday.
Corner Yamhill and First Streets
The Little-at-the-Time Store "Gevurtz Sella It for Less."
D. 0Undlh, Frank P. Comstook aM
Prank E. Vogal, directors and officers
of th Hammond Beef company of Illi
nois, The ground for the action is not
given, as the complaint will not appeur
in court for some days.
(Special niapatch to Tae JoerosL)
Victoria, B. C. Nov. . Cajptaln Keif
of th scaling schooner Dora Steward
has arrived on the west coaat of Van
couver Island after an unique experience.
She lost her rudder after leaving Boh
rlng sea.
Th captain had th top mast cut down
and Improvised a trlng sear wKich
brought her a distance of 804) miles.
So successful wss It that th Schooner
ran Into Clayoquot on the west coast
with a very strong breese blowing.
Little colds" neclected thousands -f
Uvea sacrificed every year. Dr. Wood's
Norway Pin Syrup cure little colds--cure
big cold, too. down to th very
verge of consumption.
la the went
Mtta. yet tae i
to rare WHIN
DO. Ma or hare pi.
piss, epoie a tae
kin. enree ia tae
la, a?
hair sea . es
terra, aa Aaa't knn
It la lil.oon I'OISOX. Save t rR BROWN,
8S Are tt., fbilaaatpbls. I'enn.. for BBOWM'8
Ml OOP ft RE 82.00 nor bottle: Uete aae
want. . seM Is reruasa
IsttlssS Betel I
sty sr rnsfe Mas,
Suits 1 Overcoats
$7.50 to $20.00
You may have worn clothing as
good, but if you have you paid
your tailor twice what we ask.
Is his name better than
A $5.00 Suit that will wear four times as long
as a $2.50 Suit is as much cheaper in the end as
$5 is less than $10.
MORA L Buy $5.00 Suits, but if you MUST
have $2,50 Suits, OURS are the BEST.
With Every Suit or Overcoat.
ST Only HiGH-OAti ClsttiO, S4sit Nttta ol the Catnfer tf Conaercc sad OAK