The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 07, 1904, Image 5

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'1 1 Y
TarqaaB Oread .1 .... ..TleltliSBBar"
uluiuble "The Ulrl I Left lUbUMl Me
urdraj's ..................."Irlts and Suits'
ar .......... , VatxWTlJ la
Iter ........ .... - .inn , Y.Md.Tllia
Jvu ......................a, ... ,' VaudoTt I ta
;rte , Vaudeville
read ...a............ YaadaTUle
Tanner Creek hwu will, be Inepectad
bmorrow. 1 Zimmerman, -B- IX Slsler
nd H. R. Albee, the coromitte Irom tha
ty oouncll AtayOr Wil-
ma to nvestia-ata tha conatruetion of
ta bis drain ana see that tha work hat
en dona according- to plana and specl-
cations, win be aecompanlad by City
net near Elliott.'5 Property-ownere who
ill ho aaaaaaod for the coat of eonatruc
on of the big drain have also been In-
I tad to aand an engineer to rcpreeant
nam at tha Inspection' Tha party will
ave tha city hall at 10 o clock. They
lit go through tha antlra sewer, Hip
ibber boota and sua coats will be worn
f d minora' lampa weed to' pilot them
rough tha big tunnel. Tha inspection
ill take nearly tba antlra day.
Services over tha remain of Edwin B.
Ibee, who died Friday aa tha reault of
4i-Aa iMAAliiAil hflM falling - AO tmrnt
ore a pole of tha Paclflo Btatea Ta)
Tone company, were held yesterday af
mootv in Flnley'a chape). Rev. tW. R,
owelt of the Protestant church of tha
raosflgu ration conducted the services.
1 torment waa held in Lone rtr ecme-
iry, . j ne pail Dearera were; rrmt .
cCarver. I JL Thompson, . Robert
even.. William Kerron. Daniel Braaan
lid Frank Biavln. Younr Albea waa a
I ember of (H Company, intra uuanu-y.
agon National guard, and a squad of
Miners oc tnat company 1 iur F"
lv. avar tha crave. Charlea Kinncar
funded tapa. . ' -'- --r'-v-v-.:"-;? "7.':
Hare are eome of the reasons why yon
Wi if tmvln vmr oiano at
eyer a Piano House, In tha first place,
am a musician aa well aa a practical
hinh von will admit aivea
a n great advantage In eeieotlng ray
lanos. Tnen 1 nave my own iHih
ylng for cash only." which you know
tha telling point to obtain lowaat
!. wanuisetuteri mr 1
XTnw talM Inta MB-
Eiiamat mihmm . v ..
leraUon that a new firm must nako
lucements 'ito Introduce - Itaelf; and
u will realise tnat 1 can iv
Ices and terma that ara far below an
... . - aMbIh laAwharL A. W.
It mar rain 1n Portland, there
aunahlna east 01 ui .-aw- ib
w...tna irha a.nd haautlfull
rnlehed ateamer Charlea R. B pence
ivea rrom ioe 01 ujnB" p""
mdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at t
nv, sailing tip tha picturesque Colum
nthrough the, .grandly magnlfloent
scade mountains to Tha Dalles, call-
at way lanoinga, returning on aiusr-
i.'mr-imniaM-M Portland
lould take the ateamer at Tha Dalles,
lis saving In fare besides enjoying, the
Ignis 01 lae mon wwuum 1 ui hwii
"a. woriq.jev atam . --;
lAt the meeting of tha Bpworth laatrua
the First netnocisi cnurcn iai mam
hcers ware installed for the ensuing
m. The new oixicers war presraiea
Dr. Bhort, tha pastor, who addressed
m ralaUva to their autiea. -, j-ouowing
Ulr Installation . ha ; spoke - on "Our
ung People." Tha orncers are: j.
Patterson, president; L B. Rhodes,
st vice-president: Miss -Lettle Hoi-
u.b' mm,r-A ll.Iiral4Ult f MlSS BllllU
L ,iri vlra-nMaidant; Rov Searla.
Iirth vloe-presldent; Miss Mathilda
ise, secretary; j. rv. umnunn,
briJJrnaat .StanBbarryr-ahortatar. .
Madame Aaa Holmea-Rlbbacka, . 114
rriaon street, near West fark, owner
tha Oriental Beauty parlors,- la tnia
ek giving free to ' all callera traat-
nta on her eaieoraiea noma -riaru-saage
appliance. Thla la one of tba
. .a.rii haalth.nromotlna invan
mm m. k wnrM. and Madame Holmes-
Lwk, tmitmm tMm nathiui nf Introdno
(r it to Portland people. . For nervoue
Iilllty, eonetipaiion, ayspvpsus ioium
1 or sleeplessness, neuralgia; rheum-
Ism . acaip aiseasea, gaurrnai uoatmw,
kiala disorders, ecaema or skin dla
Les It almply atanda unrivaled.
RoclaUatle aantlment la ao strong In
t Vicinity - r lnn tnai uraurnaa
nk C. Baker ot the Republican atate
i t Mimnlttaar Is takln Steia to
fibat It. T. J. Cleeton will go to Lents
h ailMii tha voters, astvectally
fin tha arguments advanced by tha So
nata, t . h; ,...;.- .v..
keoordlng t City License Inspectors
A. McEachern and Joa Munrnmaon.
..lamaiit tiMtwitaa at thla city
a them more trouble than any ether
neh of business wnicn naa to taao put
La. Ilnaaaa - Tha trOubl dOAS not
ne from collecting tha licensee, but
ause of the numerous .complaints
de against them by Job-eeekera who
. v- .Mninwmant amnciea have swln-
d them. The complainants have vari-
Portlantf Craataat Book Stern
Only Six Wcelis
Until Christmas
Wriv'not make vour ielec-
tion atly, avoiding the rush
- . a . . -a -
and contusion 01 tne noil-
Is tiiie largest and most com'
plete in the northwest
IWa Will not be undersold.
!oVa aected now mav "be"
delivered the day before
Christmas, if desired.; j.
; Stl.OUR WWOOW ; :
The J. K. GILL CO.
booksellers and Stationers.
Great TMaxt Little. .Mom
out talea ta t"t - I'ost of them aay,
aaeraver, tat'tAe tnetaa ava- aea
them out after positions which never ex
isted. .When they, reached their Intend
ed destination they- were without posi
tions and minus tha fee they paid the
agencies, six complaints of thla nature
have coma In during tha paat two daya
and tha license Inspectors ara making In
vestigations today.,, , ..
Rev. Mead K. Bledsoe and Mrs. Ada
fjnruh addressed- a temperance meeting
last night - at - the, Immaauel - Baptist
cnurcn, in the interest 01 local option.
Mr. Bledsoe's -addrsas was chiefly sta
tistical, concerning tha evil effecta of
Intemperance In tha world at large.
Mrs, Unruh spoke of tha mora Immedi
ate conditions of Portland and entered a
plea, for the Prohibition ticket. ; . .,
In a collision between- a Ballwood car
an the Oregon Water Power eV Railway
Una and a freight car at tha golf links
Saturday- evening Motorman Johnson
had an arm broken and the conductor
waa Injured. Small damage ta the motor
car raaulted. - Several passenger - were
on the car, but they ail escaped injury.
Concrete aldewalka- ara . being laid
along Hawthorne avenue - from East
Third to East . Eleventh atreets, and a
coating of crushed rock la being placed
on the street by the Oregon Water Power
tc Railway company. - When the work la
completed Hawthorne avenue will be a
modal atreeb '" ',,; ;'. .,
Evening Star grange. Patrons af Hue.
bandry. haa Ita new building ' entirely
paid for,-'- Tha last payment of !3& waa
made Saturday. Tba building, which la
located on tha Section Line road, cost
11,1(0, most of which baa been raised
by antertalnmente. .
Wearisome routine .and enforced eon
flnement produce many nervoue symp
toms and.loaa of vitality, c c, c Tome
wUl change all tbla. For aajs at Knights,
I0T Washington atreat. . . j;;.;. :. .
Wn-Roe Tonlo. Tna great blood port
fler, nerve tonlo and liver regulator.. Just
what yon need theae daya. For sale by
ail druf gists. , -:, .v ,
Chaw Den-Tal-Oum. bava peeriy teeth
and prevent, decay. - For sale evsry
.V, ,- -t ;
' Swedish Singing Club Columbia glvea
aoneart tonight at-Hibernian ball.- --
For Signs "
W. P. Harger 4 Seni
ttt TamhUU pboae Red 00l.
There will be at least iS delegatea from
tbla atate to tha National Irrigation con.
grass, which " meets at El Paso, Texas,
next- week. They - will leave Portland
Baturday and will be prepared to make
an active campaign to bring -the ISO!
congress to this city. An abundance ot
badges - bearing - the - legend, 'Portland.
It0t,' and an abundance -of Portland
buttons win .be' provided and these will
b distributed among -those attending
the congress.- " Aa soon as they arrive
In El Paso, they will establish headquar
ters. . : . '. ; . .iL...i.....i
Among the delegatea who are so far
known to oe going to attena arec uov.
ernor Oaorsa E. Chamberlain. E. M.
Brannlcb. Tom Richardson, A. King Wil
son. A. L. Morris, A. H. Devera oX
Portland. E.'. A. McDanleL Baker City (
Will R. Kins. Ontario: Judge B. A.
lowell. Thomas O. HaUey, W. M. Blakery.
Henry Taylor, W. F. Mauocx ana ur.
F. w; Vincent. Pendleton, and K L.
Smith. Hood River- - - ' - :-J
Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Olasy have returned
borne after visiting in the east They
attended the fair at BC Louis...
. W. M. Kirkpatrlck. assistant general
freight agent of the Canadian Paclflo
railway, wltn neeaauartere at van-
oouver, la In Portland today. . Ha de.
earta tonlaht for the east via Denver.
Mm Thomas MCiswan -ox ctaaer wiy
la at thaMmoeriaL . ..... .
fltata- Senator Kuykendall or Lane
county, candidate for president-of tba
senate, la m the city. . '
Mayor Frank Beurert or Tne uauea.
accompanied by hla wife and daughter,
la at the Imperial. 7- -
Mraj D. -8. Baker and' Mrs. L, F.
Adams of Walla Walla ara guests at tba
Portland."" . " . " ' ...
W. E. Travera has. returned from his
trip to San Francisco.
. John Consldlne. one of the new own
era of Cordraya theatre, passed through
the city last evening on hla way east.
His right-band man, Mr; Lincoln, who'
will be tha local manager of the newly
acaulred bouse. Is already In New Torn,
his mission Being, 11 is unaersiooa. 10
book acts for tha circuit. ; u
B. W. Herlman. a representative or tne
National Grocery company of Seattle,
spent yeaterday with friends In thla city.
Removal Notice.
W. c. Bristol has removed from IH
Worcester block to 401 Fenton building.
to continue the general practice 01 law.
Phone Main 17. ' ; -
Fsr Eirlj-ln-the-Wctk Bayers
A 50-plece Dinner
Our Special. Blend otJCt
- Coffe .;..'. . . . LDL
Mistletoe Tea, it per-CA
; feet blend, per lb. . uUt
Great 10c. Dcpsrtment
Which ! 100 feet long and
. 12 feefhigh.. .
' c Phone Main 1706.
. Between Mcvrlaoo and Yamhill "
" - y ' -fii 1 .-sua ay-
r "7 r
rmx saaoxxs 3At mm mt-
"rcsa " " csTrrrr remir-xaj
'sT-axa : . r.2Tzr:ar 70s m
-.v ; ...... , .w-
Electors thla year will be given
i nnM imtltuda In which to so
the' polls and register their preference
for the various prwsn
. i -vAvimia aiiintiona - Bv act of
the last legislature they may go to the
polls until T ocioca
The polls open at S ' o'clock.- In " tha
morning. J .
Electora who bare failed to register
may do so by going before a Justice of
the- peace with witnesses and., making
the proper affidavits. - Blank affidavit
can be secured of County Clerk Fields
and will also be kept, on hand at -the
polls. ' .'.' .. .
County 'Clerk Fields' will keep twa
deputies at work In bis office on eleo
tlon day. ; They will be prepared to an
swer all questions which may be asked
Of them relative m turn wwiron, u
will also supply necessary affidavits. .
a lea aa tMatriH w lnatsjtoaa amnio vara
have algnlfled their Intention of per
mitting thely men to cease -work earlier
than usual, mey wiu oe svoo pisniy
of tlma to gro -to the polla before they
Close In tha evening. When registering
.i..Aa k... Vimii lnfnrtnad br demitv
clerks In which precincts they should
osSt their votes, any nuura w wwoa
election day cannot be ascribed to Inat
tention to duty on tne part ot ar.
Flelda -or hia deputies. - r '
Bkrir wrA hat nnrnher af danu-
tlea busy last week distributing election
supplies. All the ballota ware dellv-
mrA ta tha county clerk late. Friday
afternoon by the prlntera end were
turned over to Sheriff Word Saturday..
Tbe following locations have been se
lected for polling booths In tba county
at thla election: - -
Precinct - s
1 sua xnurman sir. .v .
1 111 N. Eighteenth atreet
-1 eaena .": ' '
4 2T, Flandera atreet. . 7
a 10 North Fourteenth atreet. :
il4 North Fourteenth atreet. v
1 171 Twenty-flrst street, north. ,
tl North Nineteenth atreet
-Third WaroV-
a Tmnt nn Park atreet
' between
Burnalde ;and Couch.- -zryr-r'--rr
10 311 Anaejur ,,sireev
' U ef Stark street . f
12 4l Burnside street , y. ;
11 16 North Nineteenth atreet ' !
r-iw4 --- 'irmafih- wa.-.;-:-'--
- 14 SI0 Alder street -v J .
... 16420 Washington atreet ":,,..,-.;
- It m Tamhlll atreet ; . . r
; 17 4T Tsmhill atreet ' ; -IS
Tent southeast corner Fourth and
Salmon streets. i ;.' . .
j 270 Sixteenth atreet . '
; 20 West end Exposition building.
- II Tent northwest -corner Third and
Madlaon streets. ' - '
, 2-r-27t Eleventh atreet. .1' i' ' ,
-v- r " -.-Flftll WaM. -
i til 14 Columbia street - - ,
' 14 6 Second street : - -t
JS Tent northwest corner Seventh
and Mill streets; '
tc Tent southwest eornbr Eleventh
and Columbia streets. . . j.
2711 Jefferson street '.- 7 ' .
It o Third atreet v
It 411 Sixth atreet ' 1 '
- SO Hosehouse, Chapman., between
Elm and Spring streets. , .. .
. 1164 Fourth street-. r
V v sixth Warn. .
I) 48$ First atreet
II i5 First atreet ,
. 4 Firat street near Olbba. . ,
"16141 Corbett atreet v.:'.r.
. la 1461 Macadam street ; . ., - .
- ' ' -r erentb. ejraad. . .
17 Fireman's hall. Sellwood. ,
II 171 Powell atraet . .
. II 21 Grand avenue.
6tI7I East Eleventh atreet.
41 corner BkaBssur sixth and Pow
ell street,., ,-.-.
- .aignm vsasw. . ,
4t ltt Grand avenue. "
Am T..I ndrthMlt Hirnar Ktlt ElKBt,
aenth and Eaet Morrison streets. .
44 yVa neimon sirvsb . . . .
4671 Union avenue. - . i 1
41 III East Burnside street ' r. A
At ana,- . snwtKaksiair VinrnafT 77 ITliksif
ll"-ll MVS uvsw si -
Eighteenth and East. Ash streets. ,
... mnt warn.
4I-XJ7J Holliday avenue. -
4 141-Wllllama avenue. ' -.. ,'r.
60611 Mississippi avenue. .
; (1164 Russself street y . , , ' -
63 211 Busssell etrvet. -6lv-41
Union avenue, north.
Tenth Ward. J r ..-
64 Hosehouse. 151 Mississippi ava.,
(& 8(i Williams avanua
Cnr-nmr Rlvhth sad DakllBl SVS-
nue. Woodlaw. . , , , -
A?r-PenlnsuUr nail. Peninsular , sta
ts Remolds store." Portsmouth Sta
tion. .. . ,.
OnMloa roniaaa. .
tt (St. 'Johns), schoolhouse. ,-'
10 (Columbia), schoolhouse. ' '
a, lu.,,. T.kiul w n W kail
West avenue and Base Line road: ,
. 12 (Boutn Mt XSDor), scnooinousa.
, 3 (Woodstock), band ball..
44 (Lents).
, 6 (Kllgaver).
' (6 (Montavllla), Odd Fellows hall.:
' 7 (Russellville), postofflce building.
68 (Bock wood), public halt.
61 (Fslrvlew), publlo hall
70 (Troutdale), Labor Union hall,'
?1 (Ores ham), Regner's hell,
l (PoweU Valley). Hamlln'a work
shop.- -.. ... .- .
7J (HurihuTt), Munirarta nail.
74 Bridal Veil). Bridal Veil eohool-
bouse. , 1. . .--. - j
J6 (Reeders), acnooinouaa.
76 (Willamette Slough), schoolhouse.
77 (Hoi brook), schoolhouse. -71
(Llnnton), Hllderflnoh hall.
7 (Sylvan), Prlnce'e store.
SO (Mount Zlon). Mount Zloa school-
house. . ' . ' . .' . ' - -4T
11 cnertna). aonooinouae, .........
12 (Rlverdale). - r
(West- Portland), schoolhouse.
1 i
Tba Bull Run bridge, serosa tba Sandy
river near the pipe Una, haa bean com
pleted, and la to be thrown open for the
publlo use at once, i xnis is tne suo
stance' of a telephone message received
by a W. Miller of the Mount Hood Sleo-
trlo company yeeterday. ' :
Built about II -years ago, the bridge
was deemed unsafe -after lengthy usage
and was ordered cloeed by the commis
sioners ef Clackamas county. It re
mained closed six. weeks- before repairs :
were started. - - The- expenses of repair
were borne Jointly by Clackamas county,
tha Mount Hood Electric company and
the Portland water committee, i J?
Completion of the bridge waa a part of
the plana of tha company for thla time,
in order that heavy machinery can be
taken aorosa it is not strong enough
to aupport the heavier pieces, but the
falaa work was left In and supports will
be added when these big mechanical pro
ductlona ara . transported acrosa tba
In the opinion of Mr. Miller, the part
ef Clackamaa county through which the
Bull Run pipe line extends. Including tbe
bridge and the holdlnga of the Mount
Hood Electric company, should be an
nexed to 'Multnomah connty. He an.
nouncea that ha will co-operate with any
movement to bring that end about In
hla opinion there would be no opposition
to a bill Introduced In tha legislature for
v:,;';, - :' -:r ;?(lrX-
"r;:;,vf. j ..... , . .
. ;r:": .:::$32.50:;; $2.7.50::'.$3S.OO ' I i"
The lariresMlne and most1 elaborate assortment ever shown
per cent less than reeular price. 'The Buffets are all finished
We also nave them in same
No!vneed to flourish trumpets; a cordial invitation to protect
' vour own interests bv viaitinflr this store that's alt No music
v no irifts. Every dollar that
gance nas Deen taxen irom uic pncca.oi uic jjwud. s auw
"r-determined to impress on the minds of all furniture buyers that
: -trading here is mutually satisfactory and profitable. Mail
- orders have our .prompt attention. Goods packed and shipped :
iiVui..c; witn
; This means buying from a reliable house that has stood
than you can buy elsewhere in tne city notwithstanding tne ioua taiic maae. we
, are showing an elegant line of swell up-to-date makes in . ; 7,1 7
v That we are selling at 25 per cent off best in the land. 7 , ;
Our stock of Underwear is more complete
and grades higher while the prices are far
below competitors. We very much desire
to showyou
annexation of that dlstrlot to Multno-
4naai -county. -' j '
- Bxxxamow o isxwxatxtmmu. .
- -V - (Joarasl IpeeUI iervlee. '
Mi.j.t-ki. um 7 .Th. thtr annual
I II.UC11UI-, ..w., - -- . "
exhibition of the Pennsylvania Society
of Miniature raintsrs openea loqay ana
in ...ti.n. fnr twn waeks. The exhi
bition thla year Is the laraest In tha
history ef toe sooieiy anJ incioaaa ins
beat work of a large number of the
foremost tninlsture artists or America.
Tor Xafanis and Children. -
lis ld Yea Kara .Wnji C::ztt
Bean tbe
lignatore Of I
i .
- . i .. :. 4-ms svaxBios. . .s- , .
Tcci Jay,1 Vcincrycn
nnisn in quarterea weainerca
Buffets ever shown in the city.
we can afford for such extrava-'
care. ,:
-"::-NOT A CHOSEN FEW. , v
- -
After "Twenty-one Years of
Business," Vfo Are Going
Hotel Estacada
Ob the Banks of the Clackamas
r V . OPEN AlXi THB TEAR. , -
6. "W. P. trollsy cars to its floor.
. : fnr KnMlal Luncheons or Din-
sere, pnone -Mr. bkum
The Arcade Theatres rr:
The' Ortriaal ramOT Tas4aville Bease.
Taie weak. .
imt theec KEttrrs.
T' MOlAia AKO WEST. '. -. .
' . IKEK KOBE. ,'
. - th lconaisEt,
- KATX COTia. . .. .- v
' ' AlTEKIOaJI BlOtOOri.
Rbm 1D0 W 4:0 B. as., 7 SO ta M:M B.
sa. Admlaaioo. 10s to aay aaaC
In the city.- An entire carload
in best selected quarter sawed
ojc wim kw iuh ma.
See display in show window.
$10 worth of goods for $2 down and fiOc a week until paid. "
$25 worth of goods for $4 down and. $1 . Veek until paid. 7
-$50-wortho goods. h&Wj&wi andAlwejfjtJuntil .palit.
$75 worth of goods for' $10 down md $2.50 a week until paid.
$100 worth of goods for $15 down, and $3 a "week until paid. V,
. If, however, your . conditions, require different arrange
ments, don't, hesitate to" ask. for themaLiyi;:;::.
t i .
to Retire.
the test for vears, for less
Seasonable goods for RAINY WEATHER:
Clothiers tnd Furnishers ' i7 yff.';
269-271 Morrison St. Phone Black 201
And no better crowns on earth than
those ll-karat gold crowns we furnish at
Those prlees feood only nntll January
f itot
Ko extra eherre for atetnlstcattem ef
ether, fee or efcloroforaa.
We olter no enticements whatever to
eustomers axcept tha excellenae of our
work, and - that la - Srat-clasa all the
Ton eant bay sees? work at enir dents I
earlora. We will not
not let such leave our
ontteee Oorasv Tirsv and Morrison.
, , . , cak KaU S7t. ,.
B. Oot. rirat and Korrlaoa.
. Wo bsatsa teetk te M world ; thaa
those we stake fo
wilt te sow at irom w w w
oak and special hand polished.
ut5 wi
reartseaU asd Wasklaften Strssta. ' ,
Sroke reenHs st both parnn-maaeesyMtsrdaya
TTTI'STT av b:io, ana an uu.
' MaUsea Batorday. :.
FrasentlBC Darid Belasce sad rmUa ' .
Fr la' saeeeasfal ailllUry plsy, V
tesaiaiBaL aness aaa aev is sasais
. leats.
fTlCTS. rraoltl. ISe. Me. SHe, fr: asBsry,
Ue. Mat 1dm, 10a, Ids and 36e; sallary. loo.
- All day 4nwa Man J1cBt eflice aa st
feme It sfartla's draaatore, Uth as4 Wtabtsn.
ton. tram 10 s. Si. V T B. Be, Mala 110.
After T p. m., at the thsswa,-reartvrath sad
Warns Lofton, I to 10 B. aa... Phaae tit.
Kl2rrnum Grand Thertt 2LTkTH
' , PsnUSInV mfl. -
On Klgfct Only,' TasmUy, Norrab S, 3tt
1BW nimmm or tne wtwtqu
. .. -- DATT CmOOKsWT.
A three-naed basins eoateet will be Btvea
totwoea Jaaaph Inab as4 Cbamplae Mf-
Price Lower floor. tU balroo, Tfte. (Qet
satire sallary, SOe. Sosts are now sellisc.
The Star ; Theatre
. Ceraaa Park asd WssalBftse.
' 7- . , tapl u caopc.
THX urraiooTTS,
oaxxxo Any Toledo. '
"r,"-. xxx MOJicTodooy. """"
(hevlBC the (tea mevtec fletase, "The Sresf
. , ; t aaak aabbtty."., ,. v..: - .;
Bhows t:M to 4:30 a. si., T:M to 10 b. sl
ftnMt .Smlaatoai 10a. laaal Bait hast aaafea JAs.
torarays ineaire , - - iiaG-aTTv.
v i roruana's Host repaur nsraussa.
Orestsot Hit sf the Soaasa. Timlcht ssd Svsry
NlKht This Week. With Matloee Satarday. ,
Broethnrt and Currla . .
i.f . it a sow amtd masobT.
" --JTa ass mmi-xm.- .
Prleva, lOe, V SOe) aporlal mrm4 arata.
Oe. Mattsee, 6c to any pact t Soaasi ahll-'
droa (apeeisl seats), lOe. - -
Third and Tamkill at. sVa1n Fined. Vfrs,
A r... AK 1 1 Iih. U Asaaaaplaaaa. .
. TH1 KILTIES TEIO. . , ' j ,1
' sim ethel rvixsa. ,, '
- . 4DELFHIA. - p..
'.- XTTTAsT TEAYtt. -.' t V ...
thi'biooeafh. ,
Adalaatea. lOe. FwSMrsiaaeaa, 3 SB, T V
' ' , j. : Berwith and Ai weelB. v.-' . r'-v
-j.' '' t XdTOH BVAILET.
V- ; . HAEBf h0T.
. parforawscOs to 4 1. - 1 . 1"'
p, m. AdBitaatna 10 eoat
Bijou Theatre
milk st , ops.
Tlila .' pmrail
tW Tials b.--
All f.r M arta. A .or '
f-mtatl (1MB I to I
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The Beat ead Has rashlsaaUa Taaasvilla
. ' Theatre, . ...
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