OREGON JOURKAaS, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER V l0t city itrtm CITT BOTIOBB. Huaur. (33.(0; lot 8, John 'it 'ITT satiety. UUO; north 51 Oarsaaa hilm a 1.00: aouth 1 fi lot t r.w (V.W: tat Kr.uk r oiikn ft Qllaaai. (.13 SO; kit 6. eeu saw.an; art a, DrHIUin I'ly 1; Wt T. Ueorie W c.u-.l.... ft. The Gersaas LHim a lni Society. $lt 50. BLOCK 80, lot 1. Northern xuuutles Investment Trust. 830.00: lot 2. 820.00; Truat. lot 8. Tall ft" L' J?"' c- Barren. 8800; lot 8. waTTS" . aaB-uu: wt v. Carrie K. Wa4. U-0i: lot IX Mar 6, lugs lis. Ow on. nprtk H lot 11. Ooat . and Ciren Olson. I?0 "l""' lLlot 0u,uf snd laro "arlaoa fVuB; lot IX Ell. a SeWn. 816.90: lot 18. Frank A. Tell, $10.40. A RCT1IKU8' ADDITION' to the City of Port toad as bid out by the South Portland Baal 5ft .Asawelstton-- BLOCK lOO. lot 1. Or. ("Ballroad Navigation Company. 810.40, Iff Orsgon Hsllroad A Navigation Company. 4T.80: lot 8, Oregon Railroad Narration xomnanr. ft. 80, lot 4. Oregon HaUroad A Navigation Company. 110.40; lot . Oregon Ballroad A Navigation Company. 10.U; lot ')rr.oa Ballroad A Navigation Company. ". vox, t, uveaou iianroaa navigation I ompany. (T.S0; lot 8, Oregon R.llroad A navigation Company. 810.40. BLOCK 101, . Jl ' "'"' Sarlnis A Loan Comp.ny "i aiaaciwil, IJ iu, lot 3, J. H Scott, f.70; lot 3, Ibn Laud Company and Robert H. Thompson $a 75; lot 4. Ibex Land Company and Robert H. Thompson, 118.00; kit 5. Evecdlne A rarreil evens. 1 s r m u,. 88.73, lot T. J. I. Scutt. $Yt6; lot' X United btea Savings A Loan Comp.ny of Mhinr wa. fis.w. BuK'K 102. lot 1. LI sale c. clU, 81300; lot 2. Mary Princes Hurley, 88.75; lot 3. Mary Frsures Hurley, .T5; lot 4. cir.ee L. Brou.ugh. 818.25; kit 8. S J LsFrsnre, 832.50; lot 6, H. J. La Trance. 822 75; undivided tot T, Ibex Land Com pany. 111.38; undivided Vi lot T, Ann. B. onn-ll. 811.38: lot 8, Jacob Losli. 818.80. BLOCK 108. lot 1, Peter and Elsie Brener. 822 70. lot 3, Peter and BMlc Brrner. $1X60; lot 3, Oregon Mortg.ge Company, Ltd., $19.60; lot 4. Lottla Tr.pp, $35.73; lot 5, Molllo Stanford. . $44.00; lot . Mollle Stanford. 315.00; lot T, Mollle Stanford, 316.00; lot 8, IV. .111. Q, .......... .., a., II I ,...- in. I . . Ibei Land Company, 113.00; lot 2. lhx laud Company, 310.40: lot 8 Ibex land Company. 810.40: lot 4. Ibex Land Company, 113.00; e..t 60 faet lot 5, Ibax Land Company. 84.60: east 60 feet lot 8. Ibex Land Com rny. 88.86: all of lot 8 except ea.t 50 fret. 0. Welch, 85.60: all of lot except eaat Cfeat. r. O. Waleb. 84.80; lot f, Ibei nd Company. 86 16; tot 8. Ibex Laud ' tympany. 88.75. BLOCK 106. lot 1. Oregun Hallway A Navigation Company. 111.38; lot 3. Oregon Railway A Navigation Company. IN I", lot .1. Oregon Railway A Navigation Company. H10. ompany. fM.lo. kit 4. Oregon Railway A Navigation Comnauy, 31L36; lot 6. Oregon hallway i A Navigation Compaar, U.8B; lot 8. Oregon Railway A Navigation Company. 8.10; lot 7. Oregon Railway A N.vlg any, 88.10; lit 8. Oregon Rail v. a Navigation Company. 311.88. BLOCK vigaium Iw.y A JK 10. lot 1. William M. (Irraorr and J. T. Bearb. 8t. 10; lot 1 William M. Gregory and J. V. Beach. 88.80; lot 3. William M Gregory and J. V. Beach, 38.60; lot 4. William M. Oregory and J. V. Beach. 88.10; lot S. William M. Uregory and J V Beach. 88.10: lot 8. Wil liam M. Ocegory and J. V. Beach. 38.50; lot 7. William M. Gregory and J. V. Beach, 80 .10: lot 8. WllUam M. Oregory and J. V Beaoh. 88.10. BLOCK 107. Oregon Railway A Navigation Company. 353.00. BLOCK 108. Kit I, Thomaa Buchanan. '382.60; lot 2. Thom.. J. l ottel Batata, heir, of, 127.00: lot 3. Richard B. Cnllina. $8.48: lot 4. Rlrbard B. Collin.. 11.08; lot 5. Portland Truat Company of Oregon, 818.26; lot 8, Portland Tru.t Company of Oregon. 318.00; weat 38 1-3 feet lot 7. Ion.rd Hrh.de. 85.20; weat 33 1-3 feat lot 8. Leonard Sch.de. 47.80; eaat 88 11 feet lot 7. John Lewy, 811.38; eaat 86 2-3 feet lot ft. John I-x v. 314 SO. BLOCK 108. tat 1. Aaaia B. Newaoroe. 318.50; north 37 U feet lot 2. Robert Wllllaaaa. 613.00; mtb 13H feet lot JL. Victoria Tleblger. fS.28: north W tot 3, Vlctorht Tleblger. 88.60; aonth H lot 8. Frank and Victoria Tleblger. 88.80: lot 4. William King. 313.00; all ..f lot 6 rucept Oregon A California Railroad Com. pany'a right of way. William King. 84.8ft; an or wt eicet uragaa m Gall tar. la uaii road Company', right of way, William King 84 61V all of lot 7 except Oregon A California Riitlroad Company', right of way, William King. 81.60; all of tot 8 except Oregon A California Railroad Company', right of way. William King. f7.8U. BLOCK 110. lot 1, Henry J. Thompeon Eatate. hetrj-. of, 1628: lot 2. Henry J. Thamneon Kafate. netra of. (13.00: Vt 3. D. Wakefield. 81.1.00: lot 4. ftuaan M Wallace. 816.26: lot 5. Ferdinand Oundorph. 37. SO; lot n. Ferdinand Oundorph. 86.20: lot f. Ferdinand Giindorph. 88.30; lot 8. Ferdinand Gundorph. 87. KO. BLOCK 111. all of tot 1 except Ore eon A California Railroad Com pany's right of way. Charles C Smith. 87.15: u or lot 2 except Oregon A California Kan road CoBMieny '. right - of wag. Atari.. C Bmiih, 35.80; all of lot 3 except Oregon A California Railroad Company's right of way. Charles c. Bnutn. sa.xu: ail or tot 4 except Oregon A California Railroad Com pany', right of way. 88.20; all of lot 5 except lregon A California Railroad Com pany's right of way, Cbarlag C. Smith. 811.70; all of lot 8 except Oregon A Callfov nla Railroad Onmpeny'e right of way, 811-70; all of tot T except Oregon A California Rail road Company right of .way. 310.40; all of lot 8 except Oregon A California Railroad company', right of way. 37.80. BLOCK 112, lot 1. Fret Rehorse. 8H.Hi. lot 3. Fred Re- borne. 30.50: tot 3. Northern Counties In 8. Nortbern Count ve.tment Tru.r. Ltd.. (8.78; lot 4, Vera Hay pes. 80.76: lot 5. Vera Hayne. (0.75; lot 6. Northern Counties Investment Truat. Ltd.. $8.73; tot T, Fred Rehorat. (8.78; lot, K. Fred Rehorat. (14.80. BLOM 113. tot I. J. Sweek Eatate. heirs of. $14.80; tot 2. J. Sweek Estate, belrs of. 80.76; north 40 feet lot X J Sweek Kalate. heir. of. $10.40; south 10 feat lot S, M. W. Smith. (3.70; tot 4. M. W. Smith. (38.76: weat 46 feet lot 5. Herman H. Stelnfortb. (18.60; eaat 66 feet lot 6. F. L. Wright. $11. Sic lot . J. W. Sweek Retate. heir. of. 818.36: lot 7. J. W. Sweek Estate, heir. of. 816.36; lot 8. J. W. Sweek Ratate, helre of. (10.60. BLOCK 114, tot 1. George. 1).. Watkln and B. D. Rood. (38.00; kit 2. George D. Watklna and B. D. Rood. $10.60: tot 8. Franklin Drake. 81060; tot 4. Franklin Drake. (30.00: weat H tot 8. rVilnmbl. Inveatment Com E- it No. 3.' (16 36; weat U tot 8, Columliln vestment Company No. 2. (13.00; eaat U kit 6. Mary Lents. (18.00: east H lot 0. M.rv Inta. $0.76: undivided 4-6 lot T, Hannah Bloom. $16.60; undivided 4-6 lot 8, H.nn.h Bloom. $30.60: undivided 15 lot 7. Mathilda. J.nnl.. Mary and S. Bloom. (8.00: undivided 1-5 lot ft. Mathilda. Jennla. Mary and S. Bloom. 85.30. Bl ock 116. lot 1. The North ern Counties Investment Trust. Ltd.. (33.60; tot 2. The Northern . Countle. Investment Tru.t Ltd.. (30.00; tat 3. Kllsabeth A. Thorn... $36.00: lot 4. Bllsabeth A. Thom... (32.60; weat 00 feet lot 5, Isaac Swett. $10 50; ea.t 40 feet lot 5. Tberesa Brews. $18 00; aonth H lot 8. T. B. Roger.. 813.00; north H lot 6, Fred L. Kegg. and Stella M. Blgga. $13.00; tot T. Byron P. Cardwell Ea tate. kclra of, (30.00; lot S. Brron P. Card- well Ette, heirs of. (33.00. H Lock 116. lot 1. John H. and Mary D. Mlddleton, (83.60; lot 2. Ney Churehm.n. (26.00; lot 3. Arraand w. Heed E.t.te, netra or. f26.no; lot 4. Armand W. Beed Eetate. heir. of. (83.60, lot s. Margaret c. railing, f.12.00: lot n Margaret c railing, gsn.nu; lot 7, Mary A. BullTvant. $26 00; tot 8. Bridget and i. D. Kennedy Estate, helm of. 883.80. block 117. lot 1. Mary France Hurler. 883 BA: tot 3. George W. Craw. $30.00; lot 3. Mary Frances Hnrley. (28.00; lot 4. Mary Frances llarley. fnx.vi; lot a. Dor. Hnr.uer. 882.60 lot 0, Dor. Sprauer. (30.00; lot 7. George Hlboecke. $36.nri; tot 8. Felix Flndley. $83 60. El 01 K lis, lot 1. Ellen Murphy, 330.25; t 2. George Bukoweky. $18.60; lot 8. Carrie Klrklev. f is 00; lot 4, George Selkirk. 330 26; eaat H "t 8, Annie M. Jacobbergrr. 814.60; eaat il tot 0. Annie M. Jacobbarger. (11.86; weat S lot 8, Catherine Ann Howe, (17.86; weat V. tot 0, Catherine Ann Howe, (14.00; ea.t H lot 7. John Kirk ley. (11.38a. eaat Vk tot 8. John Klrkley, $14 60; west H lot 7. Fred L Wright. $14 00; west U tot 8, Ied L. Wright. $lf.8B. BLOCK 118. tot 1, Llxxle C Well., 813.00; tot 3. Utile C Well.. $8.10: tot 8. J S. McAlnln. $8.10; tot 4. J. S. McAlpln. $13.00; tot i. Ren I T nd Phoeba J. Johnson, $10.60: tot 6. Rent. T and Phoebe J. Johnson, $13.00; lot 7. Little C. Wells. $13.00; lot 8. Ltgsla C Walk. $10.60. BLOCK 130. lot I, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. $13.60; tot 3. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. 86.50: lot 3. Oregon Railroad A Navigation company, (0,50; lot 4. Oregon Railroad A N.vfv.tlon Company. $13.00; lot 6. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. $18.00; tot 6. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company fr.ro. lot 7. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Msosny. $n.3fl; lot 6. Oregon R.llroad A Navigation Company. $18.00. BLOCK 131, to 1. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. 318 00; lot 2. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. (0.60; tot 3. Oregon R.llmad A Navigation Company. 86.50; lot 4, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. $13.00; lot 6, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. $1.1.00: tot 6. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company, (8.6T) lot 7. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. (8,60; lot 8, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company, $13.00. BLOCK 123, lot 1. Oregon Railroad A Naviga tion Company $10 60; lot 2. Oregon Ball rood A Navigation Company, $13.00: tot 3 Oregon Railroad A Navlgnilon Company. 81" on lot 4, Oregon Railroad A N.vlga Hon company. $10.80: lot . Oregon Ballroid A Navigation t ompany. $18.30; lot 6, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. $11.00: tot f. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Comp.ny. $13.00: lot h. Oregon Railroad A Naviga tion Company. $10.30, BLOCK 13S. lot I. 1 aura M. Gammon., (38.0O tot 3. Lanrg M Cammou. $10.80: tot 3. Preaton W. Gillette 818.60: lot 4. Preaton W. Gillette. 826 00: lot Arlhitt 1. Chnrchley. 432 50; kit n Arthur t Chttrehley, $W00; lot f. Inre.tora' Mortgage Sevitrlly Cnmpniii limited (38.00: lot II I, Teeipleton $.11' 'O BLOCK 121 liL 'riTUW iVZ W. V'eed BsSkts. setts si (KM M l. Aftgssa w. ' lsw,tot,x 8ocl.tr. Ill '. Gllhani. Reed Batata train of. 833.30; kit 6. Caroline .. . vmjmi Km , Carolina vautlaw, 828.00. toll, barolfna V.nllne. 33B.00. lot o. ivuim v.auaa, gas.au, auAeua. m. lot i. A. J. Gtcay. 8aa.50; lot 3, A. J. Otaay. 3K.00; north Tot 3. Joseph Nellaaa. 813.00; aoulb H tot S, L. OoUeabatf. 31SD0. lot 4. Ad. and A. B. Fan no, 883.88; tot 5, Oregon norigaga uotapaar; fay.au, aoutu lot 0. .ii;re l.. soweu, 6.IW; north u lot 9 cuariae Houghton. 318.00: tot 7, H. F. ant Flora C. Uenuacn. 838.00: lot 8, Cora B and Lillian A. Da Load. 632.50. BLOCK A8B lot I, Jullu. It, Berger, 883.60; tot 3. Id. M llerger. 836.00; lot 3, George I. and Mbanto LlvtngaUm. 330.00. lot 4. Martha Henaban . 332. BO. tot 5, A. L. Vpaon, 883-60; lot 8. Fred 8. Pierre. 836.00, eaat 57 feet an 1, i.erman having. Lean Society, f M.rjn; e.at 67 feat lot 8, Oertuan Savings A Loan Spclety. 117.86; weat 43 faet tot 7, J. H. Rrlsttn. 8U-36; wast 43 feat lot 8, 1 II. Briatoo. 314. 40. BLOCK 137, lot 1, Win. B. DrtoksU, 682.00; tot 3. Wa. B. DriakeU. 838.00; lot 3. Percy H. Blyth. 838X10; lot 4 frank and Lou la. R Rammelln. 883.50: lot 6. Wa. B. DreakeU, 833.60: lot 6. Wm. K Dreakell. 320.00; tot 7, Jesse H. Settlemlar 838.00; tot 8. lasac Osvurtx. 3:12.50. BLOCK xan, eaat fa reel tot 1, i-ouu Marott. fJB.mi weat 38 feet lot 1. Hannah I. Hardy, 36.50 want 38 feat tot 2. Hannah L. Hardy, $6.60 north 14 of eaat T5 feet lot 2. Mary Cola man, 88.78; south U of euat 75 feat lot 2. nrwget Kennedy aud J no. Kennedy Estate heirs of. 88. 76: lot 8. Citv of Portland. 3.12.60 tot 4. Oonatance and Fred Tillman, 833.50; lot n. atarcua uuedy, fS2.no; aouth lot o Rarab Cohn. $13.00; north U lot l II. J Moan. $13.00; 1st T, Fourth Preebyterl.n Church, 336.00; tot 8. Fourth Praabytertan Church. 883.80. BLOCK 12. kit 1. f?. read Snageto. 8W.80: north 88 feet lot 2. Leroy J Bwirator, 818.30: noutli 14 feet lot 2. John Mnlr. 88.66: north 42 feet Jot 3. John Mulr. 18.60; south 8 feet lot 8. Marleaaa B. Boyd. 86.80; tot . U.rlesa B. Boyd. $32 50: aU of lot 6 except Oregon A California Railroad lomn.ny a riant or way, Nannie m gtarr 836.76.: all of lot 6 except Oregon A Cali fornia Railroad Company 'a right of way, Nannie M. Starr. $83.60; east M lot 7. Hannah McCarthy. $4.86; eaat U lot i. Hannah Mc Carthy, (8.10; weat H tot T, Mra. Martin A. Elfera, 88.10: weat l tor 8. Mr. Martin A. Rlfera. $11,116. BLOCK 180. all of tot 1 ex cept Oregon A California Railroad Company's right of way. Ch.rle. Oardtnell. $18,60: lot 3. Fred W. Prehn. $16.26: lot 3. Kittle M. St.rk. $16.85; lot 4. Kittle M. Stark. $33.75: weat H tot 8. Alice R. WehUer. 88.75: weat H tot 6. Altos R Welder. 86.50; eaat H lot 6, Robert Livingstone, 814.60; east U lot 6. Robert I.lvlnsatone 14 Hr, : nil U. lot 7. Ignwl and Mary Dantnff, $3.79: east "i tot s, Israel and Mary Dautoff. 88.83 west V4 mi i, r. A. naiy. trustee, 87.80 ; weat H tot (. P. A. Daly. Irnstee. $s 10 BLOCK 131. tot 1. P. Ryan. $33.60; all of south H of tot 3 except Oregon A California Ballroad Com J any right of way, George V Walden. 11.36: all of north ty lot 2 except Oregon i California Railroad Company'a right of way. Polly M. Ford, $11.38: all of tot 8 ei cept Oregon A California Railroad Company's right of way. Philip Lawton. $33.78: all of tot 4 except Oregon A California aallrnad Company 'a right of way, Philip lawton. (33.80; east 40 feet of tot 6 except Oregon A California Railroad Company', right of way. E.teUa Smith. $13.00: eaat 40 feet of sooth 20 feet of tot 0 except Oregon A California Railroad Company"! right of way, Bstella Smith, 84.68: west 51 feet of tot B except Oregon A California Railroad Company's right of way, Wm. M. Oregory. $13.86; Weat 51 feat of smith 30 feet of lot 6 except Oregon A California Railroad Company', right of way. Wm. M. Gregory. $8.06: norm 30 feet of lot 6 except Oregon A California R.llroad Company', right of way. John H. Mlddleton. 87.80; all of tot 7 except Oregon A California Railroad Company's right of way, John H Tillddleton. (13.00; all of tot 8 except Oregon A California Railroad Company'a right of way. Olga M. Lang, (10.80. BLOCK 132. tot 1, Lama Faulkes. $33.50: tot 3. Grant pnegley. $38.00: lot K. Alice' J. Plimpton. (36.00: tat 4. Alice J. Plimpton. (33.60; tot 5. Anna C. Barnft. 833.50; tot 6. Ida B. Gore. 336.00; tat 7. R F. Strana, $36.00: lot 8. R. F. str.ua 882.60. BLOCK 183. tot 1. Fred A. Llts. 832 30- tot 2. Fred A. Llts. (30.00: tot 3. William Tarrant. (36.00: tot 4. William Tarrant. (83.80; tot 5. First M, B. Church, trustee. 832.60: lot S. First M. B. Church, tru. tee (30.00; lot 7 Fred A. Uta. (3O.00; lot . Fred A. Lite. 8.12.60. MLIH'K 134. lot 1. Adallne M. Cnderworal. (32.60; tat 3. Adallne M. I nderwoml. f2n.no; lot s. Nancy Afklnaon Eatate. heirs of. (30.00: tot 4 Nancy It Atkinson Eatate. netrs of. (83.50 tot 8. Sumner J. Barber. 833.60; tot 6. Sam ner J. Barber. 836.00: lot 7. Wm. C. Harniar 33O.0B: lot 8. Wm. C. Harniar. 833.50. BLOCK 186, eaat M tot 1. Frank Y. Scbnch. 31T.88: east S tot 2. Frank Y. Schuch. $14.60; weat lot 1. William P. Old.. $14.80: west U tot 8. William P. -Olds. (11.85; north V lot 8. A. r and L. Buttner. 314.00: aonth H lot 3. li.nlel XV lloelhlnr. H wi; lot 4 Daniel W. Hnelblng. $30.00: tat 5. Geore. Stowell. 3.12.50: lot 6. C.eorre Srowell. $38.00; kit 7. Alexander s Psttnlln. 836.00: tot n Alexander S. Pattsllo. (83.80. BLOCK 186 weat 25 feet lot 1. Mary J. Netmea. 86.60 east 75 feet lot 1. Anna Herrall. 328. no: tot . 2 tolls C. Girvln. 830.00: m 9. M- " Smith. 836.0O; lot 4. M. W. Smith. 332.50 tot 5. M. W. -smith. 813.50: lot 6. M. W Smith, 836.00: lot 7. Henrv Welnhard. 838.00: tot S. Henrv Welnhard. 833.50. BI OCK 1.17 tot 1, M. W. Smith. 336.00; lot 3. M. W Smith. 810.4V); M a. M. w. SmBh, 810.60 lot 4. M. W. Smith. 832.76; tat 6. M. W Smith. 883.80: lot S. f W. Smith. 838.00 tot T. M. W. Smith. 836.00: lot S. M. W Smith. (83.80. BLOCK LIS. lot 1. Orerct rtal"nfl A Navisatnvn ceimene. f in no: tot Oeegen Billened A Narltstton Comnenv 813.60: tat 8. Oregon Railroad A Vsvle.ttoo rotananv. (18.00; tat 4. Oregon Railroad A w.vtestton Ceimnanv. (16.60: lot S. Oreree Bllreeatd A Nevleatton rVimnanv. (10.80; tat a. Oregon Railroad A Navlesttnu Comnenv. 813.00: tat T. Oreren Ralleoad A N'.vlr.Mon Corrnase. (13 00: tot S. Oregon Railroad ' Navies t 'on Covweevriv. 818.60. BiyVCK 180. tot 1. Oreenn Rstlread A Mexraton CVvre nav. (13.0O: tot 2. Ore goo Rallreaid A rv4. gattoq Comnenv. 86.80: tot 8. Or -"on Rail eiad A Narlrntlon Coe-nsnv. 80.50: tot 4 Oeeeon Itat'roe l A Kavteatkn rvimnany. 818 00: tot 6. Oree-oo "al'-oed A N.vtra'to Conxnanr. $11.60: lot 6. Oreee, P.I1ro.d A N.vgatton Cmwnenv. S.nn: irtf f Oeeer1 rtaflmad v.viten Comoa.v, 80. 60; lot 8. Oeeewi TTat--.ad A N'aelrrMon Comnanr 313 00. RIOCTf 140. tot 1. Oteeon Barrrrmd Navlettton Comnenv. 0.75: lot s. Oregon Ral'eoarl A Navlratlon Comnanv. fa.; tot !. Oreevwi Tt.llrnsd A Navlrtl"n Oorenanv 6.60: let 4. Oeegon Palleoed A Nerie.tloei rvxennanv. 8076: lot 6. rVeegew pollened A V.vleatios Cvxmnasv. (P.Tfi: tat 6. Oreoen talteoad A Ifavteetton "oyonanv. 8" .50; lot T Oeeeon Ballroad A Navlratton Comnsnv. 60: lot S. Orspow B. timed N.vl.tior Covenanv. 80 7- BLOCK 141. lot 1. tVeyor n..leoed A Havleettoo Ceivneianv. (11.00: tot . Ore me W. tlroad A V X vle- tleex fVieansnv 86.50: kit J, Oreron Ralleoad A Nsvlrarton Comnanv, (S 60: lot 4 Or goo Retlroed A v.He.tton Comnanv. (11.00: tat s fVeeron Wilieoad A Navleattan Core wane. n no lot 6. Oeeeon Railroad A Waviratton Comnanv S0.75: tot J Oreenn R.P-oad A N'avlrstlo" Ceironanv. (0 75: tat 8. Oregon BaHensd A vva"nn Comn"y. 313 no. m .or K 14J Vw t. rtl. hr-d "d File Fnn. 816 36: tot Ptebsrd nd nla Fnv. 818 00; tat 3. "artba Mw Tavloe, 813.00; 'ot 4, Martha Mere Tartar (10.60: tot 8. F-d Snaeele. .16.60- tat 0. r-ed SneseV. (11.00: lot T .Vefcn Ifnrr. (13.00: tot 8. Jehp Mule. (10.80. Rfn-K 148. tat 1 Oeeerro Retimed A Navl ratton Company. 81.1.00: tot 3. Or-eon RaP road A Navigation Coeenenv. 88.T0- tat a. Ore -on Railmad A Navigation rVmnanv 80.73: tat 4 Oregon Railroad A V.vir.tton Comnanv. (18.00: tat . Oeegon Raflmsd A vavlratton Forepanv. 818.00: lot S. Oreron n. timed Navleatlon Cnrnnanv. (0.75:,tot 7. Oeeeon Railroad A Navle.lton Compenv. 878: lot Oreron RaOened A V.vtoalton Covenanv. I100. PIeTK 144. west u lot 1. P 'er onxonl. 88.10: xveet tA tot 3. Peter oibont. (0.80: et Y tot 1, 0. M. Smith 814 00: ea.t V( lot ?. S , M. Smith. (11.35: east vt tot 3. John Keeeiitah. 88.38: eeat U, lot 4. John Kerrnlan. 80.50; weat H tot r .Tohn P. Hart-a (1.38- weat U tat 4. John P Hsrfman. 8 60: lot 6 Marv S. Mlddleton 3.1.23: tot s. M.ry S. Mlddleton 81 : west U lot T, tennre s. Oeeynrv. 86.ll: eaat u lot 7. Sgdto A. Wrlnkt 65.20: eaat U tot 5. Sadie A. Wrinkle. 88 tn west t, lot H. Alwatn rwitov. 311.38. BfOCK a.t i, Oremn Railroad A Navigation Company. 83100: tat 2. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Comnanv, 313.00: lot 3. Oregon R.llmad A Navigation Company. 86.60: tot 4. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. (8.60: tot 6. Oregon Ballroad A Navigation Company. 80 50: tat 6. Oregon R.llroad A Navigation Company, (0.50; tot 7. Oregon Its limed A Navigation Company. (0.75: tot S, Oregon R.llmad A Navigation Company. $in.,in BLOCK 140. tat 1. Matilda Hnndetone. 117 .16; lot 3. Matilda Sandstone, $6..V); tat 3 Matilda Sandstone, (0.60: lot 4. Matilda Sandatone. $0.60: tot 6. Oregon Railroad A N.rlgstkai Company. $0.50; lot 6. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Comnanv 80 50: lot 7. Oregon R.llroad A -Navigation Company. $0 50: lot s. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. 318.00 BLOCK 147. tot I. lewila M. Atptnwall. (13.50: lot 3. Sarah V Edith and Samuel L. Campbell. 836.00; lot 3. Ssr.h V.. Rdlth and Samuel L Campbell. 336 00; tot 4, Sarah V., Fdlth .nd Samuel L. Camp hell. (38.2S: tat 6. H. J. Thowipson Setate. heirs of. $16.36: lot 0. II J. Thompeon Relate, helm of. $19.50; east , tat 7. Adam Citlln. $22 73: east U tat 8. Adam Catlls. $13.00; west Vt lot T. Alliance Trust comp.ny of Dundee, Scotland. $13.60: weat H tot 8, Al liance Truat Company of Dundee. Scotland. 817. 86. BLOCK Us. all of ea.t , of lot 1 except Oregon A California Railroad Com pany'a rtgpt of way. Abraham Dillev. (1.00: all of west H mi tat 1 except Oregon A California Railroad Company'a right of way. Cyras Cnlpan. $845: ill of north 1 of tat 2 except flrearei A California Rail road Com p.ny's right of way. Harvey S. Green $.1.30; .11 of south of lot 3 except Oregon A Call fomi.i R.llroad Company's right of way, Lawrence strand. $7.HO; all of lot .1 eteept Ore. rati A California Railroad Company'a rlill t of way L.wrenre Strand. $1.1.00; .It of tot 4 cjrept Oregon A California R.llroad Com pany'a right of way. lawrenre Strand. $10 60: lot .'. L.wrenre Strand. 816JB: tot l.arrr.nee Strand. 613 00: aonth of eaat tot Lswresc. Str.ml. 51 :.",; north i, of east ts tot 7, Hsrvss 8. Green. (3.36; weat 50 Cost torT (6 80; tot 8, v7Mi B. Hsytot tot 4V. A. L. BlUlUtOO; east Prod H. Strong. (B.60; ssgt V. tot . Adair. $10.40: tot S. sirs- B. A . Owe H. Ms v lor 318.00 X4 tot 3, 0, Fred H Chrietopher usristupiier A. Owens Owens Adair. Preaton W . Gillette. $10.50; ttuewi, truetee. $17 88; aonth 10 fast tot 8. Walter Klein. 86: aU of tat 4 except Oregon A CalHurnla llrosd Csennssy's rigbt of way. x..:-r Kistts. (44.86; all of tot 8 west of Oregon A California R.llroad CAssnrs ngnt orwsy x t n..r gts OA; ail of lot 4 esat of Orsgot 00; sU of lot 4 eaat of Oregon Re llrosd Company'a right of A Csllfornls Railroad Company', right of war. Walter Klettg. fi.tw: an oi ioi o weai of Oregon A California Railroad Company e right oTwsy. Adeline Wild, (1.40: all of tat 7 west of Oman A Csllfornls Railroad Com panV righV o?"ay. John B."Wlld (6 50 all of lot 7 eaat of Oregon A Csllfornls R.llroad Company's right ef way. Josephine 0 Orerend. $1 00; all of lot 8 salt of Oregon A California Railroad Ccrrrnjasy a i right of way. Joseph too 0. Orerend, $ .86. BLOCK 131. lot 1. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. 40.60: lot 3. Oregon, Railroad A Navigation Company. (0.60: 1st (. Orrpni Railroad A Navigation Company. (OJQ: tot 4. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company, (0.60: lot 6, Oregon Railroad A Narltstton Company. (4.10; tat 0. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company, $8.10: tot 7, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. $8,10: tot 8. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. 3M.I0. BLOCK 163. tot 1. iwrd Ksowlea. fis.oo it. B E. McBrren. 88.38: south 13 feet lot . Peter Hobktrk. $5.30: tot 4. Peter Hobklrk. $2000; lot 5. The Title Ouar.ntee A Trust Company. 813.00; lot0. The Title Ossrsntee A Truat (xMnpsny. $0.60: tot 7, Joseph C. Byer and Peter llol.klrk. 80.50: tot 8. Joseph C. Bsyer and Peter Hobklrk. $0 60 BLOCK 153. tot 1. Victor K. Strode. (33.75: tot 3. Kate Strode, (16.25: lot 3. Ferdln.nd Bartels. (16.36; lot 4. Ferdinand Bartele. (33.75; tot 5. Oscar and Lucy Rhattnek. $36.00: tot 6. Oaesr snd Lncy nttattncg, flS.IHi; IOI I, rr.n. .no mary Hackney, $10.60; tot 8. Phillip Uevurtl. li;t.uu. iit.in e. ire., lot i. r.iix.oeui n nnson. $10.50; lot 3. Kiisanetn a. inomn son, (18.00: lot 8. J.me. R. Tbomnson. fif.ou lot 4. James R Tbomnson. 816 25; lot 6 Hannah C. Stewart. $22 75; tat 6. Hannah C. Stewart. $16.33: tot T. Elisabeth A. Thotoaa. $16.33; tat 8. Elisabeth A. Thomas, (33)76. BLOCK 166. tot 1. John 0. Hoffman. (18.60: tot 2. liana J. Srherner. (13.00; tat 3. nils C. Sab n. 813.00: lot 4. Ella C. Sahln (14.36 tat 6. John Mulr. (16.25; lot 6. Anton end Hue Bukon.ky. f il an: lot i. jonn iimr t 11.33: tat 8. Wm. M. Ladd. trustee, (16.25. I .OCK 160 lot 1. Oreron Railroad A NlTbra- tlon Company, $13.00; tot 2. Oregon Railroad A Navleatlon Company. $8.75; lot 3. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. $8.75: lot 4. Oreeon rtalteond A Vavlcratton Comn.nv $13.00: tot 5. Oregon Railroad A Navigation company, fl-l.uu: lot n. Oregon nanroao Navigation Company. (0.78: tot 7. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. 30.75: lot 8. Oreeon R.llroad A N.rlcstton Company. 41340. BLOCK 137. tot 1. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company, 8S.75; lot 3. trregon R.llroad A Navigation Company. (6.60: lot (. Oreron Railroad A Navlgsttou Company, (6.50; tot 4. Oregon Railroad I Navigation Company. (0.78: tot 8, Oregon Railroad A Narfgatton Company. (0.75: tot 6. Oregon R.llroad A Navigation Company. (0.60: tot 7 Oreron Railroad A Navigation comp.ny 46.80: tot 8. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. (8.75. BLOCK 158. lot 1. Oregon Ballroad A Navigation Company f0.7; lot 3. Oregon Railroad A Narlgatton Company. $0.50: tot 3. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Comp.ny. 4 $6.60: lot 4. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company, $0.76: tot 6. Oregon Rallriad A Navigation Companr. (0.75; tot 6. Oregen Railroad A Navigation Company. 86.50: lot 7. Oregon R.llroad A Navigation company. $ 60: tat 8. Oregon Railroad A Nuvlgatlon Company, (8.75, BLOCK 180. tat 1. Oregon Ballroad A Navigation Company. $0.76; lot 3. Oregon Rallrend A Navigation Company. $6 60: lot 3. Oregon' Railroad A Navigation Companr. $8.80; tat 4. Oregon Railroad A Navigation company, in .75: lot o, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. 30.76: tat 6. Oregon Raflrnad A Navigation Company. $6.50: tat T. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. $0.60: tot 8, Oregon Railroad A Nay Ira Hon Company. (8.78. RLOCK 160. tot 1. Albert Fehrenbscb. (16.36: tot 2. Albert Fehrenba. h. (11.38; tot 3. Albert Fehrenbarh. (II. 36: lot 4. Albert Fehrenbarh. (16.23: lot 8. Albert Fehrenbacb. (13.00: tot 4. Albert Fehrertbeeb. (0.76: lot 7. Albert Febrenbach. 88.76: lot 8. Albert Fehrenbarh. $18.00. BLOCK 101. tot 1. Catherine W. Owens. $18.00: lot 3. Catherine W. Owen., 80.75: tat 8. Elena Sherwood, 80.75; tot 4, Elena Sherwood. $18.00: lot 5. Henry Becke 833.75: tot 6. John Plebnch. 31100; tat 7 John Plebnch. 313.00: tot S. Rntampal Fund of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Dtocoae of Oregon, tru.tee. 33X73. BLOCK 163. lot 1. Ferdinand Bsrtells. $33.75: tot 3. Ferdinand Bsrtella, $17.86; tot 3. Corlnne K. Wood $17.85: tot 4. Cortnns B. Wood. $33.73: tot 6. Jacob Ksmm. (3360; tot 6. Jsenb Ksmm. (33.78; tot T. Sonhl. Sntton. (33.75: tot S. Sophia Sutton. (33.50. ni.lK-K 163. The Home. (181.78. BLOCK 184. lot 1. The Home. $20.00: tot 3, The Home. 822.10; tot 8. The Home. 83X10: tot 4. The Home. $38.00: tot 5. The Home. 822.10: tot 0. The Home, 833.10: tot 7. The Home. (33.10; tat S. The Home. (30.00. BLOCK 148. all of tat 2 west of 0. A C. R R. Co.'s right of wsy. John snd Barber Wild. 80.66: all of tat 1 lying esat of 0. c B. K. Go.'s right of way. William L. Green. (3.(0; all of north 30 feet of tat 2 lying east of'O. A C. B. B. Co 'a right of way. William L. Green. (2.70; all of south 80 feet of tat 3 lying east of 0. A C. R. R. Co a right of way. Lenore S. Grerorv. 83.00: all of tat a lylns weat of 0. A C. R. R. Co.'. right of w.t. John .nd Bar bars Wild. (3.00; aU of tat 4 lying weat of O. A C. R. B. Co.'s right of way. John and Barber, wild, in.in: lot 5. J.me. N Fnlll tore. $14.00: tot 6. J.me. N. Fullllnve. (11.(6: tat 7. A. F. Neunert, (13.00', south 30 feet of tat 8, Jacob i 'tutor $0.75; north SO feet of lot 3. Jacob I nter fR 76. BLOCK 1H0. lot I Rose Kamlnskv. 811.36: tot 2. Rose Kamtn sky. $8.10: tot 8. J. O. Hoffman. (18.00: tat 4. William F. Holts. (18.50: tot 5. Matthew iteidt. fis.nii: lot n. joeepn Beuer. sv.Tn: tot 7. Portland Trnat Company. (8.75: tot no 3 R, N. 8T. Rile. (11.00. BLOCK 167. eaat of lot 1. J.a c Aln.wnrtb. 811.35: east of lot 2. J. C. AInaworth. 88.15: west 14 oi tot 1. Nty Churehm.n. 30 78; west H of tot X Ney Churchman. (0.60: all of lot 3 except o. A c. R. It t o. a rirtit or way. Ai ll.nee Truat Company. (13.00; an f lot 4 except o At' It It Co.". right of way. John A. Bluat. (13.0Oall of tot 3 except o A i It R Co. a rlrht of war. William J leblrh Eetate. Heir of. 313.00: sll of tot 0 lying west of O. A C. B. B. Co.'e right or wsy. William J. Ihlgh Estate. Heir, or 85.65. all of tot 0 lying east of O. A C. R. B Co "a right of way. Alliance Trust Company (1.00; all of tot 7 lying west of 0. A C. ft. B Co a right of wav. WllUam J. Lehigh E. tate. Heirs ef. 83.23: all nf lot 7 lying ea.t or o. A c. R. R. Co. s right or war. w. F Wleir.nd. $1.06: .11 of tat 8 eiee-pt O. A C R. B. Co.'. right ot wsv. W. F Wleeand. $4.56. BLOCK ion. tat 1. Preston W. Gillette. 132 50; tot 2. William II. Clinrrhlll. $36.00; tot 3. Mellnda B. Morgan. $30.00; tot 4. Mrltnds E. Morgan. $32.50: tot 6. Mellnda F Morgan. $10 50; tat 6. Mellnda E. Morgan. $16.36; tat 7. Preaton W. Gillette, $16.25; tot S. Preaton W. nlllette. $13.50. BLOCK 108. tot t. P. C. Pelton. $23.75: lot 3. t. C. Pelton. 210X6: lot 3. Catherine W. Owen 310.23; tat 4. Catherine W. Owens. $23.78; tat 8. Dav d Slearne. 832.80: lot S. David Steam. 333.75: tot 7. Portland Truat Company of Oregon, fzx. is: tot n cortiand Troat com panr of Oregon. $33,76 BWCK 170, undi vided Oi of lot 1. Ctemtlne and Lvdla Rod ney, $0 73: undivided of tot X. clem tine and T.vdl. Bodney. $0.75: undivided of lot 3. Ctemtlne and Lvdla Rodney $7.18: undivided of tot 4. Cletntlne and Lvdla Rodney. (7.1.1; undivided i, of lot I, Han nab It Morris. (3.25: undivided U of tat X Hannah R. Morrhx. (3.23: undivided 4 of tot 3. Hannan R. Morris, (ZOO; undivided i, of tot 4. Hannah R. Morris, 82 60; lot 6. a. W. nd Msrgsret V. Allen. (3.36: undivided of lot 0. Clemertlne and Lvdla Rodpey. $11.08: undivided nf tot 7. Clementine and Lvdla Rodney. $11.08: undivided K of tot 8. Clemen tine and Lvdla Bodney. $11.06: undivided Vi of tat 0. Hannah R. Morris. $3.66; undivided M Of tot 7. Hannah R. Morris. $3.5.1; undl xlded B of lot 8. Honnah R. Morris. $8.65 BLOCK 171. tat I. Oregon Railroad A Navi gation Company. $13.00; kit 3. Oregon Rail mad A Navigation Company. (8 79: tot 8. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company, 80.76; tot 4, Oregon Ra limed A Navigation Com pany. $13.00; TAt 5 oreeon Railroad A Navl gallon Company. $. i5; lot 6. Oregon Railroad at navigation it N.vlsstlon Company, 88.78; tot 7. Oregon Rallmid A Navigation Company $0.76: lot Oiegotf Railroad A Navigation , Comp.ny. Railroad A 813.00 ei." k 173. tot 1. Oregon Railroad A Navtgatkm Comp.ny. 813.00: tat 3. Ore rwa H i xaa at Navigation i ompanv. m .75; 3, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Com pany. (OTA; tot 4. Oregon Railroad A Navi gation Company. (13.00: lot 3. Oregon Rail road A Navigation Company. (13.00; tat n. Oregon R.llroad A Navigation Company. $0.75. tot T, Oregon R.llmad A Navigation Coin pnny. (8.75: lot 8. Oregon Ballroad A Navl g.tlon Company. (13.00. BLOCK 173. tot 1. Oregon R.llmad A Navigation Compenv. (0.75; tot X Oregon Railroad A Navigation Com penv. (0.60: tot 8. Oregon Railroad A Navi gation Company. (0.80; tot 4, Oregon Ban road A Navigation Company. (0 75; lot 6, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. (8.78: tot 0, Oregon R.llroad A Navigation Oyny panv. $0.50; lot 7, Oregon Railroad A Navt gallon Company. $0.50: lot S. Oregon Railroad A Nnrlg.tlon Company. 88.73. BLOCK 174, lot IrNJregon Railroad A Navigation Com pany. (11.35; lot 3. Oregon Railroad A Navl gallon Comp.ny. (6.10; tot (. oreeon Hall mad A N.vlg. Hon Company. $6.10: tot 4. Oregon R.llroad A Navigation Company. $11.35: tot 3. Oreron Railroad A Navlgs Hon Company. $11 13: lot 6. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. (4.10; lot T. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. $8.10; tot X Oregon Kallmad A Navigation Company. 311.86. BLOCK 1TB. tot 1, Oreeon R.llroad. A Navigation Company. (13.00; tot 2. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. 40.78; tat 3, Oregon R.llroad A Navigation Company. win; lot 4, Oregon Railroad A Navigation tympany. $18 00: tot 6. Oregon Railroad A NgVU.tlon 1 ntaun. Ballroad A N vlg.tlos Company. (0.75; lot 7 Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. 30.75 17., ... Railroad A Navigation t'ouiiauj S1S.UU. H iM k' 1 Te r i m S ft f 50'. it 2. John Miiu-. (11.85; tot 3, John Mulr. 38.10: tot 4. John Mulr, $K 10; tat 3, . ,r' 11SI; lot 8, John Mnlr. $11.36; tat 7. John Mslr, 313.00; tat 8. 0. B. Buel. ' I3 .B,IXK'1' ,TL kit 1. Ida MeCabe Taa we , $13 00; tat 3. Ida MeCabe Tea- $0 74; tat 3. John Mulr. (10.40; lot 4. John Mulr. (13.03: tat 3. John Mulr. (13.46; tat 8. John Mulr. $10.40: tat T. John Mult. $10.40, tat 8. George T.lwell. $13 06. BLOCK 176. undivided lot 1. G. 5. Gammons. e.io; unaiviuea a lot 3, tl. O. Gammona. 5.70; undivided u lot X 0. G Gammom. $6 70; undivided Va lot 4, U. 0. 10.60; undivided lot 8. 0. i. t Til' 10..I1 . 1.I...I IT I.., . n A Aaeeeu (Ismnwn., Gammona. Gammons. Gammona. Gammon.. 113.00; undivided , lot 6, G. G. n.jw. unuiviuen lot 7. u. u. H IS. undivided H lot 8. 0. 0. 111. 40: undivided U lot 1 James snd Edith Gammona. (8.15: undivided H tat X Jemea and Bdlth Oammons. (6.70: undivided Vi lot ( James and Edith G.mmona. $4.70; nsdt vlded '.j lot 4, J.me. and Edltb G.mmona. $650; undivided tat 5. J.me. end Edith Gammon.. $13.00; undivided Vk tat 8, Jnmee and Edith Gammona. $1M6; uudlvtded di lot 7. James and Bdlth G.mmone. $8.16; undi vided te tat 8. J.me. and Edith Gammon.. il I. so. block 170. tot 1, smuci g. wretm. 32 30: lot X J. F. C.ae. $30 00; south H tot Annie A Brock. $13.1.1. uortb lot S, Annie Breck. $13.00; tat 4. Annie Breck. $82 50; tat 5. Thomas Schneider, $18.60; north ' i lot a. Joseph Real. (S. 10; south lot o. V. S. Grant Marrjuam, $H 10: tot T. Tboma. Boyd. $16.26; lot H. Thomas Boyd. $10 60. BLOCK ISO, all of tat 1 lylug ea.t of .Are Bon A California Railroad Company's right of way, unknown owner. $1.86; sit of lot 1 lying west of Oregon A California R.llroad Company's right of way, Preston W. till lette. $8.10: all of tat t lying west of Ore gon A. California Railroad Compauy's right of wsy. Preston W. Gillette. 88.10: all of tot 3 lying west of Oregon A California Hall road Company, right of way. Prestos W. Gil lette, (18.00: all of lot 4 lying west of Ore gon A California Railroad Company a right of way, Preaton W. Gillette. (18.60; tat 6. Preaton W. Gillette, $32.60; tat 6, Preaton W. Gillette. $20.00; tat T, Preaton W. Gil lette. (30.00; tat 8, Preaton W. Gillette. (30.00. BLOCK 181, lot 1. C. R. Donahue. (22.75; tat X 0. B. Donahue. (10.3S; tot 3. Preston W. Gillette, (17.84: tot 4. Pre. ton W. Gillette, $38 00: tot 5. Ch.rle. R. Dona hue. $111 50: tot 0. Charle. R. Donahue. $18.00; tot 7, Ckarlea R. Donahue. (13.00; tot 8. Charles K Donahue. (10.60. BLOCK 183. lot 1. Charles K. S. Wood. (23.78; tot 3. Charles E. 8. Wood. $18.26; tot S, Charle. B. 8. Wood. $11.86; lot 0. Char lee B. S. Wood. $11.36; tot 7. Cbarlea E. S. Wood. 316.261 lot 8, Charles K. 8. Wood. 818.50. IIIOCK 183.. tot 1, Amanda W. Reed Estate, heir, of, $10.80; lot X Amends W. Reed Lai. to helre or. (13.00: tot 8, Amends W. Reed Estste. heirs of. (0.78; lot 0. Asssnds W. Reed Eatate. heirs of, (8.T6; tot 7. Amanda W. Reed Eatate, beir. of, (8 76; tot 8, Amanda W. Reed Batata, helra of, $.12.60. RLOCM 184. tot 1. Preaton W. till lette, $32.60; lot 3. Pre i W. Gillette. 838.00: tat 8. Preston W. Gillette. (16.30; tat 0. Preaton W. Gillette. (13.00: tot T. Prea ton W. Gillette, $16.36: tat 8, Preaton W. Gillette. $10.60. BLOCK 186, tot 1. Frank and Mary Hackney. $17.66: lot 3. Frank and M.rv Hackney, $13.08; tat 8, Frank and M.ry Hackney, $18.80; lot S, Frank and Mary Hackney, $13.86; tat 7. Frank and M.ry Hackney. $13.86: tot 8. Frank and Mary H.rknev $17.66. BLOCK 180. tat 1. John Mulr, $13.00; tat 3. John Mulr, $6.75: tat 8. John Mulr. $8.70; lot 4. John Mnlr. (8.78; tot 7, John Mulr, (8.76: tot 8, John Mnlr. $12 00. BLOCK 187. tot 1. John Mulr. (14.80; lof 2. John Mnlr. (10.70; lot 8. John Mulr. (10.70; tot 4. John Mulr. (10.70; tot 7. John Mulr. $10.70: tot 8, John Mulr. $14.10. BLOCK inn. ,,t 1, Oregon Railroad A Naviga tion Company, 88.75; lot 2. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. (4.80; tot X Ore gon Railroad A Navigation Company, $0.60. lot 0. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. 40.60; tot T. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. (4.60: tot 8. Oregon Railroad A Navigation. $8.78. BLOCK ISO, lot 1. Ore gon Railroad A Navigation Company, (4.76; tot 3, Oregon RaUroad A Navigation Com pany. $6 50: lot 3. Oregon Railroad A Naviga tion Company, $0.60; lot 0. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company, (0.60; tot 7. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. (6.60; lot 6. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company, 80.TB. FI Its I ' STREET TERRACES, City of Portland - 8 LOCK A, tot l, Thomas w. jetuttne, fo.su; t 3. Thomaa W. Jenkins. (8.64; lot 8. Thomas W. Jenkins. $3.66; lot 4. Thomaa W. Jenkins. $4.86; lot 6. Thomas W. Jenkins. 48.86; tot 4. Thomaa W. Jenkins. 33.00; lot 7, Thorn.. VI. Jenkins. s;i.i.i; ini n, inomaa W. Jenkins. $3.26: lot 0. Thomas w. Jenkins, (3.(8; lot 10. A. D. Willougbby. (3.23; lot 11, Thomas W. Jenkins. (3.66. BLOCK, B, lot 1, Mary Jenkins, $15.00; lot X Julia E. Clark, 811 05: lot 8. Ida R. Stokes. 812.08: tot 4 Thomas W. Jenkins. (8.10: tat 8, Thomas W. Jenkins. 88.50: lot 6. Thomas w Jenkins 37 15. lot 7. Joseph Charfrnater. (0.40; tat 6 M. B. Smirk. 37 15. tot 0. M. B. Smith, 87.16. block c. tot 1. Nathan coy. (S.io lot 2. Nathan Coy. 312 83. BLOCK D. west 31 feet tat 1, Homer V. Woodworth, (0.88; weat 21 feet tot 2. Homer v. woodworth 80.83: east 127 feet lot 1. Thomas Schneider :i.no. east 137 feet tot X Thomas Schneider. (30n; tat 3, Thomes Schneider, (3.00; tat 4. Thomas Schneider, 83.00; lot 0. T. T. Rurkhsrt. 87.80. A tract of land lying between two lines reeperttvrly 60 feet and 130 feet aonth of and parallel with south line of Lowell avenue snd between two lines respectively 100 feet end 127 feet weet or snd parallel with west line of first street. Thomas Schneider. $1.30. A tract of land lying between the south lino of Lowell a Venue and a Use 80 feet south of and parallel therewith and between the weet Una of First street and a line 100 feet weat of snd parallel therewith, T. T. Burk bsrt. $2 00. All ot tats 6 snS 7. block D, First-Street Ter races, City of Portland. Oregon, lying south f a line 60 feet sooth ot and parallel with the south line of Lowell svenne snd west at a line 137 feet weat of and parallel with the weat line ot First street, Homer V. Woodworth. (3.16. FIRST-STREET TERRACES. City of Portland. Oregon BIVCK D. tot X Homer V. Wood worth. (3.66; tot 0. Homer V. Woodworth. $.166: tot 10, Hoaner V Woodworth. $.1.65; lot 11. Homer V. Woodworth. $2.00. BLOCK E tot, 1. Frederick A. Walpole. $0.60; tot t. Frederick A. Walpole, (0.60; tot 3, Fred erick A. Walpole. A 5i BLOCK F. tot 1. Frederick A. Walpole, $7 so; lot X Fred erick A. Walpole. $13 00. lot 3. Frederick A. Walpole. $13.00: lot 4. Frederick A. Wal pole. (8.40; tot S, Frederick A. Walpole. (0.40. PORTLAND HOMssTTBAD BLOCK I. south 88 fret of north 160 feet tot I. Thom. a Mr Name.. $7.30; north 118 feet lot 1. I tilled Dtetes Fidelity A Guarantee Company. $21.46; north 104 feet of south 164 feet lot 1. A. Gertrude and Jalla E. Marks, $85.06 ; south 60 feet tot 1. J. Bdward and Bertha T. Werleln. 813.46; e.at 70 feet tot X James i. .Ulna. 831.46: north 60 feet of south 100 feet of west 100 feet tot 1 Ida B. Stoke.. $13.00: sooth 60 feet of weet 100 feet lot 3. Louisa M. roster. t 16.26; north 60 feet nf west too feet tot X Irs. E. Wlrprecbt. 813.00; lot 3, Josephine Crocker, $84 60. BLOCK X lot 1. Rerhrl L. Bsy. $87.78; tat X Portland Trust Com pany of Oregon. 887 76; tot 3. Portland True Company of Oregon. (ST. 78: lot 4, 8rhonl Dlstrlrt No. I. $ST.7B. BLOCK 3. .ubdlvl.lon 1 nf tot 1. William T. Nutting. (10.40; sub division 3 of tot 1. Annie Nutting, (10.411; aubdlvlaton 3 of lot 1, A. Wolf, 111 33. aub dlvisiou 4 of tat 1. J. Schmidt. (0.75: aubdl vlaton 6 nf lot 1. V. K. Strode, $0.75; subdi vision 0 of tot 1, V. K. Strode. (0.78; subdl vision T of tat 1. Bdgsr E. and Annie r Oinrsen, (10.40: aubdlvlaton 6 of tot 1. Ed gar R. and Annie T. Cnnraen. $10.40; .nbdl rlaton 1 of tat 3. J. Henry Rchade. $0 T5: north H of subdivision 2 of lot 2. Caroline Rimer. $4 20; south of .ubdlvl.lon 3 of tot X Teres Bollinger. (B.M6: subdlvialnn 3 of lot 3. Michael Bullnt. (TTB; subdivision 4 of lot 2. II F. Noble. $"75 aubdlvlaton 6 of tot X Caroline Rimer. $8.75: . aubdlrlatou 0 of tot X Albert Thompson, $0 76; subdivision T of tot 3, C. B. Bnell. $10 40; subdivision S Of lot 2. Frances L. Mace. 810.40. MOVER'S SI'BDIVISIONS OF LOT 8. BLOCK 3. rnrtiano iinmeareatl - nMH x 3. subdivision 1 nf sot 3. Susan C. Butler. $7 15. subdlvialnn 2 of tot 3. Marx Allstock. 87 45. aubeHvtalon 3 of tot 8. Louis Krnettner. $7.46; euhdlvlalon 4 at lot X John Mter. $7.40; subdivision 8 of tot .1. Josepn I rnaurk, (7 15; anbdl virion 6 of tot 3. Joseph I'rbsuck, $5 so .ubdlvl.lon 7 of lot 3. Joseph I rhsu. k. 48.88; euhdlvlalon S of tot 8, Joseph I'rbsuck. $8.88; subdivision II of lot 3, Isvula Krnettner. (6.30; subdivision 10 of tot 3, Florence r , ,,k 86 30. PORTLAND HOMESTKAD -- Subdivision A nf tot 4. Eva W. Purtch, (13.03. subdivision B of kit 4, Eva W.' Burteh. $11.70; subdivision C of tot 4. Julia A. I lrlrh $11.04: anbdlvlaton D of tat 4. Flora J. Dol oo $11 05; aubdlvlaton E of tot 4, Julia t'l r' h. 8R75; subdivision P Sf tot 4, Julia I I rich, $8.73; subdivision G of tot 4. Eva W. Burl. i. 88.78; subdivision H of tat 4, Eva W Burtrh. Is 73. PORTLAND IIOMRRTBAD BLOCK 4. south 00 feet of subdivision A of tat 1. Cyrus R. How left. (1 38: south 00 feet nf euhdlvlalon B of lot I. t mn E. Howlett. (0.00: north 80 feel of subdivision A of lot 1, Charles W. Cot tell. 31.0ft; north SO feet of subdivision R of tot 1. Chrriee W. tot tell. $0.60: west 10 feet of sutxMvlstan C of tat 1. Charles W. Cnttell. $1.10: eaat 100 feet of subdivision 0 of tot I Msry E Marshall. $10.70: snath 5 feet of west 10 feet of enhdlvtstan C nf tot 1, Cyrns B Howlett. (o .W: north 374 feet nf west 10 feet or anhdtvlelon C of tot t. Charles W. Onttell $0.15; ninth 71, feel nf eaat ton feet of enb division It of tat I, Msry E. Marshall $8.46. aonth 35 feet of east 100 reel of enhdtvtslon D of lof I. William J. Kelly. $7 13 snhdl vision E nf tat I. J. R Jenkel snd H. Msn devllle. 1 .76: sitbdlvlelon F nf lot I, Frank Scnwsrbsch. $0775; west 00 fact of eajbdlvtsMn 0 of tat 1. Patrick Murray. (4.30; east 30 rest sf west 80 feet of subdivision 0 Of tot Jt M Everest f$3.53. east 80 tf ' ton G ot tot 1, Granville C. Baft. (4-34: eset SO feet of sulallvlakm H of tot 1. GrSS vUle C. staff. $6 30; wsst 40 feet of asbdlrl ton 11 of lot 1. John Benaett. $8.10; east 3 feet of west 60 feet of subdivision H of toil M. Bvswst, i.s. tot 3, Ben Selling. $70 JO; subdivision A of lot 3, Sarah W. aad B. W Flaber, $6.36: sul.ll vision B ot tot 8. Sarah W. and B. w'. Flaber, $3.35, aonth 30 test oi sobSUvtstos B of tat 3, Ssr.h W. sad B. W Fisher, $4.35; south 30 feet of subdivision Q of tot 3, Ssr.h W. ssd B. W. Flaher. $4 35; north S fast of sutKllvlsion B of tot 8, Al fred F. Heart, Jr.. $1 sfl; north 5 feet sf sub division Q of tot 3. Alfred F. Sears, Jr.. (4.38; snbsUvtolsa V of tat 8. Alfred F. Hears. Jr. (4.36; .ubdlvl.lon u of tot 3, Alfred F. Sear.. Jr.. $4.35; eulHllvialon K of tat 3. Loulss B. Prssn. $3.00; euhdlvlalon F of lot 3, Georg. W. Watt. $8.00; subdivision G of tot 3. George W. Watt. $.1 la., subdivision II of tot X Jose phine Krattiger. $3.80; aubdlvielou 1 ot lot 8. Jisophtne Krattiger. $3.00; subdl vision J of tat 3, c W. Lelck. $3.00; tubdlvUlos K of tat (. C. W. Lelck. 33.00; aubdlvtalon L of lot 8. George W. Watt, $3.00; euhdlvlalon M. Of tat X George W Watt. 83.00; subdivision N .f (bt 3. Is.ulsa B. Prssp. 83.80; Miiaiivi.ion 0 or lot 3. Alfred T. Bears. Jr.. $300; sulMllvlion P of tat 8. Alfred F Bears, Jr.. $3.00: subdivision A of tat 4 Merch.nl. National Bank of Portland. $17.56: subdivision B of tat 4. Merchants Ns- lioiml B.nk of Portland. $8.80: aubdl vision U OI 101 4. C. M. Hmlth. f-IVO: ail bell viatou il of lot 4. I . u. Smith, vision E of tat 4. C. M. Smith, vision V ot tat 4, Dora I'nrsth, vision G of tat 4, Dors Cnralli. vl.im H of tat 4, Binll Krattiger vision I of tat 4. Ki.ll Krattiger vision J of lot 4. Emll Krattbrer $3 110: subdl (B.OOt subdl vl.lon K of tat 4. John H.erhorher. 33.U0: .III division L of tot 4. John Bserlnehrr. $.1.00: autallrlalon If of tot 4, Newton L. Gilliam. X1.00: subdivision N of tot 4. Newton L Gil ham. $3.00: subdivision o of lot 4. Merchants National Bank of Portland. Trustee. 33 00: subdivision P of tot 4. Merchants Nalhmsl Bank of Portland. Trustee. $3 M. BLOCK 6. anhdlvlston A of tot 1. Richard c. Prince. 314.05; suhdlrlstoa B of tot 1. Richard c Prince. $13.00: enbdlvleton C of lot 1. Jobs M. Sbngley. $I:i.U0: eiUidlvlsInn D of tot 1. C. W. Lelck, $13.00: subdivision 19 of tat 1. John Doimerbrrg, 313.00; subdivision F ot tot 1, Anns Louise Siegers, $13.00: eontk 43x4 feet of north S5 feet of subdivision 11 of tot 1 eteept 0. A C. B. B. Co.'s right ot wsy. Rlrhsrd C. Prince, 83.36: south 42', feet nf north 85 feet of subdivision tl of lot 1 ex cept 0. A c R. B Co.'s right of wsy. Richard C. I'lince. 31-05: north 43A feat of south 65 feet of ui. .11 vision H of tot 1. Clarence M. Dllley, $1.06; north 42H feet of subdivision G of tat 1 except O. A C. R. B. c..'a right of way.. Clarence M. lilUev. $1.06; south 42 W reev or eumiivteion or lot i. v. w . le-i.-K ?2 25. -outh 4214 feat of snbdlviston H of tot . C. W. Lelck, $2.23 ; north 42V, feet of sub division II of lot 1 except O. A c. B. R. Ca's rtgbt of wsv. Rlrhsrd C. I'rlnre. (1.06: euh division A of lot X Ann Finn. (13.00; sub division B of lot 2. Robert Cah II I. (13.00; snb dlviston C of tot X Portland Trust Companv nf Oregon. $13.00; subdivision D ot lot 2. ' OI lot s, ;on. (18.00: rln. $13 00; eln. $14.06: Cortland Trust t ompany or Oregon. eiit.il vision R of lot 2. S. Muchateln subdivision F of lot 2. s. Mucbste aubdlvlskn G of lot X Ward C. Wei more f n to: snbdlviston II or lot 2. ward l . wet more. $11 70; anhdlvlston A of lot 8. W. B. Her. $13.00; subdivision B of tat 3, W. K. Iter. 811.05; subdivision C of lot 8. W. B. tier (11.06; euhdivleton D of tot 3. W. E. Her. (11.06; all of subdivision E of tot 8 eaet of O. A C. R. B. Co.'s right of way. W. A. Ciirrle. (13.86: sll ot snbdlviston F of tot 3 esst of O..A c. It. It. Co.'. rbxht of war. W. A Currie. $10.40; til of subdivision G of tot 8 esst of 0. A Cv R. B. Co.'s right of wsy. W. A. currle. (0.06: all of subdivision F of lot 8 weat of 0. A c R B. Co.'s right of way. Kate Rometscb, (0.06; sll of subdivision G sf tot 8 west of 0. A C. B. B. Co.'s right nf wsy. (3.30: subdivision A of lot 4. H. B. Olbbe. (13.00; aubdlvlfton B of tat 4, H. B. Glhba. $11.06:, subdlvlston C ot tat 4, tieorre Arnold. Ill 03: subdlvlston D of tot 4. tieorge Arnold. 88.75: all of aobdlvlslon B of tat 4 west of 0. A c R R. Co.'s right of way. Ward 0. Wetmore, (0.50: all of mibdlvi.ion T Of tot 4 west of O. A 0. R. R. On.'s right of wsy. Ward C. Wetmore. $4.65; aU of sub division E of lot 4 east of O. A C. B. B. Co.'s., right of wsy. C. W. Lelck. $1.06: sll of sub division F of tat 4 seat of 0. A C. B, B. Co s right of way. (X70; all of subdivision O of tat 4 except O. A C. B. B. Co.'s right of wsy. Frances M. Stevens. (5.86: sll nf subdivision H ot tat 4 west of 0. A C. B. B. On.'s right of way. France. M. Stevens. (1.00; sll of sub division H of lot 4 ea.t of 0. A C. B. B. Co.'a right of way. C. W. Lelck. (1.30. BLOCK 6, north 150 faet of tot 1 east of O. A C. B. B Co.'s right of way. Martin Wtach, (16.00; south 60 feet of north 300 feet of tot I east of O. A C. B. -B. Co.'s right nf wsy. Elmer B. Colwell, 34.X1; noun, 80 feet of lot 1 east or o. A c K. it. co . rignt or wsy. M.ry a Clarke. 83.35: all of tot 1 weat of O. AC. B. R. Co.'s rtgbt of way, Laura A. Beck. $3.38; subdivision A of tot 3. J II. Berer. 313.00 enbtilvlaton it or lor z. t. it. Beyer, fii.tm subdlvialnn C of lot 2. E C. Jorgeneen. $11.05 subdivision D of lot 2. Kale B. Montromery 811.05: north 13 feet nf .ubdlvl.lon E of lot X Mary A. Clarke. $.1.60; south 45 feet of Bui. vision r or lot z. nose t. inung. sv.7o north 53 feet of euhdlvlalon F nf lot 2. Suaan M. Oppenhoff. $4-23; south 175 feet of aub dtrl.ton F of tot 2. Fred P. Boody. $7 60: nnrth 60 feet of weet 150 feet of lot 3. Fred F. Boody. $10.50: nnrth 60 feet nf eest 20 feet or lot 3. rxuean ai. opnennorr. se.on: east 4SH feet of south 60 feet ot north ISO feet of lot 3. Fred F. Boortv. fu.zn: west 1Z7H reel nf south no feet of north 130 feet of lot 8. John A. Hon. k. $18.65: east 42u. feet of south 1 110 feet of tat S. S. Austin $0.75; wast 27Vt feet nf aonth 110 feet of tat 3. Lonle Arnold. 880 00; south 130 feet of lot 4. Laura A. Beck $34.45; weet 42 H feet nf esst 06 feet of north 110 feet of lot 4. William M. Rodman. $11.08: west 42H feet nf east 63Vi feet of north 110 reet or lot i txaren j. itoaman. fii.on. A tract of land lying between the south line nf -Lowell svenue snd n line 110 feet sooth thereof and parallel therewith and between the eaat line of Front street and s line 208 feet west ot and parallel with the west Has of Corhett street. Thorli.. Schneider. 821.80. PORTLAND HOMESTEAD BleOCK 7. north 110 feet of tot I, Aramlnto Bmnangh. 333. so south 130 feet of tat 1. Grace L. Bron.nrh 3.16.10: subdivision A of tot X Ells L. Wm koop. $11.03: subdivision B of lot X Ella L. Wynkoop. $11.03: subdivision C of tot 3. Olive L. Warner. $11.06: anbdlvlaton D of tat X Lucy S. Merwtn. $11.05: subdivision E nf tot 3. Abide I, Crocker. $6.80: anbdlvlaton F of to X Abbte L. Crocker. $8 .80; south 100 feet of weet 30 feet of subdivision O pf tot 2. J.me. Collin.. $3.00: south 100 feet rff subdivision H of lot 2. James Collins. 86.S5; north 70 feet of snbdlviston n nf lot 2. L. W. Wynkoop, 81.05: south 100 feet of esst 10 feet of sub division 0 of tot X L. W. Wynkoop. $1 00 north 70 fret of subdlvlston H of tat X L W. Wynkoop, 81.06: snbdlviston A of lot 8. George F.lrer. 311.05: subdivision B of lot X John Knapp. $0.76: subdivision C nf lot 3. Mrs. P. F. Boody 80.75: snbdtvtrinn D of lot 8. Thomaa Schnekler. (0.43: enhdlvlslon E of lot X Anna K. Feldmsn. 38.15; suhdlvlsbm F n' tot 3. Anna K. FeMman. 88.15; subdivision 0 nf tot 8. Mellnd F. Morgan. $8.43: euhdlvlalon H of lot 3. Mellnd F. Morersn. 88.46; lot 4. Simon Blum. tier. 877.36. BLOCK 8. tat 1. John C. Lnckel. 800 35: tot 2. Oregon A Csll fornls Rslh-osd Company. $74.45: tot 3. Ore gon A California Railroad Company. $70.30; subdivision A nf tot 4. rteorge II. Spclngmeyer, $11.05: subdivision R of lot 4. Mary Spring merer. 80.75; subdivision C nf lof 4. Newton L.GIIhnm. 80 73; snbdlviston D of lot 4, Car' Dlerbinger. 80..73: subdivision E nf lot 4. Oscar Fotsen, (6. SO; anhdtvielnn F nf tot 4. Oscar Fnlsen. 88 SO; west 3ft feet of subdlvlston 0 nf tot 4. Adolpli Ilauxtrran. 86.63; eaat 5 feet nf subdivision O nf tot 4. Cvrua M. McKay. 81.05: enhdlvlslon Tlof lot 4. Cyrne M. MrKav. (S.H0: BLOCK 0. subdivision A of lot 1, Man K Johnson. (13.00: subdivision R of lot 1. Marv F. Johnson. (11.05; north v. of subdivision C of lot 1. Mrs. F. J. I In tut $.3.30: south ', of subdivision C of tot 1. Lel Msler. (3.20; sub dlvlston D of tot 1. S. M. Mtnnhsm. $11.05: subdivision B nf tat 1, James S. xspenwall Est.tr. Heirs nf. $H av subdivision F of tot 1 .lames S. Aspenwsll Estste. Heirs of. $6.00; north 127V, feet of subdivision G of lot 1. Newton Gliham. $7.15: ennth 43.6 feet nf subdivision O nf tot I. Judith II. Hlnmsna. $165: subdivision II of lot I. Jndtth H II In man.. $11.06: sural I vision 1 of lot 2. Cbsrlee K. Teaapleton. Trustee $4.56: subdivision 2 of lot 2. Chhrles R. Temoleron. Trustee. $4.66; subdivision 3 Oaf lot 2. Charles R. Templeton Trustee. $2.05: .tibdlvlelnn 4 of tat 3. Ch.rles R. Templeton. Trustee. 82 93; subdivision 3 nf tat 3. Charles R. Trmoleton. Truetee. 32 05; subdtvi.lon 0 of lot 2. Chsrles R. Templeton Trustee. 32 t5; .nbtllvlslon 7 of kit 2. ch.rle. B. Templeton. Truetee. $4.53: subdivision a of lot 2. Charle. R. Templeton, Truetee. (4.65: .ulvdlvl.ton 0 of tot 2. Charle. R. Tamplelon. Trustee. (2.03: subdivision in of lot 2. Charles R. Templeton. Trustee. $2 06; subdivision tl nf tot 2. Cbsrlrs R Templeton. Trustee. $2 03; subdivision 12 of lot X Ch.rles R. Templeton. Tru.tee. $2.06; subdivision 11 of tat 3. Charles R. Templeton. Truetee. $203; north 22 H feet of Weet 60 feet nf north H of lot 8. Gertrude Mark. 83 00: enulh 22', feet of north 43 feet v leei oi norm so reet r north U of tot S. James lib H nf tat 3. Msry Finch, fret of north 03.3 feet of of west so feet of north Coem.rk. 3-1. 60; aottt ! 25 south 22'a west 371, feel of north U of lot 3. Mrs R A. '4tirrfson. $2 .10; smth 22 4 feet of south 43 feet of west 37 '4 feet of north U of tat 8. Mrs It. A. Garrison. (2.30: west 3BU feet nl e.at 43 feet of north 46 feet of north Is of lot 8. Emms J. Vacsm. (1.03: esat 33 V feet of north 43 feet of north Vs of tot 3. Lereore A. Gregory, (1.06: esat 45 feet of wast 139 fret nf north 43 fast of north Vk of lot X lenore s Gregory. $3.80; ea.t IliVJ feet of sooth 45 feet of north Vi of lot 3. levators S Gresorr. $9 75. kit 4. Oregon A I'allfnrnls Xl .n...,t r-.,e.r.ane ... WI aiCCV lO lal 1 Oregon A f.jlforrit. Railroad Company, (63.44, HiiiMiiviaton a or lor a. jonn Andrew. Niihdtvlaton B of tat 3, John Andrew, subdivision C of tat 3. John Andrew. .uhdlviShsi D of lot 2. Jobs Andrew, subdivision F. of tat 2. John Andrew, aubdl vision F of tat 2. John Andrew, subdivision G nf tat 3. John Andrew, subdlvlston II of lot 3. John Andrew, subdivision I of lot 3, John Andrew. lot 3. Snenrer H. CoofsKr, $33.40: wast reet ot norm mi reel or tot t. Arnold Bat it. oo: subdl $3.80; subdl $3 110; subdl $5.30: subdl $8.00; silt.1l hois, 80.80; alt of esst 44 feat of lot 4 ' north of O A C. B. B. Co.'s right of way, k w. ax. ijvs, f il . rxr. n A tract sf land Irtaxt between the esat line Of Ohio .treat snd s line 43H feet eset of sad parallel therewith aad between a Una 110 fast sooth of snd parallel with the south line of Hamilton avenue and the north Una or the O. A Ot B. U. Co. a right of wsy, Stelner. 84.36. A tract of land between two lines respectively 43VI test and 88 feet east of and parallel with the east line of Ohio street sud between a line 110 feat seats of snd parallel with the smith line of Hamilton .venue aad the north line of 0. A C. B. B. Co.'s right of wsy. W. A Lewis. $3.88. PORTLAND HOMESTEAD BUK'K 10. salt 43H feet of weet 8C feet of north 110 feet ot tot 4, Henry p. Htldsbrand. $6.85; all of tot 4 South of o. A C. p. It. Co. s riant oi wsy. Phoenix Insurance Comnanv. 82.30. BLOCK 11. lot 1. Joseph A. Strow bridge Eetste. Helre oi, gosesa: tot z, josepn a. nirnwurius. r.. tate. Heirs of, (64.36; tot 4, Joseph A. Strow hrtdse Bn.tai Heir, of SJM 30: north 30 feet Of lot 8. Thom.. Schneider. $0.30; aonth 30 feat of north 00 feet nf lot 3. Anton Btscbof berger. (0.30: soatb 00 feet of north 130 feet or lot 3, Alexandria Kieeei, f ia.no; west no iee of aonth 110 feet of tot 3. Joseph M. Nlcknin. 818.08: esst 86 feet of south 110 feet of tot 3. Btniou Stelner. $13.63. BLOCK IX ut 2. M.ele.y Estate Company. $61.46: eset 60 feet sf subdivision A of lot 3. Sadie A. Wrinkle. 48.00; east 60 feet of subdivision B of tot 8, Ssd Is A. Wrinkle. $8.60; west 60 feet of sub division A of tot 3. Job ii H. Pomeroy. (4.35; weet 0T) feet of sul.il vision B of tot 3, John 11 Pomeroy. $4.65: subdlvlston C of lbt 3. Perry II. Blyth, (8.43; subdivision D of tot 3. Percy H. Blyth. 18.46; subdivision B of tot 3, Perry H. Blyth, 80.60; subdivision T of tot 3, Perry H. Blytb. 80.60; euhdlvlalon G of lot 3, Perry H. Blyth. $6.30; subdivision H of tot 3. Perry II. Blyth. $0.60. BLOCK 13, tat t. William B Fecbeltuer. $43.00; north 1(0 feet of lot 2. C. F. Seal, $18.36: west 00 feet of sooth 170 feet tot 3. C. F. Seal. $13.35: north 42'v feet of east 110 fast of south 170 feet of tot 2. Georgls A. Pomeroy, 80.86; north 42', feet oi east 110 reel of south 12. V, reel oi lol 3. J. Mllnnel. 8 65: south S5 feet of esat 110 feet of tot 2. -n leialore Rr.cker and J W interholder. 314.05; east H of tat X. Ch.rle. R. I... I.I $36.33: east Vi of tot 4, Ch.rle. E. Ladd. $33 40. BLOCK 14. subdivision A of tat 1. William A. Morrow. $8.80; subdlvlston B of tot 1. William A. Morrow. $7.60; subdivision C of tat 1, Preeton W. Gillette. $7.60; aubdl vision D of tat 1, Preston W. Gillette. $7.50; Shdlylelon H of tot 1, Albert Febrenbach. .85; subdivision F of lot 1, Albert Fehren rh. 38.R3: snbdlviston G of tat 1. John Kopsehlegl. 86.K6: suMlvlslon II of lot 1. John Kopachlegl. $685; lot 3. Ataoao W. Withe re 11. A Co.. $7 mi. all of tat 3 north snd west of O. A C. It B Co.'s right ot way. J. K. Mor ley, $7.40: all sf south H of lot 3 except O. A C. B. R. Co.'s right ot way. Ellison En rampment. No l. I. o. o. t' . (3.80: all of east V of lot 3 except O. A C. B. B. Oo.'s right sf way. Joseph A. Strowbrldge. Sr.. Es tate. Helra of. (33.40: west 42. feet of esst 80 feet of north 100 feet of lot 4, Or I Ellis fianford. (3.00; east 42V, feet of north 100 feet of lot 4, Otis B. 8s n ford- Kstale. Heirs of. (0.80; east 40 feet of west 160 feet of sooth 100 feet of lot 4. Thomas R. Weet. $6.83; esst 33 feet of esst 40 feet of west 130 feet of South 100 feet nf lot 4. August Wrylrr. 8X33 Kerrigan's Subdivision of s vsrt of lota 1 and 3 of BLOCK A. la PORTLAND HOMESTEAD BLOCK A. east v. of lot 1. John V. and Wilds P. Lankhv (35.10: eaat V. of lot 2. John V. and wild. P. Lanklu. $32 50; .eaat 46. reet or weet v, nr tot 3. Pauline jorgeneen. $6.63; .ubdlvl.lon I of tot 3, Kate D. Sessions, (0.30; -subdlvlston 3 ot lot X Kate D. Sessions, 46.88: subdlvlston 8 ot tot 3. Kate D. Sessions, $6.86: .u lid I vision 4 of tot 3. Kate D. Sessions, $6.80; subdivision 6 of tot 3, Eugene A Ses elnns. $4 55; subdlvlston 0 of tot X Bngene A. sessions. $2.05: subdivision 7 of lot 2, Eugene a. sessions, so on. PORTLAND HOMESTEAD-BLOCK B. Subdl vision A of lot 1, Northern Counties Inv. Trust Ltd.. $7.50; subdlvlston B of lot 1. M. J. snd D. Gallagher. $0.86: subdivision C of tot I. William R. Walpole. 84.86; subdivision D of lot 1, Jacob Michel. (0.83; eubdlvtolon B of lot 1. Thomas II. Smith, (16.36: west 00 feet of lot 3, Henry Bennelt. (18.00; all of tot 3 eirept weet 00 feet. William B. Walpole, J (1.86: north 40 feet of weet j of tot 8, W. . Union (0.75; esat 4 of tot 3. Jobn V. Lsn kin. $0.75; south 30.7 feet of west Vi of lot 8. Jobn D. Kennedy. (4.75: tot 4. John D. Kennedy, (14.80; tot 5. Jobn D. Kennedy. (33.75: tot 8. John D. Kennedy. (33.75. BLOCK 0, tot 1, Msry A. Psrk. (33.50: lot 3. 1 onls Zimmerman. $36.75: tot 8, George Hellock Estste, Helta of, $10.38. rt'LTON PARK BLOCK 16. tot 7, Fulton Psrk Lend ( ompany, 80.66; .Jet 0, Fulton Park Land Company, $1.00; 1st 6. Pulton Park land Company $1.00: tat 4, Fulton Psrk Land Company, $1.30; tat X Fulton Park land Companv, $1.00; lot 4. Fulton Psrk Land Company. $1.00: tat 10. Fulton Psrk Land Company. $1.00. BLOCK 17, lot 7. Fulton Psrk Land Company, $1.00;. tot 8, Fulton Park Land Company. $1.00; tot 0, Fulton Park Land Company, (1.00: tot 10, Fulton Park Land Company, 81.00, tat II, Pulton P.rk I.snd Comnsur. $100: lot 12 Fulton Park Land Company . Bi.00. BLOCK 36. south 66 feet ot tot 14, A. W. Tobln. $3.70: north 00 faet of south 130 feet of lot 14. Sidney 7. Mitchell. (3.00; north SO fset Of tot 14. William A Chsrles H. Hatha way, (XH; tot 7, Pulton Park land Onm psny, $4.56; lot 6, Elisabeth Eggert. 44.66; 1st 8. Elisabeth Bggsrt, 84.66: lot 10, Kllsa betb Eggert. $4 36; tat II. Elisabeth Eggert 44.85; tot IX Elisabeth Eggert, (5.83. BLOCK 30. lot 18. Fulton Park Land Company, (3.80: BLOCK 88, tot 7, B. M. Lombard; (3. 88: lot 8. B. M. Lombard. $2.03: tot 0. George S. Mcintosh. 32.03; tot 10, F. Wheeler. 1X06: " tot 11. Klliaheth t'ggert. $2.06; tot IX Ellss betb Kfgert. $8.35. BLOCK 80. tot 1. Ralph W. lioyt. $3.33: lot X Ralph W. Hovt. $2 05. lot $, Jobn Gtobtsch, $2 05. tat 4, John Ote htarh. (3.36: tot 6. Joha Glehlsrh. (3.00. BLOCK 40, sll of west 60 feet of tat 1 except nnrth 60 fast, Willi. m H. MrFarland. (3.00; esst 80 feet of west 100 feet of tot 1, Ore gon Building A Loan Association. (3.30; north 60 feet of weet 60 feet of tot 1, Oregon Build ing A Loan Association. $3.80; east 100 feet of tat 1. Mark J. Comstork. (4.66: tat 3. Lis sis E. Young. (2.06: tot 8. Mary Hughes. (X86; tot 4. Mary Hughes, $2 93: tat 6. Pst rick Hughes, $2.06: tat 0. Elm Hall. (340; tot 7. Perry Johnson. (3.08: lot X Collin C. Girvln. (3.06: lot 8, Collin C. Girvln. 8X00: kit 10. I. S. Hurst. (346; lot 11, G. C Ko nettka. $3.06; tot 13. B. M. Lombard. $3.05: tot IX B M. Lombard, 32 03: tat 14. C. J. Decker. $3.06: tat 18. Mary Koontx. 33 06: lot in. Msry ho.mii. fz.n; lot 17. M.rv J. Com stock. $3.03. block 41. tot 7. W. M. Mart sail. 8146; lot s W M tfartxall. (3.03: tot 0. William Mackintosh. Truetee, 32 05. tot 10, xvil am Mackintosh. Trustee. 12 05: ot II Elsie M. Crsbb. (340: tot IX William Hel ming. $3.00 BLOCK 46. tot 1. William Hath away snd Cbarlea H. Thompeon. $4.55: tat 3 William Hathaway and Ch.rles II Thump son. (4X6; lot 8. William Hathaway and Charles 11. Thompeon. fS 0O: lot 4. W illiam Hathaway and Charles H. Thompson. (4.25: lot n. . v imam itaiuaway and ch.rles it Thompson. $3.00; tot 0. Catrlas Hansen. $3.00 Int 7, Cafrins Hanaen, $4-66. BLOCK 46. tot 1. S. B. Carmine. $4 55. tot 3. Mand Sewell $3 60; lot 8. Clara V. Carmlae. (3.60: tot 4 Cler. V. t annine XI 00; lot 3. Edward G Bewail. (3.00: tat 6. Edward G. Sew a II. (.1.60; lot 7. John K Culllson. CCtW; lot S. Cohn E Colli.,.,, (4.55. BLOCK 47. tot 1. M.rls Storkmsn. 83.no: lot 2. Msrla Stockman 3.100; lot 8. Henrietta Ponpleton. (3.60; tot S. W. J. GraniPN. It 10. lot n, Wllllnm II. Warren. (3.00: lot 0, William H. Warren. R.60; lot 7. Fred G. Buffum. $3.00; tot 8 04 0. Butfsm, (4.25. BLOCK 48. let I, Emms Marqu.m, $4.36; lot 2. Emma Mar luaui. $3.00: lot 8, John P. Coyne. (3.60: tat 4. Alice W. Caswell. (3.60; tat 5. C. . Decker. $203: tot 0. C. J. Decker. $3.06; tat 7. C. J. Ilecker, $3.06: tat 8. C. J. IVrksr. $203, lol 0. Thomaa A. (Isrke. $2 05; tot 10. Valerie Rogers, $2.06; tot II. Valerie Rogers. $396 lot IX Valerie Rogers, $3.00; lot 13, Valerie Rogers, $3 00; tot 14, Thomas A. Clarke 33 00: tat 15. Thomas A. Clerke, $3.60; tat 10, Kv P. Steal. $3 60. lot 17. Welter B Preeton, 38.40: tat IX Henry Stevens. $3 0O: tat 10. Alice W. Caswell. $3.60: tot 20. Jobn F. Coyne. $3.00: lot 21. Jamee Blake. $3 00: tot 33. The Title Guarantee A Truat Com- Eiv. (4.55. BLOCK 44. tot 1. Eva P. Stael. 16; tot X Eta P. Steel. $4 .38; tot 3. J. E. It. $4X8: tot 4. J. L Scott. $4 25: lot 5, Hiram W. Riley. $4.69; tot 4. Hiram W Riley. 44.63: lot 7. Ella F. Perklnwm, $4.23: lot X Oscar F. oisen (4.33; lot 0. Eva S Price. (4.33; tot 10. A. It Francis. $4.36: lot II. Eva P. steel. 84 35; tot 12. Eve P. Steel. 05. HUN K 50. lot 1. William Mackintosh. .03: tot 3. William Mackintosh. $3.33: lot William Mackintosh 83 .00. lot 4 M.rv A Danry. $3 00; tot 6. William II. Dancv. Bit .no: lot 6. D. C. Tedfnrd. $4.36: Int 7. Joseph Simon. Tru.tee. (4.35; tat 8. X.rlfs J. Felling. $3.00; lot 0. Xsrife J. Fslllng. $3.60; tat 10 P. trick Hughes. $3.60. tat 11, Patrick Hughe.. t$.40; tat 13. Pulton Park Land Companv. 4.25. BLOCK 31, I'd 1. Joseph Simon. Trus tee. $4.58H tot X Joseph Simon. Truster. $4 33. BLOCK 53. tot I. Pstrlrk snd Msry Ifughee. t'-' .'in lot X Patrick and Mary Hughes, 32.30; vt 3, Katharine Scheuermann. (3.30: tot 4 William loeer. $3.30: lot 5. William Henri 82.30: tot 8. WIlHam lienrr. $300; tot T. jane Rr.n. $3 26: tot 6, Henrietta A. Popple ton. $3.00; tot 0. Henrietta A. Poppleton. $1.46: lot 11. Los II. rndagrnff - .10, ioi 1x1. vuiion 1 ar. i.auil cotupan si.is.-i. 101 u. iin 11 t poewrart 11.1 Ixw U. I pdscraff. $1. 43. BLOCK 53. B. M. Tessnbard. $3.70: lot X hard. (2 30: lot 7. Anna McQuillan. $1 N rx. 11. irrrwe. fi.no; let a, S. D. 81 66. BLOCK 84. lot 7 B 14 Fulton P.rk t-and Comn.nv. 81.30: lot X ft M. Ixnahard and Fulton Park land Osssaaoy. $ I 00; tot 0. B. 31. Loaxhar and Fa Hon Park land Conp.ny, (0.33. tat 10. B. M. I smksnl snd Pultorl Park Land Cxsapake, (0X5; ket It B. M. lewntierd and Fulton Park I sal titrri pany. (0.33: tot 13. B M lost bard and To I ton Park land Company. $0 85. BLOCK 88 &ssh (0.38. lot 2. Birrei P C.rssre41 Eat.,, ehetes mm: mt 3, wtnm r. OaraWan Bstate awUTUs sou.,.-.; eaet t, or tot 3. Miss M. F. Lswrenee. $37.00: esst U nf tot 4. Wtllai 0. Clarke, (37.00. BLOCK 13. Int 1. Thomaa Schneider. 151.36: north 1 of tat 3 south of Use 0. A C. H. K Co.'a rl.ht of way Ionian I'nulnen ,0 1 u. xni a "3: 4403; all of trees. Bn r.l ia. Heirs sf. 80. late. Helra of, Staiyer. (3.60: 3. n M. Bnsfa. 88 33 en 1... a , 1 1 u w. krsmer. (4'35; tat T. Anus lot 8, Amelia B. sad St." i S. Price W.nkltn SSSAr toe ,!n,V 3M- tot II. John Twill 12. John Tway ' "way. 83 00. BLOCK I in tion Park rarx 1 sud Cosipany. r n ton park land Conknsar. FUIton Park I -.l r- . . 'a!! frk Land Company: Fulton Park Laud Comes ay. I tot I Iseilee Frless . rXl.OBl. J" . 4160. tat 3, Msrcas Edtly H .60: kit at I'tx-lf XX a48 aaaST 1 ,M"1, k, W nt: 0' Chartos A- Seeker, $4 26: lot 7. Cbarlea A. Dueber. 44.38: tog X Dneher . $3.00; tot ML Tlrs Vna Bol ten. (8.00; Uil 'n l,?v"., R PQZ1- ratio X Holmea. $4X6. BLOCK 4$. tot 1. Joeeph iv 11. .nd Sadie A. Wrrakto.Ts4: tot L1? I? ml A WrinkiTTtaa: vto. $3 30; lot 5, Sylvsnoe C. Armttsga, (3.30; tot 6. Andrew Holmes, 33.SO: tot TV IT B. Umrtney. (2 30; tot 6. sister, sf the HeJy Name, of Jesus sad Msry, $2.30: tat 0, Lory Dougherty. (1.04; lot 10, Jueeph Best. (180; tat 11. Colin C. Olrvls. 11 HA lot IS Cells. 1' "jrvis. es-ox; mi u, syivsasa o. Arssti iltass. 100, iox 11, nyivauns C. Armlteas. $1 80: 101 10, 1 Southwest Portland Heal Heists Oeee. stab pany. 31 SO; lot IX Northern Conn ties Inv. trusc Ltd.. $1.66: lot IT, Nortbern Cootxttoa inv. 1 met. Ltd.. fxso: tot is. Northern Const, ties Inr. Truat. Ltd.. $1.40; tot 14, Joeeph Beet. (340; tat 30. Andrew J. Hygert. Jr. and Sr.. $2.30: tot 21. H. L. Martsafl. (444: tot 32. H. L. M. rti.il. (106: tot 34. A. W, Bslrd. (330: tat 34, James H Chase. $3 30; lot 36. Maurice 14. Costelki. $3.30; tot 36. First National Bank of Portland. Oregon. (3.3H; kit 27. Frank M. Warren. 33.30; lot 34, Prank M. Warren. 33.70. BLOCK 70. tot 1. Vincent Cook. $0 X1: tot X Vincent Cook. (046: lot 1. vmcent cook, fo 03: tot 4, Vincent Cook. (3.30: lot 0. Ferdinand A. Llts. (8 60; tot X William Barnes. $2 00; tat 7. 0. W. snd Msr gsret V. Allen. $3.35: tot X 0. W. sad Msr gsret V. Alton. $2 00: lot 0. Sarah Mitchell. $3.00: tot 10. Marls Waterfsrd. J1.00; tot 11. Vincent Cook. $0.38; lot IS. Vincent Cook. $0.15 BLOCK 71. lot 1. Vincent Cook. 80.83; tot 3. Vincent Cook. $033: tot 8, VSJOSnt Conk. $0.30; tat 4. Vincent Cook. (0.06; tot 8. Fred Spagele. $3.60: lot 0. Prod Btaatsla, $360; lot 7. Bernhardlne We.tp.hl. (3 36; lot 8. Bernhardlne Weetpahl. 4366; tot 4, J. at Voting. (3 60: tat 10. Jane Wall. (0 60; tot 11. Vincent Conk. (0.83: lot IX Vincent flat. C S8. BLOCK TX tat 1. Vincent Cook. $0.84 t 3. Vincent Cook. (0.88; tot X Vincent Conk. $0.:i3: tat 4. Vincent Cook. $046: tot 6. Vincent Cook. $1.00; tat 0. Vlacent Cook. 81.30; tat 7. Frank snd Mary Hackney, $11 tat 8. Laura Hackney. $1,10: tot 4. Vino t ons, fl.l.l; lot HI lucent UOSC, fU.WJ Mt 11. Vincent Cook. $o.36: tot IX Vlnrent Cook. (0.3.1. BLOCK 73. tot 1. Henry Flee kenetebt, r .15. lot 2. Henry Fleck met eln. (048 1 tot 4) . E. Scott. $0.06; lot 4. t. E. Scott. 40.48: Int 6. J. E. Scott. (0.63; tot 0. J. B. fcott. $065; tat 7. J. E. Scott. 40.48; tat 4. J. B. Scott. (0.04, BLOCK 74. S. D. Crows. (1 80 BLtKhf 78, S. D. Crowe. (1.30. BLOCK TB, lot 1. 8. D. Crowe. $0.35; tat 3, S. D. Crows, (0.33: lot 3. Henry Flecks ostein, jp.03; tat 4, Henry Fleekenetetn. (0.06. RLOCK 80, tot t Fulton land Comnsny, $0.36: tot 3, FaKon Land Company. $0.36. BLOCK 01. tot 1. Fulton Land Companv. 80.65: tot X BaltOtt I .and Company. $0 115; tat 8. Fulton Land Cem nsnr. $0.83: tat 4, Fulton Land ('ompany. $0.63; tat 5. Fulton Land Company. (048: tat 6, P:iton Land Company, $0.86; tot T. Fulton Land Company. $0.06: tot X Fulton Land Company. $0.06: tot 8, Fulton Land Company. (0.66; tat 10. Fulton Land Com- snv. $0.06; tot 11. Fulton Land Company. 9.65: tot 13. Fulton Land Company. (0.08 BLOCK OX tat I. Fulton Land OeaSpeaiv, $0.65; tot X Fulton Land Company. (0.S6; tot 3. Fulton Land Company. (044; tot X Pulton Land Company. (0.38: tat 8. Fultoa Land Company. (0X1. BLOCK 83. Henry Plecken.teln. 31 .06. BLOCK 04. lot 8. V. Conk. 1,15; tat 4,-V. Cook. 80.86; tat 6. V. Cook. .81; tat 6, V. Co.,k. (0.86; tat T, V. Cook. .83: tot X V. Conk. (0.88. BLOCK OB. tot V. Cook. 80 36: lot 2. V. Cook. 8046: tot 4. V. Cook. (0.35: tat 10. v.. Cook, 30.35: tot 11. V. Conk. (0.46. BLOCK 04. lot 1. V. Cook. (0.65; tot 3. V. Cook. (0.06; tot X . Cook, (or,.",; tat 4. V. Conk. 40.48; lot 6, V. Cook, (0.86; tat 0, V. Cnok. (006: tot T, V. Cook, so or. : lot 8. V Conk, (O.11B; tot 0. V. Cook. (I tat 32. V. Cook. (1.30; (1.30; tat 30. V. Cook. $140. BLOCK 87, tot I, T. Conk. 8180; lot X V. Cook. 8140: lot 8. V, Cook. (1.30: tot 4. V Cnok. $1.00; lot 6. V. Cook. $006; lot 0, V. Cook. $0.08; tot T, V. Cook. 80 65; lot 6, V. Cook. (045: tot 4. V. Cook. 40.46: lot IX V. Cask. (1.00; tot 11. V. Cook. (1.80; tat 12. V. Cnok. $140. BLOCK OS. tot I. V. Ccevk. (0.44: tot B. V. Conk. gt'5: tot 8, V. Cook. (0.06; tot 4, V. Cask, 08; tot 6. V. Cook. 80.08; tot X T. Con. 66: tot T. V. Cook, 4006; tot 8. T. Cook, 80,68: tot 0. V. Cook. (0.48: lot 10. V. Cor. (0.08; tot 11. V. Cook. (0.88: tat IX V. Cook. r.66. BLOCK 84. tot 1. V. Cook. (0.46: tot V. Cook. 80.03: tot 3. V. Cook. 40.04; tot 4. V. Cook. 80 05; lot X V. Cook. (0 08: lot 4. v. took, an no; tot 7. v. coo. faooj tot s. V. UOOk, fil l;.-,. MI IU k 100, wt 1, v. 1: ?: 33: 31.00: tot 3. V. Cook. 40.06: tot 80.85: tat 4. V. Cook. 80.08: lot X T. $0.05: tot 0. V. Cook. 40.08; let 7. V. Conk. $0.65; tat X V, Cook. (O.OB: lot 4. . Cook. 80 63: tot 10. V1. Cook. (0.86: tot 11. V. Cook. (0.05; tot 13. T. Cook. (1.00. BLOCK 101, Int 1. V. Conk. (1 .30: tat X V. Cook, 41. 00: lot 8. V. Cook, (1.00. BLOCK 10X tot I. v Cnok. (1.00; tot X Cnok. 40.66; tot 8. V. Conk. 80.05; lot 4. V. Cook. (0.06: tot 5. V. Cook. (1.00: tot X V. (tank. (140; let T T. Cask. (1.00; tot 8. V Cnok. $1 30; lot 4, -V. Cnok. (0.66: tot IX V. Cook. 31.08; tot 11. V. Cnok. (1.(6; tot IX V. Cook. (108 BLOCK 108. tot 1. V. Cnok. (1.00: tot X T. Cook. (1.08: tot (. y. Cook. (1.08: tot 4. V. cook. (1.86: tot 5. V. Cook. (1.03: tot X Portland Clay Companv. (1.40: tot T. Port land Clay Company. $1.66; tot X Portland Clav Company. $1.63. BLOCK 104. tot I. C. J. Decker. $1.00: lot X C. J. Decker. $1.00: tot (. Edwin C. Johnson. 8144: tot X Jeeps O.nev. (1.84: lot 6. David W. Eberiva. (liS tot 0. Pulton Psrk Land Compenv. (3.80; tot T. Fultoa Park land Company. (3.80; tot 4. Emma Msrriusin. $3.(0: tot 0. B O. WIS its house. 82.30: tot 10. Fulton Psrk Land Con ns nr. $3.30: lot 11. W. J. Orombs. 8340: tot IX W. J. Q rem be. 31.80: tot. 18. Alliance Trust Company. Limited. (1.(0: est 14. Al liance Trust Company Limited. (3.40: tot 18. BntharhlM Brothers. 31.30; tot 10. afkaekfld Brothers. (0 06: tot IT. J. M. Chsrcb. 40.(8: tot IS. J. M. Church. $2.30: tat 14. V M Church. $1.30: lot 30. B. O. Ii Hull 1 ail. 4444: lot 21. B. G. Whltehouee. $2.30: lot 33. Minnie Simon, fz.io: mt 23. Jessie . Kirk, tot 34. John Ofeblsh, $3.80: tot 38. cieM.h. 31.03: tot 30. Alice Mackeasto. 41 Int 27. Alice Markenste. $1 .06; tot SX A Mackentle. $1 05 BLOCK 106. aonth 3 of block 105. Byron P. Cardwell Batata, nf. (l.OO; nnrth m reet of block 100, Suhniban Railway Comnanv. 80 10. A. tot 1. Fits WlllUms. 38 80; tot X Williams. fZ.ss; lot s. Fulton park Comnenv fs.15: tot 4. Bltta Williams. tot 6. Christina Kleckenatetn. (4.84: tot X 1 I, rutins Fleckeneteln. (400. BLOCK B. lot 1. Fulton P.rk I.snd Company. (1.(4; tot X Fulton Park 1 .nd company. 31 .so: tot 8 Fulton Park l..nd toaip.ny. US; tw i: 83.80; tot 4. 83TO; tot T. Fiillon Psrk I., no 1 ompany. land Comnanv. Fulton Psrk Fulton Psrk land Company. Fulton Psrk land Company, land Company. BXf Fulton P.rk Pulton Park land Company C. tot I. Fulton Park Land Comsasv lot X Fulton Psrk land Ceesaaay. lot 8, Fulton Psrk land Company, lot 4. Fulton Psrk I.snd Company, tot X Fulton Park laind Company, tot 8. i'ult.,n Park Land Company, lot T. Pulton Park l-and Company. tot S. Pnltost Park l-end company. (4 38: tot 8. Fulton Park Land Oasspaay. (4.66 lilOCK D. tot 1. Fultoa Psrk Land Coeap.nv. (s 10; Int 3, Fulton Park land Company $3.60; tot 3. Fulton Park Land Compenv, 33.00; tot 4. Pulton Psrk land Company 81.60: tot 8. oreron A California alrrBar) Companv. (3.00. block E. aarfk U lot 1, ciarn Finnev. (3.40: north H tot t Clara Finney. 83.50: south H tot 1. Msry I.. White. 82 40: snath H tot X Mary L. White 83 60: lot 3. Charles F. TTgard. $4. 38 BLOCK t. lot 1. Sarah Carter. (1 DO; tat 3. Sarah Carter. 80 65: lot 3. Ji n. Scott (t (0: (it X Peter Curley. (130 tot 5, BfltharhlM Brothers. $1 SO; lot 6. Rothschild Brothere. $1.40: tot 7. Rothschild Brother.. 31 06: tat 8. Rothecblld Brothers. $0.66; tot 8. Hothachlld Brothers, $0.05: lot 10, Rothschild Brothers. (048. BIJ1CK u. tot 1. C. J. Beekev, $1 00: tat $. C J Decker. $1 00: tat 3. C. J Decker, 81.(41 tat 4. Msrr tV Obormlv. 81 80- tot. 6. B. t.. Thompson, (140; lot 6. R. L. Tkomiawex $140; tot T, B. ti. Tbomrson. $180: tot 8. A. t Powers, (1.00; lot . 4. J- Powers, (1.08; tot 10. A.. J. Powers, 31.06; tot 11. P. W. Morlev. 33T0: loi IX P H ktorler, 81.80. BLtK'K It l"t 1 F A W.toole. (I 63. to ( Walpole. 83 TO: tot X Asa H. stison Ann K, Mxon. ss. 10: sis s sare L70t west a-, feet lot n. J n. esBsWBA (eef tot 7. J. B Ool PsAk. let lilac ea.t of lying eaet ef west 44 fee! 1 33 ill of tot 7 lytogeaet tli W Decker, 44.44; J th W tracker. I of west 65 feel. Ttn Moss. A. SOore. 48.80: tot 3.1 SO tat 80. Anas BBSS tot. 11. Lktbexii H. OartM. PstVtrk and Mary HtigdkeS, Patrick sad tot 1. Asa stissa, fi Aaa s 06 80; tot 4, BJ. 81, ayBOB. -.V 4X40; 1st 4. AJMa ABBBfl IV. n (0.08: tot I So as. ui a- tot X Lots km sJOBag. Si isi: lot 10. v. coos, si.tsj; tot 11. v. cook. (1.00: tat 13. V. Cook. (1.00: tot IX V. Cook. (1.00: tot 14. V. Cook, (1.00: tat 16. V. Cook. (1.00; Int 18. V. Conk. $1.30: lot IT. V. Cnok. $1 30; tat 18. V. Cook. $1.00; tat 10. V. Oeofe, $1.00: lot 30. V. Cook. (1.00: lot 31. Y. Cook. tat 34. V. Cask. I feet S3A it. o: art s. 1.40. ' BLOCTK . 83 36 $3 36: 84 y. 1 . en, jl. lot 4V.J K C