JOURNAL, PORTLAND, .WEDNESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBB JO. TODAY'S MARKETS AN AVALANCHE OF DRESSED HOGS IN TODAT UOI IBOVT TAM TMOM una mtwaotoit oBAvexs ami rront StfMt. Nov. 9 Th prtnelp! future or in I'oriuna tiuimii market imii r AvaUnche ut dressed bog. Drtd veal continues firm. Poultry receipts (till heavy, apples an Bot bs firm. New oranges ara cheaper. Wheat a ad flour dull. All mltlfeed la .carer. Winter peer are arriving. Tomto season 1 coming to an end Potato and onion arm. Hugsr oat qalta ae arm. Hop dealer unable to purchase. Avalanche of Drssd Heal. A regular avalanche of dressed bog arrived on tb market today aud fairly took tba trad off Ua faat. Drtattd boaa htta keen dull for acme time and Drlc ban been unaatlaf actor. Tba bearj receipts today canaod even a arcakar feeling and new price are far from meeting the rlewe of either shipper or merchant. Quits liberal ablpmenta of dressed Teal cam tbla morning, but there waa a g"od demand and tbe lop prlrea eaally ruled, Tne indication are, however, that tbe suduIv of eeal will ahow a lnrge Incraaae during the preat wk and tbla may possibly us use a reaction from tba arm reeling Poultry Receipt. Itill Heavy. There ara atlU heavy receipt. In poaitry and ebtekana of all kind, ara quo tad at tba low m.teh. There la a better demand for turkey and the top price are ruling. Duck and ferae both find a food call. The market on fresh egg la quite arm, but tb ton la not a atrong a durluf the prerloua a t ea Apple. Ara Mot So Firm. Wits larger receipt, tbe apple market la not an arm aa daring the previous week end tb top figure, for the choicest good la not o Mgh. The receipt, of cheap apple, are large but tbla happen every year at tbla time and la alnay. ei -c tod. (hang of the uew crop ara la larger suonly and color I hetur with price lower. Oiapaa ara In food upplj bnt demand la not ao heavy. Pnmpklp are cheaper. For the cheaper frade rauUlloVsr price are down. The seasoj far tomato. I faat coming to ad end and although quality la not good price, are .lightly higher. Winter Nellie peara are coming and are Bulling a good aale with fancy quality at 11. as. Wheat and Tlour Sail, Both tbe wheat and the local dour market are dull tbe ebeenre of a market In the eaat yeateulay being a factor. Liverpool today wa about 6 bicker and If thla tor la con tinued tomorrow there will likely be a batter feeling here. A auaielty of cart la caualng a abortag In tbe aupply of all of mill fied. Oata and barley are both anil and quiet. Sugar Mat Quit So Firm. The new that entire ehlplosd .of sugar waa en mute to thl country from Ulna la an that kept the market from abowlng an ad vance drring the peat few day., home of tbe dialer are at 111 predicting higher value. Hopdeslers Unable to Furohass. That theft la not mm activity la tbe hop market t tbe present timers due to ao fault of (ha dealer for they ara vary anxloua to par chr at prevailing quoUfrVn. There la much better irmand for tbe cheaper grade, and any old kind of quality will 11 Jaet to It la a nop. Pot. toe. aad Onion. Firm. The situation In both pot a toe and onlona remains about tb ram aa yeati rday both prndiicta being; quoted firmer on account of a aeurclty bar. There will b no trouble at all t secure all the potatoes wanted later on, bat tbe abortag la the crop of onlona tbla aaaaoa will keep that market up. Today 'a whole lo quotation, aa revitad, ara a lotiotv ; WBSAT New end old Walla Walla. 81 Stc: bluevtrm, 86881c; valley. 8IJ88c. Il.t III. EV Feed. 111.80031.76, rolled. $31.00 33.60; brewing, 121.0O. CORN Whole. $38.00 per ton; er.cked, $2S.oo. RYB 11.38 oar cart. OATS Prodoeer' price N. 1 trait. $1700; gray, SiM.00a.0Q, r i.u i it Kaatern Oreaon: Patenta. X. an etrelghte. SS.To: valley. H 10,, It, SA.OO: 10a. 14 as. MiMJTurrnj awaa. nags,; snort, country.; chop, l i la.uu. HAY Producer' eric Timothy WllUaktttt valley, rancy. i.ooaais.oo a.isi; eaat era Oregon, 0.00013.00; clover. t 00111.06; grain. $11.0 11.60 cheat, til Keaa. HOPS 1004. Stc for r i port; SlfaStSfe for thole : SI Vi 011V for prime. WOOL Seminal. Valley, ceara to medians 11016c; fin., lfto; .tern Oregon, llOlae. eJORAlR Mew. So. KHKEI'HKINS -Shearing. 10030c; hort woet. teasot: medium wool, $c$1.00 each. tILloW Prtm. par wool, aotgooc; long wool. lb. etaSe: N. 1 aad area. IMtHo i'HITTIM HARK se per lb. buying price. Dieva rw. .i. no. i. io raw a ad ua, 14 U a) lit par la; dry kip. No t to la in. itHc dry ealf. No. 1. under S Iba. lovjc: drv aalted bull, and ataga. 14 leas than dry Bint; salted hide, ateer. eound. 40 lb or vr, T0Se; SO to SO Iba, 7c; under SO lb ad eewa. 607c: .tar. and bulla, eound. 5c. kip, IS to SO Iba. TUc: sound lo to 14 Iba. Se; ua. iv ue .V l".. DV, lb SUtl gre -cull., fe per lb leee; . II mi.T drv. rack. If, Bound, under 10 ltd. I oar lb lee karat aide. Mlted. rk H.OOtfl.BO! c.lta- hide hide, e.ct.. n0So; goat akin, common, each. 100151 Angora. ach looific; Angora. w1tk wool on. earn. utter. Xggs aad Poultrr. 1,1 1 I 1.1. I.J ".OHIO, W, OW, trade. 26037V.e: ontaMe fancy. STU0SOc: erdl r.arv. an 491 MtIjfJBCl Il40c; ter. ISOMUe. KUOft So. 1 freah Oregc. 17 HQ rn, fresh, Sfic; April, 24c. - I as Ha; t Will, lir.u, ata, o .M I . wwv CIUBSBNaw-Full cream, twin. Itttt! Young America. 140UV.. rol'LTRY Cbtckena, mixed. SHOSc per lb; ken, He per lb; rooster a old, Te per lb; young. MVttJve per id; Droller. ioc id; rryei 10c per lb; ducks, old. 14 per lb; yeunf. 18c per lh: gees. So per lb; turkeys. 10ne lb; dressed. 18 Ur pt lb. WILD UAUS-Hil, 2.uo; wiageon, aa.ou; mallard. 14-00 Fruit aad ".astasias. POTATOES Beat 0 rag on, 80c par owt; buyers' prices, 40(T6c; tecood grade. 05075c; buvlng price. SSOSSc; twta, beat, ii.501 aecoad grade. $1.28 per owt; crated. $1.5001.88. O N IONS Loo 1 , ll.8Bfi2.00: buyer' price, 1.9001.70; garlic, 0010c per lb. FRESH FBI' ITS Apples. extra fancv. 19.0001.26; fancy Oregon, 11.OO01.T5 per (os. cheap grid-. 4O0TBC par box; or. ogee, navel, 64.0005.00 par box; ba nanas. Be per To; vtaont, choice, $100 per box: ,fncy, S3. 0008. 75 per box: limes, Mexican. S8e per 100; pineapples. 12.5008: peart. $1 otii.25; grapea. 78cf$1.2S per box; Oo tr eVirda. io in Msget. me; bocklenrrrl, Bi I Hi i ml 1. i.l as ao .... - I... I ... 10c per lb vane 1L( Cod $5o0oo per bbl;Jerey, $10,000 per bbl 2c per 1 ,00 per bbl; prunea, 2c per lb. VaVfETABLES- Turnlpa, $1.00 ta. 11.00 per ssck; beet, $1 $1.00 pe is. $12; lie; eabb per sack: cr- 23 per sack ; Oregon rsdlshes, 18c per doa. rabbarc. 0rbc flllfl.DV V., liicm, WWHIIH, ,:vu.ra wu, green pepper, 5c per ft: celery, 500 C5c doi: '' 1 fonirtoe. Oreyon. 30lMr box; parsnips vvspov7 i.i. , parsnips, lo n.BPI pie planr. cn. 4c: raullfiew) , mrtgi aos: ouiiar Btaaat 8c; pumpkins, lc par lb; horseradish, 7o per lb: sprouta. nc musn rooms, 20c per ID. DRIED FRT'I 1T8--Apple. evspersted. 70S fisr in . wwew, vwwysw aawaa. sft. per lb leaa. peacbee. B01SI per Ib; Bear per Ibi prane. Italian. aH04Hc ptr lh: French SHa4H Per lb; fig. Cillforni hlsek. spajMg 1 . , .- anal.. iv. . rise Btr ib; sscas. Ha sowBrnra. BIsTO. somst s ( K t ah 1 1 h cl 1 J. ) a 00., asm stock loom 4, Orrmnd Tloor. or L J2 bid. uvea 0.1111.00 oui i no. fool aad Hide. OVERBBCK. STARR 5t COOKE CO Metnbera Chicago Hoard of Trarla. OBA1BT. FaOTTSTOaS. OOTTOBT. STOCKS 103 Third Street. McKay Building. Portland. Or. wa aa a btbuotxt otnonssios avsisrasa. Continue Market by Private Wlra. 1 ZUvoa. kMBkart. and Us jniiaa tn lUtSS pram, pitted - par tb: date, golden. t Pr lei raroja, ai.av per l-m box. Sraasriaa. Suta. Slav SL'OAR ca beat e Cuba. a.0; pewdeawd, SSfi fruit granulated, td lft, dry gnaaUaMd. He advance oa sack baala. leaa lie rwt Itr cash. l .! maple 14014c tear lb. HONaTY 14W01S. cqrr;i)urB Uot. n I0X.V; lava. fanr. St? 8V Java a ,.t. K0tbc; Jsvs ordUary , svaiwi save, wnM.1 fancv. 1S0SOOI Casta Sice. oaravej t on tuea good, itrjisc Onata Riaa, ordinary. 11011 Pr lb, pacUge coffee. 114 .75. " Mecaage ctuiee. TIAS Oolon. different .rade. XCCISe: - arsai powder. laffliVfOaoc, EngHsk dif- tHak braaWra anliTlas- u fsrsnt grades. ISSOasc; iplderleg. u Japaa. Ji06fic. green Japan (very scarce). SS0 Hoe Bals. St. la. 4a. 6. 10a. tl.SO: tabl. dairy. AO. $0 50011 50: ion. sS 00; Imparted Mverpool. SOa. SIB OO01 4.00 1 100. fl .60018.00; zMs. 113.80014.50; sitra fine, .his. a. 3a, rV 10a. 64.60; balk. ISO Ik. SaL tm' SC' tea fSeUrdTfiinK pr'r'.'4J, erpool lump rook, $18 60010 80 per Too: 80 lb reck. IS.1160S.TS; too. to.T60S.Sa. (Abov price apply to salss of lata tkaa ear lota. Car lata at special prices uMet te fluctuation. OSAIN BAOS-Celcntts $5.7506 oO rear 100 BICst-.trsina.Hsl J.o.n No 1 4.c: No. X : New Orkaaaa head. SH0Sa; Adject. 8vc; Creole. Ae. . . sUaViaari Whit. del large arklta, Ho; pink. 4c; bayou, 8ic; Lima. Se; Meal csn reds, BKc. "UTS 1'rannt. Trie; iumbo. SH a ISi ipv per id; roanea. cocosnui.. wv 0e pee A.: walnuts. 1XU014H per lb: pin ii. lUOlXHC Per rt; hlrkorv nut. 1" per io; efceata lata, ea.tern. U01S ner lb: Braatl nuts IS per ibi filbert. 1S01S ner lb: faayw peeana. 14018c per lb: almonds 1S0IS t Ik. FRESH MKATS lnpccled L'eef. sisers. St per lb; cowa. SXH per lb; mutton, disss l (I. 40Se per lb; ramba, dressed. 508c per tax TKBBH M BATS Front street -Be-f. ti 408c per lb; pork, block. HV4e per To; psck an, Stic per lb; bull, S0SHc per lb: cow. SHaaVle nr lb: mutton, dresasd. .Q Sexier lb; veal, extra. THe per lb; ordinary. B0Tc per mi poor, ISM pwr lb: lamb. otHe per id. RAMS. BACON ETC. Portland park, toe 1 1 ham. 10 to 14 lb lie ner lb: 14 to IS lb. ISC per lb; IS to zo lhs, 13c per id; ootiage Kle ner lb: break faat bacon. I4018 per lb; pirnica, ioc ir id; regular anon near, un smoked. lOUe per V .meked. llHe P lb; pur k.eWa HHMnkall nee th, smoked. lb: TIel on bette. batta. 10 te IS Iba, nnamoaea. per lb; smoked. Se r lb: clear belli. smoked. per lb: smoked. per lb. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf, 10a. 11c per lb; 6. UVte per lb: 50-70 tine. lOttc per lb; lb; 50a, 64 per lb. compound tlercea. SJie per raa. ae per m; btjc. ec par id. NNRT) SALMON -Columbia river lib tails. S1.S3: l ib tails. SS 80; fancy Mb Beta. $100: V, !h fancy Sata. till: fancy Mb evkt, $1 78: Alaska tails, pink. 8S0SOc; red, 11.60: nominal il, tall. $200 IT8H Hock cod. Tc per lb; flounder. 6c per lb: halibut, Tc per lb: crh. $1 25 per dot: striped hass. lOOMHe par rei eatadk. Te per lb: ealiaon. Chinook Par lb; sllversldes. Se nee lb: herrtne. 8c ner lb: sole. Se per lb; shrimp. 10c per Tb; (had. dretaed, per lb; perch. Be per lb: ahad roe. par lb; shsd. fie ner lb-, hlsek cod Se per Ibt silver smelt 8c par lb; lobsters ISHc; fresh awekerel. ne; crawnan, zoe pwr no; nounaers, oe per in. aturgeon. Te Bar lb. OYSTFJHS Shoslwster bsy. per gsl, fx an : per sack. $4 00 net; Olympla, per aaek. $8.23; CLAMS Hard shell, nor box. SS.00; raaor clams. $2 oo ner boa. mints 4tai oua, xis, BOPS Pare MsulU. II He; st.udsrd. 1SAI Siaal. lOHC , COAL OIL Pearl or Astrsl Csse. UUt per gal; water white iron able ISo par gal. wooden per gal: headlight. 170 dee. eaaaa S3H.4 per gsl Iron bhls ITc per gal. LINSEEnolI-Pure raw, la bbls 52c per sal. esses 57c per gsl; genuine kettle boiled, caae 50c per ft), bbla S4c par gal; ground cake, ear lots $28. oo per tea, less tkaa can $28.00 per toa. usvouLanm Ao-ae. cse. uc pw . bhls Sfic per gal; ateve, ete SsVk fttt tat iron bbla 18 per gal. BENZINE S-drr. cssra Sle per gal. lro bbls 1U ner sal PAINT OIL Raw, bbla SSe per gal, 88e per gsl. boiled, eee 40e per gsl TTjRPSNTIKB In cses SSe per gal. villi; bhl. xir per gal. Iron bbl TS per sal, 10-lh 'wHITB LBAiV Toa lota THe per Bs 800-1 HOGS TOO PLENTIFUL AND PRICES DECLINE Pcrtland t'alon Stoekyarda. Nov. S. There . weev weak feelln In hone today and blocks are quoted at 64.0004.25, decline of about Sfic from prerloua figures. Most of th receipts consist of the ft mailer 1tr and thla enured the drop today. There ara enough bona of other grades coming to keep the market eak. and atockyard official prefer amaner ablpmenta at thla time. The cattle and ahiH-p markets are both In good condition, 'me re ci lute today were 252 hoga and two sheep. Official rutin nrlces t"l,v Cattle .Boat eastern Oregon steers. I3.2SQ 2.1; beat valley ter. $; stser a S2.5O02.TS; eowt. $0.0001.28; ball, $1.75 OO; stags. $2 OO. ll..c. He.t leave ga.nOaSfiS: Mock. $4 .001 4.28: Cklnu fni-. 1 2.111 o; slocxers and reea ers. $8.5018.78. Sheep Beat grain-fed wether. 8260; lambs, $3.28; mixed sheep. $20. EASTERN HOOS STEADY. r-hlesen. Nov. S. Livestock receipt: Ctlrago 22.000 28.000 - 2X000 Kftiiss. igaa an BrBB Ian Omaka ( 3.000 2,000 Hogs Opened steady with 8.000 left over; rerelptt a year ago ware 28,00i). Ruling hn nrlce : Mixed and butcLcrs. S4.T8fiS.18; (xmm heavv. S5.0SeS.lS; rough, $4.7001.80; light $4 .7808.10. I'Sttie HBDMOT. BaeepStrong. COTTON LOSES 10 TO 12 POINTS TODAY I Furnished br Overbeck. Starr A Cooke Co.) New York. Nov. 8. Cottnu futures rhatcd in to 2 uolnt down The official market: Open. High. Low. Clot. Jsnnery. . Pebmsry. 10. os 10. 14 10 it OS i" "i 10.15 11 sx HfH(. n 04 l mi Marcn. . . . Ai HI S.SSBOO 1 i.o;i nr. 10.08001 10.07 1U1SJ 10.12014 assy duet &.-.-. K ember, niber. 10 M 10.08 10.1T 88 O.Ofl 10.14 8.80 .T8 11 5rti 112 1.78070 Liverpool Cotton Higher. Idvernnol. Nov. 8. CotUin futura Nov. B. Cotton futon cloaed 7 points higher tkaa ysstrrdsy and 9 points ap from onday. saw T.oax coffee market New Yertl. Nov. 6. Coffee futurea cloaed 8 points up. The official market close Rid. Ask. I Hid. Aak. November December Jsuusry Kren"7 Anrll ... .M.S0 SS.MjMay . 7.00 7 'line , .$7.48 17.50 . 7.66 T.MO . T.OS 7 101 July . 7 85 T.TO . T.TO T.TS TIB T20'Aiigut 7.20 I., SOJ Seotember. . . T.TS i.SO T.3S T.tOiOetotwr .... T.SO T.S5 Csah coffee no. T auo. hc; no. saaiu Foreign Off Msrketa. New York. Nor. 1. Havre coffee declined H point iim-e Monday clow, namnurg ne rllned H- Bio receipts. S daya. 80,000 bag market firm Bantu, 3 day, ivj.uou nag. SAX FHAMCISCO LOCAL STOCKS. Baa Francisco. Nov. 8. Local etteke closing i 10 a. a.: Bid. Aak. Brrlrig Valley Water 8814 SSH Ban PraeelHco (3a A Electric ...... Ma ... Olant I'owtor !,vi Hawaiian Sugar ..) Hnnnk Hugsr 1SH i iliitchlmn'i Sugar 10 10H Makawell Sugar 4j tH t)uonte Sug. SO Taauaau Sug.' 1SH IT Alaiks rackets' 87H 88 California rfulleanreerf H lot) California Win Astoclatloa TH loeenlc BtcamrMp 1H 3 Pacific Stite TelopiioB 108 1 yulok Sarvlca. REFERKNPK8 Ladd S National Hank of Portland, ARGENTINE WEATHER CAUSE Of ADVANCE ITSOSS OFBaTTJfO XV OaTZOAOO TOUt jjrrmmiHoi. oobst TBoara. TODAY'S WHEAT MARKBT. Open Clone Cloe Gln Tod. Today. Mnn Tndsy mm 'IS December May iaiy (Furnhihed by Over beck. Starr Cooke Co.) Chicago. Nov. 0. -Logan A Bryan say: la wheat a atrong opening waa canted by higher cable reflecting the continuation of wet wea ther In Argentine. Droonihall cabled the abort, nervous and free buyer, causing the advance. After a brief abow of treugtb at the opening the market developed tarn, little weskneea. sailing back to about Monday's close, but on the lack of offerings aad the desire on the part of the aborts to cover contract tb market Tan away and eloped at about the top. Some little Improvement waa noted la the cash situation aad also in the outside trade. Re ports of damage from continued dry westher are atlll coming from vartooa sections, supple mented by damage by the fly. The tone at the claw waa decidedly trong. Corn Acted Strong. Tat corn market acted strong all through the session. Tb short interest were urgent liuyera. becoming frightened at tbe email receipt, aad smsll Stock la th market. Thar continues a good cab demand at time. It seems urgent. Stocks r depleted There i a Isrge abort Interest In December end May- Rome decrease la stocks Shorts It December are In rather an unplesssnt post tlon. Oata Trade Slaw, la oata the trade continue dlaappolullnglr tlew and of a local character. We feel thl market will take Its course entirely from corn nd rather favor purchacv of oata on recea Ion. V Ohang la Provisions. la provisions there 1 no apparent change In packers' position, and while toe feeling la more cheerful and hopeful for aa advance, we feel the trade la too alow at tb moment to expect anything on either aid of tb market, aad advise taking profits. Today official MORE ACTIVITY IB FBI8CO. (Furnished by Overbeck. Starr ft Cooke OS.) Ban Francisco. Nov. 1. E. F. Hutton ft Co. ay: There has been move lite la tbe local wheat market today than for some time. Ship per have evidently covered their bedews aad are now favarakle to th long aid. Tt look at If tb market haa started for higher price. Rarley la In better demand. Tb market If Borrow, nciwever. Today' official Ilia a. ' WHEAT -1 . .Tfn Mil- Low. CVoae aatef:::;:flft flC "flR BABL8T, December 1.08 1.00 l.OS l.OS B OBAIB IN ALL POSITIONS. Chicago, Nor. S-mrala In all positions lonay Whea't . Corn Oat 1... Yivate elevator atocka Wheat Rush. .4.842.000 .1.221.080 .1.844.000 108.000 tfttX.000 80.000 .2 .151 000 408.000 4.B80.000 T4.000 841.000 81,000 Oata it.-.-tTTV-l CHICAGO CASH WXXAT. Chicago, Nov. . Caah whsst unchanged to 11 tower. 1 lie niaraei. Bid Aak No. 2 red .11.1 $1.17 1 15 1.14 1.11 111 I. IS 1.11 - o a ri-u No. 2 hard winter 1.11 No 2 hard winter l.OS No. 1 northern spring 1.11 No. 2 northern spring 1 in No. 8 spring 1.00 PRIMARY AND BgUfaSSTS. .Chicago. Nov. 8. Primary reeelnta: Today Vear Ago Ituah Kuah Wheat .' 2 115 000 1.801,000 Corn tlT.OOO 444.000 nntpment. were: Wheat 80s. no. 1 T88.O0O Corn taB.000 ST0.0O0 OUTSIDE GRAIN CLOSES Minneapolis . Dulnth New Togk .. Bt. Louie . . . Kansas City I'nicrgo San Iran nciaco Chicago Grain Car Let. Chicago, Nov. P. Grain ear let: Car Grade Est Whsst 1 O Corn 181 T 141 Oata 141 S4 ISO Whest car tody: Mlrroeapnll. 1.124: Du lnth. 80S. Tear ago: Mlnneapoll. 4S.1; Duhith. 156. BR AD8TREET 8 DRAIN VISIBLE. Chicago, Mar. 8. Brsdstreet's grain visible apply Wheat Bt of Rockies. Ine of 1S8T 000 hnshels: Europe and afloat, lacret of 4.000.000 nn.neis. roiai tncreaae or a. BBT.noo baahela. Corn Decreaae of 1. ITS 000 bocfcclg. Oata Increase of 780,000 baahela. Breadataff Supply lauaais. Chicago. Nov. 1. Tke Daily Trad Bulletin reports the world' vtaibl supply of bread afuffe at 1S3.oflO.noo hnehel agalaet 184, 000.000 bhei itt yVar. Llverpeol Srata Market Liverpool. Nov. 8. TToee: Wtiet her. T n.d. Hd lower; March, Ta Deeem- 4Hd. oa. ensngen. Corn December, da SHd. Hd higher, Tacma Or I a Msrkst (Special Dispatch to The Journal ) Taeoma, Wash.. Nov. 8. Wht. higher. Ml iie tem. 80c; club and red. S6H0STc. . iostob coma blabxet. Beaton. Nor. 0. Copper closing : Bid Aak. Adventure , TH hi Michigan pi Moaawk "Id Dominion Oseeoln i r!h!X'' I -land 2U . list 1 I? Santa Pa Bkaaann Tsmsrark WO. '::::::::::;:::::::::::2" w inons II Wolverine .108 IVinilnhm fmn .116' lew noral. I'nliod SUte 28 'ItsalltLC a 6 a a b 17 rnarktta : WHEAT. Open. High. Low ClM. Dee f 1.124 1 1 ,2S 1-1SH OOBB. Mot..... , B8HN Dec 4TJ .61 H 40 812a May 4SH .47 ,4SH .4dB 1V 3H 4S 482b OATS. Nov, ji .20. N D-c 20 .aH .29 an, A May SI s. .Sltt .UU .11 tt iuly 81 .81 , .Sit, '. MUSS POBK. Nor..... ii2o Dee 11.20 n so 11 20 11 25 Z 12 M. lt SSH 12 721 12 S2Vj Uj 12.77H 12.85 12.773 12 82V4 LABD. Jfov T.10 T.1B 7.07 ii T.ISM Dee ...... 7 121, J" T.VTH T.18H T.15 J.nZ May..... 7.S5 T.S5 T.SS T.S5 8HOBT RIBS. ...... ...... 600 Jan 8.58 6.S3H S.6TH SSSH stay STIH SSTtf S.70 8.7avi I)tr4si MHMbbt1 :::$i:ir4 ... 1 18HB ... 1 '(V ... 1 04a, ... 1.1844 ... 1.48 SH 118 k 188 inu M Vry Hsavy Arrivals of Dressed Hog Is Cause of Weak Feeling Hop Men Eager to Purchase Any Grade of Hops Poultry Receipts Large. 2,370,900 SHARES OF STOCK SOLD tHW TOKK OBU.S ELUCTIOW Or BO cause rnxsaj xm azx wax ojt (rurnlahed by Overbeck. Starr A Cooke Co.) V-u York. Nov. U .TV,.. wrM mora than t.lNMi,000 sharea of stock sold oa tke exchange today, thla being a record breaker. All stocks sre up. Uutau A Bryan Bay: Tb iaimaast Bar tea of tbe Bepubllcsd la yterdy' election aeems to here tuwptred the general public with confidence Tbe public until recently haa nut inseo part in tne aloe market advance, wan ing tor the corn crop to be saaured sad then for tb election to be oat of the war. Both of three are pt nd la a satisfactory man ner. General conditions are sound, money I heap and the stock market afforda tbe only safe and profitable employment for surplus (una, vie still neueve stocs will Bell nigncr. Today official stock market: DSSCSIPTI0N. Aastl. Cupper Co....... Atchison, com-. . An .,.l...t 13 losChSi' Am. Car ft Found. " eoi ao preferred Am. Bugsr, com........ Am. Smelt., com..: de preferred j. Am, Ice, torn. da preferred Baltimore ft 01. lo. com. de III -f erred ,. Brooklyn Rapid Transit Canadian PaclSc, com.. Chi ft Alton, com de preferred... Chi. ft Ot. Wet., com. . i 'hi., Mil. ft Bt. Paul... Chi. ft North., com- Chi. Terminal Ry Cbeaapeake A Ohio Colo. Fuel 4 Iroa...... Colo. South., com ...... do 2d preferred 1211. Sdo Ut preferred 68 88HI SS laware ft Hudson 184 186 184 la.. Lacka. ft Wet . . . I . .,, . I D. ft B. 0., com 81 U ao prcr rrea Erie, com. v ." do SS preferred ...... do 1st preferred 1 .11 led- Central Laulsvlll ft Nashville. Metro. Traction 0.... Manhattan Elevated... Hi .lean Oentral By.... Minn., Bt. P. ft Bte. M. do preferred ......... Ml.soi.rl Pacific M. K ft T., com do preferred New York Oentral..... Norfolk ft Western, com do preferred North American K. 1.. Ont. ft Weat... Pennsylvania Ry P. Q-, L. ft C. 0 pressed Steel car. cam. - do preferred Pacific Mall Steam. Oe. BiaUlug. com do 3d prefer red do let preferred Rep. Iron ft Steel, com. do preferred......... Bock Island, com de preferred Southern Ry.. com..... do prefer ed Southern Pacific St. LAS. P.. 2d pfd. Bt. L. ft B. W . com... do preferred Text ft Pseific Teen. Coal ft Iroa T.. Bt. L. ft W., com . aasr $) f )BsR . g v t g as $ Union Pacific, com..... do preferred . U. B. Leather, com do preferred U. S. Babker, coat..... do preferred V. S. Steel Co., com... do preferred Wheel, ft L. B.. com.. Wisconsin Central, com do preferred......... Wester I'nlon Tale... Wahaah, com do preferred RiiZ let 40 I 41S SSH SSH 1A I14A 188 ti 1S4H IfSH 124 122 122 183 11(12'. 10. 18H S2H SI 148 148 104 HI108W 1-04 I08H Soil 2H saC taatl lUHUXO'A TS T8V4 T4H 80 08 1. 42U 1MU 110 84 h 111H fisLSi Total ule for day. 2.170,800 Money, 214 per cent SAB FRAMCISCO MINING STOCKS. Baa Pra nciaco, closing: Hot. 8. Mining quotations Bid. .$2.40 . 12A . l.SOA Bid. .18 .02 A .18 .00A .08 .08 .08 M .14 .11 . .10 A Opbtr Gould A Curry Cob. CaL-Va... ("hollar Hale A Norrro 'Crown Point . . ICon. Imperial . Alpha Con .... ironfideaes .... itftaa .IS Yellow Jacket . 1H Con. Kentucky.. .SS Belcher 2.1 Sbrrra Nevada. . 27 Me ilea 11 ,. 1 2o Heat ft Belcher. 1.08 Bsvaa 2 I'lllosl M TONOPAH Toa. Montana. $1 mt UcNaamra ..... ao Jumbo t 'leg. Belcher .. justice Sliver Hill ... Andes ....... Overman Caledonia ... Challenge .... BXCHANGB. I Belmont $ TO ion. veoiu sirin. .nu Toh. Nevada ... .oH Ton Gold Mt... .IT PORTLAND BANX STATEMENT. Clearings .a.s Bs lances . ..$1,028,968.8 ... 1M.28T.S0 Sterling. New York, Nov. 8. Actual demand sterling, 486.45086.06; 80 daya, 488.800481 70, jn Kflwaafcee Grain Market. Mllwankee. Nov. 0 l.'lo: Wheat- May, I1.1SH; Daeember. 11,16. EXPIBftES AT SPAWOLX. (Special Dispatch to Tb Journal.) Spangle, Waah, Nov. 2. Mrs. Annla Oleaaon, aged It peara. died from tuber ouloBls yeaterday. She laavea a hus band and five ehlidren. CITY NOTI ASSESSMENT FOB IMPROVEMENT OT SIXTH STREET. Notice la hereby given that tbe Council of the 1 try or l oriiann. uregoa, at a meet ins held on the 2d day or November, kmi. Oe rlared (he aaement ky Ordinance No. 14.274. for the ImDrorement of RUlh street, from the north line of Morrison street to the north Hue of Irvlnx street In the manner nrovlded by Ordinance No. 1S.418. apon each lot, part Of lot aad parcel of land, whlcb are apeclally and peculiarly Benefited, to oe as xouows, rig: PCBTLAND BLOCK ITS. lot 4. Oregoa Com- Bar. 11.1.18; lot 1, Oregon Company. $81 N2; 1. Orrgnc Company 851 .14. lot 1, Orvgon Company. 14X82. BLOCK 177. lot 4. Oregon Ian Publishing Company. 831.24: lot 8. Oregoa 10 Publishing Company. $28.41; eouth H lots. Henry B. and Lucls B. Chase. $1S.(4: anrlh H tot 2. Benjamla Lata. 128.67; lot 1. John P. and James B O'Sbe. MTSO. BLOCK 178. lot 4, Fannie B. Kelly, $85.80; lot 1, Morion Cohn. 857 :15: lot 1. Wortoa Cohn. SS0O.T8: lot 1. Matilda M. Oearln. 1218.18. Bl.ock SI. lot 4, H. and U. Wolf. $88.37; let $. John W .truer. $114.40; lot 2. J. II. Prtrraotl. $827. W: lot 1. i, H. Psterson. $.149 7,1 l.l.(ii K 84. lot 4, Baggasr ft omnibus Trans fer Company. 1118.57: lot 1. Mrs. Odlle P. cuius, llof. 45. lot 2. Htaay W. Corbett, SaUU. heir, of, $123.24; lot 1. Henry W. Corbatt BataU. helra of, $11817 A trlaurulsr tract of land lying between the southerly line of Ankrny street, tke weetrrly line of Sixth street aad tbe northerly line of Pine street. (Itr of Portland. 1265 15. coi'CH'S ADDITION to tke City of Poitlaad BLOCK 48. all f block 41 lying eaet of a Una 10O fast eaat et aad psrallel with tke at line of eleventh street. United State National Bsnk. 048.18. A tract of land lying between aoutk line Buraelde atreet and the north line Ankrny atreet aad between . a Hoe nx) re-1 wsel of aad parallel with the eaat tja black 48. Coach Addition to city of Poriltnd aad a line 100 fret at of nd nsrsllel with line Seventh trt. Mary Kvaaey, 1141,81. BLOCK 44, lot 1. Lena 11 lwls. $261 88; laS 4. Leoa II levin, 1280.85; lot . 1. Levi Hea ter Kstet. heir, of, $210 12: let a Marl Jnller. ffaadr. $18 40 BLOCK 48. eaat 80 ftet of art L Chat lea A. Ms larky, $184.11; CITY NOTICES. east 80 feet of lot 4. Charles A. M larky. $188.83, west 40 feet of lot I, Josl BrtarSer boff. 188.68; west 40 feet of lot 4, Mat Brleukevhoff, $84.67. lot 6, Hugh W. Wal la er $101. OT; lot 8. Mary J Grattda.JSw.lS; lU.OCK 48. lot 1. Daniel V. Harrington. &17 48; lot 4, Daniel P. Ilsrrlngtou. 1216.80: A Dsnlel P. Harrington. SSM 88: sot 8, Daniel P. Ha rr tsar ton. $282 sO. Block 47. lot 1. Ch arise Cardtaell. $282.11; lot 4. Chart CardleOU. 824008; lot 8. BLrbard Mtgaa, tr utue. $229 87 ; bit 6. Richard Nlaon. true- tee. 8X41.28. I1I.IM k . 48. lot 1. mTuriu .w. east o. PM.)., art. r.. . . -- - - - -. Savtag A Tru.t Co.. $288 16; lot 4. lecuriiy Mavbia A Trust Co.. $281.48; let 1. P HNcCust Blaeult Co, 6184.88: lot S Pa- rlfu Coast ni.iuit i llaT.Bl. BLOCK B, alt Co . 8IBT. O. Sl.Klelt. flen. 1186.18; rg W. Wrk lot 1. Case lea o. Slanssa. $IT8-a8; lot 4. Charlea 0. Sigglen. f 185.10; lot 8. Jioeph Chmet and Georg W Werleln. $18882: lot 8. Joseph Clnseet sad George W. Werleln. 182.12. BLOCK Y, lot 1. John Kleraan. $18 77; lot 4, John Klrruaa. $12 82 PORTLAND BLOCK 173 uortk 80 feet of tot 8. Annie M. Maxwell. S6.IS: T, Annie M Maxwell. $11.72; ith I of lot north Of lot i Meier A Frank Co.. $U.88 lot 8. Meter Frank Co., $35.87. BLOCK 174, undivided H of lot 6. Isesc aud Flora Jacob. $4 71; undivided H of lot 8. I.e and Flora Jacob. $.'( 78. undivided H of lot 6. Lang lnveatment Co., $4 7a. oadlvlded H ef lot 6. Lang ln veatment Co.. 11.78. BLOCK ITS, lot 3. Leon Vial eatete, heir of, 688.18; let 8, Leon Vial eatate. heir. of. 172 87: lot T, Aaron Berk. 1161.88: kit 6. Merchant Inveet mcnt A Trust Co.. $283.(81. BLOCK St. an divided H at waat H f let 6. Percy H. Blytk. $16.80; undivided U of weat H of lot 6. Percy (I. Blytb, $48 08: undivided H of went 4 af lot 6 J K Barbour. $78.88: undi vided H of weat H of lot 6. J. E. Barbour. Ub.M: vast H ef hit 6. J. D. Coleman. $80 83; edst Hot lot 6. 1. t Coleman. MS.dB; lot T. W. D. Fentim. $74.85: let I'nlon Truat ft Investment Co.. $70.12. BLOCK t, lot 5, Percy H BIyth. $44.40; lot ST Percy H BIyth. 17Si6; aa dlvlded H of esst 20 f. . 1 ef lot T, B. K. Haaeltlne. td.Tl; undivided H. of seat 20 feet of lot 1. B. K. Ilaaeltln.-. $4 51. undi vided H of eaat 2ft feet ef lot 7 J. Ambrose. $4.71; undivided H of eest 20 feet of lot 8. J. Ambroae. 84.61: weat 80 feet of lot T, Hebrew church. $122 15: west SO feet of Vt 8, Alfred L. nd Chart L. Seaqueit. $100.52. BLOCK 88, undlvl.led H weat 100 feet if block, Micks si MeNsmsr. $116 72: undivided west 100 feet of Olocg, Honors MoMmrs, 72 I'CH'B ADDITION to th City of Pott- Isnd BL4XTK 41. lot S, William M. Lead. 882.66: south 48 fret lot 6, William M. Ladd. $104.66; undivided H north 6 feet lot 6. Mlrhe! McNsmsra. $11.46; undivided H north 8 feet 1st 6, Honor McNamar. $11 45; undivided - U tot T. Honors McNsluara. 108.87; undivided H lot 7. Michael Mc Nam ara. $102.67. BLOCK 41. lot X A. C. Smith. $288 82; lot 3, A. C. Smith. $228.88; eaat 1-8 et lot 8, Thereala Osnsneder. $80e88: eaat 1-S of lot T, Thsvsals Gansneder. 84.4T: west 1-1 of esst 2-8 of lot 6. Ells Your. $88.18: weet 1-1 ef et 1-1 of lot 7. Ella Young, 841.11: wast I S lot n. w J. and D. B. Hawktna, $186.87: weat 1-8 lot T. W. J. and D. It. Hawklaa, $160.23: a tract of land lyltaf between the Berth line of Irving street and a Una 100 ftet Berth thereof and parallel therewith and be tween the eaat Una of Sixth atreet and a line 100 feet eaat thereof and parallel there with. Northern Pacific Terminal Company. S21.18. BLOCK 40. lot 1 Mr. Lttett 'aaaaa BOAT Ta- lot 3. Mrs. Lisette Keensn. 12S8.74; Tot S. P. H BIyth. 1230.88: lot t. P. R. BIyth. $128.57. BLOCK 88. lot 2. Kenneth A. J Maekenaie. 8238.88; lot S. Kenneth A J. MscKensle, 8218.81: lot 8, T. A. Davis Batata. ' Inc . $282.48; lot T. T. A. Davie BataU. Inc., $253 BO BLOCK 88. lot 2 I'nlon Trust ft Investment Com pany. $233.82; lot 8. Union Truat ft lnveat ment company. $228.18; lot 6. Michael Tracy, 2S0.28; tot 7, Michael Tracy. $28.80. FTUICK 81, lot 2. Breyman ft Bommerville, $241.54; lot 8, Breyman ft Bommerville, $348.80; lot . Samuel M. Barr, $10827. lot T. Samuel M. Barr. $211 88. BLOCK O. let X Oregon Tranafer company. 176.64; lot 3. Oregon Tranafer company, 8188.52; 1st 8, Oregon Transfer company, 188.18; lot T. Oregon Tranafer company, $200,44 Total. $16,340.10. A stattmant of. aforesaid aaaeaameat kas been entered In the Docket of City Liens, and Is now doe end payable at tke office of tbe City Treasurer, lo lawful money of the United States aad if ant paid within thirty daya from the date of thia notice. oh proceedings will be taken for th collection of the same a sr provided by th Charter of th City of Portland. Th abort assessment will bear Interest 10 day after th first onhllestlon of this notice. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the city of Portland. Portland. Oregon, November 6, 1884. ASSESSMENT TOR SEWER IN EAST TAYLOR STREXT AND EAST THIRTY-SIXTH STREET. Notice ta hereby given that the Council of the City of Portia nd, Oregoa, at 8 meeting held oa tb M asy ot aovemoer. tea, oe c la red the iiriT'n' by Ordinance No. 14.2T8, for th oonstrncUoa of a sewer in Bast Taylor atreet and East Thirty ninth street from 100 feet weet of the city boundary to a point In Beat Thirty-ninth atreet. thence north In Boat Thirty -ninth atreet to sewer In Bast Yamhill street Ib th manner provided by Ordinance No. 14,048. upon each lot, part of lot and parcel of land, which are apeclally and peculiarly benefited, to b as follows, via: . BAHTSCH PAKK BLOCK 8 undivided H lot 12. Maahittaa Reel Us tat Co., 118.05; undivided H lot 11. C. Oust are Tlngry. 18 08 BA8TLAND BLOCK 4. lot 1. Meier a frank Co., $46.50; lot 2. Malar a Prank Co., $33.53; south 100 feet of lot 8, Breyman a Bommer ville. $28.60: aodth 100 feet ef lot 4, Brey man ft Bommerville, $28.80; south 100 feet of lot 8. Breyman Bru.. $28.60; eouth 100 feet of lot 6. Breyman Bros.. $28.80; eouth 100 feet of lot T. H H Bowmaa, 128. 80; oath 108 feet bt lot S. Tatephln Chsnev. $27.85; south 100 feet of lot 8. Mary D Hogg. ? 21.88: south 100 feet of lot 10. Msry D. logg, (28.00; south 100 feet of lot 11. Adeline Schmidts. $28 GO: south 100 feet of lot 12. M. M. Cain. $23.80; south 100 feet of lot 13. M. Louise BUveaaaa. $28 80; eouth 100 feet of lot 14. Breymn Bro., $28.80: Booth 100 feet Of wt H of lot 15. Katherlne A Martin. 88.88. BLOCK 1, tot 14. F. W- Waacker. $16.40; lot 18, P. W. W sac her. 116 40; lot 12, B. H. Bowmaa. $18 JO. lot 11, B. H. Bowman. S,4o; let 10, Breymaa A Sommervllle. 1.40; lot 8. Breymaa ft Bommerville. $16.40; 8, Isaac F. Tobey. $18 40. BLOCK 2. lot 14. Breyman Bro.. $18.40; lot IS. M. Vic toria Pratt. $16.40; lot IS Wllt1m M. Man ning. $16.40: lot II. William M. Manning. .40; lot 10, Breyman Bros.. $16.40; lot 8. ymn ft Sommervlll. 16.40; weat H of lot S. Breymaa ft Bommsrvllle. $4 20. A tract of bad lying between the eaat Bne of Best Taylor atreet tad t Ha 100 feet south thereof and peralkM therewith and between the weet Hoe of Sest Thirty-ninth strret aad a Bne 100 feet weet thereof end parallel therewith, John Good. $25 15 Total, 1088.70. A atatemeat of afoceeald assessment hat been entered la the Docket of City Lien, and la now due and payable at the office of tbe (Sty Treaaorer, la lawful money of tbe 1'nlted State and If not paid within thirty day from the date of thla notice, each pro. reding will be taken for the collection of the same a are provided . by tbe Charter of the City of Port lead Tbe above s as ess mcnt will bear Interest 10 day after the first publication of thla notice. THOS C PBVUN, Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. November 8, 1804. ASSESSMENT FOB IMPB0 VF.stENT OP EAST TWELFTH STREET. . Notice la herel.y given that th Council of the City of Portland, Oregoa, at a meeting held on the Id day of November. 1804, de clared tke atst Itsjinit hp Ordinance No. 14.27S. for the Improvement of Raat Twelfth street, from tbe onth line, of Powell street to 10 ftet north of th nortf line of Predorlck street In the manner provided by Ordinance No. 18.878, upon each tot. part of lot and parcel of land, which are apeclally and peculiarly bnfltd. to be a follow, vlt: COLB S ADDITION TO BAST POBTLAND H LOCK 1. tot 1. William A. Dempaey, $87.32; kt 2, Conrad Wyse. $74.86: tot 4. J. B. Scott. $68.84: lot S, VVIUlam B. Bcarlck. 202.61. BL.OCK 2. tot 4. N. Scklttnd. SsS.88; tot 8 P. w Orth. 177.14: lot . Prrd L Pox. 72.12; lot 5, 0org Sickaf, 277.47. BLOCK 8. tot 1, Napoleon B. Pen- Hlotrn 1188 88: tot 2. Thorns O. Odlord. 188.87: tot S. William J. Shlptoy. SUS Il; north 40 feet lot 4. Chrlt Neldentball. 180.0a, BLOCK 6. lot A. Bllen T. Noble. $o8.6; lot 8. Ibex land Co., $16.11; lot 4,- Bonn and Thomaa J. Hanaigan. $110.58; tot 1, Nellie Wright. 1182.71. BLOCK 6, tot 8. Id Mor rt. 1181.72: tot 7, Sarah M. Bheppard. $188.21: tot 8. Thorn Banfleld. $182.00; oath Vi lot 5, W. I. Snider. $02 21; north B lot S, Id KlBaT. 884.84. Ill K 4. tot 8, George B. Flovenden. $176 66; lot 7, Eunice M.tton. $16.1.80; tot 8. Oeorf W. Louna berry, 1105.18: north 40 feet lot 8. Cob ttsnee T. Tlmmons. $82. 40 Total. 1S.272.46. A' staasiaslit of .foresaid a ear ..meat ha . . . . l . n . .. . , i tt.u . . re en eniercti 11 ftoa iw.w. v., . ,,,,", -, 1. now due and navable at the office of the City Tresswrer. la lawful money of tb United Ststea and It not paid within thirty daya from the date ef thla notice, such proceeding win he tsken for tbe collection of the same aa pre provided Of Tne i nsrrer or in wiy OS Portland. Tt,. shove assessment will hear Interest 10 dy aftr tb flr.t inibllcatlon of thla notice. liioe, . . i a . ,.ii.. Auditor ot the City ef Portland. Portland. Oregon, November 8, 1804. M0T1CE Off VACATI0B 01 THOMAS Notice Is hereby given thtt at a regular c r ding of tke Council ef tbe City of Portland, Oregon, to be held oa Weuneaday tb 7th day of Daeemnor. lwu. si too isxaisr sssr asm oiace. a patlttoa will be presented to said Council craving far the) vaeetioa of that portion of Tne am street in asm city lyrsaj niweea nst east line eg iwrreeti erreet aaa ta wait una of Kelly atreet. 0. O. Oammaae. Bdlth 0am man. Mary Haebvaey. Portlaad, Oregoa, Nosreaikar s, ipo. FOR IMPXOVXKXaTT OS Not! 1 hereby given that tbe CJsametl of the City of Portland. Oregoa, at a aaeetlsg held on tb Id day of November. 1884, da dared tb atataaiuent hy Or din sea Me. 14.275. for the Improvement of Kuaeell .traet from the weat line of Ross street to th west line of GsDtenhein avenue In tbe manner pro vided lev Ordinance s, 13.817, upon rseh lot. oart of lot and Barrel ef land, whlcb are .ipeelally and peculiarly benefited, to bs aa follows, via: A L II I N A BLOCK 48, weet 80 feet lot 17. John P. Price Btt. helra of, 88.26: wast 60 feet lot IK John V. Price E.tsle. heirs of $11 80; eaat 40 feet lot IT. B. L Thompson 88 13: east 48 feet lot 18. E. L Thompson 17.78. BLOCK 41. wsst A lot 1, Pascbsl llll 111 et si. $58.60: north H of west H of lot 2. Paschal Hill at 1. Bi wast u. of lot j. caariea a Wlbwu So; east Xt lot 1. Salvador Diadlo and Frank gfULflft: eaat 14 lot 1. Salvador Dindlo and Prank Amato. $14 72: lot IT, Florence K. Dalton. 28 29; , lot 18. Bava It. Gardner. $653; west H art 18. N. D. Beatiren. M.5t. BLOCK 42. lot 1. Alice C. Forbes. $113 68, lot 1 William O. Forbes, $28.24; lot 17. Lacy A. Dsnls. $28.01; lot IS. N. J. Bsker. $112.17 BLOCK 41. lot I. William Druck. $11251; lot 2. William Druek, $28 12; rut H lot IT, Cbrl.tlna K. Blrreli. $8.12. eaat H kit 18, Cbrlailns K. Blrrell, 47(; weat H tot 17. William Druek. $6.71; weet H lot IS, William Druck. $47 08. PR0B8TELB ADDITION TO ALBINA TtLOCK IS. eaat 14.77 feet lot 8. George W. Bate, 114.03; eest 14.71 feet lot 6. K. E. Merges. 12.05; es.l 14.17 feet of south 10 feet lot 4. WlllUm Tappendet, 10.40; lot 7. Henry E. Hcppoer. $43.20; lot a, Charlea II. lllll Estate, helra of.; south 10 feet lot 11. Charles H. Bill Eatste. hair of, $5.08: lot 10. Charlea H Hill Satate. helra of, $38.00; lot 8. Chsrlcs H. H1U Estate, heirs of. $11171. EVANS ADDITION to the town of Alblns -BLOCK 8, weat SB feet of lot S. First M. 1. Church of Atbtua, 171,47; eest 25 fact of lot S George W. Bates. $28.11; lot 6. George W. Bate. $28.88; south 10 feet ot lot 4. George W. Betas $5 (12; lot T. George W. Bate. $51.11: south 10 feet of lot 8. Dudley Evans. $1.84; kit 12. Barnard Bonken, Sks.78; south 10 feet of lot It. Dudley vans, 61.73; aoath 10 feet of lot IB, Dudley Evans. $4.68; lot 14. Dudley Evsns. $22 41; lot 11. Dudley Evans. $04 28 BLOCK 4. lot 6. Dudley Evens. 64 86; lot 8, Dudley Ivans, $22 45: south 10 fret of lot 4. Dud ley Evan. $4 72. lot 7, Dudley Evan. $40.88; south 10 ftet of let 8. Dudley Evan, $1.74; lot 12. Dudley Kvana, $00.82; south 10 feet of lot H. Dudley $1.13: south 18 feet of West 17.7 ftet of lot 15. Dudley Evan, $0.71; weet 17.7 feet of lot 14, Dud ley Evans. K.62: west 17.7 .feet of lot 13. Dudley Evn. $17 7(1. Total. $1712.70. A statement .of aforesaid a.aes.ment bat been entered In the Docket of City Lien, and I now due and payable at the office of the City Tretaurer, la lawful money of tbe United States and It not paid within thirty daya from the data of tbla notice, each proceedings will he taken for the collection of the mc a are provided by the Charter of tbe City of Portland. Tbe above assessment will besr Interest tea daya after the first publication of this notice. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of ortlsnd. Portland, Oregon, November 8. 1804. IMirMMIFT FOR SXWXR IX COOK AVE NTJE AMD OTII0X AVhNUU. Notice It hereby given that tb Council ot tba City of Portland, Oregon, at a meeting held on the 2d day of November. 1804. de clared th aaeeaamant by Ordinance No. 14,281, for tbe construction of a sewer In Cook venue and union avenue from the south line of Klickltst street to a point In Cook avenue, thence weet In Cook tvenoe to a connection with the sewer In Oantenbetn avenue In tbe manner provided by Ordinance No. 14,044. apon rich lot, part of lot and parrel of land, which are specially and peculiarly benefited, ta be aa follows, via: ALBINA ADDITION BLOCK 4. tot 18. Otof Peterson 828 08: undivided U lot 11. Fred erick Forbe. 17.00; undivided H lot 12, Fred erick Forbes. Il OO; undivided 0 lot 11. Sally . $20.96: undivided w. lot lz. neiiy r. t,K ... , ,a u... S Hnu..i, undivided' H lo H. Louis Dovlng undivided H lot 14, Louts Dovtng, I I.I.I A MB AVENIB ADDITION la Portuod BLOCK 4. lot 12. George nets. $20 15; lot 8. George Beta, $30.18; tot S. Georg Beta. $30 18; lot 6, George Beta. $30 15: lot 8. George Beta. 888 001 tot WILLUMB ABNUB ADDITION to the City of Portland BLOCK 7, lot 7, Harry W. Hogue. r.45; lot 6. Harry W. Horns, $28 48; tot Barry W. Hogu., $82 46; lot 8, Harry W. Home, $32.45. lot 10, Harry W. Hogue, WILLIAMS AYSIfUS ADDITION to Portlsnd BleOCK 7, south 17 21 fact tot 1. Mkhsel aad Anna Lataaer. $1.00; aoath 17.21 feet OUR SPECIAL PRICES Are enabling thousands of Portland housewives to market at this store. In quoting these cut prices on our goods not for a minute do we think of making the move in order to rid the store of undesirable goods. In the first place poor quality is an unknown factor, therefore one is always sure of strictly high grade groceries. The special prices are an inducement to have you patronize our store our large pur chases and large sales enable us to offer fresh goods as well as sharing our discounts with you. Specials New Black Walnuts, from Missouri, 3 lbs. . New Hickory Nuts, 3 lbs .... New Walnuts, 2 lbs e..sstt....a4 New Filberts, 2 lbs New Brazils, lbs New Pecans, 2 lbs California White Figs, extra choice, 3 lbs.. Oregon Italian Prunes, 4 lbs Washed Figs, Mb basket "Fancy". a. ..... Washed Figs, 2-lb basket, "Fancy" Fancy Packed Italian t'runea, 10-lb box Just the Thing For Your Eastern Friends. Muffed rigs (wood Doxes) Stuffed Prunes (wood boxes) Liquor Department I. D. & Co.'s Sauterne, pints, 25 ; dozen . I. D. & Co.'s Sauterne, quarts, 40 ; dozen I. D. & Co.'s Port, quarts, 25; dozen. .. I. D. & Co.'s Sherry, quarts, 25; dozen. I. D. & Co.'s Claret, quarts, 25 ; dozen. . I. D. & Co.'s Bourbon or Rye, full quarts, I. D. flr. Co.'s Bourbon or Rye, full quarts, I. D. & Co.'a Bourbon or Rye, full quarts, Dalgairn's Scotch Whiskey, special, quart Gordon Gin, special, quart F.DRESSER Tha Placs to Oat COS. SBVKNTH $ WASH! lot R D. C fet lt ft and M SMth68rT 41.06; tot K to B. Lett 138.48: In V tot 8. Wllll.m R Maanaa. Job. P. sa 1 Svntkto fX4nQv7 psny. (Sl.loTtot 12 Altra J. Hal ALBINA SIXX-K 18. lot 2. R. Khllnaer. I tot I. B. Ekltager, $28 88. BLOCK 18. "was n moatevirarTy nataie. ass $4,148; lot 1. J. raa B. Moutiomtry heirs of. a, aa ALBINA ADDfTtON aiot x a F. M. Dean. 810.48: eaat U lot Dn. tin i undivirf.ii af i.,t Forbes. $16.80; oadlvlded tot S. Furfcee. $15 80; oadlvlded Z lot 4. X Fsrhes. 5.28; undivided tot g. r.. eoroes.; loi , II ai Both $18.85. lot l. Josephine Gotaaln, vv n.i.i a ii-v avaaiig addition ib Ft rtijn k a tot ii . a-i. i.t. u l"t 10, F. R. Hastings. $23.85: lot V. K. I. v nea. 123.85: lot 6. Grace Boae. tot 2. SsTth H. MalUgan. $18.00; tot 1, lupcc, .l. or, WILLI .1MB AVENUE ADDITION to the City ef Portland BLOCK 8. tot 1. "Harry Hogs. $84.08; lot X Htrry Hogue. $18.05: tot 84, Harry Hogu. $28.45. lot 21. Harry Home. 28.45; tot 22. Harry Hoga. $28748; lot 21, Samuel V. New. $24.88; tot 20. Jsmes Hewett, $28.48; tot 18. D. C. Greenwslt. $36.46: tot IS, D. C. Green. wait. $28.48; tot 17. Mrs. M. A. Wl.kershm. P48: lot 16. John R. and Fidelia I. Mann. ' 05; lot 18. John K and Fidelia 1. Mean, 05. BLOCK 18. tot 1. J. II. Rtnhart, 06; tot t. Mathilda Wtstrsnd. $18.08: IS, Carl E. Leaf. $26.48; lot 21, Portland Truat Company. $26.46; tot 20., Methew Wtlch. $28.45; tot 18. Ms thew Wslch. 828.48; lot 18. A. S. Ellis. 82S.46; tot 11. John Nsgrt, K.45; tot IS. Jaatt Svaa. $28.45; tot 14, tlsnd Trust Capaaw, 124.40; tot 18, Portlsnd Trust Compaoy. 88 41; tot 18. PortUnd Truat Company. $24 45; tot 12. Port land Trust Comoanr. $18.48. ALBINA BLOCK 12, tot 2. J a me By tfioat- Saute. heirs or. asn.sxt. Total. az.zin.r SB. A statement of aforesaid been enteeed In the Docket of (Itr la now da and payable at th office Citv Treasurer. In lawful money of tb State aad If not nald within thirty day the date of this notice, each eeedlrsg 8 be taken for the collection of tke tarn ar provided by the Charts of tba City Portlsnd. The above aa merit will bear ta tar set 10 daya after tbe first publication of this aetlee. THW. V. UlVUfl, Auditor of tb CHV of port tan d Oregon November 8. It TRY Vulcan Coal Co's Raven Lump Coal at 56.30 Delivered. It's A food, cheap houaa eosi. Rock Springs Lump Coal at 38.30 . Delivered. It's the cleanaat and bast on thla market. Screened coal and full weight guaranteed. Cain BTT8. OfBoa Mo Ml St., tJpP- EGGS 2 Doz. 45c Creamery butter Best creamery butter . . . 50c sad 10 .55c and 80a Wiry nutter Renovated butter 48C BBd. 450 ' Kna. ner doaan 25c and J0O Beat augar -cured ham a lis Picnic ham a llo a , xlo bacon 14c and ISo tc, 10c and lljJa, ae Sic Break faat bacon Cheeae . flwiaa cheeae 500 tea ror. per pound a ik: Java-Mocha coffee . IDo Arbucklos Lion coffee. . 2 pounds for I Jo LA GRANDE CREAMERY ass t. This Week .25 ...35 ...35 ..35 ...35 ...25 ...25 ...30 ...55 a- a 91.06 . . . 30 so ' i X XX... XXX. Qood base N. aJSfti Bala sx. Frederick 15 ex 22.50 4.25 22.50 83.50 2.50 1.00 1.15 1.25 1.00 .05 two 13