:,to. iiiiii - mm v.::in yci en it -in cur ad. irs so 1 it n C3 O. IT'S 0 Third Third and Oak -and Oak Of .ov-V; '..!i. -',.'.'" 5Mf . o V " . s. I I I I1 " HI I Wis Ml Itir-V.,., Constantly increasing crowdsf thronging our store daily attest the GENUINENESS Vof the BARGAINS- qfiere have not yiet supplied, your UNDERWEAR : wants for the winter, NOW is the accepted time. 25 to"50 per cent . ; lar prices V J - v; . ;.' "-. i-:" A A V ii r 1 - as they have never been before. Other'storesVare X Iflicomplairiiriglof xxcXvJ!. . -in ot.oniy is our regular iurcc Kcp: consianuy ii-i , busy but extra helpers find difficulty at times in servingoiir largely increased custom SHOP IN THE MORNING" 11 you can- ir:noi, orvjir xnaru wnen you wiu ana, gainer m your auarc.oi uic vi-.v JDxXN.JAXiN o -100 dozen Men's - Silk' T6ur-in-Hands,- all new styles and patterns ; 25c values. '1 . I hllYf " - i P urawers; eisewnere . i. u in "CTTTtTTrM TT?Trt? ' "yllj. tandWrignts;Hea1th-Under r v Men's fine heavy jersey ribbed Shirts and ' - V Drawers, fleece lined, steam shrunk, col r" ore, blue, brown and salmon; elsewhere . f . a bargain at 50c ;.. . ; i t - Z m ERUPTION PRICE. . . XoC 5 MenVnrnftaTyHfattnl-oo-ShtT - and Drawers;' elsewhere. $1. rifr ' values, i -1 v, ...... ..vaiues. ' ; m !. ERUPTION PRICE. . . . . v. ....:OG : v Men's Genuine Coopers, derby ribbed, col .! r! 6rs blue and pink; $1 values. ; 4 -ERUPTION PRICE . . : ; . . . , , ., JA C ; : "'..'.'.-'' . ., , 4"... . - Men's extra fine . fleeced Underwear, cov- ; erea seams; a great i.o vajue rey ' . ;7:ERUPTIpN ?RICE.... . -VoC 1 1 0 styles Men's Golf Shirts, madras,' percale - and Bedford, cord ; elsewhere 75c- s;- ERUPTION PRICE... ... . . . Men's extra grade Golf Shirts," all new and-' , ! ' up-to-date patterns, every size 14 to 17 ;'. :;V-; 75c values. -- .-....-" ' ' ERUPTION PRICE.. 4 VC .Men's black satine Shirts, yoke back, dou-" b4etitehelank-separat-llM-4n4i--- " -; "great value. ( ' '. -': w ' p eruption price. :;;;.viy.55C "i:, 200 dozen Men's'Natural Wool Socksfbest :, 25c values Jn the city. ' u v );" -.. ERUPTION PRICE, .p. J Q r-. f. Same-in blacky; . . . ..... . .17 :; ' President Suspenders. ' :. T-.-rl e ; eruption price JjyC Men's ' Taponette Handkerchiefs, large silk -'5 initial ; 15c vilatsrr -'-v j eruption price: .;oC Men's Sweaters-hand , made, worsted, "navy T, L. blue and garnet ; $1.50 values. " p ' ; v ,; ERUPTION PRICE..; ..... ..iiC ns ; zoc values. - eruption1, price.; ... . ; . . ...... V C; Men's Natural Wool Sox, seamless toe, r . . some stores say 25c, We say.... . . Q V -Men's Stiff Bosom-i-Perealeand-rMadras-1- - . Shirts ; 60c and 75c values. ' A m J ; ERUPTION PRICE. . . , i7. . . . .ZoCj In all the latest shapes, soft and .stiff. We : will suit you and fitryour head.with stylish hats-; regular vaRie $2.50. V v . ; ' 'ERUPTION PRICE.:.. .L ,. Ot) - ;,,"v' : , ' ' - v.'-'v 1 ; rfipBoys'-CIh 1 . . , - . . ijoys waists, actacnaDie ; waist oanos; zac .RUPTION PRICE . . . ...... 1 1 . Boys Corduroy Knee 1 Pants.'ralso cheviotsr , and cassimeres. Others sell them at 75e; ; an sizes.'" -'n ---' ?-f ;-.:;r:--.;,-:-s ' TTDTTiTTrXT rrTrTr - ..'-" A W v . .......... .-.J Boys' Ironclad Hose, triple knees, double t : heels -andtoesi.a jmtin.laWetX-.i ft- ,s , r f ; with each pair. ........ , y C - ;;. -..- Boys ; Wool Sweaters, navy, blue and 'ma- :1 i-roon; 50c and 75c values,. , i " g --r ' n ERUPTION PMCE...T.-..yC - , , ALL OTHER, BOYS' SWEATERS AT - - ' ; t;: . ! HALF .PRICK. ' :, 'rjy'Kr - Boys' Reefer. Coats, Oxford grayages 4 to " ' 7 ; $1.60 value.:-' .-UllJ j ; , - eruption price:7.v..;;7ou 7Bdys' Golf Shirts, some ivith'twO txir&olizrr. lars; 60c value.' '''. V'-,"-.t:r :r ';:: v. "i ERUPTION PRICED. .;;;v..,OUU - - Third and Oak "'- j.;V. " r ;.. V- I I V f J . a. C 1 - - - -.j. ' 1 . - T I VlV - w ERUPTION PRICE....... ..;...C I. I ERUPTION'' PRICE.. i -alues-'? - ::h;; 'iiV:.:v,l2w I ',' - n --v ,.;. I W.UM YOU,-"! .i--r-- - '"' ..i' r::.1.: A . - I I JS :. ) : v.''-- I 1 -X-.-. r- - - .: I AD. IT'S SO THIRD AND OAK 5 THIRD AND OAK ol Heavy Weight (V nf R ' mts ; $3 values ..r.') 1 y 0 --.. K WLIYOU SCt IT IN OUR AO. IT'S SO COM PEOPLE'S SAVIOR IS JESUS m. uovs on or xzs anxaa oi cm irnniT auca o amTOiT noma a "JUV. 1. IRittooBh BlWfW, IX IX, paator X th WMU Tampla, la prMob- . in a. Mriaa of Mnnooi on Krarydajr OtoUai to KrrrdT Paopla." Th arlM is 4trotliic wldaaprMd atUntlon, and thm aoBCTsUpn th.t orrflowd th -WblU Tnpl Uat nlfht. llatraad to kla aarmoa on Tta Common Paopla'a attTtor."- Aaonr etbwr tblnva, ha umM: ' xnirtat hlmaf waa a working man. t thank; Ood this la tnia. - Ha waa a arpaotar.- Ha worked at tna carpra- ' f Vtoeh to earn kla own Urine, and ' balpad ta aopport, aa tradition (ays, bla wldowad mother. Campball Jdorgan ara that ha did hia work aa a oarpan tar ao waU that ha recalTad tha com. cnandaUoa of haaran. It la thla fact . that atampa lahoc with auah dlsnltr and honor. Thara ara aoma paopla who look pon tha naaaa "libortng- man' aa a taraa of repaoaeh. but Christianity "' t nh tha anprama honor and dlcnltr f work. Mo ealllns, which la in Itaalf prlaht and nobla, howavar humbla It anar ha, eaa daKrada yoa. iaaua Chrlal In a earpantar ahop. doing an honest dafa work, and llvta an upright Ufa, waa doing Ood'a will Just as much a when ha stood on Ike mount -and was transfigured with glory. Hla Ufa teaches 'ns that thara la no-ouch thing aa a ootnmon task.' Air upright work la aa- " ered'and oak be done to tha glory of Ood. thrlat choaa working man for hla ehlaf apostles Peter, James and John were Oehermen. Thar wsra his -Intimate friends. They wars not admit ted Into the trigs aodety of their day. and they would not be today. Tbsy r . wvre Just ordinary, rough, coarse fisher, men. Nevertheless, Jesua Christ called theaa to be tha founders of his church. The men who hare influenced the world moat have heea man who hare come up from tha sons of tolL ; Moeea waa the oa of a poor si ara Otdeon was a farmer; David a oheepherder." Iyuther . waa tha aon of a poor minor. Carey . waa a eobbler. tirlngatona was raised , ta poverty. Unooln. Orir and Chllds earns wp through poverty and adverse elroumetaneas ta tha place f power and laAaaaoa whloh they occupied. 'Again. Christ did moat of his work among tha laboring classes, and ha took r-eil Interest la the things they wsre ta tha lahatiac paopla aa ona who knew about their trials, and was Interested In thalr welfare.'' Ha drew hla Illustrations from their work Seed-sowing and harvest time, fields and flocks, chickens and- birds, fishing and vine dressing, bread-making and house building, ware all sources from which ha draw hla illustrations. He took tha everyday affairs of Ufa, and gave them a meaning and made them aa inspira tion to nobla living. Ha was ad ways sincere, 'dead In - earnest,' - straight forward, profound In thought, simple in language, clear as crystal. For this rea son tha common paopla heard ' him gladly.' Jesus was In hearty sympathy with tha . working classes. Ha had passed through their experienoeaO He waa ready to help them. Another has weU said: ' 'Every condition of society, every station of Ufa waa open to Jesus Christ. He might have coma as a scholar or a philosopher, and d sailed tha world with, the splendor of hia at tainments. Ha might have come aa a prince with a royal retinue following him. . Ha might have coma with a crown on his head, , and untold wealth at - hla command, but ha did not. Ho came as a working man. Into a -worklngman's home, and a working man's life.' He, Indeed Is Tha Common People'a Savior." OVZKI.T Bar. Seorge B. Van Waters So Oharao . . ... -terlass Slvoroe . Oaaoa. . .. . Rev. Oeorge B. ' Van Waters,' rector of St. David's Episcopal church. In his sermon yesterday alluded to tba canon that was passed at the recent general Convention at Boston, relating ta tha re marriage of divorced persona Hs op posed tha adoption of tha canon when it was Introduced.' ' B ' . "A church that is mora requiring than Christ himself la a church that la mora than Straight, and leans backward. En lightened people feel that -the so-called higher standard, though seaming to be, is not tn the interest of purity- and tha protection, of. the' home. . . . "The church haa erred mora than once In imposing Impossible and exoeaslva commands, and tried to 'Set Itself right by granting dispensations. Ths church's business, no doubt, la. to represent Christ in mrecy and loving kindness. It should rsmember Its proneness .to over-much righteousness and severity.' : T " BaAVTtrOI. rOBTXAJTD. . -, ... ' 1 mi ' Ka Baadall Says There Xa Btnok- M ' ' mease tha atastec.. ., '. That mueli dependi on one's view point (was the keynote of the sermon entitled "If Christ Should Corns tr Port, land.' delivered by the Rev. William E. Randall of the .Central Baptlsi church, on the east-side,, last -night, ' ?The Savior would And much of Which ha could approve tn thla city of beautiful homes, " aald tha preacher, "and it Is true ha aould Jlnd some things ta ce sure. There are many beautiful things la PorUand and many Institutions' which r''-'" ;"' .'-.v.--..-.- v. . tend 'to tha uplifting and advancement of mankind." ' - ' Reviewing tha meteoric career of W. T. Stead in Chicago, Mr. Randall as serted that when Immediately previous to ths Columbian exposition tha "reformer- offered to establish a paper which would expoee tha moral fllth and corruption of tha. Windy City, if given suitable - assistance, hia offer was ' re jected with -800111. So with Portland, bs added. If all a person was hunting for were wickedness ha could find It by con fining himself to a narrow district,' and moire particularly to tha north end. Nor would tha divorce and criminal courts furnish edifying spectacles. . In thla respect, howavar, tha minister believed Portland to ha no worse than a majority of cities of ths sams sis and vasUy better than many of thsm. . --- After designating a number of beau tiful atructurea, useful Institutions and short suburban trips In which, nature and man hare . combined ' to furnish sights pleasing to tha eye, tha preacher referred to tha Prohibition election to be held tomorrow He stated that whUa ha la a hearty proponent of local option ha does not approve of tha linaa on which tha election la to be held and bet lleves ths ' Prohibition . leaders have mads grave error. t , TObAlaT HOBBSTT." Attorney Hegel Chooses That for Bis , . Subject at T. K. a A. Meeting. A. F. CTtsel, ths well known attorney and member of the ety council, "made an addresa before the members of the V. M. C A. yesterday afternoon: on "Plain -Honesty.". Tha speaker stated that be was not at all In sympathy with ths business man who tells lies snd de liberately misrepresents ths value of his goods in order to make sales. . Ha related an Instance where a man had lied and cheated so much during his life that it became a fixed habit with him, and that he lied and cheated in preference to being honest. Hs said that when that man cams to ? d Is tha people pointed to him as one who had followed out 'the policy ot. lying and cheating In order to make money. "Lies have blinding effects on your character," aald Mr. Flegel. "Tour rep utation is What people think of you.' Your character la what you, are and what you,, make yourself.' ' . . Mr. Flegel.. then pointed. out to, his hearers uhat It was right that all hon orable men as well as thoss wbo ara not honorable should take 'an Interest In politics and attempt ta put honest men Into office. . Hs urged every voter to go to the poll's and vote tomorrow. - . - ' -Oeneral Secretary H. W. Stone. spoke for a few minutes on local option, urg Ing his hearers to vote against ths sa loon. . Excellent ' muslo was furnished by tha Wilder harp orchestra and W. H, Boysr. ' g) - . Little colds" neglected thousands of lives sacrificed every year. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures little colds cures big colds, too, down ta tha vary verge of oonaiunptlan, - . . .... j ... :.. ..x.-i. , EVERYBODY ACTIVE AT FAIR GROUNDS ABB SAW VXB WTTsT BACK OTBBB ABB BwXbDZBM SBOW ABB TlMinUAB VZU BB SOOB-BBXDOB BB WAT.. '.,'"..". - Stnoe the Lewis and Clark axposmoa waa projected thara has not been mora activity upon ths extensive grounds than there was yesterday, with mora than (Ot hammers, saws and shovels in aotlon. Ths progress mads n tha work of son' struotlon . during tha past week IS re markable. Four or Ave 'new buildings have been started and tha finishing de tails have bean applied po tha skeletons of buildings started months ago - with remarkable rapidity, and fins effect. Tbs celling of tbe Oregon stats build' Ing Is being whitewashed. Ths process Is ons of ths most Interacting nights on ths grounds. - Men work 100 feet above the floor, oh rafters and scaffolds. pouring on whitewash, pumped through lines of hose by an angina on tha ground floor. It would be impossible to white wash, this building by hand. , .v'- - In this ssms building . ths skylights and ths Aoma ara being fitted with a substance known as translucent fabric, a combination - ot oil and varnishes which serves the purpose of glass. Be fore the ' work) haa been flnlehed -there will be IS oozes of this material useti, and each box oontalna II aheeta, each ot which measures eight feet square. In tha east. -end. of tba grounds,' tha newly commenced work la going on. Tba floor la laid for tha machinery building and half tba walla ara up for festival halL Lumber la scattered over ' ths place for acres snd the workmen are going st their labor aa though thalr very lives depended Upon it. . The Forestry building, with Its great walls of native logs, soma of them sis or eight feet .In diameter. Is attracting a great deal 'of attention. .It now ra af.rables a mammoth log cabin, , with a maestve, completed appearance and ao cording to tbe guides on ths grounds, thers Is no building thst attracts ths attention that does his one, : The exterior of the Liberal Arts build Ing Is so -beautifully decorated that it Is one of tha moat Imposing sights on ths grounds. Arrangements have been made for tha Illumination of thla struc ture In fact, tha wires are all con nested, and only tha incandescent globes remain to be put Into their sockets. Ths building for foreign exhibits Is snothsr masterpiece of . architecture about ready to be thrown open. In Itaelf thla msgnlflosnt structure Is worth going far .a Baa. .-. w -i ' During tha paat week. In addition, to all tha other - improvements, - a pump house with a capacity of 1,000 gallons a ' minute, has been Installed an - St. Helen's toad, near tha main entrance to The Trail." It is lntsnded to provide water only for lira and Irrigation. Oeorge Oolllngs Is In' charge of ths now sta tion. Ths principal pump houae Is so situated that It will be used to keep the lake-filled. Its capacity is 11.000 gallons a1 minute, but it is of no more Importance than tha flro pump just in stalled. . i . . - , v - Work on tha main archway aver . a bridge to "The Trail," 110 feat wide, has bean started. A bank of sod has bean fixed for seats ta front of tha main band stand and Innumerable gardens are ta bloom, .i- .. . ' ' -i"1. 'Pile driver are puffing and steaming on both sides of tha lake, construction work ' on the board walk and roadway from tha mainland having commenced. Soma time this week ground will - be broken for the main government build ing, to be erected on tha Island. - , ' Thar is a building Just Inside the main entrance that attracts eonsldarabls attention because It haa no name. The guide will toll you It is a, "general util ity" building. It: is tot be used for any purpose that occasion may require and la "ex pasted -to .contain a prison and polloa station, Advertisers lira on tha fair grounds, .and tha oourtssy with which they answer queetlons la a great benefit to the glgaatlo enterprise. They -say that on a clear Sunday tha visitors number not less than 4,000, and this fact M causing Director of Worka Huber to rush tha work of cleaning tha grounds. . Gardens are being planted by tha boots around buildings v that have not, even., left the-handa of tha contractors and tha exposition,- as It exists at present, ahould be seen by every Portland er and avary visitor.' .. -,-. . Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. Threw Valuable; Premiums to', be Given Away with "Want Ads" . for Either the , Daily or Sunday JonrnaL . 'M"''' In order ta Introduce Tha Journal want oolumna ' . more widely Into. Portland - homes and - business , . houses. The Journal, by special arrangement with - the Portland Flouring Mills, announces that for a , : short while It will give with each "want d" for ' ; either the Daily or Sunday Journal tha choice ot . these three products: A package of PANCAKE FLOUR, C AKE AfO n-7 ir PASTRY. FLOUR, ' I .VVHXAT-HIARTS : I , ... 4 Row these household nseessltlss are used: . , . . OLTM7XO BABOAXB rXOTTB . ' Starfltsed and self-raising. Fully prepared and tn rthree minutes you can make hot cakes that will . Vnelt In your mouth. For waffles and gems It is ; onsqualed. A boon to dyspeptics. ox.TBQrzo un Airs bastbt yxotna, This is the most economical flour for pastry you can , . buy. It gives your pastry a color and crlspness ' , ' not obtained by tbs use of any other flour.- "";' - O&TM7X0 WXBAT MSABTS., This Is a sterilised product for music ' Finer - and .' Ci ore appetising than any other mash on the mar- et and absolutely pure. ... :-. - t : BBXSBS FOB TBB BOTS ABB XBX4k ' ' -'Notwithstanding this great free' offer tha ' prise . plcturea will positively remain in the package . Save a full uncanceled Set of these plotures, num- -: bered from one to nine, and present them to THffl.-. PORTTuAND FIOURIMO UIUIS CO., 134 Stark , ' street, and gat your ahblca of 10 valuable prises. Ths "Want Ads" Alonq, at. Worth the Price." RATE: 21 Words for 15 Cents. - v 4 - . i ,rr?."ar-"t'tv- '-v-?- '''"- '